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Superspreader general





I think in the second pic is where she looks very skinny compared to before, but I guess you know more, in my memory I have her image from Produce where she was a bit chubby (idol chubby)



It is possible she was in the Produce days. But she looked like this during debut.



oh yeah, and makes more sense to have lost all that weight before debuting

meanwhile Swan keeps getting thicker omo


just discovered this, pretty fucking funny

it's interesting that even with my basic level of Korean I can almost understand everything, most of the words are from every day use that you learn first

578×7201.88Mb00:06210917 Weeekly - Holiday + Check It Out + Meet and Greet + Mission Hi 5 (KCONTACT HI 5)


1220×100013.19Mb00:11210917 Girls Planet 999 - Ep. 7



i was under the impression we would stay in the old thread forever




I thought the thread was me and the other anon saying goodbye, but apparently there are more anons lurking

1118×10803.77Mb00:10210917 Weeekly - Holiday + Check It Out + Meet and Greet + Mission Hi 5 (KCONTACT HI 5)

998×10808.79Mb00:07210917 Weeekly - Holiday + Check It Out + Meet and Greet + Mission Hi 5 (KCONTACT HI 5)

reminds me of the last month of 2chen, I was sometimes alone posting webms with sound lol



i was going to make a joke post at the end thinking it was getting shut down at the end of the month but then it was apparently in view-only mode for over a week




It is kinda strange feeling that I won't be a student anymore after such a long time



I mean I am glad I managed to fullfil all the requirements. But studying was kinda comfy. Even when I was working half of the week. I feel like now it is going to be just work.




I feel like now it is going to be just work.

work takes less time than studying and you gate paid for it

sounds like a good change




I will have to commute few times a week.

I like driving to work

just play some kpop and honk at women when they wait over 0.05 milliseconds after the lights turn green



I will use train. Driving this route is just not worth it.

Especially when the train will get me basically to the destination.




I will use train

if some uni/school is on the train's route that's even better



People usually don't want to talk to strangers.

I have only met one girl on train.




People usually don't want to talk to strangers.



nigga just sniff some hair and try to touch some butta



it is like a step between high school and university

they are often shorter and they usually give you non-academic degree

you become a "specialist" in some field, typically in education, economy or tourism



people with bachelor's get hired all the time. just take the dive and start somewhere. getting experience and making new social connections is invaluable



when you're working towards your bachelor's you're called an undergrad so if he's done his undergrad i'm assuming he has a bachelor's




damn this kind of thing doesn't exist in my country, you either finish college or you don't, then comes the masters degree



I need to listen to it more.

I like it but many songs still blur out together.




yeah i have bacherlor's, i dropped out of my masters. in my country bacherlor's literally doesn't count, either you become a masters or you're a dropout



that one definitely stands out

I haven't though about it but my favourite b-sides are probably Poison Love and Destiny part 2

this Chaen looks strange



yeah I regret not getting master degree when I was young, nowadays I don't want to spent 4 years on some fucking stupid document which isn't even strictly required



what if when you get even older you'll regret not getting it at this age?




this Chaen looks strange

she is the designated white girl


Destiny part 2

lol, nice name

just listened to it and it's hard mogged by Destiny part 1



not the Village of the Damned eyes

I find the slower pace more fitting for this song


see a song called ZzZz


it's a ballad

based Purple Kiss




You get paid for it but it can be more stressful.

It was infinitely more stressful for me in uni



drink, drugs, gambling, being sold by into sex slavery



I feel bad for you

I was lucky to start on sunday morning so I just watched it for 9h straight



I don't marathon series anymore, I barely remember the details at the end

one ep. per day for me now




since we're talking about movies

uh... excuse me but we are talking about k-dramas with k-qts in them



I was wondering if I should go to the movies for the first time in 2 years to watch that, seems like it should be watched on the big screen


oh so this is how idols have done it...

I was going to say it's not wise to showcase how it's done, but I'm sure most people already know



it's a charcoal briquette, Koreans use it on winter in their homes instead of direct carbon, I guess it lasts longer



so it produces a lot of CO that way? makes sense

why is he in the bath though




so it produces a lot of CO that way?

yeah, people say it's a peaceful way to go, just slowly losing consciousness

maybe he wants to go ala Seven Pounds movie, preserving his organs for donation (if the water is cold)



I haven't finished that drama about top korean school btw, but first eps were cool



ah Sky Castle, loved that one, with my gf that mean little brat



I will someday if I hear good things about it but it may not be for me.

It is directed by Villeneuve which sounds great.

But I watched the original and despite being directed by Lynch, I was not impressed.



I watched it yesterday

pretty good, but his Arrival was better imo

nevertheless, it's better than nothing, those low-budget sjwflix series should die


big W for purkychads today





I thought that was Dong

They really do look alike



They made Chaein look like real life character from one of those Korean mmos

1280×720575.25Kb00:02[OH MY GIRL] 효정의 토끼버전 비밀정원 @해요TV 오마이걸의사생활20180123


noooooo take that back

we love Candy here



She just doesn't like losing things. That is why she still hasn't lost her V card




the person would need to be as chad as her dad, I don't think the average kpop is even close to that


arin's face when



is it allowed to be mean towards idols or not? too lazy to lurk in this slow af site and want to express my opinion freely



I mean sure, but this place is slow with not that many anons, don't be surprised if being mean gets you no (You)s



being mean is my way to control my idolisation and borderline obsession of those cute koreans. but i'll control myself.



This is the free thread. You can say what you want about idols, but that being said if you insult my waifu I am free to call you a nigger


1510×19125.15Mb00:07[릴레이댄스 어게인] 프로미스나인(fromis_9) - 이름이 뭐예요 (Original song by. 4MINUTE) (4K) [5V-nF8ZaneM]



Taeyeon - Gravity


is it the redpill that kpop stars like Taeyeon are peak beauty and aesthetics in this world and thus closest to divinity that we will ever know, and so logically we should worship them instead of any god?



I was going to ask for some recs of fan accounts, but there's barely any schedules so there are no fan pics...



I'm watching the interview with Wendy and for a minute didn't realize the joke you were making

I think I'm kinda dumb



but everybody knows that Candy represents squirrel

you have to find another animal for Ireh


surprised kkzz didn't try to make something of this



nah not really, I'm on ep. 4 and that's the only scene so far, and it was very dark to make it less obvious, I had to make it a lot brighter




and it was very dark to make it less obvious, I had to make it a lot brighter

based hornybro



this nigga is reading subs under MVs


Fucking mad lads at JYP




boobs are disgusting

No need to come out as homo, we already know


Yuna is 35 korean age


did that squid... game... dude finish it already?



is she actually? :D she looks and gives sexy looks like she's 20-something



not sure if me, but I'm watching one ep a day, but some people already spoiled me some details of the end lol


lol same, that's her succubus energy




not sure if me, but I'm watching one ep a day, but some people already spoiled me some details of the end lol


how could they



that's why I'm also not opening /kpg/ right now because I haven't watched the last GP999 episode


WTF Manami made it?

manami on the beat, ya


wen zhe made it


overwhelming applause, everyone cheers, xiaoting screams her lungs out


cai bing made it


cautious applause, some "ahh..."s


wtf does it even mean?


slowly falling in positions

they're preparing her elimination



actually you have to take it every six months or else you are murdering the boomers


wtf I love As If It's Your Last now




i really thought she and her sister were twins. was really confused when her sister didn't have a "day" post



No. Billboard writes even about turbonugus if they have someone Am*rican in the group



don't tell about this to OMG, our girls probably thought they were some big shots now...



lol I was thinking that about this yesterday



if it smells rank or generally unpleasant it only makes my omojuices flow more



according to OMG it probably smells like Arin, she overwhelms the others with her chad smell (and overuse of perfume)


I eat them in korean cafe quite often too

nice to be a koreaboo



are they like, hand made? I tried some but they were some cheap industrialized ones and I wasn't a fan



not sure how are they made, but they are delicious because of the spicy sauce and cheese

but I would agree with the parents of the girl, it's junk food, basically dough with sauce


btw are you on that episode? I was going to post a webm of ep. 7 but maybe later


my adhd zoomer brain can't watch dramas for more than 5 minutes without pausing



lol, i can watch a whole movie through without a single pause


is it the old man from the kim ki duk movie?



vaccination of foreign students not accepted, they need a redo


many of them end up with 4 shots in total

Kpop for this feel?




term "popkis" for Purple Kiss, pronounced like "pokit"

korean language is so funny

they should have used purky instead



You see, it's politically undesireable to admit that Russia can do something on their own.


yejischizos someone mentioned this place on kpg

is it any good?



she's from north korea? huh I'm surprised they didn't assert her as negative character


that indian guy is too respectful to koreans though


[+46] Hyun bin lookes sooooo manly and handsome here. Now a days korean male actors are represented too polished. Snow white skin, completely smooth face wih no facial hair, either red or pink lips............I won't say that they don't look good but it actually gives them a cute boy vibe, not manly vibe.

kpop twinks irrevocably btfo



That guy is such a chad. He was in a drama with Sharky as well. Hate to admit this but he carried Double Patty acting-wise. Reeny wasn't very good



tough choice because both aren't very pretty

but if I had to choose, I would go for the left one, she feels wild

the right one has solid tradwaifu potential though


why no one mentioned ajumma btw

she even showed her booba

and kept cigarettes in her ass

also she would happily pay you with her own body for any minor favor from your side




kept cigarettes in her ass

I hope she oinly used the mas currency to get other stuff. Smoking is seriously repulsive in a woman



Seems she decided Yuna can't have all the attention


god bless the Asian Soul

that's all I have to say about this ITZY comeback




to get other stuff

there isn't a lot of stuff they have there since no one has access to things from outside world

only food maybe, I don't think she can buy a place in the good team with just cigarettes




why no one mentioned ajumma btw

she was way too alpha for me

I like shy autistic girls like the north korean one



I wonder how much he is actually involved now that they have 50 billion groups in that company and it's not just Twice anymore



I'm not sure I can be a good partner even for a shy autistic north korean gf

she would expect that I can solve typical life issues and protect her if needed, but I'm just a looser



they just show him the outfits and he says


make the skirt shorter


make the cleavage deeper





both aren't very pretty

ah interesting, I think they're both beautiful, and I don't even have yellowfever

but for me it's right

1518×19104.91Mb00:04(군가)전선을 간다-락킷걸 Rockit Girl (metal cover)-KOREA military song [PLIbJjCI7TY]


I wonder why she's never on heye or kkzz

sure because of too nugu, but she's pretty and sexy




I don't even have yellowfever

we have a spy here



I won't say she's really a psycho, more like she's desperate so trying to join anyone who looks stronger/smarter



everyone there is desperate, she's a genuine psychopath and of course not the only one




she's a genuine psychopath

yeah I would like to discuss main characters a bit later

so far it feels very similar to Kaiji and Liar game, still nicely directed though


finished it. let's discuss it when you finish it too


I finished ep. 8 but I guess I should watch the last one while I'm on it

Sulli a qt


good ending, it was satisfying

after the climax in the marbles episode, it was hard to top it but they managed to keep it going


ok, I hope everyone here watched it, spoilers ahead


I didn't like the ending at all, imo all that excuses of the old man (who was playing the old monk in Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter btw) are retarded

he wanted to look at "honest" feelings and for some reason made a game which would expose the worst human desires

disclosure of the front main identity and death of cool cop character in ep8 were also dissatisfied

I would love him to live till the end and bring the cops to the island, instead they made some shitty plot twist

imo series topped at 7th ep, that VIP scene was fucking genius

it looks a bit like Hunger games in that moment btw, but still well done

overall, I would give it 9/10, because of the shitty ending

the characters development and all the psychology behind their choices is greatly designed, it's interesting to analyze their motivation




but if you meant the first half of the 9th ep, then yes, it was great, like a final battle between the good and the evil, an ideology melee of old childhood friends who are now represent two main traits of the human nature :wend_sus:



Fragrance of good life. Cool


people say squid game is a clone of japanese Imawa no Kuni no Arisu



yeah I heard about it long time ago, didn't have a chance to watch it

I had massive Kaiji flashbacks though, the manga is from 1996



I also have yet to watch it but it is known and you can tell just by the trailer. The book it is based on was supposedly completed in 96 too but it took few years before publications.

I have not watch Kaiji. I may but it is kinda long and not finished. I may check out movies instead they have pretty good ratings.




