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3번째 한글 스레드


조율 에디션

너무 귀엽잖아요?



킬라 스레드




이미 왔어요? 고마워~




스레드 감사합니다

>>823843 ➡


아빠~ 따라↗️오세요~↘️

네~ 빨리 왔어 ㅎㅎ



걸그룹 팬덤 사이에서 자주 발생하는 논쟁 유형 중의 하나로, 걸그룹 멤버가 '귀엽다 = '커엽다'는 주장과 '섹시하다 = 떽띠하다'는 주장, 이른바 '커파'와 '떽파'가 충돌하는 논쟁을 가리킨다.

기억이 안 와요


'귀' = '커'가


group members collide between "cute" = "cute" and "sexy" = "dirty."

gooks have their own version of cute/sexy too



ahh, so ㄷ sounds a bit like ㅅ, in a baby way





나 여돌덬인데 첨 들어봐



여돌 = 여자 돌 = 여자 아이돌

덬 = 더쿠? = theqoo? (forum)

여자 아이돌 더쿠 = I'm a fan of girl idols because I discuss them on theqoo?



so 덕후 is official spelling for "otaku" in Korean, but they created forum with a different spelling 더쿠 (means otaku) and then again spelled it a bit different and got "theqoo"

why couldn't they just register "" instead



네 ㅋㅋ 한국인들은 이렇게 맞춤법이랑 노는 것이 아주 좋은 거 같아요

(노는 것 = 놀다 + -는 것 = playing)



왜 "는 것" 더 인기있어요?

"기"가 더 간단하는 것 같아요


I think you can talk in korean there too

perfect for korean practice, no longer need to search for boring language mates in hellotalk/tandem/etc apps

now just need the same but with voice support

(you can use Google Assistent/Siri in Korean, but it's not that cool)

on the other hand, you may learn more by talking with real people on korean forums



저는 hellotalk/tandem의 분들이 별러 안 좋아요

조금 재미없어요



ilbe가 금지되지 않아요?


btw, 은서 = eunseo -> nseo -> nose?

나코 = nako -> snack?

그 4chan의 사람들이



방금 확인 결과 잘있음

results of my check just now is it is going well (i checked just now and it's going well)

방금 = just now

잘있다 = to be going well (like one passive ver of 잘하다 me thinks)


저거 희진이 밭인데 다 수확하고 새로 다시 필요한거 심었더라고 ㅋㅋㅋ

that is heejin's field but i found out it is all harvested and new necessary things were planted

저거 = that thing

밭 = field

수확 = harvest

심다 = to plant

-더라고 = learned that



이번 주도 세상 무해한 조합입니다!

this week too it is a combination harmless to the world

무해한 = harmless


명창 강아지 조유리 님과 테니스를 지켜츄!

we save tennis with master singer pupper jo yuri

명창 = master singer


내일(12/2) 6시에 보아요~

watch it tomorrow at 6

1920×10805.53Mb00:12(여자)아이들((G)I-DLE) - I-LOG #12 칠레에 가게 된 (여자)아이들 ✈ (ENG⧸CHN)


잘 모르겠어요. 저는 '-는 거 같다' 고 너무 자주 해서 '-는 거' 라는 것도 익숙하게 느껴져요 ㅋㅋ




내일(12/2) 6시에 보아요~

이거 'see you tomorrow at 6' 인 거 같아요. 작별 인사할 때는(when saying goodbye) 'X에 봐요'(see you at X) 라는 것이 흔한 표현이에요.

명령법(imperative)이었으면 아마 '시청해 보세요' 아니면 '본방사수 하세요'(make sure not to miss it) 등등 했을 거 같아요.




등등 = etc., and so on, and others, and all that sort of things






너무 어려워요. 제가 해볼게요:


쬲은(존나 좋은) 노래


하얀 나라를 보았니❄️🎵 꿈과 사랑이 가늑한💕 눈처럼 맑은 해원이와 함께라 더 빛났던 Funky한 오늘의 K909✨

did you see our hwite country ❄️ dreams n love are possible 💖 with clear like snow haewon more shiny and funky is today's k909 television program

-니 = like -나 but (unsure if larp): -니 is feminine ending. It gives out softer tone. It’s more used by women and to women and children. Due to its softer tone, it is often used by men to women or children, too

가늑한 = 가능한 (me thinks)

맑은 = clear, pure


다이브 안녕 나 멍순이 라고 해🦭🎧🎀(정차중 입니다¨̮)

yo dive i am dogmonke🦭 (car(?) is stopping)

멍순이 = 멍 + 원숭이 (guessing)

정차하다 = to stop

정차 중 = stopping, in the middle of stopping



o shit 멍숭이 is some monke chat sticker






첨부 파일








1080×6004.60Mb00:28이달소 계란남 [z4lSPfWFTa8]



왜 젖은 다리를 그렇게 섹시해요?

1920×10808.47Mb00:15[술꾼도시여자들2] 🔊속보🔊 술도녀 술 끊다? #술끊도시여자들 | 하이라이트 [rDaSNKCMGqc]

잘못 접었네

you folded it wrong



so what


망한 거지 뭐

it's ruined that's why


씨x 전과 있는 우리한테 하는 소리네

you're talking like it a criminal h*cking record


거참 되게 씨x 씨x 거리네

(guesstimate:) you're taking it h*cking far huh

거참 = oh dear, wow, huh



여자 아이돌에 손으로 만지고 싶어요

1920×10808.68Mb00:17[BecOrd] Billlie | '2022 창원 K-POP WORLD FESTIVAL' 비하인드 [nSPAVtGrjhI]



여기에 이서랑 같은 나이있나 봐요


와이푸 안 올려서 심심해요


영어로 안 보고 싶어요

210×750991.39Kb00:12[FULL] EP#21. 우아와우LAND (with woo!ah!, 스페셜DJ 조유리) [BLYACOg6tcM]






우리 상상한 제니가 이미 BF있어요


원이 여친...


China도 정말 좋아합니다


China에 visited하는 dreams이 여럿입니다


China culture가 멋있습니다


China food을 정말 좋아합니다



그 여자 전혀 유명하지 않아서 PD님 그거 허락했어요




주의, 중요한 정보

여기는 '이번 주의' 아니면 '주간' 쓰면 더 나은 거 같아요


제 생각에는 언어의 목적이 생각이랑 느낌을 전하는 것인데 그 모델들은 생각이랑 느낌이 하나도 없어서 사실 언어를 몰라요

언어 = language

목적 = purpose

전하다 = convey


파이팅 코리아



막내 -> maknae [망내]

Jewelry -> 쥬얼리 /ˈʤuː.əl.ri/

왜 maknae 대신에 mannae?





그랑 모든 ㄱ+ㄴ 콤비 같아요 학년 -> 항년 and if you want to know "why" every explanation is always "it's easier to say"



제 생각에는:

한국어 -> 영어 how it looks

영어 -> 한국어 how it sounds

그래서 한국 사람은 영어 단어를 발음 잘 할 수 있어요

그런데 외국 사람은 한국어 단어를 발음할 수가 없어요! 너무해

하지만 한국어에 "f", "p", "v" 없어서 영어 단어를 한국어로 너무 웃겨요




그런데 외국 사람은 한국어 단어를 발음할 수가 없어요!

제 생각에는 많이 외국 사람은 [망내] 발음 몰라서 ~ /maknə/ 발음해요

그런데 그거 발음이 틀려요




하지만 라틴 어너도 콤비 많아요

n + g = ng

en-glish 대신에 english 말해야 해요


mangnae (ㅇ->ng)


en-glish 대신에 e-ng-lish


silent K

아마 영어 사람은 발음 배우는 괜찬하요



클라씨는 키즈 (kids) 않이에요? 형서 19살인데 다른 3사람..

채연 그리고 유빈 쪼아




클라씨는 키즈 (kids) 않이에요? 형서 19살인데 다른 3사람..

조금 어색해요



한국 사람 대부분은 영어의 이중 모음(diphthongs)을 모르는 거 같은데요. 단어의 끝에 자음도 (e.g. computer) 바름 잘 할 수 없는 거 같아요


한국어에 "f", "p", "v" 없어서

"p" 는 피읖(ㅍ) 똑같은데 "z" 는 없어요




"p" 는 피읖(ㅍ) 똑같은데 "z" 는 없어요

아, 네

I'm curious how do they know they should pronounce e.g. IVE as "V" not "B" because it's written as 아이브




채연 그리고 유빈

에? 그 여자들이 클라씨 아니에요





발음! 진짜 저는 이것을 항상 망쳐요


그냥 아이브라고 말하는데요 ㅋㅋ



시작에서 잘 했는데 개인 소개에 다 아이브라고 한 거 같아요 ㅋㅋ 특히 레이가 (:30) 세게 ㅂ 발음한 거 같아요


그런데 "google translator"에 확인해서 실수 봤어요

잘 했어요 저는 spellcheck 만 사용해서 못 봤어요




이 사진을 /sp/에 봐서 너무 웃었어요 ㅋㅋㅋ



오늘은 어떤 아시아 여자와 하푸 키드 봤어요

그녀 조금 뚱뚱하는데 귀엽고 키드 너무 귀여웠어요



하푸 키드 만드는 19+ 살이면 돼요


차트-지피티 더 좋아요!


너무 똑똑해요

그런데 글을 조금 크고 힘들어요





네 심장을 믿으세요~


... 안돼애애애애애애애


2014년~2015년까지 여성 연예인들, 특히 걸그룹들의 섹시 콘셉트가 굉장히 크게 유행했었다. 문제는 가수라는 기본 전제를 잊고 벗으면 돈이 된다는 마인드로 움직이는 문화산업인들이 많았다는 것. 연예계의 질적 저하를 우려한 시민들의 비판으로 당시의 과도한 섹시컨셉 열풍은 역사 속으로 사라지고 다른 참신한 조합과 조화를 이루는 적절한 컨셉이 자리를 잡게 되었다.


모든 건 계획대로

everything as planned

계획대로 = as planned


미모 숨기지 못함

cannot hide the beaut


뽀뽀로 세계정복

conquering the world with a kiseu

정복 = conquer



문장 전체가 이해하지만 섹시 콘셉이 거리에 이사했어요




섹시 콘셉이 거리에 이사했어요

커버 댄스?



내 생각은: 어머 여자...

다연: 거기를 보지 마라!!!



아마 제 3번째 케블러 와이푸야


Bogaboo disbaned

수연이는 그 그룹에 거의 대뷔했어요





오늘 뮤뱅❤️🍎🍒🍓🌹 엔딩은 “와우 사랑해”였어요 오늘도 응원해 준 와우들 고마워요👍🏻

today's mubank

ending was wow loveyou

today too thank you wow who cheered for us



1920×10803.82Mb00:08[K 컬처 팬 페어] K-POP 스타 톡&스테이지 with 우아!(woo!ah!) [FzEnBZ3CuQI]


all alound the world







소희의 쇼핑 방법


how to sohee's shopping


예인이 미모에 온 세상이 난리났네! 난리났어!

whole world goes crazy on yein beaut! crazy!


world goes crazy

내가 미쳤어

청말 미쳤어~


221210 유리 프리뷰즈




my idea is to build a giant mindmap will all core structures of the language so that you can easily learn the logic just by looking at the connections

why nobody doing it like that, it seems obvious





yeah, but it doesn't show the 2d connection between declarative/interrogative/imperative and 해요체/하십시오체

I think you can add 반말 too

I still have troubles understanding difference between imperative 어요 vs 줘요 vs 주세요

주 = please, 주 + 시 = please and I respect you?

and what's the difference between 하세요 vs 합니다 vs 하십니다?

informat respect vs format vs formal respect?


