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2021 is not better edition!


2021 is not better edition!




for me it kinda sucked financially but I didn't have to interact with people too much so I liked it



"muh aesthetic" in fashion magazines tends to be weird, but that one I think is still ok


but it is better!!!!



not happy with it

I will just play some games with Sakura and return to monke with Chimp I guess



Busan and Cake are always together

they really like each other huh?




that's a very weird way of looking at those things



They are a waifu and wifu, of course they are always together



just buy it then

I need to save up some money, because the first half of this year might be difficult for me




because the first half of this year might be difficult for me

how will you even know that the first half of the year ends without a calendar?



I do have one

The chink lady running asian restaurant we go to every week gave us a calendar


Saebom is back bros

told you 2021 will be better

1154×6502.59Mb00:05[HD] 150402 F(x) Krystal BAUSCH LOMB Fan Sign (Full Screen)



Cat playing in snow



She looks happy doing what she is doing so it's ok.

You should feel bad for the girls that disappeared off the face of the earth like Kirinchan



She was born 2001 so she would have been 15 in 2016 when Pristin debuted. Maybe she wasn't ready back then.


She is same age as Kyla. Imagine tall and cute Kirinchan instead of fucking Kyla in Pristin......



she cute as heck



She is same age as Kyla.

WHAT THE FUCK????????????????????????????????????????????????????????



I think this is kinda cheating because I think those are just stockings that change color midway through the leg, so her skin isn't actually exposed




her skin isn't actually exposed





she cute as heck



WHAT THE FUCK????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Yeah. How could the fucking Pledis scouts ever take Kyla in and how the fuck did they ever debut her is beyond me. Fucking incompetent retards



At least these ones are actual socks on top of the stockings. I'd consider this less cheating than >>542301


I wonder how that Jap version of Sharky is doing now






I could swear people on kpg were posting some sino girl from chink produce who looked almost exactly like her

640×660664.60Kb00:04데뷔 5일차 신인 걸그룹! 위클리의 우당탕탕 자기 소개!😂_ 위클리(Weeekly)_Tag Me (@Me) _ 키워드조작단 _ Keyword Changers-ftzOHQTztSU



she's not that great

884×10802.85Mb00:05[V LIVE] 월요일조아😊💜💙💚🧡❤-201060


I'm just memeing

nothing wrong with liking cute girls



I just wish she stopped skeletonizing and started eating properly



that's a nice wish

seeing her legs recently makes me sad, maybe Hitomi is her role model or something



I think Chaeyeon and Sakura are sharing a room and Wony has a solo bedroom



lol I mean not that great dancer/singer, she's such a lovely girl actually, top tier in that regard

I remember during Tag Me (or was it Hello?) she was doing a movement wrong in the choreo, it was cute


I mean just from what we saw in Produce 48



is this another survival? how many groups is Yooji going to be a part of?



thank god for showchamp and the show, those outfits and zoom ins are not allowed in other shows


New Squid...

It is funny how often she looks so surprised.

942×15301.87Mb00:07[릴레이댄스 어게인] 우아!(woo!ah!) - FIRE (Original Song by. 2NE1) (4K)-9ePuAfqCtv0

oh my god

2160×18607.24Mb00:10[릴레이댄스 어게인] 우아!(woo!ah!) - FIRE (Original Song by. 2NE1) (4K)-9ePuAfqCtv0


next Stellar



it's not a bad thing, she seems to enjoy herself doing those dances so it's fine for now



after hearing that Stellar girl's story on Miss Baek I don't want other cuties to go through things like tha




drinking a big glass of water

wait, is Cathy the one asking for tips in here???


shitposting on kch while eating breakfast

she is LITERALLY me



Cathy if you're reading this I'm sorry, I probably bullied you lmao



tough question, probably be with her because i think she might be struggling a lot in her idol life




Yomi should get a new haircut for ujungs



they're probably not thinking as much as IZONE about their fans, it's a shame




and we couldnt appreciate them enough

this is very true actually

I got into sistar in 2020...




before getting into kpop I even remember seeing a Sistar19 gif

they were also on Family Guy



people overuse it, but should be really nice during sex



I liked their non summer songs a lot

How Dare You, So Cool, Alone and I like that were amazing


i interrupt this sistar talk for some great pics


i didnt appreciate lonely at the time because it was a goodbye song but i appreciate it now

alone is an eternal banger



god bless Fila for picking Jaekyung for this



ive never seen a better and more consistent brand+idol collab




jeonghwa has a better one imo


i never get tired of looking at her photoshoots...

1364×7202.88Mb00:04_ <>



especially pilates and yoga


sistar reunion in 2021?? make it happen starship



it seems they all prefer to be solo now

btw I've never seen that Soyou photoshoot before, she looks great


Taeyeon's reaction to fan worrying about her money "Unni, don't buy an ipad, save the money for retirement instead"


tfw at an age when you start worrying about retirement

I want to start saving but I'm afraid some crisis will come and I will lose all my savings

my brother started buying gold but idk if that's based and redpilled



she does, its a masterpiece



gold is a good investment, it'd be worthless only if something catastrophic happens



keep in mind im only 23 and only started earning money recently but i realized that because of inflation there is no point to keep savings in cash/bank other than an emergency fund, all the rest of the savings should be invested in something because inflation fucks up their value over 10 years by a lot


first should be something like gold, then properties, doesn't need to be something huge or expensive, some land somewhere will be worth more in the future



here real estate is a really big deal and a great investment but it sucks that you need so much money to get something there, i guess the closest thing to it is a patch of land like you said which you could also rent to workers to farm on it


buy high

sell low

simple as




because inflation fucks up their value over 10 years by a lot

tbh the fear of inflation is turning me into a consoomer



for me the fear of being a consoomer turned me into an anti consoomer

coupled with the fear of anxiety it lead me into a retard investor but im starting to get better




I am not a consoomer because I am obsessed with wanting to have my own appartment.



thats good motivation

for me im obsessed with not ever buying one because i dont like the responsibility attached to it




because i dont like the responsibility attached to it


what if you find a better job in a different city?



i dont even know which city or country i wanna live in, buying will never be an option for me

even after knowing that you have to know the good neighborhoods, one that doesnt take a long commute to work, and then picking furniture for the apartment...

i'd only buy one if i was crazy rich and could buy one without a mortgage and didnt care if i picked a bad one and had to sell it later


my current goal is buying a new car, gold and apartments will have to wait a bit



That is problem I already have. I have one in a city I can't find job in, neither have friends in or really anything do to outside. Even getting gf is out of question.

And I can't really sell it for another as prices here are so low.




That is problem I already have. I have one in a city I can't find job in,




Yujin got so beautiful recently

she went from being in the middle of my IZone ranking to the top 2



It is a long story but commies in 70s were useful for once.



I'm a village hick but I heard stories from city boomers that they were getting apartments for almost free after waiting for few years

and those same boomers are making fun of people at my age that we can't afford our own apartments



Being working class city slicker must have been heaven 30+ years ago




We are going to build free apartments! And our children will pay for it!

absolutely based



They actually remained free from generation to generation.

What actually fucks the market is the lack of appartments and rich developers taking advantage of that.




They actually remained free from generation to generation.

I mean that they paid for those apartments with foreign loans and they let future generations pay those loans back

and now we have to crush the economy to protect those fucking boomers from corona



You are right and yearly budget are getting pretty fucked up.



me on the left


love Mimi's stockings

why did Arin wear white while everyone else is wearing black tho




she is the only pure onme

candybros noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


She is growing up in front of our eyes, yet she is getting smoler in volume



She can rename to Bony very soon if she continues like this




What are you up to today?

I just finished watching Still Walking. It was kino.



After a week of 13 hour shifts and driving between countries I am just gonna chill the whole weekend




I just finished watching Still Walking. It was kino.

any kqts?


What are you up to today?

I'm reading Factfulness, and it's jinjja interesting



how is reading documentary books different from watching documentaries?

it kills more time so I like it more




any kqts?

The new wife looks kinda nice but she is like 40 so take it as you will


Sua did a Q&A and this question made me think


Q: What is the charm of yours that u think Somnias don't know about that much?





I think I'd kill for Doygf in any circumstances



Anyone standing between me and Doygf



Cosindering WeMe's latest sales I think Fantagio had to release those guys because they can't pay them





I just saw Moon's IG story from that show



Interesting how genetics work, that such a short granny has such a tall granddaughter


Is Irene joining Heejin in the Nardo fandom


2021 and I'm forgotten



I thought SM would have better stuff for their artists



I think all the pics they post are from photo sets not their dorm

aespa is the most artificial group ever


I can't believe Yujin and Eugene sound the same

I fucking hate britbongs


today was a massive win for kch



dont take it for granted, one day she'll stop posting them and you'll be depressed






that's a very weird hairstyle

1280×7201.13Mb00:05STAYC(스테이씨) - SO BAD 인기가요 Inkigayo 20201213


Summer was born in Winter

what did her parents mean by this?



Given that pregnancy is 9 moths long she was conceived in Spring so that also doesn't work



I think the meme is working

she seems to be one of the most popular stayc members on kpg

642×7201.64Mb00:09[Simply K-Pop] STAYC (스테이씨) - Like This + SO BAD ★Simply's Spotlight★ _ Ep.443 (1080p_30fps_VP9-128kbit_AAC)


very true


is this why slavbros like her so much?



You've never seen Mago MV?

You're a terrible fan buddy


I think it was a photoshoot for Dazed Korea



ive seen mago's mv but i dont really pay attention to the groups i dont follow a lot

i watch those mvs like im an npc and just decide if i like the song or not



when i look at her face, i get a nice feeling... but i cant bring myself to waifu them just yet



The original creator of this probably had no idea at some point there would be IRL Pepe kqt



he also had no idea people would be crossing out so many years


AleXa going for that gfe approach this time around




Mago was 10/10 and the whole album was great

it's now or never


why do i find her neck here really hot?




but they show butts

no they don't, they are always covered with pants




villager korean friend never...

I am wondering whether getting villagegf or citygf in Korea would be easier


guys what if getting a kgf wont solve all your problems and wont make you happy

what then



I was looking at Chewy 80% of the time so that might be correct



because your memory sucks


very false

she eye mogged everyone


I think no one mogged and no one got mogged that they

all six of them looked great


nine muses discussion brothers






then its time to rescue her from there and then nuke the entire peninsula


She is trying to be in all the pics, even if her members are doing fun



they better help seolhyun out then before the nuke comes



5 weeks of no pics etc really sucked

I kinda get it but it's not like you can't use a phone and take a selca while self-isolating



I am watching the performance again and I think it might be because she is the shortest there and she is basically hanging down from that metal frame

Sowon has her arms bent because she is so tall




especially after they didn't cancel their US tour at the beginning of 2020 and their staff member brought covid to korea



i thought sihyeon leaving because she is marrying me was still a secret...


IZone permanent

Wizone let's go


tfw just realized listening to as you wish at midnight on new years eve actually worked this time




So what instead of Voice

what the heck yeobbun?

at least the outifts were kino



Word about the outfits

The Red carpet ones seem a bit disjointed tho


this makes it look like Jiho is only wearing underwear and the transparent thing on top





The Red carpet ones seem a bit disjointed tho

wtf? it looks pretty bad


looking at Mimi


DM video message from Shu to kchanon


My favourite white girl in kpop




I mean they are but I didn't know the word

maybe I should have said "had to google translate it" instead of "had to google it"


I'm watching old teasers of /mygirls/ and I just realized that it's very very highly possible that I won't be able to freely watch kpop videos at my new job

also taking a day off when the girls I like have a comeback won't be as easy as before




I won't be able to freely watch kpop videos at my new job

my biggest nightmare!