I have not watch Kaiji. I may but it is kinda long and not finished. I may check out movies instead they have pretty good ratings.

I only watched anime, it was pretty good

it was long time ago though, so maybe nowadays it feels boring

sometimes I want to re-watch Liar game but there are so many new content so I always postpone it



Kaiji is supposed to be really good but I already have couple of longer anime shows I want to go through. And I watch only few episodes per week so the goes rather slowly.

I haven't seen Liar Game.




I haven't seen Liar Game

you should, it's great


I already have couple of longer anime shows I want to go through

I don't have enough motivation to watch anime nowadays tbh, 24+ series (even though it's only 8 hours) feel way too long, especially if there are multiple seasons

for tv series 8 1-hour series is nothing though, but on tv everything goes faster usually




you should, it's great

I may. I have it on the list. Among other 300 movies/tv shows

I also don't have patience for 24+ episode series nowadays. I have been recently mostly watching old short OVAs. But I have few longer series I want to watch lined up and just watch 2 episodes a week. No need to rush.

As you say, it is way easier with those short 1-hour series. But it really depends if I feellike watching or not. Sometimes I just need longer breaks. Movies are still most convinient as they are one and done deal.




But I have few longer series I want to watch

same, people highly recommend old long series like Hunter x Hunter, but I can never find time for those

also it's possible they only liked them because back then there were no better alternatives, but nowadays it might look boring and mediocre


I have it on the list. Among other 300 movies/tv shows

I hate creating long list of things I have to do, I feel bad when I don't have any progress


just watch 2 episodes a week

if I don't finish a title in few weeks, I always drop it because I can't keep the context for months


Sometimes I just need longer breaks

yeah, that works, I usually consume content of the same type in batches. e.g. play for few weeks in video games, then switch to movies/series and watch dozen of new ones in few weeks, then switch to something else


Movies are still most convinient as they are one and done deal

yeah, but too many movies at once is no good, you have to switch activities


fuck I depressed because squid game ended, it was so good




it's possible they only liked them because back then there were no better alternatives,

I disagree. I rarely encounter things that were considered good just because they were something new at the time. They usually have something worth even if few aspects may seem a bit outdated. I wouldn't say things are getting better especially in terms of anime and often video games. Hunter x Hunter is good.


I hate creating long list

It is not ideal but you have to have a way to remember all things that peak your interest.


then switch to something else

Yeah, I do that too. I just naturally get bored and switch to something else.




I rarely encounter things that were considered good just because they were something new at the time

happens with old movies all the time

some are still good, some are boring and hard to watch



It is possible. I am mostly watching movies from 80s onwards but 70s have a lot of classics.







why is he using Capture One instead of Lightroom



girls shouldn't expose their underwear so blatantly, otherwise it loses its value



The value is what the underwear covers so it's fine




The value is what the underwear covers

I don't agree, naked girl isn't as desired as half-naked



That is only in the first stage. It entices your imagination but ultimately that imagination is about what it's like naked which is the end goal


brothers where was the place without the >no lewding rules again, is it here?



I think the crucial part is that you have to ultimately fulfill your desire otherwise you end up being dissatisfied

with underwear we can have a long prelude of barely exposed at start and fully exposed at the end, so you can reach the peak point of enjoyment

unfortunately we can't see most kidols naked so it is what it is


btw I posted the ban picture but of course I'm not trying to say "that ban was undeserved" or anything like that

that was not the smartest post in my shitposting career, so no real arguments




that was not the smartest post in my shitposting career

yeah we can see that



Here to you na



omo, her boobs must be squeezed really hard under so many meters of water



Preferably high quality full body pics.

Meme crops are nice for reactions but I want to see her in her full glory


the new transformers movie looks weird



omfg why would anyone do this to themselves? literally asking for some brain damage because of the pressure



oh interesting, I don't agree with you at all, not because I thought it was a masterpiece of an ending though, it was fine


I would love him to live till the end and bring the cops to the island

that in particular sounds very Hollywood, and one of the reason I like Korean cinema more, they do Hollywood better than then (for example, no cliché endings), but I would have prefered some back story of the black mask guy, the revelation of being the brother of the cop didn't have much impact

everything related to the VIPs was bringing the quality of the series down, poor casting with mediocre acting, I felt I was transported to The Purge series (and even them have better casting); this is a common problem with Korean movies, they just can't get a good foreign cast to work

many plotholes, but most of them serve a greater purpose so I wouldn't complain much about them, like for example why on Earth would you give them privacy in the bathroom?



nice forest

because of all the variety I've watched, that's the kind of scenery I picture when I think of the Korean countryside, very dry and ugly landscape, but that one looks nice



in some companies, the employees are giving like 1 % of their salary to rejuvenate the countryside and even go help there once in a while



it seems like they are mostly helping the farmers but that appears quite futile demographically speaking


A fashion brand founded by Jessica Jung Soo Youn, former member of Girls' Generation is embroiled in a lawsuit over a loan of US$6.5M. Joy King Enterprises filed a High Court case to Tyler Y Kwon, CEO Coridel to recover US$6.8M of principal & interest.


brothers I'm gonna prepare something hot for dinner and then going to watch some idol room or weekly idol episode, and then off to bed!




googles squid game



brother I don't think so




that in particular sounds very Hollywood

I'm not talking about obligatory happy end, but in this particular case it would be cool to watch a full blown battle between state and those mercenaries on an island

probably they didn't do it because it would cost too much


the revelation of being the brother of the cop didn't have much impact

agreed. maybe they will show that in season 2, but I guess it will be much worse than the first one, they already fully exploited the idea. the only thing they can do is to repeat same schema with different members but it would be boring


everything related to the VIPs was bringing the quality of the series down, poor casting with mediocre acting

don't agree, I love how they showed rich people as bad as normal person thinks they are. I had Parasite association in that particular moment too

also the design of that scene is great


The Purge series


pass a law sanctioning the "Purge", an annual event wherein all crime is legal and emergency services are suspended temporarily. By 2022, the United States is said to have become virtually crime-free

dumbest idea ever


why on Earth would you give them privacy in the bathroom

yeah, that was unrealistic, but I wouldn't mind such a small flaws


I made pretty good rating on squid game at avistaz btw




also I'm pretty sure they are ripping off an old anime series

lol since many people are watching I keep hearing the most absurd comparisons, but in reality the series stands on its own, it's like saying Pacific Rim is a rip off from Transformers (not talking about quality here, but the subject of the content)




I love how they showed rich people as bad as normal person thinks they are

ah that part was great, I mean overall just the people portraying the characters, like I always feel I'm watching some random tourist they found on Incheon airport, and yeah the design was great, I loved that too

I really hope they don't make season 2, this works because it's a one thing event, unless the creator already had a secuel in his mind and not because of the money, which I highly doubt BUT he did managed to get such top tier actors, maybe he (she, or they, not sure) can still surprise us


According to several insiders, Block Berry Creative has failed to pay its due wages and payments to numerous external companies and outside employees who were previously hired to work with LOONA. The agency's failure to provide wages and payments persisted for months, before these outside employees were ultimately ordered to "halt all work".

Block Berry Creative is reportedly facing as much as several 100 million KRW (approximately 85,000~760,000 USD) in unpaid wages as well as employee taxes, insurance, and other owed expenses.

The agency has issued statements assuring that it is doing all it can to pay all unpaid amounts; however, insiders claim that it will be difficult for the company to resolve the issues in the near future.





also, lol at that one person in reddit/kpop saying SM could buy them out


after shower cam


also, almost 10 MB png on Twitter, that's weird




he did managed to get such top tier actors

no waifu material unfortunately (to my taste), season 2 might be better in that regard



I knew you will cut that moment too, because they showed her underwear again

why do you watch 1080p instead of 2160p though


aparently main girl was/is a model

nice job for a spy from the north


her Sulli friend

yeah she was better but not enough screen time to fall for her




why do you watch 1080p instead of 2160p though

where did you get the 2160p one? I'm in private trackers and I didn't see any torrent of that quality




I knew you will cut that moment too, because they showed her underwear again

her body form is just amazing, nice curves, shame about the blood and the flesh tho





no spoilers, but Squid Game is a survival game, and they give you that card so you can apply and participate, in reality it's just a triangle, rectangle and a circle, they're a reference to how "squid game" is spelled in Korean



oh i see. when the guy said puritan i thought it was something lewd and i was disappointed i didn't get it being the degenerate that i am



that was me saying puritans lol, but I was talking about the rules of the other thread




wait that's very weird

the face got upscaled but the rest of the photo wasn't


720×12807.22Mb00:14샤샤와 놀사람~🍒-35464





they're a reference to how "squid game" is spelled in Korean

omo, I didn't know


brothers I fucked up, I thought my doc appointment was tomorrow and just found out no it's in 15 minutes lol

had to cancel and reschedule

feel sorry for the doc


However, in fact, there is no connection between Squid Game and PlayStation.


Specifically, the letter O is the circle, the letter J is the triangle, and the letter M is the square. When combining these 3 letters, we get OJM, that reads as Ojingeo Geim(오징어 게임) – short for “Squid Game” in Korean, a traditional game in Korea.


Moreover, 456 is the number sequence of the prize (45.6 billion won), and also symbolizes the will: effort (number 4) – adventure, challenge (number 5) – balance and responsibility (number 6).

I thought it's inspired by playstation

didn't get the 456 digits explanation anyway




had to cancel and reschedule

I do that sometimes too, why do you think it's a bad thing



I wanted to go to doctor's today because I needed some documents.

She is on the holidays whole week.



I mean I feel silly for canceling literally 15 minutes before the appointment





canceling literally 15 minutes before the appointment

yeah that's bad

he could be angry at you next time


brothers so I decided to watch the aespa weekly idol episode yesterday right

my takeaways are:

- they are kinda cute

- they are really cute

in conclusion:

when I grow up I want to be a live-in sponsor at the aespa dorm




when I grow up

By that time they will have moved out to their own individual accomodation



fuck, you're right


well I was initially attracted to karina (it was that classic denial, anger, despair and so on cycle, but she got me in the end)

but I'm open to other possibilities, are there any notable shows to watch?



she is looking kinda like the type I'd like body wise, but can't really see shit in most of the stuff that I've seen so far

as far as the face, she looked okay on weekly idol anyway, better than pictures


researching aespa


clicks on a show from the wiki fandom page




elon musk should make it happen

btw what did Yoohyeon mean by that?



I think it won't have the live band this time tho

real shame, I would love to hear live band whistle and alldaydong



we will see

I hope for casual version Heart of Sunflower like that did with I cant get you out of my mind.



she makes everything to please lewdsters this comeback

are they that desperate because of coming JYPn? :wend_sus:



that's not their lewdest video so nah

those kind of videos are a bit funny, for anyone with some experience in kpop this is obviously a super production with lots of money and preparation invested in that single video, but dumbass fans will say "omg so talented" because in their mind she was in charge of everything

not complaining though, I'm enjoying the high production value of these




are they that desperate because of coming JYPn?

ITZY is hugely popular though, and I also get the feeling they do like their concept, unlike Twice


Loona's agency is suffering from financial difficulties, emergency brake on promotions





that's not their lewdest video so nah

post the lewdest then


but dumbass fans will say

I try my best to avoid reading youtube comments





I saw, I came, I...

or however that old saying goes



I don't agree, Kyujin reveals more skin, also self-transparent clothes are extremely sekshie

full moon is sekshier choreo but it's not the full story, so my point still stands



more skin doesn't equal lewder video though, you can see sullyoon silluette perfectly, you can picture her completely naked from that outfit



dunno, I'm not a fan of those pants, I prefer girlish cute/sekshie outfits




more skin doesn't equal lewder



the lighting/atmosphere in both is far from arousing to me personally, so I'd say neither of those are particularly sexy. but to each their own



overall kpop pictures usually work much better for me than videos

but hearing the girls speaking voices can be nice too



lol I'm sure many girls are aroused with kpop

not being aroused doesn't mean I don't find it hot



bro, not being aroused by kpop doesn't mean I don't get aroused by anything


it's pretty cool that if you go to this fancam, the uploader provided a google drive with the original file, finally nothing is pixelated because of the LED screen in the back


being Irene's really bad boy




try to drop JAV


start seeing it everywhere you go

why is it always like this?