시 = respect

요/ㅂ니다 = non-formal/formal (but format is some kind of respect too?)

어/줘 = order/please do


and most complex, what's the difference between saying please (주) and showing respect (시)



not 전문가님 but here what I think I know

어/아요 and ㅂ니다 is level of formality, and (으)시 is a mark of respect

so if you talk to someone who demands respect you use 요 or ㅂ니다. and if you are talking about someone who demands respect you also add 으시. but if it's some lowling () or yourself forget the 으시 and just use the formal speech

주 is also unrelated to the two it's just a marking for the direction of action (주 = do x for me, 드릴 = i do x for you)




if you are talking about someone who demands respect

I think it can be both, e.g. when you talk to grandmother


it's just a marking for the direction of action

yeah, I think that's right

so in theory you can even say 주십시오 when asking grandmother to do something (formal + respect + do it please)




I think it can be both, e.g. when you talk to grandmother

네 그런거 같아요

to 남친 about patrician)


어빠, 우리 선생님이 저에게 영어를 가르치실 거예요

to 남친 about lowling)


어빠, 제 동생이 저에게 영어를 가르칠 거예요

to 친구 about patrician)


우리 선생님이 네게 영어를 가르치실 거야

to 친구 about lowling)


네 동생이 네게 영어를 가르칠 거야


아마도 (depending on these words not having some special high respecc versions )

할아버지 + 선생님)


우리 선생님이 저에게 영어를 가르치실 거십니다

할아버지 + 동생이)


제 동생이 저에게 엉어를 가르칠 거십니다




네 동생이


나의 = 내 [내]

너의 = 네 [내]

나의가 = 내가 [내가]

너의가 = 네가 [니가]

why no sound difference between 내 and 네?


So, in spoken Korean, I recommend that you use 너의 or 니 to avoid misunderstanding.

아, 그렇군요




나의 = 내 [내]


너의 = 네 [내]


나의가 = 내가 [내가]


너의가 = 네가 [니가]





why no sound difference between 내 and 네?

애/에 어/오 ㅅ/ㅆ ㅊ/ㅉ etc 진짜 모르겠어요


I think what’s interesting about this chart is that the 하다 column’s imperative ending is intrinisically the same as the honorific 하다 column’s imperative.




오히려 우리끼리 무료로 연습합시다


한국어로 설명 잘 못 해 줄 거 같아서 영어로 할게요

-어 주다 means one person is doing the action for the sake of another. If I'm explaining something to you or vice versa, I can say 이것을 제가 설명해 줄게요 or 그 것을 저한테 설명해 주셔서 감사합니다. If I'm reading an explanation off a book, I'd say 제가 그 것의 설명을 어떤 책에서 읽었어요. I don't say 읽어줬어요 because I read it for myself. On the other hand, if I were asking you to read me the book, then I would say 그 책을 저한테 좀 읽어 주세요 since you'd be reading it for my sake. Even if I were asking you to read something from a book just so you will know it yourself, I'd still use 읽어 주세요 because you'd be reading in part to satisfy my request and not just to acquire the knowledge yourself, so you're doing it in part for me.

시 does not directly mean you respect someone, it means the person is at a similar or higher social level than you, so you honor them. If you talk to a child in 반말, you're not being disrespectful, but if you talk to an adult stranger the same way, you end up being disrespectful exactly because you're implying that person is beneath you. In addition to that, if you do use 시 towards a child or someone else who is actually clearly beneath you, that might either come off as a joke or as mocking the person, like if you were to address some random person in English as "your highness" or similar. By the way, note that in English you/thou also worked this way, but thou ended up disappearing and being completely replaced by you, which would be equivalent to Koreans always using 시 when talking to anyone, even a child.

Also, like >>829258 says, -어 드리다 is the honorific form of -어 주다, which you use when the person being favored by the action is someone you'd also use 시 towards, so that will often be used to differentiate the subject and object in a sentence, like 알려 드렸어요 vs 알려 주셨어요.


하십시오체로 '-ㄹ 겁니다' 고 해요. '것' 이 명사이니까 '시' 없어요.




하십시오체로 '-ㄹ 겁니다' 고 해요. '것' 이 명사이니까 '시' 없어요.

아 물론이죠 가르치(시)ㄹ 겁니다




-어 드리다 is the honorific form of -어 주다

oh no, I forgot about it

"" vs 시 vs 주 vs 주시 vs 드리 vs 드리시

also honorific forms of words like 집 vs 댁


the person being favored by the action is someone you'd also use 시 towards, so that will often be used to differentiate the subject and object in a sentence

didn't quite understand

알려 주 = give me information

알려 드리 = please receive information well

or with 알리다 (passive) both 주 and 드리 = receive it?

passive/active is the most complex thing in Korean for me so far tbh




-어 드리다 is the honorific form of -어 주다, which you use when the person being favored by the action is someone you'd also use 시 towards, so that will often be used to differentiate the subject and object in a sentence, like 알려 드렸어요 vs 알려 주셨어요.

i was a bit right by mistake



"주시" = 드리

you can't use 시 about yourself so 드리 means it's always for another person than you




솔직히, 저는 아/어 자주 헷갈려요 ㅋㅋ



These are quite difficult for most foreigners. ㅌㅊㅋㅍ are aspirated, so more air is expelled with the consonant, while ㅆㄸㅉㄲㅃ are not aspirated, but have a bit of a staccato (as in a slight silence before the consonant) and they increase the pitch of the following vowel. To borrow >>823843 ➡'s terminology, 빨라 is kinda like 빨↗️라↘️ while 발라 is the same pitch throughout


What I meant is

알려 드렸어요 = I told you(honorific)

알려 주셨어요 = you(honorific) told me

You can differentiate the subject just from 주다 vs 드리다, so Koreans will usually omit it


네, 맞았어요




By the way, I said object there, but the other person wouldn't be the object. The actual object would be the information being told. My bad. To expand those sentences, you'd say

제가 님한테 알려 드렸어요

님가 저한테 알려 주셨어요




줄게요 I'm explaining something to you


읽어 주세요 read me the book

oh, thanks, I thought 주다 means both "I do it for you" and "you do it for me" but wasn't sure

can it also be used in context "he does it for her" (talking about other people)?


your highness


시 does not directly mean you respect someone



but 시/no 시

and 어(반말체)/어요(해요체)/ㅂ니다(하십시오체)

are different concepts, no?




you can't use 시 about yourself so 드리 means it's always for another person than you



알려 드렸어요 = I told you(honorific)


알려 주셨어요 = you(honorific) told me


You can differentiate the subject just from 주다 vs 드리다, so Koreans will usually omit it

so 주시다 you -> me (because can't be you because 시)

드시다 me -> you (because 드시다 always you to someone)

but 주다 you -> me OR me -> you (depending on context or explicit subjects in sentence)






님이 미안해요



can it also be used in context "he does it for her" (talking about other people)?

네, 예를 들면

아버지가 컴퓨터 잘 못 하셔서 형이 도와 드렸어요 (my father is not good with computers, so my brother helped him)


but 시/no 시


and 어(반말체)/어요(해요체)/ㅂ니다(하십시오체)


are different concepts, no?

Yeah, you're right. A better example would have been a teacher talking to a student in 존댓말 without using 시. But I hope you got the general idea that 시 is more a recognition of social hierarchy and not just respect. So you're still being respectful when talking to people lower than you, your close friends or children, even though you don't use honorifics


아 그렇군요 ㅋㅋ


네, 맞아요



존댓말체 = 해요체 + 하십시오체

반말체 = 해체


also, what's the real difference between 시 and 어요/ㅂ니다?

i.e. 하세요 more polite than 합니다 or it's something different?



to put it all together

어요/ㅂ니다 is formality of speech depending on who you are talking with

시 is a mark of hierarchical superiority (compared to you) of someone who you are talking about

하세요 is an imperative form of 해요, e.g. telling someone to doo something. so it's less formal than합니다 but different (imperative)

합니다's imperative form would be 하십시오



I mean if you talk with e.g. old stranger, do you need to add 시(honorific to the subject) to 요(informal polite) or better to be formal with just ㅂ니다(format polite)? or 십나다 to be both honorific and formal?

I don't understand why do they need 2 different options for politeness


I mean 시 not in imperative form, it can be used in declarative and interrogative way too



oh true 하세요 is just 하+시+아/어요 isn't it


I mean if you talk with e.g. old stranger, do you need to add 시(honorific to the subject) to 요(informal polite) or better to be formal with just ㅂ니다(format polite)? or 십나다 to be both honorific and formal?

I mean if you ask for his name you would add 시 but if you ask where something is you wouldn't? so stick to 요/ㅂ니다 but if it's something about him specifically add 시

that's how I understand it




if it's something about him specifically add 시

interesting, thanks




just 하+시+아/어요 isn't it

yeah, there're many cool things like that

e.g. future 저는 먹을 거예요 is actually ㄹ(determiner for future) + 것(just special noun) + 이다(to be) + 요

so you just get normal verb 먹다 and transform it into something like "it's going to be eaten"


안녕하세요 = 안녕해요 + 시 (안녕하다 = probably be well/healthy like in other languages)

but you never say 안녕해요 it's always 안녕 or 안녕하세요 but what if the other person is at 요 level politeness but at the same level of social hierarchy



imperative 해요 is probably too rude

안녕하다 = be peaceful

안녕해요 = I tell you to be peaceful!




시 is a mark of hierarchical superiority (compared to you) of someone who you are talking about

Yes, but hierarchical equality or superiority. You'd still use honorifics with adult strangers (unless you're old and they're young adults) or colleagues who you're not close with. In those cases, they are your equals but you still honor them. People who you know are the exactly same age as you are an exception since they are your 친구들



Yeah, that's a good way to put it. You use 시 when the verb refers to him regardless of using 해요체 or 하십시오체.

In regards to old people specifically, I believe it's common to use 해요체 in most situations, like talking to them on the street, buying something in a store and so on. You'd always use 하십시오체 for example when offering new year greetings and things like that, which themselves are considered more formal situations.


Yeah, understanding each part of those constructions separately can help a lot in remembering or knowing how to use them properly


It's more of a fixed expression, so you always use 시. Like you also commonly see people using 해요체 while mixing in expressions like 감사합니다, 잘 부탁 드립니다 and so on. It's not wrong to "level up" expressions that way.

You should keep in mind too that using 존댓말 without honorifics is quite rare. When someone is close enough to drop honorifics, you usually also lower the speech level all the way to 반말. I think most of the time I've seen 해요체 without 시, it was between friends with an age gap, where the older friend uses 해체 and the younger friend 해요체. And even in cases like that the younger friend might also commonly use honorifics.



안녕하세요 is not imperative, by the way. It's a rethorical question like "how do you do?" in English. The 하십시오체 version is 안녕하십니까



다트 던지기 아니어서 다행이네요 ㅋㅋㅋ




understanding each part of those constructions separately can help a lot in remembering or knowing how to use them properly

it works especially well with my mind, but unfortunately most korean books are not like that they just write about similar topics in different chapters and add mention and a little comparison table and that's it


It's a rethorical question like

oh, right, just wanted to correct myself

"해요?" doesn't sound much worse than "하세요?"




Yes, but hierarchical equality or superiority. You'd still use honorifics with adult strangers (unless you're old and they're young adults) or colleagues who you're not close with. In those cases, they are your equals but you still honor them. People who you know are the exactly same age as you are an exception since they are your 친구들


You should keep in mind too that using 존댓말 without honorifics is quite rare. When someone is close enough to drop honorifics, you usually also lower the speech level all the way to 반말. I think most of the time I've seen 해요체 without 시, it was between friends with an age gap, where the older friend uses 해체 and the younger friend 해요체. And even in cases like that the younger friend might also commonly use honorifics.

