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This is board for english speakers. English translation of the user interface will be available soon.


any webms of Trotfunoonagf singing Love Battery?

I love that song

1016×9462.89Mb00:17AOA - 단발머리(Short Hair) 안무영상(Dance Practice) Eye Contact ver.

yes hello do we love choa here?



Not really. I only started following Trotfu recently so I didn't have time to make more webms.



Also, since /bant/ only allows 2MB without sound, I didn't really see a point in making webms, because most of them lose too much in terms of quality with filesize that small.



still not perfect. kagami said that they integrate it to this board along with other cool features



Finna gonna post on my laptop when I get home and make Nayeon proud :xi_cool:


Trying to be Sexy Kyla is the best part



Would dab on this post but the dab emoticon hasn't been incorporated yet



Romanian folk songs have long taken inspiration from the great Kingdom of Goryeo


finally i can post this sick webm i saved from 2ch

1280×7202.91Mb00:08[ENG/ESP SUB] LOOΠΔ 이달의 소녀가 이렇게 스윗하고 사랑스러운 비주얼인게 날 미치게함 - 팩트iN스타


they released a dance cover a short while ago. comeback any day now i'm sure,


Already saw them.

Very nice.

1280×7202.74Mb00:13룸메이트 시즌2.E11.141209.HDTV.H264.720p-WITH

oh man, feels good to post these webms again. look at ths shit. how cute is that?

1280×7202.85Mb00:08[ENG SUB] LOOΠΔ 이달의 소녀가 이렇게 스윗하고 사랑스러운 비주얼인게 날 미치게함 - 팩트iN스타




when I first heard that song I didn't like it but now I think it's a banger



Her whole being is cute, not just her face you moron.


with only minor adjustments




the cutest webm of all time and it's not even close tbh


can't wait for T-ara comeback tbh



it's harder than it looks, i'm sure. ham was only able to open it because she is at peak physical health

282×332339.27Kb00:07[V LIVE] 2018 GLOBAL VLIVE TOP 10 - BLACKPINK


Because it's a gif. Gif is a shit format that should just die.


do not insult idols



I've posted few pics but webms weren't mine




Gif is a shit format that should just die.

no u


gif posters should apologize to whoever is paying for the bandwidth


loona's fancafe contains rare stuff


feast your eyes on this mustardpiece






Fei noona



I love this site even more now!

why are noonas so much better than younger girls anyway?


c u b c l u b









As you do on 8ch.

Anyway we don't say anything bad. Everybody enjoy youre stay. Even i


where are you guys from?

im dutch



sure it's funny but I just can't stop cringing every time i see a korean interacting a foreigner


cubsters we out here



Such content is allowed in /int and /b. If you want non-lewd, go to /wood.



I'm a member of the real chosen nation



whoops. hope there aren't any baltics lurking



that shit



it's just scenes from the MVs


is it calm like the woods?



more like exy moron

1280×720416.96Kb00:03Yeonwoo's puppy eye makeup!! [The Beauty _ 2017.09.01]-atLA45jo6-4



there should be a (You) minigame here. 7 replies in under 5 minutes is at least 10k points with a x2 multiplier :xi_cool:

740×10301.09Mb00:04produce 101 - ep 3

4chan is down again

what happened




they can perma ban someone if they feel like it

I don't believe it

If they are russian and they know where I'm from I would be already banned


so what's the official term for these heads kagami-san? you named it smiles on the repo.


i wonder if moot remembers the first person he ever banned...


if he had any sense he would've banned himself



We call them smiles in Mother Russia


my first ban was for saying "oink" at sunny





because it's an exercise of power, it's different from being in the receiving end. don't know if it's memorable though. he probably didn't want to ever ban anybody when he started the site.


how does the registering work, if I register with a name, is it blocked so others can't register the same name?


Do you save post history of ids or accounts?



No. You can record voice message though (second button)



It's hard to make good rules for everyone

You can post in /wood thread if you like more agressive moderation.


you should preemptively ban polandposter before he gets this board removed




Only if you checked to post with nickname.

what's your reason for implementing ids/accounts? (except for admin account)



why would you ruin that great webm with this shit music



ignore lists

server-side settings

board member lists

mod/power user accounts


It's similar to 8chan's accounts, you can create boards and moderate them after registering. Here creating new boards is forbidden but there are some account-only features which you can use. E.g. we can give trustworthy users ability to upload previews for idol profiles (check out input at right in top banner).





this is why i'm here

anyway, is there a reason why you use an on-hover mouse event instead of on-click for previewing replies? it's not that i don't like it.. it's just a bit annoying to see popups every time i hover it




on-hover mouse event instead of on-click for previewing replies

Dunno, on russian imageboards it's quite common. We can make it optional

I'm just busy with lot of other features so can't fix everything quickly.


it works different on different browsers



clicking replies. they disappear and then all come back at once idk how to explain it



What problem? That's just post hover feature?

We just it quite a lot on russian imageboards. There is also dollchan extension userscript which does the same on other boards.


I guess I've been using 4chanx for too long because hovering over replies seems natural by now.



Hm, I think I understand now.

Are you on mobile and can't navigate to other posts because hovered posts mess up?

