They already lost motivation just after 2 damn episodes and now they write long shitty statements against copying their subs and reuploading like they actually mattered
We work with the first version that tencent uploads on their website for each episode. This is because this is the version with Chinese subtitles so we can properly translate them.
they wrote you need to activate CC because at some time the hard subs fucked up or something but yeah for a team of 34 people it's a really weak performance...
tfw instead of watching show you're rewatching that stand up 5second episode over and over again to correctly understand the force vectors and trying the same on the floor
it's more entertaining for the viewers that way but technically it makes more sense to do it like idol school with the live streams they did so everyone can show off their "charms".
I wanted to do my next one with a famous short story but I couldn't find it in an english audiobook format... so motivational negro speak has to do it for now
you can do it with webm4retards if you are dumb and useless like me. theres a "dub" button where you can put your audio file and set it to "loop video"
899×1635129.02Kb466×720502.46Kb00:04170916 일산팬싸인회 I don't like your girlfriend 김도연 직캠(파트 바꿔서ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ)-[01_09.903-01_11.104]1266×19525.84Mb00:05×30051.63Mb220×72818.83Kb
i just add them to a youtube playlist. i have a script that downloads all videos in that playlist then uploads to gd. runs every hour via cron on my seedbox
it's really easy most of the time. either reverse search to find gookdate or check[idol name here]&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all
because the extended version is supposed to be only for VIP viewers (which people pay for). We will also be subbing the behind-the-scenes videos but only those that are not marked as VIP
Where to download VIP c101 videos? I want some extra Mei Qi scene cuts.