제 세계관이.. 새롭게 시작해요




When someone is close enough to drop honorifics, you usually also lower the speech level all the way to 반말

KGU is a lie

it teaches you just 해요체 mostly without 시, 반말 is only in the second book

but why would you use 해요체 when talking with friends...




it teaches you just 해요체

and then you open some vlive and it's 반말 all the way


btw, am I right about

존댓말체 = 해요체 + 하십시오체

반말체 = 해체

it's hard to google it for some reason


케플리안 어때 나 시크해 보여?😆

yo keplies my people

what do yo think, do i look shic or what


but strange to say, only in korea we use this word as a meaning of "snobbish", "easygoing" etc.




맞아요. People will commonly mix 해라체 with 해체 when using 반말. You also always use 해라체 when talking to yourself or just describing things impersonally. For example, descriptions (not dialogue) in novels use 해라체


서술체 refers to a way of putting things like you describe them objectively, like you have observed them and are reproducing them one after another.


해라체 is a style you employ when you don’t particularly need to honor your audience. Most notably it’s employed in novels and newspapers, and you’d write your journal entries in it.


so many different books, sites and videos

so many different type of explanation, with different examples

no single source contains the whole picture in a form which can be grasped by brain, therefore you have to build it by yourself

therefore you have to read multiple sources

therefore you read a lot of duplicated information

ok I understand it might be impossible to build one true learning method, also seems like you have to destruct -> rewrite -> construct information for understanding anyway

but why so few sites provide useful tables like >>829241 >>829494

imo those forms of information representation (tables and mind maps) are simply superior to long description where you can't easily follow the links between different pieces of the language

it's so much faster to understand connections by looking at table, but almost no one does it






너무 걱정하지 마세요. 실제의 한국말을 계속 듣고 읽어 보세요. 곧 그것들에 더 익숙해져서 직감적으로 이해하고 사용할 수 있을 거 같아요

Please don't mind me using 시 only in the imperatives






해체는 어, 셔:


네가 해


그분께서 하셔

해라체는 (형용사) 다 / (동사) ㄴ다, (형용사) 시다 / (동사) 신다:


네가 똑똑하다


네가 잘 한다


그분께서 똑똑하시다


그분께서 잘 하신다

근데 'ㄴ다/신다' 를 현재로만 써요. 과거로는 다 '었다' 써요:


네가 잘 했다


그분께서 잘 하셨다



해라체 - 해라(do commands) = 소술제? (소술제 ⊂ 해라체)





= 소술제


소술제 ⊂ 해라체

저는 몰랐어요....


ㅆ다, 다, (느)ㄴ다 ⊂서술체 ⊂ 해라체 ⊂ 반말

니, 자, 라 ⊂ 해라체 ⊂ 반말

어 ⊂ 해체 ⊂ 반말




서술체* (미안 somehow i keep typing what i think things sound like )

was just thinking 서술체 might be a subset of 해라체 >>829750 without 해라 part



안녕하세용 시현이와 서연이에요!!🐤🐣


저희의 케미를 좋아해 주시는 분들이 많아서


같이 사진을 찍어봤어요ㅎㅎ


시현 서연이는 무슨즈일까용?!



귀여운 여자들이 인사한다.

많은 사람들이 그 여자들의 케미를 좋아해서 여자들이 사진을 함께 찍어봤다.

여자들의 케미 이름이 없어서 사람들에게 물어본다.



그런데 하게체에 대해 확신이 없어요




사실 저는 이 스레드 전에 서술체라는 것을 본 적이 없었어요

I can't seem to find much about it either, besides learning resources repeating the same definition. I thought it might be a synonym of 하라체, but couldn't confirm it. 하라체 is what you use in quotes, which is the same as 해라체 except imperatives use -[으]라 rather than -어라, e.g. 해라 -> 하라고 했다, 하지 마라 -> 하지 말라고 했다, 먹어라 -> 먹으라고 했다.

I think you guys might be right about 서술체 being either equal to or contained in 해라체/하라체, but then most people just refer to all of them as 해라체. Namu doesn't have an article for it nor mentions it in 해라체's article, so that indicates that it might not be a widely used term. Anyway, I'll keep an eye out in case I ever see it mentioned anywhere.


잘 했다


여자들이 사진을 함께 찍어봤다

아마도 '그 여자들 함께 사진을 찍어봤다' 고 하면 나을 거 같아요. (since 함께 refers to 여자들 and not 사진)


"십시다 > 세요 > ㅂ시다 > 세 > 자" 것 같아요




rarely used except by parents in law to son in law

k와이푸랑 결혼하자 않으면 하게체가 필요 없어요




I can't seem to find much about it either

yeah, probably KGU's weirdness, I got it from there

also, they mix 해체 and 해라체 in 반말 section, but 서술체 is different section even though it seems to be part of 해라체...




와이푸랑 결혼하자 않으면


무슨 일이 있냐?




아마도 '그 여자들 함께 사진을 찍어봤다' 고 하면 나을 거 같아요. (since 함께 refers to 여자들 and not 사진)


막방 음중 ㅜ.ㅜ🥹🤍 함께 달려와 준 와우들 너무너무 고맙고 감동이었던 활동이었어요🖤

last broadcast at 음악 중심 ㅜㅜ many thanks to wowwies who ran here with us it was a touching set of promotions


채현 직캠


for verb->noun forms thinker


따뜻하게 목도리하기!!⭐️⭐️

warm wearing of a scarf!


옆집 소녀 -> 옆소



아니, 수정이 내 와이푸야


썸잇!! 나는 일본에 잘 도착했구! 벌써 2일차야아 글쎄 어제는 음식 사진만 찍구 셀카가 별로 없더라구,, 오늘은 많이 찍어볼게:)

sumpeople! i arrived to japan safely! it is already day 2 oh well i didn't take a pic of yesterday's food and i don't really have selcas.. i'll take lots of pics today :smil

2일차 = day 2





저에게 고맙다고 했어요

오래 전에 으누의 손을 부탁할게요



기: verb -> noun

이다: noun -> verb

what if 기 + 이다 + 기 + 이다 + 기 + ...






-지 동사를 명사로 변해요


you mean like 지요/죠 (isn't it)?

never seen bare 지 without ending tho

"지 않다, 지 말다, 지 못하다"도 알아요


so 지 in 는지 isn't accidental either

어머 제 머리속에 진짜...


verb는 것 ~ verb는지





달리기하다 진짜의 단어예요

네, 근데 >>830404 맞아요. 달리기는 원래 달리다+기이에요. 그리고 달리다는 원래 닫다+이(causative suffix)


'리기'는 "달리다"의 의미인 '-'과 접미사 '-이-'가 결합한 '리-'에 접미사 '-기'가 결합한 것이다.

이 닫다는 'close' 아니고 '빨리 뛰어가다' 는 뜻이에요



달리다 = 닫다 + 이?

I've seen a lot of cases like that, when there're two verbs, x다 and x리다, one is usually active and another is passive

another case is x다 and x히다 (if I remember correctly)

but I haven't looked into much yet, just noticed during words learning



울림: 수정, 미주, 예인, 지수, 은비 = 5

스타쉽: 소유, 다솜, 우주소녀(거의 전체), 아이브(거의 전체) = 19


그런데 거기 만지면 안 돼!


여자인데 I'm a girl, but

설레다 heart flutter

ㅆ다 -> 해라체

"I'm a girl but was excited"

한국 사람은 반말 할때 실수를 너무 해요


맞추다 = to set, adjust (to correct position)

맞춰보다 = to try to get it correct (to guess )

볼까요 = shall we try

보실까요 = shall we try ( 시 only applies to getting that sweet feedback part)








맞아요. 그런 동사 쌍들이 많아요. 예를 들면

말리다 = 마르다(be dry) + 이 = dry off (머리를 말리다 = dry one's hair)

그러나 또한

말리다 = 말다(stop doing) + 이 = make someone stop (My life / 내 맘대로 살 거야 / 말리지 마 = I'll live the way I want. Don't stop me!)

묻히다 = 묻다(be smeared/stained) + 이 = to smear something

묻히다 = 묻다(bury) + 이 = be buried

In this second one 이 works as a passive rather than causative suffix, which is actually more common:

부르다(call) -> 불리다(be called)

놓다(place, put down) -> 놓이다(be placed)

잊다(forget) -> 잊히다(be forgotten)

흔들다(shake) -> 흔들리다(be shaken)

There's also a 호 causative suffix that you sometimes see as a 추 when it attched to a verb radical with a ㅈ 받침(final consonant)

낮추다 = 낮다(be low) + 호 (-> 나초다 -> 낮추다) = to lower something

맞추다 (>>830855) = 맞다(match, be correct) + 호 = cause to match, hit the mark, get right (눈을 맞추다 = match eyes = make eye contact; 입을 맞추다 = match lips = kiss (-> 입맞춤 = 입을 맞추다 + -ㅁ = 키스))

맞히다 = 맞다 + 이 = same thing



-어 보실까요

The PD is not including herself, so it's "Will you give it a try?" That's why the 시 is there



oh, right, I also forgot about x다 and x이다

now it makes sense, it's all the same thing 이

but why is it 리/히/이? I can't see the pattern. some random/irregular rule?


호 causative suffix that you sometimes see as a 추

this is new to me , though I've seen 추 in the middle of the verb few times

the more you know

I'm just 2급 atm tho




말다(stop doing)

why 지 말다, it could theoretically by 기 말다

or V는 것 말다

also need to understand what exactly 는 does to a verb, it's not noun, but something in between



>>-어 보실까요


The PD is not including herself, so it's "Will you give it a try?" That's why the 시 is there

isn't 시 here about using honorifics with who you are talking to

while who does the action is just from context




There's also a 호 causative suffix that you sometimes see as a 추 when it attched to a verb radical with a ㅈ 받침(final consonant)


낮추다 = 낮다(be low) + 호 (-> 나초다 -> 낮추다) = to lower something


indicates that a subject either causes someone or something else to do or be something or causes a change in state of a non-volitional event




but why is it 리/히/이? I can't see the pattern. some random/irregular rule?

I believe it's the same sound shift you see in compound words, e.g.

콧구멍(nostril) = 코(nose) + 구멍(hole)

It makes the consonant in the middle of the word sound as if you were pronouncing two separate words, despite it being a single one. So for example 잊히다 sounds like 이치다(unvoiced chi sound) rather than 이지다(voiced ji sound).


though I've seen 추 in the middle of the verb few times

Those could have a different etymology, though. I wanted to point out how 맞추다 and 맞히다 were both formed by attaching causative suffixes to 맞다, but that's not always gonna be the case.



also need to understand what exactly 는 does to a verb

It makes it a noun modifier, as in a word that modifies the following noun. So it makes a descriptive verb function like an English adjective, or makes an action verb and noun function like a nominal phrase

맛이 빨갛다(the flavor is red) -> 빨간 맛(red flavor)

그 남자가 달린다(that man runs/is running) -> 그 달리는 남자(that running man)


No, 요 establishes formality towards the listener, while 시 honors the person doing the action

제가 해 볼게요 = I'll try it = 해요체 towards the listener, not honoring the actor (me)

PD 님께서 해 보실 거야 = The PD will try it = 해체 towards the listener, honoring the actor (the PD)




It makes it a noun modifier

but what exactly it is

not noun, not verb(=adjective in Korean), not adverb

because there're few special cases when you can attach something to 는 like 것 and 지 to make a noun

maybe there's something else

other forms like 는 것 같다 are derivatives from 는 것

but maybe I'm trying to put too much logic into language


though "verb는 noun" and "verb는 것" seem to be essentially the same thing




것 is a noun by itself, meaning thing. In regards to 지 I agree that it's a bit weird


하나님 = god (the one)




국 안에 강아지 있어요

안 돼...


