's over edition there's no way these deps of deps will all be caught there must be tens of these in the wild already
#5 SciTech Thread
>no cross-env
>no jest
we're back
>tens of these in the wild
not in the wild, just for high-profile targets
you won't spend 0-day RCE on normies
>please help>relied on more than 1,000 people in India watching and labeling videos
damn, if amazon gives up on it it means ai labeling has failed there will never be automated transcriptions except the current ones where a fifth of the translations are expected to be wrong
(which kpop fans have been used to for 10 years theres no difference between whisper and most pre-ai fansubs)
no formatter or linter yet
rces sure but supply chain attacks seem to affect a heckload of normies alongside high profile targets
lol'ed at the pic
>supply chain attacks seem to affect a heckload of normies
you just need to update very fast once those vulns go public
if you're late by few days/weeks then yeah, you're fucked
but in theory you might have no time to update and still be fucked, yeah...
or perhaps update very very slowly >>1057289 ➡
security patches are on auto update but as a secondary safety measure i also have some internet money on this compoter on a dumbass browser extension, once that is gone i know im hakt and its time to go off grid
>as a secondary safety measure i also have some internet money on this compoter on a dumbass browser extension, once that is gone i know im hakt and its time to go off grid
pressure emails lol
microsoft optics
another boring take from him
wait so you cant browse an account on twatter beyond 3000 posts or so but advanced search with date ranges work fine bimbambum i was dum
>DHCP server on these modems hands out leases with the DNS suffix, which means that domains in DNS requests are appended with the suffix. Unfortunately, this setting cannot be modified. Normally this doesn't have to be a problem, but since the beginning of this year the DNS suffix is an actual registered domain and the owner of this domain is not AVM or anyone affiliated to them.
need to write another scraper huh?
bought iphone 15 pro and disappointed with the battery life
I didn't charge it to 100% and used quite extensively but I've got a feeling it's not much better than my old iphone 12...
also original clear case is a bit slippery but why would you hide beautiful titanium under opaque case? makes no sense
maybe should have bought pro max instead but it's expensive and I don't like the size. but at least the battery should be ok
didn't notice the 120 hz difference at all tbh but always on display is very nice and the new dynamic island and action button (although very hard to press in that case )
also bought new airpods pro with usb c so I finally can get rid of stupid lightning but it's so expensive...
need work hard to afford those stupid apple prices...
charged yesterday evening to 100%, in the morning it's 82% even though I almost didn't use it
it's over
I read factory reset might help, what if settings transfer from old iphone turned on some suboptimal setting on a new phone? but I don't want to setup everything from scratch...
so I've just bought expensive phone with shitty battery. please kill me
36% already
wanted to bought 15 plus initially but non-pros are too limited because stupid apple
and pro max is expensive and big and heavier than even plus...
imagine my face if 16 pro would have much better battery life tho
the small pocket in New Jeans is too small, airpods case barely fits
I hope I won’t miss it
now also need to research should I use 12mp vs 24mp vs 48mp heif vs 24mp proraw
>charged yesterday evening to 100%, in the morning it's 82% even though I almost didn't use it
I think it got better this night
maybe it was indexing something first days
so I think 24mp for most photos and 48mp (heif) sometimes if you're planning to zoom/crop
I hate having so many settings because need to spend lots of time on researching each one
nice article
don't like photography much but I also need to understand all those bayer patterns technology
also don't understand the focal things such as 24mm/28mm/35mm
i think the pro models always suffer from bad battery life because of 120hz but with a battery the size of the base model
>charged yesterday evening to 100%, in the morning it's 82% even though I almost didn't use it
that does not sound normal at all though
that is also possible, true
on 14PM i only use heif max, it will shoot up to 48MP if it requires that much detail, less MP if not, but it will always be a small filesize, heif is good, raw is for nerds who need details, you'd only want to shoot in raw a couple pics ever, not a daily thing for sure
>that does not sound normal at all though
>bad battery life because of 120hz but with a battery the size of the base model
yeah, I think I will also use 24mp most and maybe 48mp heif sometimes
not sure about 28mm/38mm 1.2x/1.5x zooms tho, I will probably use just 1x
15 has more and different options for MP and for zooms, i like that
the options they gave for 14PM are more than enough imo, i set it up like that in the camera app settings, and then when you open the camera app you either toggle HEIF max on, shoot up to 48mp if needed, if not less, or toggle it off and it shoots lower detail jpegs, but i stopped using that
you could also long press on it and toggle RAW max but i only used it on some vacation pics, it's really not worth it... heif max is really good and when you share to external apps it will convert it to some sort of jpg if heif is not supported there, e.g. discord
for zooms its a bit different, 14pro series have optical zoom at 3x, 15 pros have it at 5x
the 2x zoom on both should be pretty good, it's not a real zoom but a cropped down photo but it comes out looking fine
1.2 and 1.5x seem to be the same, although the 15 series has some different mechanisms behind it, it is still 3 cameras, so it surely uses the main 48mp camera for anything 1.0-4.99x on the 15pros, just probably does some clever processing behind the scenes
1.2 and 1.5x is probably more intended for PORTRAIT mode shots but i rarely ever used that
either way HEIF MAX is the way to go imo try it out
>either way HEIF MAX is the way to go imo
do you often take 48mp photos?
on my old iphone it was just 12mp and I think it was enough most of the time
now it's 24mp default on iphone 15 pro, I think should be good too
>15 pros have it at 5x
only pro max 15 pro is only 3x optical
but it's ok for me, I don't care about camera much
bought mostly because I thought it would be better battery, because usb-c, 2 esims, av1, always on, dynamic island, things like that
so far I don't think it's much better than my old one tbh, especially for that price. but most features I wanted there so I can live with that
should be enough for few years, I hope new ones would be better (especially in terms of battery)
iPhone 16 Pro 6.3" might be very good too but welp, too tired of waiting anyway
it just decides on its own whether to register it as 48mp or lower
if using jpeg it will always be 12 on 14 series, 12mp is imo quite low... but i notice the pics at 48mp take up 5-7MB, the ones at 12mp take up around 1MB
i just left it at 48mp heif max for a while now and forgot about it but i have the 200gb icloud storage and im really barely above 55gbs in
>only pro max 15 pro is only 3x optical
oh right, honestly i think the 3x is more practical most of the time, i use it a lot even indoors, 5x would be amazing for landscape shooting but there is only so much landscape you will see in a given year
does it make a difference?
>dynamic island
that is really cool tbh
>iPhone 16 Pro 6.3" might be very good too but welp, too tired of waiting anyway
dont fall for the apple propaganda, half a year before the 15 series they hyped it up a lot and it only ended up being the 14 series but with usb-c and some minor changes...
we have reached the flat line of the S curve for innovation in terms of phones, i don't expect major changes going forward, just marginally better cameras, marginally better processors and what not... but iOS is well optimized and i imagine even 5 years old iphones run pretty smooth, as far as 60hz goes at least
>it just decides on its own whether to register it as 48mp or lower
don't you need to press "heif max" button in camera because it's disabled by default? or you always enable it?
