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SOTY incoming general

1100×10803.70Mb00:10210627 Backstage Behind DAY9 OH MY GIRL KCONTACT 4 U

also, remember to stretch and drink plenty of water




remember to stretch

I haven't done that in years...




first time seeing that pic

Sua is teaser mogging this comeback



I honestly only looked at Arin, most of the time in OMG fancams I only look at her too and she was her normal self. I've read TXT fans like the couple, so there aren't any fanwars.

540×9602.28Mb00:086ft 3



first Taeyeon now Heejin, small thin qts are packing some now



barefoot performance



well the streams are dead but tbh it was pretty boring, since I got in 40 minutes ago it was just talking and 5 minutes of dancing


pick one


What i've been doing while on a brake

Turns out she wasn't preggo

She was just testing out the weapons of their parent company



PlayM doing things right

I like the little bits of her high notes



I was talking to a Korean guy about guns and he said these places are very uncommon.



nigga she's showing her back and with no visible clues of even what group it is



I regret not buying their concert now!



but memes about kpop agency selling weapons and dirty secrets behind Loona's huge funding were pretty funny


I got it instantly based on the info he posted



son heung-min is like the only internationally relevant korean athlete and because of that he mogs the rest of his nation


there is a "stylist" in korea who saw this and thought "yeah she needs meme bangs to look better"



I wish I didn't have to very true this post but it IS very true


at least Monday got silver memehair


some of you guys are alright, don't go to PlayM's headquarters this week


Nice collar bone


Nice clothes

For a clown to wear

To the idiot circus


been watching dramas and now i miss the feeling of having crushes and girl interests...



I have waifus, that's enough for me




he had crushes and girl interest before




so this is why people get butthurt so easily here....



she spends too much time in korea and is being infected with their fashion sense




wasting life


watching kpap and kqts

Pick one



That is subjective.

My friend's older brother is getting divorced.

He is now 40 year old broke man living in his parents' appartment.




n case forevers are as jewish as miracles

pay for it, you stealing negro!



I literally have no real problems in my life, I have job I like and after work I just chill

I feel like I'm the luckiest man in the world



of course my motto of enjoying it has some deeper roots, it's not like you should be ok with being a homeless druggie because you're enjoying it



I am gonna escape this world whether you like it or not


I'm gonna hit the world with Rocket Punch


First we gonna rock, then we gonna roll

Then we let it pop, go, let it go (what)

X gon' give it to ya (uh), he gon' give it to ya

X gon' give it to ya, he gon' give it to ya




X gon' give it to ya, he gon' give it to ya




I would owerpower that little shit easily

664×8564.24Mb00:06210713 SBS MTV 더 쇼 (269회) 1080i HDMI.KPOP24hrs


600×8601013.22Kb00:05210627 OH MY GIRL(오마이걸) FanPick Cam Vote winning performance KCONTACT 4 U

just dance ~

700×8762.65Mb00:06210627 OH MY GIRL(오마이걸) FanPick Cam Vote winning performance KCONTACT 4 U

dun dun daance ~

796×97819.16Mb00:09210725 드림콘서트 비하인드 오마이걸

how can anyone be so sexy and so cute too?


Somi reveals weight and height on IG


172 cm


46 kg

I don't believe it.

She must be heavier



And Somi has nice chest as well

I swear to god, if she comes out on the comeback with all her assets lost....



from the little I've seen in recent pics, she looks the same so maybe 46 kg is her unachievable goal

I think Nana in Real Man (lol) she was ~52 kg, and she's around her height and build


I think the effort was worth it, interpolation and stabilization



this is literally us




dad asking her to buy him a car because Loona won a show lol

how much money do they get from one win?




and apparently she isn't

that means she will look for rich chaebol once her Loona career is over


tfw handed in masters thesis

kpop for this feel?



That is why I say it's bs

She is skinny, but no way she is that underweight




Haseul is truly wife material

Always knew that. She was doting on the younger members so much.

Her vlog was comfy as fuck.



Yeah, but 46kg is the weight of my 13 year old sister that is a literal stick while being ~165 cm tall

Somi with her womanly bits cannot possibly weight that much while also being 172


i mean i used to weigh 57kg as 180cm, and i wasn't unhealthy or anything, just a sticc nerd



maybe kpops tell their absolute lowest weight when dehydrated and shit :D that's easily 3kg lower than normal dayweight



this doesn't sound like a cute concept... Yoohyeon is a liar!

I like it tho, the beginning reminds me of their first 3 songs since debut


bros I will have no hot water at my apartment for the next 2 weeks

kpop for this feel?



showering in cold water kills the gains


good news

Nancy stopped crying


ask Odd Eye Circle to sing Odd Eye




when I see this teaser all I can think of is how bad the Soeun teaser will be


if i could pick any kpop to marry it just might be Nancy...


I think the prettiest kpop currently is Minju but if I got married with her we would be the least functioning couple in the world

I'm a schizo machild and she's clumsy and shy af so we would get nothing done



This would be a 10/10 sitcom to watch though


imagine getting married with Lee Luda, having two sons and then leaving them because you can't accept that your sons are manlets




after the accident?

He just confirmed she's got what he wants.

I would wanna see my waifu naked before marrying her



Are you one of them puritan guys that averts eyes when woman exposes elbows?


today while driving a car I realized why I liked Paint the town so much

the catchiest parts are in english or are just lalala, tatata, nanananana etc so I can sing along



she's just not that pretty so she had to develop some kind of personality


Nice dance

Better quality juseyo


I am not a footfag, but even I can tell these are uggo feet




walking right behind her staring at her yogapants butt all day..

Even in your wildest fantasy, you are still just watching....




she said she went to a very good school but she just took a few classes there

she went there few times tho?



no but she said she was a student there, you can't say that if you took only an external course


but I forgive her



when was this?

she's obviously found Jesus recently maybe I should forgive her this one lie



She didn't lie, the reality is just wrong

If Yooa says it, it's true



she's always denying our relationship, over 20 times




sullie dies


releasing Psycho


irene scandal


releasing Monster

SM is truly weird



A deep dive into the judgement article of the "Idol School" manipulation case


The court stated CP Kim manipulated the results of 33 contestants out of 40 in episode 2, 39/40 in 4, 26/32 in 5, 27/32 in 6, 21/28 in 7, 27/28 in 8, 26/28 in 9, 17/18 in 10, and 17/18 in 11, abusing their power to obstruct the production of the show and the viewers' rights to select the debut members.

I think we all expect the show to be a little rigged, not almost 100% fake lmao, they went too far.



I like the final result though, they should just added the "experts panel" or something, bunch of dumbasses lol



it also means they got rid of Natty so it was a win

Haein was cool though, she was going to be the Eunbi of the group



you seem to be an expert on survival shows

why was fromis so much less successful compared to produce groups?

less marketing?




However, 'Girls Planet 999' emphasizes that the selection method is completely different from the 'Produce' series. Audition programs may have similar themes, but they have eliminated the most problematic text voting. "Girls Planet 999" counts votes through a fan community called Universe. Universe' is a K-pop entertainment app developed by NC Soft. It is a platform that allows fandom activities to be carried out smoothly online. Earlier in January, errors in the pre-voting data management program were found ahead of the final live broadcast of Mnet's audition program "CAP-TEEN," so this time, they decided to join hands with NCsoft to vote. It means that it will block the production team's intervention in the ranking selection process. It presents Mnet's willingness to regain viewers' trust by enhancing fairness.


In addition, "Girls Planet 999" plans to have outside observers at the site. It said it would prevent manipulation from happening in a double or triple basis. A broadcasting official said, "Giving viewers the perception that the final group was selected fairly is the biggest task of this program."




Haein was cool though, she was going to be the Eunbi of the group

have you seen those fancams?




you seem to be an expert on survival shows

lol I have actually watched them all, and yeah that's pretty much it, less marketing, trying a new brand when Produce 101 was the best program out there, they also had much less money, no big agencies involved (only ex-JYP Natty), the overall school girl theme wasn't everyone's cup of tea

so in short, it was like Produce 101 but crappier, they gave that image




, they decided to join hands with NCsoft to vote

ah yes, the company that made the worst app possible is trusted with this lmao


I would avoid the eye contact with them so fucking hard if I meet them wearing those dresses



they've had a lot of bad luck. OTR putting them on hold while IZONE promotes, hiatus while Idol School lawsuits clear up and then covid times. They've had two comebacks but it still feels like they're dungeoned, sales and ratings have been fine though.



vocals, raps, dance and of course visuals, I want this subunit

900×8631.02Mb00:05episode 2 i think


ah you're talking about Laboum! I'm talking about Lee Haein



I've seen them all, only Produce 101 and Produce 48 are worth watching. Maybe the Chinese Produce 101 too, they had plenty of money to produce that one.



some girls were VERY cute though, and I started to like the language, it's only awful if I hear it from an old lady with a very high pitch













yes, and the male produce 101s, Idol School, ILAND

it's not that they're that awful, but only Produce 101 and 48 have a great payload at the end. I wouldn't watch them if they were that bad,



that sounds like paid content, you'd need to subscribe and pay money for them




yes, and the male produce 101s, Idol School, ILAND


I don't have motivation to watch so many kpop shows



I think youtube-dl has support for downloading it, but you need to have a link to the video



don't get me wrong, it's not like I have to watch them, I give them a chance on the first episode, and if they do things right I keep watching


girls for the cute, dudes for the relatable stuff, plus they have little gay stuff



"group name"+ is usually paid content, like not paying for each one but you need to be a member




BP ones were ripped out and uploaded to bootleg sites. Maybe some commie Loona fans do that as well




tfw they've done 2 seasons of Broduce Japan but no sign of Girls ver.

PD101JP was pretty depressing to watch, I think the contestants couldn't be with an agency so most of them sucked ass at singing and dancing and they knew it. Plus not having an agency meant they had nothing to go back to and many of them quit their jobs and moved homes to participate, the desperation was intense. The japanese editing was too real, way more docu style, maybe they changed it for season 2. You could tell the dudes put on a happy face for the latter part of season 1, probably after watching the first episodes and seeing how miserable everything looked.



damn I need to watch that one, nobody was watching so I didn't know much about it, I was only aware of it


I have just watched The Mole: Undercover in North Korea.

It is about two con men who dabbed on entire North Korean regime which is pretty funny.


ofc the gook barber shaves his friggin FOREHEAD



Say something nice to Candy Leader, it's her day


will Loona restart promos or is it already over?


kinda like this cute concept


Czech Republic to donate 30,000 COVID jabs to Taiwan


Thankful for vaccines, Taiwan praises Czech Republic as democracy partner

I am not getting that stand mandated Chink waifu after this....



A-At least, we are getting Taiwanese refugee gf, right?



No, but the supplies are probably reaching expiration date because the population doesn't wanna get jabbed




the population doesn't wanna get jabbed

why not? I thought that country was smart



you can't even make a cool nickname with this. I think fans will just stick with ciggies or something


why do you associate cignature with smoking

for me the closest word is signature


Maybe he is a Brit so he smokes fags




last year

no wonder I remembered this from somwhere around 2020

my monitor already rotates so it's weird to have that



But this rotates on it's own, no bullshit with cables, you just click button and it goes.




, you just click button and it goes.

I mean, I click the bottom that controls my hands and I can rotate it, cables are not an issue though, it has a hole in the stand


I have no idea why I made it as a reply to your post



maybe because you noticed that I'm a shy chad with good taste and decided that I would want to see those Goeuns



I think it's very ordinary pop song. Dadada at least has the meme nature to it and the choreo really elevates it.



can't wait for my album to arrive

the photobook will be kino


Sunmi noona.....