왜 그 그룹을 좋아해요?




아, 그래

1920×10806.56Mb00:13[SUB] 걸그룹이 이렇게 잘 먹는다고? 음식에 진심인 첫사랑(CSR)의 면치기 실력🥢 | 첫만뷰 EP.4 [HQCwj9r-GYo]






어떠하게 하다







어떻게, how

어떡해, what should (I) do




좋은 아침🦋💜 마음이들~~ 좋은 아침이에요오🫣❤️

a nice morning⭐ villagers~~ it's a nice morning


다들 잘 주무셨나용??? ㅎㅎㅎ 오늘은 제가 무대 하기 전에 추천받고 싶어서 와봤어요!!

did you all sleep well? today before stage i want get recommendations so I came here

주무시다 = 자다 but fancy like 드시다


오늘 제스처 뭘 할까용….?? ㅎㅎㅎ 추천해 주시는 거 있으면 알려주세용 ㅎㅎ헤헷

what gesture should i do today? if you have something to recommend please let me know~


글구 요즘 제가 자주 듣는 노래를 궁금해하셔서 들고 왔어요! 유아 선배님의 Selrish 에용!

also you were interested in the song i listen to these days so i brought it. it's senior Yooa's Selrish!

글구 = 그리고

듣는 노래 = song [i] listen to


맨날 맨날 듣고 있는 중이에요 ㅎㅎ 그리고 오늘도 인기가요에서 만나용!

every day i am "in the middle of" listening to it ㅎㅎ also we will meet today too at inkigayo


마음이들!! 사랑해용~~ 이따 만나요!!❤️❤️ 오늘도 좋은 하루 보내용🦋💜

villagers!! love you~ let's meet now! have a good day today too⭐








마음 + 이/가 = 마음이 ?

그런데 "마음들이" 써야 해요





말이야 = 말이다

네, 맞아용

그런데, "는 말다" 이해가 안 와요



people do it manually instead of writing a bot



말다 != 말하다

howtostudykorean is so long, yet seems useful. I don't know whether I should read it or not




~란 is an abbreviation of ~라고 하는 or ~라고 한



don't think so

"지 말다", "고 말다" 있어요



더 가람의 직캠을 보고 싶어요


#831248 첫사랑 바보처럼 어떡해 안녕 데려가 모르겠어 오늘 밤 너무 너무

#831257 매일 매일 위험해 따라 해 필요없어



붕당정치 = factional politics

동인 서인 = east west (or eastern western?)

근본이다 = to be the root, the source, basic

남인 북인 = south north

떽띠 하더라도 허락은 받고 = even if 떽띠 get permission

된것이지 = it's done innit (cool word )

대북 소북 = great north small north (?)

뭐가 미안해 = why be sorry

떽띠 하다고만 해서 미안 = sorry i only said 떽띠

예송논쟁 = some sorta historic argument happening signifying argument/conflict between factions

소론 노론 = some historic fams or something

커도 완전 커는 아닌데 = cute but not totally cute

완전한 커지 = totally cute

그 외는 = other than that/otherwise

사문난적 = some sorta historic word for heckling people who reinterpreted confucianism beyond somehistoricguy's ideas


완전한 커지 그 외는 사문난적 = [she is] totally cute otherwise you're 사문난적

or maybe

she totally cute other theories are 사문난적

사도세자 = prince sado (some fun reference here maybe)

고장도 나네? = oh it's broken

고장 났을수도 있지 = can even be broken innit = maybe broken innit

평론 = critique, review

탕평론 dunno

커떽이 뭐가 중요해 유리가 커면 커고 떽이면 떽이지

cute떽띠 is not important if yuri is cute she cute if 떽띠 then 떽띠

실학 = some other(?) confucianism branch

all in all looks like a probably interesting interpretation of the 커떽 argument >>831210 but you would need to know some history


Dirty Smaller Northerners




맨날 맨날 듣고 있는 중이에요

이것은 "맨날 맨날 (듣고 있는 중이에요)" 대신에 "(맨날 맨날 듣고 있)는 중이에요" 라는 거 같아요. 아마도 "I've been listening to it every single day" 로 번역하면 돼요.


이것인 거 같아요:

>>815089 ➡




저는 떽떽 담비 좋아요




이 키즈 무슨 당파예요?




모닝 마피아 노래 2.0





떽떽 담비 좋아요


Mentioning a Korean name followed by -아, -야, -이


name + 이 + particle




경찰님, 저는 진짜 모르겠어요

그렇게 비디오를 안 봐요



건전한 야동

앞서 한동철 국장은 ‘하이컷’과의 인터뷰에서 <프로듀스 101>을 ‘남자판’ 제작에 관란 질문을 받고 “<프로듀서101>을 ‘여자판’으로 먼저 한 건, 남자들에게 건전한 야동을 만들어줘야 한다는 생각에서다. 출연자들을 보면 내 동생 같고 조카 같아도 귀엽지 않나. 그런 류의 야동을 만들어주고 싶었다”고 말했다.


건전한 키스 해 주세요



One other key element in using your time efficiently is not skipping a day. Don't do nothing for 3 days and then 4 hours the next day, this is way, way less effective. Like, multiple times less effective. Would you rather spend 1 hour every day for 4 days or spend 10 hours in 1 day and don’t do anything for the remaining 3 days?

저는 그렇게 못 해요



제가 한국어말하기에 좀 dumbkopf이잖아요

그래서 You must really want it 지금 없어서 심심할 때만 한국어 배워요

그냥 번역하기 좋아하고 이 스래드 너무 좋아요




이 스래드 너무 좋아요

저도 좋아요

여기 한국어를 연습하기 너무 편해요


헤어핀은 못본 척 해주세요😆

please pretend like you didn't see the hair pin~

척하다 = to pretend


in the end, motivation is the most important thing, so it's better to put 5% of your mental capabilities into topic but for a long time than 90% and burn out in few months

왜 우리 뇌가 그렇게 바보처럼이에요



샤오도 꺄...




아직 파란 머리였을 때😎


재미있게 촬영했고 예쁜 사진들 많으니까 기대 많이 해 주세요💙

season greeting

when i was still blue haired

had fun activities and have a lot of pretty pictures so please expect a lot~



though what's more effective depend on other factors



그 제작자로부터 여자들을 꼭 지켜야 돼요


저는... 더 자주 운동하면 좋겠어요


예쁜 스ㅋ8ㅓ (스케이터 ㅋㅋ) 여자


달리기랑 비교하면 천천히 하면 훨씬 더 멀리 갈 수 있을 거 같아요. 전력 질주(sprinting)의 회복(recovery)은 너무 오래 걸리니까요




더 자주 운동하면 좋겠어요

그 비디오 최근에 봤어요

tldw she justifies chaotic workflow


회복(recovery)은 너무 오래 걸리니까요

진짜 몰라요

I think I drop all my new hobbies no matter what but if I'm sprinting I can at least gain better result, than I would keep low pace and drop it anyway, leveraging worse result



포기하기는 끝없는 회복인 거 같아요 ㅋㅋㅋ

근데 짧은 신간 동안 달리면 물론 전력 질주가 나아요. 인정해요


사진에서 누구냐고요? 드림노트의 라라예요

드림노트 애들이 참 예뻐요




그 노래를 좋아해요



그 직캠

떽띠 반바지

근데 라라의 머리가 웃기네요 ㅋㅋ







우리가 어딜 가든 축제

regardless of where we go a festival

festival wherever we go

~든(지) – regardless/no matter (or not)


예서 한 개 주세요~


샤오의 키스해 주세요


이 키스 잡으세요~


샤오 주세요











저도 레이나 씨가 좋아요

너무 귀여운 여자예요.


I read once, that learning 한자 makes it much easier to learn korean words because a lot of them have matching roots of chinese origin

but learning chinese is beyond my motivation



ㅋㅋㅋ 아니오 그냥 정숙해요 (chaste)


60 개만 알아요. 사실 더 많이 공부해야 돼요


좀 어려운데 재미있을 수도 있어요



아니오 너무 적잖아요. 수백 개 더 배우고 싶어요


너무 비싸요



섹시한 인형

청소년 관람불가


lateral join 좋아



항상 재밌게 챙겨보던 팬바타인데 첫사랑도 팬바타에 출연하게 되어서 너무 좋았어용💖

i've always funly watched fanvatar but csr appears too so i really like it~

챙겨보다 = to keep an eye on

출연하다 = to appear


12분 7초 동안 첫사랑의 매력을 가득 담은 영상이라니..

a 12 minutes and 7 second video full of csr's charms wow!

가득 = full

담다 = to put something in

a 담은 b = a in b (charms in video, oil in tuna etc)

a 가득 듬은 b = a of b (video of charms, bowl of noodles etc)

-이라니 = -이다 + surprised


너무너무 감사드립니다!!🫶🏻 게.다.가 금희의 귀여운 포즈 3종세트까지..

many thanks for this! also for the 3 set pose of cute geumhee

게다가 = besides, in addition


더할나위없이 완벽한 영상이네요.. 팬바타 사랑합니다💗

absolutely mostest perfect video it is.. love you fanvatar

더할나위없이 = most of all, best, superlatively there's some theories about kpop's use of superlatives, maybe this is the absolute best of the best of bests






츠키아, "머에 머에 쿤" 알아?

1920×10808.26Mb00:17토끼즈 토댕즈 그 사이 어딘가... 🐰🐶


난 알아



아~~ 크리스마스 하나도 기대 안된당🎄🎁

even one

expecting even one

i am not expecting even one

i am not expecting anything at all

i am not expecting anything at all from christmas

ah~ i am not expecting anything at all from christmas


비타민 피스 🍋💛

next step from pocari sweat


안녕 르세라핌고 전교회장 윤진이라고해~

hello i am a serafim and school president called yunjin~ see me after class

전교회장 = whole school president = student's representative


한국 흘림으로 쓰는 것을 읽기가 너무 어려워요


Chuu: Cut it out, watch it. I’m serious. This is my last warning


Chuu: Tell CEO A, word for word.


Chuu: So~~~~ooo pathetic seriously ㅋ


Chuu: Tell me who brought this up.

화난 츄


Chuu’s mother: I don’t want to talk right now. What did you just text me? You want to finish everything remaining since we’re making a claim anyway? We have the ad schedule tomorrow and… I don’t want to talk right now so just hang up.



looks like it was a clause in the contract they could claim for delaying chuu ad filmings


정말 당신네들 할 줄 아는 게 거짓말 밖에 없더군요. 쯧. 푹 쉬세요~

당신네들 = you guys

ㄹ 줄 알다 = know how to

것짓말 = lie


yeah, but it looks like Chuu's mother was trying to abuse that clause. though translation is too shitty so it hard to understand




푹 쉬다


get a good rest



너 초등학교 나왔지? 하하. 안 나온 거 아니자?


준다고 하셨는데 안주시려나 보네요

ㄴ다고 said

하 + 시 + 었 + 는데

안 + 주 + 시 didn't give


나 보다 it seems

네 surprise

it's funny that she uses 시 yet being rude




both meaning are guessing but.


려나 보다 use Future tense.


나 보다 can use past tense, present tense, future tense

안 주시려나 봐요 = 안 주실 거예요 + -나 보다?