I have similar problem

sometimes I watch random movie or video and there's suddenly a horny scene in it

I can't resist so I have to stop everything and do that nasty thing which takes a lot of time and also changes your mood and consumes a lot of energy/proteins from your body

I regret it immediately but I can't know beforehand about those hot moments, everything might be flawed with it



that's why we stopped watching movies/tv series

we just watch youtube videos about ancient serbia



there're a lot of hot moments in random youtube videos too

like you watch video about different country culture and there's suddenly a half-naked girl in the frame

or, even worse and realistic, you wanted to watch some pure video about science but youtube shows you thumbnail of hot fancam in related videos and you can't resist it

happens to me all the time



for moments like this I put sticker notes around my monitor that say


don't do it


you will regret it


stay pure for her (next to my waifu's photocard)


it's dumb but it helps




I put sticker notes around my monitor that say

no way

tbh, I think that trying to deny your natural desires is wrong

it's better than you just don't think about it, but outer world can destroy your plans




no way

100% true


tbh, I think that trying to deny your natural desires is wrong


I'm a literal porn addict, nothing natural about that



sorry didn't mean to quote you, it was more of an alone post, lemme try again


hate being horny because it makes you fap


fapping is the only way to feel less horny

I just want to be




implying I know how being fat feels


you will have to share your experiences more so I can understand it better



also fapping is healthy because it decreases the probability of prostate cancer

it's ok to fap at some specific time when you're not busy, I just hate that I can't control myself when I see something horny


it's hard

I have no problem with regulating my body mass, but I have problems with other type of self-control, when I need to prepare for something boring but important



lol it was an analogy about something you feel the need to do (fap/eat) and you can't control the urge to do it normally



it's an analogy

if I tell you that cutting your leg off hurts a lot, would you tell me you never have lost any limbs?



actually I lost a finger when I was a kid

it hurt quite a lot so I can understand that


I miss AIKA's old face like you wouldn't believe



it's a thread where lewd is allowed, it's not lewd specific thread YOU MORON!


when you see 1 square-centimeter of naked k-female skin



what happens when you see KAV or JAV with ex-idol then?


Which one for wallpaper?


1280×72014.70Mb00:10P1000003 (190825 화성문화나눔페스티벌 - 오마이걸 (OhMyGirl) 지호 (Jiho) Full ver.)

nice transformation




nice ASMR....

btw J's teeth look really good, I hope she isn't insecure about them now after Isa bullied her on national TV



can someone explain that nofap meme? sell it to me, why would you do that. I'm not going to try to argue and shoot you guys down in any way, but why wouldn't you want to blast and feel good



fapping is a cultural construction, if you weren't told to fap since an early age you wouldn't be it so obsessed to do it all the time



you're saying someone told you to blast when you were a kid?


I mean maybe that's what happens nowadays, I don't know



I've already explained above



which takes a lot of time and also changes your mood and consumes a lot of energy/proteins from your body



interested in the mood change part, care to elaborate? have you noticed this yourself or is it something you've read about



not explicitly no, but imagine going to the 7th grade and not fapping. you're a weirdo if you don't have at least 20gb of porn downloaded and the school bullies will kick your ass for it




have you noticed this yourself

yes, basically you lose motivation to do anything because you got endorphin injection (and similar body chemistry)




you're a weirdo if you don't have at least 20gb of porn downloaded and the school bullies will kick your ass for it




i was ofc exaggerating but unironically i was called a fag many times because of my late-onset puberty, and it was really awkward when all the other kids were talking about their porn collections and shit and i didn't know what was going on




all the other kids were talking about their porn collections

okay western society might be fucked after all



i think it's pretty normal to flaunt your sexuality at that age, porn and fapping is just one way one to let everyone know your balls have finally dropped

also i don't know if zoomers talk about porn with each other, but i suspect they do



now that you said that I actually do recall looking through adult magazines with friends in grade school pretty much whenever we had a chance. so I guess yeah

we never talked about jerking off, but that might depend on the cultural background and so on

in any case I had started blasting many years before that time



nofap comes from the obsessive coomer culture, from the people who can't control their urges and masturbate from other unnatural reasons (like boredom), in a compulsive manner (more than once a day) and in any place they can because they have to; as a normal person who (most likely) fap once a day, or 6 times a week out of being horny, this doesn't concern you

nofap presents itself as an easy way out of this uncontrollable impulse, but in reality there's absolutely zero research on this and stopping yourself from doing it for a few days/weeks does jack shit about an obsessive behaviour; in the rank or retarded theories, this is not so bad but it's among drinking piss tier, not as crazy as flat earth though

like any other obsession, there's no easy way out, you'll need to read serious literature about the general subject of obsession and compulsive behavior, but a common strategy that I've read (related to smoking) is trying to replace the object of obsession, but again that probably needs to be well considered




stopping yourself from doing it for a few days/weeks does jack shit about an obsessive behaviour

nofap doesn't have to mean that you don't fap for weeks

in my case I just try to fap no more than 1 time per day and that helps




I dunno guys, I do two sometimes and I like it. the second round always ends up being highly satisfying

of course that takes time, so wouldn't be possible to keep this up every day unless you're neeting. which I'm no longer doing

other days I don't do it at all, so I guess it kinda evens out yeah


now this might make more sense. but does using kpop material qualify as porn then?




now this might make more sense. but does using kpop material qualify as porn then?

it's a matter of your own conscience if you want to be more strict but generally speaking i'd say that kpop doesn't count

NoPorn also fixes the real issue of coomer culture mentioned above that you have a wank to boredom. when you can't watch porn then the only way to really do the deed is to be actually horny




I see no difference between fapping to kpop fancams and porn, essentially it's the same process

I also fap to hot scenes in movies, youtube videos, just random minor hot content like cleavages or upskirt which isn't even considered lewd by youtube



the second round

rookie numbers

if I don't control myself, I end up fapping 4 or 5 times per day and that kills all my motivation and makes me really tired



based high test bro

that's your body telling you to complete the main quest of life which is to reproduce



let me play's devil advocate: if you're bored anyway, then why not do it you know?

I mean bored literally means you have nothing to do right. we're not talking about neglecting other shit


I'll do three occasionally, mostly happens kinda by accident when I've been dreaming up some really hot fantasy and despite doing it twice I still can't get to sleep at night and keep getting hard. 4-5 in one day is kinda unimaginable to me though



dude this is not the 80s lol. the world doesn't work like that anymore. unless you're literally a 0.0001 percentile chad




some really hot fantasy

I can do 3 timers in few hours when some unique content appears, like that Nancy video

but normally I would do it once every 3-4 hours so you have enough time to become horny again



yeah I do understand that, when I was neeting for a while in my 20s I think I used to to do a lot more threes. but I'm not sure I ever went beyond that in a single day




nofap doesn't have to mean that you don't fap for weeks

there's literally "nofap november", so you're doing something wrong the wrong way, and again you're refering to an obsessive behavior, so stopping yourself constantly from doing it is definitely the right thing to do, you're attacking the source of the problem which is doing it too much, but you shouldn't call it nofap because that's not it



very true, even if you don't want to porn creates a very unrealistic image of sex in your head, so it's one of the worst things for your sexual impulse and desires, I'd say kpop is similar but in a much smaller dose




I dunno guys, I do two sometimes and I like it. the second round always ends up being highly satisfying

like I told the other guy, nofap is a really weird trend of stopping from masturbating from long periods of time, if you're stopping yourself from doing it too much in your regular life, then you're just trying to control yourself, which is good




I see no difference between fapping to kpop fancams and porn, essentially it's the same process


I also fap to hot scenes in movies, youtube videos, just random minor hot content like cleavages or upskirt which isn't even considered lewd by youtube

that's a huge problem that won't be solved easily, if you're working on doing it less then it's the right path



kpop raises your expectations and beauty standards ridiculously high obviously. but guess what, not a problem if you're single by choice anyway

but for porn yeah I'd have to agree. I do still watch it maybe 2-3 times a month. might be some sort of compulsory behavior since a lot of the time I just conclude "man this is shit" and don't even blast to it, goes for western porn anyway. JAV is much better imo




kpop raises your expectations and beauty standards ridiculously high obviously

this is true too, and to my luck I discovered kpop at like 23, so it didn't shape my expectations of women

I did sadly discovered porn very early on, subconsciously I don't know what kind of crap it twisted in my head but stopping from watching it definitely helps to get back to normal



not that guy, but how can you just come in and say: that's a problem

how about say kid's in his prime and just having a blast, you know? excuse the pun. people have different sex drives and different needs.

what I can say personally is the world today is shit as it is. very easy to feel trapped, constricted. I've been hitting the lows a lot over the last few months mentally. why introduce yet another limitation into your life, another thing to stress about. some people it might be better to just blast and then get on with your day, y'know?


the difference between kpop and porn is that you still need to use your imagination to fantasize about the act

moreover, porn industry is trying to meme you into all sort of degeneracy, just look at what videos are nowadays featured on main pages


just like the other guy, I discovered kpop later so monkey brain still works when I see regular women




your anti-porn rant is very similar to "in the rank or retarded theories, this is not so bad but it's among drinking piss tier, not as crazy as flat earth though" above tbh




not that guy, but how can you just come in and say: that's a problem

because it reads as a compulsive behavior, this is going to affect you in the long run


how about say kid's in his prime and just having a blast, you know? excuse the pun. people have different sex drives and different needs

this isn't having a blast, later in your comment you're saying the world is shit as it is and fapping several times a day is the outcome of it, not the solution


I've been hitting the lows a lot over the last few months mentally

you and a lot of people, and with covid-19 is highly likely millions more are in this situation too or even worse (like losing a parent/friends)


why introduce yet another limitation into your life

because it's harmful to do any kind of activity in excess, you don't need to stress about it, practicing control is a virtue; even drinking water in excess is bad for your health

I genuinely want to say "blast away all you want if that makes you feel better", but not if that implies you're doing it obsessively




porn industry is trying to meme you into all sort of degeneracy, just look at what videos are nowadays featured on main pages

those pages are usually based on your previous watch history, take a guess who to blame





American bro? this isn't American politics, life is more complicated than anti or pro against something, and this isn't a rant, learn to read other's opinions and then decide how much truth is there behind it

watch porn, don't live by it



why so defensive, is that your weak spot?

I'm just trying to say that you have literally zero research that blasting to porn is somehow worse than to kpop (which would be absolutely ridiculous), yet you're blaming those nofap activists for having no proofs

it's clear that you're trying to defend your own way of life and criticize alternative, which is unfortunately a very popular cognitive bias and could be hard to overcome for some people



you are right of course but I'd just like to comment on the following


porn industry is trying to meme you into all sort of degeneracy

very true, but that is not the only industry that's been trying to do that, far from it. and even kpop has been following suit, in its own way. it's definitely not as overt, but if you've been paying attention, several things have been happening, to list but a few:

- more western trash influence overall (music, even lyrics)

- cute concept in shambles

- girls portrayed as powerful and dominating

now I do happen to very much "enjoy" the odd femdom fantasy. but I'm very conscious that it's because of the brainwashing, in which kpop has had its part




girls portrayed as powerful and dominating


now I do happen to very much "enjoy" the odd femdom fantasy





why so defensive, is that your weak spot?

what weak spot? we're having a conversation here, please stop trying to argue like if we were in 4chan


blasting to porn is somehow worse than to kpop

I never said or implied that, I dare to say nobody implied that


yet you're blaming those nofap activists for having no proofs

what the hell am I reading here, I apologize, this is flat earth tier


it's clear that you're trying to defend your own way of life and criticize alternative

this is basic psychology and I'm not trying to convince you of anything, again life is not some easy answers you'll find in some Russian kpop site, you're supposed to read my comment and take it as it is: just another person like you trying to understand the world, not some guru of life; the only reason I write my comment very sarcastically is because nofap is completely absurd


the mechanism of femdom is pretty complex btw

it doesn't make your cuck, it's a side-effect of our deep fears (at least in some cases)




please stop trying to argue like if we were in 4chan

why do you try to present this place as somehow superior


you're supposed to read my comment and take it as it is

weird way of making a discussion. you should normally have some arguments, doesn't mean what site or place it is, otherwise it's some strange religious discourse


the only reason I write my comment very sarcastically is because nofap is completely absurd

your anti-porn reasonings above sound absurd to me too


nine muses discussion



you fear to lose your masculinity so you imitate the process of losing it, but you keep in mind that it's just a game, so your brain can relax a bit when it's over




why do you try to present this place as somehow superior

because it is, we don't spam, we don't post charts, we don't use avatars; we just discuss kpop and life

the rest of your comment is trying to make the conversation into something personal from the lack of arguments; it boils down to "u mad" and "no u", and I know who you are from your last phrase so I won't reply to you anymore, feel free to think you won



only few KAVfus, I don't watch JAV much. in JAV I prefer to follow studios instead



yeah our brains are fucked up

I wish we were able to fix all those artifacts left from reptile brain but we aren't so advanced yet




kpop raises your expectations and beauty standards ridiculously high obviously

At this point I have full blown yellow fever.



for me i think it's more about being afraid of having to show masculinity, since i don't have any to begin with, so a mommy/femdom fetish is incredibly hot because i can just let go and she's the one taking control



Eunbi is protective mommy and probably makes for a good wife, but she doesn't seem to have dom tendencies



Watch the movie, that is not what happens. Also she stalks the fuck out of his private life, she is actually the more creepy out of the two



They didn't even get together in the end he fucked off to military and she started working in TV

As far as romance goes the ending sucked massively



they couldn't just cuck Irene's fans like that

but we all know what would've happened IRL




The Night That Changed Two Hard-working Youths' Lives

sounds like video title from pornhub



The writing was really weird, especially for Reeny's part. It was very unbelievable character in some ways. That in turn made Irene look pretty bad as an actress. The guy's character made way more sense. It had some nice moments, but I liked Sharky's dramas more than this one.


