my theory:
SK/Korea before WW2 was considered a third world nation and life was simple, predictable, yet stable (tradition and old world culture gave them a sense of harmony).
After Korea was divided in the 1950s, SK was given a chance to "advance" and compete among the industrial world. iirc, they are one of those countries that became very prosperous, in terms of 1st world standards, in less than or within a short time, about 30-40 years.
the SK population in the generation of X to Millennials would be considered the transition from what their society knew from being mostly poor to wealthy over night. So they are the ones feeling the pressure to compete and stay competitive among the industrial world because it is those people that SK now relies on to keep their county to stay on top, something people born before the 1950s never experienced. And so their elders likely don't know how to empathize or how to help people in their teens to about late 30s on how to deal with mental pressure of the industry