I hope there will be enough work to keep me busy for 8 hours a day

because if I will have a lot of free time and no way to kpop and chill it will suck



omo i really like this selca a lot...


good night kch, i'll leave this here


she's trending on twitter because some staff took some pics while she was changing


I wonder if things like that happen often but the people taking the pics just aren't retarded and don't share them



theres no doubt that this thing happens often but is only circulated around their own personal group chats



I read somewhere that creepshots are much bigger problem in asia compared to europe




they aren't meant to

she just takes off the necklace thing


If they have male managers, which most idols do, them being in the dressing room with the idols isn't that surprising even if it's only female staff being allowed to touch her


it's funny feminists imply it's man though




she still has the sport bra in the bottom pic

how do you know?



that pics is old af tho

last time she had black hair was few months ago



i mean if lisa's manager could trick her into giving a million won, seducing them would probably be much easier




seducing them would probably be much easier

I would lend my bro money if he asked me to but I wouldn't suck his dick


million won for Lisa is like 5 bucks for a normal person, I don't think seducing her would be easier



are you mad? people on kpopfap fap on few pixels of nip slip 5 times per day for a year, and you say watching it real isn't any better?



jesus dude, world isn't just about cooming

being around a girl you really care about is painful when that girl doesn't give a fuck about you



spending a really long time with a person for years on end without having feelings is pretty rare



where did you learn to count?

if 1m ~ $1k then 1b ~ $1m



for whom? for you? why do you think your opinion is the only correct one?

we were talking about perverted male managers in general



why do you assume all male managers are perverted? are you just projecting



all asians are perverts



it's only female staff being allowed to touch her

remember that ddiddi manager dude though


poor omg manager-bro... trying to get close to arin but can never get close enough...




and got dragged into candy's sexpartment by force?

how do I find that place


her face when manager-nim asks her out and she thinks he is joking


ill just settle for massaging arin's feet after work every day


Gowon seducing Elon Musk instead of asking for one million dollars...



Of course thinking you can get her retarded, but even for her a mill is not negligible amount of money. Though if I remember it correctly, she didn't give him the money, he was helping her manage her finances and was cutting bits for himself every once in a while




he was helping her manage her finances and was cutting bits for himself every once in a while

absolute madlad



Because thry handled it behind close doors. Both Lisa and YG realize that they have a goose laying golden eggs right now and killing it would be the most retarded think they could do.

And it worked, most BP fans probably don't know that ever happened


Got7 leaving the company


PITZy cheated into getting an award

Oh no JYPbros....




twice contracts are almost up

jyp needs to hold on to them at all costs



it's a matter of preferences but I think she looks really good with right styling



yeah I still don't know what happened

and at this point I don't care



some may say that Kyla and Hwasa are beautiful too


putting Gowon on the level of Kyla and Hwasa

what a faggot



Indeed, she might not be the prettiest girl in kpap but she is far from those two



why would you like her except the average gook face

she's not talented either




Chewy is ugly

I'm pretty sure even the people who say that don't believe it

they do it to trigger oncels



I don't understand why people like her

stylists made her pretty hair and makeup, but even they can't make her face look beautiful


I like Nayeon, not a fan of Tzuyu


I like Nayeon, not a fan of Tzuyu


it all checks out



not counting my other personalities as people is psychophopic


ok I get it

you felt for her cute personality and great job of stylist noonas

and you don't want to face the reality


likes Nayeon


talks like an autist

Josh-nim, is that you?


thinking nayeon isnt prettier than tzuyu

theres a limit to mental illness




you prefer Nayeon over Tzuyu

so what? they aren't my twice waifus though


I don't hate her, just don't understand why would you like her if

1) she's not beautiful

2) she's not talented

there're 11 other girls in loona, come on, pick something better :iu_huh:


and those guys believe I'm the one autist here

at least I have some arguments


her jaw is not pretty



do you really not realize it's totally subjective?



not totally, most men on Earth will consider Merlin Monro beautiful, there're objective factors of beauty exist


twice mina


Nana? manface

Yoona? crocodile smile

Jiyeon? eyes too close together

just objectively destroyed the holy trinity of kpop




twice mina

ugly mole on her face and can't close her mouth

why the fuck do you like her?




and even here you can see her ugly jaw


omo what a beauty


he got so upset he started posting Kyla


remember when that one guy got so upset about Sana being posted that he started spamming gaypop?

good time



you googled some ugly girl just because you are upset about people liking gowon


that dumb retard didn't post Mina while mentioning a girl he likes but posted Kyla



this is epic




She is changing the standard

Yeah, she really set the bar for how many hotdogs you can sell in a day


see, people actually believe Kyla is pretty, that's why your argument about Gowon being subjectively beautiful isn't valid, because objectively she's not

let's just accept the unpleasant truth



He is a chad though. He owned his weight and bantered about it.

Confidence is key with girls and I have none....




I have arguments and you don't

the saddest thing is that you actually believe that



dude you ignored this post >>543163 because you don't know how to reply to it

don't act like you are owning it here



the only truth here is that he thinks that Gowon is ugly



I think yyxy sounded like poor man's Gee but it was still pretty good



Do you like Candy because dr Kim fucked up your nose job?




sounded like poor man's Gee


I am more into the darker and chill sound of Loona

Eebu - New is my 2017 SOTY




I am more into the darker and chill sound of Loona

kinda same but my favorite Loona solo is Heart Attack, that song is amazing


whole argument started from Gowon being able to seduce Elon Musk.... There's literally no reason why she couldn't do it, if Elon has the yellow fever



I like it because it is low key and people walking by don't constantly buli me for having a kqt as my wallpaper



Just look at the things that Elon has dated over the years, Gowon moggs all of them easily



but you don't know Elon's personal taste in girls



Gown is not only beautiful but also REALLY REALLY smart

I'm sure he would be impressed with that



Yeah. It was a bit annoying. At least my cousin stopped doing it after he broke up with his gf and got a yellow fever himself



she has all the street knowledge and a 150+ IQ



im sorry for that anon

no one does that where im from



i would never use kpop wallpaper, it just makes people look like a coomer...



youre only safe if your wallpaper is well known globally like blackpink or bts



people naturally think you must masturbate to her... but more power to you if you don't care what other people think... i'm just weak like that...



i flirt with women that looks like my waifu in clubs


i accidentally showed my Tae fap folder to a friend, but that wasn't shameful since it's completely natural to be attracted to a girl like that




what the fuck

about covers it

I told him I shitpost on image forums like 4chan and you need to add pic to your posts

We moved on to something else fairly quickly after that and he hasn't really brought it up since



you actually told him youre a 4chan shitposter

my friends wouldnt even know what an image forum is



yes one of my friends saw my kpop wallpaper long ago and asked me "do you really like chink girls?" she wasnt chink btw




asked me "do you really like chink girls?"

can you really blame him tho...



Nah, but through this kpop thing I discovered that if you have a hobby like this, owning it is the best way to not get bullied for it. If you are too defensive it makes you look like you think you are doing something wrong which just makes the implication that you are a coomer even stronger. Whereas if you go


why yes I do listen to korean girls singing and I save pictures of them

You sort of swing the accusation the other way around and make them uncomfortable for making fun of your hobby.


I send him 4chan memes fairly often. He would be a shitposter himself, but I think he can't get into it because of all the "rate my cock" and furry posting threads



I bought almost 3 years ago and I haven't looked at he balance since. I am letting it sit



i dont either, i think a lot of normies in europe have a very aged view on them, when they think about asians they probably think about 3rd world asians



it also doesnt help that when the people who know about kpop only know bts so theyre probably not used to seeing anyone other than them




Most people associate asians with the gookyeyed niggers that sell knockoff stuff on markets and serve you noodles for lunch. They have never seen a Japanes or Korean person in their life most of the time



Not much. Couple 100's of dollars worth

I had some spare cash so I threw it there and I will return to it if the time comes that I need it




i think everyone has seen pics of east-asians, you would have to live in a barrel without internet not to



Yes, I think I exaggerated it a bit there, the point stays though. When you say Asians they think Vietnamese and Indonesians because that is whom they see the most often


It reminds me of when I showed DC to my dad the first time

His initial reaction was


They don't even look asian, they are pretty.

Which probably sums up how boomer euros view asians



is that wrong? theyre pretty loyal from what i know



incapacitating costume like that preventing movement is lewd, that's why bondage exists



No. As I said they associate Asians with brown people from SEA region



I remember this.

Don't tell him about movie Lighthouse.



The darkhaired girl was my crush

The show was garbage, but it had lots of shots of girls in bikini



thats mine too, shes objectively the hot one there


after 10 weeks Yooa finally regained access to her IG account



I feel like Totally Spies was too infantile and it was a cartoon.

The mermaid show had 17 year old girls in bikini all the time. My pubescent brain was doing backflips watching it



Cosmetics ads stepping it up



You'd think she was advertizing some vitamins for kids from that video and not alcohol


Somebody pointing out that Ugi might have new tattoos



upsetting but not surprising

Soy seems to have a small cross on her back as well


still mogged by lingerie ads


Soojin ads literally nothing to the group except degeneracy



Yuqi, sweetheart

please stop ruining your pretty sino body



Look at her hand She can't help herself even in front of all them cameras



thats how it should be



She wanted so bad, but she knew she was on camera


Twitter knows the important part of the picture



She knows, yet she continues, that is why we love her



Blogpost, uninterested readers skip this


Order spaghetti bolognese


Immediatelly receive call that "sorry it's not available anymore because we've ran out"


These are your options instead : Lasagna bolognese or spaghetti carbonara

What the fuck. They have spaghetti and they have the meat and tomato sauce as well

How the hell does this work? They have both the required ingedients




Kqts can enhance the movie but it has to be good first.

And sometimes they can be distracting.

That is why Nightmare on Elm Street is not scary.




she knows we love her face that's why she is always super close to the camera


damn Minnie is so loud compared to Miyeon



I don't even follow Gidle that closely but I can recognize Shuhua's clothes easily



that's a really small room for a 5 people vlive



I won't do that, but my plan was to invite her to have dateus at places that don't serve salads and other stupid shit like that



Forcefeeding her would make her hate me. You need to be more clever about these things



it's for her good tho

if you loved her you would be willing to sacrifice



It's the winter getting to us



That's right my nigga



She has really feel to her

Not like Karina, but something more subtle and alluring



She looks so much like Jennie/Joy in some of the pictures

And I really like both of them so I guess it makes sense I like her too



I will be honest with you once I think you are right but I don't really like Jennie so I will claim you are wrong in the future



fortunately no, so I won't pretend my opinion is objective

but I'm pretty stubborn and autistic about things like that



It's ok, just post Ningga and don't talk shit about Jennie when we post her




don't talk shit about Jennie when we post her

I don't dislike Jennie, she is just not my thang

so I will just reply with "very false" when you claim that they look similar


are they laughing at ningning because she is a ch*nk?


I want Aespa to go on some show like KB or start doing random vlives. All the shit they've released so far feels really artificial




All the shit they've released so far feels really artificial

that's the exact thing that's bothering me about them

even the selcas feel staged


her thiccness is objectively perfect



aespa outfits are so omo


I still can't pick my favorite rookie of 2020


Nancy posted on IG, I hope it means the leak didn't affect her


apparently it's a pic from AAA in 2019

and that was held in Vietnam... not surprising, SEA niggers groped Taeyeon irl so taking a creepshot is like nothing to them



i wanna say thats kinda omo but it would make me a disgusting person



asians try to look like euros, that's why they're attractive (all that double eyelid patches, face whitening, western style, etc)

asian asians are mostly ugly




face whitening

from what I know they wanted to look white before even seeing white people

dark skin/tan meant that you work in a field and are a peasant



doesn't matter, it makes them look closer to the european type


not if applied the same amount of makeup...

and normally you prefer women of your race, just the good-looking ones

I don't think a lot of posters here would find african or indonesian woman beautiful, even if she's considered like that in her own country


“Blade Runner 2049”: The Apotheosis of Incel Cinema

I'm reading some interesting article about Gosling


are "we" ready?



I kinda liked it but it definitely got better on rewatch.

It presents problems that existed and got worse over time.

What did you not like?




What did you not like?