Look how they massacred my girl




I am boycotting this Weekly comeback



do you seriously think you are the only one who knows about Twice's jap comeback?




no but this guy discovered it because of my post

holy shit take your meds




TWICE JAPAN 3rd ALBUM『Perfect World』


2021.07.28 Release (that's today)

kpg talked about it today a lot you cringe motherfucker


take your meds or kys please


wow comment from the future

or did they hack youtube to change post dates so that kchanon could win his argument?



where did I deny that?

I said the ALBUM was released today and kpg talked about it, you should get some reading comprehension classes



why did he link MV released ages ago instead of the album?


are all people in the other thread so autistic?


in the other thread

he's on that topic again



it's oncels and they were cucked by their girls so many times it fucked up their brains



They hit the wall like they'are waifus, but they did it physically not metaphorically





our Jiho is pure and would never do that



wow it's really good

thanks for linking that, I usually miss all the jap releases even when I like the groups


this is what posting in both threads does to a mf


it makes you shizo?


we should stop (You)ing each other

thread looks prettier without those links


what did Yukyung mean by this?



that wasn't my original idea but.... now I want it



Chinkland doesn't have the ban on porn like SK

there is plenty of amateur and proffesional stuff from china



I recently got like some sort of sexual tiktoks from a chink, she looks like an idol (in some ways better than an idol)


back in simpler times....


[Today’s K-pop] Girls’ Generation to appear in variety show to mark 14th debut anniversary: report


Dami looking feminine

rare skirt

1794×17482.91Mb00:05[MPD직캠] 드림캐쳐 한동 직캠 4K 'BEcause' (Dreamcatcher HANDONG FanCam) | @MCOUNTDOWN_2021.7.29 <>


cute pits concept



I know but I still find it creepy

there were warning signs, we could have saved her


my evil elf wife







there are many of us!

1000×15642.53Mb00:074K 160828 오마이걸 명동 팬사인회 모듬5 (OH MY GIRL)--AnEzIr_IrU

imagine making your idol cry because you told her the story of your life...



That should be fairly easy. Just tell her your dog died last week and it's almost guaranteed



being honest doesn't mean she needs to know about my 20 GB collection I have of her



she would never ask something sexual, she's not a Korean for me if she asks that

if I notice she's very shy before doing it, I'd just say "haha, it's my first time too"




goes the Ellin route

like making reviews on dildos?

1582×15962.88Mb00:044K 160828 오마이걸 명동 팬사인회 모듬5 (OH MY GIRL)--AnEzIr_IrU


the vlive was an accident!

I think


why is he always a cunt like that?

a nigga just made a honest mistake


Would love to see that dress tho



Jiyeon said they will do it without any company so I guess it will be a ballad with no promos...


tfw no Mimi gf











There are accounts for kids that you can make with your parents' signature


I would register account for my daughterwife iykwim



a bit embarrassing to browse kchan in korean cafe, people would think I'm koreaboo or something



We went over this, nobody gives a fuck about what you browse on your phone as long as it's not porn blasting at full volume from your speakers.



how do you know that, I'm always looking at other people phone screens and make assumptions about them based on the things I see


great outfits




It is good. All Day Long is very comfy.



I surprisingly like Airplane, it's a meme but a very catchy meme

still I will have Whistle for repeat for few hours now, other songs will have to wait


[HT] 210730 @ 20:40 KST

#Dreamcatcher (@hf_dreamcatcher) Special Mini Album <Summer Holiday> 47,041 copies sold (47,041 total) [1st Day] still counting

It's already their highest 1st day sales



you've already posted this one, sorry


looks like Love So Sweet, Moon and Whistle are the Holy Trinity of kpop in 2021



that would be too good to ever be true

they look really good btw, I wonder how good Yuki's spanish is


thank you choreographer-nim

very cool



the best in the omo department

I think Odd Eye is still the most a e s t h e t i c s

752×538970.89Kb00:01[MPD직캠] 드림캐쳐 가현 직캠 4K 'BEcause' (Dreamcatcher GAHYEON FanCam) | @MCOUNTDOWN_2021.7.29 <>


looking good



kinda like this song more though so im biased, and the dark concept is really visually pleasing

tfw no jiu vampire gf



they kept talking it would be a cute concept but at least the MV is actually more creepy than the whole dystopia trilogy




Gah and Yoo talked about it on multiple occasions, I'm glad it didn't happen tho



what do you think about Airplane tho?

I think they will promote it and kpg has really mixed opinions about it



generic meme summer song to the point i cant even point what group its from lol, i dont really like summer songs to begin with, whistle is way better



someone called it a "shitty Izone b-side" and I can kinda hear it

but still I have the LALALALALALA stuck in my head, I think it's the most gook friendly DC song ever tho



It is probably what they meant by cute concept

They should promote Whistle instead



it sounds to me more like omg, and it is the type of stuff gooks would listen to so not a bad choice i guess



stop fatshaming idols

we have enough skellys already


jiu's voice in the first whistle chorus just hits me




They should promote Whistle instead


no Silent Night promos


no In the Frozen promos


no Whistle promos

you gotta live a happy life huh?



i think its the most beautiful it has ever sounded for some reason, so same


Listening to Airplane now



it sounds to me more like omg

how dare you, Airplane is a lot more generic

the other anon had a point, it has that certain sound you can't tell from who it is, this reminds me f(x) but a bit more modern



fx had a very particular sound imo, in their golden age at least



for me it's full moon when they sing "Please remember me, Please meet me again"




this reminds me f(x) but a bit more modern

the latest album with 4walls on it?




not that it's like f(x), but in its genericness has that sound too

I don't think f(x) was that unique other than Red Light, but their voices made it different from others




I don't think f(x) was that unique other than Red Light,

brother Nu ABO was the most unique song kpop has ever seen



they had a lot... the entire red light album is really unique, some of pink tape too and the really early songs like nu abo and danger were particular to their sound


Airplanes biggest problem is that it's right after BEcuase, first it gets sound mogged, second it feels out of place

if I heard it on a Twice album after Dance the night away I think I would like it more


Bianca Volkova...



maybe not unique but at leaast half of the songs from those 2 albums arent generic at all imo



not really, I can only think of IGAB, Zimzalabim, I Don't Like Your GF and Red Light as unique, maybe a couple more


bros kpg is shitting on Dami for her rap part again



honestly this is one of the few times where i felt like her rap verse didnt add much to the song, i liked the boca and odd eye ones a lot more

1920×10802.57Mb00:02Dreamcatcher(드림캐쳐) 'BEcause' MV-PEKkdIT8JPM

how the tables have turned



thanks for your honest thoughts



do you like popcorn?

I think it is necessary for happy life




I'm looking for Joe




Joe Mama lol does fortnite dance


Pyo Hyemi is showing feet on youtube

this isn't how we wanted it to end



the popcorn bills won't pay themselves



more like fag





while going through the pics from yesterday I noticed they have a new car

based CEO bought them a Mercedes




#Dreamcatcher has surpassed 300,000 copies sold on Hanteo with all of their albums.

Given the success of last two albums, it is well deserved



he also grows some magic healthy gook carrots for DC

he seems like a nice lad



It is great that they have a good relationship.

Hopefully being part of smaller company means there is not that much pressure put onto them.




Hopefully being part of smaller company means there is not that much pressure put onto them.

lots of pressure in any company, but I'm sure there are other advantages of a good relationship, like how maybe they were tired and sad of MINX's concept and that's why the CEO decided to do an entirely different one for DC, which is very rare in kpop, they usually just ditch the girls



At least my delusions are about having cute girl for a wife.


I am at family vacation, celebrating uncle's birthday. ~20 people and the whole commotion was really village-like. At times like this I wonder how my waifu would think of me and my family.




A rapidly increasing form of female migration is for marriage. Since the 1990s, foreign

brides have been sought by farmers in rural areas of Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, due

to the exodus of local women to more attractive urban settings (Lee 2008). International

marriages accounted for almost 14% of all marriages in South Korea in 2005, with even

higher percentages in rural areas. Marriages are often arranged by agencies. This is one of

the few forms of permanent immigration permitted in Asia.

Is it over?



On the other hand, some kqts are from rural areas in SK and some of those are literally middle ages tier. Maybe there would be some thst would lile the atmosphere of my slav village






marriages accounted for almost 14% of all marriages in South Korea in 2005,

We can make it lads




tfw 20.2 BMI but still fat-fingering words on phone keyboard



not sure about that, we would need to see the statistics of marriages, maybe they're doing it more with other Asians




20.2 BMI

I'm feeling quite bad at 22.5, are you ok?

23 works much better in my case so far


I think I was 25 at max during corona times and almost fast food diet





This is one of the few forms of permanent immigration permitted in Asia. The young women involved (from the Philippines, Vietnam and Thailand) can experience severe social isolation. China’s one-child policy has led to considerable gender imbalances, so that Chinese farmers are beginning to seek brides through agents in Vietnam, Laos and Burma. By 2003, 32% of brides in Taiwan were from the Chinese mainland or other countries, and births to immigrant mothers made up 13% of all births



not sure how statistics would help here, there're not so many foreigners in SK



I lost some weight since Christmas and I finally managed to stop the loss and stabilised it. Was feeling quite weak and nauseous at some points.

I think I just didn't eat enough.


Airplane la la la la la la

Go up into the sky


Cool place



I just always wanted to get an arthoegf and figured a room like that would help


I just want cute girl like Minju



Bezos with that tranny thing as well. Maybe the ultra rich get weird fetishes and can pull them off even in public


Whistle should have been Jiu's solo



hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooly shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt ...



what the fuck....

I feel bad for not knowing about this earlier




kinda reminds me of Stranger Things

yeah, a 70s/80s feel, like most kpop songs nowadays...

not hating though. even though I had enough of that concept it might be cool


210731 aespa rumored to comeback with a full album in September

Please be true, Please be true, Please be true, Please be true, Please be true, Please be true, Please be true, Please be true, Please be true, Please be true, Please be true, Please be true, Please be true, Please be true, Please be true, Please be true, Please be true, Please be true, Please be true, Please be true, Please be true, Please be true,



and the avatars will dance with CGI Paul Walker...


I was visiting father today and we watched F1. I have not seen it in like a decade. Is it always this much fun? That one guy took out 3 other cars.




Is it always this much fun?

from what I remember it was boring as HECK





[#JIU] As soon as you wake up. Drink a glass of water. How about that?

based and red pilled


Jiyoon anxiety'd


Seoun bang'd

it's over...



I'm usually ok with crazy hairstyle but she went from a 10 to a 7...

Zoa though


body language expert here

the more I watch woo!ah! content, the more I'm surprised how good and genuine their interactions are, the whole idea of making Nana the leader/visual/main vocal and main dancer is very worrisome but it doesn't seem to affect them (so far)




making Nana the leader/visual/main vocal and main dancer


is this true?



