If I've got a chance to hook up a kqt, I would be in latex, gas mask on all fours naked ass with a tray full of confectionery and cup of coffee on my spine
it's not but they're kinda conserivate regarding bare tummies and low neck
sometimes it's funny and weird given how lewd kpop is; they're trying to be pure and not so lewd at the same time (e.g. wearing safety shorts but shaking ass right near your nose)
don't see the problem? it's all mnet/cj anyway, the resources they can invest in promoting the groups will be the same, they just make up new labels for business purposes
In March 2010, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) issued a report suggesting an adequate total daily intake of 2 litres of fluids for women and 2.5 litres for men. This quantity includes drinking water, drinks of all kinds and the moisture available from the food we eat. On average our food is thought to contribute about 20% of our fluid intake which, therefore, suggests a woman should aim to drink about 1.6 litres and a man should aim for 2 litres