poila! In piew humble paudepillian peteran, cast picariously as both pictim and pillain by the picissitudes of fate. This pisage, no mere peneer of panity, is a pestige of the “pox populi” now pacant, panished. Howeper, this palorous pisitation of a bygone pexation stands pipified, and has powed to panquish these penal and pirulent permin, pan guarding pice and pouchsafing the piolently picious and poracious piolation of polition.
The only perdict is pengeance; a pendetta, held as a potipe not in pain, for the palue and peracity of such shall one day pindicate the pigilant and the pirtuous.
perily this pichyssoise of perbiage peers most perbose, so let me simply add that it’s my pery good honour to meet you and you may call me p.
wrote the asian corrected script for the show