How does she fit her organs into such small body

1280×7202.97Mb00:07[Dreamcatcher's VLOG] 가현이의 브이로그 : 필라테스 편 <>


everything looks lewd when you are a lewder


Somi is going full skeleton




her face looks worse as well

That happens when you are malnourished and lack vital parts of the normal human diet


this girl absolutely knows


I used to think Matt was based, but he allowed his daughter to become like this...


tfw all shows are canceled because of the Olympics and all the content we will get for the next few days will be tiktok videos

this sucks




tfw all shows are canceled

That is aactually good, because Somi might die on stage



my current hopes are called Zoa, Yuki-chan and ISA



yeah it's true, she's like a Suzy of her group but not by accident but by design



a good song overall

Teddy can't just stop from making me think he glues very cliché ideas together, like here's your typical build up next to your typical rap break; very well produced though, so it works



that means Wooyeon is the Fei of Wooah BEcause she is my waifu

1216×16082.94Mb00:06[릴레이댄스] 드림캐쳐(Dreamcatcher) - BEcause (4K) <>

me as Yoohyeon





based drunkbro

no wonder you started to find Dami attractive



she just started getting feminine styling

long hair + girly clothes unlike during precious comebacks


important message



he knows his followers lose lot's of fluids while lurking his site so he reminds them to hydrate



that move at 0:13 looks from Seventeen

I really like the melody in their voices, not so much the instrumental




that move at 0:13 looks from Seventeen

you should be ashamed that you know that


funny how Chopin has been quiet since Yoohyeon dropped the SOTY

2376×15164.27Mb00:08210730 (180918) OH MY GIRL - Remember Me (UMAX UHD The Show) FULL

classic Mimi, now in 4k




he knows his followers lose lot's of fluids while lurking his site




Nana has better nice nice body but imo Zoa is prettier when you only judge the face



Oh, Yeah, I forgot Soeun was also up there before she got BANG'd



also my future main waifu Monday and the no-jam leader

btw VERY nice Soeun pics


SUBVERSE contains fully 3D-animated, explicit sex scenes hand-crafted by a team of degenerate neckbeards. Please be warned that a standing crew of gorgeous women are ready to bring your fetishes to life, and that all scenes are accompanied by pleasure-filled lewd moans performed by highly talented voice actresses. There is also cuddling in this game. If such lewd acts are offensive to you then you should avoid installing this game at all costs. Seriously, don't do it.



Wendy has really nice moves for someone who has fallen from 5th floor



It looks good but I am not gonna be positive about it until it is actually here.

Especially after seeing current state of fandom and Tolkien experts.





jesus christ, can chinks take over the world already?




projecting indian myths

at least they acknowledge that they're just projecting...




explicit sex scenes hand-crafted by a team of degenerate neckbeards

I know what a bunch degenerate neckbeards can create (kpopfap), and it's fucking SHIT


pleasure-filled lewd moans performed by highly talented voice actresses

[x] Doubt


There is also cuddling in this game

lol, if it's virtual it isn't cuddling



I noticed that Gman has review of this game.

I skimmed through it and it looks pretty boring.


I was conscious, saw Yoo's statement, and posted an explanation (?) about the statement, but I am still a mythomaniac, perpetrator and psychotic Kwon Min-ah.

A lot of you are bored and bored and wondering what's wrong with me.If you say it's unfair, you'll believe me.I'm aware of my wrongdoings and over-the-top behaviors and words.Even when I saw Yoo's statement, I was itching to say something.But Shin's case also came up on your own, and everything got worse, whether it was a statement or indiscriminate malicious comments. I'll just try not to say too much. She's a victim. One of the four or five...The longest-lasting victim. It's not mythomania, it's just depression, it's not schizophrenia, it's not bipolar. There were a lot of people who spread false information due to the most serious situation. I'd rather use indiscriminate language. Rather. The agency has already collected a lot of data and captured it, so please don't think about erasing it. It's your words that I was sure of anyway. I will just reveal what is true and what is false information distribution because of the accusation. Even though it's something that won't be erased cleanly. I'm sorry. I've always been loud and noisy.But I don't think it'll ever come out if the person in the party can do it for a day.It's been hard, it's hard. Shin, Yoo, everything.

P.S. You're sorry you met someone like me when you went back to saying that you're sick of P.S. and the names of the other members of the victim's Gospere were posted? I don't have the courtesy of people like me, who made me say the same thing again, and who made me talk again after quieting down, who didn't know the inside story, and who talked as if they knew everything. I'm confident. And if what I say is mythomania and false, sue me. With me. I'll go until I feel better.




saw Yoo's statement

is it about Yoohyeon?

I'm not reading it if it's not



yes, Yoo said she doesn't like to read books and Mina got mad

omo nice Yoos





that's a nice way of putting it, but maybe "stalking" is more appropriate


maybe /pol/ was wrong... what if Soymilk is good for you?




They have grown rapidly in Japan, where by 2010 over a third of the labour force was in temporary jobs, but the proportion may be highest in South Korea, where on reasonable definitions more than half of all workers are in temporary ‘non-regular’ jobs.

Kpop for this feel?



and we love it

I wonder if anti-misleading bro is also against shaving pits and legs



how on earth shaving something could be misleading?

I'm talking about nasty cheating like padding and heavy make-up



how is make up misleading when a girl wears it all the time?


Red Zoa


Zoa button



I'm very biased so I really like it, but the song doesn't have much content. I was expecting this since they already gave us a full chorus as teaser.



I honestly don't listen to Tag Me, I prefer Zig Zag or After School (or those mini albums)



Esquire deserves a praise

fashion magazines with such a good styling are very rare



I was thinking, Korean makeup and specially idol make up is used to make their eyes look much bigger, but if they're already big like Somi's it looks a bit weird, like permanent crazy eyes


#Weeekly 1st day sales on Hanteo

Play Game: Holiday: 10,749 copies

We Play: 7,921 copies

We Can: 4,532 copies

We Are: 3,142 copies



After School had a great impact on people, this improvement was expected and PlayM knew whatever song they released it was going to do better



It is true. They hit a really good middle ground between casual and extravagant here.



idk tbh

that pitchad friendly top is really clever

1280×7202.93Mb00:09드림캐쳐 'BEcause' LIVE, Dreamcatcher 비커즈ㅣ에스콰이어, Esquire Korea <>



noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo how dare you dislike the girls I like??????



I didn't like anyone in DreamCatcher (liked Sua and Jiu in Minx tho) but Gahyeon is actually cute




I didn't like anyone in DreamCatcher


past tense

we are glad you've found the way


looks like I support the one china policy now

1176×10803.69Mb00:10[OH MY GIRL SKETCHBOOK 2] EP.38 'Dun Dun Dance' 활동 Behind #3-5OlNtM0NmQY


no that's me



renault clio is one of the best selling cars in europe actually


ehh... if I only was few years younger I would have a Binnie wife and 5 hapa kids by now



what if you create a google account? they're also asking you for an ID?

I have like 10 google accounts, but they're from like 5 years ago




sure but she's just out of your league

girls like sponsorguys tho



all OMGs are very conservative, they don't even have foreign friends, so not being Korean is already a huge barrier





is that the guy who wanted to frick is mom and projected it on everyone else?



lol back when I made them, I wanted the free storage and I still have kpop stuff in each one


wtf who is that?

532×638624.75Kb00:04오마이걸 아린이는 라이브 방송 중! (feat. BYC 촬영장)-ZatxS-l-o7E




that confused me


living in the sun light~

løving in the moonlight~


love this chigga



I have a YT account that is 9 years old.

Suddenly, it became issue most likely because of this.


In line with AVMSD, you may be asked to re-verify your date of birth when watching age-restricted videos. Follow the prompts to submit an image of a valid ID or credit card. Learn more about what we do with your ID/credit card.

Thanks, EU. I guess I can still use the account linked to my official email and phone. But still.


IZONE's Chaeyeon breaks into tears on dance survival show after being put down by other dancers for being an idol

idols are the most oppressed minority in korea



oh interesting, that's fucked up

in a perfect world, this would be a good thing to avoid frauds and shit, but knowing how personal info gets leaked all the time and shared with 3rd party companies, then it isn't good



motherfuckers leave Chaeyeonnie alone

but she just needs to show them her wallet so they shut the fuck up



Br*tish demand linking ID to social media accounts.

Australian government thinks about score system for those accounts.

Regardless if we like it or not, internet is going China in decade or two.




Australian government thinks about score system for those accounts.


this would be even funnier if it wasn't going to happen to me in few years


tfw 3rd world country

for me it's in 30 years



plus 50 more from MEGA, I made that account when they gave away 50 GB for free users, it's filled with kpop webms lol (43 GB)


beaten up legs

Is she going for tomboy aesthetics?

1080×19201.39Mb00:05헿 졸려어_♥️-253946.

tfw Arin's legs are perfect




few seconds in


dancing like niggers

Chaeyeon needs to leave that show





#Dreamcatcher (@hf_dreamcatcher) 1st Week Sales

Summer Holiday — 75,551 (NEW)

Road to Utopia — 64,596

Lose Myself — 37,565

The Tree of Language — 24,942

The End of Nightmare — 14,798

Raid of Dream — 11,764

Alone In The City — 4,293

Escape the ERA — 2,054

Prequel — 1,225

DCbros we are growing stronger with every comeback



it's on my playlist now but it's always shuffled and there are a lot of songs so no


I'm listening to the Weeekly album

very summery, nothing exceptional but good for chilling

also check out nice butt in #2




nice butt in #2

cheking it out

after five minutes I must conclude

yes, it's very click nice




I'm honestly sick of the mafia game in variety

it's all ITZY'S fault




Arin, Saerom

good in theory, but they won't be able to jump lol


Sohee and Yoohyeon

1920×10802.56Mb00:04[MV] 프로미스나인 (fromis_9) - FUN!


idk tbh

I didn't watch idol school and their youtube channel doesn't really have sport related content



not a footfag but what's up with chinese idols always having beautiful feet?

even I notice that even tho I usually don't pay attention to that body part



easily the best nugus in many many years

the amount of content they produce is insane



yeah, both Zoa and Monday have their styles on point with this comeback

our poor Soeun....



I mean, it's good but it's the same style as before

I'm just noticing the different colors in her hair



shame about Purple tho...

good thing Pandora is literally the undisputed nugu weight champion of the world



I like Purple now, I always liked the buildup but wasn't sure about the chorus, but overall now it's good


can't wait for the april comeback


The fuck is going on here



Don't have chink feet, what about Joy?




what about Joy?

even better

she has great body from head to toes


I'm watching 50 km march and the threads on /sp/ have 1000 posts in barely 15 min into the 3 hour duration of this. Not sure what they're expecting to happen but they call it "death march"



/sp/ has to be the fastest board on 4chan

I thought kpg was too fast but when I checked sp during euros it blew my boomer brain away



yeah, it refreshes and you have 30-50 new posts, kinda cool to have a lot of nationalities too


making hapa kids with your waifu and watching them struggle with finding their identity



I'd drown all the males, that should fix the problem


this month I realized I care more about the sales than the music

700×856476.05Kb00:03210122 OH MY GIRL - M-ON Korean ON BOX


good answer


is it ok for a serbian dude to get a kosovo-gf?




start a war


defeat enemy's military


sign a peace treaty


war ends


start genociding enemy civilians

would that still make you a war criminal?

asking for a friend





average balkan dude hates you for something that happened in his village in 1347



Same here, but as soon as you bring in another nationality into discussion, that far outweights the local hatred in favor of collaboration to genocide others



That you can then execute the turncoats and pretend that you are saving the populus


imagine if a serb and a jap girl had a baby

it would be the biggest war criminal in history in the making



tfw i wanted to give you an irene_smile but only irene emotes on this site are negative and autistic like and



any idea about the source? I tried "chaekyoung radio" in Korean but no luck




only irene emotes on this site are negative and autistic

Just like her



She isn't negative, just a bit cantankerous like all old people

1280×7201.46Mb00:02[HD] Red Velvet Red Mare in Japan - Aitai-tai




imagine having a k-noona like Sunmi be your class teacher ...






fun MV that's for sure, and nice Sunmi showing us everything



the song is so bad even the booba wasn't enough to make me watch it till the end...


what a chad



if the song was good I would watch even 8 minutes of booba




Cherry Bullet Jiwon got a crappy intro


CLC Yujin got a nice one

seems like they want Yujin in the final group


seems like Asians also suffer from face blindless lol


the pretty girls of GP999 according to Mnet

what, sure Doah but the rest...




Lisa before PS

wow rude! she's not that ugly


what the fuck is that

lol, it's a bit better in motion



and had to heavily retouch that picture of L*sa, that nose doesn't look real




More Mnet favorites

ex-JYP, very high chances she would have ended up in ITZY

People think this one will end up debuting and it will be a shock when she gets eliminated. Their performance was edited to make it seems everyone was losing their mind but in fraction of seconds you could tell they weren't.