섹시 유리 비디오




다시 한 번







do they pronounce these 야민정음 things like 커 as 귀 in their mind


커율 vs 떽율

귀엽다 -> 귀 -> 커


조유리 -> 유리 -> 율


벌거벗은 유리















이거 '르세라핌 고등학교' 의 줄임 말인 거 같아요


네, 저한테도 어려워요


She thought the CEO was abusing it. After she drove all the way there they asked her to wait for one hour so they could finish a group scene, which she agreed to do, but warned that they would have to pay the fee. So they then asked to just go on filming until they wrapped up all the scenes. From her point of view, they were saying that since she was demanding the fee anyway, they could delay Chuu for as long as they wanted. In the end they would pay the same amount regardless of how long they took.



안 나온 거 아니자?

아니자 X -> 아니지 O




-려나 보다

이거 '-려고 하나 보다' 고 뜻인 거 같아요: 'it seems that you don't intend to'


네 surprise

놀라는 거 대신에 'isn't that so?' 라는 뜻이에요


저는 '에이씨' 를 자주 사용해요 ㅋㅋㅋ


$ sed -rn 's/.*(19[0-9]{2}).*(http.*)/\1 \2/p' kbs.txt | sort -rn | tail
















~(으)려고 and ~(으)려고 하다 are used with action verbs to express a plan or intention of any individual


어떻게 알아요



내 생각에는 그 노래를 이미 들었어요





율의 아이돌학교 친구


며칠 전에 계단에서 떨어져서 지금 팔꿈치가 아파요



'1943년 3월 4일생'

이것은 그 노래의 이름이에요 ㅋㅋ 1971에 나왔어요


4/3/1943 è una canzone di Lucio Dalla e della Nuova Equipe 84, incisa nel 1971

사실은 Lucio Dalla 님께서 1943년 3월 4일에 태어나셨어요


'-려고 하다' 랑 '-러 가다/오다' 라는 것이 꽤 흔해요


처음에 섬네일을 봐서 원영이인 줄 알았어요 ㅋㅋㅋ 깜짝 놀랐어요


15 eliminated




며칠 전에 계단에서 떨어져서 지금 팔꿈치가 아파요



이것은 그 노래의 이름이에요 ㅋㅋ 1971에 나왔어요

그러면 제일 오래된 노래가 1977년에 나왔어요


원영이인 줄 알았어요






Debuted as Fromis 9 member and Produce 48 contestant.


V = 브이



제가 중간에 있고 나쁜 노래 하나만 들었어요

1920×10802.44Mb00:10[예능맛ZIP⧸런닝맨] 김종국X이광수 모음.ZIP 2탄 ⧸ Runningman




아 10R만 더 있었으면 = if only i had 10 more R (to get some prize or thing at 100R)

10R = 십R = 시발



잘 못 만든 거 같아요. Firefox에 반복 재생 못 해요. 미안


네 ㅋㅋㅋ

100R 있었으면 노트북을 이길 거예요. 근데 '아 십 알!' 너무 웃겨요 ㅋㅋㅋ


R = arrr = 알


oh, I got it, when think that R = 알




but he said alll, not arrr

I know what ㄹ = r/l, but r != 알




ㄹ always sounds like R in between vowels, and always like L when at the beginning or the end of a word. If you ask a Korean to pronounce the name of the letter R he will say 알, like if you ask him to pronounce the name of the letter F he will say 에프 (epeu)


26년간 고집하던 말괄량이 내년엔 꼭 내려놓고 차분해져 보도록 하겠숭구리당당

how do i flip me brain the other way around

for 26 years

i've stuck to for 26 years

tomboy i've stuck to for 26 years

next year the tomboy i've stuck to for 26 years

next year certainly the tomboy i've stuck to for 26 years

next year certainly put down the tomboy i've stuck to for 26 years

next year certainly put down the tomboy i've stuck to for 26 years and calm down

next year i will certainly put down the tomboy i've stuck to for 26 years and calm down

tomboy being her attitude, personality or style i guess

숭구리당당 =

-간 = 동안

고집하다 = to stick to

말괄량이 = tomboy

내려놓다 = to put down

차분하다 = to be calm, relaxed

A+아/어지다 = to get A

자분해지다 = to get calm, relaxed (calm down)

-도록 하겠다 = i will, i will be sure to




how do i flip me brain the other way around

try using brackets or commas

or some sort of mindmaps, like at mirinae




If you ask a Korean to pronounce the name of the letter R he will say 알

I get it though, they always pronounce ㄹ at the end as "l" and since they only have ㄹ to transliterate sound of the R letter, it can't be helped

like they always say "shi" instead of "si" in words like sekshie



i should somehow try to think in korean more


네 이름이 '베이'라면 어떻게 로마자로 쓰겠어요?












눈 snow

꽃 flower

송이 a single (flower)





i don't think they ever say three different consonants in a row

없어 [업서]

없는데 [엄는데]



they only avoid things that are harder to say than normal

plus 일끼 is just

two consonants in a row seems pretty basic?



ㄺ -> ㄱ according to 받침 rules, e.g. 닭 [닥]

so it looks like exception



if there's another word after tha consonant goes there

닭 [닥]

닭이 [달기]




it's not 받침

I mean it's not followed by a consonant, it's different rule

646×7202.90Mb00:08THE K-POP - 뽀짝한 잔망으로 심쿵하게 만드는 울 말카롱,,,❤️ #KPOP #THEKPOP #THESHOW #더쇼 #민희 #채현 @CRAVITYstarship @official_kep1er <>



If the next block starts with a consonant, then the second consonant in batchim makes a stronger sound by combining the consonant in the next word block. (word blocks don’t actually change, only sound)


it's wrong btw, 읽다 [익따]

읽기 seems to be an exception instead


Exception -> when a verb/adjective with ㄺ is attached to grammar that starts with ㄱ, then ㄺ takes the ㄹ pronunciation


읽고 = 일꼬, 읽게 = 일께


밝고 = 발꼬, 밝게 = 발께


닭과 = 닥꽈

ah, yes, that's what I was talking about



papago also pronounced 읽다 as 일따

naver sounds like [이따] to me

google pronounces more like [익따]

on papago I hear a bit of [ㄹ] yeah, seems wrong, I've noticed problems with it before too


many Korean native speakers pronounce it incorrectly





more like the exception to the exception to bring it back to the fold



ㄺ -> ㄱ looks ok though, because there're also ㄿ -> ㅂ but ㄼ -> ㄹ , ㄻ -> ㅁ

I just don't like when they add exceptions to already complicated rules




i had two teachers, one of them said me that is 익다, the other one said 일다. Both are korean

probably some seoul officials deciding the rules by hearing the streets then deciding what official korean might sound like while hopefully minimizing required exceptions

there was a fun yoona hidden camera about it i'll link if i find



찾다 [찯따]

찾습니다 [차씀니다]

ㅈ + ㄷ -> ㄷ + ㄷ -> ㄷ + ㄸ

ㅈ + ㅅ -> ㄷ + ㅅ -> ㄷ + ㅆ -> ㅆ(??)





not necessary, it could be R too, e.g. 릴레이댄스

You're absolutely right. I was thinking of Chinese which does have the initial L sound, but that has been completely eliminated from sino-korean words, so you only find a initial ㄹ in foreign words where they do pronounce it as R like you pointed out. I'm sorry for mixing that up.


watashi wa lei desu


ne eereumeun leina yeyo


my name is lojye


wǒ jiào luōnà

1280×7203.95Mb00:16[WJSN] 우소 애교 꿈꾸는대로 다 이뤘다💓 (WJSN's aegyo time!)

안 들으면 루다 삐뎌!







꿈꾸는 마음으로 어때? what are you dreaming about?

빨리 들을꼬지 quick, tell me

안 들으면 루다 삐뎌! if you won't, luda will ??


좀 신기한 문장


함께라면 안 웃는 날이 없는 것 같당🤭

함께라면 = 함께(together) + -라(connector, since 함께 is not a verb) + -면(if)

안 웃는 날 = 안(not) + 웃다(laugh, smile) + 는(modifier) + 날(day)

...날이 없는 것 같다 = ...날 + 이(subject marker) + 없다(there isn't) + 는 + 것(thing) + 같다(it's like)

-> 함께라면 ((안 웃는 날)이 없)는 것 같다 -> when(if) [we're] together, (it's like) there's not a [single] day without laughter

부정적인 단어 두 개 있어서 좀 헷갈리지 않게 조심해야 돼요 ㅋ




우뎡 = 우정


삐뎌 = 삐져

져 = 뎌 (애교)?

들을꼬지 -> 꼬지 뭐예요?

"마니" -> "빨리"라고 들었어요

wjsn fans

how to dou like "dreams come true"?

would you listen to it a lot?

if you won't, Luda will be upset



치아이가 이거를 12월 1일에 올렸어요


2022년이 한달 밖에 안남았어요! 우리 내년을 기다리면서 남은 올해도 행복하게 보내요

2022년(the year 2022)이(subject marker) 한(one)달(month) 밖에(outside of) 안(not)남았어(remains)요

-> less than a month left in 2022

우리(we) 내년(來年 = 올(오다(come)+ㄹ(modifier)) 내 + 해(year) 년 = next year)을(object marker) 기다리다(wait) + 면서(while)

-> while we wait for next year

남다(remain) + 은(modifier) 올해(the current year)도(as well) 행복하게(happily) 보내(spend)요

-> let's spend the rest of this year happily as well



-ㄹ꼬지 = -ㄹ 것 + 지 (you will ..., right?)


"꿈꾸는 마음으로" "with a dream's soul" -> dreams come true

"부탁해" "I beg you" -> save me save you

"이달의 소녀" "girl of a month" -> Loona



그거 그냥 듣는 사람에게 제일 기억에 남은 가사이에요



누누 너무 예뻐~




replay replay replay

한국어 제목: 누누 너무 예뻐

영어로 제목: replay


지 마 = don't

지 = right?


#M2 #릴레이댄스


상큼 발랄함으로 가득 찬 릴레이 댄스가 있다⁉

is it a refreshing relay dance full of livelyness?

상큼 = refreshing

발랄하다 = lively, vivid

가득 = full

차다 = to be full of


바로바로 첫사랑의 첫 릴레이 댄스😍

it's csr's first relay dance

바로바로 unveiling something


영상 보시면서 행복 가득 에너지 충전하세요🤗

while watching the video fully charge your energy




왜 그렇게 예뻐요


네... 겟 업! 겟 업!

다섯 명에 예쁜 베이비가 삼치브러(??) ?? 일어났습니다

베이비복스 - 겟 업



아 신화방송 48회이었어요

하지만 47와 48 다 진짜 웃겨요 추천!


most commonly added to names for young women and children




일본인이 바보야




you -> other person OR other person -> you



person with higher status -> you



you -> person with higher status


부탁을 드리다

asking for person with higher status -> you

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa why it's so hard

it's just two fucking simple words in english: "please give me" and "please take it"

why did they make it so complex with those stupid 주다 and 드리다 which can mean both but you can't be sure which one is which

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa hate it




person with higher status -> you

don't forget this post regarding (으)시 >>829457

plus context probably plays a lot here, maybe it's better with it



I just can't understand why do they like to decipher meaning from the whole sentence, instead of coming with just one more word to distinguish give/take


so essentially 주세요 = !드리다 = 부탁드리다

please kill me




i humbly request you


내 죽여라

내 죽여

제 죽여요

제 죽여 줘

제 죽여 주세요

제 죽여 주십시오

제 죽여 부탁드려요

제 죽여 부탁드립니다

제 죽여 제발 부탁드립니다



-시- is what's called the subject honorifics (주체 존대): it honors the subject, from the speaker's perspective.


드리다 is an instance of object honorifics (객체 존대): it honors the object, from the subject's perspective.

almost got it, but it's more complicated than I thought

I have to fix all my schemes again




부탁을 드리다

부탁 is a request, so here you're extending(giving) the request to the person of higher status. It's the same case as




you -> person with higher status

as long as you remember what 부탁 is.