>48mp take up 5-7MB, the ones at 12mp take up around 1MB
>i have the 200gb icloud storage and im really barely above 55gbs in
I have 50 and it's only 9 gigs and only because I started doing more videos recently. I don't takes much photos
>does it make a difference?
to open av1 videos from kch and other nerd experiments. also futureproof haven't tried it yet tho
>dont fall for the apple propaganda, half a year before the 15 series they hyped it up a lot and it only ended up being the 14 series but with usb-c and some minor changes...
I'm very unlucky, I'm afraid i16 pro would be amazing
i think if you press it once it leaves it as default on? when you open the camera app the next time
unless thats another camera app setting like "preserve settings", i have that one on either way for things like exposure correction to remember it at -0.3 or whatever
i never manually enable it for sure, it's remembered as toggled on
>to open av1 videos from kch and other nerd experiments. also futureproof haven't tried it yet tho
is that like webms then? i know they dont work for me unless i open them in VLC
i also still cant upload any sort of video here, no matter its encoding or format
>I'm very unlucky, I'm afraid i16 pro would be amazing
fell for tim apple's propaganda-nim....
>unless thats another camera app setting like "preserve settings"
>it's remembered as toggled on
yeah, you probably enabled that
>is that like webms then? i know they dont work for me unless i open them in VLC
>i also still cant upload any sort of video here, no matter its encoding or format
yeah, you can put AV1 video format into WebM (and also MP4) container, I was uploading many of them here
they work in Chrome, Firefox, Edge, but on mac/ios it requires hwdec so only i15 pro+ at the moment
so that is why...
I think I can buy this one
problem solved...
new iphones support Qi 2 15W so I think it should be enough...
just need to find good model of those magsafe powerbanks
Yeah but power banks and just overly charging your phone in general will always damage the battery rapidly
I mean if I outside and forgot/didn't have time to charge my phone enough and it's dying at 5-10%, I can just attach powerbank and keep using it
I have a normal 10Ah powerbank but it's very inconvenient to attach with a cable while you're outside
this one is probably ok
yeah just charge when it drops to 20% or something, dont be like those people that keep the phone taped to the powerbank even at 100%
i used a powerbank on vacation too
20gbps, not bad
~7% this night
still seems a bit too much
the "Find My" app is always active for some reason...
seems excessive, try these
there's a lot of things that use location
as for find my... i used to toggle it on and off but ive been keeping it on for a while now
funny video
some tweets are just not found from search what else is there, scraping googol results from
I can just charge over night. problem solved
but I've watched few reviews of 15 pro and everyone seems to be complaining about the battery, so it's probably the way it's supposed to be. very sad....
I could have checked it before buying but I didn't have much options anyway: pro max is $200 more which I don't want to pay and I was too tired of my old one so waiting 6 more months would have been painful...
maybe I can sell this one when 16 comes out, if it's really good imagine rust without all the yikes, go with all the nice
too bad we're in the wrong universe
>rust without all the yikes
I can't see what's wrong with the rust
should have bought plus
the only major feature I would have missed is always on but better that than feeling anxious about battery life 24/7...
realistically, 15 pro should be enough for 1 day if charged 100% before leaving home
I just expected more
>haven't tried it yet tho
AV1 in WebM doesn't work
AV1 in MP4 works
but MP4+SVT-AV1 had some strange issues last time I tried
maybe even related to mpv encoding mode but nobody fixes bugs there anymore...
>I think it got better this night
>I have a 15 pro max. The battery is REALLY bad for like the first week. Then it optimizes or something and isn't too bad.
>I've noticed this as well. The battery is fucking shit the first week or 2 lasting me like 5 hours. Then suddenly after a month or so the battery seems to last me double that.
>It gets better, trust. When I got my 15 it was dog shit for like 2 weeks. Saw others with the same experience on here as well
maybe I just need to wait a bit
the heck is it doing for 2 weeks
indexing your phone, trying to find something interesting
made simple fixed array solution in raw Python: works but much slower than others
welp, obviously that's because arrays/loops in Python are too slow. rewrote to a nice native optimized numpy primitives. and... it's still too slow
read the discussion: actually you have to use the math trick to make it fast
17k steps
15km distance
harambro would be proud
bit craycray
if i remember right 10-15km was the annoying part with legs hurting but after that things got eezy breezy
lost 30% of battery today doing almost nothing, just occasional apps check and a bit of photos (no music)
I guess it's almost ok, comparable to my previous phone
i am
that's too simple for medium
and some are too hard even on easy...
I solved those but I almost bruteforced my code, changing offsets many times
does it actually count as solving
why is this so simple
I can't into dynamic programming
sort() and O(n^2) worked tho
without modifying array and checking only first/last in sorted it's actually ok
with 2 people it seems to be actually very simple
but with N people...
I'm so fucking fast
this is easy but kinda complicated
amazing, especially the crazy flute typeo thing
why is it easy???? I'm thinking for like 15 minutes already and only have small chunks of bad code...
1 hour for easy... ok...
am I stupid and there should be easier solution?
class Solution: def readBinaryWatch(self, turnedOn: int) -> List[str]: if turnedOn == 0: return ['0:00'] if turnedOn >= 9: return [] return list(calc(turnedOn)) def combs0(arr): yield 0 def combs1(arr): for el1 in arr: yield el1 def combs2(arr): for el1 in arr: for el2 in arr: if el1 != el2: yield el1+el2 def combs3(arr): for el1 in arr: for el2 in arr: for el3 in arr: if len(set([el1,el2,el3]))==3: yield el1+el2+el3 def combs4(arr): for el1 in arr: for el2 in arr: for el3 in arr: for el4 in arr: if len(set([el1,el2,el3,el4]))==4: yield el1+el2+el3+el4 def combs5(arr): for el1 in arr: for el2 in arr: for el3 in arr: for el4 in arr: for el5 in arr: if len(set([el1,el2,el3,el4,el5]))==5: yield el1+el2+el3+el4+el5 combs = [combs0,combs1,combs2,combs3,combs4,combs5] hours = [1,2,4,8] mins = [1,2,4,8,16,32] def calc(n): combs_hours = [[h for h in combs[i](hours) if h <= 11] for i in range(5)] # 4 hour bits combs_mins = [[m for m in combs[j](mins) if m <= 59] for j in range(6)] # 6 min bits but only 5 max possible seen = set() for i in range(5): for j in range(6): if i+j == n: for h in combs_hours[i]: for m in combs_mins[j]: if (h,m) in seen: continue seen.add((h,m)) yield f'{h}:{m:02}'
today 11km but I've tired even more
nice daily
at first I thought: wtf, how to do it
but then I got an idea and the solution is actually very simple
2 lines
some easy requires this >>1066607 and 1hours
and some easy are 5 seconds
why am I so fucking fast
not proud of my solutions to those
but too tired to do it right...