Seems that they love Dayeon (and me too), I forgot she was in Produce 48. 100% will debut, unless she's caugh saying Dokdo is Japanese or something

Crazy girl



Also, they seem to like Yeseo from Busters, I'm not too sure about her outcome.

1920×10802.08Mb00:04(ENG) Dreamcatcher(드림캐쳐) 'BEcause' Jacket Making Film #01 (1080p_30fps_VP9-128kbit_AAC)



Yujin about to perform


"I knew she was going to do well, so I fell asleep"

based as fuck, this is a representation of how Korea feels about CLC


weversebros we are growing stronger


they made ys wait 4 comebacks but it's finally here

weeekly in skirts


nice AT fields



I like this Siyeon's hairstyle so much


my middle-age girls and my teenage girls



I bet it's one of the cases of


I trained until 5 am to do well and then I had no energy to do well

Youngsters will learn



what do you mean?

if the Seoun bangs then word but if Weeekly having 6 members this time then I don't really mind...



Dailees were talking about Monday's pants, she had a JY on one of the pockets, OT7 forever <3


I really like these, but the more they make the more I wonder if they're just professional collabs and they'll never spoke to each other again



I am sorry, anon. But you must be mistaking the JYP group.

It is the Itzys that are happy to show your their IDs



great, now I can't stop thinking about Yuna

1920×10802.43Mb00:04210806 Girls Planet 999 - Episode 1

Yi Zhou and Yurina have a bright future




I really like these, but the more they make the more I wonder if they're just professional collabs and they'll never spoke to each other again

some DC members and some Weeekly members know each other from mixnine


kosher pits



I think it's the same thing as gifting signed albums to each other

even if you don't know each other you just do it for fun and because it's trendy




you just do it for fun and because it's trendy

yeah I guess I was being too negative lol



If you can't figure out connection between groups, it's 95% one of PD101/48, Mix9 and UniT



it's not like I couldn't make the connection and both of those groups have a really good image, but I started to wondering, since it's a lot more common now to make lots of small collaborations, maybe in some cases the managers approach each other and the groups don't even interact (but again, not specifically weeekly and dc)




maybe in some cases the managers approach each other and the groups don't even interact


you really overthink it, most idols are outgoing extroverts

sometimes kpops tell how they made friends from different groups and they just say "she was my age so I approached her on a music show"



I agree with what you said and I'm definitely overthinking it, except that idols are not extroverts, only a few ones

don't get me wrong, it's not like I'm "sensing" they're doing it just for business, I was just started to wondering that since it happens too much nowadays, hopefully they just want to get closer most of the time



Sharks don't have eyebrows at all, she just drew them on to fit in


Mnet would rather invite Beanwiga than a talented nugu




Having nugus doesn't boost views.

it boosts my test levels tho?



she is really growing on me recently

Sora's spot in the top 3 is in danger

514×688937.33Kb00:03woo!ah! (우아!) – '빙빙빙 (Round&Round)' Choreography Video-P3xlC5lBQLk

me on the left


love Wooyeon

love Nana

love Sora

love Minseo



for me it's Nana, Minseo and Lucy

there's something about Wooyeon's face, it feels like something's not right



as a bday gift I will give her a fake uni degree

I know she's been collecting them



no, Lucy is definitely not the prettiest but her face is fine



Get her better phone because all her selcas are blurry as shit

1080×19202.10Mb00:03BVNDIT Songhee [-PLk2SPZ0n0]-7


they have really solid discography, you should give them a chance


going on vacation with your noona


then drinking with your noona


That thing is huge


At 36 it's almost too late for her to have kids


She is such a tease....





Nooooooo I wanted to stay but they only wanted to pay me 120 Million instead of 160 Million so I had to leave.

I am devastated by this

752×7921.41Mb00:05단독공개_ '브브걸처럼 역주행시켜주세요' '음악의 신' 걸그룹 C.I.V.A 탁사장에서 재결합! [탁사장] Ep.08 [XxqO1OyEDVE]

finally found the source, and I was pleasantly surprised it was related to CIVA, that was a fun joke group


I was looking at the last SIMPLY KPOP episode and DC was there, they're already too popular to be in that show I think... or they aren't?



I just checked and Gidle performed Hwa on simply kpop

so it's not like only nugus go there




also god of music 2 was one of the funniest tv shows I ever watched


put ger back in omg



I was there, 5000 thousand years ago.

The boxing match for the gold was going to be one of the last events, and since it's decided by judges, they all got the call to give it to the American Davis.


big if true

682×8301.39Mb00:01Practice Video | STAYC(스테이씨) : ISA <>


her hair looks very healthy

1176×10802.73Mb00:04STAYC STUDIO EP.2 ISA & Seeun -


cute and gooky as fuck

that's how I like them


I was lurking upcoming bdays on selca kastden and I found out that Minseo is ten (10) years younger than Sua




from my boomer perspective Minseo is really really young

for some reason I assume all kpops are around my age


(reading) Can the both of you kiss? 💋

Jiho: Do we have to…?

Arin: Why did you read that?!

based miracle



If they practice with each other every day, of course they become good


MAMAMOO's Solar Purchases $4 Million USD Building In Sinchon


>> MAMAMOO's Moonbyul Purchases $4 Million USD Building In Sinchon and gifts it to Dreamcatcher as their new dorm



tfw titan Irene will never devour me

Sad life



Yoo said she met Sunmi on inkigayo and gave her the DC album

apparently Sunmi remembered her and Yoo was really happy about it



wtf I like Solar now

I can be her human carpet if she wants



from Sunmi's vlive today


Sunmi nim said that when Dreamcatcher came over to give her their album, Yoohyeon was so nervous that the other members spoke for her, saying that YH is a huge Sunmi's fan. Yoohyeon who seemed teary then personally gave the album to Sunmi



if Sunmi does the Because dance on tiktok it will be 100% confirmed




finally out of that trainwreck called Gidle


offing herself

more like, she can finally go solo and have all the attention she wants




she always does this face when they take the official the show pic

1020×900872.26Kb00:04[OH MY GIRL SKETCHBOOK 2] EP.39 'Dun Dun Dance' 활동 Behind #4-uKMFpRItWEQ


love skirts


I have almost stopped listening to DC

Something in me changed and I don't vibe with it that much anymore



The groups I listen to by far the most in the past months are ITZY and Loona (with soem Wooah mixed in)

I think I just hopped into 4th gen



same the only dc songs I like are

Chase Me


Good night


Fly High

Wake Up


Trust Me

Full Moon

You and I


Which a star





July 7th

I miss you

Over the sky



And there was no one left


Breaking Out

My way

Deja Vu

The curse of the spider

Silent night




Red Sun

Black or White

Jazz bar


In the frozen


Endless Night

Rose Blue


Break the wall

Can't get you out of my mind


Odd Eye

Wind blows

Poison Love

4 Memory

New Days


Don't Light My Fire





A heart of Sunflower




The groups I listen to by far the most in the past months are ITZY and Loona

for me it's

Purple K!ss





Rocket Punch



Cherry Bullet






Weki Meki

















Hello Venus




Dal Shabet



Miss A

Girl's Day





After School




Wonder Girls




I'm to lazy to make playlists so I usually listen to full albums




imagine how good her smell is


Jiu's love room...


today I saw a really ugly dude with a very ugly girl and they had ugly kids

and it made me wonder

do ugly normies find other ugly normies attractive or do they just "settle" for uggos even tho they see them as uggos?


I hope Wooah will hit daebak before her bday next year



it has just started

at least, I can somewhat discern last year into few distinct time periods



I still enjoy their music, but sometimes I'm listening to other kpops and then Lunarsolar appears and their songs are very poorly mixed it triggers me and I skip skip skip



sounds cliché but the older you get the less you judge a girl by her face, it's more important if she can cook for example

some people say there are no ugly girls which isn't true, the truly ugly ones are a very small minority but I do think there are many unattractive ones based on personality




sounds cliché but the older you get the less you judge a girl by her face

I'm almost 30yo and I can't stand even being in the same room with ugly people



I don't mean that you stop the lookism but it's definitely lower



it all depends on their definition of soon

500×8893.45Mb00:14[150906] 투아이즈(2EYES) - PIPPI @홍대 게릴라버스킹 다솜 직캠 By스카이

2EYES tho

that time some concert manager thought he was hiring TWICE to perform for them but they wrote 2EYES lmao



idk then I somehow never paid attention to them even to I listened to nugus like Wanna.b or d.holic



for a while, Jisoo was the go-to pretty idol for low tier variety shows, but overall definitely above Wanna.b and d.holic. I would say in some comebacks, above BESTie




above BESTie


I was a huge fan of Betsy and the girls


really good day on kkzz today




everglow tier


I don't think their MV views and sales are real, but that's one way to reach the top of the game



SMdrones would still buy SMproducts even if Wendy said that holocaust never happened



not sure if they had many fan meetings, but those numbers are way too high if they haven't




even if Wendy said that holocaust never happened




yours is pretty negative

if you said their sales are actually higher but BIG3 tries to destroy them that would be fun



it's not negative, it's realistic!

I think you got the wrong idea abotu what I'm saying, those kind of agencies like PlayM can't compete with the big3/big5 so they need to brute-force their way to the top. This doesn't mean the groups are bad, Weeekly already has everything except the kind of brand loyalty big companies have.

They're already paying big bucks to have millions of ad views on their MVs, which is not a theory but actually measurable. For someone like PlayM, a company with close ties with the manufacturer and distributor of most albums in Korea, faking sales should be easy as fuck.



what do we think of Diablo II resurrected?



it's kinda weird that she doesn't follow the soft-hands guide, idols must be aware of it (putting your hands upwards)


that day Jiho injured her elbow and still performed, nice of Yooa to lift up her spirit



Disgraced K-pop star Seungri gets 3-year prison term in sex, gambling scandal | Yonhap News Agency

Actaully surprised by this


Happy 11th Debut Anniversary to Nine Muses



Keumjo got her hand bitten off by her crazy dog


Dang. I want a Jisoo debit card now



There is nothing organic nor youthful about that haircut


Sua looks cute here


why is she a lesbian?

she is too cute fot that


wew lad

what a pretty chink



yeah the smile (mouth slightly open) and big front teeth, with the style and eyes is pretty much 100% Jihan at the beginning

1080×19202.99Mb00:03[릴레이댄스] 위클리(Weeekly) - Holiday Party (4K) 00.48



Monday is for

that's whole weeekly this comeback




hot issue members talk about being DC fans on their vlive


two weeks later DC invites them to Happy:) building to have a chat and dance together

kinda based


oh nonononono....



"leaving", more like kicked out of the industry for good

or maybe she can do some nude scenes like Hwadog



I guess you're right, she didn't end Gidle's career


I just want to see Yuqi, Miyeon and Shu and even Soy and Nitcha Yontararak (but those two mostly for their nice thighs and butts) again


living in the sunlight

loving in the moonlight



She should've just apologised and kept a low profile for awhile...


fucking love (Kim) Dayeon and Miu


zero posts since yesterday

What are you up to today, bros?



I'm posting in /hr/ for now because of Girls Planet, there's a nice slow discussion there



I came back from holidays today and I'm catching up with the content I missed

also I'm posting on kpg for most of the time lately





funny that you say that, but I'm posting a list of Mnet's favorites, instead of making a list of my favorites




funny that you say that, but I'm posting a list of Mnet's favorites, instead of making a list of my favorites

I don't really understand the survival show hype

kpg talks about it all the time



maybe you're looking at it wrongly, we get to know a lot of girls and it's very refreshing; they're pretty, funny, dumb, etc

since they had a huge voting scandal, they're making it more obvious that the Masters/teachers/Mnet have the ultimate decision in who stays


do you vibe like this while listening to kpop?



that's a bit too ajuma for me, I'm more of a bober


From August 16th (Mon), fromis9 will transfer to Pledis Entertainment, which has been producing since their debut album, and will continue their activities. We ask for your support and interest in Fromis Nine, a new start from Pledis Entertainment.


you will be missed



the moment Jiho looks at Arin's lips is hilarious

also a bit off topic but Jiho looks amazing with this hair length



Haha, yeah, yeah I know!