You can also build all of these >>835182 if you know 주다/드리다 and 시 separately.

What you're doing is similar to


please give me


give me


please give it to me


give it to me please


give it!


pls gib


make me the possessor of this thing, if you'd be so kind

You don't have to memorize every possible combination of everything


나[를] 죽여 줘

저[를] 죽여 주세요

kill my X -> kill me O




(giving) the request to the person of higher status

ha, nice way of thinking about it


kill my X


if you know 주다/드리다 and 시 separately

what I didn't know is that we have to take 4 people and 3 relations into account

we </> person we're talking with

we </> person we're talking about </> person who's affected but the action of the person we're talking about

if we're teacher and talking about teacher, don't need to use 시

if we're not teacher, have to use 시

if teacher gave something to student, it's 주(시)다

if teacher gave something to principal, it's 드리(시)다

it becomes simpler if some of those people are the same, but imo a bit convoluted in general case




general case

it's probably easier (i.e. more efficient) just to practice more and build intuition-based model instead

i.e. "feeling of what's right in the language"


"build the full scheme with all corner cases and be able to trace all the rules for some specific case"

but for me the second option just feels better and funnier


+ relation between speaker and listener



아니요, 저는 한국어를 또 좋아해요


I'm curious in what kind of books do they properly explain 상대/주체/객체 높임법, 하십시오체/하오체/하게체, etc

certainly not in KGU Beginner/Intermediate


안 돼



Probably right when it comes to real world usage



seems like that wiki page contains all information you need to know

why didn't I check it earlier


웅? 힛ㅎ

yes? hih


need to remember that 드리다 is 객체 높임법 therefore you can't be object and therefore it's always other people who get result of that action, not you



honorific method from historical dramas is not classified in this category, but is classified as applying a separate grammatical item called 'politeness law'


주님, 저희를 불쌍히 여기소서


왜 그렇게 우겨요



좋은 역사 드라마 있어요? 킹돔 시즌 1 봤는데 오래 전이었어요

듣고 싶어요


높다 = high

높이다 = make higher (높다 + 히)

높임 = making higher (+ㅁ = noun)

법 = way

높임법 = honorification


ㅈ-전하.. 죄를 사하소서






1270×24909.31Mb00:11221203 STAYC(스테이씨) Manila Isa Pose [mq9fWc8sOV8]


야 = night 이잖아요? 그래서 야동 = video of the night



거기 만지면 안 돼요...



주님, 더 가람의 사진을 제발 보내 부탁드리사옵나이다


why is it 드립니다 instead of 드리십시오?

shouldn't it be imperative



ah, no,

드리다 = subject gave to object

부탁드리다 = subject made request to object

you can't force yourself with imperative


though if you're asking other subject to do something for object, it can be imperative, e.g.


If he's telling his grandson to bring something to the kid's mother (let's say the grandfather's daughter-in-law), he would say 드리다 speaking from the standpoint of the grandson, as in 그거 엄마 갖다드려라


you -> asking teacher -> do something for principal

드리다 + 시 + 십시오



먼저 2023년 계묘년을 맞이해 토끼띠 걸그룹 멤버들이 총출동, 아린(오마이걸), 최유정(Weki Meki), YENA(최예나), (여자)아이들 우기, 츄가 통통 튀는 무대를 꾸며 새해의 힘찬 시작을 알린다.

계묘년 = year of the gyemyo (year of the black rabbit)

맞이하다 = to receive, welcome match up with guests or smn

토끼띠 = year of the rabbbit

총출동 = general mobilization 또? 그만해

통통 튀는 = bubbly, bouncy

꾸미다 = to decorate

힘찬 = powerful, energetic

알리다 = to introduce

how are 맞이해 and 꾸며 mid sentence ? sorry about the following attempt

firstly, year 2023 gyemyo welcoming year of the rabbit girl group member mobili*tion, arin yooj yena ugi chuu bubbly stage decorates/introduces the new year's powerful beginning.


과연 ‘99즈’가 픽한 새해 첫 곡은 무엇일지, 기분 좋은 설렘이 샘솟는다

과연 = indeed

픽한 = picking (one up)

곡 = song

설레다 = to be excited, fluttered

샘솟다 = to surge up

indeed what might be the first song for new years picked by 99z, the good feeling excitement surges.



나도 창문에서 찰칵!!📸❤️

i click at the window too

찰칵 = click

계단이 너무 오래됐는데..






2022.12.22 Mnet Japan Winter Party 🍒🎄

221222 엠넷 일본 겨울 파티 🍒🎄




가람도 주세요

210×750991.39Kb00:12[FULL] EP#21. 우아와우LAND (with woo!ah!, 스페셜DJ 조유리) [BLYACOg6tcM]




how are 맞이해 and 꾸며 mid sentence ?

그게 '-어서' 의 줄임인 거 같아요:


...가 통통 튀는 무대를 꾸며

이거 '...가 (통통 튀는 무대)를 구며' 라는 뜻인 거 같아요. 좀 이상한데도 무대의 장식품이 멤버들 자체인 거 같아요. 아마 'these members decorate a bubbly stage and energetically introduce the New Year' 로 번역할 수 있어요


the good feeling excitement surges

이건 JAV 제목처럼 들려요 ㅋㅋㅋ


'아니오' 쓰면 돼요. 해요체에도 그래요







네, 잠시 전에도 봤어요

혹시, 아니오 -> 하오체?




Actually, let me correct that. It seems that 아니요 is the proper form when it is used as an interjection, even though people often mistakenly use 아니오 instead. I always thought it was the other way around. So you can use 아니요 with 하십시오체, but if you want to be extra safe you can also avoid using it as an interjection and just say "아닙니다" as a full sentence instead


혹시, 아니오 -> 하오체?

네, 그래요






avoid using it as an interjection and just say "아닙니다" as a full sentence instead

I got my mistake 아니요 is 존댓말, not 해요체 (one category upper)


546×498498.01Kb00:02이달의소녀탐구 #88 (LOOΠΔ TV #88)



f -> ㅍ -> p




Add oil

1280×72018.93Mb01:23액정 필름 바꾸겠습니다 | tripleS 트리플에스 : SIGNAL WEEKLY 221210 [EQHqFxmPKY0]

고맙습니다 안녕히가세요~



3개 언어 레이아웃을 바꾸는 너무 피곤해요

(우리 나라 언어, 영어, 한국어)




고 싶어하다



싶 십



seems like there's no reason you would 하지 마셔?

시 = you respect subject

지 말다 = command

if you making command and respect subject, you would use both 시 and 존댓말

i.e. there's no way subject and object would be different people with 지 말다?

unless it's something like

you -> telling friend -> make teacher stop doing something

but you won't probably use 지 말다 in that case



1920×10802.04Mb00:15[더 패뷸러스 OST Part 2] 조유리 (JO YURI) - Run (Female Ver.) MV


내가 '사랑해' 이렇게 말하면 네 대답은 '나도' 이게 전부야

내가 = 나(I) + 가(subject marker)

'사랑해' 이렇게(like this) 말하(say)면(if)

네(your) 대답(answer)은(topic marker) '나(me)도(too)'

이게 = 이(this) + 것(thing) + 이(subject marker)


-> you answer 'me too' and that's all


내가 먼저 사귀자고 했고 내가 먼저 키스했고 내가 먼저 안겼어, 그리고...

내가 먼저(first) 사귀(date)자(let's)고(quote) 했(said)고(and)

내가 먼저 키스했(kissed)고

내가 먼저 안겼어

'안기다' 는 '안다'(to hug) 의 피동사(passive verb)예요. 여기는 'threw myself in your arms' 라는 뜻인 거 같아요.


그리고 내가 먼저 헤어지자고 했어

헤어지다 = split up


신기해요. 반말이랑 존댓말을 섞으시고 계시는 거 같아요


아직까지는 팔자고 하지 마십쇼


어깃장을 놓고 그렇게 하지 마쇼




하지 마쇼


하지 마십쇼

네... 이해가 안 와요



제 생각에는: 에?




조유리 (JO YURI) - Run (Female Ver.) MV


그 여자는 유리가 아니에요



'마세요' 랑 '마십시오' 를 줄인 거 같아요


ㅋㅋㅋ 근데 가수가 유리이죠


여러분 행복한 크리스마스를 지내시기를 바라요








꾸미다 needn't be translated as "decorate" here. If performers are the subject of the verb, 무대를 꾸미다 can just mean perform, put on a performance, or prepare a performance. My translation would be:

"Firstly, to welcome in the year of the black rabbit, girl group members born in the year of the rabbit [1999] will be mobilized. Arin, Yoojung, Yena, Yuqi and Chuu will get the new year off to a powerful start with an upbeat performance."




oh, I got it, seems like subs are wrong하십시오체


하오체와 비슷하게 '-(으)십쇼'로 줄일 수는 있지만, 높임의 정도가 높은 만큼 보통은 축약하지 않고 '-(으)십시오'로 그대로 쓴다.

so 십쇼 is short for 십시오

so seems like he said 마쇼 first time and 마십쇼 the second which are just short forms of formal polite command

not 마셔 (마 + 시 + 어)!


시 + 어 = 셔

셔 + 요 = 세요

시 + 오 = 쇼




oh, I got it, seems like subs are wrong

I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss a native speaker who transcribes videos professionally, specially since they chose to use that sentence in the video title. If it were a mere typo, they would have fixed it. I think the old man just likes to mix things up. Even if you ignore that 마셔, he is still using 거야, 합시다, 마십쇼, 해야지, 마쇼, 되니까 all within that one exchange.



It was subbed that way to reflect the man's non-standard pronunciation for comic effect - though it is more often the case that subtitles will correct non-standard speech and 비표준어.


높다 + 이 -> 높이다

많다 + 이 -> 많이?



다른 '-이' 예요. '높이다' 는 사동사(causative verb)이고 '많이' 는 부사(adverb)예요


politeness style ✕ tense ✕ intention ✕ type of word ✕ word

I need 5D table to make example for all possible combination of endings



그럴 필요는 없다네. 집착하지 말게. 천천히 익숙해지면 되는 거일세.



지한이가 너무 예쁘네요


저희도 그런 걸 말했는데 kchanon은 그냥 테이블 만들기 좋아요 ㅋㅋ




그냥 테이블 만들기 좋아요






근데 외국 이름이면 '이' 를 안 붙여도 된다고 했어요



외국 이름하고 붙을 수 있어요

그런데 조금 이상하게 보일 수 있어요



알겠어요 앞으로 kchanon 씨라고 부를게요

저는 몇 년 전에 같이 공부하는 친구가 있었어요. 그 때에 저희가 농담으로 서로에게 '친구 님' 이라고 불렀었어요 ㅋㅋㅋ 웃겼어요


누가 예뻐요? Who's beautiful?

지한이가 예뻐요. Jihan

지한이는 너무 예쁘고 귀여워요. As for Jihan she's very beautiful and cute


I watched 5 different videos about 는vs가 and got all those examples and basic concept

but still when I need to write some sentence in korean, I have trouble finding out what I should use in my particular case



제가 한국 분이랑 얘기하고 있어서 그분은 이렇게 '-시기' 랑 '좋다' 하면 부자연스럽다고 하셨어요. 대신에


Kchanon 씨는 테이블을 만드는 걸 좋아해요



Kchanon 씨께서 테이블을 만드시기를 좋아하세요

라고 하면 더 자연스럽다고 하셨어요.

여기는 '좋다' 대신에 '좋아하다' 고 하면 낫는 거 같아요. 그리고 '만들다' 만에 '-시' 를 붙이면 안 될 거 같아요.