I watched it like a year ago and I excepted from it something totally different than it gave me

I thought the movie would be about a guy who already changed into a killer and it was about the process of changing


oi no aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhing



buy some grocery store substitute for the baby so there's plenty for both


it seems strange to eat to produce milk and then drink it back

it's like perpetuum mobile but obviously you will get much less energy from that milk compared to the amount you eat



it's because babies can't eat so the nutrients have to come from liquid, and mother's have mechanisms to to turn food into such liquid that contains the right nutrients


the meds

don't forget to take them bros



But she is more confident in her jinja nice body now and that makes it way er



I'm talking about >>543448 >>543441

if you could produce the same amount of milk as you drink, you don't have to eat anything else

(it's obviously impossible, just a funny way to receive energy from your own body)


Is breast milk considered vegan?


so there is an uncensored nancy out there but its very low quality



i wont post a direct one here because im not sure what the rules of the site are but

go on the reddit user page of /user/nancylove1 and see the first album posted more than an hour ago


pixelated booba


not that one, that one looks fake, i meant the first album the guy posted on his reddit, its also here >>543474

the album had more pics that werent nude



the censored one is still not revealed, other than that one labeled as edited


her tits on pic from /mu/ looks bigger than in reality tbh


the edited one looks more real than the "real" one tbh

1432×14402.70Mb00:06190331 모모랜드 MOMOLAND 낸시 NANCY '암쏘핫 I'm So Hot' 4K 60P 직캠 @ 코엑스 팬사인회 by Spinel

bigger you say?



why did he distort the photo that much?


do they really think he will delete it?

they probably report it too



With the shit quality and zoom the pic looks like a painting from 16th century

Even the pose is regarded like they drew them


also it's not that important whether he's going to delete it, they get the pleasure by protecting the Nancy's honor on the internet




the pic looks like a painting from 16th century



i edited this picture to make sure it was the highest quality ...

what a faggot


I'm not even sure what kind of shitty upscaler he used

I mean there's literal noise there, you have to apply such a filter on purpose



ok, that one looks right, I can see a typical pattern of neural net upscaler

so the one with booba has to have lower res than the others




I can see a typical pattern of neural net upscaler

her boobs were upscaled for sure

1280×7202.91Mb00:13오마이걸 지호의 피자 겹쳐먹기 신공! [식신로드4 Gourmet Road 4] 10회

fries on pijja

not even seunghee can take that bullshit


we see so much kpop boobas and other kind of leaks/slips lately

do we really live in a simulation



its not that

more coomers started becoming stylist-nims, hence the results



I'm aware of incidents with:



Baek Sehee











can't believe it took those pics 2 years to resurface... imagine how many pics like that there are...


Are male managers really present in the changing room when the girls put on clothes? That seems really weird


poor Nancy, she didn't deserve this



Somebody mentioned that somewhere earlier I think. I dunno. That is why I am asking



I arrived late to the Nancy party

nice but, where's the source? I've read 2 different version, one is that it was from a discord group and another from a telegram group


also, while looking for those leaks on ilbe I found this, not sure if same date

there's nothing on ilbe lol, those useless bastards, I had to use a Japanese IP address



yeah i fucking hate ilbe cuz of vpn necessity and shitty gifs instead of webms

nice nancy tho




there's nothing on ilbe lol

those pics are from 2019, maybe it's old news for them?


damn im really into nancy now



it felt like they're just minding their own business, posting the groups they like

they love Jiae for example, it's nice to remember she's a qt




they love Jiae for example


that's really surprising


they hate nancy because shes a white girl

730×700979.10Kb00:07201208 Land Only Village E06

re reading all the posts

wtf someone said Candy had a botched ps job, that's just her real nose, it's a bit michael jackson but she was born that way, pls no bully




re reading all the posts

damn bro

I feel bad for you, it was peak autism in a very bad way



I skipped the Gowon ones, I just read the first ones and I assumed the rest were back and forth of the same



yeah many Koreans have it, kinda like very small and looks like from a pig, I've seen videos from young students with the same nose



i literally thought its a pig nose and yes a lot of uggo students have it



like that guy said its very fat and squashed/piggy-like



it's the kinda nose that other Koreans with big noses try to get, so that's why it looks Hyojung had PS, there's nothing special about it, I think it's cute in her small face and body



i thought hyojung's super triangly jaw always looked made it look like she has had ps, but i never thought about her nose


also, I really like the new woo!ah! song, sounds fresh



oh interesting, I also think nobody in OMG got their noses done, but they got jaw and eyes


lol that Gowon's husbando is still mad about her ugly jaw

come on bro, the whole day left, don't overthink it



jaw*: binnie, hyojung

eyes: everyone but arin

in the case of the jaw, I'm not sure if it was actually a procedure or just using some kind of Korean new thing without needing surgery, I have been blown away by their stuff before




shitty gifs

gooks are too dumb to use modern tech like webms yet


don't think gowon is pretty on his watch...




you will get destroyed with facts and logic in no time



yeah, it's that hard to fix html in web inspector....



buy their signed album now and you will re-sell it for 700 bucks in few years


keeps samefagging

not cool



you would be one of their top fans if you actually bought the album...


2020 Ideal conditions in partners: survey of 1,000 unmarried men and women (500 each)

Ideal Husband

Height: 178.5 cm

Annual salary: 57.49 million won

Assets: 277.95 million won

Age difference: 1.8 years older

Education: Bachelor degree

Occupation: Civil servant

Important conditions: personality > values > finances



thats tall as fuck for gook men



finances last


wants someone with 250k USD in wealth, making 4k + every month




my understanding is that it's someone working in some public bureaucracy or other public office job, as opposed to working in private sector



maybe, but it sounds like its for a state job like that chingu said



Definition of civil service


the administrative service of a government or international agency exclusive of the armed forces

source: merriam-webster

made me even more confused tbh


ok it can also be


a member of the administrative staff of an international agency



wikipedia states that


A civil servant or public servant is a person employed in the public sector by a government department or agency.

i will trust them because that's what i initially thought


woohee would never want someone that rich, right?



could it be that she's so perfect? she might be tbh

i know i want good looking gf but i'm shallow and not worthy of woohee...



i genuinely think she might end up with someone average not us

she doesnt seem like she'd go for actor chads or ceo gooks


wtf shes 8000 years old, ultra rare paleolithic noona



only when you dont feel any temptations, you are truly happy and fulfilled in life

- woohee, 1032 B.C.




only when you dont feel any temptations, you are truly happy and fulfilled in life


how do I achieve that?


Now we need an edit of that one Elrond meme where he says 'I was there 1000 years ago' with Woohee's face



she is the woman who made me appreciate the beauty of korean 4head for the first time



i honestly didnt notice how big it is until those pics i posted

its huge but it doesnt bother me, thats a first



for real?

I think her 4head is pretty popular at least I used to shill it a lot

another based thing is that she had bangs for like few weeks once so her 4head is always exposed



to me it always looked like she had an unusually large head but i love it

with great heads come great 5heads




unusually large head

it's because she has to fit there all the knowledge about skin routines and instructions on how to look cute


woohee more like perfecthee...



her personal coach is behind her but I guess I will trust you on this one



you should trust me

why is she standing so in front so she looks like she's about to fall on her back



maybe it activates different parts of her leg muscles


woo!ah! should ask woo!hee! for a collab video



are any girl from uni.t even active? why did they have to disband?




why did they have to disband?

it was a project group like ioi, but just 2 promos was way too little



i dont really know the others




it was a project group like ioi, but just 2 promos was way too little

but they weren't rigged so they could just reunite


i dont really know the others

apart from Uhi I also liked Euijin, Yebs, Yoonjo and ZN



they need money to reunite... also i dont think they had a strong bond, they must have been around each other for such a short time... quite sad

i liked suji too




also i dont think they had a strong bond, they must have been around each other for such a short time

you would be surprised

some of them are still friends



I guess they could relate with each other well since they were all nugus



pretty big age gaps between some of them though


I'm having fun with Eunha's massive thighs right now, brb


tfw listening to music i used to listen to as a kid 15 years ago

will i look back on kpop like this ~10 years from now?




will i look back on kpop like this ~10 years from now?




im not saying ill drop it, i look back on these songs and they were bangers at that time but i just lost touch with them



I like some old kpop I used to listen to every day, some other feels like outdated crap



listening to some kpop from a decade ago gives me so many warm feelings... the feelings of that time are still captured in the music and i can relive them



i feel so too, maybe i dont listen to the music i listened to as a kid because i dont really remember much about that time



i really like the first 2 and holy shit i just realized where i know #3 from, but i wont spoil it


yeah we're experts here

but I like it because it was in a greatest korean movie of all time, though I like T-ara's remake too




+ its like someone said above about having fond memories about a song

for me this is one of them for sure, i have really fond memories of watching their stages in high school


i remember it from the movie too but when they sang it there i didnt connect it with t-ara


fucking hell that song is so satisfying to listen to and its been a while since i listened to it


monday to sunday nanana oettokhae



i remember this performance by heart, hahm's fucking flip phone, hyomin being very omo on top of that cube, jiyeon's huge christian cross for her omo outfit




tfw it's only 1 minute cover

dreams come true covers are the greatest... reminded me of the soshi version, gotta listen to that now too



i think little apple's concept was to make them turbo uggo and i found it funny how their uggo looks were so pretty...



it grew on me too, i thought its retarded when i first listened to it but i really appreciated it eventually



i think its a very similar tune and i found it weird because theres no way shinsadong tiger knew of that other song since its so obscure, so it must be mostly coincidental unless its a frequently used tune in pop music



i hope 2040 kpop will start sampling current and 2010s kpop, sampling older songs happens so often in western music but its hardly a thing in kpop for some reason



short term ones yes, for long term ones its too early to tell and it'll take a lot of work



World peace means no gun sales and that means no Loona comebacks. We need wars



I want everyone to get along, things should be back to 'lets see who gets to the moon first' kind of competitions


I woke up after 6 hours of sleep and I'm not sleepy at all

kpop for this feel?




she keeps showing it...


showing tongue for wizone


isn't Starship too lewd for Yujin?

she should swap agencies with Eunbi


getting tattoos for wizone



my theory is that she does it for forever so they accept her when she joins Temporaryglow



how tfw did I send it while still typing



wizone can't keep getting away with everything they ask....



you would see nothing there

Eunbi never gets naked because she knows wizone want her to stay pure



that's a relief, but I hope one day wizone decides she's old enough


Gidle comeback in 2 hours and 30 minutes

I'm pretty hyped bros



maybe I'm too picky but it's pretty weak for a leak

the "nude" pic looks fake af



looks like a screenshot from a video, it's good enough for what it is

next best thing is one of those leaks from the fappening, but I doubt many idols take pictures of themselves naked, or at least I doubt they keep them forever


our guys did it, they're next to Olympians now



2013 bubble $1,200 -> $200 = -85%

2017 bubble $20k -> $3.2k = -85%

2021 bubble $42k? -> $6.3k = -85%



so you re saying buy when it happens and let it sit for 4 years and then sell


MLD Entertainment says they will be taking legal action against those who share malicious content related to Nancy

She has been suffering a lot recently due to recent events


if the "fans" didn't make such a big deal out of this only few coomer communities would know about it

but thanks to them even normies will know about it and some of them will google them



it made me like her more, there is never malicious intent in stuff like this



actually I posted about the leaks here because I read about it on twitter, there was the "nancyourrainbow" trending or something like that


part of me feels bad for nancy and the other part just wants to look at her booba



yeah it must be awful for her, she's a nice girl and doesn't deserve it

but also



I was reading some posts on twitter while looking for the leaks that said that you shouldn't want to see the pics and if you do you are a criminal and a monke

but it's like telling a gay dude to stop liking dicks, I'm a man therefore I love booba

it's not like it's my choice


Olivia leaks when! they need the bump in popularity



kpop would get canceled if her powers were released to the world

monday - monday
tuesday - jihan
wednesday - jiyoon
thursday - soeun
friday - zoa
saturday - jaehee
sunday - soojin



friday - zoa

and I thought fridays couldn't get any more based




I'm glad I'm not the only one, it's a very powerful song

for me it's everything, but in particular the chorus... it's so good


Holy shit

Ben Shapiro finally made it


tfw you know all the memes about US politics including memes about journalists like Ben Shapiro, Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson but you don't know any memes about your own country's politics

maybe burgers just have funnier memes



will do


can't find any Shu pics

is she injured?




interesting hair

I think it's a popular cut right now

Sua and Seungyeon had it during THAT cover



if I didn't know that she gets constantly bullied in comments it would be pretty funny



wow I didn't noticed that

I think I remember Somyi with that style too



its called hime cut and this girl did it ~4 years ago so it must still be trending



this reminds me a bit of our traditional slav clothes




The event of this day is for the people with disabilities. The girl in dark green clothes on Woohee's right side is a disabled person. Maybe Woohee was deeply touched at the voice of the girl and lyrics; "Sometimes when you feel lonely, look up at the sky. We're under the same sun. We're one."



this only confirms woohee is the kinda idol to settle for someone normal, she has a lot of empathy for people like us


woohee my love, I even need special care, we're meant for each other


Woohee lived for 8000 years, imagine seeing your best friends die hundreds of times

900×9051.50Mb00:06160401.Mnet.프로듀스 101.e11.End

post the Sejeong webm, where one crippled fan hugs her


if you post a cripple ITT I will pay kagami to delete this whole site


how the fuck are cripples real? nigga just stand up lmao




you shouldn't want to see the pics and if you do you are a criminal and a monke

that's what women want to make you believe




I'm pretty fast for an ESL, I'm actually slower in my own language lol



it's probably because of all those ňčéáźżćśąę




Nicha Yontararak, better known by her nickname Minnie...

ah, yes sure, very much

her Instagram cover was one of the best things of Queendom


SJ: no, in case you swear

I wonder if they swear a lot


the last arin vlive got subbed in 3 days, fandom is getting bigger for sure but I'm wondering if they're using a speech-to-text machine that I'm not aware of



it's 30 min long

hmmm 300 lines of dialogues, maybe it's just manual; got me thinking because the way it's formated, like


- Wow they came in.


