Kchanons First Love Edition
>1. No sexual fantasies or porn content
>2. Do not insult idols
>3. Behave like adults
#210 International Thread
2681 posts and 2326 files omitted
See allyeah, they are terrible
>like Twice or SNSD
So mental illness and kicking a member
lee lewda is plenty tall and beautiful enough
forgot your cher
*plenty beautiful and tall enough
might give the lizard race another chance
i was just saving those
forgot your chaer
Bought Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order on sale today
It's very beautiful, but the mechanics are kinda wonky
can you slice off limbs like you're Obi Wan or is it like stabbing people with a fork?
can's slice people into bits because Disney wanted to keep the Teen rating
cool skirt
the new Hogwarts game looks surprisingly good
I seen like a 15 min gameplay trailer
Look at this nerd
Is this their actual size
I won't be able to play it
yuqi facam when
1 write all day
2 don't
2 (1-2)
real question is Shu when
can't run it?
we can't not get her, she was the 2nd best
I can't buy anything in Russia
aren't they about to legalize torrenting?
i just read that still almost 70% of russians think the war is justified. is this true? do you guys live under such propaganda that you unironically think ukrainians are nazis?
they're also not allowed to say it's not justified probably
yes you can literally get 13 years of prison if you publicly call it an attacking war
but it was supposedly some independent anonymous poll asking people
what's gonna happen to that lady on the news?
who is that?
don't know, maybe that was against the law and she'll get convicted or she'll just disappear mysteriously
nice dubu
buttons on a dress?
based anti buttons guy
sometimes when I don't eat for hours I feel like I'm getting a panic attack
sounds plausible https://www.quora.com/Can-hunger-cause-anxiety
but i don't eat all the time
you're right, I should eat an apple
what does that have to do with anything
do you know who this is?
I think I know
sounds like it's directly related to your diet, look at the link
shut up asshole
it says you probably have low blood sugar when you're hungry which makes you irritable
then there's a tip on what to eat to keep sugar in your blood longer after eating
you're saying >>717384 as if it means it doesn't apply to you, which confuses me, because it pretty much says eating before you get hungry would help with the panic attacks
close, it's actually Metalzoa!
we're you correct?
i'm not even that guy. just saying it could also mean that's why i'm anxious at times. then you started being a dick about it
I was so close
what's metal about her?
it gets misleading when you jump into a conversation like that, that's why people say something like "not him but..."
wasn't trying to be, I was so confused by it that was the best reply I could come up with
still am but it's fine
don't you see her copper shining coating?
zoa + metal coating = metalzoa
posting leader-nim
this place could use some leadership right now
she's really pretty, easily Jihan/Zoa tier for me
ok now what?
some jayhi for the restless and broken out there
that's the whole task, you can carry on doing whatever you were doing now
does she dislike us?
I was looking at kpops
no that was someone else
I can't read spanish
what does it say?
Reacting to brazilian fan comments
ok but que fofo?
fofo is really a real word?
>Jiu: anything else?
< and one Jiu please
smart move, she was on sale that day
save your memes
>>717423 ➡>>717423 ➡>>717423 ➡
>>717423 ➡>>717423 ➡>>717423 ➡
one of the most beautiful girls in the world