>bruteforced my code
most of the time it’s not brute force, you understand the general idea
but it’s too hard to check all invariants in your head, so you just hit “submit” without being completely sure about corner cases
is it ok
talking with chatgpt as with my personal business coach and psychologist
time limit exceeded
I can't solve it
but how can I solve it in general case
100000 should be kept, but I have no idea if 99999 should be kept based on that information
stupid challenge...
and of course tons of comments in discussion about how easy it is
I'm stupid
I should quit programming, I can't solve even fucking simplest problem
how can I even solve shit like this
google solutions and remember? but then I won't be able to solve general case problem
just google tons of solutions to problems like these so you would be able to combine them? then why is it even intellectual if you just copy other people
I can only solve easy stuff
Assuming you're exceeding the time limit because you're going through the list too many times, you don't have to compare every pair of nodes in the list.
How could you solve this efficiently if you were told to remove every node with a greater value to its left side rather than its right side?Speaking about puzzles in general, I wouldn't recommend directly looking up the solution, but rather putting it aside and coming back to it after solving other stuff. If it's a real life problem that needs to be solved in a timely manner, then you often do have to just look it up or ask others for help and then try to remember it for the future.
In this particular case, I think studying sorting algorithms would help you immediately think of possible ways to approach the problem. It would probably also help with a lot of other puzzles related to ordering numbers.
>How could you solve this efficiently if you were told to remove every node with a greater value to its left side rather than its right side?
I read in comments that you need to reverse the list and compare to the left, yeah
now I'm not sure if I should solve this at all because I couldn't solve it by myself
with the help of Copilot and comments I made working solution very quickly
but I didn't come to it by myself (even revlist is generated by Copilot ) and don't understand why is it the correct one
I'm too stupid...
I guess I need to sit with a paper on it and analyze, maybe I will be able to solve tasks like that better in the future
class Solution: def removeNodes(self, head: Optional[ListNode]) -> Optional[ListNode]: headRev = revlist(head) node = headRev maxval = 0 headNew = ListNode() nodeNew = headNew while node: if node.val >= maxval: = ListNode(node.val) nodeNew = maxval = node.val node = return revlist( def revlist(node): prev = None while node:, prev, node = prev, node, return prev
>and don't understand why is it the correct one
I had experience like that in the past too tbh
like I can copy some algorithm from other piece of code and made it work correctly in my program
but I don't fully understand the algorithm
>I guess I need to sit with a paper on it and analyze
oh yeah, on paper it makes sense. I guess I shouldn't have try to solve it only in my head
also the hint actually helps but I understood it wrongly so took the wrong path
welp, need more practice I guess
I'm biased (because I hate AI), but I heavily recommend against this. It's like practicing the multiplication table using a calculator. You should use it to save time doing things you already know how to do
I didn't realize those problems had hints. If you had already read about operating in reverse, I think you just missed the idea that if you know the biggest number in a set, then you don't have to compare against every other number in that set. On top of that, you're comparing N nodes against N sets, but each set is built as a superset of the previous one with the addition of the node you just checked. So the result of that comparison tells you what's the biggest number in the new set.
>welp, need more practice I guess
I reiterate my suggestion of studying sorting algorithms
>then you don't have to compare against every other number in that set
in my first try I build separate array with values and indexes and sorted it in reverse, and was comparing against it. but it was too slow
in my second try I build array as reversed linked list and was walking it in reverse order, remembering index with last big value or something like that
it wasn't obvious that if I go from right to left in original list I have all the information in just single variable
>suggestion of studying sorting algorithms
sure. also lots of other algorithms because I'm very bad at it
>It's like practicing the multiplication table using a calculator. You should use it to save time doing things you already know how to do
yeah, it's just always enabled in VSCode and it just suggested me the code and I hit TAB
writing code by yourself is of course much harder and better practice
Maybe try rewriting the solution from scratch without copilot now that you already understand the ideas behind it. You could also try it in a different language
>You could also try it in a different language
oh yeah, must be fun in C/C++
Python is too easy for implementing algorithms, it's almost pseudocode
Python does abstract away a whole lot when it comes to data structures. I think C is a great idea here
>Time Limit Exceeded
I knew it's O(n^2) but I thought it's ok for the easy category
oh, it's actually very simple
for some reason I'm very bad when I need to backtrack previous choices
need to think a lot
lol, it's actually very simple to do recursively (with memo)
I was trying to calculate all combinations manually for an hour, but didn't come with correct formula
I guess it's possible, just too stupid to do it right
I like this daily, very simple
much better than yesterday
again combinations
always too hard to find all possible combinations...
what if same as >>1067640
recursion + memo
am I getting better
>Testcases passed, but took too long.
all combinations working
now need memo, but not sure how
my memo doesn't work
need proper cache key
why is it so hard
seems like cache is working now, but it's slow in another place: factorization
should I come with good factorization algorithm by myself or just google it
>Faster way to check if a number is a prime?
>you could check for 2 separately and then loop through only odd numbers
but that's not fast
oh, yeah, my prime check was wrong, you need to go +2 and compare against square on each step
it's accepted, but even with combs cache it's very slow for some reason
probably I'm missing some simple solution
from math import prod class Solution: def checkPerfectNumber(self, num: int) -> bool: cache.clear() if num == 1: return False divs = [] n = num while n & 1 == 0: divs.append(2) n = n >> 1 d = 3 while d * d <= n: while n % d == 0: divs.append(d) n = n // d d = d + 2 if n != num: divs.append(n) unique = [div for div in set(combs(divs)) if num % div == 0] return sum(unique)+1 == num def combs(divs): for n in range(1,len(divs)): # take 1 number, take 2 numbers... (no need ALL) for div_arr in cached_n(divs, n): yield prod(div_arr) def combs_n(divs, n): # take N numbers from array if n == 0: yield []; return if n == len(divs): yield divs; return for div_arr in cached_n(divs[1:], n-1): yield [divs[0]] + div_arr # selected first, combs without first for div_arr in cached_n(divs[1:], n): yield div_arr # not selected first, combs without first cache={} def cached_n(divs, n): key = (len(divs), n) try: return cache[key] except KeyError: cache[key] = list(combs_n(divs, n)) return cache[key]
wtf, fucking cheaters
do you even know how many time I spent on this??????
>It's not much about coding , just take a look at list of perfect numbers
fucking cheaters...
>Euclid, over two thousand years ago, showed that all even perfect numbers can be represented by, N = 2p-1(2p -1) where p is a prime for which 2p -1 is a Mersenne prime. That is, we have an even Perfect Number of the form N whenever the Mersenne Number 2p -1 is a prime number.
oh, so you just need to know math
I'm not good at math either...
welp, I guess I should be better at writing recursion+memo combination code now
>d = d + 2
we can also skip all non prime d's
but not sure if that would be faster
What is the best way to stream stuff from PC to TV without using a direct HDMI cable?