I know that some browse with mobile and haven't heard any complains yet…


that dubu lass, she really is quite something isn't she



I just really don't get it but I get yelled at whenever I say that so I usually shut up about it


how many husbands does mijoo have


i like loona for their music

460×3141.01Mb00:10Also Sprach Zarathustra (Thus Spoke Zarathustra)



It's hard to choose best looking LOONA dbh.

They all look great.

1920×10804.30Mb00:19[Teaser] 이달의 소녀 오드아이써클 (LOONA/ODD EYE CIRCLE) Reveal


Haseul a cute and her song's nice. I haven't done much listening beyond her song tho


this is a nice site



it works well the post reply chains are just confusing if you open a lot of them



How do you get replies to stick when you click on them instead of getting sent to the one you click?


I guess I will at some point.



i'm not sure. it seems really inconsistent at least for me. sometimes it jumps up to the post i click on and sometimes it hovers. really confusing


1920×10807.71Mb00:14[MV] 이달의 소녀 최리 ( LOOΠΔ Choerry) - Love Cherry Motion(Bugs! 1080p)
1920×10808.45Mb00:14[MV] 이달의 소녀 최리 ( LOOΠΔ Choerry) - Love Cherry Motion(Bugs! 1080p)



no sound


maybe I will like loona if you post the video


never forget



is boram married yet?


tfw you would never bully Boram with grasshopper

810×14404.60Mb00:09[직캠] 171224 버스터즈(Busters) 지수 - 랄랄라 <>


What about this girl?


i regret clicking that


I see some novichoks here. Our admin needs 103, please help us to fulfill his dream.

So lets be friends, and exchange love. And we will send 71 back to you.


our admin needs 103


we will send 71 back to you

what did he mean by that




a person who engages in a sexual intercourse with a minor who did not yet and will not turn the Western age (as opposed to the Korean age reckoning) of 13 in the year the event


turn 13 in the year the event

It's actually 12, just need to know when is her birthday


4channers aren't here post qts








Playing with Fire

Whistle (Acoustic Version)

As If It's Your Last


BP has 7 songs


their discography is literally 22 minutes


Reminder that

Quality > Quantity



And all the songs are excellent. I'd like to note.


kagami i saw a screenshot of your desktop on /g/ rice thread. what linux distro/wm/gtk do you use?




the only good thing about bp is jithoo



it was an old screenshot, maybe not from /g/. it's on my other pc but i know it's yours because your username is in it



Post it because I don't know what exact WM might be on it

I'm using gentoo/openbox/absolute for last few years, nothing really special.



you're baiting me into proving you wrong, i know your tricks




My favourite RV is Slug (yeah, yeah, muh monolids) but Irene comes close.


There is absolutely nothing disgusting about Arin's monolids


arins perfect everything



don't look there

400×6122.00Mb00:14170630 Red Velvet - Music Bank



best girl

That's Seulgi though



1060×7202.82Mb00:21[4K] 170702 우주소녀(WJSN) 은서(EUNSEO) - 사인회 엔딩타임(비누방울) @팬사인회(하남 스타필드) 직캠 By 쵸리(Chori)


you have a ploblum with my label?


I'm not allowed to talk about it



oh shit, that's quality stuff. I love that gta song too. based russian bros


We had a lot of memes on another board but now we're kinda tired


We even tried to make a VN


would play and be confused because of russian


there are not enough lewd pictures of kpops, how would you make it rewarding to play?


there are not enough lewd pictures of kpops

you serious?




not enough lewd pictures of kpops

Why would you say so?


dirty russian tricks again huh

762×436530.93Kb00:03[After School Club] The 13 mystical and magical girls, WJSN(우주소녀)! _ Full Episode - Ep.308 <>



Why does she hide her belly button?


because she's a shy cutie and only wants to show it to (me)


I want to see it too


where did all the buttons go?



don't worry I'll be your insider

or I'll die broke in a ditch somewhere because I don't have enough discipline to study properly


I didn't study properly either, now doing shitty web apps instead of working on unsolved math problems.

Don't repeat my errors.



so you do web stuff as a job too? I thought it would just be a hobby of yours



yea, it's quite easy to be hired as js programmer nowadays

764×7202.77Mb00:10160903 우주소녀(WJSN, Cosmic Girls) - 우주소녀 2ND MINI ALBUM [ THE SECRET] @대전 팬사인회 [직캠 Fancam] By 벤뎅이

I'd kill for a job as JS programmer. I work on a series of really old C++ applications. Parts of which must be built with a 20 year old compiler to interface with some even older COBOL.


I feel like my countries industry will get overrun with outsourced indians and ukrainians before I can establish myself enough




I work on a series of really old C++ applications

2560×14408.75Mb00:08160924 인천 한류 관광 콘서트 - 전소미 'Pick Me' 직캠 by DaftTaengk <>
810×14404.10Mb00:08160924 아이오아이 (I.O.I) - PICK ME [소미] Somi 직캠 Fancam (2016인천한류관광콘서트) by Mera <>


Actually, a bunch of emoticons seem to have issues.




For some reason it stales in browser cache but web server correctly returns no-cache and different ETag headers. Very strange issue.


Не катите, ща опик сделаю быстро