Pornhub title would be something about them being step-siblings





yeah I hate that subject too

why so many normies want to fuck their sisters



It's the thrill of something forbidden and off limits. But at the same time fucking a step-sibling is not really illegal and gives losers the fantasy off


can't get a gf but what if my dad married some woman with hot daughter that wants to suck my dick

Also I feel like at this point it's selfsustaining cycle in the algorithm

All the porn is about fucking stepsiblings -> people watch a lot of it because there is nothing else -> porn producers see that people watch a lot of stepfamily porn -> porn producers make more stepfuckign porn ->people watch more stepfamily porn because there is notning else


my girls


It is Siyeon day!




I can justify the purchase

are you struggling financially?



no but it is 20+ dollar set back from my goal for one short event

however, I will see how the job will go




for one short event

just buy the VOD

I watched the vods from previous concerts multiple times



I don't know if I am that type of person


for that chingu


she fulfilled her promise






I think it won't have the live band this


Get ready for the GREATEST SHOW with a LIVE BAND and some cool XR stages

DreChads keeps winning



so all that "reupload everything from jpopsuki" thing did make some sense actually

they haven't deleted my account yet

but I didn't grind my rating there because I thought that tracker is useless


looks suspicious

gooks trying to destroy trackers with kpop music?



there's like 90% chance they will come back, but gp999 was the fastest to upload on jps, not sure if it's on sugoi

all the torrents I uploaded there were never snatched so I gave up after 1 month, but my account has a lot of points, I guess that'll be usefull




gp999 was the fastest to upload on jps, not sure if it's on sugoi

there's just single for "999" query, probably they only care about music


there's like 90% chance they will come back

dunno, jpopsuki admin is known to be unresponsive (literally) for years

it's amazing he even put that placeholder, everyone thought he setup auto payment for hosting and domain and never touched the thing anymore



from what I understand, the sysop is the one missing forever, the admin or one of the admins is quite active, but not fixing things because he can't

but yeah, if there's a small thing they can't fix because of lack of access, then ripperino, jposuki genuinely is lucky to be alive in 2021




the admin or one of the admins is quite active, but not fixing things because he can't

it's one of the high ranked moderators who's active as far as I know

but he can't fix technical issues like you said

1886×172611.68Mb00:05P1000003 (190825 화성문화나눔페스티벌 - 오마이걸 (OhMyGirl) 지호 (Jiho) Full ver.)

lovely pink light





you have the advantage of being a foreigner, creating some fake traditions going against the things you don't want, like living with the family or something like that


Reminder: If something were to happen to kchan, we are making thread on /trash/ to decide what to do next.




like living with the family

yeah gooks can relate well~~



Mina and the hoes


we want the 2016 twice audience


now we just need a video of Choa on a real green...



bruh... imagine Mijoo dancing like this for (You)



that guy is forcing himself to only look at her head the whole time lmao


yeah i guess so but good thing my aunt is a rich doctor, she offered to take me golfing and i'll get a green card

i mean the cheapest sets cost like 200$ or something. ofc i'll have to get some golf clothing as well





she offered to take me golfing and i'll get a green card

do you need to have personal recommendation to join the club like in the movies



she's no sugar mommy


i don't think so but golf circles are very intimidating so it helps to have some big shot friends


bros I can't watch half-horny series like Alice in Borderland

they have pretty solid plot so you try to follow it first

then they tease you with a tiny bit of fanservice, but it's not enough

so you give up and fast forward till the next horny moment, completely fucking up the watching process

eventually you get satisfied with horny moments, but at that stage you're somewhere in the middle of the series and you mostly skipped the plot so you just drop the whole thing

happens to me all the time



you can read the manga

i don't remember it being particularly fanservicey



Ryan was supposedly cancelled for using a derogatory term against girl groups, he apologized but he just released a video, and with a girl group.

He actually didn't say much, just some people were asking him something like, why do you have so much luck with "pussy groups" intead of saying girl groups, and he replied "maybe I have luck with pussy groups".


thoughts on communism with chinese characteristics?



Where can I see this exhibition and are those clothes washed?



the show is really popular but im surprised by that number too

the main girl has 12 mil but i think she was relatively well known before too



yeah and seems to have had some minor acting roles too


squid game is really popular even with random normies

it was #1 on Netflix this week in my cuntry


idk but I'm watching Alice in Borderline right now

Squid game's mogging tbh


another L for insomnia bros



its #1 here too, i wouldnt have started it but the moment so many normies told me about it i knew it had to be good enough to catch even these people's attention so i did


its like alice and kaiji combined, and with a gook twist on it




you didn't listen to us k-culture conesiours but random normies convinced you to watch it...



i havent been on this board for a while tbh, i only saw the squid game discussion backreading after i came here to check if anyone posted about it


what if korean pop culture gets so big that in 10 years every normie will like kpop?


So Yooa, let's talk about that one vlive. Jamie pull that shit up



i didn't like it but tbh i don't like squid game either after 1 episode ...



its pretty nice, the first half had some interesting games, didnt like the second half as much but its still good


what's special about squid game? doesn't really sound that special from the premise. i've heard some people say it's because there's nothing else on netflix rn




i knew it had to be good enough to catch even these people's attention so i did

that reminds me of Haruki Murakami, people like my brother never read, but he has read 1Q84 and Norwegian Wood, there's something about the way he writes that even people who never read get interested

and of course my bro haven't read anything since lol



from what i remember, japs are forced into playing specific games based on card numbers and types, if they dont play the games they die if their timer is up, and the games are pretty interesting, its def the same type of show as squid game

just watch it


i kinda wanna read his stuff too



at least here in my country kpop is pretty big, it's a subculture of a decent size competing with the traditional rockers, EDMers, etc

it's funny how easy is for me to stop a female kpop fan, not only because they're wearing something related to their favorite band, but why do most of them change the color of their hair? it's funny to watch, and they look like beta females too




what's special about squid game?

that's a loaded question, for me it's a good series, but it's not like I'm getting obsessed or anything, I'm ready to move on already

the marbles episode is a fine piece of television/streaming though, high up there with the Red Wedding




from what i remember, japs are forced into playing specific games based on card numbers and types, if they dont play the games they die if their timer is up, and the games are pretty interesting, its def the same type of show as squid game


just watch it

ah, it does sounds nice, gonna watch it


Yeseo is melting...


Eunbi is maximus milkus



Smol booba pressed together is omo af. It's cute how hard they try


Alice in borderland bros... don't blast to any of the girls from that show before you finish episode 7

one if the is a tranny




one if the is a tranny

fuck I'm so shocked I had a stroke

I meant "one of them is a tranny"



I finally know what happened in webm related

she was just practicing this choreo


Happy 18th Birthday, 4chan!

wtf 4chan was underage?

also, wtf 18 years running? jesus


'Squid Game' director reveals he hasn't thought of a second season yet

nooo they're going to offer him a lot of money and it's going to be just like Train to Busan 2



yeah, it's called Peninsula

South Korea was abandoned, and the few Koreans in China try to steal valuable stuff from SK in small missions. That sounds alright, but it wasn't very good.




I feel like they changed the ending just to allow second season



from what I know, that happens a lot in movies, the producer/executive producer wants to leave the door opened for a sequel, even if they aren't sure there's going to be a continuation and they're just waiting if the project is successful enough


tfw amazon has already decided to make at least 5 seasons of the lotr show

they're gonna milk the franchise dry...



to be fair, there's like 10 seasons worth of material or more, stories like Beren and Luthien can be a season on their own

I also read that it's the first series to renew for a second season without even have released the first one lol, they really have faith in the project





you're describing me, anon

can't be that bad, The Hobbit was rushed as fuck and they changed Del Toro for Jackson in the middle of production, so nobody was expecting anything good from that


wait I'm retarded, I read the your comment wrong



I was thinking about that too, does it make it easier to find a girlfriend if you like the same group?

or those female fans are retarded like us and dream only of gaypops so beta anon can't really please them?



her channel frontpage says


#sexy #pure #lovely

only koreans can show their p's and call it pure



she's the lewdest lookbookfu I've seen so far tbh

her vlogs are even behind 18+ warning


first day at work


came late because stucked in traffic


boss mentions Edris Elba


female coworker starts talking about kpop



Anon hwaiting

I was on a vacation this weekend with my dad and his friends.

A wife of one of them revealed a bit of her power level a little bit

When somebody mentioned the vaxxshe said how she felt it's safe after Israel gave it to their people


what was the last Lovelyz album called? I already forgot



Females below 20 years old can't be considered women. They need to enjoy their youth and not worry about the grumpy adults.



whoa Momo is in Alice




does it make it easier to find a girlfriend if you like the same group?

the huge vast majority follow boy groups, and like some easy to follow female ones like Blackpink, so I doubt you can find someone who likes the same group in your area


or those female fans are retarded like us and dream only of gaypops so beta anon can't really please them?

sure retarded and delusional like us, but I wouldn't mind to have a good time, not sure about them



yeah I only post Jihan, sometimes Soojin

anons are in charge of posting their favorite member




the huge vast majority follow boy groups

Loona is popular too though


not sure about them

male should normally pay back for sex so beta male won't have much success even if it's beta female




Loona is popular too though

from when I started to meet female kpop fans, Loona and Dreamcatcher didn't exist so I'm not sure how it is nowadays, but from what I understood back then is that they only follow the really big female groups (not so much Twice though)

I wonder if there are now lots of Arin female fans because of her MC gig with the TXT guy, seems like they really liked her



HANTEO: #aespa - Savage (211005)

147,195 copies (1st day sales)

it's not fair bros



I fucking hate 85% of their songs, but I would still drag myself through broken glass for Winter's puppy eyes.




but I would still drag myself through broken glass for Winter's p


uppy eyes

... oh yeah, same



I should stop watching degenerate things because they make me think wrong things about Squid


I'm selecting appointment time and I'm unconsciously more comfortable when it's somewhere in the middle

then that VIP scene from squid game came to my mind




jyp buying its own albums to prove that twice in number 1


they aren't even that big


some saudi prince buying a truckload of albums proves that group is popular


everything about this movie seems better than Double Patty...



for me I can't choose between IU and Irene also Irene is kinda meh actor ngl




also Irene is kinda meh actor ngl

I agree, however Duble Patty had really shit writing. I wanna see her in something else before I give up on her as actress



true, it's very hard to look good as an actress in a shitty movie


my favorite type of lewd content



this made me think

the last nightmare I had was like few years ago, following DC pays off



used to be quite common when I was a kid

not anymore


watching Alice in Borderland, not a huge fan, it's basically an anime with real people

I do like real women instead of cartoons though, so I'll keep watching


me on the right



it's not amazing or anything but it's entertaining


1. [+2,659, -16] She hit complete daebak just by landing one good show

how do I hit daebak?