Everything seems too convoluted or user unfriendly or straight up doesn't work
Like there isn't one solution that would be universally recommended so I am kinda at a loss
>stream stuff from PC to TV without using a direct HDMI cable?
wifi direct or whatever it's called
windows/macos can stream to modern TVs out of the box
but I think it's better to connect USB stick (e.g. xiaomi) to make your TV smart because controlling TV screen with keyboard/mouse isn't user friendly at all. it's much better to control nice adapted UI via TV remote control
yea wifi streaming is superbad as explained by all the airplay/google cast etc things actually playing directly from the internet source instead of streaming the screen locally. kinda funny that Lan streaming loses to Wan play here, whats that about
personnelly i ended up buying a minipc to attach to tv and using mpv with a bluetooth keyboard, and then further down the line bought apple tv to control via remote for its a bit more comfy. sadly of course lost all the screencap/clip functionality of mpv
>actually playing directly from the internet source instead of streaming the screen locally
I doubt, delay would be unmanageable. wifi direct works via direct wifi connection (obviously lol)
>minipc to attach to tv and using mpv with a bluetooth keyboard
yeah I've recently used bluetooth mouse to control youtube on a notebook attached to TV via short cable (notebook and TV near the wall, mouse and I on the bed)
but it's way too inconvenient... any kind of smart TV usb stick with proper TV remote control would be miles better
i mean if you airplay a youtube video to your tv it plays it directly from youtube, maybe i mispoke
i definitely didnt try wifi direct (possibly requires hardware support?) tho maybe that might work for screen mirroring but idk
II can't find it anywhere on my TV
I'll just have to rely on good old copper cables until TV manufacturers and Windows devs get their shit together
I need this but for filesystem
there's some shareware app and freeware(?) JS module but no solution just for node_modules
buy this
I am not buying that
It's 2023 and a smart tv should be smart
not very smart if doesn't have wifi direct
As I said, LG needs to get their shit together
I expect better from a company that gets shilled by my waifus
try chromecast btw
Not supported by LG on TVs before 2024
Mine is 2023 model, so no
>buying a telescreen
>giving it internet access
Makes it comfy wor watching Youtube and Crunchyroll
mine is 2018 and has everything
Gimme a YT tutorial hoe to set it up and I cab guarantee that if I follow it step by step it won't work
i kno someone who bought a 1200 dollar tv and now has ads on it
smart tv? more liek customers an idiot tv
dunno, I just open youtube in chrome, youtube app on tv and in chrome it shows me this icon
also in macos it just lets me to add my TV as display when it's turned on
(both mac and tv are connected to the same wifi network of course)
it just works
Legit seems that just plugging it into a PC and having it as massive monitor is the best way to use a TV still
Just wish I didn't have to fuck around with the cable
I am on Windows 10
>I am on Windows 10
try updating to 11
Yeah well...
This just goes to show, you can't beat the good old copper
As long as all the development is outsourced to Pakis, wireless will be useless
>This just goes to show, you can't beat the good old copper
nah, you just bad with electronics
As I said
Gimme a Yt turorial of something that works
screen 1: vscode
screen 2: documentation
screen 3: terminal
that's still not enough because can't see webpage with the app
time to set up ipad with sidecar
good idea tent tech doobie looking comfy these days
what about 2fa
kqtgirls for 1 guy? I'm jealous
have you thought about becoming a chef? that might help
>becoming a chef?
putting alcohol into food, making girl drunk and then
learning next.js, it's kinda interesting
client and server share everything so code reuse (like data types, common validation, common functions, etc) works like a charm
I guess the only downside is that JS on the server isn't very fast/effecient, also only single core
but writing all API methods by hand (e.g. in golang) seems too tedious. unless it's some solution like PocketBase/Hasura, but I haven't tried it much
>JS on the server isn't very fast/effecient
but I guess everyone just swallow the pill, because it's very very comfy and productive to share code
even apple uses it
I spent some time in the past copying TypeScript type declarations to Golang and it's horrible exprience tbh...
it's like the next generation of ruby on rails/django, but for heavy JS apps
previously you didn't need that much JS on frontend so you could code 90% of the code in comfy backend framework like RoR and add a tiny bit of JS for the client
but now you need shit tons of client JS so duplicating everything isn't cool
I wonder why lots of people still continue to use non-fullstack frameworks
Nodejs is plenty fast for most web backends
very easy daily but took me a while to understand the task
tried to solve this very simple in JS and it took me ages
for some reason interpreter is very slow also the language is a bit inconvenient...
>react tutorial
>added 1488 packages, and audited 1489 packages in 51s
are you crazy, oppa
would it be hard to become a chef tho it seems like a good idea
working in a restaurant could be meh but going through some training might be nic e still
giving up on programming because too much fear of AI?
I've just found that Strapi is the same thing
but still, next.js feels better because it's one single thing
true. and most people still use php nowadays which is about same speed (or even slower because no V8 JIT)
I'm just too OCD and always try to get the fastest thing so for backend that would be Go and Rust
>because no V8 JIT
actually they have
another easy daily
so far I had issue only with 1 daily
why did I start at 2nd of May
I can't have cool badge now...
not very easy tbh
solving those requires too much energy
I can just do 2-3 in a row and then I'm exhausted
it's not difficult, but it would be difficult to find a healthy working place in that industry
>it's not difficult
what's even difficult then
>In the YouTube video "it begins... users leave Stack Overflow," the host voices his disappointment and frustration over Stack Overflow's partnership with OpenAI, which involves using user-generated content without permission or compensation. This decision has led to strong reactions from users, with some deleting answers and being banned for trying to prevent their content from being used. The host emphasizes the importance of ethical standards and user consent in handling user-generated content. Some viewers have shared their own frustrations with Stack Overflow, including the prevalence of duplicate questions and condescending behavior towards newcomers. The speaker, who has relied on the platform to solve complex issues, expresses his gratitude but criticizes the company for making changes without consulting users. He implies that this may be his last video on the platform and invites viewers to watch his previous experiences with Stack Overflow in a related video.
idk if kqts care if you actually work as a chef
you just need to be able to make nice looking byte sized foods and boom instant kqts
so just thinking about how to train into a chef
>He implies that this may be his last video on the platform
very wrong
he said it may be last video about stackoverflow
>you just need to be able to make nice looking byte sized foods and boom instant kqts
you wish
>you just need to be able to make nice looking byte sized foods and boom instant kqts
thats not how it works
small improvement
18k steps
16km distance
I want 20km tbh, maybe a bit later
so how was it
it will all be over soon
>Update your Chrome browser ASAP. Google has confirmed a zero-day exploited in the wild
>Exploit code for critical "use-after-free" bug is circulating in the wild.
how many of us have hidden malicious code in the system at this point
at least on chrome you need to go to a page that includes ebil code
imessage exploits can be wirelessly sent to you unprompted
time to update 4 apple devices at once again유니코드(UNICODE)
is there an ascii also
>1st Single Album Hello, World!
just took 6 hours of very lazy attempts to do a smal thing in go ling
the hard part is over, think i deserve at least an hour break
>6 hours
>to do a smal thing
>i deserve at least an hour break
are you me
it's not over yet maybe
>evidence that we may have reached a phase of diminishing returns
developers are safu
Is twitter now officially only X when it comes to the domain?
