#139 Less Words More Skirts Edition
there she is
what the fuck?
why is Binnie's face blurred????
half skirt hybrids count too btw
Trotfu noona
I'm out
omo sinofriends
>post less lewd skirt pictures
got it!
that's it for now, gonna continue when work-nims get home
i'll carry on then
the question is: is shorter always better?
>close your mouth~~
>is shorter always better?
then she won't be able to breath, you monster
Lee Little Luda
yeah wtf we dont want things like vid related
I always like somi posts even though nothing new will ever come out
me as bella btw
are you satisfied with your current company? why not come work for us here at kch ent. inc. ltd. and become the best you can be?
please negotiate with my representative team, thanks
such a shame that, like many of nature's most intricately beautiful creatures, she can only be seen through a microscope
micro biologists have it so good
oh my!
if you think that jimin pic that was posted a couple days ago is ugly you should check what cub posted to twice instagram yesterday
link it I want to look at a car crash right now
wtf i am iron boy now
>teuduegietrash: I smell new comeback uwo
I smell something else
Ended my 12 hours flight
10 min here and I wish I was back in nipland
my pretty (You)fu
seulgi wears skirts very well
we skirts now
one of the best dance versions tbh
you can't have skirts edition without this song
They do look alike right?
Pyo has double eyelids and their lips are totally different
maybe the chin?
not a real skirt BUT OH MOH!
that's a dress
very nice dress btw
Dresses are just very long skirts
t. pabochingu
that's quite short though >>227756
very weird clothes
It looks funny because she's not wearing shoes lol
her pants and jacket look dumb as well
You are dumb
Ep 2 is out
It's airport fashion
not an argument
it's /fa/shion
if you want to see fashion check out my pics
No really
Cardigan and shoes to be comfy and the pant to avoid blood clots
long socks + skirts = Daebak
it looks weird because all of her clothes are loose or oversized
usually it looks good to wear a combination of loose and tighter clothes
Only her jacket is oversized pabochingu, and that's comfy
pants are too loose as well
traveling by bus instead of first class train this time
what the fuck is this
what about those loafers
it honestly looks like Slug took some clothes from her mom
buses are for poor people
what were you expecting?
people watchinh memes, listening to music without headphones, someone singing in the phone
what happened, when did things get so bad
>listening to music without headphones
that's the fucking worst
now THIS is a diverse skirt post
Blue team should have won
And although I didn't watch produce ioi isn't it a dick move not to put nunu and yuyu in the same team if you do it with cathy and chayeon?
fromis' subbed show
watch it together?
what was the url again?
i wonder if she keeps some peanut butter
Do you have any ideas how to get newguys?
We could try to find them on 4chan, as far as I know there are kpop threads on /mu/, /bant/, /trash/, /wsg/ and two on /hr/
imo /mu/ is out because it's pure cancer
/bant/ is out because it's just a circle jerk
/trash/ is out because it's full of mentally ill people
so we are left with /wsg/, k-pop general on /hr/ and the infamous eternal snsd thread on /hr/
I know nothing about people posting there but people from /wsg/ would post cool webms and people from /hr/ would post high quality pics so that would be cool.
What do you guys think?
I mean kagami also shilled on 4chan in the beginning
it's basically the only place to find sane western kpop fans
twitter and OH are full of sjws and subhumans
see >>227815 we need your feedback
/hr/ is the least cancerous one i think
hr has this place in their pastebin btw
this looks cool as heck, will use it from now on
what if we create a twitter account and post really high quality pictures to attract curious people?
>don't even think about it
are you all dark moders?
i only got a notification for yuqi for some reason
dark mode master race
we can try to infiltrate /hr/ and scout the best posters
can't you only make your tweets visible in certain coutnries? we could filter out dirty people
>we could filter out dirty people
so no western euro posters?
i made that and use light theme normally
making it dark was just an excuse to redo something we already have with only slight improvements to be honest
infiltrate how? I don't want to hurt them or anything
just post there for some time to see if they are cool
I love boners
Bona is hot
hypothetically if we found the best posters what do we do
not like they have attached email addresses or something
We have their id though
just invite them for a free trial here
FREE??? what the heck dude we all have to pay
pay pyocoins
free for the first few days
The first 2?