존댓말은 어렵네요


다 인정해요


이특 씨! 그러면 안 돼요! ㅋㅋㅋ


That is something that foreign learners tend to struggle with. I'm not sure if this is the best way, but what I try to do is only use 는 when I'm changing the subject, contrasting something with something else or if the sentence already has another subject. Sometimes I just use it without thinking, though.




이특 씨! 그러면 안 돼요!

참 열심히 하던 후배에게 수고했단 말을 하고 싶었을 뿐..ㅜㅜ



저도 그래요. 한자를 읽는 거보다 쓰는 게 너무 어려워요


ㅋㅋㅋ 아 그랬어요? 진짜 예쁜 후배이기 때문이 아니었어요?


다른 테이블을 만들었어요


You learned in Lesson 1 that sentences with adjectives cannot act on an object. Thus, you cannot have a word with the particle ~을/를 attached to it if the predicating word in a sentence is an adjective (because ~을/를 indicates an object in a sentence).


나는 펜을 있다 = I have a pen


However, the sentence above is incorrect. 있다 is an adjective and cannot act on an object like this. Therefore, the use of ~을 on “펜” is incorrect. To get around this, we can attach ~이/가 to the object instead of ~을/를 in sentences with 있다.

I didn't know you have to use 이/가 with 있다/없다 because they are adjectives

this makes me want to read howtostudykorean 머리부터 발끝까지, but I've already committed to other books and it would be stupid to start from beginning and read information that I already know one more time

but if I would skip through its lessons too much, I can miss important pieces of the language like this one

what do

I want go to the past, erase my memory and just read howtostudykorean

why did I use other books, 진짜 바보야


'아니다'도 형용사이네요


but 나다/내다, 끝나다/끝내다 are both verbs



트리만 있으면 언제든 크리스마스지🎄❤

even if there's just a tree any time is christmas innit



서인영 그리고 김예원 좋아



ㅋㅋ 잘 했어요. 예문도 만들어 보세요


저는 단어를 배우면 동사이나 형용사인지 외우는 거 대신에 단어의 뜻에 그것을 외워 봐요. 예를 들면

있다: to exist, be present physically, remain in a certain state

-> [저는] 펜이 있어요 = [as for me] there is a pen, a pen exists

가지다: to own, possess, have on you

-> [제가] 펜을 가져요 = [I] have a pen (on me)


나다 = come out, 내다 = bring out (make come out)

-> [차는] 소리가 나요 = [as for the the car] a sound comes out

-> [차가] 소리를 내요 = [the car] produces a sound (makes the sound come out)

끝나다 = [something] to end, 끝내다 = to finish something

-> [저는] 그 일이 끝났어요 = [as for me] the work ended/is over

-> [제가] 그 일을 끝냈어요 = [I] finished the work

저는 이렇게 해서 더 쉽게 기억하더라고요


는: topic, general fact, comparison

가: current experience, who, grammar (subject는 object가 adjective)




있다: to exist, be present physically

it doesn't explain why can't you write

제가 펜을 있어요


for me "because you can't use 를 with adjective" explanation works the best


but what's the fundamental difference between 내다 and 나다

i.e. is there general rule when it should be "object를 verb" and when "object가 verb"



in many places they call adjectives descriptive verbs, works great here




it doesn't explain why can't you write


제가 펜을 있어요

It does. This means "I exist a pen" which doesn't make sense in English either. It's an intransitive verb.


but what's the fundamental difference between 내다 and 나다

내다 is the causative form of 나다. 내다 means to cause something to 나다


i.e. is there general rule when it should be "object를 verb" and when "object가 verb"

Yes, the general rule is that "object가 verb" doesn't make sense since 가 is a subject marker. That fake-object explanation is already confusing you. When you say 펜이 있다, 펜 is the subject of that sentence. As when you say 지한이가 예쁘다, 지한 is also the subject.

Korean does not have adjectives like English, it has descriptive verbs like >>837397 says. They're still verbs, they just describe characteristics of the subject, in contrast with 동사, i.e. action verbs, which describe actions performed by the subject.




내다 is the causative form of 나다

나 + 이 = 내?



I mean object in terms of it's not a person or animal which do things on its own, but still have certain characteristics like big, red, etc. like "thing"


I exist a pen

ah, I see, you used "exist" as a translation for 있다. but some korean sources would also say it means "have"

but imo remembering exact translations for words to decide whether it's 를 or 가 isn't better than keeping in mind that 있다 is adjective therefore it's 가

it helps in terms of 나다/내다 though since there're both verbs


descriptive verbs

yeah, I know, but still there's difference between them, they're not exactly the same


but we can keep in mind whether we use it as 동사 or 형용사




동사, i.e. action verbs, which describe actions performed by the subject

some 동사 like 나다 actually allow inanimate object (thing) to act

like "일이 끝났어요" "work ended"

in my head it sounds like "work made some actions to end itself"

maybe my understanding is wrong though



끝났어요 is passive so anyone couda made it end

not sure how it fits in with action verb theory but I guess main point is it ended

googol says opposite of descriptive verb is processive verb, maybe that's your next hunting ground for truth




나 + 이 = 내?



but some korean sources would also say it means "have"

You can use it when translating English sentences that use "have," but it doesn't mean "have," it means "exist." You could say 저는 펜이 많아요 which would be naturally translated into English as "I have a lot of pens" but does 많다 also mean to have a lot of? It just means to be numerous. "As for me, pens are numerous." The fact that English uses "have" to express the same idea is coincidental.


but imo remembering exact translations for words to decide whether it's 를 or 가 isn't better than keeping in mind that 있다 is adjective therefore it's 가

IMO it's better because I then know exactly what it means and I don't get confused by my own thoughts. But if you find that it's easier to remember that adjectives are all intransitive and this particular verb is an adjective, then go ahead.


but we can keep in mind whether we use it as 동사 or 형용사

If you're deciding wether to use 이/가 or 를, then you actually don't have to keep that in mind. It's intransitive either way, so it won't take an object.


In my head it's "the work's end came out." But inanimate objects can in fact perform actions, like falling, rolling, exploding, crushing. Action doesn't imply purpose here



reminds me of papago recommending 가지다 (to posess) in translation every time a sentence includes "has"

but idk if I've ever heard 가지다 used




processive verb




'이'가 너무 재미있어요


It's intransitive either way, so it won't take an object


IMO it's better because I then know exactly what it means

it's probably my Anki flashbacks when I had too many cards to review and eventually burnt out so I don't want to remember anything anymore


the work's end came out

probably I'm trying to put too much logic into language, at the point it's not longer effective because there're always tons of exceptions in linguistics. but that way I don't need to remember anything, it's just connections between concepts




'이'가 너무 재미있어요

but it's the thing that sometimes makes active passive and other times passive active and you can't predict which one


my understanding at the morning: 있다 is adjective therefore can't be used with 를

my understanding at the evening: 있다 is both 동사 and 형용사 but 형용사 are all intransitive and 동사 있다 is intransitive therefore can't be used with 를



You might see it commonly in "have something on you as you do something else" specially "bring/take something"


카메라 갖고 와

-> Bring the camera (grab the camera and come)


의자 좀 갖다 주세요

-> Please bring me a chair (go grab a chair and then give it to me)

갖다 is 가지다's 줄임 말 by the way


저는 Anki가 싫어요


ㅋㅋㅋ 미안해요




설명해서 너무 감사합니다


비는 와요

as for the rain: it's going

눈이 와요

비는 안 와요

it's snowing

but there's no rain

왜 그 틀리는 거 몰라요



maybe you can't use 는 with action verb when there's no other subject?

so it can only be something like 비는 차갑다



이어 “팬분들과 새로운 콘셉트로 빨리 만날 날을 기대하고 있다. 이제 루나솔라태령이 아닌 임정민으로 기억해주셨으면 좋겠다”는 당찬 포부를 드러냈다

continuing on by saying "i am waiting with fans for the day we meet with a new concept. now i would like if you'd remember me as not taeryeong but im jeongmin" she confidently revealed her ambitions

당찬 = confident

포부 = plans, ambitions





뭐 했어요? 비디오를 보고 있었어요?




You can use it when translating English sentences that use "have," but it doesn't mean "have," it means "exist."

Sorry to bring this up again, but I was thinking about what it means to mean something (if you know what I mean ) and I think I can express this better. If you take an idiomatic expression, the whole expression can mean something while the words that compose it might not carry that meaning by themselves. For example if you say "back up a file" it means to make a copy of the file, even though neither "back" nor "up" have anything to do with copying by themselves. So in the context of translations, you can have something like


오늘 지한이한테 나랑 결혼하자고 했는데 그가 싫다고 해서 저는 마음이 아파요

which you can naturally translate as


Today I asked Jihan to marry me and she said no, so I'm heart broken

Here "저는 마음이 아파요" means "I'm heart broken" but individually 아프다 does not mean to be broken. It means to hurt, to be in pain. The fact that the whole sentence is more naturally expressed in English using "broken" doesn't change 아프다's individual meaning. And I think the same actually applies to 싫다 which means to be bad or not likable, but here it's translated as "no" simply because in English it's more natural to refuse a proposal with "no" than with "getting married to you is bad."



it's going


근데 틀린 건가요?


아직 비는 안 와요.


흐리지만 비는 안와요




Well I guess the guy explains his reasoning. You wouldn't want to say that, in general, rain comes, but you can still use 는 for contrast



sometimes it's just hard to understand when you see "you can't do that" even though all previous rules you know seem to allow that




저는 마음이 아파요

"제 마음이" 더 간단하죠?



네, 그래요


그러도 되는데 제가 저를 지한이랑 대조하고 싶었어요. 지한이는 마음이 괜찮은데 저는 마음이 아파요.





지한이는 마음이 괜찮은데 저는 마음이 아파요


baby box


저는 다 중요한 vlive의 비디오를 저장했어요



fancams - yes

there're reuploads on youtube but quality might be worse


류진의 섹시 댄스 잘린 것 같아요


은비 -> eunbi

한글 -> hangul



저는 인터넷 포럼에 '한글' 대신에 '한굴' 썼어요



영어의 "hangul" 때문에!!!! 미국인이 바보야!!!!


Jeju is not mutually intelligible with the mainland dialects of South Korea


제주 태어난 케이팝 아이돌이 있어요?


Another distinct aspect of Jeju is the matriarchal family structure, found especially in Udo and Mara, but also present in the rest of the province. The best-known example of this is found among the haenyeo ("sea women"), who were often the heads of families, because they controlled the income. They earned their living from freediving, often all year round in quite cold water without scuba gear, in order to harvest abalones, conches, and a myriad of other marine products. It is thought that women are better at spending all day deep-water diving because they resist the cold better.






Note that in Early Modern Korean (1600—c. 1900) and in contemporary Standard North Korean, Sino-Korean 여 (女, yeo, “female”) is written and pronounced 녀 (nyeo), hence 녀자


The bare Sino-Korean morphemes 남 (男, nam, “male”) and 여 (女, yeo, “female”) ... are commonly written in hanja even when the rest of the text is in pure Hangul script

imagine now knowing hanja but restroom is labeled with 男/女 and you don't know which one is which



왜 그 루다 씨가 그렇게 슬퍼요


루다하고 같이 화장실에 가요


你好~ 이런이 없죠? 제가 왔어요


그리고 "입을 삐죽 내밀다" "삐죽" "입술삐죽 우주소녀 루다"

그리고 "볼을 불룩하게 부풀리다"

그리고 "토라진 모습"



무슨 뜻이에요?

2160×38404.98Mb00:10[예능연구소] JO YURI - Loveable(조유리 - 러버블) FanCam | Show! MusicCore | MBC221119방송 [qu2_YE075vM]


가사를 읽어봤어요?