I was thinking like: wtf, why does she do that

maybe she feels pity for the glasses guy so decided to cheer him up a bit

maybe she wanted to forget that horrible incident of fucking with her boss for promotion

I'm probably too native

of course I was a little bit suspicious anyway and it turned out she was a real bitch

that would be a good lesson: never trust beautiful women



The plot thickens

They should just skip this filler and go straight to the suicide, this time properly




Didn't she unveil her new bf not too long ago? Also there was taht thing where she said she was sexually attacked


24 year old Yoonyool Sexy Breasts



guys, they just released UHD bluray of Battle Royale 4 months ago

I will watch it


moviebros, ww@

do you spend dozens of minutes to select best version of movie from the trackers too?

I used to be comfortable with simple 1080p BDRips ~10G before and watch original audio + local subs

sometimes those BDRip don't have local subs only ensubs so I won't understand 100% of it

I use 1080p BDRemux ~30G in that case, they often have more subs

but it takes a lot of time to download them from local tracker because there're not so many seeds

avistaz has more seeds but they have SRT subs only for BDRips and rips on avistaz sucks (badly made)

for BDRemuxes they have mostly PGS (bitmap) subs and my TV can't show them

I can download subs from sites like opensubtitles but it's additional hassle because sometimes timing isn't right

so hard to download proper thing




to select best version of movie from the trackers too?

I watch on Netflix/HBO/Aisha Prime



there is a big website here most people get movies from

or viewasian exists for more obscure things


ah you mean some streaming one

they usually have shitty quality, I'm too to watch it


watching movies in 2021

maybe if they made some good ones...


watched Battle Royale

so fucking stupid, can't believe there're people who liked that shit




do you spend dozens of minutes to select best version of movie from the trackers too?

no, for me it's very easy nowadays, I just select the 4k HDR encode, usually it's like 10-30 GB, and god bless all that autistic people in PTP and their seedboxes, because even with one seeder with that I could get the movie fairly quickly



wished I could use Netflix on my PC, I started watching Alice in Borderland and the quality was dropping so bad so I just gave up and downloaded the whole season instead





quality was dropping so bad

what do you mean?



4k HDR encode, usually it's like 10-30 GB

do you mean netflix Web-DL releases? yes, those are easy ones

but I was talking about movies released on blu-rays


god bless all that autistic people in PTP and their seedboxes

yeah, avistaz seeders are good because everyone wants to have good rating





what do you mean?

the quality goes from 720p to 240p from time to time; it'd be fine if it was 720p but it's not, and it's just random


do you mean netflix Web-DL releases?

not only Netflix releases in 4k HDR (they aren't that great anyway, specially with dark scenes), also 4k bluray rips; PTP makes it easier and there are very few options: the untouched Bluray, the remux of the bluray and one encode, and I always get the last one, they're good 99% of the time




he quality goes from 720p to 240p from time to time

weird, might be something with your connection


PTP makes it easier

what is PTP?


and I always get the last one, they're good 99% of the time

the BDrip? they're shitty on avistaz

I prefer BDRemux, but PGS subs won't work, so it's inconvenient

I can download BDRemux/BDRip from local tracker but it will take more time usually




might be something with your connection

nah, it's probably because of Linux, looks great on my TV

PTP is PassThePopcorn, movie tracker, one of the "big 3" (PTP, BTN, RED)


I prefer BDRemux, but PGS subs won't work

in PTP it's not allowed to have PGS subs, they all need to be in SRT





She has just turned 22. Her best years ahead of us.




PTP is PassThePopcorn, movie tracker, one of the "big 3"

oh interesting, I've never heard about it


in PTP it's not allowed to have PGS subs



What is the point of paying extra for VOD if you can't download it?


if you can watch it, technically you can download it



depends on the type of streaming

if it's just HLS, you can pass URL and cookies to ffmpeg/streamlink and dump it



Thanks, I see that ffmpeg supposedly works with mymusictaste.


Fuck Elon, we are all about NASA itt





I like her dancing at 13:20

in the series her character feels broken, but in reality she's just a cute funny girl


I have been slowly getting into X-Files watching episode here and there. I've got to episode 7 today which was inspired by Carpenter's The Thing and holy kino.



While people have different expectations, that doesn't make the thing bad.

Like when you try old video game that may be a bit rough around the edges in some aspects but has some great elements you will never see again in new games.


Helicopter is such a bad song that even after all the gp999 drama it didn't go viral or even climbed the charts lol




gp999 drama

drama? I thought yujin was tried to diss but it was rather cute than angry




also in the last ep. they performed it again together (Yaning and Yujin), and if it was a different song maybe it could have climbed a bit



they promised to have 3 comebacks in 2021

my guess is that the comeback will happen around the online concert date



I did not know that. It can be that concert is the end of Because era and we may get something new in few weeks after that. But the question is when the 2021 actually ends as significant part of December is often considered next year in Asian entertainment for some reason.



I wonder how willing Dreamsimps would be to spend money on another album

Because just happened, then they dropped mysterious mansion photobooks and now there's the concert


I posted in the other thread because they posted purple kiss and I thought they liked them and their music but apparently they only post them to meme about their fandom names....

shit's wack


YG denies dating rumors between Jisoo and soccer star Son Heung Min

thank god

I was about to drop him



I prefer the last Arin with bangs

btw I dream with Arin, she was goofying around like in the vlives with other members, but instead of playing with Mimi she was playing with me



how dare they to make fun of the group of my girl Ireh...


Jin Hee is a female urologist who runs a urology department with few patients. One day, a new nurse, Yeon-hee, comes in and works. However, she throws her her whole body in the treatment of patients with an unusual professional spirit. This fact is quickly rumored and patients flock in. Skilled female doctor Jin Hee also starts hot treatment to save the hospital...

sounds like my kind of movie!



Maybe. But it would be nice to have regular hair comeback for once.


blonde Gah


it's happening

1362×10004.51Mb00:05180629_Mnet_프로듀스48 (3회)


the p48 lesbian one




they're in the middle of both of those groups, which is very decent



finally someone asks me to chartshit...

here are the debut album first week sales of recent rookies


lightsum - vanilla - 19,108


purple kiss - into violet - 12,405


hot issue - issue maker - 2,504

> - da loca - 799



their second album sold ~3.5k

and they have a comeback tomorrow, we will see if they keep growing they probably will since the first two were singles and this will be a mini-album



Not bad. Let's hope they sell more with the comeback


They won't, the crazy eyes girl will use her gypsy magic and curse the people to buy albums




tfw purple kiss 1st sales tripled with their second album

100+k next comeback let's go!




Deserved. My favourite newbie. But I wish Lunarsolar pulled some decent numbers as well.


I thought Mamamoo was only for listening to but....


do you'll niggas ever dance to kpop?

I don't mean proper choreos, just freestyle bouncing


can't believe this woman is my cute&pure waifu's role model



doesn't seem like a proper comeback, the sound is also not really her usual, it's just an EDM track (it's nice though)




it's just an EDM track

freaking love EDM tracks

it's really good, reminds me of that old Citroen commercial with skating C4 transformer tho



This might be true, but they have the perfect shape that get's the most out of the volume





from the ones I've seen linked on kpg, they're either ugly, uninteresting or boring, and people even link streamers with 2 or more of those characteristics



have you ever seen a kpop vlive where they talk about stuff other than movies, makeup or what they ate recently? that's because their lives are so full of idol stuff they don't have time to do anything else



bruh all of this to simp for those awful streamers, stop




stuff other than movies, makeup or what they ate recently

had exactly same thoughts when I became addicted to kpop

but I don't mind it anymore



Jiho has even quoted Socrates in her vlives

entry level quotes but still



after a decade, something that I still don't like is when at the top of news sites I see "x is dating y", I've seen it so much that I genuinely get mad at that fucking useless information, even worse if the companies go back and forth denying or contradicting each other



I also have few things in kpop I can't stand

cringe way of behaving on shows is one of them



they really need to go back to their original concept, but I doubt it






streamers kpg links are just for cooming/eye candy. but if you don't watch streamers in general because they're not attractive that's dumb since they're for entertainment


holy shit

the new album fucking slaps

Lobo is 10/10 chill banger




streamers kpg links are just for cooming/eye candy

they're genuinely unnattractive, either too average or too plastic; they're one step below youtubers, and youtubers are already pretty low

I think the whole streaming culture is dumb as fuck, so I'm biased so don't take my comment in a bad way


Sorry, I vomitted before I could finish typing



their first album is pretty cool, all bangers

I even remember watching Yellow on tv when it came out, my dad and me were kinda singing along at the middle and we didn't even know who they were


the last 5 posts confuse the shit out of me

what is coldplay and why do they have a beef with Dreamcatcher?


peace was never an option



very based. i like a lot of their records, not just the first, and a whole lot of their big hits later on, though the albums aren't consistent anymore

1586×19008.74Mb00:08_릴레이댄스_ Medusa - 뱀_Snake_ _4K_ _Girls Planet 999 [QsoVn-pndWk]



the baseball team was all gone, and she turned and her bf/crush let him bite her

1038×19009.08Mb00:08_릴레이댄스_ Medusa - 뱀_Snake_ _4K_ _Girls Planet 999 [QsoVn-pndWk]

816×700313.31Kb00:06오마이걸 아린이의 겨울은 언제나 BYC와 함께! [9PURCy8aJEc]

1000×13129.65Mb00:14[쇼챔직캠 4K] 오마이걸 효정 - 던 던 댄스 (OH MY GIRL HYOJUNG - Dun Dun Dance) l #쇼챔피언 l EP.394-GVywi2g3t1Y



based plastic enjoyer


Dr. Sleep-bros...



I got the from Twitter but it is probably from that Making Of Mysterious Mansion I've got in my YT subscriptions.


we're the future?

is that a pessimistic rhetoric question?



She is safe. Mist of the vids with aespa are either Karina or Winter



now I have to agree with you on this one, usually for me they're fine but that tattoo is hideous and screams 'hoe'




Never played any moba. And you can't watch those if you haven't played, so no.


nice meme eyes




we boobchads just keep winning; that last one though, VERY nice


they were lewding her too much?

from a scale of 1 to laysha, Momoland wasn't that bad; I honestly can't say why she left, that company has so many secrets and screw ups



she realized that her career is going downhill without the lewdness



or that she wanted to stay in momoland but the company made her become an actress




simping paid of and now they have higher budget for them

also I wonder what they meant by "XR stages" on their online, that sounds high budget as well



They are 5th best selling gg of this year so they got a lot of budget.

I am very excited for the concert. The special stages tend to be great.




%%I'm also hyped for the concert but mostly because of the live band. I really hope they will drop like "The best of" album but with band versions""


fuck I'm a retard



That would cool. I hope for comfy Halloween atmosphere too.



btw do you perhaps have a link to google drive recording of day 2 of their last online concert?

the official VOD already expired and I feel like re-watching it again



Unfortunately, I have only link to day 1. We gotta figure out the ffmpeg/streamlink next time.

Or maybe someone here remembers Twitter handle of that Latina girl that uploads them.



I also have Day 1

maybe the latina girl didn't record second day?



You're welcome. It was not hard to find.



yeah true, all of them had crappy outfits, which is weird because they were using some nice ones before



OMG should be lower there, they sold around 100k for Dun Dun Dance, rest is from reprints

I guess technically is just part of sales, but it's a bit misleading; not a bad thing for them to not be top 5 in physical sales, since they're strong digitally



mighty thigh

also, good rumors going around, apparently everyone in OMG extended their contracts, RBW disclosed some documents and there was something written there about them; not official but it seems to be going that way



we are always against the goblina koreana and Seolhyun was unlucky to be on the same side



can't believe it's the same person as the woman singing spark or four seasons



stop making western popular culture references

I don't get them







jiho and mimi haven't extended yet but they still got about 6 months

oh nononono



all groups will disband sooner or later




jiho and mimi haven't extended yet but they still got about 6 months

no, there's a new piece of information, and according to a RBW paper they all extended their contracts




oh wait, I read it wrong, you're right lol, Jiho and Mimi are the ones still thinking about it

Mimi seems like a no brainer, Jiho maybe had enough, she's a lot happier now that there are not many schedules; reminds me of that one time she started crying on a radio show while talking to the host, which is extremely rare for her



poor anon is so stressed out about the contracts that he's been having delusions about all the girls re-signing




Members Binnie, Seunghee, Arin, YooA, and Hyojung have renewed one year early and as a result the contract for the five is extended to April 2025.

3 more years sounds good. it'd be weird if mimi and jiho aren't put on that same timeline though



yeah, if there was no more OMG, Binnie would be first one not extending the contract, I feel that she could do better in an acting company

I wonder if they would keep going as 5, I would only consider it if there was an extreme reason, like Jiho's health



I still firmly believes she just wants to have my babies





Only listened to the first song but it is kino. I am going to report to it later.


