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#97 Makes (You) Feel Good Edition


#97 Makes (You) Feel Good Edition



please feel good kchanon~




are you me?

I'm kchanon

how about you?


I want to watch more lobelyz



I didn't care too much about yein before we watched that lobelyz show but now I like her a lot


I like new threads tbh


PSA: recent shows to watch

knowing brothers guest EXID

sujuTV guest redvelvet

weekly idol guest izone

guest weki meki/fromis

guest dia



i'd have to watch them first to judge the quality of show

also maybe you could post subbed links

but otherwise i'm always looking for kqt stuff to watch so i like having recommendations


maybe we could watch the weekly idols here



how should i know, i'm just dead protein filament


seulgi is under her blanket?




kagami did his best and it's actually slightly faster for me too



2/5 buttons

good start




so what's the best hair color for kqts?


Layered grey/blonde


>>198985 ➡

I will try one thing, not sure if it helps

I need to do it anyway though




you posted my favorite seulgi so I will not bully you


me as the union jacks on her thighs


do we really have a britfellow here?


there's at least two of us handsome devils on here


if blockberry would finally give them a reality show then i could track their dorm down


let's go can you feel it? can you feel it?


come on, do you watch me? can you feel it?


I like your posts



Manager-nim keeps our phone until we are not nugu



i like cute korean girls

it has pictures of cute korean girls

i like pictures of cute korean girls

therefore it is pleasing to my eyes

also, that naeun


I love this place so much



I feel like posting her gorgeous face right now

if you want me to post her tummy you will have to post a very good kpop song for me



I've heard that one tho?

but it's very good so here are your Nanas


how are there still nanas that I've never seen before everytime?!


we back !


it seems that likes Pyo Hyemi



this jinsoul gal, tell me about her what's her secret? what's her paradise?



i dont know anything about her yet

waiting for dark hair so she reaches her full potential


maybe ill watch flomisloona ep again for some minor loona content


Why the fuck are thhese smiles bad labelled?

how the fuck is this bin feels , she looks more like admiring something

how the fuck is this asuka sad, she looks more like thinking

and why the fuck are all the smiles disorganized?


hide yo wife


wife status: hidden

yeah if you could use kpop only pictures that would be fantastic thanks


kpop has been so shit lately that I started listening to jrock


personally i think dumb rap sections have never been less shit so its getting pretty good actually


the cat is so tired of her shit 🐈


181214 weibo Update


🎹🌙 This night we remember PRISTIN 2017-2018


#주결경 #결경 #周洁琼



salsita por favor amigo




Respect to her you could see that she was already sick and she still wanted to perform



kpop fans are delusional



yep fucking teenage girls ruin everything with their pink view of the world



He prayed god to punish everybody who did choa wrong


this is the wrong edition for kpop being sick

feel good instead


bullying country people


Carrying nugudan had taken a toll on her...



say that to her face and see what happens you fucking faggot



but they are really good at it without becoming a stupid sex worker dance group




I forgot to set an alarm clock and I've been sleeping for 12 hours...



yeah cummed inside of my waifu and she got preggers



I'm glad I woke up because I can check all the fresh kpop updates now

also I've seen a very nice Alice webm




I think Im gonna watch the exid knowing bros for breakfast


I can't fucking believe this shit


knowing bros got fucking sponsored BY FORTNITE


Geechul doing I'm sure


why do stupid foreigners ruin everything there are dumb fortnite stickers and posters everywhere now and they use a new fortnite toy hammer


make a review of your microsoft's memeface


friendly reminder that it's "Makes (You) Feel Good Edition"

stop talking about things that make me feel bad



but that's what you should have said


partial review of exid knowin bros so far

they dance to up&down and LE disappears for the first 15 minutes



I meant to post that eunbi it seems like red is her colour


foreigners ruin everything

there is very little time left, we must act now



Some of you are alright don't go to korea tomorrow


dang it I wanted to make a surprise visit to my waifu tomorrow

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it is a glimmer of hope, a beacon of light in these dark times

the final solution


partial review part 2:

solji sang a sad song well and they are doing archery now and the girls have a very good body posture



ah it's eunseo being spooked by fire

final solution you say? ok I'll get the ovens ready


some might say she's a dreamer


partial review part 3:

LEs solo part was 90% about hani

they did a poop and fart joke segment


do they really imitate sexual act here



is this a trap


Seola's face expression makes me hard tbh

1280×7202.93Mb00:06181002 JTBC.아이돌룸.E21.우주소녀.IPTV.1080i.H264.AC3-IOIis사랑


exy is pure you moroni



what the fuck?

it looks like she was about to take her from the back



I'm literally the luckiest man alive



that was a pretty lewd segment

thanks Doni and Coni


honestly it's the 3rd time I rolled her

it must be destiny



except that episode with really short hair Jenny looks pretty nice imo


I feel like kch rolling rules should be you only get your role after you claim it by posting her


funny how they sit in an order from the least pure to the purest (left to right)



that would cause too much fighting imo

but it would mean more kpop pics so it also sounds nice


but lewdness is not determined by clothing alone



yes it is

Chaefu, Cathy and Eunchaeqt all covered themselves because they are indeed pure




that would cause too much fighting imo

why? I just want more rolls posted


Eunice from DIA is two years older than Jiyeon from T-ara

but Jiyeon debuted few years earlier

who bows first when they see each other?


I welcome all my chingu in the jenny fanclub


well I can get who I want too if I reroll until I get her



seniority takes precedence, but jiyeon would still treat her respectfully

tbh you'd treat anyone with respect/formality unless you're good friends, it's the default way of doing things



pabo it doesn't work like that

the girls he rolled first were already taken



well you roll the one you announced beforehand then



of course it is but also the best girls can be already taken

like now Chaefu, Cathy, Jueun and Yebs are already taken

you can roll even 1000 times and still you won't get the best DIAs


what if she's the one i would want even if the others weren't taken beforehand



you would end up with Cathy rollfu because you rolled her first







No trusting your fate to get you your waifu

she would be disapointed


honestly I feel that I like Cathy way more than I should like a girl I've never talked to


honestly I feel that I like Seulgi way more than I should like a girl I've never talked to



top five DIAs, starting from the best and going to the right


if you guys like jpop style so much why don't you post on


the chad no bangs kqt vs the virgin jpop idol


my room is bigger than the international superstar kang seulgi's

really makes me think


my room in my parents home is like twice bigger than my "apartment" in the city



Your parents lived long enough to afford a big home, you're just a useless young lad with little experience



if you leave your kakaotalk here you would make about 3 people VERY happy



I think that companies are just greedy

Jisook is a semi-nugu and she owns a pretty big apartment



I can see the screen of your phone so idk who you are talking to

btw Kim Lip and Jueun were friends at school, is this how you two met?



I think so, shame they don't have individual IG accounts tho



I'm happy Seulgi, just like me, doesn't like onions



you are right, I shouldn't have believed the twitter pabos

Hyunjin is friends with Jooeun



why haven't western girls figured out how to live cute like that yet



(btw did you know that little dimple on her neck is actually a tracheotomy scar )



why are you a pabo like this?

kids can be cute

just how you find puppies or kitties cute


Was there a All Cops Are Beatiful edition?


waiting patiently for the Police Edition


I'm a bit mad that I have not had that cops edition idea it's really brilliant



honestly I've never seen that naky popo picture before so I'm really ok with waiting and staring at that wonderful picture



use that naky picture it deserves to be posted more than once