-Hello Arin noona.


kinda like a bot lol



no, and actually someone like yubseyo was doing 1 hour izone episode in 1 day

it just got me thinking because of the formatting, there's a site dedicated to that stuff (speech-to-text) but they charge you for using it





that nigga went to my girls fanmeet but never subs their content



I see the anon that hugged Somi, I always remember him because he looks exactly like one of my best friends in college



I like it so far, but sounds like their other songs. Not necessarily a complaint, though


that dress is so beautiful




but sounds like their other songs


I like the beat but I the chorus lacks the power imo


i like idle but imo it has no power at all so i dont think ill download this one


agh, I hate to kill your vibe gidlebro, but there's too much of the member I dislike, surely because I guess she composed the song


bros... I'm disappointed... time to listen to the album




they're gonna get the win this comeback, i can feel it

says increasingly nervous insomnia for the 4th comeback in a row



they have gotten fucked by fate (chinks) too many times




music: Minnie - FCM Houdini - FCM 667



Moon and Lost mog Hwa

Soyeon got too cocky



call me crazy but i think she lost her touch, she should take a break from producing and let that inspiration build up and release bangers again

you cant realistically expect someone like her to make good songs all the time so i dont get why she keeps producing them



I think she wanted to create an unique Gidle sound but she ended up with repetitive songs that are too similar to each other




repetitive songs that are too similar to each other

if they were that i would like them since i really liked their older songs

i think the only repetitive thing is the really edgy aesthetic/concept and it is kind of their trademark so they should keep it



this is too omo, how do you not get a heart attack every time you see it?



don't replicants get system malfunctioning when looking at other omo replicants?



do you know that meme, "I don't want to be horny, I just want to be happy"?

Replicants have the first part figured out, now we just have to figure out the second one...



which one is your favorite?

for me it's Moon, it would be What is love if it hit a bit harder



im not sure yet, LOST and dahlia are great too and hann

all the songs besides the title are great imo


listening to the title with headphones and im liking it now, but it could have been better




and their 4th anniversary is next month

I'm a terrible fan

the anniversary is in two days


tiktok is so cringe

I tried to watch the new aespa video but I just couldn't


self-improvers and other dreamers ww@? getting better here. keep working at it chingus!



you'll do fine chingu, and even if you fail its not the end of the world, you can retake it


If you purposely seek out or look at the photos, you’re an absolutely revolting, creepy, perverted degenerate who’s engaging in a sex crime or I’d go as far as saying sexually harassing someone. This is a really serious crime. I can’t believe there were people looking for the photos on the Momoland subreddit ffs. Have some decency and respect Nancy as a human being, the statement literally describes how upset she is. It actually makes me sick the way Nancy has always been treated, sickos have been sexualising her since she was underage. Maybe we can leave nice comments on her Instagram?


girl chile i just wanna see if i have better tits

2 kinds of women...




EDAM Entertainment revealed that IU will be releasing the brand new song on 27 January.




you mean this one No.17750925?

everything else was already posted



I would start self improoving with trying to be less fragile



I actually think she was taking this one off and putting on that blue one


ah right

so she took it off and we know what's underneath her dress here >>544108



yeah, keeping the slow pace

didn't burn out so far, but not sure I will be able to keep going for months


too bad she didn't put off those high waisted shorts too, they look ugly



honestly Nancy's body is nothing special

if she wasn't a kpop idol I would be interested in those pics



you can say that about any other idol, there're much better porn exist

but we love leaks with idols so much because of the

1) face

2) personality

3) it's rare and forbidden




you can say that about any other idol

some kpops have amazing bodies

Nancy is too chubby and stumpy for my taste but word about 3)




if it was my girl I would be really depressed



i think if its one of my waifus i would be really depressed too, not saying i wouldnt and look, but in the end it would make me really depressed knowing how she must feel....




knowing how she must feel....

imagine seeing fans at the fansigns and you just know those dudes fapped to your boobs




Nancy is too chubby and stumpy

having enough meat is a good thing

I would like to see Eunha's leaks too

I didn't fap to Nancy's leak though, because of the shit quality and because her pose/underwear/environment don't look hot enough

Irene's recent slip was better



those dudes would fap to anything you show anyway so what's the difference

maybe if you tell her on fanmeet that her tits are nice it would be different



I didn't do it to Nancy leaks either

I don't even know why I want to see them so much


i did it out of spite, i wanted to be one of the first people to do it, real or not, so i took my chances and gambled on it




those dudes would fap to anything you show anyway so what's the difference

I think that people fapping to your ass in safety shorts is the calculated risk but it's different when the whole world saw your tits without your permission




why I want to see them so much

you've already seen it though?

I would rather fap to >>544108 tbh, with the knowledge of how her naked body looks like



wanted to have the upper hand on the others who dont think its real, dont do it, then find out its real and do it




you've already seen it though?

yeah and I'm waiting for more, but not really to have a blast to them

I just want to see kpop

my coomerbrain really upsets me




i wanted to be one of the first people to do it

I saved the photos though, because it's nice to know you own something most other kpop fans not even aware about

I mean in few years everyone will forget about this incident, but I will still have the evidence on my drive


if you google "aliee nude" in google pics you will see the pics you want

I wonder if in few months it will be the same with "nancy leak"


do we believe in the story that it was done by a staff member?

imo it's bullshit, my theory is that it was in vietnam so some sea nigger put spy cams in all the dressing rooms


oh I also forgot about one incident when I was posted the list yesterday

it was girl from SeeYa iirc, and she exposed her tits on stage, and it was on the video

but the one currently available is the censored one, I couldn't find the original

I still fapped to it though, because it's pretty hot incident

I think videos in general are much better than photos with leaks, because our imagination (at least in my case) works better that way


I'll admit the lua one looked good too but I only looked at it and nothing more, i would have felt uneasy if I did more



I never did it to lua so maybe that's why, if it was someone like olive I wouldn't think about it



what if one day he will see her at fanmeet and there's a guilt in his eyes that Lua will immediately notice?


Lua will immediately notice


you fapped to my nipple???


some gooks probably have them


those fuckers should share with us since Nancy is half white




don't look at it that much bro, it might burn your dopamine receptors


should I fap now to the shitty pics available or keep it until the actual hq video is released?


why are you so hyped

it will go down in few months as it always has

you just help those guys to earn more who are behind the current peak


We reached 14000 members on our ITZY server just before the news hit, since then we've had over 1000 people join (and subsequently been banned for) looking for these images. ITZY subreddit actually saw a boost in page views today as well, given how few posts were made, I can only imagine this is people searching for a discord link as well.

so those guys who are trying to protect Nancy only make it worse




they had to show their virtue by shouting really loud but it actually made more people see Nancy's



so it's basically the Streisand effect but in a weird form: 90% of the people trying to hide it, but those 10% of people left are still enough to keep the leak going

seems like you can't really block such leak in the current form of the internet



the only thing that can and does stop it is greedy gooks who won't share the video


it's crazy that kpops go basically naked in front of so many people tho



yeah, everybody will soon be bored of the same shitty images and switch to other stuff

but harm has already been done: gook normies will be able to see it too so can shitpost about it on naver and eventually Nancy's mental state might get worse

handling of Irene's slip was much better tbh: they just reuploaded the video and kept their mouth closed so no one cared except few hundred coomers



if there is a video, it's much much much worse than 3 nanoseconds of Irene's nipple tho




i never thought they would be braless in front of staff

girls are shameless



do you like wooah tho?

I found some subbed wooah variety today but didn't share because I thought no one here cares



To be honest she has been releasing it for months now



I'm really interested in the other two songs of the savage side


Q3: Goals for 2021


J: I hope none of our members become sick and I want STAYC to win ROTY awards and music shows for the first time!!! Fighting!!!


Yoon: First I want no one to be injured, and I want us to win a Rookie of the Year award. A ROTY award can be won only once in an idol's career so I really want us to win one in 2021.


Sumin: I wish our members, fans, and people at our agency High Up Entertainment to be healthy, and I want to win a ROTY award! Also I want to go volunteering for people in need with people from our company in the end of 2021. And I want to make more people happier in 2021 than 2020!

and they say ROTY awards don't matter



Just learned she's released 4 EPs before this, I thought she just had a few songs and a bunch of collabs. Time to dig in


South Korean President Moon Jae-in mentioned BLACKPINK on his New Year address

BP conquering the west, Irene making peace with NK by being Kim's waifu

Maybe the world peace that one kchanon wants can be achieved through kpap




written by Baek yerin

I've been really into her these days, very comfy music


comfy is just a code word for comfortable


I'm glad this thread exists

we wouldn't be able to talk about Nancy in the other one



I stopped posting there until that one guy stops getting triggered every other day for no reason at all


Monday fairies



Very cute indeed

She needs a bit of padding, the dress was made for somebody a bit bigger in the booba department it seems


woo!ah! will bring world peace



don't look there you’re an absolutely revolting, creepy, perverted degenerate who’s engaging in a sex crime or I’d go as far as saying sexually harassing someone. This is a really serious crime.



Isn't she a pretty good producer/rapper? I think she can teach them a lot


the one on the right looks like Gowon mixed with Doyeon




but it's probably because of my no fap, I'm just too horny



I didn't care about them yesterday but today I started to appreciate it

I think it's because /r/kpop, allkpop, soompi, etc published an article, tons of people commented so it made me believe those shitty lowres pics is something important

few days ago when the first pics were uploaded I've found only one article on some crappy site so it looked minor



Honestly even when it comes to coombrain, I find some of her fancams more appealing than those pics. They are just shit and lack any ness since they are creep shots she is not aware of.

In my mind it's on a level of biology textbook picture of boobs.


those gaypops could fuck so many hot gook girls but they still wanted to fap to leaks




i did it to them

should be hard as fuck, you need to abstain for weeks


it's still not hot



I find some of her fancams more appealing than those pics


In my mind it's on a level of biology textbook picture of boobs

same, but I think about the pics not because I want to fap but because this is media event and we could get the actual video



he wasnt referring to this, he was referring to the nth room where there were dozens of thousands of people including celebs blasting to illegal stuff



i didnt do it because it was hot, i did it because the sacrifice could not go in vain




where there were dozens of thousands of people


I thought it was like 5 gaypops...



honestly nancy would be sad if no one did it to her booba

she would think she is ugly or something




same, but I think about the pics not because I want to fap but because this is media event

So you just want to be a part of something and have a discussion about it

Congratulations, you are now a woman



there were dozens of thousands of people there and no one leaked it to the masses?

all those dudes had to be miracles



they paid to have access to it, also ive seen some leaks on twitter around that time but im not sure if its from the nth rooms



no because they didn't share that one paid fanmeet



it wasnt kpops lmao, the nth rooms were all about random gooks getting blackmailed

but (male) celebrities were part of the viewers



that's so lame

I checked some spy cam girls today out of curiosity and they were lame af

nothing hot about them imo


did some girl break his neck?




we share work stuff there

I didn't download those



why? people use telegram here the same way people use WhatsApp, Slack and Discord, it's not any different


Customers paid up to 1.5 million Korean won ($1,200) to get access to the coveted few “nth rooms,” as those rooms are called, where content extorted from underage victims was uploaded in real time. To gain access to these primary outlets, one had to first “prove” themselves in a secondary gateway chatroom by uploading their own sexual abuse content and sharing misogynistic comments.





and sharing misogynistic comments.