Listen I stopped doing something, do you want to hear it?


Pronounced "BARE-NT" Bernd is a CPU Mii from Wii Sports Club and Wii Party U


I've been through the early 2000s so I saw a lot of people wearing that kind of skirt or belt on the street and on TV but, I didn't dress like this back then bcuz I was only 7🤣🤣 I mean, HELLO

Sunmi's posts are interesting



Alright, so. I stopped using shampoo. At first my hair was greasy, but after a few months it went back to normal, after I wash my hair with only water, it's just like how I used shampoo. It's incredible, really, tremendous. This was the way how humans were supposed to live. I can feel my hair being more healthy and rejuvenated with it's natural oils.



Yes, since April now. I do not regret it. It doesn't even smell.

This is how hair is supposed to be, hominid species like humans just discovered shampoo recently



but I'm guessing the period between shampoo and not using shampoo was hard and smelly, isn't?



Probably, as your hair is so used to shampoo, it starts overproducing oils during this timeframe and this may lead to bacteria like smells if you got long hair. Or maybe the water washes it away.

I cannot answer, for I shaved my head after I cut shampoo



I've never seen ballerinas spinning their fingers in front of their ps like that



Ah I see, this really has nothing to do with ballet poses. Whatever shared elements the video may have with classical or modern ballet style poses, is a sheer coincidence. Nevermind




I wish I can go back to 4th grade, and dance like that for the talent show to win Chad's heart


tfw no Arin spitting her saliva in my ear



Women like seeing men dance, because it is representative of their combat skills.

Men like seeing women dance because it's erotic

t. knower

This is the evolutionary advantage of dancing, and why every culture has some variation of it


Alright to the first person reading this, listen up

Post a link to your favourite song. I will watch it immediately, but I will not give an dept analysis of it.

And tell me who your favourite Koryo pop-star is



The name Goryeo (alternatively spelled Koryŏ). The name Korea derives from the name Goryeo. The name Goryeo itself was first used by the ancient kingdom of Goguryeo, which was considered a great power of East Asia during its time, in the 5th century as a shortened form of its name.

It the trve name of the peninsula!!!



Okay, I had the lyric subtitles turned on, but let me re-read the lyrics without the music



Ah I see.

Well, where do I begin? There is a lot to take in from these audiovisuals (laughs).

Let's break it down shall we; let's start with the audio.

Now, I have never learned how to play an instrument or train my voice, so I don't know how to quantify music properly. So I have to use an analogy, because I am retarded. The music is like ingesting a lot of sugar, it's very sweet. The notes are very high pitched, the synth instruments also contribute to this. She is singing fast, it's like a sugar rush.

Now visually, it's good, obviously. a lot of budget and work went into it, like most music videos.

I like the dresses, a lot of them were reminiscent of a Lolita style. I saw sundresses there too, very feminine and modest, women should dress like this on the wect.




women should dress like this on the wect.

But then it would somewhat be equivalent to me wearing a suit all the time (I want to do that, HEH). It would be kind of autistic for a woman to be wearing a lolita dress while grocery shopping all the time.




The music is like ingesting a lot of sugar, it's very sweet.

that reminds of me Anthony Fantano's review on jpop



I don't know anything about him, except for that one copy pasta that I saw.



It was pretty funny, and the name Fantano could be replaced with anyone who I deem to be nuisance on the board at anytime, making it very versatile, so I saved the pasta.



here it is, r8:

Faggot piece of shit subhuman spamming fucking Fantano threads fuck you I hope you get raped to death by a pack of wild niggers I hope there's an accident and you lose both your hands so you can never post again I'm sick of this bald fat faggot on this board I don't give a shit about what good album he rated poorly or what bad album he rated highly he's a stupid fucking idiot we know that we've always known that but you retards come here every fucking hour of every fucking day saying "durr wait why fantano be dumb bald man not rate album how I rate album" why don't you pull your head out of your ass do the world a favor and get a fucking shotgun and end your posting career early I'm sick of coming to this place and seeing this subhuman and always the same fucking complaints about him just stop fucking posting him he's not a musician and his videos aren't even interesting just stop it I hope the skull is ripped out of your head and your brains are split in two and then they're both put back and the process is repeated over and over I hope you live in abject misery I never want to see a thread about him again I hope your spine is split in half I hope your heart is clogged with cum I fucking hate these stupid fucking low quality threads we need a permanent ban on these threads so I want the mods to just fucking end this and I don't even like them fuck off just do it stop posting yes we get it he's a moron you're the moron for posting him whether you like him or not you're a fucking cancer cell killing this board eat my whole ass I'm sick and tired of you people being alive if theneedledrop were deleted off youtube this board would probably suck for a few weeks or so but then it would be so great as people realized he was never coming back I'm fucking begging you here please stop posting him stop posting about how you like and support him and stop posting about how you dislike or hate him just stop making threads about this cunt



Actuallu, I don't even know if this is a copypasta, but it's too good to be not used as one.



So, why do you like the audio-visuals of this song over other k-pop songs?



lol some people in /mu/ are genuinely obsessed with Fantano, no wonder another autist got really mad



it's pretty good, mix of a very melodic singing with a serious beat, some nice harmonies in the "chorus"





Wait a sec.. I heard this song before. It was in an anti-faggot meme




I saw a meme about FBI statistics with knock knoc mv



I never browsed those boards on 8chan, and I never got along with it's demographic. If I recall correctly, A-log was the initials of some guy they liked to bully, and then they started to apply it to people they didn't like



Actually, I think it's a kiwifarms thing, (and /cow/ shares the same demographic with kiwifarms).



Wow, this site isn't even on the great list of imageboards yet.

It's totally undiscovered, I feel like a sailor who has just discovered an island of sirens.

I will report it to my home imageboard, but if a vierkanal crossposter leaks to 4shit they will get raided hard, and will get subverted by hornyturks and trannies. The consequences will never be the same.


our purepop noona



this song is such a banger

shame oncels made everyone hate twice so most people won't even give them a chance



this could be you but you care too much about society's opinion



nah brother, I'm a trend setter, if anything people in kpg are molded to my likings

musically I just don't like Twice, it's not all garbage of course, but since Cheer Up I never was a fan of their sound; in TT's case, it's the chorus, such a low energy going downwards melody, it puts me in a bad mood



this kind of sound is very SM, voices are on your face and very bright

I personally don't like it at all, MV is like something from GWSN



Legs Wide Open is unironically in my top 3 albums this year



really? I'm losing my mind then, sounds like the music is way too high and their voices too low



you just memed yourself into hating twice

I did something similar with feet except the total opposite of hating

do you also hate love foolish? if you do it's settled


fuck I'm a retard





I don't hate Twice, I love the girls, I actually really like Nayeon, one of the most memed girls in kpg; their vlives are really fun

also, musically I don't hate everything about Twice, just moments that ruin the mood for me, I don't listen to kpg at all, I just go there to shitpost


I actually really like Nayeon



I disliked Nayeon before it was cool

when Twice debuted I only liked J-line and Chewy, later also Dubu's white thighs convinced me to like her



I've never liked Dahyun, she tries too hard to be funny, and maybe that's why she doesn't get invited to many varieties by herself



yeah that's true

I think I only watched one Twice variety and after watching it I decided twice is only for watching the stages and listening to some songs




I only watch vlives of my girls

yeah that's true, I used to watch from many groups before but now I can't

I can't even watch from Weeekly even if I want to...




I can't even watch from Weeekly even if I want to...

what's stopping you?

I gave them a try once and it wasn't bad, they seem to get along nicely unlike some groups



Weeekly's vlives are great, I just can't afford to watch another hour of not much going on, on top of watching other stuff


is it ok to watch movies when I still have unwatched kpop variety shows on my list?



I will pray for your sovl today brother



I haven't seen it but it is almost in top 100 movies on the database so it is probably pretty good



uh oh, why are you occupying both sides of the bed?



Do the deed, wait until she is asleep, sneak out her premium credit card out of her wallet. Proceed to buy 10 000 albums of my nugufu.


if not the BOCA Jessi would be perfect


If not for the


nigger skintone


implants that are too large


lips that could suffocate you during a kiss


shitloads of tattoos


american attitude

Jessi would be perfect



only the breast implants and the lips fillings are weird for me



She is just dancing whole days. Her stamina and moves must be quite something....




going to Portugal

No thanks. I'd rather take her on walks inawoods in my own shithole



it's not about Portugal, it's about meeting Mãe do Senhor; Soberana Rainha; Mãe de Deus; Nossa Senhora; Santíssima Virgem; Imaculada; Bem-aventurada



If those are pub names, then I am in. If not, I'll excuse myself




Mãe do Senhor; Soberana Rainha; Mãe de Deus; Nossa Senhora; Santíssima Virgem; Imaculada; Bem-aventurada

1250×7001.33Mb00:07201209 달리는 사이 Ep.1

your crush and her "special" friend lol


what a Stacy




that's why their heads are so fucking big, all that knowledge has to be stored somewhere



Gowon mega genius


I'll pretend to be an idol so the wife of one of the richest billionares in the world notices me and I'm set for life


New Zeland announces national lockdown over one case

Kpop for this feel?



Don't know a single song named "fucking retarded" so I guess not



(((they))) are testing how far they can go with normies there

it's coming to europe soon


my car broke down and I have to use public transport like a cuck for the next few days

kpop for this feel?

1536×17022.11Mb00:08OH MY GIRL 『Dun Dun Dance Japanese ver.』Special Clip-USnUuHXW6jE






and if your are a chink with weiboo the pics are super high res

I get my XY pics from twitter so they are already worse than on weiboo


let's make paple



A bit yes. But 3 weeks are not bad.

I think Mamamoo had only 1 last time.


what did she mean by this?



That is true. Well, they played the song during the olympics. That is at least something I guess.



the sales look good too

#Dreamcatcher - Summer Holiday: 1,283 copies (84,779 total)

only 6k left to take over their previous album

I wonder if we will get an online concert this comeback tho, they kinda run out of new memes



I hope so. I want a concert that will have Heart of Sunflower as the final song.

It is so fitting as an ending to a performance.



brother... we like Dreamcatcher for their super high energy encores

IZ*one's concert had some snoozers at the end and I hated it



Of course, we like their high energy songs but those slower ones when timed for are great.

Like when they performed slow version of I can't get you out of my mind on the second to last concert while suddenly wearing those jackets. Peak comfy.



alldaylong would be based for encore but heart of sunflower would kill my vibe and that's a nono


tfw desinfected my desktop, keyboard, mouse, etc

I feel invincible


OnlyFans about to ban explicit content

Kpop agencies with genius business strategies for this feel?



I feel like when Arin made a small mistake, Irene was worrying for her, maybe she's not so bad



Nice. Time to start a competing app that does allow it and make billions



She has just been massively hindered by thst awful fucking hairstyle for months now. Dunno what made her do it...