My twitter download addon stopped working and I think it's because of that domain still works for me
the only difference I noticed is that doesn't redirect to anymore, it works on its own
Doesn't for me automatically redirects to X now
maybe A/B
oh, I opened in private tab and it does redirect there
but not when I logged in
Does it for me even when I am logged in
I logged out, login again and now it redirects
also theme was changed to black one hate black themes
seems like some sort of gradual migration, makes sense
>Let's be honest, guys, Twitter's died a long time ago. You can call it whatever you want but it's not Twitter anymore. He killed it out of stupidity and now begs every person in the room to have pity for this dying app
those redditors
I hope the dev for the extension that I am using fixes it up
I wanted to send him a message on twitter, but twitter locked me out and says I require authentication to send messages
Modern internet was a mistake
He says as he buys twitter premium
These fuckers are too terminally online and addicted to attention
they will never leave
>says I require authentication to send messages
what kind of
I don't know, I closed the window when that popped up
Could be just a phone number or something
>a phone number
was considering getting disposable sim card for cases like that
you can get one for 6 bucks
>get one for 6 bucks
I guess the problem is that it's painful to see lots of stupid people on the internet
not like you're too smart, you just can see them behaving in a stupid way and it's horrible experience...
>YT channels are a lot like subreddits where you have to conform to the echo chamber, or get downvoted into oblivion.
>What annoys me the most is seeing something like an animal video and EVERY TIME (literally, you can count on it) you see "Oh, this precious baby! This magnificent creature!" I'm so f*cking sick of it!
>I'm sick of the comments starting with "as a ..." Nobody cares who you are.
>I wish, I even have friends who do that and brag about their comment likes that do not translate to subscribers or follows
if I don't like kpop stage mixes, how to tell youtube's recommendation algorithm that
if I click dislike on them, it may come to conclusion that I don't like group in the video or song or something like that
I think we should have some type of input form near dislike so you can hit dislike and write "don't like stage mixes" so that algorithm can easily understand that
otherwise if you just hit tons of dislikes on stage mixes, you may break something in your recommendations
I hate non-transparent systems...
5ms huh that would be beyond better any miracast meme with this simple trick of h265 hardware encoding
hope they get the ux comfy at some point
got my first captcha from simply going to a youtube link vpn future not looking very bright
snake case is beyond better than stupid camelcase
fourchen now has some weird cloudflare click through cptcha on both main site and media server but those are separate so i cant browse site and also see images because those are 403d
my daily tech news...
I change my mind, Thais are silver+ now
Malaysians on the other hand muslim country... 0/10
>stupid camelcase
yeah, because you never know, should you write
and multiple uppercased acronyms together look ugly likeXMLHTTPRequest
just use whatever existing code uses anyway tho OCD is a bitch but what can you do in this unorganized world... new must have menu bar app
never had problem with that
we're back
guess something with firefox tracking protection now fixed by cf
thisll probably make macos usable on 24-27 inch monitors it's out
linux on rails
how is this idiot DHH is still relevant
>Omakub also installs…
>WhatsApp + Signal for messaging.
>Xournal++ for filling out and signing PDF forms.
>Flameshot for more powerful screenshotting (using the Ctrl+Print Screen hotkey).
>VLC for playing videos.
>By default, Omakub ships with a Tokyo Night theme that looks ace with everything.
just a bunch of highly opinionated shit by random person which you will spend more time learning/adopting to than instead of configuring your own system. but I guess 100-500 random people will still star that shit and say how "awesome" it is
Apple Intelligence is only on iPhone 15 Pro+
finally I've made a good choice
only for US so far tho
also seems like the problem with the battery is magically solved, I have ~80% by the end of the day now. or maybe just use it much less lol
but I have more problems with the new airpods (pro gen2 usb-c) even brought them to the apple shop, they reset it, seems like it helped, but dunno. it's the first time I have massive issues with the apple device...
also I won't have new watchOS 11 on my Apple Watch SE 2020 maybe time to buy a new watch?
also won't have Apple Intelligence on my iPad Air Gen 4 (because not M1) but I don't use it anyway so whatever... ones interesting tho perhaps be amazing to just have a set of configuration files and reboot after security updoots and everything would work, instead of mucking about with apt and sudo nanoing files on /etc/
i assume thats what it means, wish i knew how to do it
did they say there were three levels of ai: on-device, contact apple headquarters and contact openai
apple intelligence was the middle one i think? i wonder why they need specific hardware for contacting the cloud but maybe they preprocess stuff before sending it out or something
wanna try linux stuff on spare computer but would have to switch plugs each time, kvm switch not big enough
>apple intelligence was the middle one i think?
I think it’s all 3, but they want to support on-device AI, so the entire thing would only be enabled on a device with fast NE
bankerino informed me ios15 wont be supported next year
the small phone dream is officially, unironically dead
its over
tested gnome on vm while waiting for the bigger switch and holy shit cjk just works? all without messing about with terminal or weird settings. can't believe i fell for the kde meme all this time
cjk: macos = chromebook = linux > windows
rdp on gnome also came out just a few months ago... and it works
remote desktop: windows = linux >>>> macos = chromebook
once i go from vm to metal there is still the mouse acceleration stage maybe i'll finally pass it and get away from the shackles of windoos once and for all i've always used thumbs for command until i started thinking this cant be good for my hands
how the heck do i learn to use my middle finger or somhthing maybe impossible so i guess caps lock for command
so that is how it happened
>thumbs for command until i started thinking this cant be good for my hands
>how the heck do i learn to use my middle finger or somhthing
been using swapcaps for years and can’t live without it
dunno why would people use standard control location, so inconvenient
fell for the 4o scam
i was just doing one of the example questions about fruit and picking ripe fruits and it decided to generate the most disgusting fruit with like a hole in the middle with weird gunk like spiderwebs inside
worst thing ive ever seen and i've used the internet.
fuck image generation
is this safe might be interesting as heck no need to jump through browser extension hoops
>Level 1 is configured at 0% and slightly shaded, ideal for when users need to interact with the real world or in a darker environment.
>Level 2 is set at 35%, reducing the amount of light passing through the lenses. This is ideal for a more immersive experience while still being aware of your surroundings.
idk about input yet but usb-c connected/powered monitor-glasses for walking while computing
maybe easier initial setup than mpv and supposedly still works normally gotta try it while lying flat
>lying flat
nah, it's shit
only use vanilla mpv, preferably latest git commit
mpv is shit without wm4 anyway tho...
can just use VLC as well at this point
>When you copy large file to eg. USB drive, you get progress bar, as it should be. The problem is that this progress bar does not show real progress of copying files. It shows progress of copying file to some buffer, and when bar reaches 100% it doesn't mean files were completely copied to USB drive. I usually watch if buffer flushed in a terminal but you should not need to do such things in gnome.
its over
beacuase they mess it up or just depending on an older version of mpv than latest git commit
damn, gaming monitors might be lit
fanciest hecking feature ive ever seen but what to use it for
>but what to use it for
to avoid using inferior device when you need to check some mobile-only app (plenty of them)
I don't understand how people could use mobile phone with small screens and shitty screen keyboards to e.g. order thing in shopping apps. maybe they just don't care at buying good thing at all, just want to buy anything...