Took me inside and then she rocked me

She keep me up all night, this is what it sounds like

it always makes me think when Siyeon sings those lines



it feels like perfect blend of ordinary and stylish



sorry anon, i can't keep quiet about this anymore. we were invited. it was just you that wasn't...



She is all grown up? Well, congratulations!


almost 2022 and I still don't know a single member of Tribe and Lightsum

can I even call myself a kpop fan?



I know the name of the one with amazing legs starts with tae or something like that



Tribe's new album is great and I bet you didn't even listen to it



to my ladies



I don't care if she is a hologram. As long as she is projected onto this mortal plain by any means, she is real to me


Ryujin looks like a very handsome twink here


tfw no kgf



If Rose actually became like this, the fancams would be legendary



lol when I see that kind of pictures, my first thought is


tfw no comfy sweater

1362×10004.51Mb00:05180629_Mnet_프로듀스48 (3회)


this is Nayoung, lesbian queen

882×8021.53Mb00:0620180810_Mnet_프로듀스48 (9회)

I was looking at this other Nayoung webm I made and just realized Wonyoung is like jerking me off from afar wtf




the movie My Name, an anime

first time hearing about it tbh


post her


I think gook kino is going mainstream

3 movies/series from the top 10 list on netflix in my cuntry right now is from korea


My Name literally filtered me, I couldn't understand the plot

996×8362.77Mb00:03[Ep.04] 저녁메뉴를 차지하기 위한 소녀들의 ⚡치열⚡살벌한 쟁탈전🔥 승자는과연 펜캉스 4편 08.20



thoughts on cute girls doing cute things?

my reason to exists

thanks, I'm watching this series but I was waiting for subs


Watching Ash vs Evil Dead for comfy Halloween mood.




Comfy All Souls' Day.

God bless you brother


I just like watching horror movies.

hate horror movies

I live alone and I'm scared af after watching them



hahaha you're right

actually I watch horror movies every day and I'm not scared at all...



I am mostly resistant to horror nowadays.

But if I lived alone, I would think twice before watching Shining or original Juon movies.

Those are still very effective.


my kgf makes me watch horror movies all the time


small chunghus


youtube has been getting more aggressive with their test of limiting the downloading speed if you're not using

is this the end...

1920×10802.91Mb00:05🚨위클리의 클났어요🚨 _ EP.09 긴급상황! 먼데이가 사라졌다! (ENG SUB) [hWsvQf4tw_E]




My wife song hayoung



oh I know this one

but I don't know how to navigate it


do you really want me to believe there are more than 2 people here?




but I don't know how to navigate it

I posted the link to the idol part, from there it's just like a normal forum

I only open the posts with more than 5k views, the ones with more than 10k are always great




I only open the posts with more than 5k views, the ones with more than 10k are always great

with kkzz it's good that I can see the preview before clicking



that's true, that kind of format of heye is very outdated

but it's all about idols, you're definitely not gonna see some something you don't want




you're definitely not gonna see some something you don't want

they never post Nayeon? based!




lol at the skirt, same kind of skirt the girls at my school had to wear




same kind of skirt the girls at my school had to wear



can't stop listening to go or stop


Even her dogs look derpy as fuck



nah, i mean in the kpop scene -_- i was already at /scv/ since starcraft 2 came out, and /kpg/ after that




not close enough



the girls are cute so I wish I could use it in a different context but they are spiritual successors of Twice...



but then, with short outfits you get the coomers, and those never waste money on the girls, so it's useless



nice theory but the evidence suggests it's wrong

1st week sales

- lightsum - light a wish - 18,181

- - veni vidi vici - 4,234

- hot issue - icons - 2,271



to be fair, they also shill Weeekly a lot, but the connection with them is more clear, maybe CUBE just pays well


imagine a Jiho highschool friend

she would do this to you, making you all confused to later tell you it's just a joke

haha, it'd be really fun.....



maybe I should shill one rookie at a time

but today is the first time in weeks when I feel like watching new kpop so I will just share with cool shit I find

830×8002.02Mb00:06[OH MY GIRL SKETCHBOOK 2] EP.42 Billboard Korea Cover 화보 Behind [fi9cagOMW50]


she has 2 sides




laboum is having a comeback

I didn't see that coming



I wonder if my signed album is worth much, it's their first album with all the members signatures





Who wants some Wang?

How did Shadow Warrior get away with this one?





pleb choice


imagine your waifu ending up doing this kind of ads omo

Rainbow wasn't that nugu




Rainbow wasn't that nugu

yeah but she is 2nd gen idol

all the 2nd gen nugus were doing super lewd maxim photoshoots, now no one does it



It's really refreshing in kpap because of the focus on cute and innocent. I disliked it in anime because of too many shit characters that didn't do it properly.



Senjougahara was my waifu for a time

Makes sense I like Orib so much


Comfy Thursday evening




My name got me emotionally fucked up

why are k-series always so depressing




Death to americans. We can keep ther country, it has some nice sceneries


736×1120758.27Kb00:03[K-Choreo 8K] 에스파 직캠 'Savage' (aespa Choreography) l @MusicBank 211022 [Z_0s7UP9Wy8]



I tried to download the 8k version but youtube is giving people a hard time, it says it'll be done in 3 hours... only 700 MB


just watched Dune, it was alright

I'm kinda more excited to read the book though, looks like a fun world to get into it




those parents-in-law were really intimidating, i was a bit scared for Michael there...






Her age means she probably wants kids immediately before it's too late, so if his goal is to have a family full of hapa kids he is gonna get his wish soon



i'm afraid that in the post-coom clarity i would realize that i've gotten kids with a nasty b*tch and i'd be stuck in the relationship for the rest of my life

like I'm kind of feeling for Michael that his waifu seems kinda dumb tbh



Just do the deed and disappear like a jew in the chimney

By the time she realizes you gave her fake identity you can be halfway across the globe

1280×7203.93Mb00:14MGMA [PLAY #MGMA] 우주소녀가 여름마다 꼭! 듣는 노래 <>


My yellow fever is getting stronger by the day. What do I do



not him but for some reason latinas are my #2 after asians

maybe he should try it as well


thoughts on rookies?






which member's handcream will you put on for the concert?



I bought two creams for tests and tbh they do smell nice

I think I will buy the other 5 if I get some good black friday deal



It has free shipping for me only if I spend 90 euros.

I don't know about its quality but women tend to spend a lot on cosmetics and the price is not that high given Korea is higher income country.




It has free shipping for me only if I spend 90 euros.

wew, for me it's 60 euros

how much is the shipping tho? for me it's only 6 euros



like 6 or 7 euros

it is not that different from regular postal services


her IG posts tell me this granny has been very horny recently



I want to be their lab rat


is this the most kino hair color?



Silver/gray is really omo


I like this hot issue's hair



they went balls deep in the memehair market


this Chaehyun is bittersweet, she looks very good but I feel we will come back to this in 1 year and feel bad how she lost her baby fat and how her face is overall different


why do koreans love the Myers-Briggs horoscope so much?




do they really?

Yes. Gooks think that blood types are related to personality so the chances kqt would ask you are probably quite high




i've been looking through a lot of kcouple with white guy channels

that seems really unhealthy





according to a Korean friend, they don't believe in that anymore, at least not his young (around 18) generation, same with leaving the fan on at night, that's even an older belief



they used to believe that leaving a fan on at night would kill you, but that's more like about the 90s and older generations



but hey, we're more global now, not only Koreans but everyone now believes in MBTI types, which are not that bad as blood type but still they're very general.

not remember who but some idol did say she didn't believe in them, because depending on her mood it could change



I tried the MBTI test and it felt like every part of it was the same rush rehashed. It felt like the yall tried to throw you into one of two gorups


ovethiking autistic introvert



extroverted careless retard



plus I think it tries to make you feel better of whatever you select



i feel like these days every kpop is a meme-introvert


Tarot is all the rage right now between kqts



I think you (or someone else) mentioned this before, which groups are you talking about? the ones I follow are not into that (for now)

1024×10002.41Mb00:04210122 Girls Planet 999 - Episode 12

shy shy shy~



I see, yeah the few groups I follow are not into that

1920×108013.81Mb00:10210122 Girls Planet 999 - Episode 12



Was it this thread where people watched Cowboy Bebop?

I just finished and I have to say I fucking hated that ending.

Ruined a 10/10 show for me


tried to remove the logos, sadly can't do much about the live translation

but yurina is kino



it's just style and aesthetics over substance, literally nothing happens in cowboy bebop





I thought it was fitting end.

Moreover, we wouldn't have new Blade Runner the way it is without it.




literally nothing happens in cowboy bebop

I would not have have a problem with that had it not been for the ending. Iwas an ending fitting for a story driven show, but as you said 90% of Cowboy Bebop is just episodic stuff where nothing changes. It felt like creators went full schizo and couldn't decide what sort of show they wanna do



Very cute, but I think she aged like fine wine and became a top tier noona







being between Arin and Jiho

I suppose I need to re-unite the 2 Koreas for that to happen


never noticed that at first Yooa had really big teeth at front, they later fixed them but it wasn't very noticeable


Girls' Generation's Taeyeon Reportedly A Victim In ₩250 Billion KRW Real Estate Fraud Scandal, Losing Over ₩1 Billion KRW




No. She probably doesn't even handle her finances herself.



I think so? I was just looking at all the pics before your post, and I your 3rd one wasn't in the ones I saw



Interesting. I can't think of reason why would that happen.

Regardless, I have actually got them from Twitter.


Yuki-chan is so pretty bros


are we ready for the concert?



still better than Chaein or Swan's

their costumes just look like regular clothes




way to celebrate end of the first month of waging



Probably some better looking clothes and something cheap on Steam.

I don't want to spend much. I am trying to safe up as much as possible.



not bad

remember to buy something nice for your mom tho, also better looking clothes aren't everything. you should invest in better skincare products as well, some nice handcream would be a good start



Buying merchandise (even if it is handcream) is probably a bit too much for me.

I bought ticket with the money I got as my last accommodation scholarship. Based university funding Dreamcatcher.




Buying merchandise (even if it is handcream) is probably a bit too much for me.

I would never spend money or lightsticks or photocards but this neogen handcream is only twice more expensive than the cream I buy usually and it's actually something useful.


I bought ticket with the money I got as my last accommodation scholarship. Based university funding Dreamcatcher.




It is definitely useful but I don't use handcreams that much and it is still twice the price. That doesn't go very well with the saving money for accommodation.




saving money for accommodation.

instead of saving start investing

I recently bought 50.000.000 shibainus




I am trying to safe up as much as possible.

I am currently in a dilemma.

Do I


save up money for the inevitable crisis that is coming so that I have a backup funds in case of loss of work



spend the money now because inflation will massacre it in the inevitable crisis that is coming

I feel like it would be good to invest into something that won't lose value when dollar goes to shit, but I am not sure what that would be


New hair

474×614763.83Kb00:04디어 마이 미라클🦌-83005



this dress was lovely, plusbani finally nailed all their dresses

well seunghee a bit simple, but still nice



anyone else here ever had mental issues? mine just keep coming back and i can't help it. especially if i am feeling particularly well then i get startled by how good i feel and the issues come back


sry i don't know why i replied to (You) there



I used to be depressed, had to go to the psychologist


then i get startled by how good i feel and the issues come back

that reminds me of my issues, my psychologist made me realize I was sabotaging my life when things were going good, but there's no easy fix for that, I don't even know how I dealt with it back then



do you ever get scared that you might become depressed again? i feel like my psyche is so brittle that even though things might feel good now i get anxiety that it's going to go back to being shit for no particular reason




do you ever get scared that you might become depressed again?

yeah, but for right now I have college to keep my mind busy, and now my mind is busy with going back to the campus after 2 years of covid

maybe find something positive like that, because kpop alone can be deceiving


although I shouldn't give advice, I feel like shit, I think I have a cold



that guitar performance


Perfect. Exactly song I wanted.


comfy ending


gonna be honest not a fan of those XR stages, mostly because they weren't with the band

btw please share a link to the recording if you find one


concert replay with synced audio incoming

kinda based



Some of them were cool like the Because one but I don't think it is the biggest draw. I enjoyed the casual ones the most.

For the link, I am waiting for the Latina girl to post it (when VOD is up).