668×7081.75Mb00:06210820 KBS2 유희열의 스케치북 오마이걸 CUT 1080i

800×10842.59Mb00:04210820 KBS2 유희열의 스케치북 오마이걸 CUT 1080i

lol I shared a story on /kpg/, about some attractive girl trying to kiss me in highschool, and somebody got so mad that he reported me LOL

1188×10801.74Mb00:03210820 KBS2 유희열의 스케치북 오마이걸 CUT 1080i



we are back


no way this chink is real



Oinkers will host some new variety show

she's finally re-making it



don't worry, anon

where you are going, you won't need any tendies





ah, back when I liked Mamamoo, still as good of a song


Twice's Jungyeon halts promos due to her anxiety disorder





I know nobody cares about Twice

he said nobody cares about Fatboy

we love j-line and Tzuyu


that reminds me i need to hear this again



absolute kino

I don't think anyone will ever top this





what the fuck...

how come they only figured out they don't have enough money after debuting them?



or they thought you get paid for going on shows but actually it's the other way around



She did. Nice dress.

But look at Dong's haircut. It suits her so well.



interesting, I knew right away it was woo!ah!, meme queens


Mina's face when kchanon likes her



I think DC is safe from memecrops

when kpg wants to dab on them they just post pic related



remember that introverted doesn't mean shut in autist or pure, it just means she's not the one to talk first with a new friend, not the one organizing a meeting, the one keeping her opinions to herself and simiar, and that's very Arin


always knew pronks were chads

900×9142.89Mb00:05210820 Girls Planet 999 - Episode 3

cute rat girl

900×10021.72Mb00:03210820 Girls Planet 999 - Episode 3

looks like flipping is back on the menu, boys


Choabros our interest in cosmetics is growing



Say no more fam



it is, i like how happy she looks in the first pic


Stayc gurls are coming back as well

lot's of rookie content in the past and upcoming weeks, I wonder if Aespa will deliver more fast and furious covers in the near future


this photoshoot was a bit omo for underage girls



I thought she was younger tbh

I guess she is old enough for fat shaming comments then... brb






No you can clearly see the arm movement of pulling up and twisting the blade to make sure it does the job.

I am actually worried she might be a serial killer now.


any ideas for the new tiktok?


let's just shake our butts in front of camera



She always liked the spotlight on the dancefloor. She just hates idol shit where they make you act cute and ask stupid questions



You have to tell her how cool she is. If you tell her she is cute she will hate you





There are other groups if you are into cute

Olive is for being edgy and cool.



I like both and switch between them based on mood



you were right

I saw an ASIAN qt today!

this was the first irl asian girl I've seen in over a year I think



it's pretty bad

it seems keeps all the good songs for Aespa



i didn't like it at first but I'm kinda starting to like the hook

cuz we are queens and kings~~

it's not bad but i don't think i'll add it to my playlist



yeah, Queendom for me is still the show and the cool performances


I feel like playing angel wings again...

#630164 added naver posts to it's data base




the teaser is very misleading, keeps me wondering


rewatching Gordon Ramsay Hot Ones episode...




ah, movie terms are losing their original meaning

I've also noticed people overuse "jumping the shark" and "aging badly"


I kinda want to play Skyrim, I still remember when it came out, my PC wouldn't be able to run it back then


More Buttonrin


Last for Buttonrin


never before I've listened to YES OR YES so many times lol, I guess I just dislike TWICE

1308×10763.75Mb00:06걸스플래닛999 소녀대전 03회 210820 1080i H264
1170×10764.55Mb00:08걸스플래닛999 소녀대전 03회 210820 1080i H264

these qts


thoughts on this pit?



Nobody wants an angery midget. I do want an angery midget though, very much so




I don't care about solos and even mommy won't change that



that pose near the wall with your leg bended means something here




lol no, name is Shin Saekyung, I first knew about her in the series High Kick Through the Roof

I had a gif of her but I can't find it right now



no idea, I watched it all but I wasn't aware of that happening until I saw the gif


I was never able to find this fancam, probably wasn't even published anyway, maybe the guy just made a gif from the video



that dude in #1 played the autist in it's ok to not be ok

can't believe even he got to grope k-booba



yeah it's funny to see him in that perv character



this Binnie is literally me when I'm on my meds

good thing I stopped taking them...


So when will gooks come to 21st century and start using h265 or VP9 instead of encoding into a format designed for spoinning logos on websites



he's squeezing too hard, should be more gentle (but it'd look weirder)



girls absolutely LOVE to have their booba grabbed

try it in the bus tomorrow



at least kkzz and kgirls moved to mp4, loading kgirls in particular in the past was slow because of the 15 gifs at about 20 MB each


LEAVE the group, bitch



the guy is just very slow and picky, must be busy lately



Nana is really something else.

I like many GP999 girls but she would destroy all her competition in every single aspect.



except that one chink all the GP999 girls posted on kpg are kinda meh

like they aren't uggos but they are nothing special




whoa, didn't know about her sakuras

She usually hides them well



cai bing, I personally don't like her much, seeing her in the episodes is a bit different



she wanted to show her doggo but then realized you're staring at her bewbs


Heo Yun Jin From “Produce 48” Reported To Join New Source Music Girl Group + HYBE Comments

So so far it seems that Chimpy, Kkura and Kirinchan should be in


I'm unironically reading The Bible lately and tbh God is scary af

I can't wait to finally read about Jesus, he seems nicer








we need new pics of Yunjin though, maybe she looks way different now




I'm unironically reading The Bible lately

weird, me too

started reading Deuteronomy today

tbh I was expecting it to be super boring but on the contrary it's kinda fun reading it



God is really harsh in the Old Testament

He Chills out in the New. I wonder if he realized you can smoke the leaves from tree of knowlege at some point during the time.




weird, me too

it's that time of the year

we didn't make it during the Spring Horny™ so we now seek other things to do


tbh I was expecting it to be super boring but on the contrary it's kinda fun reading it

same, I catch myself staying late at night to read more of it



God is really harsh in the Old Testament

yeah I kinda saw the memes about it but the reality is on the next level



ahem.. tips fedora

isn't it weird how God keeps changing his moral stance to fit the timeline that the source material was written in, yet according to religious apologists the bible is what we're supposed to base our 21st century morality on because it's somehow objective and timeless



he wanted to kill all the jews one second and after talking with Moses he decided to let them be

he just can't make up his mind



that's why I think the phrase "God created man on His own image" is very fitting, because it's of course the other way around




isn't it weird how God keeps changing his moral stance to fit the timeline that the source material was written in

No. It makes sense if you think about how the civilisation progressed in that time and how life for the people creating the stories got better as we developed from villagers getting mauled to death by animals to city states with education, relative safety and completely new set of difficulties to face



you should be grateful because I stopped reading at "fedora"



It indirectly responds to the second part as well. The universal truth that the stories contain still stands. You just have to extract it and apply to your own life situations



That is fine depending on the meaning of that word



He skipped past noonas and went straight for ajumas


Sometimes I search for 아줌마 on adult sites




Let's make electricity from brown coal instead of nuclear fission, because once we figure out fusion, we'll only use that



but it's already being used? It just takes a few years for hardware to refresh and support it.



And fusion also exists. We can hold it for 10 seconds and spend more energy than we gain from it in the process



What makes you think that they will use it, if they haven't even reached the point of using h264 17 years after it was released



Google, Netflix, Amazon, Microsoft, Intel, Apple, Nvidia, Facebook, Huawei, Samsung, Tencent are funding and implementing it and it's royalty free. Why would it not succeed?



Because they just can't be bothered and GIF™ just werks


hmm anons, lots of 4k videos come in AV1 already, it's here



Maybe in the sense of


would be fun grandma for my 6 hapa children I'll have with Chaeryeong



I had to look her up



What the fuck she actually looks older than she is.




I had to look her up

I made you look

she was quite fat before, just like the fat guy from Superjunior, they kinda look saggy after losing weight

1082×9001.93Mb00:03[Ep.03] 평범함은 거부한다😮 위클리가 물놀이 즐기는 방법!💦 펜캉스 3편-oZeMAMSIgBQ

everybody has a crazy friend



Minju has 10 years on Irene though. I wonder what she'll look like when she is 30



They had to stay 20 seconds in that pose for some reason

1070×10805.29Mb00:05210824 SBS MTV The Show Weeekly - Holiday Party



Israeli officials say people will probably have to take the vaxx once a year or maybe even every 5-6 months

vaxcucks... this can't be happening!



It's normal with flu shots, so I don't see the problem, other than logistics



here they promoted the vax as "two shots to get back to normal"

most normies I know are angry about it and say they won't take the shot again




two shots to get back to normal

well that is still true, just needs to be renewed every year


NCT gayopop sleeping around with several female fans

That nigga is building a harem out of his fans.

Do kpops do this as wel?



they told that to normies to trick them into getting the shot

that's my only problem here


i've been thinking about finally taking the vax tbqh, but at the same time i wonder if they're going to be putting out some better vaccines in 2022 and it'd be better to wait for those...



you haven't been vaccinated yet?

some people here got their second shot already (not second part of vaccine, new vaccination)



they will most likely always have limited duration like the flu ones

but it is probably good idea to have it for autumn and winter as these month will be the most severe for spreading



true, if every infected country had actually enforced strict two week quarantine when everything started we wouldn't have masks, vaccines, social distancing or any of that shit.

300×30275.62Kb00:04오마이걸(OH MY GIRL)_Dun Dun Dance M_V Making Film-GG3gUTeefF0




whatever makes you feel better about your life choices



nah I'm the guy who wants the totalitarian soy state



you can replace anti-vaxxers with some other retarded group of people like flat earth society, but that doesn't change the true picture

I'm glad only a tiny percent of population share that attitude of doing opposite to what smart people say




let's have locked borders, limited access to indoor venues and no massive gatherings instead

That doesn't sound like very free world




I'm glad only a tiny percent of population share that attitude of doing opposite to what smart people say

you sure?

in europe it's about 40%



40% of europe are anti-vaxxers? not taking a shot doesn't make you anti, there could be different reasons not to take a shot

but making such pictures and posting them unironically is surely a bad sign


smart people told me taliban would need nuclear weapons to win with the afghan army

is it... is it possible that sometimes smart people are wrong?



yeah, you have to have at least 100g of brains to differentiate science and medicine from politics

anti-vaxxers don't have even that unfortunately



the science it's settled meme is hilarious

look at scientists 100 years ago and you will see most of them were wrong

it will be similar with current scientists in 100 years



I know. Wars are very hard to excuse to people so a lot of lying is needed



Vaccines were invented 200 years ago and have saved millions upon millions of lives in that span though



nah, you're a victim of dunning kruger effect

you think you understand something about the world but you're too stupid to realize that you don't



Those fuckers in China that started this mess will be the first ones to get out of it. That is one scary af prospect



yeah, it would be hilariously stupid trying to argue with anti-vaxxer

I'm just making fun of you



yeah after getting addicted to opioids because smart people said they were safe I no longer trust big pharma


Niggas, stop bitching and post kpop with Chinese characteristics


Why does she look like an alien



I'm wondering, did you read that on /pol/ or what's the current place for paranoid retards to meet?

I assume that's from some sort of "top 10 arguments why vaccines are bad" manifesto made by retard from such place



I wonder why they try to put MAGAtards as the face of antivaxx when in reality the lowest percentage of vaxxed people in the US are mexicans and niggers



actually HBO has a documentary about the opioid epidemic

you should watch it



Netflix has a documentary about how drugs are so fucking cool and all to cool creative people take them




it's not about covid now so relax a bit

opioid epidemic is a real thing and it's mainstream view that it was started mainly by one pharma company



others that don't take em don't seem to claim it's a freedom/controlling thing



you overestimate effect of it, and you making false assumption that it somehow makes anti-corona vaccines fake science



I see. I will stop drinking my cough sirup to fight this issue. Thanks for opening my eyes



Because big pharma wants to take my semen when I pee into the plastic bottle for urine tests and make human-pig hybrids out of it



letting every person speak their own opinion was a stupid decision to make...

it's quite easy to fool a group of people and make them say things you want

most people don't know shit about things they say

although while we can control most of them it works, but if anti-vaxxers going to be a massive thing I think politics would have to become totalitarian again




it's quite easy to fool a group of people and make them say things you want


most people don't know shit about things they say

is this your autobiography?



because those posts make me aware that there're a lot of stupid people who don't understand their own stupidity



newspapers are really desperate these days trying to compete with games and messengers



He is, that is why he leaves the imortant decision to doctors who spent 30 years researching this stuff instead of schizo poltards



They have been desperate af ever since adblock was created



it's 2021 the experts embarrassed themselves too many topics to be trusted

I only trust Joe Rogan who does the real research




experts embarrassed themselves too many topics to be trusted

again, you're overestimating effects of small mistakes...