they always leave after 2
>/bant/ is out because it's just a circle jerk
I'm from /bant/, don't shit on homies
Omo, nice shirt
make it first 5 so they will stay until the last day to not waste free stuff
we are all from somewhere
are you the Seulgi poster who steals my pics and posts there
I'm a literal nobody from nowhere
you are from kch and everybody knows you
this has to STOP! or else there will be consequences!
hehe, just did it again
You don't know me, You don't know me
You don't know me, You don't know me
So shut up boy, So shut up boy
So shut up boy, So shut up! Shut up!
stop it or else I will post Seulgi on /trash/ and they will lewd here
I know that's not cool but I'm really desperate
what's the difference between /bant/ and /trash/?
bant is blogposting and trash is lewdposting
>trash is lewdposting
omo brb
/bant/ hates lewdness
I stole nothing, just acquired them
they don't lewd kpops tho
they lewd each other
It's an ERP general
and what is analog of kpopfap on 4chan?
what did she see?
on a serious note, it's quite extreme, I won't be able to hold that kind of posting
simple "omo" is much better than going into physiological details
this video >>227897
what are you talking about?
don't look into the abyss for too long
hello newguy here
I've heard you liked kqts here
You're not a newguy :iu_huh:
I identify as a newguy you bigot
Based newfag
>prioritizing Yves over Olivia and falconqt
not based oldflag
We like Yves' milk above anything else here
he is allowed to like whoever he wants
have you seen ibeu's body?
stop answering instead of me
not gonna lie
it's OEC for me
i will forgive you for having shitty opinions then
why not?
it's lewd
necks are lewd?
Yves is t h i n n
Olivia is t h i c c
It's a matter of taste
I like Yves and Olibia too but I like OEC's songs better
ok, you can watch at their necks
what about their precious knees?
remember kneebro?
have this one instead
I liked where the other one was zooming
>not liking legs
How the heck would liking nana's nanas means I don't like leg you pabo moroni
you've picked a picture with only there visible over a pic with there and legs
he got you there
nara has pretty naras too
Nara is for cute
stop it!
pick a number from 1 to 26
Well you'll have to prove it
also if you are you can try to guess why you got those threadfus
no guessing for me then
age they joined kpop industry?
>no guessing for me then
at least you got a girls you like
it's not about the girls but about the name of their groups
first letter of group
what about it?
Like w = 23th letter in the alphabet and so on
give him rocketgirls
china will grow larger etc. etc.
nancy is born on the 13th and pinky on the 16th, smart red herring
Literally who
Doyeon wasn't born on 23th tho?
also nice Pinkys
they can't compare to nana's
I meant Pinkys as multiple pics of Pinky you huge pabo
I wanted Choa...
only CEOs get Choa, sorry....
2 (1-26)
I should have guessed since 26 is number of the letters in english alphabet
I'm literal pabo
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
>Winnie the Pooh
why is this in the list?
based me
that's what makes it a red herring
>red herring
I literally don't know what that means
nice pics btw
something that leads you to a wrong conclusion
>A red herring is something that misleads or distracts from a relevant or important issue
how can hearing be red tho?
I've only heard colors once in my life
smoked one
herring you gigantic pabo
the fuck
I thought you've made a typo
only Doyeon and Pinky chingus posted their rollfus
what's your excuse?
you are welcome
no, no, no
YOU are welcome for getting such a cute threadfu
next time you will get Daisy
I like her and I don't like people bullying her
>next time you will get Daisy
do it faggot
don't make the game master angry
>he likes Daisy
>he doesn't like Daisy
literal fag
just think happy thoughts and chill
Nana will kill people in her new movie
>pledis killed AS
>pledis killed pristin
Pledis girlz comeback anyday guys
>pledis created AS
>pledis created pristin
>tfw Pledis Girlz had more schedules than Pristin
Happy Sana Day
pledis girlz was very active tbh
Happy Sana Day !
No Sana
No Life
how does she do it chingus?
just fold the beauty a thousand times
why is she using umbrella, it's just snow
snow turns into water after getting in contact with something warm like Sana's face and it could ruin her cute make up
normally snow doesn't fall on your face much, because it's positioned vertically, also because of the wind
also when it's cold the outer parts of your face are pretty cold too
nice virus
they are above zero tho
a lot above tbh
I think most of kqts use umbrellas when it's snowing tbh
this is really good song btw
holy heck dude, I literally love it
thanks for sharing!
