> I'm referring to your posts and show you mistakes in them
I did not make mistakes in those posts. I quoted myself with the exact meaning.
(weird how you're not making arguments against the actual sentence anymore, just saying I quoted things wrong)
> he said he understood what you meant only after autistic rant
nope, he said
> ok so that was the original post
meaning he read the original post of mine(the lesson) and got it.
> you're not interested in finding the truth
I know my sentence to be valid and I provided apt prove for the validity of my sentence via examples of my own as well as examples from sources. the examples are drop in style and showcase that there are many cases in which "a" first can be used just fine, like the dating example, the business example and the time example.
> it obviously wasn't fine based on the number of people who couldn't get it
you were the only one who noticed anything. you just HAD to make fun of me for a perceived mistake. there was one chingu whom I actually made the lesson for who seemed glad for the content before you came with your claim.
yes. I lost all dignity or whatever in the eyes of the people. It is what it is, but when I woke up today, I chose righteous stubbornness. not being too stubborn to lose an argument, but too stubborn to give up just because of an enduring bully. >>656613
> he questions my dignity
I gave you an easy out, you could have just said "I guess both a and the can work, just sounds weird to me" and that would have been it. this is an anonymous imgboard, we can both just disappear. it is an inpersonal vendetta for all the times you "argued" someone here to death over trivial shit by being annoying and enduring.
no I just went to get put on food. I will go to sleep and continue tomorrow if he doesn't let it go