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Тред разработки борды (Board development)


Тред разработки борды (Board development)


Прошлый (Previous) >>4410 ➡

Формат смайлов (Smiles requirements) >>122797 ➡

Редактирование профилей (Idol profiles editing) >>123590 ➡

#123884## Admin ##

At 2018-05-09 between 01:00 and 06:00 (GMT +3) we will perform maintenance on our main network router in order to update its software. The router will be restarted, however, it should not be any noticeable network downtime.











she is jisu :jisu_smile:

#128386## Admin ##

At 2018-05-18 between 01:00 and 06:00 (GMT +3) we will perform maintenance on our main network routers by upgrading network capacity between them. However, it should not be any noticeable network downtime.

#129611## Admin ##

At 2018-05-24 between 00:00 and 06:00 (GMT +3) we will perform maintenance on our main network routers by upgrading network capacity between them. However, it should not be any noticeable network downtime.

#131867## Admin ##

At 2018-05-31 between 00:00 and 06:00 (GMT +3) we will perform data center network maintenance, which can lead to short-term (up to 2 minutes) network outage.


В новой версии хрома переделали дефолтный плеер и теперь вебмки на паузу не поставить.


И регулирование звука по пизде пошло

#136559## Admin ##

At 2018-06-15 between 00:00 and 06:00 (GMT +3) we will perform maintenance on our main network routers by updating and restarting. Expect downtime no more than 2 minutes.



Это Дженни вообще-то



is smile2 and 3 really okay as a name

2 is kinda smug and 3 is like



Ok, added as happy, it's a bit more consistent.

#149716## Admin ##

At 2018-08-16 between 00:00 and 06:00 (GMT +3) we will perform data center network maintenance, which can lead to short-term (up to 5 minutes) network outage.


Ошибка загрузки сайтаThe operation failed for reasons unrelated to the database itself and not covered by any other error code.

Що делот



С indexeddb чего-то, там разные могут быть причины.

Если кликнуть на иконку слева от адреса, там выбрать More information и на вкладке Security нажать "Clear Cookies and Site Data", должно помочь.



Куки/кеши чистил, не помогло, в инкогнито вкладке проблема пропадает



Там не куки, а база indexeddb, может ты её не очистил и она как-то побилась.

Попробуй как я сказал или ещё F12 -> вкладка Storage -> дерево Indexed DB, там правой кнопкой на cutechan и удали его.



Это в обычном режиме или в приватном? В обычном должна сразу после захода создаваться.

У тебя в about:config по поиску indexeddb там ничего не изменено случайно?



И в обычном и в приватном

Из кукисов только смайлы недавние создает

Все по умолчанию



А если новый профиль создать (через about:profiles можно) и через него зайти, будет база и ошибка?



Базы нет, в хранилище вообще пусто, ошибка есть



Правда непонятно почему новый профиль не помог. Там же storage должен быть свой

#151835## Admin ##

Please take a note, that on 2018-08-27 from 22:00 till 24:00 (GMT +3) we will perform our nodes software update during which we will change servers configuration and initiate their reboot.



would it be a lot of work to swap these, i just finished it

it's more in line with the existing ones i think

i need second attempts at everything

#155718## Admin ##

At 2018-09-11 between 23:00 and 06:00 (GMT +3) we will upgrade Linux kernel for all Standard VPS, KVM Linux VPS and KVM Linux Windows nodes to version 2.6.32-042stab133.2. Kernel upgrade is necessary to ensure service security and stability. Due to maintenance all servers in listed nodes bellow will be rebooted, expect downtime no more than 15 minutes.



Даунтайм меньше 10 минут

#164241## Admin ##

At 2018-09-26 between 23:00 and 06:00 (GMT +3) we will perform data center network maintenance, which can lead to short-term (up to 5 minutes) network outage.



another attempt at :bibi_lol:


or maybe this one


sunny_doubtful (or sunny_cynical, whatever you think is most fitting)





this might be better


#177371## Admin ##

Node was rebooted at short notice. Otherwise everything seems to be working.