>fanciest hecking feature ive ever seen
seriously? it was on huawei years ago... amazing wonder if apple checks for nearby-ness with nfc or bluetooth or if it just matches the icloud accounts
gotta return 4-way kvm as these just doesnt seem to work properly 2 port kvms work fine but i guess 4 way is difficult to make, at least cheaply.
i need to share monitor between work laptop, normal compoter, tinker computer, and an old pc with descrete graphics for gaming once a month. currently using the monitor's fun combination of ports (2xhdmi, dp, usb-c) and a separate 4-way usb switch but its a cable hell like theres no hope of a usb-c switch for getting rid of the extra usb cables
>work laptop, normal compoter, tinker computer, and an old pc with descrete graphics for gaming
quick review of mac keyboard shortcut editing
keyboardmaestro: 200ms delay on everything
karabiner: works normally (via funny virtual input device)
for rels
i think i have some old macbook in a cabinet too and some tiny media pc i used to use for television
found silver+/gold- thai pop singer
just need an idea what do
What are you attempting to do
wish kpops would sing without backtrack sometimes
anyone used this? or just basic spectacle/rectangle
rectangle for me
infuse doesnt sync watch status of smb shares at least i'm not alone
learned it the hard way finally a solution to the rust dilemma
I cringed so hard because of this new ladybird hype yesterday extremely naive yet people go with the hype train
at least that Korean guy who started working on typescript replacement in rust wrote something usable before (swc), but I bet this guy didn't create anything worthwhile, just good at marketing also understand the cute/sekshie theory of woman attractiveness
did she take money from the audience
yeah, seems to be normal for Thais to give lots of tips to singers on stage
it keeps getting worse
cli started mpv creates a webm with webm.lua fine but can't do i need some mystery permission for it?
logs are not very helpful
[ 14.812][v][webm] Command stdout: [ 14.812][v][webm] [ 14.812][v][webm] Command failed! Reason: init Killed by us? no
use ninnin
but I think the problem is because doesn't have ffmpeg in the PATH (because PATH for .app doesn't inherit from the shell's PATH)
I had same issue with being unable to call yt-dlp installed by homebrew
thank you
on run do shell script "PATH=\"${PATH}:/opt/homebrew/bin/\" nohup /opt/homebrew/bin/mpv --player-operation-mode=pseudo-gui >/dev/null 2>&1 &" end run on open theFiles repeat with theFile in theFiles do shell script "PATH=\"${PATH}:/opt/homebrew/bin/\" nohup /opt/homebrew/bin/mpv --player-operation-mode=pseudo-gui " & quoted form of (POSIX path of theFile) & " >/dev/null 2>&1 &" end repeat end open
safari is not bad huh now that profiles are out
only webms suck but not that many people post them anyway
>safari is not bad huh
I've tried to using it for a few months when I got macbook (because comfy sync with iphone/ipad) and it was pretty horrible UX tbh
chrome is just better overall...
doesn't seem too different, unless maybe if theres some extensions you need. also no red for new posts but at least tab title gets updated.
next tab position/selection after new tab/close tab def completely different but a few weeks into it i somehow got used to it
some day i'll learn how to make my personal extensions for safari and i can retire the rest of my chrome usage
70" TV viewing experience is fucking insane
especially if you sit 2m away and watch some close-up concert video, the singer is real-size
can't believe it's just 70", looks insanely huge and much bigger than my own 65"
but the device information says it's 70UQ8000PSC
the viewing experience should be even better than at the real concert if you're far away from the stage tbh
I would like to go to the real concert only if I'm <5m away from the singer but not sure how to achieve that, that ticket thing is retarded
you got the setup?
got fancy hotel room
searching for ลำไยเชพบ๊ะ?
why you know
that rrrondulonloh song still playing in my head i thought maybe you went to see it in a concert
>you went to see it in a concert
not yet
safari kinda crazy, you can copy text from a paused youtube video
you mean it does OCR for a <video> frames? interesting
miss chatgpt hecked me agen 2 hour search for bug
anime stopped being relevant
kpop stopping being relevant
mor lam is the next big thing
she's in Europe now
solved by only using usb-c computers
hopefully the ports survive a couple of swaps per day, my ole macbooks usb-c port got destroyed even though i barely took it out of the dock
audience is all thai even in sweden wonder if she ever puts her name in english somewhere would be easier to learn
updooted monitor firmware to see if i can fix the usb-c wakeup problem.
its possibly fixed maybe, but now theres a wakeup loop problem (like a boot loop but for waking up) a few times a week, and only remedy is taking out the power cable
why can't there be free lunches
not sure if should buy ps5 with good discount on 9.9 now or wait for pro
safari add to dock is perfect for youtube music
the dumb thing doesn't remember state after you close it but safari only updates during os update so almost never compared to chrome ("plese restart chrome i beg there was update" )
missed out on ai upscaling all the hotness these days
yeah, I know, 3 things made me pull the trigger:
- I can't wait 2 more months
facepalming myself- 9.9 discount was pretty good and price of the pro is too high (I bought slim for $380, but pro would be at least $800 here, so 2x+ the price)
- I have only 1080p TV now
maybe I will stop playing it in 1-2 months as I did before, so I saved myself a bit of money that way too
this is mostly cope of coursebut 4k60p on 65"+ OLED of course would have been much better, maybe one day
>but 4k60p on 65"+ OLED
probably should buy top PC for that though, because PS5 Pro is still not that good, compared to 4080/4090
i.e. PS5 < PS5 Pro < PC+4090
but PS5 Pro could be Pareto optimal tho
nooo why are all the good component libraries react only i dont want to style things from the beginning
just use ai.gen
if that genuinely works consistently i would be very impressed and willing to do some frontend stuff for once
>genuinely works consistently
of course
in England now, but I haven’t yet visited the concert
those dumbass redditors bashing veteran C programmer (Tso) just because of his tone, implying they understand shit about the kernel or programming
the reality we live in ai mouse someone forgot their trash
logitech software is horrible stuff is also dynamic linky gotta open access for all at once
>I don’t have to update rules all that often (usually a few rules/week)
that guy is delusional. or just don't have anything to do in his life except micromanaging computer software
>Since Homebrew is a well-established package manager, macOS recognizes it as a safe source
tried to download standalone yt-dlp but it gets warninged by macos meanwhile brew cli programs run just fine
catgpt made this up, instead of this brew uses some magic to unquarantine installed binaries
i wanna get bose qc ultra or sony xm5 how comfortable are noice canceling headphones tho, i dont really care about that feature but all the fancy stuff has it nowadays
too much pressure oughta instead maybe get those around ear holders for airpod
finally went to the concert but couldn’t get 100% possible experience:
- was pretty close to the scene, but not the closest place
- didn’t shake hand
- didn’t make selfie
- outfit wasn’t very sekshiewhy can’t I ever get a perfect experience
at least made pretty good videos with 3x optical zoom, better than compressed youtube videos, I have my personal fancams now
but only few are 4k60, because wasn’t sure if I have enough space on iCloud for that
again, not perfect
checked 1080p vs 4k, can see pretty big difference even on a phone screen (when zooming). and, even worse, the best moment I recorded is 1080p
maybe can record 4k30 as default now
unbelievable user experience from apple makes me
on the other hand, I guess it's not possible to pan/zoom with trackpad in mpv
yeah 4k looks much nicer on a macbook screen when zoomed in, 1080p was a mistake...