I stopped posting on pol few years ago so I wouldn't even be able to do that

maybe I'm not that bad after all



Irene is just a cunt

it has nothing to do with her being a woman

and no one insulted Nancy here



true about irene, but being a nancy coomer is kinda misogynistic i think because you are "objectifying" her




but being a nancy coomer is kinda misogynistic i think because you are "objectifying" her

if society doesn't want me to fap they should assign me a wife





I don't think it was that bad in a real life

it's just that women want us to believe, typical SJW propaganda

also they will connect you to those criminals if you say something anti-feministic, implying anyone who doesn't agree with that disgusting cult should go to jail, even if it's a thought crime




I don't think it was that bad in a real life

even if it was just half of what they said it was still fucked up beyond my comprehension





Dunno I really like them and they get my lizard brain a lot more excited than the nancy pics




nowadays you can't even fap according to SJW propaganda because porn = objectifying

you can't find a girlfriend either because flirt = sexual crime

so you better die you filthy horny disgusting animal



the worst thing is feminism has been seeping into korean female society



I don't care what you want

I just wanna be me me me



if you agree with them on this one case, they will fuck you up with everything else too


first leak in kpop ever


bruh just stop talking about it

this thread is very civil for most of the year but sometimes lewd things happen and we have to discuss them





The first thing that comes to mind when I read that word is having a pee.....



She is the designated qt member after all



i always thought sales reflect the previous comeeback since its mostly preorders

this means dumdi dumdi was shit



Chuu is the designated cute pabo. That is different



Is January a cursed month? Not many releases this month and I know stuff like ad revenue is the lowest in jan.



The channel is at 120k subs and the video of her doing a part time job in cafe is at 300k views after 4 days

Seems it is going well



Everyone spent their money on Christmas presents and living like pig during Christmas holiday



I will make it simple for you

I trust was released on day X - the shops opened at 6am closed at 6pm, sales from that day were 95k

I burn was released on day Y - the shops opened at 6am closed at 6pm, sales from that day were 75k

the difference is 20k, which part is confusing for you?


what's going on here, her tits look like torpedoes


For the Nancy coomers the pic was posted on a Viet forum around February 2020. It took this long for it to circulate around. I'd post the forum and then page, but kind of scared of jannies lately.



just reply to the coomer posts where you see them

no need to repost them here


the person who took the nancy pics was a woman


time to watch the official vod




the last thing I found is


Mrinvi posted a clip of sneaking Nancy, so she had to share it

so there has to be the clip


oh it's back

maybe just shitty vietnam server


Focus on qt rather than lewd


<some idol> nth room is the best meme of 2021 so far


I liked the pics but I don't care about the coomvestigation

there are better things to talk about


what a degenerate site, i wanted to scavenge it for something else but its full of non kpop related shit in the same board as the kpop thread viets have even worse internet rules than gooks



yeah its better to talk about how idol #71231949151 is so cute in the 172518th picture she posted



you are right saying "nancy booba" for the 50th in an hour is much more entertaining

because it's not like Gidle dropped an album today or anything



didn't find the message she posted on prevous 9 pages


yeah that forum is pretty buggy, seems like some posts were merged from other threads

will try to register

but it seems that I was wrong, some viet girl actually took the video and then shared with her friends

then some screenshots from it leaked into discord

she better delete her forum profile right know



it seems so weird to share it with your friends if youre a girl, unless its like "look at that ugly vapid whore lol"




unless its like "look at that ugly vapid whore lol"

yeah girls are often like that


I think I found the original link but thread was either deleted or requires registration

and registration isn't open

but clip should exist

the bad thing is that I doubt it will be shared now, since MLD released the statement



best to treat it as being gone forever

its going to be only circulated in private group chats or discords from now on



its really stan twitter that made it so bad, its been on fucking viet forums since february and it only became a problem when twitter started talking about it


"Nancy is Crying," Asia Artist Awards apologizes for illegally taken photos and videos of Momoland member Nancy

Not too long ago, it was reported that illegally filmed photos and videos along with manipulated photos of Momoland's Nancy was spreading through various online communities. This began when a local staff of the '2019 Asia Artist Awards' held in Vietnam secretly filmed Nancy, who was the MC back then.

Nancy's agency, MLD Entertainment, made an official statement on the 11th stating they will take strong legal action against the individual who took the illegal photos and videos related to Nancy.

The agency plans to take strict legal action through their legal representative filing civil and criminal charges against the individual for violating the Special Act on Sexual Violence and the Information and Communication Network Act.

Above all, MLD Entertainment is worried that Nancy has fallen into great shock due to this incident. The agency pleaded, "Nancy should be the first person to be protected. We sincerely ask that everyone stops making malicious postings or spreading her photos and stop harming the artist further."

They continued to say, "Nancy is crying after finding out about the situation. We will quickly correct the issue and will take strict legal action."

The '2019 AAA' organizing committee also offered an apology stating they feel they are responsible for the incident.

The organizing committee wrote, "We will actively cooperate with Vietnam and the Korean law enforcement authorities on punishing the individual who filmed illegal photos and videos of Nancy along with the individuals who initially distributed the photos. We will cooperate with Nancy's agency to continue monitoring and cooperate with civil and criminal legal actions against the malicious postings related to her to prevent further damage. We apologize for this unpleasant event and apologize to Nancy's fans who have become concerned."



this affects her even more since she understands english and could see the leak happen on twitter in real time




it made me really sad, I hope it won't affect her mental health

I can't even imagine how stressful it is especially if she has some insecurities about her body



maybe she's crying because it took a whole year for her nudes to get attention




Nancy is crying after finding out about the situation



i think it affected her, insecurities or not... i just hope they take care of her


I think I found the bitch responsible for infecting DC with the tattoo virus

one of their back up dancers is covered in tatts




I hope that I will be as based as you some day

you are my role model


im gonna waifu nancy now, i really pity her


the vietnamese girl who took the pic??? i found her


but the old post did say it was a clip uploaded by someone named mrinvi. Quick google search leads to mr. invi named vids on xhamster which are a bunch of viet spycams. All these videos are under restricted access under an xhamster account named mangonguyen.


so maybe the clip is hidden on that account or something


Mister Invi, huh, nice name






Uhm... There won't be 21 songs hahaha.... That's too many... I'm a bit embarrassed... M&H loves [listing] tracks so much


The total is actually 16


Still, it's a lot right?


See you soon!!

So I guess 1 is and intro or 21 is an outro


Stop the monke coomer brain and embrace the pure nature of worshiping


what a fag, made Nancy cry



they have no choice because SEA third worlders throw them insane amounts of money



excuse me Sir but monkes are pure!

but other than that very true

kpops are gods made for worshiping not for lewding




taeyeon groped

i sleep


nancy's intimate pics shared to the entire world

i sleep


jiyeon's hair yanked

fuck those gooks, trump should start a vietnam war in his final days and napalm the fuck out of those monkeys



if I said that I know that feel it would be an understatement







i am too, but it didnt make for a good meme

cant say the same about taeyeon though



have you seen Tae's outfit?

she should know to wear a burka around those horny 3rd worlders



it was really lewd, they should wear face shields and hazmat suits around those fucking monkes


the video exists, we have a screenshot of it but thats it for now


monke bros

dumb humans are making fun of us again


Man I love the way Asian variety shows always display what the cast is saying. Can just hold my phone up to my monitor with Google lens translator open and enjoy the episode in real-time with the (mostly accurate) machine translation. Man how times have changed.

Do you guys do this? :wend_sus:



When BP tour had a stop in Thailand, they had 3 days of concerts there because they just kept filling the capacity almost instantly

Part of being third worlder is that the only thing that happens there is famine and monsoons so when kpops go there it is a big event



Because SEA doesn't produce anything of worth so they worship Gook celebrities



but its not like eu countries make anything amazing in terms of media... only thing we are ahead in is economics/infrastructure and not being degenerate monkes



I registered at xamvn, but it requires approval, maybe with google account it approves automatically



so despite rejecting humanity and returning to monke I'm still not getting a chimpqtgf?????

I've literally ruined my life



A lot of european media, especially for boomers, revolves around sports (footie, hockey, tennis, etc.)

I am not sure about this, but I think the culture surrounding sports is nowhere near that strong in SEA so that also offsets how much they care about celebrities in acting/singing compared to us



that would actually make a lot of sense if true, i dont know how you figured it out but it seems to be true



it feels good, it's the only time when I feel connection with my boomer dad



my team national team sucks but they are all white so I don't mind it

I don't feel like watching the champions league lately tho, too many spics and niggers


I donate and watch it, fake clip

omo it's really interesting

there's also that mr.invi, he(?) seems to be spycam pro

investigating more




I don't feel like watching the champions league lately tho, too many spics and niggers

Sports is one area where I don't mind them at all because it's competitive field and the nogs are actually good at the thing they are hired to do and not some diversity quota fulfilment (most of the time anyway)



I remember some scandal with PSG, the PSG scouts' texts leaked and they were only looking for white dudes because in their opinion PSG already had too many niggers


There is Nancy's pussy, and it looks like a damn thing, she's up on the blankets of the geese

I will die if I won't get it



this is fake for sure

why the fuck would she take of her panties




I'd advise you to yank one out and use the kenjataimu to ponder whether you should continue this adventure down the rabbithole or not



my biggest issue with no fap is that you can't focus properly




PSG already had too many niggers

That means they properly represent Paris then so Isee no issue with that



my friend moved to France and he says that the white french people are even more racist than people in our second world slav country that is considered racist af

they just are too beta to call nigger a nigger irl so they get frustrated and do everything to make the life of a nigger worse without the nigger knowing that they were behind their failures




without the nigger knowing that they were behind their failures

so the french are the jews?


She said to temporarily stop sharing, because this one is so popular, 5 tubers don't have to feel like that much

so it's really a girl, mr.invi (has to be mrs.invi then)

it was possible to buy video at the end of February last year, but now I'm not sure




Frenchies surrender to the invasion swiftly


Proceed to sabotage the shit out of the invaders with guerrilla warfare

They don't lie when they say that history repeats itself



brother, have some respect for the Dong and post the high res pic



the french get super triggered about the IIWW too, they blame the Belgians for their defeat



DongChads are a collective

I know you would do the same for me


if not for the seamonkeys nancy wouldnt be depressed rn



they should let Leez do some title tracks

he did Silent Night and Sleepwalking and they are DC's top 3 bangers


You hear


They expect one of us in the wreckage brother

And this is the last thing you see




I don't really have a list, but she'd be almost at the top of the idols I wanted to see naked



i think its just her booba and butt that are interesting, if those pics are real her naked body as a whole isnt that top imo, she has a pretty wide waist


the fact that some small browns have the video and I don't deeply upsets me



it's the second time you repost my r/ post here

I post those there instead of here for a reason




after they share the video

seems like only few of them have it and I doubt they will upload it now, since that shit happened, or it will cost few thousands $

if only we knew about that viet girl year ago... I think it cost back then no more than ten bucks, I would pay it for such exclusive content



yeah I'm pretty witty but still, stealing my posts is pretty lame

come up with your own stuff


tfw banned on 4chan for CP

on my defense, I was dumb enough to reply to someone in a thread posting CP, he was like "am I on a list?" and I replied that if he's American he would be on a list already, and then bam, banned on all boards forever



maybe it was some sort of nuke ban which bans all replies too



I'm actually into Hyomin nowadays, she's too strong


what the fuck were you doing in the CP thread



it was on /tv/, I browse that board a lot, there was a lot of porn and gore that day

it was 2 girls kissing, probably 15 but still technically CP




it was 2 girls kissing,


I forgive you, I would want to see that as well



it was probably the same person doing a raid on /tv/, so they used whatever excuse to ban that person... and me


The only CP you ever need is CCP




maybe next time, someone pay a viet to set up a hidden cam


it's over guys

that girl was our last hope and I guess she's in a jail now, so no exclusive content

nobody else would be able to make such kind of content anymore




time to move on, there's plenty of stuff good for cooming on the internet



it's Vietnam, she only has to move with her relatives in the mountains to avoid jail





Which is weird because seeing Wony makes me happy




I'm asexual


but I'd have sex

I don't think he knows what that means lol


sex isn't even real

it's a meme created by normies to make you sad




jack ma has been disappeared

I remember reading about him like 2 years ago, he seemed like a nice guy


good thing my waifu would never take off her bra in front of others


he's pretty retarded



Maybe it's like that one weird foreign cuisine restaurant down the street that everytime you walk by you think to yourself "I have to check this out next time" but when the time comes you just get a pizza or kebab instead.



he only sounds young, and tries to rationalize the lack of sex; he's not asexual, just unexperienced and sadly he thinks everyone else is fucking every day


tfw listening to non-Soyeon tracks exclusively

good album


those vietnam fuckers

they posted hex ascii few times and I found it's the actual link to the video

but turned out it's link to the photo I've seen already


forget about that


1 million highly sensitive NSFW pictures leaked by Korean teen dating app


who cares about those random gooks

I want Nancy's video



I can't believe that so many people are so fucking stupid and upload naked pics online



but we 100% sure Nancy's video does exist in some form

just need to find it




have sex with me and I won't leak it

the perfect crime



i like hann a lot too, its a lot different from the average kpop sound, it sounds like a depressing kino song


fuck this is so useless

where is that fucking mrs.invi when we need her

where are those gooks who got the video

what if they deleted it because didn't believe it was real

is it that hard to download tor browser and upload that fucking video somewhere



it would make me really sad if there were posters here that dislike her



why would you be upset about opinions of some random autists?



literally me

I also like Soy's thighs and respect her as an artist





its not that, but i would feel less engaged in posting here if people disliked my waifus and liked girls i dont

its kinda simple, isnt it



I would say random normies if we were on reddit

the point is that you shouldn't really care about opinions of people on the internet


oh yeah

that makes sense, I noticed that I usually adapt to the posters here, if they post the girl I like I start posting here

if they start posting a girl I dislike I close the tab



someone has been posting a lot of shuhua recently and made me fall for her, that can happen with minnie too


youtube recommends me this...