#185862## Admin ##

At 2018-11-16 between 2018-11-16 22:00 and 2018-11-17 06:00 (GMT +2) we will perform data center network maintenance during which every rack commutator will be changed. This maintenance can lead to short-term (up to 2 minutes) network outages.

#191768## Admin ##

At 2018-11-28 between 22:00 and 2018-11-29 10:00 (GMT +2) we will perform data center network maintenance, except for Storage VPS nodes, which can lead to short-term (up to 1 minutes) network outage.

#194573## Admin ##

I've started working on CDN support.

Found pretty cool option with one of the best CDN in the world (Akamai) for not such a big price.

Just need to write some code for cutechan to support different storage mechanism and we're ready to migrate.

#196531## Admin ##

We will have small downtime today due to migration to CDN.

#196603## Admin ##

Starting the migration

#196608## Admin ##

Migration is over. Enjoy the new CDN.

#197414## Admin ##

We are writing to inform you that on the night of December 10 to December 11 (from Monday into Tuesday) from 11:30 PM (UTC+3) to 4:00 AM (UTC+3), scheduled maintenance will be performed on Cloud Storage software.

Network connectivity with STORAGE API will suffer from short interruptions up to 20-30 seconds.

#199120## Admin ##

Be prepared to the downtime and IP address change tomorrow.

#217631## Admin ##

We had planned node reboot, it's just message from the hoster was not quite clear so I didn't post it here.

#219420## Admin ##

At 2019-01-31 between 01:00 and 06:00 (GMT +2) we will perform data center network maintenance, which can lead to short-term (up to 2 minutes) network outage.



#223793## Admin ##

At 2019-02-12 between 22:00 and 02:00 (GMT +2) we will upgrade Linux kernel for all OpenVZ 7 nodes. Kernel upgrade is necessary to ensure service security and stability. Due to the maintenance of all servers in listed nodes, bellow will be rebooted, expect downtime no more than 30 minutes.

#233701## Admin ##

At 2019-03-14 between 01:00 and 06:00 (GMT +2) we will perform data center network maintenance, which can lead to short-term (up to 2 minutes) network outage.


Подскажите, есть ли возможность каким-то образом добавить эту борду в dashchan?



Там вроде специальная поддержка нужна, т.к. движок нестандартный. Теоретически можно сделать, т.к. дашчан опенсорс, но мне лень.



Но ведь было бы классно, я уверен, многие бы хотели, чтобы кьютичан был в дэшчане. Чисто теоретически, сколько бы это стоило?



Наверно можно найти того, кто баксов за 100 сделает. Но точно не я


kagami can you make this work with kqts pls?


like this



I might try a bit later

now I have a lot of other not yet finished projects

#238914## Admin ##

we would like to inform you that at 2019-03-27 12:00 (GMT +2) we will migrate your server to another node in order to ensure service stability and quality. Expected downtime is up to 15 minutes.

#257948## Admin ##

At 2019-05-16 between 23:00 and 2019-05-17 06:00 (GMT +3) we will upgrade Linux kernel for all Linux VPS and Container VPS nodes to version 2.6.32-042stab137.1. Kernel upgrade is necessary to ensure service security and stability. Due to maintenance all servers in nodes will be rebooted, expect downtime no more than 15 minutes.


Небольшое предложение

Добавить функцию сжатия прикрепленных изображений. Возможно что-то вроде иконки как на картинке, либо какого-нибудь переключателя Чтобы не грузить 3-5Мб оригиналы и не забивать хостинг

#339591## Admin ##

At 2019-12-12 between 23: 00 and 2019-12-13 05:00 (GMT +2) we will upgrade Linux kernel for all Container VPS nodes to version 2.6.32-042stab141.3. Kernel upgrade is necessary to ensure service security and stability. Due to maintenance all servers in listed nodes bellow will be rebooted, expect downtime no more than 15 minutes.

#342727## Admin ##

At 2019-12-17 from 22:30 till 23:30 (GMT +3) we will perform routine maintenance in order to avoid RAM module failure. Expect downtime no more than 30 minutes.

#345404## Admin ##

At 2019-12-23 between 23:00 and 02:00 (GMT +2) we will perform data center network maintenance, which can lead to short-term (up to 10 minutes) network outage.