not sure about 30fps vs 60fps tho
but it's interesting question what's better: 3x optical zoom on 15 pro or 5x on pro max
sometimes you would want 3x, not 5x, because of the distance
on 16 pro and pro max it's always 5x tho
>For a wedding, the vast majority of viewing will be on 60-Hz refresh screens and (at least in North America) you'll have 60-Hz lighting. For these reasons along, you should shoot 30 (or 29.97) fps.
read a bunch of reddit discussions, it seems 4K is a must for a non-garbage video, because you can zoom
but 60fps has some issues like weird light flickering and (presumably) worse dynamic range
so 4k30 seems optimal choice unless you want to slowmo
but with fancams you probably would like to, so not sure
>If you're in a 50Hz area (like Chile) and you're shooting 60p then you're taking 60 pictures per second while the lights are strobing 50 times a second. So naturally you'll be sometimes catching it in between strobes, making the light appear to flicker.
the fuck, 50hz in grid system fucks up the 60fps video
why is 30fps fine then tho
probably should start using deno instead of the
pnpm init && pnpm add @swc-node/register @types/node && cp ~/tsconfig.json ~/.prettierrc.yaml .
boilerplate every time I need to work on custom TS scripton the other hand, not sure if deno can work with pnpm but deno + npm would be probably very slow
england one? was there a lot of non-thai there, can't imagine its easy to discover her
never thought about hz and lighting, i guess its some meme about how fast the current alternates
with leds getting more popular maybe it will go away since they are dc only we preordering or what like a hecking fancy programmable digital clock looking very healthy
trying apple intelligence on the macbook
are we ordering 32 or 64gb minis its a thousand buckeronis more
do you want tons of VMs or big LLMs?
I’m not sure mac’s gpus can efficiently speedup popular openweight models though, because everyone uses cuda
i was thinking vms, bring me development back to local
though it looks like maybe i dont need 64gb for this at least the marketing looks great
doesn't it require subscription? or at least required
>I use Virtualization.framework for OrbStack (
>The popular belief is that Virtualization.framework is inherently faster/lighter than other VMMs like QEMU, but I haven't found evidence to back it up. I spent a day prototyping a custom VMM (with an open-source base) and was able to get dynamic memory allocation working [1], as well as faster file sharing in some cases. There's a lot of other things I could do better (faster, simpler, more reliable) with a custom, tightly-integrated replacement.
>But unfortunately, that's not an option. Apple doesn't allow third-party VMMs to set the necessary CPU flags for Rosetta. There are too many users relying on Rosetta for fast x86 emulation for me to ditch it, despite all its bugs.
>So yes, I still use Virtualization.framework, but only because I have no choice.
it's just Virtualization.framework tho, nothing magical
>32 or 64gb minis
you mean m4 mini? but max is 24gb ram
>apple intelligence on the macbook
gosh it's so stupid and useless
the only good feature is smart edit (remove objects, etc) in photos app
i can imagine
for siri people i can imagine if they made it actually understand natural language that might be cool
muh text editing though who cares
free for casual use but yeah sounds like it needs to phone home for license check anyway comments do say its beyond better than the other options though
fone started to disconnect 4g or entire sim unless i take out the sim tray and put it back in
maybe ordering a 13 mini refurbished is the next step to take
the new macbook lineup seems pretty good, finally they start with some reasonable base RAM
i might finally make the switch to macbook
>reasonable base RAM
16gb seems a bit small for dev purposes tbh
and why would non-dev by macbook tho. maybe except americans because apple devices are cheap there. but in Europe it's too expensive if you're just typical user of computer
>gosh it's so stupid and useless
oh, I got it, there's still no new Siri (LLM-based) in the 15.1
need to wait at least 15.2 and it's still not the fully finished version it seems
so all Apple did is just released new UI for the old dumb Siri and called that "Apple Intelligence"
couldn't they update the UI after rolling out the LLM Siri?
>but max is 24gb ram
oh it's actually 32gb max with m4 chip and 64 with m4 pro
10gbe looks like a cool upgrade option tho
also the Thunderbolt 5 120gbps with m4 pro
120gbps means you can get full possible speed of the external SSD NVMe, like 8GB/s
stop, just googled, there's pcie gen 5 ssds now, with 14-16GB/s sequential read/write
I want that
120gbps should be able to fit at least 12GB/s with all overhead
thats for the mb pros with the base m4
the 24 ram starting point for the ones with m4 pro seem reasonable tbh
i wanted to get m3 pro at some point but i couldnt justify buying 18 because it seemed somewhat little, and i couldnt justify 36 because it seemed overpriced for a lot of ram i wouldnt really need i assume
for 2430 euros here the pro with 12 cores starts at 512gb (kinda funny...) but external ssds are a thing and 24 ram
for 2915 euros here the pro with 14 cores starts at 1tb / 24 ram
all apple shit is a ton more expensive in europe but it is what it is
yeah they were just rushed into dumping some ai news and it shows, a bubble only lasts for so long
i dont expect any relevant AI features until at least 6 months from now
>the 24 ram starting point for the ones with m4 pro seem reasonable tbh
oh right, 24gb is probably ok too. can't go too crazy with VMs but should be enough for most other tasks
>but external ssds are a thing
unfortunately apple doesn't want to support anything except things you can buy at apple store. you will suffer a lot unless you go an apple way. e.g.:
- monitors: can't use <4K monitors (e.g. 1440p) because apple removed subpixel antialiasing support
- mouses: you have to install 3rd party apps to fix scrolling because you're supposed to use magic moue
with ssds you're supposed to upgrade internal storage because macos would automatically unmount/eject external SSD when go into sleep and that sucks a lot because you would have to reconnect it
i dont see a problem with reconnecting, tbh i never even keep my external ssd plugged in at all times on windows at the moment
for me it was a problem because I wanted to do backup every day automatically, of SSD too, and because of auto-eject it didn't always work, and I didn't find how to stop this auto-eject during sleep
im a cloud nim
probably an even better deal for non-devs
a baseline mac will be beyond better than any pc they can buy
my 2000 eur work thinkpaderino (from year of our lord 2023) takes 20 seconds to wake up from "sleep". really its hibernation because the battery would take a massive hit overnight if it really used sleep so it goes to hibernation after 30 minutes of sleep
i think that might just be a windows issue, it seems like there can never be laptop windows that can have a proper real sleep mode that wakes up instantly and doesnt just kill the battery
mac is really good at that somehow, i think i shut down/restart my work macbook maybe once every 2 months
do you remember when Ryan copied the package design system from Go and thought it's a good idea (packages are imported via absolute URL from some HTTP host)
"bruh you don't need a package registry because Pike thinks it's 'complicated'"
now Go has go.mod and Deno has deno.json with almost exactly same functionality as all other languages
same as when Pike thought that generics aren't needed but then added them to the langauge anyway, in a shitty form
gosh, Pike is one of the worst language designers I've ever seen, why did dumb Google even let him to design Go, how is he good
now we live in a shitty world with one more shitty popular language because Google can push it
why does every language have its own package registry anyway, can't we abstract the language and support multiple languages in the same registry?