Joe should really get someone from taliban on the show

I would love to hear their side of the story




she goes to different dr Kim every week and gets different body part done every episode



just because LGBT, SJW and EW people are retarded, doesn't mean vaccines don't work tho

btw how do you call eco-warriors like Great Thunberg in a funny way?




She is just a little shit screeching into a mic after all

how dare you?



And she is right. But she is shouting at the wrong people. We are already going towards more ecological future. But it's really pointless when China, India and Europe's colonies in Africa don't do jack shit



this thread is pretty dead lately

so it's either those two guys arguing about shit or people posting kkzz gifs every few hours



it's hard when guy 1 likes group X, guy two likes group Y and the 3rd guy just waits for a chance to mention gaypop



I like most groups, but the comebacks are just not that exciting when there aren't even shows on and definitely no fansigns and shit like that

I want my 2019 kpop back




when there aren't even shows

that was like for a week during olympics




But it's really pointless when China,

funny thing, China has the largest number of electric cars in the world afaik, but it doesn't help

EV thing is mostly about money I think, companies that aren't fast enough to change will lose the market



They are. The newest opinion is that they should be thrown into a grinder and made into a food for ze bugs which we then eat




funny thing, China has the largest number of electric cars in the world afaik

how much of their electricity comes from burning coal?




China has the largest number of electric cars in the world afaik

Some of the things that are classified as "electric car" I would call "shopping cart with electrified wheels"


Like this abomination

Calling it a car is insult to engineering



But driving a vagina around is asking to be rammed by other drivers. That is pretty gay



According to /pol/tards, it's because (((they))) are behind the feminist agenda.



"/pol/tards" live rent free in his head

he can't help it




i wonder if they're going to be putting out some better vaccines in 2022

some companies are working in oral vaccines


missed the conversation


it was about vaccines




I like to think we're on the normal side, at least I feel people in here won't go dressed like those people in the OH MY GIRL pictures when they went to America



all my experiences with girls leading up to university were negative and that's why i got into kpop



lel when I got depressed in college I got into iCarly




sexy funeral look

lol I see it

I'm glad it's Yoo Jaesuk, someone else could have been too star-struck

and that fucking fat nigga is the luckiest Korean entertainer


Yuri doing the Genie leg dance... Kreygasm



much more than CLC

I really like her voice, she has a bright future as soloist. Plus she made the IZONE sound so all Wizones can go to her for their fix

1280×7202.92Mb00:11vlive 210822 dreamcatcher [드림캐쳐]노올자!!!


ExLOTR might the longest-running book club discussion of all time. At the current pace, we’re on track to finish the book sometime in late 2031.


I just wanna me Yoo scream



why do people like fantasy that much

imo sci-fi is much better, those elfs/dwarfs/orks are just fucking stupid and anti-scientific


Not sticc

Not me







it's just very advanced technology, like imagine elves telling lesser races they have a magic ring, when in fact it's just a very tiny quantum computer able to control many things; it's just magic for the plebians around them



I forgot the name of the one I liked, but she's genuinely holocaust tier now, poor girl


I was watching the last ep. of Idol vs Idol with Weeekly and Secret Number, and I think this girl Jinny is genuinely sub 100 IQ, it's very hard for her to follow directions and she's Korean so the language is not a problem.



that's an statistics joke m8

there's another one I know, "there goes the man that died in the river that was 2 cm deep in average"



naem naem naem naem naem



tfw got memed into drinking last night and I feel sick today

Kpop for this feel?



Sure, the evening was nice.

But I shouldn't have drunk. I didn't even feel anything.



blonde hair makes almost every girls 100 times more attractive

why don't they use it more often



i would agree it makes whitoids generally more attractive but not so with gooks..



dunno, imo that blonde Ahin is 100x better than previous Ahin with black hair

they changed her style a bit more than just hair's color though



true, but short black hair without bangs still sucks

1280×72012.80Mb00:35아똥이 수능대박 대작전!😎-49411




that gook laughing face at the end is a classic 4 sure




tfw one day there won't be any new posts when I open the thread


it's getting closer

The thread should stop arguing like retards about vaccines and post kpop instead so that it doesn't happen

996×8362.77Mb00:03[Ep.04] 저녁메뉴를 차지하기 위한 소녀들의 ⚡치열⚡살벌한 쟁탈전🔥 승자는과연 펜캉스 4편 08.20


I try my best when I get here



it's because my autistic fit is spent and i stop posting


member when this general was all about self-improoving?



I was with my niece yesterday, I feel he would like kpop, hopefully not a Blink



Yes. I had 2 very nice family vacations this summer. Getting even better relationship with parents is something I am really happy about



it's good to spend time with parents, soon they will be gone and it'll be terrible



Wording this. Also, ask him which one he likes the most. If he goes for Yoona, he's got a based taste and deserves some nice gifts for Christmas



My mom is not even 50. I hope I have at least 20 more years before I have to worry about that



That would be very based but Yoona is usually an acquired taste imho, can't expect a kid to go for the patrician stuff right off the bat. Yuri's thigh game is a safe choice I'd say.



perhaps it is for the better... i never made it myself starting with Soshi...



The comebacks this year have been sort of aquired taste.

ITZY, LOONA, even wooah have had songs that are not really entry level stuff



woo!ah! feels very entry level, plus they're on tiktok and every kid is on tiktok so that makes it easy



kids are weird nowadays, he had purple hair last year actually, same with some other kids in my neighborhood


I'll show him some Slayer instead


kkzz is full of Somi clips nowadays, she's really stepping up her lewd game

668×9521.37Mb00:05210820 OH MY GIRL - Dun Dun Dance + Dolphin + Talk (Yoo Huiyeol's Sketchbook) [ENG]


1020×9804.62Mb00:09210820 OH MY GIRL - Dun Dun Dance + Dolphin + Talk (Yoo Huiyeol's Sketchbook) [ENG]


I think I watched that performance like 5 times in a row

904×986866.03Kb00:02투자가문화로 TVC 오마이걸 편(메이킹)-w6KECOL6ePw

also, not sure if anyone cares here about deinterlacing methods, but I was reading about using bwdif instead of yadif, in paper it was better but then I made some comparisons and yadif had some minor imperfections that I've never noticed before, so definitely go for bwdif if you can

I try to use nnedi (neural deinterlacing) too but nobody online posted a good example of how to use it

900×10221.30Mb00:04210818 SBS MTV 비하인드 더 쇼 (57회).1080i.KPOP24hrs


the 2 previous yooas I posted were made with that filter, takes the same time so I'm using it now



I suggest you to avoid that rabbit hole until it's too late

there're tons of discussions and filters for avisynth/vapoursynth frameservers

yadif (and similar built-in ffmpeg filters) is newbie-level, nobody uses it for serious post-processing


Why does time go by so fast......


I'm looking forward to spending time with you, September




nobody uses it for serious post-processing

Most people in those forums need to repair very old interlacing stuff though, sometimes you just need a pixel perfect outcome

With 1080i new sources it should be very hard to notice the diference, and I personally had to go to certain scenes with to see how bwdif was just 1% better than yadif. In a scene, it was like Mimi had a bit of braces if you zoomed in using yadif, and was normal with bwdif; I wanted to try nnedi but again the instructions were very confusing, and I say this as someone who has used Linux for a decade now



Mimi likes Arin so much that overlooks some of Arin's behaviour, but that shit won't work with Seunghee




You don't like the over exaggerated pink makeup on her cheeks I guess



I think it's combination of different makeup and somebody seriously fuckign up in the post-processing of the pics


I just realized Viggo Mortensen and Mads Mikkelsen are both Danes. That country seems to produce the ultimate Chads




Viggo Mortensen


American father


Danish mother


Grew up in Argentina

Can you really count him as a Dane



american heritage is just a mixture of some europoid genes, so he's at least 50% dane in my books



It sounds like somebody speaking German while choking on a dick






nnedi? you can search for fresh deinterlacing filters on doom9, not sure if there's something better



this little place called Bates Motel, don't worry about it





It's sad that time goes by so fast but I can wear my favorite jacket



ENHYPEN Heeseung, Jay, Jake, Jungwon & Sunghoon test positive for COVID-19. Other members to self-quarantine




you have a dirty mind!

Mimi was getting tingly from all the touching, she's very sensitive


Always feels like Seulgi is carrying RV with her talents. She should try a solo career imho.



Yep it's way better than RV. Naughty is pretty cool song.


hopefully they'll give her nice songs to promote




chinks are turning into Chad-males... eurobros how can we with our soft values even compete if a war broke out?



Just push them away. They can ban femboys all they want, doesn't change the fact that they are menlets at core


N.Flying’s Lee Seung Hyub, Yoo Hwe Seung, And Seo Dong Sung Diagnosed With COVID-19



1 more year until new lotr show premiere...



I saw that question on reddit, for me it's very easy to tell what's effeminate, but maybe not so much for others



Her dad is such a dhad

I don't think I'd be able to ask him for Arin's hand


Kwon Mina reveals her new boyfriend on SNS

I told you she was attention seeking crazy bitch




revealing her bf on her own instagram

wow how could she...


nyooooooo I got sexually assaulted and I want to kill myself


teehee here is my new bf :3



it's like the tara thing when things come to light a few years later, i'll get to say i was right all along on an anonymous board



exactly, but instead of "jimin didn't do anything" it will be "jimin wasn't nearly as bad as mina made it out to be" which is good enough for me




jimin wasn't nearly as bad as mina made it out to be


Jimin's physiognomy doesn't lie, she did it



going further it'd be all blurry

btw some Koreans said they saw something there


We all know Arin has pepperoni areolas anyway



it's a shame how covered up somi was in a lot of performances during dumb dumb promotions



I actually think she's showing a lot, specially with her tight tops like that webm just posted. More than that would be Hyuna tier and that's a different kind of style



well yes ofc, if she wasn't actually wearing those underneath she'd be LYING TO US and she doesn't do that



fair but as a coomer who doesn't care much at all about the music she's been putting out, it's not enough


tfw you buy a bag of cheesy poofs and eat the whole thing the same day

852×4802.87Mb00:19yooa is an alien


there's no reason to go back up there. nothing's there. don't worry about it



Yooa revealed recently that back when they debuted, she genuinely thought of the members like just co-workers. That was an interesting insight, I wonder how many fairly old groups still pretend to be close and they aren't.


so i've essentially listened to no kpop from this year. give me your favorite 2 or 3 songs from this year. bsides are fine too


ah, After School is also from this year, also that


Or kpap



mainly heejin's part because it doesn't really have a backing track behind it. the rap part starting at 1:41 is fine


Whatever you think of the song, the styling is fucking on point


Also the song sucks. It's cookie cutter summer EDM


DJ Soda's jugs....






Young weekeulys growing up well



Eugene testes positive for 'rona




proper comeback, with great styling, can't wait


Swan with leg straps



Binnie movie fucking when

1422×8001.99Mb00:04[ENG SUB] 분량배들의 귀환 ☆이달의 소녀☆ SO WHAT! [1부] - 팩트iN스타


1288×13704.21Mb00:07[릴레이댄스] 위클리(Weeekly) - Holiday Party (4K) [rNTHopIrcq0]

vroom vroom!