#368329## Admin ##

We would like to inform you that at 2020-02-20 23:00 (GMT +3) we will migrate your server(s) to another node. Migration is neccesary in order to ensure your service stability and quality. Expected downtime is up to 15 minutes.

#411252## Admin ##

We will have small downtime soon.

#416838## Admin ##

We will migrate no another server now. Prepare for downtime until DNS records will be updated.

#416842## Admin ##



Борда с русского айпи не работает (ростелеком)



Если через консоль браузера надо пинговать, то я не ебу как



блять, оказалось, что всего-то надо было hosts почистить



Зато узнал о существовании немецкой локализации


когда уже можно будет листать фоточки стрелками ?

2020 -- где НТП ?


five square or horizontal files just barely don't fit into one row, this has been a source of frustration for posters in the past

diff --git a/less/_base.less b/less/_base.less
index 8fbec6e8..c7766f72 100644
--- a/less/_base.less
+++ b/less/_base.less
@@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
 @import (inline) "node_modules/normalize.css/normalize.css";
 @import (inline) "node_modules/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.css";
@@ -950,7 +947,7 @@ body {
   box-sizing: border-box;
   min-width: 200px;
-  max-width: 1000px;
+  max-width: 1100px;
   background: @postBG;
   box-shadow: @postShadow;
   word-wrap: break-word;








#464503## Admin ##

Our provider is currently experiencing network issues so there might be problems accessing the site or images.


Hey kag

I noticed this png of all smiles is sent on first load of a thread or board or all. But I could not find where in the files exactly this is done. I understand that it is used to show each smile in posts via background-position as a background-image.

why I'm bringing this up is mobile data. that smiles.png is 644kB and thus very wasteful for mobile data users on ever pageload where it isn't cached already. would it not be better to serve mobile users the smile pictures individually when needed in a lazy load fashion like images are?

since most smiles are almost never used, the amount of smiles that would need to be loaded individually would need much less mobile data than 644kB right? even if the smiles are loaded as pngs the biggest ones are 11kB so there would have to be over 58 different smiles in the loaded posts (usually last 100) to cost more than the 644kB AllSmiles.png

Also not only mobile data is to be considered but also loading time on mobile. the AllSmiles.png is by far the one thing that makes site load slower.

What do you think, would a mobile only implementation make sense? Would effort be too big?




I noticed this png of all smiles is sent on first load of a thread or board or all. But I could not find where in the files exactly this is done.

browser downloads it once it encounters smile in the thread via background-image rule in the CSS


that smiles.png is 644kB and thus very wasteful for mobile data

it's 2.1M for retina users btw (2x version)


on ever pageload where it isn't cached already

it's being requested only once, then it should be cached forever by the browser (well at least for several months)


would it not be better to serve mobile users the smile pictures individually

it was done intentionally that way...

there's request/metadata/parsing/etc overhead when you download small images individually


since most smiles are almost never used

it's possible to remove unused smiles

also maybe split smiles in groups, so you download smiles-part1.png, smiles-part2.png, etc, once you see it

right now it shouldn't be a huge problem...


AllSmiles.png is by far the one thing that makes site load slower

it doesn't freeze other network requests, you just don't see the smiles until the sprite is loaded, also it happens only once




then it should be cached forever by the browser (well at least for several months

oh alright that makes it less of a problem, I didn't know how long it would be cached.


maybe split smiles in groups, so you download smiles-part1.png, smiles-part2.png, etc, once you see it

this would make sense, just putting the 50 most used smiles in one and less used one in another. You're right if it gets cached that long it wont really matter for browsing but I guess first time users would still benefit.


thanks for showing me

Another thing:

I've just looked a bit into how the post feeds work but on mobile it is not the best experience. whenever you put browser into background and switch to another app and then at some point resume, most posts that were made in the meantime don't show, usually only the very latest post is updated. this leads to a lot of conplete reloads of the page or missed posts.