or it's just because every language designer wants to build one from scratch because NIH
idk about the original version but the current go package management thing is super nice just download the source from the repository, instead of having some middle man registry with mystery files that may or may not be the original source can buy almost four 16gb minis for one 64gb mini
>having some middle man registry
how is github not a middle man?
npm is even owned by github
isn't it a known fact that the base model of most Apple products is the best value?
same as gateway drug basically
middle mane between dependency source code and the user
really does make me wonder whats the advantage of its just extra fluff. at least javascript being a total mess kinda justifies npm what with requiring a bunch of different artifacts to support the various js and ts module types, tho even those would be better to commit to the repo
everyone really praising that base model tho and to be honest it is probably some very good value
looking into 10gb since im considering a mini but no matter how much you pay for turris or unifi a 10gb router doesnt even exist
now that lan ports are officially dead and buried i could get this like the mac mini of routers
it may be happening
bought 2nd dualsense controller, official charger for controllers and big TV
PS5 Slim now has much bigger discount compared to what I had 2 months ago tho
also TV isn't the best (good price/value tho) and I don't have the PS5 Pro
maybe can upgrade everything to the max next year...
can upgrade to Netflix 4K plan now tho does it really come off that well
can't choose
if you run out of memory in something liek duckdb performance becomes dog so 64 would be better than 32 but youll run out of memory at some point anyway and what then
maybe ill wait until delivery dates are 1 day so i can impulse either and stick with it>we're already planning to work on them
best wait until these and buy a base storage model and upgrade to 2tb for a couple hundred bucks a matter of time before i get infected
just weeks ago tim apple gatekept me from malware etcher but cli stuff you have to follow on your own
>maybe ill wait until delivery dates are 1 day so i can impulse either and stick with it
nice tactic
so many new tech videos on youtube, don't have enough time to watch everything
not even talking about kpop, didn't listen most comebacks for past few months people have found use for multiple minis maybe too intelligent for me
there's no free lunch, 2x machines is extra abstraction which will never work as good as one with 2x specs
not even talking about the fact that 1x ram <- network bridge -> 1x ram would never ever be as good as 2x ram in any kind of multicore task, it will be much worse. same for 2x cores
>Top Justice Department antitrust officials have decided to ask a judge to force Alphabet Inc.’s Google to sell off its Chrome browser
imagine verizon chrome or whatever
i almost went all in on chromeos a few months ago, after ordering a chromebox i read the news google had removed multiple browser profiles on the very same day and cancelled my order
went to one more concert, this time I was better prepared: recorded all clips in 4k30p (but lightning was way way worse tho ) and shook hand
but still there were lots of people much closer to the stage than I am
I can't ever get the perfect experience, it's always ruined by the people who get the better spot
theoretically it should be possible to eventually achieve perfect score in one small local niche, but I'm not enough insane for that...
there're so many things in the world, why limit yourself to tuning one small irrelevant thing
isn't that cope tho
anyway, I think people who get the best result (e.g. best places at kpop concerts and visiting fanmeets with shaking hands) must be "cheating" in some way: e.g. have local friends or lots of money from parents
I'm not sure what is the percent of the people who perfect some niche from the low start, but it must be small
>there're so many things in the world, why limit yourself to tuning one small irrelevant thing
on the other hand, if you think about speerunner community, they do exactly that and quite fine with it...
probably can think about getting best experience in real-life scenario in the same way
speedrunners seem much more motivated tho, if I put just 1% of their effort into the real-life isolated case, it seems I will perfect it with ease
>shook hand
hopefully you passed her some bills to make her happy
best place in kpop concerts probably requires fanclub membership for early access tickets
>hopefully you passed her some bills to make her happy
but on the other hand
pun not intended, lots of people give her bills and most of the time she will hold hand much longer than in my casefirst you want something, then you achieve it, then you want something else
how to escape that stupid circle
so if you have N number of friends, you can say M number and the one who happened to put hand mth time will lose
so if e.g. 4 friends and you say 5, the one who puts first will lose
it's basically to calculate M mod N, and never put your hand for that case, isn't that too easy
unless the order of people always changes, but still it's just mod operation, quite fast to do every round
unless you're too drunk and stupid at that time
you are severely underestimating korean math drinking geims. they are quick af
best consoomable of 2023 was pic related
this year it was open back headphones. so nice no squeeze head or get hot
I had similar stand, but with one leg
that gemini 2.0 release makes me scary
things are moving way too fast
we might be living on borrowed time
hopefully survive long enough to see this telly show tho it sounds cool and ominous
so many people asking/telling what are they gonna do on New Year holidays
even if I do something too, now I have to make sure my way of celebrating isn't worse than 50% of the people, otherwise I will have massive FOMO
why can't people just be boring and stop competing over every little thing in life
or maybe it's just me...
Anybody got experience with ? is it any good?
it's just you, you could instead be a chill guy and do whatever you were gonna do whether that was something special or nothing special at all
why doesnt applel add webm and av1 to quicktime for free thumbnails hardware decoders are in
maybe it's time to stop mucking about with tab to move focus the future is a standalone nbidia home server
trying cursor now
also tried cline + deepseek, but that shit just isn't working
still safe for another year
>but that shit just isn't working
Roo Cline is actually working with DeepSeek
but too lazy to test it much, Cursor's Composer is easier to use...
on the other hand, the actual task/bug solving works very badly, I would rather do all the changes by myself
except the quick fuzzy refactoring, simple functions/code generation and Copilot-like autocompletion on steroids (Cursor Tab) are very nice
but I don't even use chat much, because they often hallucinate and give incorrect answers about simple topics google + stackoverflow still feels more solid in terms of knowledge I get
>for another year
more like for another month
I've stopped hoping, it seems inevitable now
should have invested in Nvidia stocks/real estate so I wouldn't have needed to work hard to earn money every month
but it seems impossible to earn much money now, because you would be replaced by AI soon and be in slavery for people who earned lots of money before, who would become your lords chae_dead:
and what did I do, knowing that might happen? nothing RIP gg
>question: blah blah c++ how to learn
>i want to keep my distance
it's over for dumb low level languages, python won
i switched to circuitpython myself
>more like for another month
i don't work in a tech firm so maybe noone will notice my kind is obsolete might finally drop support for old devices and go drm only
end of an era