kchanon's love at first sight edition
>1. No sexual fantasies or porn content
>2. Do not insult idols
>3. Behave like adults
Last week:
>Billlie released a very comfy song
>tripleS arrived in the great land of the free and already toured a couple of venues, sadly kch's favorite S sohyun got sick and had to sit out for some of the venue dates
>Blockberry took more Ls but is not giving up yet
>Kep1er visited Europe
please come to other countries too>Korea celebrated Chuseok and our girls had some much deserved days off to spend with their families
Next week:
>NewJeans will release a song as the LoL Worlds 2023 anthem on Oct 4
>IVE will drop their second pre-release single Off The Record on Oct 6
>(G)I-DLE will come back on Oct 6
>We will be celebrating the birthdays of GFRIEND Yuju, Hanni, Lua, Nicole noona, Yunjin, Suzy (our actress) and CLC Seunghee