Do you know why this happens?

sorry for dumb questions btw gotta learn golang a little bit




put browser into background and switch to another app and then at some point resume, most posts that were made in the meantime don't show, usually only the very latest post is updated

yeah, thread synchronization via websocket is badly written, it requests only for ~5 latest posts after reconnect

need to rewrite it properly...


gotta learn golang a little bit



I wonder if this behavior still exists in meguca, would be something weird to overlook considering how many features they have...

maybe they are doing something else entirely, I can't really tell



fork was made a long time ago, meguca has changed a lot since then, so it's impossible to merge

fix is not that hard, I'm just don't have enough time for that currently




I'm just don't have enough time for that currently

don't worry about it, chingu


Это фиаско, братан


Are deleted posts actually deleted or are they saved somewhere in the db?

#472599## Admin ##


they could be saved in backup if it was older than 1 day, otherwise actually deleted



no but it would have been cool to have all posts including deleted ones as a dataset.




*forgot to add:

if you can db.getallposts() and save it in some useful way(.csv or .txt) and upload on an uploadsite I would be very grateful If not it's ok, I will just have to do a little scraper.

I want to use the posts for sentiment analysis and other stuff



what boards do you need?

I can dump post_id,date,post_body information



/int/ and /wood/

reply count is not available right? that would be interesting too but I can do that manually later on




reply count is not available right? that would be interesting too but I can do that manually later on

it's available but you can build such map by yourself, just by searching for ">>\d+" in post body


hey kag, we finally made :smiles: changes. pls accept pull request when you have time



sure, thanks, will do a bit later



2 hours downtime because of docker update, service wasn't able to restart itself correctly...

Oct 18 06:57:03 systemd[1]: Starting Daily apt upgrade and clean activities...
Oct 18 06:57:12 systemd[1]: Stopping cutechan service with docker compose...
Oct 18 06:57:12 systemd[1]: Stopping kpopnet service with docker compose...
Oct 18 06:57:14 docker-compose[1759187]: Stopping kpopnet_kpopnet_1 ...
Oct 18 06:57:14 docker-compose[1759186]: Stopping cutechan_cutechan_1 ...
Oct 18 06:57:15 kernel: veth0037635: renamed from eth0
Oct 18 06:57:15 systemd-networkd[693]: veth0a28b98: Lost carrier
Oct 18 06:57:15 kernel: db: port 2(veth0a28b98) entered disabled state
Oct 18 06:57:15 kernel: db: port 1(veth7d1226e) entered disabled state
Oct 18 06:57:15 kernel: device veth7d1226e left promiscuous mode
Oct 18 06:57:15 kernel: db: port 1(veth7d1226e) entered disabled state
Oct 18 06:57:15 systemd-udevd[1759138]: vethfce82cd: Failed to get link config: No such device
Oct 18 06:57:16 docker-compose[1734582]: cutechan_cutechan_1 exited with code 2
Oct 18 06:57:16 docker-compose[87257]: kpopnet_kpopnet_1 exited with code 2

Добрый день, мистер Кагами. Хотелось бы уточнить, а точнее попросить у вас обновить "Борам". Это возможно?



Ютуб длл. Или это не поможет? По опросам, многие используют, но без возможности прямой скачки через сам конвертер. Не очень удобно если честно.



Ты меня переоцениваешь. Но я попробую.



Когда на гитхабе обновите примерно?


since vlive added this url format it would be nice for them to also embed

for example

you can still get the videoSeq from embedded json, beware that this url format might not have videos:

seems like the embeds still work the same once you have the videoSeq >>508512 ➡

  "postDetail": {
    "post": {
      "url": "",
      "title": "이런저런💬",
      "postId": "1-19990273",
      "officialVideo": {
        "videoSeq": 224269,
        "type": "VOD",저런💬",

did server-nim go down last night?

do you need more bitcoins?

#574642## Admin ##


Out of memory: Killed process 3022967 (kpopnetd)

cutechan was fine though. what kind of error did you get?



server was timing out for about 1-2 minutes 2 times at around 02:00 cst



you put me in a deep thought

I see, so you had slow response at 00:51 UTC, but I can see OOM killer at 01:53 UTC and nothing at 00:51

could be coincidence, just some packet drops



glad it wasn't something serious then


Admin, I appreciate whatever you do that allows me to post from vpn, yet the boards isnt overrun by psychos and retarded LEOs wasting tax money trolling those psychos.