For the link, I am waiting for the Latina girl to post it (when VOD is up).

will she really wait for the VOD with the upload?

kinda cute



That is what I am guessing when they are gonna be fixing issues with the VOD.



You're right. I believe she will do her best. If she didn't care, she wouldn't be giving away tickets for other people.



I wonder how much crack she had to sell in the favelas to afford multiple tickets



I don't know. Try asking the Brazilian guy in the other thread. He may know more than us.

1280×7202.50Mb00:19fromis_9 (프로미스나인) Song Hayoung (송하영) CUTE AND FUNNY MOMENTS #1 <>




Are Binnie and Arin really shooting new dramas?

yeah, Binnie is doing some web drama and Arin is in a bigger project, but as far as I know she's in for 1 or 2 episodes since the series it's episodic


what did Jihof*gs think of this interview?

I fall in love with every single interview, she's lovely

1658×20001.54Mb00:03오마이걸 OH MY GIRL _ SUPADUPA (천천히 해봐) _ 뮤직비디오 비하인드 스케치 영상-zsGsTEW_8u4




very smart and based, people who willingly touch public doorknobs and shit are dumb as heck



I'm visiting my parents and I found the things I bought after my first 2-3 months of wageslavery

it was a drone and two BB guns...

I was always a retard when it came to saving money



I think that is pretty normal when you first come into contact with a bit more money.

But I hardly can think of things I really want to buy


Gidle was scheduled to tour in my city in 2020


thinking about buying these wireless earbuds

how stupid do they look bros?



It does exist, but Arin certainly doesn't know about it


not as stupid as a guy posting a pic of a white dude in a kpop thread



It looks

falling out of your ear and crushing them under your feet accidentally/10


what's sex?

t. Yeji


IU even admitted to watching p*rn


IU is a soloist

it's totally different


right, totally different... COPIUM


one of the crayon pop girls (i think one of the twins) said they couldn't even watch Animal Planet in case they show animals fricking


i started learning russian language because it sounds so cool



i'll give you that she would be the perfect carrier of my white genes



that's bullshit, slavlands are the last bastion of whiteness in this world


1020×11382.91Mb00:03211030 오마이걸 승희 '비밀정원(Secret Garden)' 직캠 OH MY GIRL Seunghee Fancam [4K 60p] @K-POP in Suncheon

it keeps happening to Yooa....


RIP Lovelyz

I only got into their music last year



Maybe they want to sign together under different company, at least some of them. Like the Gfriend gals




only 3 members


Umji is in


it goes to my dead on arrival compilation



I will only follow them for the SinButt tbh


i decided to try no nut november for the first time ever and even though i'm flaccid, all i can think about is wanting to jack off



that's based because she was my top 3 IZone but the other izone girl who will debut in IVE was my bottom 3...

idk if I will like them



based yooa purity maintainer

maybe he hasn't seen it. has it been posted on korean forums?


if only yooa tried to maintain her purity as much as her fans...



yeah that's me


I've probably watched 85% of all thousands of OMG fancams

It's not that I insist they're real, but I see good convincing arguments from both sides



it's not in kkzz and heye, I'm also not entirely sure but I didn't see a post of this on kpopfap when I looked yesterday


she's pure though


yooa is pure but she really wants to become impure


I was a huge fan of Lovelyz, but I'm not really sad they are over. I feel they already gave us what they had, a change of concept would have been both good and bad at the same time.

Maybe because I've been following them since the beginning; it was a good run, lots of content, many laughs, some tears, plenty of too



wait, why am I not getting (You)'d?

I didn't know about that rule, kinda based they created a rule to protect Yooa



promise you won't tell anyone, but it was kinda transparent too so mega omo




I was a huge fan of Lovelyz, but I'm not really sad they are over.

t. me every time 2nd gen group disbands

before disbanding they usually are so inactive I just focus on newer groups and forget about them




before disbanding they usually are so inactive I just focus on newer groups and forget about them

based, that's exactly me too

I'm waiting and focused on what Weeekly is releasing (which is a lot) so even if I wanted to be sad about Lovelyz I just can't



oh fuck I haven't watched that, I'm subscribed but since the subs are added later I forget


and I'm kinda glad they are six member group now...

remember Jine from OMG, they let her go and now that she's in charge of her makeup she looks great, while in the group she was very average

Jiyoon is a mega cute, but her assigned image is "cute goofy member", and sadly I don't think it'll change


I'm too busy with finally getting into 2021 rookies to feel sad about lovelyz




no itzy


no everglow


no rocket punchi


no weeekly


no stayc


no wooah


no purple kiss






wait a second

dreamnote is 3yo?

#Dreamnote 1st day sales on Hanteo

Dreams Alive: 702 copies

Dream Wish: 288 copies

Dreamlike: 172 copies

Dream:Us: 97 copies



bruh woo!ah! is in their peak, rookie spirit and they're still not gloomy about their impending doom, it'll be too late next year

just like DreamNote, it was fun the first 2 songs, now the new one after like a year was good but it's not so fun anymore




bruh woo!ah! is in their peak

I know. I just said that I am followign wooah. But there is other ones that don't even get posted here



true, I'm too tired and can't post more than 2 groups now


majorschads ww@?



if only the picture wasn't taken through a smear of vaseline



If I were them I would lock her INSIDE my car



my body just produced a million new sperm cells just by seeing these pics



Good thing I don't have a coworker like that. I'd get literally nothing done


I already considered ISA to be 10/10 but with this hair she looks even better


you can see Irene's curves so nicely here



Overall with croptop underneath is such an underrated combo



the dream... i always imagine building a cottage in some recluse woods/countryside and living there with Irene. She could finally get away from annoying people



We can only dream brother


Seunghee's hair is really pretty here




it's more to do with reddit's rules or else the sub will get banned. the kpf discord also has to follow similar rules for the same reason



It's bits of videos are that freely available on YT



And she has been peaking for the past 2 comebacks


looking there

Seunghee one of us

600×8482.91Mb00:10(SUB) 현직 걸그룹이 알려주는🤫 SNS 인기 게시물 만드는 비법! [무엇이든 딜리버리] EP.2 _ Special Delivery [YEiI4tcIjxg].

seunghee is pretty hot too


she looks nice here. she has her moments







w-what the heck?!? arin literally hasn't even heard about weed




they always get progressively lewder with age though



I care though




reminder for Siyeonbro that the concert replay with synced audio starts in 90 minutes



Thanks for reminder. But I feel like it is a bit too early for me to watch it again.

Btw. I don't know if you know this but our girls are supposed to be guest on the new show Da Vinci Note that airs today. Hopefully, someone will sub it.




But I feel like it is a bit too early for me to watch it again.

kinda same

I will just watch the synced Whistle performance when it's uploaded to youtube


new show Da Vinci Note

is it some nugu show or a proper one?



Seems like no one cared about it until now but it airs on tvN which is pretty big tv station with a lot of successful dramas. We will see.


Somi with the quality bouncing


queen's chads ww@?



Kagami, tell Putin to stop sending shitskins to storm our border.




damn that looks really fun

this is why girl fans are better (for girl groups)



genetics and exercises

I still think Ham has a better ass tho




still Hyomin?


I can already tell the comeback will be kino



anon I'm really fucking excited, before my current group I was a full time Queen (no homo)




few years back T-ara and 9muses were the only groups I posted


I wonder if I should worry, I'm paying for a home connection of 20 MB up, 2 MB down, but right now I'm getting very erratic speeds up to 40 up and 30 down




unless you meant you want to look like a gook




buy steroids

bro... I'm really really close to doing that

I can't get any gains anymore




this has become my absolute favourite channel on youtube

it has made me think much more highly about the Chinese tbh, they aren't that environmentally neglectful at all, and they seem to trust each other a lot. Also Katherine is the purest soul I've seen on youtube


Da Vinci Note segment (10 min) is up but still no subs



I am not sure if he will upload clips if it is actual tv show.



Koreeda is directing new movie with Kang-ho Song and IU

holy based





this woman





in my feed there's like 20 fancams of woo!ah!, good thing but I don't even know which one to watch lol


442×9002.97Mb00:11211113 픽시 디아 직캠 4K 'Bewitched' PIXY DIA fancam @ GEE by Spinel <>
1080×19202.89Mb00:05211113 픽시PIXY 디아DIA 'Bewitched비위치드' @2021GEE 4K 60P 직캠 00.05
1080×19202.94Mb00:04211113 픽시PIXY 디아DIA 'Wings날개' @2021GEE 4K 60P 직캠 00.25
1080×19202.88Mb00:04211113 픽시PIXY 디아DIA 'Wings날개' @2021GEE 4K 60P 직캠 00.25

really like this nugu




also, seeing those fancams, their song is not that bad, choreo is also not that crappy




Tell me how you like it when you progress further.



finished it few weeks ago

absolute kino, I thought the OST sounded really similar to the one from Extracurricular and later I've found out both dramas were made by the same people




I've found out both dramas were made by the same people

oh nice, the quality is really high in both



Nice. I had the exact same thoughts when I heard that song that plays during the important moments but I haven't confirmed it yet.




also, seeing those fancams, their song is not that bad, choreo is also not that crappy


I first got interested in pixy because of cool choreo, then I checked out their songs and they were great and then I noticed THOSE thighs


also I think the main girl from My Name looks a bit like Ryujin



90% of the time I was looking at Yuki, rest I was trying to catch Swan's huge massive thighs



she has more fancams than the rest of the group combined

which is a bit unfair imo because Chaein and Goeun looked extra purky today



sadly it's just how it works, I still remember the first OMG fancams, the guys need to make a decision and it's always for the visuals




the guys need to make a decision and it's always for the visuals

I don't remember Binnie having that many fancams

916×800692.54Kb00:05[Fancam]160423 오마이걸(OH MY GIRL) 비니 CUPID @익산 원음 공개방송 직캠 by.Lockheed-Lan18VG6gHo


she wasn't a "proper striking" visual like Yooa/Arin/Jiho were, she was more like a cute member

still, there were many of her, specially during Cupid and Closer



she made it to kkzz

big W for pixybros


Love Saebom

simple as



I am indifferent about her, but I like her jinjja nice body



I think they used the same producers who did cry cry, day by day etc



In places it also reminds me of BEG's Kill Bill.

But it's definitely something that is just not present in modern day kpop


I just wish >>670307 had a proper balls to the walls breakdown at the end when you take the chorus and turn it up to 11. I think it's missing that.



It doesn't have proper balls but it has proper boobas

can't have everything buddy


Eunjung is ageing so good tho

she is the prettiest T-ara right now imo


lol ALL KILL, it's Day by Day 2.0, which is good but let's be honest, a bit lazy


as a boomer, they're all ageing and it clearly shows in the variety clips they have been releasing in the dingo youtube channel

let's celebrate they're mature women, it's a nice addition to the very young scene right now


T-ara has 30k pre-orders on ktown4u alone and the album will be in stock on friday

I think it's a great result for a group that old and that inactive




lol ALL KILL, it's Day by Day 2.0, which is good but let's be honest, a bit lazy

having "old hit 2.0" as a re-union song is much much better than having a brand new lame af ballad like some groups do


yejibros, we wanted Sugar Free 2.0



maybe it's my personality, but I always want new things

song is fine though, I will listen to it a lot




maybe it's my personality, but I always want new things

idk if you noticed but they also released Tiki Taka which is 100% new



the chorus of that one is really good, not a huge fan of the rest of the song, sounds a bit outdated


someone did the math


1615 days since the last come back

4.4 years... dang



and that's still 328 days less then the number of days between their last pre-scandal win and their first (and only) post scandal win



seeing how they're quoted in variety shows like if nothing happened, I feel everything is cool with the T-ARA name and big broadcasting companies

I guess the only problem is that they don't have the same connections (I think)





I mean the ones that weren't supposed to fail so fast like Pristin

even someone like Purple Kiss, I don't really have my hopes up they will last for 5 years




I guess the only problem is that they don't have the same connections (I think)

at least they are cool with the absolute madlad kks I'm sure he would find ways to fuck them up if he wanted to




even someone like Purple Kiss, I don't really have my hopes up they will last for 5 years

don't even joke like that

they are doing pretty well and I'm sure RBW has a lot of money to burn thanks to Mamamoo



RBW also now owns OMG, right?



yes, I think so

Purple Kiss will have 2 comebacks per year and Arin will pay for it!


we get almost zero live events these days and some faggot photographers still post previews



kpop is a rough world mang, even with all those qts and some talent they could end up nowhere

that's why I enjoy them now as much as I can



They are circa from January. I've just seen them recently on some mostly inactive fan account.




nice selection of girls

I just picked the girls whose photographers aren't faggots


also nugus are back with fansigns

I guess it's because even with all their fans at the venue they are still below the social gatherings restrictions




and that average gook is ugly were lying

that's still true, you're watching the top 10% that goes partying

I do think Korean girls are naturally hot though, not necessarily that they have amazing bodies, but since they're on average thin, they look great in almost anything, and they know how to dress


Jaehee was genuinely scared lol


look at her eyes, so nervous, one of their first shows





sorry bro, long hair is better, scientifically proven by a kmiracle



Wooah is their company's first artists ever.

