Selfie edition
>1. No sexual fantasies or porn content
>2. Do not insult idols
>3. Behave like adults
Last week:
>CSR, ICHILLIN, Dreamniote, Purkies, Lightsum and Wuah announced as participants in yet another survival show
>Rose surprise winner of fashion week (this win is disputed, but since I make the thread I shall disregard it)
>Yeji and Slugi keep appearing together during music shows, very cute
>Say my name comeback didn't make much of a splash, some cute Hitomis were posted at least
>Lesserafim comeback was much better than their previous two, they dropped a SOTY in form of the bside https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6CSdvvrI-k
>Kpop philosophy best philosophy
>Nmixx comeback, seems like nobody cares about it, it was ok
>Minju the League nerd, I guess the Nujeans League song was about her
>TR Entertainment, TRI•BE’s company, were reportedly declared bankrupt on the 13th of March. The future of Mire and the girls is uncertain
>Rora choosing kchanon
>EVERGLOW's Yiren Claims She Has Never Been Paid In Heartbreaking Messages, we are not surprised that the chinese jews didn't give our girls anything
>Stayc comeback has kchanons bewildered
Next week
>Kiiikiii proper debut
>Birthdays of Sakura, Jiwon, Ruka, Belle, Boram, Songsun, Mina