#586822## Admin ##

40min downtime because ssh updated default HostKeyAlgorithms to prefer ed25519 so sftp couldn't connect because of the different public key fingerprint

#649010## Admin ##

node was rebooted because of hardware issue but postgresql wasn't properly started for some reason so 6.5hours downtime

#699526## Admin ##

media domain was changed back to

I will create permanent redirect from to soon and eventually dismiss domain

please report any issues you encounter


thanks, will add a bit later




thanks, will add a bit later

we also have some in this thread >>670278 ➡

might be better to add and remove more at once at a (later) time


So what exactly is the problem with missed posts not being fetched on mobile sometimes?

I just looked at it briefly, but shouldn't prepareToSync() be triggered in /ts/connection/state.ts onWindowFocus() if the state is desynced?



iirc backend can return up to 5 missed posts only in websocket handler

that can be fixed by adding request handler to return posts since the last available on the client and do that request after reconnect

#745760## Admin ##

6 images per post

For convenience with IVE and LE SSERAFIM. Hope UI won't suck too much.

Could be 7 too because a lot of groups are 7, but better to stop at some point to avoid too many images per post mess.




For convenience with IVE and LE SSERAFIM.

and now OMG


Вопрос который уже очень долгое время интересует всех.

Когда boram обновят?


quite long downtime just now 220713 ~09:00 KST

#767291## Admin ##


I can see connection issues to the store host from 02:35 UTC+3 till 04:21 UTC+3, i.e. it wasn't possible to upload images

have you noticed anything else?



whole site was not responding for about 15 minutes, then again for a second time an hour later. you can see the post „back alive“. it happened before and after that

#767448## Admin ##


Seems like network connectivity issue on the hosting side, I just experience the issue but with the main site.

They don't have any incidents reported on the status page though

I created ticket to get some info.


kagami plz fix I can't live without this site



small deprivation will make you like it even more though


Your VPS with is being target of DDoS attacks. It has stopped after since 2,5 hours ago.


Our system automatically blackholes an IP in case the DDoS is large enough to avoid connectivity issues for other customers.


The blackhole is being removed once the DDoS has stopped for at least 5 minutes.

#798526## Admin ##

Someone is posting pornography in old threads, trying to abuse the site.

Added IUC and bella-fan as moderators to all boards.


Hi, I would request that some new smiles to be added

:eunchae_lol: :sana_wut: :winter_finger: (to have it match with )

Thank you for your consideration


And also this one




love the winter finger one. :icy_touch:

not a fan of the other ones, they seem kinda blurry

#1014153## Admin ##

Upgraded docker container and dependencies of the server.

Please report if something has broken.



As I said in the Wood thread, maybe you didn't see it there

The image loading has been slow for the past 3 days

Significantly so in some cases

Let me know if I can do somethin to help you find out what is wrong

#1016083## Admin ##


I've also noticed it, but thought it's my ISP.

Shouldn't be related, might be some issue on storage node. Will check.

#1016086## Admin ##


Disk performance seems to be same as initially.

Could be the network path between storage node and Cloudflare.

% for i in `seq 10`; do time curl -so/dev/null "`date +%s%N`"; done
curl -so/dev/null   0.03s user 0.01s system 17% cpu 0.207 total
curl -so/dev/null   0.03s user 0.01s system 16% cpu 0.236 total
curl -so/dev/null   0.03s user 0.01s system 22% cpu 0.170 total
curl -so/dev/null   0.02s user 0.01s system 23% cpu 0.149 total
curl -so/dev/null   0.02s user 0.01s system 21% cpu 0.157 total
curl -so/dev/null   0.03s user 0.01s system 25% cpu 0.148 total
curl -so/dev/null   0.03s user 0.01s system 24% cpu 0.168 total
curl -so/dev/null   0.03s user 0.01s system 23% cpu 0.161 total
curl -so/dev/null   0.02s user 0.01s system 21% cpu 0.153 total
curl -so/dev/null   0.02s user 0.01s system 23% cpu 0.153 total

seems normal, I've also tried seq 100. mysterious issue

#1016093## Admin ##

Oh, I've got an idea!