Gordon Ramsay Eats a Beating Snake Heart in Vietnam



if they start posting a girl I dislike I close the tab

literally me


it could! do you prefer cute or omo girls?



it was amazing


i think minnie has really cute moments, i'll try to find where i saved those


Minnie knows about the feet


I finally got around to listen to the album

The Title track is just meh

Hann 2.0 is amazing and gives me a lot of feels

The other b-sides are all good, but nothing strikes me as special they way Hann 1.0 or Put is Straight did.

Dunno maybe I am not in the right mood for this type of music right now considering how much I like Hann 2.0



if you don't like Lost you should get lost

but other than that it's a pretty based post



I don't usually listen to gidle, but I really liked Moon, maybe you need to be in the mood


i really liked these webms



Hann 2.0 is amazing and gives me a lot of feels

literally me



is she called minnie because of the Disney character? is it a coincidence? does she know/likes that character?


her real name Kim Minnie




it's too upbeat


for me there's no such thing as an too upbeat song




literally me

It reminds me of something from Two Steps from Hell.

It has this feel of epicness in it

1280×7202.95Mb00:07(여자)아이들((G)I-DLE) - I-TALK #16 _ '한(一)' 막방 비하인드 (720p_30fps_H264-192kbit_AAC)



I'm not really a fan of Gidle but their bts show i-talk is probably the funniest in kpop



Actually made me do a quick read about Pandora's box and the story is a lot more confusing and open to interpretation than people know it to be.


read all nancy threads on that viet forums is pretty funny one, I like those guys



There is one interpretation that the thing actually contained blessings. Other say that it contained all the evil shit in the world , but also Hope.

Thinking about it the metaphor works even better.

I know it's a meme but this really made me thinkl



loving and worshiping

also imagining scenarios that would lead to me dating them




by booba size

it's pretty hard tbh

I've always thought Nancy is B max, but on the photos it looks more like C




it's pretty hard tbh

Considering 95% of kpops fall into A and B category it would be pretty shit for organizing



I started it some time ago and then abandoned it. It's also unorganized mess.

But it is almost 1000 buttons in that folder.

I have to get around back to it




you too




95% of kpops fall into A and B category

I thought like that before but after the Nancy incident I'm not sure

what if Ahin is C too


Just finished After the Rain.

Comfy coming of age/romance story.



noona general been inactive because me and the other regulars there moved here



I could easily get it to ~3k if I filtered down all my folders and browsed some threads here

I just need to find the autistic need to do that



i think its one guy who doesnt really come often to the other threads, or at all, so i guess yes he was posting there but maybe also hoping it'd be revived




I just put a nearby forest on fire to speed up global warming



arin is getting corrupted!!


I started organizing the IZONE folder and I have them there by their stage name, but I am conditioned by posting here, that that when I click on Yuri pic I immediately go



and try to search for that folder

I am gonna have to rename the folders



I hate when that happens, I used to name my webms freely and when I look for "binnie", all the "bini", "beanie", "biners" don't show up




tfw Koreans watch movies I enjoyed as young


tfw we listen to Korean music they enjoyed as young

interesting world



i think our girls are pretty similar to us if the age gap isnt big



arin = choi yewon, yewona because she's close with her and she's younger



i think shes the other way around, she was really nice to staff but got taken advantage of



nah she's kinda like popular high school girl with a bit of bitch characteristics, but not a cunt like Irene in general


I like how everyone itt is on first name basis with Irene and knows exactly what she is like all the time


Irene hates people, Nancy thinks she is better than people and she feels bad for them that they aren't as cool as her



I like how you are a fucking Irene simp

you won't smash anyway bro



the > anyone coming? is a classic

i dont think shes a genuinely nice person and is more like >>544664 what he said, but i think she's the type that would try to be nice to staff


Seems I really pushed some button I shouldn't have




i think she's the type that would try to be nice to staff

yeah makes sense too since she's kinda like a foreigner, so better to be safe and be nice


Posting Monday on Tuesday KST


revealing the picture is beautiful, but one more case humiliates Vietnamese people, because the guy taking pictures in Vietnam, so out of the foreign newspapers, Vietnamese people take it, I think it's boring

viets are cool guys, they afraid about the picture of their country too

800×8002.74Mb00:04모모랜드 낸시(MOMOLAND NANCY) ‘금발의 요정’-qM6e4UQ-ujc



kqt cried on my watch

It's over



I haven't seen a white woman in months

Nancy is just a weird asian for me



Nah I am interested in other qts, can't you read?

I want a profile on Taeyeon, Jiu and Hyunjin



i know, but for example i think nancy looks more asian and less white than somi does



how new are you?

Somi's boobs are huge by kpop standards



somi's are way bigger, they might be the top 3 biggest from our current idols



maybe netherlands has their own degenerates that did it already




do better in the future

i dont think i can help much


im afraid about her mental state but i hope its nothing close to that


I think Momoland is close to disband anyway


she went from being the cold high school bitch image girl to a waifu candidate for me




nteresting that when similar thing happened to Irene

it wasn't similar at all



because i always felt like irene is a cunt and that only proved it to me

irene wasnt the victim, nancy IS the victim

its not hard to figure out why



I did feel bad when she was having panick attacks on stage




she took her lewds herself

it must be more shocking when its stuff like hidden camera though, she never could have foreseen these coming

ailee was also a top celebrity and didnt have to worry about her group already being close to disbanding like nancy



are you really such a simp that you can't accept the fact people here don't like Irene?

it always triggers you




ailee was also a top celebrity

that could be worse tho

you know like the whole country knows about your booba and in Nancy's case it's just twitter and kpop fans



How is it her fault that some incompetent fuck at the company failed to edit the video


I don't care about Irene, but the absolute state of this board makes me baffled


imagine being a 10 year old Nancy McDonie, a regular and happy schoolgirl (with affinity for math), one day getting poached as a kpop trainee not knowing that 10 years from now your tits will be all over the internet...


different anon here, I don't hate Irene



I don't hate Irene but I think she is a rude cunt




irene wasnt the victim, nancy IS the victim

why makes you think so, if we forget about the incident



Her folder is 18.3% of my Red Velvet folders She is in line with the rest of the group



oh i was thinking about the stylist incident, yeah its not her fault that her nip slipped in monster

shes still a cunt and didnt deserve pity before the incident because it didnt take the stylist coming out for me to know shes one


wasnt thinking about the nipslip, shes the victim there for sure




it didnt take the stylist coming out for me to know shes one

Who else is a bastard in the industry then o mighty megamind



Says the sage that knows people's behavior by looking at their pictures on Instagram


Irene kept acting like a bitch to other members but the reddit velvet roasties were saying she was just shy/autistic

maybe it fooled some but not me



I still think she's autistic, maybe not born with it but because she was an ulzzang they grow up detached from society



there arent many idols i dislike by default but she was one of them, if there are other cunts in kpop they try to hide it and arent as blatant like irene



He is a sage and is in one with the energy so he feels it


we were talking about Nancy being cute and I would keep it that way

has been grannies had their 5 minutes already



our precious little Renny

you can tell she is a lovely person


tbh I think Yeri is more disgusting than Irene

also Karina is rude too

seems like it's a SM thing



there were dozens of videos of her shitty attitude? i dont even watch red velvet cause i dont like their music that much but i still saw so many of them before the scandal



I'm usually into hardcore memehair but word, this is amazing




there were dozens of videos of her shitty attitude?

didn't see them


why don't we learn to count with Arin instead?



so that's why it took them to translate it in only 3 days

half of the video is Arin counting up to 50




you are autists here, this >>544754 is a different guy

I asked because of the curiosity, not because I want to protect Irene

geez some posters here are so stupid



No, you don't understand, they look at each other and smile




some posters here are so stupid

this is objectively false all of us are stupid


Who even mentioned Irene here today?

we should hang him

942×15301.87Mb00:07[릴레이댄스 어게인] 우아!(woo!ah!) - FIRE (Original Song by. 2NE1) (4K)-9ePuAfqCtv0


leaks are fun, but things like webm related is more than enough for me, leaves a lot to the imagination too


I'm such an expert in trolling


post something dumb


people call you dumb





wowow, we dont' say that word here, please use: you hecking nigger, fricking is acceptable too


post something controversial


people argue like retards for half an hour


y-you are dumb anyway



More like


bring up shit unrelated to topic


the topic suddenly changes


oh no how could that happen


anon posting arin


other anons like it


end of quotings



so it's my fault that you're such a retards to argue about unrelated shit?

this is the most hilarious thing I've heard here in a while



You can't start something and expect it to not continue


today i posted something retarded in the internet and realised i'm actually stupid




Irene's simp is still mad about Irene being a bitch so he tries to stop any mentions of that incident that way



I think he likes when people insult Irene and that's why he keeps mentioning her

maybe it's some fetish



word, it's just that one guy that got triggered about a guy getting triggered about shittalk about Irene so now he's doubled down on the shittalk

very autismo



No. I just want to get her number since everyone here knows her so well and nobody wants to give it to me



there was a time when she got a bit too chubby and I didn't like that

but the average-chub/slim Nancy is great



Irene but we still dislike Yeri more because she is ugly



Dunno I need to watch some youtube videos on that



I think Irene doesn't like people, but Yeri doesn't like strangers. All because of saesangs



if I got a bitcoin every time I hear this I would be a millionaire... at least for few more days until bitcoin goes under 10k again


I still can't believe her tits are that huge

I think mr.invi is just a top deepfake researcher in deepmind and trolled us all


any thoughts on this Goblin's personality?

I never met it irl and only saw some youtube videos therefore I can't form any opinion




I think mr.invi is just a top deepfake researcher in deepmind and trolled us all

I did it to those pics but I think that's very possible



do something good with your newfound wealth


they look the same size as here


keep any rings away from this gollum




and the way Mina behaved was pathetic imo


she should have killed herself like a man, she acted like she was mentally disturbed or something I mean wtf?




and the way Mina behaved was pathetic imo

Mentally ill people tend to not behave normally



i dont think she handled it well but i dont know what she could have done better in her state



Everything is bigger in America

Because it is the greatest country in the world




do something good with your newfound wealth

gonna dumb it and watch the angry soyjacks on /biz/



i dont think so... twitter blew it way out of proportion, that granny's nip was on the fucking mv so literally everyone could have seen it but i dont think it got any headlines

now everyone heard about nancy's


sounds good



why did she have to end AOA? only to get even with Jimin? what about other girls? disgusting way of solving your own problems, by exposing all internal shit to social media



one of the screenshots is, her nipples look like stock small brown dots



You are thinking about this rationally

First of all


she is a woman

Rationality is already out of the window


She is mentally unwell on top of that

Now it's literally unguided missile

also >>544848 She might not have been the only one



yeah Lisa has lots of fans

I'm sure they would be willing to give him a bj



imagine not being able to sleep because Jimin can't stop moaning, that was a detail nobody was expecting lol



so Puss was about her puss being railed at the dorm?



