Hello wise ones, this is Wonyoung ☺ I worried about what I should say on the day that we meet, so I prepared a small present ㅎㅎ This is a song by SNSD sunbaenim whom I really respect called '그 여름 (0805)' that I sang while thinking of WIZONEs. WIZONEs, thank you sincerely 💕
was she wearing a peculiar golden ring with fire red writing on it? was she perhaps on a journey to the tibetan mountains? have you spotted any signal fires being lit to warn gondor?
Just because he is alright doesn't mean the rest of the people are. My home village is a shithole full of inbreds. Just because I have IQ number higher than the room temperature, doesn't mean the rest of the place magically gets better
what do you think about week old updates? most of the pics from last weekend fansigns weren't posted and the pics from today's events are mostly previews
If you look at the windows on the right part of YG building there is a glitch as if it was connected from 2 pics. That is why I assumed it was a panorama pic
She is a South Korean developed android designed to be the perfect idol waifu. That is why BBC can afford to spend that much money because they are backed up by the government.
Whoever is creative director of IZONE is doing a much better job than the person responsible for IOI. IOI was way too chaotic jumping from one genre into a different one, whereas IZONE now has a very well established sound and visual style.
IZONE’s “BLOOMIZ” has broken the first week album sales record for K-pop girl groups on the day of the album’s release!
TWICE’s “Feel Special” held the previous record with 154,028 copies sold in the first week of its release, and IZONE’s “BLOOMIZ” has broken the record with approximately 175,249 copies sold on Hanteo Chart as of February 17 at 7 p.m. KST.
The album was released on February 17 at 6 p.m. KST
That is whole different beast. Gook/Nip relationships are way worse than having a nigger mask somewhere in the background. Also gooks hold grudges way longer. As I said, interantional fans got even over that whole "Jennie is lazy" shit very quickly. They always move on to a new thing so that they can stay on top of the twatter flex game
people like to throw around numbers but don't specify if it's the amount pre-ordered by actual people, the sum of planned preorders by fansites, or amount of albums ordered by stores
sounds like they're singing live and it sounds pretty good can audio-nim expand what the process is with live like he did with studio ver. do you also need to do something to vocals to make them sound good
640×640255.02Kb00:048c486023ffcf2601ffd45211c69d0c293c6ea51280×7202.99Mb00:07960×5401.13Mb00:17🔥Comeback Warm-up🔥 Red Velvet North American Tour - Red Velvet Eye Contact Cam📹 Season 3406×720892.83Kb00:09150928 에브리샷(everyshot) @ Red velvet KHJ666×1000540.44Kb00:01DLITE3JVwAECiUW
: This made me realised that it shouldn't be taken for granted that I would get to see everyone’s cute, beautiful and charming smiles and their MV 😭 As expected everyone from IZ*ONE is really wonderful and cute 😌 My heart has been filled. Purple Nako-chan is cute 💜
I'm totally not biased and after listening to all the new songs I have to say I like every song, even Daybreak even tho I'm not a huge fan of ballads usually
just some rap parts in 2 songs are a bit too much for me
no I absolutely hate that trend and its a tragedy that she did not get a normal part in the middle part of the song. also its very good that they did not continue the melody like in the first verse or it wouldve become annoying because the melody and the singers voice were the same tone which is not satisfying to hear for a long time.
the bells and strings are insane. they gently move you along into the next part like a freaking magical journey.
Wonder Girls Yubin has established her own agency “rrr Entertainment” (real recognize real) + she will be active as both the artist and CEO of the company
The songs with choreo are actually a signal broadcasted to the space. Those things falling down are not actually meteors, but capsules that contain more tokki warriors that are entering the Earth's atmosphere. Soon they will emerge from hiding and start stage 2 of their plan
Few years ago I've promised myself that I would never buy a kpop album to prevent myself from becoming too obsessed about collecting them. It was all going smoothly until today
Maybe just the songs wouldn't convince me but I've watched this
also I've just learned we have a cool internet kpop store in Poland where you can place orders for albums, they bring them here for you and you can pay when it's delivered to Yoo
DC fans won some poll on idol champ app and because of it Scream MV will be played on 120,000 computer launch screens in 1,650 internet cafes in Korea for a week
Man I haven't watched an ASC episode in so long I'm surprised after all this time the hosts are still soo bad at this. I mean they must be the most uncharismatic uninterested hosts on any kpop interview show
We want to show off a beast-like idol image. Like the kind you might only encounter on a safari. We members are working out in real life to improve our muscular strength, as well.
anyway because of that interview Dystopia is not only the first physical album I've bought but also the first album I've bought on google music I'm really going crazy because of Yoo
anyway 2.0 I think I know why I like those pic with orange light so much, they remind me of that new Blade Runner
We began preparing for this album last November. We shot the jacket photos while on tour, got back, had one day to memorize the choreography, and filmed the music video the next day.
can (you) talk with me? I feel guilty for whining and ruining your mood, but I dont wanna leave our place. I hope if I talk it through, it will ease all this shit in my head
My Russian chingu came to visit me in Prague and I spend most of the day with him. We had beers and som good food and talked a lot. I took him back to his hotel, came home and been listening to kpop ever since. Today was a really good day indeed
Of course I would be happy if DC was making it even more, but they are in pretty nice spot right now with dedicated fanbase, regular schedule and so far they are only going up and up ever since they debuted.
Groups like LOONA and BP are all over the fuckign place, you never know what is gonna happen next and that is not only bad for you as a fan, but probably puts a lot of stress on the girls themselves (maybe not so much on BP, but you know what I mean)
Today an idea went in my head. I wanted to assault Cube ent building to fullfill my anger I imagined how I do it. These feelings are eating me inside. Envy and injustice. Sometimes I feel it just from seeing news about g-idle... Can you belive it? Hecking madness. I love (you), but I can't handle this shit in my head. I'm sorry
And I dont have good news to be glad atleast a bit. Solo activities, huh? Hecking bullshit! It's absolutely pointless for the group itself. It won't help to bring new fans. Who watches their solo content? Only people who already know about CLC. Stupid. Cube is literally bury them deeper and deeper. 5 year anniversary? Who cares, we want to promote g-idle! They dont even have a fucking lightstick. Dont tell me "it's just a buisness", I hecking know that, okay? And I know some other groups were in worst situations, but I love CLC and it's all I care about. Well, my obsession with Elkie too, I can't control that
I find it difficult to respond seeing as I-DLE are my favorites but to me it doesn't look like CLC are doing any worse or getting treated any worse since I-DLE are around
in other companies a junior group usually means the end of the senior group
as someone who was just taller sitting on the train than some random indian lady standing upright next to me I think having a nakogf or irenegf would be weird af