>those pants
Laboum has lots of good songs tbh
this one is one of my favorite songs ever, really makes me feel
make sure not to look at 2:56 though
I'm busy not looking at 2:22, sorry
you can look at 2:22, but NOT at 2:56
cool collarbones
I said you not to look
I'm a free man and I will look where I please
Laboum's Soyeon is very omo
yeah this song is amajing!
thinking about my wife
how is her day going to be like
who is your wife?
shes cute
shes funny
she has dark hair
oh I know her! shes pretty and clever too
>tfw no traditional sino wife
tfw traditional sino wife
lucky guy
blog post
I'm reading a book about history of japan and according to that book samurais were fags and pedos it also said that their women were isolated from the social life and it made me think about priests, people in prisons and this shit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bacha_bazi
still listening to it tbh
Kang Mina
good, just make sure not to look at 2:56
new Tiffany
I don't like the song but the MV is cool
fresh r*ddit updates
fresh top star news updates
don't lift your dress that high wtf
she has shorts under the dress so don't worry about it
and do NOT imagine anything
gimme some fresh NAVERxDispatch updates
>and do NOT imagine anything
already imagined
it's mostly gaypop and actresses lately
here are the latest 5 kpop updates
OMO I love Naeun
prove it
I can make love with her though
if you really loved her you would know how
stop making false assumptions
He meant post a lot of picture of her you pabo
if my calculations are correct those were the first five NAVERxDispatch photoshoots
CLC, HV and Momoland were group photoshoots so if you want to see other members just let me know!
doesn't have to be pictures, either
I've seen this one many times already
still gonna watch it tho
lime, sexratqt and yeonwoo pls
>still gonna watch it tho
we couldn't expect that
apologize to ratqt if you want me to post her
what's that?
omo nosie
pure display of wealth
sky 머슬 (muscle)
looks like some sort of fitness show
>six cast members
>only one cutie
lame as fuck
b-but that's her legal name
last fanmeet tomorrow
are you going
must feel awful for them
I hope they will get lots of gifts, cakes and flowers to cheer them up a little
>drinking during fansigns
why wont he post those Ratus fornicatus pics
gonna use that
>Hello Venus
>After School
cool tistory
>Ratus fornicatus
what did he mean by this
probably that Nana is a babe
I thought that word should be written as "baby"
I think babe is correct too
I don't think happyface entertainment would make a mistake in the name of Dal Shababes
you've never heard about them?
what's up with that white spot?
what white spot?
don't look there pabo
I can't see it in other pics
hmm idk we may need more evidence
I hope this will be enough
I know we already had a tummy edition but imo tummy edition vol.2 would be cool
stop lewding kpops
who's lewding kpops?
looking at kpops and enjoying their work is not lewding you idiot
if tummies were lewd kpops wouldn't show them
>if tummies were lewd kpops wouldn't show them
do you seriously believe that tummies are lewd?
of course bare tummies are lewd
they are actually unironically pure
tummy is the purest part of a female body
what about tits and butts though
those are lewd
that's why kpops don't show bare tits and butts
finally somebody who knows what he's talking about
why is she so smug
she's got every reason to
if you haven't listened to the new dreamcatcher mini you should
is it any good?
i think it is, but i liked the youtube music (tm) playlist so you can form your own opinion
best song
also nice dance video, can't wait for videos of some b-sides
it's amazing
>wet hair in winter
she will get cold
a cold might be healthier than promotions if you think about it
it's not like idols can skip promotions when they have cold
>sneezing 3 times
based as heck
do you know what they mean by those videos?
>do you know what they mean by those videos?
not in the slightest
I think they are helping kids to learn counting
that's a shame
at least they put english hashtag #goodnightgram under videos related so I know what they are
that's very nice of them
elris fancafe ant pics
ok I think I know
it's to help new fans learn their names
they put their names in the right order in those posts
fancafe pics are always so smol
this is a really good idea
Happyface entertainment is working really hard for dreamcatcher
it makes me very
why not just say their names directly
you forget things given to you directly
you learn better when you have put some effort into finding information
subbedepisode of idol test with Dreamcatcher is out btw
cool hat
what would a tibetan kpop idol look like?
what's 80% of fuck all
FNC is so efficient, they make 110% physical renewed sales
also what about digital?