Earlier today half the board was trying to find Nancy's cunt on Vietnamese fishing forums



oh right, but now I can't stop thinking about nana after school....


tfw Rose will never greet you with friendly


"Oi, Cunt"

Why even live



is it hard to understand what I was replying to the last part


keep repeating that everyone you don't agree with is autist

why am I even arguing with such dumb fucks

this guy is >>544867 kinda ok, but that one >>544868 is just dumb as fuck

I guess it's the one here >>544730 >>544767

he likes to reply to some post which he agrees with by saying some shit like "yeah he's that dumb, ignore him" implying it somehow makes any argument

what a dumb fuck



I will forget about her booba in few days but she will be upset about it for years

it wasn't worth it



it wasnt worth it at all when she has a lot of omo pics and fancams already


trying to stand behind someone else

ive seen this before



Yeah, he is my personal hypeman. Any good rapper needs a crew to back him up.

Soy taught me that, we are tight like that



if you leave I will snitch on you to the police that you are a sex offender



This whole thing is a con by that one guy upset about the split and this is the way he wants to lure people to go back



You are joking, but one day somebody will question my Wony folder like that


not gonna lie

I enjoy some schizo posting and autistic rants once in a while


yeah enjoy it

I'm trying to explain why Mina's decision was stupid and then that dumb fuck just ruins it all



i have the power to stop giving you (you)s




I'm trying to explain why Mina's decision was stupid and then that dumb fuck just ruins it all

you are stupid by trying to rationalize behavior of a mentally ill person



It's the whole point on posting on chans.

If you want to just spam pics and go UwU you can do that anywhere on the internet, but most places can't take autistic rant and will ban you immediately after the start



I know that "very true" is very overused but very true



I've already told you I was replying to other point

if you just said "she's mentally ill" then I didn't have to write it all


nice argument jackal, as always



thats not even me, im the guy who was posting nancys just now


kch finally has a boogeyman

took us a while but we did it


I am envious of that one guy.

"jackal" is actually pretty cool nickname



I think your problem is that you take banter very seriously and instead just making fun of the other guy you just get uspet and start seething


say what you will, but i think the other thread's rules somehow limited the autism

that clearly isnt the case here




say what you will

I wish you guys shut the fuck up

I have to wake up early but the thread is too fun right now and I can't go to sleep



Yeah, that is the whole point of why this thread was created. Congrats for arriving at the same conclusion as 2 months ago



im gonna start talking shit about your waifu then so you can close your tab



Literally me

I need to wake up early tomorrow but the thread is so much fun today


it's because I was posting here




Yeah, that is the whole point of why this thread was created

this is 2chen thread, you are just living in it



As we 'the slavs' are now considered PoC. I am the nigger that moves in and ruins the whole neighborhood with a crack den


I like how the mental illness grew with every new topic today

if the day was longer we would overtake /mu/kpg


imagine getting jackal'd



Kchan is hipster site that picks up new nugu every month

We are too cool for mainstream people who just don't get it


imagine inviting a cool nickname like that for your archenemy

I almost feel bad for that guy



I was super hyped when those individual teaser songs dropped

but tbh if delayed debut means slim Swan or no Swan at all I'm happy about it



They had to name her "Swan" of all things

If they named her Duckling and made something out of her later on it would at least be nice parallel with the Ugly duckling story.

If the Swan is fucking ugly from the start, it is fucked and will just get bullied by other swans from the start and then get killed by a passing truck on highway.


sips actually Yuri was called the Black Rose


if I had to pick to be any other humanoid different than whites and gooks I would pick a chimp



At least nogs are usually better equipped for physical activity with the muscle fibre stuff and are currently winning the oppression olympics.

Pajeets are looked down upon by literally everybody as just small ugly dirty gypsies



That's right

They also never end up as incels because if they're on that path they'll just get an arranged marriage




if they're on that path they'll just get an arranged marriage

this is so based

I want to be a pajeet now



Spoiler they don't get a waifu, they get a pajeet...



Be careful while kissing you arranged marriage waifu then. The static electricity might zap you


how much would you pay for nth room invite?


She just makes me feel


go for a few minutes to eat


missed the creation of a new meme

fuck, I'll never eat again



Please don't overuse it and ruin it the day it was created



when I hit the jackpot, I'll sponsor one of you anons to do one of these

but if you rat me off I'll cut your balls



don't read it bros

that shit is too fucked up, you will have nightmares and your pure souls will be contaminated with pure evil


God God claims he will not be caught according to information released to JTBC News. He claims he never uses his own phone and all currency is transferred through gift vouchers so it can't be traced. He has also revealed he is confident that if he abandons his phone, there will be no evidence against him even if he turns himself in. Moon Hyung-wook nicknamed God God was arrested and charged in May.

how did they find him then



probably bragged about it, they're always like this

I honestly would keep this all to myself


I hate those stories because police usually wins and SJWs get another confirmation that what they are doing is a right thing and misogyny should be punished

but misogyny is just a matter of personal preference, no one gets hurt if you just don't like women



It all depends on how long they will try to make the extended contract last



should be 5 years, since it doesn't matter if it's 1 or more, it's either renew or let some of the girls promote in a different group, like how WM is getting ready their new girl group just waiting for Chaeyeon

but if the contract is juicy, they should just renew, I'm sure the name I.O.I is brought a lot


Arin getting mad at you


I'm going to sleep soon, just reading few tabs I opened today


This might seem abnormal but it fits into a broader pattern of behavior here. It is normal to rate the looks of one's acquaintances, especially women, even to their faces. Young female K-pop idols fulfill older men's Lolita fantasies. Gamers objectify women. Men enjoy spycam as a genre of pornography.

I hate this type of logic so much

it goes like this: police caught the guys -> judge found them guilty -> they're the bad guys -> anything they did is bad and shouldn't be allowed -> objectifying is synonym of rape -> you should go to jail if you watch porn

so basically they start talking about some big crime which 99% of people would disapprove, and then adding a huge amount of propaganda which any sane man won't normally agree with but because those guy are actually bad ,all the things they did are automatically forbidden too




Gamers objectify women

Anyone who utters those words is automatically a retard and anything else further can be discarded


it's almost impossible to objectify women in games because most of them don't have beautiful women nowadays


I, for one, don't care what Twitter has to say about this. You have incels saying women are dumb whores, and you have roasties saying men are rapist pigs. Abortion should be legal up to the 400th month




Abortion should be legal up to the 400th month


33 years

Was Jesus just aborted




I, for one, don't care what Twitter has to say about this

you will live the way roasties on twitter decide, that's the reality

it can't be helped, western sjws slowly destroy korea and other asian countries



Depends on the country, in mine Twitter SJWs are mostly ignored because the government is already leftist and their comments and actions are perceived as extremist.



if your country is small it doesn't matter much...

in most key countries sjws winning the battle, so we can't have nice things anymore: any big thing you produce should be accepted by the SJW otherwise you can't publish it



big country, here in the capital abortion was legalized many years ago for example, the feminist in power grew up "normal", from actual rightful battles against the tide, not just dumb made up shit, that's also a big reason Twitter and similar don't matter and probably won't matter (unless there's a regression in some way)



still if local company from your country wants to release something to a global market it has to play by the rules of modern SJWs, there're almost no exceptions

and small things don't matter much



we only have a "gender quota" here which was also established many years ago, other stuff would be weird

1200×67610.99Mb00:25201226 Law of the Jungle E431 with Arin

I forgot to post this the other way, it's rare to see people teasing Arin in this way



we have that here too and i hate it so much, i had so many female classmates who got good jobs at big companies to fill up the quota



Most of post-IOI groups are dead now with the exception of WUJUs or sell nothing at all like WeMe so that should motivate them a bit.

Realistically Starship and WM will be probably the biggest problem, right? Since they are the two that are due releasing a new GG and actually have chance to make it considering their previous gen groups



I think acting is way less age-dependent than being an idol so they probably aren't in a hurry. Also right now they are getting in money without having to actually manage her activities at all which is probably pretty comfy




However CJ E&M is rich af and IZONE is making them a bank right now so they could shill out some money to keep the companies shut up



pretty interesting, amazon actually banned parler, so 4chan might be banned by cloudflare too (unless they block all right-wing threads)

those guys from mukpg was right, they have to migrate here now



We took the politics spectrum test like 3 threads ago an all of us were commies



Was it made by Americans? They think affordable health care and free higher education is communist.




affordable health care and free higher education is communist


nth room should be free to join




There was disproportional amounts of questions releated to social issues rather than economy.

I am paraphrasing it but there for every


Do you think that gubmint should control the market

question there was about 5 questions of


do you want to genocide the old people because they are useless?

So if you are somewhere reasonably in the middle of the spectrum, the test will lead to you being a commie every time because the questions are cherry picked



Just like anything politics-related that came out of America

They live in their own world


poor trump tried to make people see how corrupt their democracy is but no one cared

next election the loser is gonna cry cheats again if they don't change anything



I am more worried about the


let's censor politicans



wooah aren't aaaahhhhhable



thats right, and when they have great songs and choreos and cute girls its better too



I don't really get into groups that don't have those


our girls


I only know Nana

Redpill me on the other wooah members





700+ albums

Interesting random distribution



probably a few but most of the time these pics are of group orders



wizones have to bulk buy but no one in korea still knows their group lmao




I expected some cyborg stuff or some VR bullshit, this is a scam



its just that 99% of bulk buyers are wizones but after all their effort their group still has zero general popularity in korea



I have her poster on the wall so I looked at that when she wasn't present in the video




we were getting too cocky, it's good to take an L once in a while



Olive does not suit the princess at all



calling those outfits nice is an understatement




Olive really isn't into the whole princess vibe




I have to say these pants were a miss


this is what we liked



The new teasters look kino though so we can hope



true but pics related are their Boca teasers and we didn't see those outfits on stage


I don't get this "the most popular member must be in the center" Nauen popularity mogs the rest but the group looks better when the tallest girls are at the sides


Boomer Busan...


telling Wony to get a tattoo for Wizone



When you are 20+ maybe, but Wony still is in development and it could actually harm her long term



cake reminds me of those corruption doujins where the schoolgirl falls into the wrong crowd of sleazy foreign men and they make her get tattoos and piercings and get her addicted to aphrodisiacs and in the last page she’s pregnant and making an ahegao face



Busan girls are made for kissing so she takes it better



Do you think that when Cakeu snucks into Busan's bed for the 6th night in one week she tells her that it's somehow for wizone



she keeps Busan satisfied so she doesn't look for a bf

I'm sure wizone appreciate that



doesn't really look like it unless it was a long ass time ago.



Why didnt she do the same for Mommy? She's been posting suggestive selcas for months now



Because Eunbi is the leader so the dynamics is different

Blame korean society for that


Love Minju

Love Cake

Love Busan

Love Chimp

Love Eugene

Love Nako

simple as



omo, they looks so cute and innocent

clips like this make me want to watch produce, but I know I never will


Nako and Hyewon asking about what new hairstyles wizones want to see

I guess the last comeback is already coming. My bet it's start of March.



its not recommended for a first time watcher because you would fall in love with some other trainee but it feels like you already got spoiled of the ending

its good for a rewatch though since it makes one notice the hidden gem members that made it like chaewon



You don't have to tell me that. Yo uhave to tell that to Busan




cake reminds me of those corruption doujins

you don't have to tell us you're that retarted



its going to be hard to convince the greedy ceo-nims even if they use the pandemic and sales as leverage



poor girl suffering from stress from such a young age



I think the biggest money argument could be that in current covid situation, it is impossible to do disbandment tour. That is literally millions of dollars that could very well be up for grabs 2 years down the line.




covid is going to save izone

never thought i'd be thankful for this



She really poped off with the Ladida comeback



i know it's just a pipe dream but i hope one of the companies poached her like starship


can Starship buy Cake's contract as well?



Do we know how many trainees does Starship have that are ready to be debuted?



eunbi needs to be in rocket punch to balance it out




It was rumored that Cho Kahyeon had left Starship Entertainment in October of 2019. Since then, her Instagram account has been privated, and it is unknown if she is signed to a company.




However, in December of 2019 it was revealed that Kahyeon had opened up her own personal Instagram account claiming that she needed a break from the trainee life. It was rumored that she had left Starship Entertainment in October of 2019. Since then, her Instagram account has been privated, and it is unknown if she is signed to a company.


