The thing is, that they want to teach you how to think like and engineer and give you a certain framework in which you should operate so that you can then progress yourself in you field when you get to work. The problem is that the tests at the end of the semester are designed to just test whether you can fit 300 pages of bullshit into your head and then vomit it on a paper.
This is what pisses me off about university so much.
I dropped out and most of the proffesors probably think I am a useless retard, but at work I do stuff on my own learn very quickly what needs to be done and then do my best to improve at it. When I get an assignment I ask where to start and then proceed on my own.
My sister on the other hand is flying through the uni with insane grades, she just studies until she knows everything. She has iron will and insane determination.
But she is fuckign useless when left on her own with no direction. When faced with and obstacle that doesn't have a prescribed solution she just breaks down.
I don't even know where I am going with this blogpost, but I wanted to get this out.
Here are som kpops as an apology