% time quiche-client >/dev/null
quiche-client  > /dev/null  0.03s user 0.01s system 0% cpu 5.244 total

that might be it, UDP performance!

I will disable HTTP/3 for the cloudflare CDN, will see if that helps.



can you try right now

% for i in `seq 10`; do time curl -so/dev/null "`date +%s%N`"; done
curl -so/dev/null   0.05s user 0.01s system 23% cpu 0.260 total
curl -so/dev/null   0.04s user 0.01s system 23% cpu 0.249 total
curl -so/dev/null   0.04s user 0.01s system 23% cpu 0.236 total
curl -so/dev/null   0.03s user 0.01s system 17% cpu 0.238 total
curl -so/dev/null   0.02s user 0.01s system 18% cpu 0.182 total
curl -so/dev/null   0.04s user 0.02s system 24% cpu 0.226 total
curl -so/dev/null   0.05s user 0.02s system 2% cpu 2.492 total
curl -so/dev/null   0.05s user 0.01s system 28% cpu 0.202 total
curl -so/dev/null   0.05s user 0.02s system 4% cpu 1.518 total
curl -so/dev/null   0.05s user 0.02s system 2% cpu 2.331 total


seems the issue with my local ISP this time

with mobile ISP I get stable 500-700ms




but afterwards every following webm was loading normally

that's to be expected because of the caching

not sure why initial loading is slow...



unfortunately I can't see any error in nginx log on the storage node

it's just one request in HTTP log, I guess it's all handled inside cloudflare cloud from that point (exchanging between different nodes)

might be some timeout issues but dunno how to debug that because happens randomly




added $request_time to the log, please report if happens again, maybe it's related to when storage answers too slow

or maybe cloudflare isn't useful as CDN at all...

#1017431## Admin ##


Pictures/videos were loading very slow for me in the morning (but fine if requested directly).

Now it's very fast again.

My only theory is that it's issue on the cloudflare's side which I can't control unfortunately. Only by changing it to something else but dunno with what. It's mostly fine except the random performance issues.

#1019621## Admin ##


I noticed something interesting. In Chrome media is still loading extremely slow, but tried in another browser and it's fast there for some reason. I've started investigating and found this:

then I checked

For some very weird reason, I have different colo values in different browsers, running on the same computer. So it seems traffic for Chrome goes through very busy path. Will investigate further.



tried restarting browser, changing language flags, copying request as curl from devtools and running in console, running chrome with --disable-http2. after some time the colo changed to a good one (very close to my geographical location) and images are loading fast. seems like that's what happened here >>1017431

it's very random, all hidden inside cloudflare's logic of selecting CDN node for the current request. and the HTTP2 makes it even worse, because chrome keeps connections open

now I'm 100% sure it's cloudflare's issue. but don't know how to fix it, especially on a free plan



Doesn't seem to cause much difference. Still very slow in case of colo=SIN. And I can't even report that to Cloudflare:


Customers on our Free plans can only submit tickets for billing, account, and registrar issues.

Maybe better to abandon it completely because it causes more issues than helps, will think about it.




Doesn't seem to cause much difference.

Actually it seems a bit better that way. (Unless it's random coincidence.)

If caching is disabled and colo is bad, then all images are loading, just slowly.

If caching is enabled and colo is bad, then it may stuck for many seconds.

So I will keep it disabled for now.

#1028825## Admin ##

Storage configuration was updated (removed cloudflare)

Please report errors with media files (if any)



Pics and videos have been loading somewhat slow for me past few days

Thought it might be just me but it happens on 3 different connections at home, at work and on mobile

Could you have a look if something might be happening?


Кагами почисти гуро спам


kagami is there a convenient solution for banning phoneposters available?

sadly annoying people tend to be phoneposters and used to ban evading already

#1103262## Admin ##


you can send me email if there's a problem

sadly the current mod interface allows only simple single IP bans which of course not enough in such cases