Schizoposting strong today




i feel bad for her

mnet should've given her more screentime since it's already a dead giveaway that the other 2 would make it



yeah wony's rank was consistently high throughout so they should've gave the third girl and maybe yujin the screentime instead



Unpopular opinion but for 95% of the show I think the editors just picked whatever they felt made for the most entertaining tv.



Objectively false because by episode 5 I wanted to strangle the fucker that kept putting Kaeun and her shit sob story in every 5 minutes




that scene when she said her parents predicted her becoming a rapper ironically due to her insistence on purity

fucking gold



but her story is exactly the type of shit people eat up. An idol from a failed group goes for one last chance at success.


Kaeun haters should take their meds



I know. I like underdog story as well. But she was hogging so much screen time..

Kirinchan got shafted hard because of that



its not wrong for kaeun to try her best but i agree that there are better girls to focus on


i kinda liked minju's small character development from being an insecure timid girl who thinks shes mediocre to blossoming into a confident visual

even though her low self esteem self was million times better




its not wrong for kaeun to try her best

Of course not. I am just saying that because she had a storyline from the ground 0, the production focused on it too much and didn't allow other backstories to develop by getting to know the other girls



Gyuri also got the same treatment but it backfired when her voice cracked and they replayed that clip 40 times.



considering how much of a goddess she is she is still insecure



why is it when gyuri's voice cracks its a national tragedy but a jap trainee's voice cracking is considered comedy


I hate winter


goes outside without a winter coat

what a liar



I don't remeber the situation with japs, but in Gyuri's case it wasn't really a voice crack, her whole voice was fucked up and she sounded liek she has been smoking pack a day for 30 years



I think any heterosexual male in the world would wish that



Best way to leave this world


why didn't they forbid all words with a "man" ending yet

even "woman" has "man" in its spelling so it seems to be recursively impossible to remove all "man" from the dictionary

they need to come with another word and replace everything



I hope some big war or famine or some shit like that happens soon so they realize what actual problems are



With Minx having existed before that, the age of DC is sort of like the whole Korean age thing



actually it's the kind of OMO we like


You and I was their best choreo

it was so hard they had to change it because Sua's knees couldn't take it



no, the gooks never saw it because DC was super nugu at that time



nothing omo about knee problems

I can't do dead lifts because of my knee



they were super nugu but thats when they caught my eye!



She really does have a very strong white girl/hapa feel to her when she has brown hair



No, she is in the itty bitty tittie committee



I hope SJWs, feminists and all their supporters will pay for the crimes one day



It's ok, we tolerate faggets as long as they don't post gaypop pics



Word. I wish she would have some minor drama role like R-in did so that I could watch her pretty face



Boobas are great in all sizes.




Obviously I would prefer if it was a Drama set on a girl-only high school with no boys anywhere near them



I can't go to kino because they are closed.

So I shitpost here.




fat males also have big tits

not really, more like they're wider, but not round at all



I still think about what could have been if fansigns had continued....

But they I realize we are lucky that at least we got a few of them before the rona hit




I still think about what could have been if fansigns had continued....

we could have had Weeekly and Stayc fansigns



on the bright side, its much easier for foreign fans to get into these fansigns as well as having interaction clips posted on twitter



Stay strong brother. They WILL have fansigns


This remains my 2019 Piucture of the year



Although I would like to have a bit of green to get rid of the weird dreams I've had recently



Olive because she is my Loonafu



I think side A, Side B, Side C and Side D are not songs so why are they counted?


lmao mnh are absolute retards, even chungha said its not 21 songs

niggas just put a numbered list in powerpoint and forgot to remove it from the subtitles



Seems like a wast to release it as one massive thing and not split it at least into half an milk the fans



Loona has too many top tier cuties and my senses get overloaded when I see them as a group



Based facester

I wonder if that one guy who is into teeth likes hers


Four years ago, we gathered as Dreamcatcher for our dreams like little droplets forming a river. Our meeting was by no means a "coincidence" after all


tfw ywn



Make sure to pay more attention in the future



i don't think I can pick one particular thing that I like more than others.


my favorite thing about Yves is that she exists



Guess who. It is a whole letter but I dont think its entirely translated.



I mean proper button showing tummy, not that high waist pants bullshit


She could be a lep god as well

1196×14402.91Mb00:05이달의소녀, 'л°¤м—ђлЏ„ мћђмІґл°њкґ‘ лЇёлЄЁ' [STARPIC] _ LOONA - in Twitter Blue Room 20201020 01.12



Good because I just started to feel like posting Lippy


we will resume promotions now


no new bday selca





Jitho mirin herself



No, I have been playing GTA VCS for the first time.

Really takes me back to when I discovered VC.


Or scratch that I might be retarded. I really am slow today >>545522



It is nice. I dont actually remember her having purple her much.


No, it is a console only prequel from like 2006.




I dont actually remember her having purple her much.

she had them once but in your pic the colors are fucked up

she had blue hair in that era


Omo, one thing to add to Eebuposting earlier. I fouind this in my folders




Telegram surpassed 500 ( million active users.


In the past 72 hours alone, more than 25 million new users from around the world joined Telegram.

lol, are they going to ban telegram app next? that would be funny




more than 25 million new users from around the world joined Telegram

holy shit

that's a lot of Nancy lewders




WEME gets subs, but the episode with Roje never got subbed

This is outrageous



good video

those two boomers at the beginning were my favorite


Yoohyeon handwriting mogs me...



I tried to find it several times few months after it was released and then I lost hope. You'd think it would take less than 7 months for sub for somebody as big as BP



Kag would tell us ahead of the time if he was shutting it down, so we'll cross that bridge when we get there


Momoland's Nancy under mental stress from illegal deepfake pictures

it's fake bros

you got played by some sea nigga



I think some gook went to jail for making them recently


>>545548 is still active, they made a /kr/ board for us



The advantage of Jiho is that she can keep her entire private life secret, she could be married right now, or not, we don't know anything. I think that's cool.




The advantage of Jiho is that she can keep her entire private life secret

are you implying that if Arin dated she would talk about it on a vlive?


Candy dates a different man every month so dispatch is unable to connect her with any one of them



in another video he gets an older chinese lady's chink equivalent of kakaotalk just based on his language skills pretty based



yeah, if you meet a gook and start speaking gook it'll impress her for sure


that guy who did the fake must be so proud of himself

fooled so many people and some of them believe that the whole thing is a fake

must be MLD double agent


tfw no chinatown in my area

im depressed now



theres only one korean restaurant, but it doesnt have korean staff


korean restaurant, but it doesnt have korean staff


the food was good though


if i learn mandarin will that be enough to convince yiren to date me?


I am starting over with Japanese.

Even got a proper text book this time.



not him but its a way cooler language, if it had an alphabet as simple as gook i'd have started with it and progressed a lot




yeah I also think Japanese is cool, I'd only get into it if I was already watching a lot of Japanese stuff like I do with Korean




more interested in Japanese cinema than Korean one.

thats a blasphemy siyeonbro



It is not. I like Korean movies but I don't think anything I have seen reached as high as movies of for example Sion Sono or Hirokazu Kore-eda.



fair enough, to me it felt like japanese cinema peaked decades ago and its not coming back, whereas korean has only started to get good in the past 20 years



Nobody Knows 2004

ive seen this one mentioned in a kdrama and ive been meaning to watch it since , i guess its finally time



You are probably right that it peaked but we still get good stuff.

Even if some are not that great, I tend to take in the comfy atmosphere.

I like how a lot of things have this underlying sense of pesimism/misery to it.

Korean stuff are getting better.


I have this on my to watch list. I haven't seen this Kore-eda's one yet.





i think a lot of korean ones are like that too, besides the thriller genre which they do a lot


ill watch it and report, they made it seem like its depressing



do you watch many new Japanese movies? please tell us if a new good one comes out, I personally don't have a way of knowing if something good came out other than in passthepopcorn, and only if it gets downloaded a lot



I agree. Koreans have it too. It is somewhat noticable in Kpop. You have this perfect ideal world on the outside and horrible industry below the surface.


Depends on what you mean by new. Like in last 10 years lets say?



yeah last 10 years, most older Japanese movies are very famous, but I still don't know them all

by name of course, I still need to watch Kurosawa one



ive watched a bunch this year and i think they are worth mentioning along korean and japanese



havent gotten around to seeing that one yet... i downloaded it once but it was fucking dubbed so i deleted it


lol @ those 4channers at /r/ who believe any scam on the internet who posts old picture and claims he has the video



I watched it like a month ago because I saw they released a 4k restoration, it felt quite short but it was good



Sono made Cold Fish and Himizu. Also Guilty of Romance (which is worth more just for entertainment value).

Kore-eda had Our Little Sister, After the Storm and Shoplifters (this one is really great).

There is some other cool stuff like 100 Yen Love, After the Rain or 0,5 MM.


Hong Kong films are well known. Mainland also has some nice stuff. I have seen Black Coal, Thin Ice. Want to try Elephant Sitting Still.




Elephant Sitting Still

ive been eyeing that one but it was so fucking long it scared me, i dont know if ill ever watch it



I've seen Cold Fish, the one where the owner has an aquarium right? and Shoplifters is the one where a poor family adopts/kidnaps a kid, right? both really good, gonna check out the others



lately i feel like rewatching memories of murder, ive seen parasite too many times



how long?

not asian at all but I really like the movie Underground, which is 3 hours long and I recently found out there was a 4 hour TV version but I can't get in the mood to watch it lol



super based movie. i used to be into kung-fu movies a lot. i recommend watching Fearless, it's so good



3h 40m lol

i dont mind 3 hours that much but ive rarely ever seen something close to 4h



You are right.


Longest thing I have seen is Love Exposure and it is about the same lenght.

I have watched it as 2x2hours.



just checked its actually 3h 54m jeez, thatts about as long as it gets


Love Exposure

delayed watching that one too for the same reasons lol





Parasite is really easy to watch and you don't need to be in the mood

I'm still not sure if the average joe would like Burning


japanese culture chads where we at

ive seen this headline today


APink's Naeun to star in upcoming drama 'No Longer Human'

i really hope its related to the novel/manga with that title




i really hope its related to the novel/manga with that title

What is it about



i just read the article... doesnt sound like it is related to the japanese work

i read the manga and i think its similar to the novel, i want to read the novel too.. but its mostly a self biography of more and more degenerate behavior of the author, i guess dehumanizing, like the title says... it's really interesting


there seems to be a japenese movie yes, i guess ill watch it



the manga really shocked me when i read it but i also dont remember much, i know i wanted to read the novel



I sadly read it in English instead of my own language and I think I don't create memories when I do that, interesting phenomenon



I also read 2001: space oddysey in English, which is a 100 page book and I don't remember anything lol



like The Shinning, the movie is based on a book but barely, I do remember the book is not psychodelic or anything like that, it's just normal science fiction



oh right, i remember now that director i think always adapted books



i dont... i bought a book last year because i really wanted to read it but i gave up, my reading speed sucks

with manga i could get away years ago because its not all text



read a chapter or 10 pages at least before going to sleep, before you know it you're reading entire books

right now I'm reading this manga called Vagabond though, pretty fun



my reading speed sucks as well... i always say the stuff i read out loud in my head which is why it's slow, probably




read a chapter or 10 pages at least before going to sleep, before you know it you're reading entire books

i might try that



nice, its on my list...



a friend of mine told me it's one of his favorite mangas of all time, and the art and the story are really good so far; the fact that it's based in real events and the main characted existed makes it even more fun



yeah its supposed to be a top5/10 manga and the art is amazing

1170×10762.25Mb00:08210109 JTBC 제35회 골든디스크어워즈 with 큐라프록스 오마이걸 - 살짝 설렜어(Oriental Ver.) 1080i.H264.AAC-여신아린
1170×10761.80Mb00:06210109 JTBC 제35회 골든디스크어워즈 with 큐라프록스 오마이걸 - 살짝 설렜어(Oriental Ver.) 1080i.H264.AAC-여신아린
1220×10762.67Mb00:05210109 JTBC 제35회 골든디스크어워즈 with 큐라프록스 오마이걸 - 살짝 설렜어(Oriental Ver.) 1080i.H264.AAC-여신아린

finally got a good copy of this performance

that madam Mimi though


im gonna do what that guy said and start reading a book


I got new glasses today and my waifu looks even prettier now


self-improving bros...

I want to give up, I'm too weak to fight with this world


I'll make one, give me a sec