diamond is a great track
the rest was forgettable
I guess Yoohyeon poster already left and I won't have a Dreamcatcher chingu
dreamcatcher men are chaotic in nature so you never know when they'll show up again
what made you think that
newguys always leave quickly
i'm not new at all
it was the first time when I've seen someone else than me talking about dreamcatcher here
pabo.. >>180429 ➡ >>180433 ➡
ok, sorry I've missed that somehow
is RSS dead technology? i thought it could be useful but the only kpop relevant website i could find that officially supports anymore it is youtube
nowadays it's in-browser notifications and telegram channels
most people don't know what rss is
never tried in-browser notifications but i guess those just pop up every time there is an update and that's very distracting
not familiar with such telegram channels either, do they use bots for updates?
don't watch that in class wtf
>do they use bots for updates
though discord is more popular in kpop community
there are tons of servers and rooms
the use bots like https://github.com/Seklfreak/Robyul2 which repost news and e.g. instagram updates
what's RSS?
google killed RSS tbh
that orange button on really old websites that nobody ever used
I used it
what are you like a million years old, gramps?
what was it for?
checking news without having to open and load a million pages
who picks those news?
you add rss feeds you want to see yourself
it's just special page on sites which your rss client would periodically fetch and display new items from there
basically it's page with XML data at some URL of the site
owners of the site
usually that XML page is rendered by the same backend that renders the main HTML site, it's just different format
sounds dumb
no wonder it died
>sounds dumb
it died just like the dinosaurs that used it 3 trillion years ago
still listening to Laboum's Love game
songs with Love in title are usually pretty good
>he did not include love bomb
I couldn't add everything and I knew you all knew Love Bomb already
what show is this?
btw the best Lee Hyori's song is this one
you disappointed me, you disappointed yourself and most importantly you disappointed me. please reflect well~~~
>3 trillion years ago
dinosaurs were living 243-66 millions years ago
I swear to god if Romsae will think I don't care about her because of this I will make you pay for that!
Dinos never existed
Dinos still exist
Girl Group Battle
this one is actually true
post more please
what if aliens are evolved dinos? they had few milion years more to evolve than mammals
I've seen pics from this performance like few weeks ago
literally one month ago
that Mina is super hot
do NOT look there!!!!!
I like dahyun more and more
Momo makes another gaypop song listenable
thank you based Momo
it's all scripted
most popular bands get most popular songs to sing, in order to win the voting contest
fuck that fake industry
RV deserves to win anyway
t. SM drone
SM is the best company with the best producers
cube would like to have a word with you
0.25 Pyocoin was transferred to your account
kpop is all about legs when you think about it
that last one will be the picture of this edition for me
you must really like her
unfortunately it's reencoded by dailymotion and google drive video was deleted
thanks anyway chingoo!
webm of the edition coming through
isn't it a perfect skirt?
it covers the belly button so can't be perfect
it's very good tho
>unfortunately it's reencoded by dailymotion
youtube-dl works fine for these videos for me
it starts downloading at least
>youtube-dl works fine for these videos for me
yes, but video quality would be worse compared to the file from google drive
because it's encoded one more time by dailymotion
ending the edition with the perfect skirt
omo I like Soyou
based heterosexual male
nice tummy and belly button
I'm glad how well this edition has been
she is a nice girl
omoooo I'm excited
I guess I will stop posting
I don't want you to get a heart attack
most more like #1 and #5, it will probably relax me a bit
here you go
it's cathy there btw
in a cute white skirt
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4oHuML9U2A jetlag is killing me
How do you feel about souvenir ?
I don't like buying cheap ass thing for people just to get them stuff so I'd rather not buy anything if I don't find something I believe they'd like
On ther other hand not receiving anything is tough
>How do you feel about souvenir ?
I only buy them for my parents and one of my friends
they both love those magnets you put on refrigerator
See I hate those
My mom bought a couple " I LOVE JAPAN " bag for family and It's like the normiest sh*t to me.
did you buy a Shinkansen model for me tho?
bring me some cool japanese pokemon cards
I forgot about it
But i'm already home
>I forgot about it
as expected
classic japanonbro
imagine touching roro's butt
Would you rather be yuyu or roro in this situation ?
not him but I would prefer to be yuyu
also heck you for making me to imagine stuff like that