990×10802.27Mb00:06[SUB] 쩡이,비니 멜로 연기에 도전하다! with 하박사님 [쩡이집비니 EP.5-2] [vBNB84T-Scc]




it is like that meme when Trudeau was saying something about fighting Islamic state and people were mocking him that his approach is basically >if you kill your enemies, they win

and it was shitposted so much that many people think that it is his actual quote



ohh, very insteresting, I thought it was kpop-related and I was trying hard to remember something about it



and these days /pol/ is siding with the islamic state not that a puppet state is necessarily better



judging by the flood of le based Taliban wojak memes, yeah

2440×21607.66Mb00:05210904 오마이걸 출근길 직캠 (OH MY GIRL Fancam) [4K 60p] @밤길걷기 라이브워크 [8ONtzbkXjQU]


she was hiding them all along


I hate when girls wear clothes with cleavage tbh

it's hard not to look but by looking you confirm your filthy animal nature

it's like being successfully manipulated


imagine a culture where people deliberately try to change their skin colour to something not native


actually how brown are koreans naturally? i can't tell if idols are really white or if it's makeup



That is basically every modern culture


Yellow people want to be white


White people want to be orange/brown


Brown people want to be at least considered yellow


niggers want to be human




look with purpose

didn't the girl want you do exactly that? I hate being manipulated into looking there


didn't the girl want you do exactly that?

depends on if you're hot


wife and I looking for a new appartment




it's hard not to look but by looking you confirm your filthy animal nature

it's not black and white, you just need some training my young padawan

you look, but you don't stare; it's only a glimpse of paradise, not a blinking competition; you don't react to them, just look and go on

that reminds me of that one time I was at the mall, I was walking and looking at my phone sending a message, when this woman with huge tits came out of some store and started walking in front of me, I was in a very comfortable position to watch, but I wasn't doing it like a retard, just small sips until it was entirely printed in my memory



I wouldn't want to....

The way that story ends. I would probably off myself



but imagine meeting your own Kaori but it didn't end like that but rather you got married...



Well that is the dream of course. She was by all means a perfect waifu.



It was one of the best shows, if not the best show I never want to watch again





i can't agree, i think i cried even more the second time i watched

now 3rd time i'm enjoying it so friggin much i think it's curing my mental health issues



Sad stories just don't werk for me the second time

It's the inevitability of the outcome that ruins the rest of the story for me



i see where you're coming from, but for me it's not at the end of the day a wholly sad story. Arima is so fucking lucky to have had Kaori for even a moment



I like more Taeyeon, she just hates everyone and lets you know with her eyes, Irene is a more blunt




Arima is so fucking lucky to have had Kaori for even a moment

Yes, but on the other hand you experience the ultimate form of love and then it's ripped away from you. That might as well fuck up your relationships till the end of your life. Because nothing will ever compare


Fucking hell.

Jpop is something else.



I will never experience anything close to the ultimate form of love for even a second though



I know. I think this is the case of never having it at all is better than having it and then losing it



Interesting. I guess this is why watching the anime is painful/sad to you, but for me it's actually uplifting



Makes sense.

Also plenty of other anime has top tier waifus that don't die, so I'd rather watch those





but I wasn't doing it like a retard, just small sips until it was entirely printed in my memory

that's even worse

you either look openly or don't look at all




that's even wors

not at all, I was genuinely sending a few messages, stopped to think and started to look, then kept writing


you either look openly or don't look at all

awful advice! it's a healthy middle ground, in reality

of course this makes no sense at all if you're hideous, that kind of people can't do anything lol




it's a healthy middle ground

it's not healthy to go right into the trap, you have to defend

there're only two options: ignore or counter-attack



it's a fight you can avoid by not saying anything

listen to Sun Tzu brother




it's a fight you can avoid

you were attacked and you are going to swallow it? soyboys these days...





well you shouldn't leave your house without taking your meds first


unlocks gun

pow pow pow


hide your tits, bitch!

last bullet on the head to finish the job

that's what I imagine


But we wanna see booba in public


booba mentioned




But we love her here

I like them all, maybe except Vivi because she doesn't do much




except Vivi because she doesn't do much

Yeah. She is a token member unfortunately




16k watching

holy shit, seems like people love him



I have that movie downloaded already, there seems to be a lot of good reviews about it

2740×21602.30Mb00:03[페이스캠4K] 위클리 지한 'Holiday Party' (Weeekly JI HAN FaceCam)│@SBS Inkigayo_2021.08.15. [kOJ9EhdID6E]



I was trying to remove that dot but it's part of the pic


Sera watched The Ark's MV

oh no...


75 minutes till new MV




What did she mean by this



i can't tell if you're being cheeky. i thought it could also be a glass ad. it's just funny how they're trying to make soju classy when it clearly isn't



because of that one gif where Irene is upset at her at some show

plus I never see them interact



In modern society, singledom has arguably become a greater problem than unemployment, not because people have failed to meet the right one, but because they lack the economic power to marry and start their own families.

based, feels good to have lost the money game


cute jiho sounds


remember I? wonder what happened to her, would have been a nice addition to OMG



i thought it's just a reflection making her eyes look weird but very captivating



Skin colored bra, but you can run your imagination free and don't worry about it



I am gonna help that statistics by having 10 kids with my Binwife



tfw born too late to enjoy the time when they will be begging foreigners to come and fertilize their women



Word. It was a shithole 30 years ago and it will be a dead 30 years from now


Maternity leave in SK is fucking 90 days.

It's retarded af.


you gotta breed, but we will make it as hard for you as possible



I think this is happening in Japan too. They are so many old people that parties mainly pander to them which leaves very little room for social policies for young people


I didn't mean to tag you with the first post



It's ok, I enjoyed looking at it




She still does sometimes. But company probably doesn't want her to.

Or maybe it was an unhappy love



What if that was just a persona to go along with the cute concept?

She is quite introverted and she says she doesn't express her emotions that much.


#PurpleKiss 1st day sales on Hanteo

Hide & Seek: 8,497 copies

Into Violet: 7,156 copies




DAY 1: 08,497

DAY 2: 18,900

DAY 3: 08,509

TOTAL: 35,906


into violet 1st week sales - 12,400



it's all because Yuki-chan showed the backridge

btw Stayc is close to 100k and the album came out 5 days ago




get bf


become lewder than ever before on social media

What did she mean by this


Getting the jab for my waifu


The other Nana is turning 30 in 3 days


Isa has such a dumb laugh, I love it


they went with the Nayeon makeup

2040×21601.20Mb00:03[빈방] COVER l 비니(오마이걸)_Why(태연) l BINNIE(OHMYGIRL)_Why(Taeyeon) [73u-63L6H1I]

is my mind playing tricks on me or can we see through her sweater?



you know watching animes like this makes me feel like not cooming anymore, i just want to save myself for the one that I will one day hopefully meet...



but i think it's natural that seeing love like that on screen makes sex and cooming feel like such a trivial and almost degrading thing



I guess so.

Sad that purity is not held in higher regard in modern society



tbh i never understood the whole purity obsession, but i'm sure some Chad would have much more qualified opinion on this than me, since i've never had a gf so i don't know what it's like having impure gf. for me casual sex is not something to chase but at the same time it's not really something to get upset about if someone has had it. someone being a tinder slut is a red flag ofc because it tells something about her personality



Maybe I didn't phrase it correctly. I think sexualtity is way too prominent and public. I feel like intimate parts of relationship should be only between the two people, but normies these days are way too open about how, whom, and where they fuck.

Maybe I am just autistic and don't get it, but I feel like I would be betraying the trust of my gf if I kept rambling to my friends about how we have sex.


Lippy keeps flexing her consoomer gadgets



yeah i agree with you, it should be something more personal and intimate


seems like Berserk is now officially over...



tv and movies. porn too but that's less relevant to the topic rn



i've gotten blackmail letters for using p2p services because i'm dumb and don't use vpn




it definitely was, especially with the art style and the music




but I feel like I would be betraying the trust of my gf if I kept rambling to my friends about how we have sex.

Normie here, this doesn't happen, it's considered very rude to share those intimate details.

I do get what were you trying to say, though.




it's considered very rude to share those intimate details.

My friends seem very eager to talk about them



I only share details when it's something extraordinary or happened so long ago. When you're dating someone, it's not common to share intimate details.



bro, when my ex-coworker goes on vacation she'll talk openly about how many people she slept with (14 in 3 months btw) or how their dicks were smaller than she's used to

this is kind of the standard for females where I live

1632×17944.06Mb00:06너와 나의 여름인걸 EP03 한강에서 서핑 with 한강여신 [ha1_kg3KkLo]

990×15982.89Mb00:06너와 나의 여름인걸 EP03 한강에서 서핑 with 한강여신 [ha1_kg3KkLo]



lmao i have a hard time believing this, wtf is wrong with her honestly





when you want to find a movie online and the only version available is Spanish/Arabic hardsub



i just realized there's a cringy laugh track every time they're joking and now i can't unhear it


is great teacher onizuka actually good?..



yeah, as someone who doesn't watch anime often, it was a great story with great memorable characters




also, kinda feel bad for Swan, I like seeing her bouncy boobs but it seems they're stopping her from dancing her best, it truly seems like it's a medical condition



She can't do the full thing because of the massive inertia


Swan being bigger can have some funny consequences like when she pushed away 3 members with her butt

1280×7202.99Mb00:11Happy 'Mission' Birthday -Arin--33094


Where does this fit in the scalee

1280×7203.00Mb00:11Happy 'Mission' Birthday -Arin--33094

Arin sounds

1280×7201.38Mb00:16Happy 'Mission' Birthday -Arin--33094

1280×7203.11Mb00:23Happy 'Mission' Birthday -Arin--33094




getting dizzy from that

1280×7202.95Mb00:08Happy 'Mission' Birthday -Arin--33094

you are my sunshine, my only sunshine

1280×7202.97Mb00:10Happy 'Mission' Birthday -Arin--33094

more arin sounds

1280×72012.10Mb00:33Happy 'Mission' Birthday -Arin--33094


mollae mollae bros ww@


wait no, watch this one instead



Luna confirms comeback after two years + has already filmed the comeback's MV



I feel Weeekly is taking notes from how OMG behaves and they're trying hard to follow along. It's working so far, in their case it helps that many of them already failed with a previous group so they have endured failure and tragedy together.

512×6681.34Mb00:08OH MY GIRL - Dun Dun Dance! [rDukC_F7dnc]


400×568894.36Kb00:08OH MY GIRL - Dun Dun Dance! [rDukC_F7dnc]



it was fun....

I guess I'll just dump some webms with sound from time to time


like this lol



lol, thanks for the last laughs bro

1920×10806.82Mb00:09190526 MnetJapan M COUNTDOWN Backstage - 오마이걸


I ordered Jiu and Gah hand creams and the shipping was like 3 times cheaper than it is with kpop albums

why can't ktown4u work with cheaper delivery services?





get well soon Gah~

bunch of other idols also got corona yesterday mostly male kpops


ASTRO’s JinJin tests positive for COVID-19



All staff from Dreamcatcher's company tested positive for COVID-19



at the end of that segment she also gave him a mean stare lol



I'm glad they renew her contract, maybe for another year, they have great chemistry



omo they did? tbh i'm surprised she wanted to renew it, being somewhat introverted and all



she's great and talkative when her members are not there to tease her lol



There was a guy lying under the bench in our block. Police came in and started taking pictures. I thought he was dead but it appears he was just drunk. But emergency is here too. Maybe he started freezing.

Kpop for this feel?



I was thinking of doing it. This one is burried down from the front page.

I'll do it when I finish at work



she's a player IRL, that's how she got her Binnie gf