선미도 바닥에 자주 누워서 그 녀자의 가사가 무엇을 알아나 봐요




You are my eternal soulmate


Underline the love


You are my eternal soulmate


Underline the love

이해가 안 와요




널 보고 있으면 모든 걸 다 잊어버려 니가 나를 가득 채워


널 안고 있으면 모든 게 완벽해 이대로 영원히 있고 싶어



서든 어택 + ? = 서린이



새로운 스레드 만들어 주세요






동사/형용사 논쟁

테이블 만들기


왕비는 "거울아, 거울아, 세상에서 누가 제일 예쁘니?"하고 물어봤어요



웃긴지 모르는데 좀 섹시해요




거울아 거울아 이 세상에 주가 제일 예쁘니


진짜 그 동화에 대해서 불러요!


howtostudykorean은 "라고/하고 하다" 문법이 없어요



or maybe it's just special case for "noun라고 하다"




oops was thinking of examples with omitted 말- like in the link, the pic has an even fancier version

good explanation




problem with KGU is that it doesn't try to do those type of high-level reasoning about korean grammar, it just shows you grammar constructions you need to use. therefore it's harder to understand (at least for me)

though I'm not sure howtostudykorean is 100% right in his reasonings either



the fella who says thing is topic (는) and the thing that is said is the subject ((이)라고)



is it okay to think of 는 as the main actor pointer you use if 이/가 is used up elsewhere

(apart from the comparison 는 meme)

채원이 모자가 있어요 (X)

채원은 모자가 있어요 (O)


해라체 다 -> 다고 하다 declarative

해라체 라 -> 라고 하다 imperative

해라체 자 -> 자고 하다 propositive

해라체 니 -> 냐고 하다 interrogative

니 -> 냐 왜요






해라체 대신에 하라체예요. -어라 -> -(으)라 바꿔야 돼요

해라! -> 하라고 했어

하지 마라! -> 하지 말라고 했어

밥 먹어라! -> 밥 먹으라고 했어

해라체로도 -냐 할 수 있어요


어디에 있냐? 뭐 하냐? 밥 먹었냐?

근데 인용에는 -니/냐 -> -(으/느)냐 바꿔요

어디 가니? -> 어디 가냐고 했어

괜찮니? -> 괜찮으냐고 했어

자신 있니? -> 자신 있느냐고 했어

'있다' 는 여기 형용사이지만 동사처럼 '-느냐' 붙여야 돼요

그리고 불규칙 받침도 달라요

지한이가 왜 그렇게 예쁘고 귀엽니? -> 지한이가 왜 그렇게 예쁘고 귀여우냐고 했어

떡볶이가 너무 맵니? -> 떡볶이가 너무 매우냐고 했어






하라체 is not for conversation. It is only used for written style in an advertisement and a declamation. And 하라체 doesn't raise or lower addressee, while 해라체 lower addressee.



I need to fix my schemas again해라체

they mix 하라체 and 해라체 here for some reason

so 서술체 = 하라체 actually?


해라체로도 -냐 할 수 있어요


-어라 -> -(으)라



방금 그 테이블을 봤어요









I thought I finally got 높임법, but no, it's still 5 times more complex




괜찮니? -> 괜찮으냐고 했어

"괜찮다"도 형용사예요


'있다' 는 여기 형용사이지만 동사처럼 '-느냐' 붙여야 돼요

oh, it's also 있는다 in diary form, forgot about it


떡볶이가 너무 매우냐고 했어

it's the same as with (으)면 tho,

맵다 + (으)면 -> 매우 + (으)면 -> 매우면



seems like those are just dialects of 6 main styles, so don't need to worry too much about

just need to understand connection between 해라체, 하라체, 서술체 and quoting



하 + 어라 -> 해라 -> 해라체

하 + (으)라 -> 하라 -> 하라체




they mix 하라체 and 해라체 here for some reason

They consider 하라체 part of 해라체



"괜찮다"도 형용사예요

네. 받침 있는 동사랑 있다/없다 는 '-느냐' 붙이고 형용사는 '-으냐' 붙여요

밥 먹냐? -> 밥 먹느냐고 했어

펜 있냐? -> 펜 있느냐고 했어

괜찮냐? -> 괜찮으냐고 했어

선이 곧냐? (is the line straight?) -> 선이 곧으냐고 했어

(솔직히 규칙적인 받침 있는 형용사 찾는 게 너무 어려워요 ㅋㅋㅋ)

과거는 좀 이상하더라고요. 형용사인지 동사인지 상관 없어요. '-었느냐고' 아니면 '-었냐고' 둘 다 할 수 있는 거 같아요.

어제 그가 예뻤냐? -> 어제 그가 예뻤느냐고/예뻤냐고 했어

어제 뭐 했냐? -> 어제 뭐 했느냐고/했냐고 했어

미래는 그냥 거냐고/것이냐고 하면 돼요

내일 갈 거냐? -> 내일 갈 거냐고/것이냐고 했어


oh, it's also 있는다 in diary form, forgot about it


it's the same as with (으)면 tho,



이것도 맞아요




이것도 맞아요

I just realized that it's the same for all other styles - 하 + imperative ending + 체


과거는 좀 이상하더라고요

kgu doesn't list question quotation for the past/future so I didn't look into it yet


They consider 하라체 part of 해라체

I don't get it

why do they have both 해라체 and 하라체 but don't use 해라체's declarative form and also modified 해라체's imperative form for 하라체 and still have both of those styles and consider them almost the same thing

imo they should have 해라체's declarative = 어 (same as 해체) and rename 하라체 to something different like 서술체 and have different endings for questions/commands

instead, that mix of the lowest form of speaking and neutral diary form doesn't make any sense


우리에게 희망이 있는가? (하라체)


우리에게 희망이 있느냐? (해레차)

also that (and same in kgu) implies they don't actually use 냐 for questions in 하라체?

but at the same time they use 자/라 from 해라체 almost unmodified?

and 라고 in quotations is from 하라체, but 냐고 is from 해라체? or 냐 is 하라체 too?

I can't get it



의문법에는 ‘하냐?’와 ‘하니?’ 두 가지가 있는데, ‘하니?’가 좀 더 부드럽고 친근하게 들린다. 동사의 의문법 종결어미는 '-느냐'이지만, 현재는 '-냐'를 더 많이 사용하는 추세다(예: 어디 가냐?). 형용사의 의문법 종결어미는 '-(으)냐'이지만, '-냐'도 쓰인다(예 이거 뭐 같냐?).나-으-느냐-and오리

seems like there's small difference between 니, 냐, 느냐 but it's not that important




why do they have both 해라체 and 하라체 but don't use 해라체's declarative form and also modified 해라체's imperative form for 하라체 and still have both of those styles and consider them almost the same thing

I couldn't understand this question. They're listing a ton of endings which they consider to be part of 해라체, and that includes the 하라체 ones.


imo they should have 해라체's declarative = 어 (same as 해체) and rename 하라체 to something different like 서술체 and have different endings for questions/commands

But -아/어/여 isn't 해라체, it's 해체.

비가 온다 = 해라체

비가 와 = 해체

I'm not sure what part of the page you were looking at, but these are the declarative endings they list:


-(ㄴ/는)다, -(ㄴ/는)단다, -(이)란다, -(이/었/겠)거니, -더라, -(으)리라, -(으)리로다, -(으)렷다

-(ㄴ/는)다 being the main declarative ending of 해라체


신기해요. So -냐 is just an abbreviation of -으/느냐, but you shouldn't abbreviate it when quoting a question in the present tense.




They're listing a ton of endings which they consider to be part of 해라체

I mean "impolite speaking" and "diary form" are conceptually way too different things


But -아/어/여 isn't 해라체, it's 해체.

yes, but in my head that looks simpler

anyway, they already use 는가 of 하게체 in 하라체, so not a big problem


(ㄴ/는)다 being the main declarative ending of 해라체

yes, but they don't use it for speaking, so it's strange


GLASSY 모여라!🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️

glassy gather around ya donkeys!


조유리가 가장 조유리다울 수 있는 공간,


엠넷플러스 플러스 라이브에 올라운더 조유리가 찾아옵니다✨

the space where joyuri can be jo yuri the most,

all rounder joyuri comes to mnetplus plus live

울 수 있는?

공간 = space

찾아오다 = to visit, drop by


다가올 조유리의 라이브 소식을 놓치고 싶지 않다면,


미리 [플러스 라이브]에 Join해 두는 건 필수!😉

if you don't want to miss news of joyuri's approaching live,

you need to join [plus live] in advance

다가오다 = to approach

놓치다 = to miss, lose

미리 = in advance, ahead of time

두다 = to put, set place

Join해 두는 것 = setting a join? joining?


그럼 곧 만나요 GLASSY 여러분💛

so we meet soon glassies


조유리와 GLASSY가 서로에게 더욱 가까워질 수 있도록

so that joyuri and glassy can become more close




so that joyuri and glassy can become more close



cool sounding brands:


dum sounding brands:

유니버스 🚌

위버스 🚌

엠넷 플러스 플러스


"banger" 한국어로 어떻게 말해요



I think I get it now. You weren't talking about namu, you were talking about what endings you think Koreans should use for 반말 and for narration


yes, but they don't use it for speaking, so it's strange

They use (ㄴ/는)다 a lot when making exclamations. For example, see



ya donkeys!


울 수 있는?

-답다 인 거 같아요

조유리 + 답다 + 을 수 있다


Join해 두는 것 = setting a join? joining?

'-어 있다' 랑 비슷한 거 같아요. 멈추지 말고 그대로 계속하는 것이요

문을 열어 두세요 = leave the door open (open it and leave it that way)

문이 열려 있어요 = the door is open (was opened and remains that way)

Join해 두는 것은 'joining and continuing being a member' 인 뜻인 거 같아요





존나 좋은 노래 ㅋㅋ




when making exclamations

I meant in conversations



I asked a Korean grammar teacher about this. She said that both would be correct, even though I showed her that the correct usage for a verb is ~느냐고. I asked her if a student uses ~냐고 (without ~느) on her Korean language exam, would she mark it as incorrect. She said “No, because that’s the way we use it all the time.”

seems like that 느 is completely optional, so it's easier just to use 냐고






문을 열어 두세요 = leave the door open (open it and leave it that way)




talking to yourself

maybe the logic behind it is that you don't deserve any respect per se, but still you don't want to humiliate yourself, so the lowest polite form becomes neutral (just no respect)

but it's still hard to wrap my head around it

e.g. wouldn't it be more logical to be polite in newspapers with 하십시오체, because you are talking to a lot of people at once

or maybe the descriptive form just doesn't count as conversation? because when you read it you essentially talking to yourself, not listen to somebody other's voice?


에디션 에디션 에디션..



느냐/냐가/냐 에디션



V+지 = V -> N

N + 만 = just





솔직히 규칙적인 받침 있는 형용사 찾는 게 너무 어려워요


1280×720591.35Kb00:01토끼즈 토댕즈 그 사이 어딘가... 🐰🐶

내가 널 얼마나 사랑하는지 알아?



토메이토 토마토



제 테이블을 사용해 봐요

though to remember it you probably need to make your own table, that's just how our memory works

살다 + (으)ㄴ -> 사 + (으)ㄴ -> 사

we just skip ㄹ and since 사 ends with vowel, no need to use (으)

that rule doesn't work only with ㅅ irregular, but that's easy to remember



"맛있는다고 해요"?


Per Kimo’s explanation on how 있다 can be used either as a verb or an adjective, it is technically correct to say “- 질문하고 있는다 / - 답하고 계신다”. However this sounds extremely unusual over the choice of “- 질문하고 있다 / 답하고 계시다”