How the fuck did they get all those top tier girls into such nugu company



I wonder how the casting world really works, didn't even know until recently that Yooa didn't apply to WM, one of the people from that company had her application and asked if she could debut in their group



Ed Sheeran, Jessi and Sunmi to release a collaboration single Shivers on the 24th

What is this fucking combination



i didn't know either before today but now i've watched 3 hours of youtube videos from his prosecution

404×7202.28Mb00:05저세상 귀여움 <>

my wife song hayoung



I don't know that much about it but it seems like good outcome


mostly likely going to have home office 4 days a week now

kpop for this feel?




i didn't know either before today but now i've watched 3 hours of youtube videos from his prosecution


literally me, it's funny that trials in US are basically a reality show



that guy is so disgusting and what he did is even worse

I never want to see him or hear about him again tbh



Fair enough. I just want to see courtroom's reaction to when he starts explaining that he is actually goddess of magic ponies and hedgehogs.


#TARA 1st Single Album Re:T-ARA

DAY 1: 34,488

making it



i would be pretty troubled if i had to be Kyle's jury. he acted within the law yet the law feels wrong. here people can have an honest fistfight over things but in murica some sperg will always whip out an ar-15 and he's well within his rights



I like the lipstick, maybe it would look better with glasses on


it's 3rd itzy member on this artist of the month thing

I wonder if Beanwiga will ever go there




I wonder if Beanwiga will ever go there

No chance.

But I would give my left arm to see Yuna there


I caught up with Kingdom. First two episodes are a bit slower but it picks up and delivers pretty gripping story. Good drama.



It is short for Deserter Pursuit. Short series about 2 guys hunting down people dodging military service.



let me know if it's any good

my HBO Go subscription ends in a week and I will go back to gook dramas on netflix soon



I will. I am now really in the mood for watching a lot of dramas. After that, I am also interested in that one with Dreamcatcher OST. I've seen the first episode some time ago and it was alright. It had some nice scenes but people are saying it kinda goes off the rails. Then there is this new show called Hellbound which Koreans were supposedly really looking forward to.


Thanks, I may listen to it later. I found out that RWB doesn't really care about people uploading concerts to Youtube. There are entire Mamamoo concerts there available. Fingers crossed for Purple Kiss getting same treatment.

Also nice picture


idk if you watched it but It's ok to not be ok was really nice



I know about it but the episode run time feels a bit too long.


Is it? I just haven't encountered many full concerts. But I have found Midnight Circus so that is good.



twitter was screeching at them because this picture was supposedly "hurtful"

why are westerners like this?



let's be honest, 4chan is exactly the same but with different topics

just add a black character to a movie and they go berserk



Because they have it too good. If you have no actual issues in your life, you start manufacturing them.

They need a war or something so they shut the fuck up




oh so it was deleted and quickly edited again kek

I mean, if you put a swastika in an outfit and you don't realize what it is, then it means you truly are not aware of the connotation, so RBW should get a pass


also, that mighty pit is very nice to look at


remember that time IU forgot the lyrics of one song


remember this korean tv gem



yeah she's exactly the same but somehow has also that noona-s*xiness now


remember that time Soyeon didn't want to do the choreo lol


'member The Ark



based, but also a literal who since it's 4minute and it's not HyunA


should i rewatch welcome to NHK



I wish Twice had individual IG's so that I could just sub to Chewy and Mina, and ignore the rest


T-ara had a mini-concert yesterday


school shooter concept


nazi concept

columbine/sandy hook concept

this 4th gen groups are wild



imagine going to the Gryffindor common room and seeing this



that would be very unfair to the rest of the idols

like some eunbis would be game over, can't even compete






Blade Runner anime is out and it looks terrible


Ridley Scott announces a new TV show



well looking at the trailer, everybody knew the anime was going to be terrible, not even related to what Blade Runner is

glad the 2049 movie was done correctly though, could have been terrible too



this crossover meme is kinda cool, lots of collabs



2049 is a miracle for today's standards. Probably because of Villeneuve.


People were hoping for something in the vain of Cowboy Bebop. They even got Watanabe to direct short tie-in for 2049.




First was a trash song

it wasn't THAT bad but the edgy concept and outfits were really terrible



Bon Bon and Moon on one album and both promoted

one of the strongest debuts in years

608×10002.99Mb00:06[Simply K-Pop] EVERGLOW Aisha 'Moon(달아)' (에버글로우 아샤


never read them

gonna watch some fancams of Aisha wearing tight pants and then I will read them




never read them

you should check them out

basically it's a metaphor for how debuting is as sweet as chocolate, and their struggles as trainees



holy shit

rest of kpop brutally lyrics mogged




but maybe it's an automatic beauty filter, because the amount of resizing and the location don't make much sense, might just leave it as it is

1920×10802.61Mb00:04[서든어택] 당신의 한계를 탈출하라, 풀체인지 4탄 EXIT 업데이트

alien pits


Binnie showing Suyeon how it's done

dem hips


LUNARSOLAR have been pictured in the studio recording their new title track!


Kim Hyeona, Gray, & more seem to have participated in the song, they previously produced for 1st generation artists such as Koyote



get hyped!


they previously produced for 1st generation artists such as Koyote

that's weird lol



very cute, never paid that much attention to seasons greetings but this and OMG's look pretty nice



OMG's reminds of their Queendom performance, you know the one where Binnie wore those tight as fuck pants


Binnie wore those tight as fuck pants

this reminds me that guy still didn't post that bad girl good girl performance

what a bitch!



it's just like a music release, but without the music

I like it but sometimes it's quite pricey, stupid fucking shipping



only the OMG ones, but I always take a peek at what other groups have released


mfw I didn't use the 2021 one

but I will use the 2022 one though!



just give me like 15 min, gotta check it before

since I was screen recording, sometimes my screen and my stuff was caught in the recording


he is really going to post it



50% up

also, anyone else uses Mega? why it doesn't work on Firefox anymore? I even disabled uBlock and it never loads





it's funny that many Miracles that paid for this concert don't have this clip since it wasn't in the replay lol

Binnie akagaes win again!



that dude didn't even care, he shouldn't be able to download it!




christmas came early this year

500×5481.16Mb00:04200405 복면가왕 오마이걸 효정 아린




back when Miss A dropped it, it was considered purepop



I'm glad it came out clean, I'm checking another part and suddenly out of nowhere it shows my desktop lol, and it's all choppy


tfw I already forgot the good parameters to record


it was hard to get because miracles are a bunch of jews

first time I asked that guy for it was still on 2chen



no problem

I will have my revenge after I chop it into webms and post it on /mu/ for easy (You)s!



just kidding

I'm not a nerd so I don't even know how to make webms



she's my least favorite of the group but she's vital to the image, it doesn't feel right

1500×232013.60Mb00:08190915 락킷걸 Rockit girl 한이슬 'bad guy 배드 가이' @kt 5G ON식당RED버스킹 한강공원 새빛섬 4K 60P 직캠-qOJ-tj0Wljk



looking up "bad girl" in my webms


finding this



for me it's Elly's selcas and Lucy's webms on kkzz


doygf telling weki meki members about your 2incher



i'll have you know mine is 4 inches, perfect for east-asian



looks like Secret Jieun after she ate 2kg of ramyun before bed


I like kkzz because he makes only 4 posts per day

I can just go there to :lookthere: for few minutes after work and move on


any animebros here? i need a new anime to get me out of my budding depression

would gintama or jujutsu kaisen be good? it should be something cheerful or have an inspiring character arc


tfw this happening to you


"it's ok oppa, just grab it"



Jujutsu is fine. It is a lot like Bleach.

I have seen like 20 episodes of Gintama few years back. It is pretty funny but mostly episodic so quality varies episode by episode. It has some more serious arcs down the line.

Maybe you would like Cromartie High School. That is mostly good comedy with manageable run time.



I have not seen it but people were saying 'A place further than the universe' is great


Purple Kiss already printed the seasons greeting with swastika on btw

kinda based



I don't trust the teasers but the aesthetics look much better than First's



DP was overall a good show. The first episode focuses a lot on the military service but it changes the format from the second episode onwards to actually hunting down the dezerters. It is nothing mindblowing but it has some good episodes with interesting plotlines (my fav is #3). The biggest drawback is that it is only 6 episodes. It would benefit from having at least 2 more to smoothen things out and there are not many female characters



you didn't say anything about the most important thing mate

are the actresses cute?



It is show about military. You watch it for the story.

The actress from episode 3 looks nice but acts a bit too smug.




You watch it for the story.

good k-drama should have both!



Yeah, she acts like total bitch to everyone.

It was very based when her father told her to shut the fuck up and listen.



Tsunderes have good sides to them.

Btw. I found out about existence of Atami no Sousakan.

It is supposedly very good Japanese Twin Peaks knock-off.

Gotta check it someday.


purky world championship when?



we actually play brood war here


our girls made it! even kwangsoo is singing it



olivia's big butt....



K-netflix bros

Vincenzo is pretty good, not amazing but good enough to keep you engaged and to make you forget about tfw no kgf



I will consider it in the future. Cuccently occupied with Hellbound and Dark Hole.



how is Hellbound?

it's #2 on Netflix in my cuntry right now

is it on par with squid game or extracurricular?



It has interesting premise and themes but it is overall just okay.


koreans must really like car-camping since that car has some weird sockets for the camping shelter and that parking lot looks like it's specifically made for that




car-camping with irene

just be careful in the summer

if you leave her in the car for too long her face will melt


interesting seeing Binnie in these shows with male guests, from her body language it seems she really doesn't meet many guys IRL

I guess Korean girls in general don't meet new guys that often too, but it's cute how she shows she's interested in the guy, but it's just her lack of experience; she later discovers it was just the thrill of meeting a new somehow attractive male, but she loses interest after a while

thanks for reading my TED talk




thanks for reading my TED talk

more like SCHIZO talk!




she later discovers it was just the thrill of meeting a new somehow attractive male, but she loses interest after a while

how would you know this? maybe she can't stop thinking about them at her dorm



I kinda take it back

it gets really cringe later, it's funny cringe to me but for some people it will be too much

it's the kind of humor as in k-variety shows when idols are doing impersonations



it's just an anime

it has hot anime milf, hot anime tsundere teen and hot anime autistic girl tho


ughh... what happened to her?

she can get it now!




how would you know this?

she loses interest right there, during the episodes

not sure what the guys think, but it's very common for them to be distant on purpose, to not get hate or give the wrong impression to their fans



I want to go outside though, I'm not a shut in faggot like most of kpg, I just can't because of covid still



i go outside every day but basically i'm a shut-in faggot since i don't do anything but walk outside



I mean, of course I go outside, I meant more like go to places and not just walk around the neighborhood



first and most important, they would open my college campus, it's madness that I don't know my classmates in person



sorry chud

there's a new vaccine resistant strain, you will have to stay home for another two weeks® to stop the spread




I actually decided to watch A Place futher than the universe after I recommended it to you

It's absolutely amazing. I actually think it's perfect for you if you have


budding depression

I really highly recommend you watch it.



thanks, i'll check it out for sure

i unironically started watching Naruto, gonna skip the filler episodes though, also I watched Oregairu season 3 ending just to see what happens to the characters



Nardo has some of the most banging fight scenes in all of anime. I rewatch the chunin exams and sasuke rescue arcs almost every year.


been talking to a girl on a bus for sometime


today, I take out phone to check some adress


open browser and kpop pops up


pretend nothing happened

Kpop for this feel?


at least it wasn't gaypop




holy shit the new Everglow is so bad

actually I can't say all of it is bad because the first 30 seconds made me turn it off

what the fuck happened, they used to be one of my favorite groups musically



yeah it's a pretty bad song, the first 30 seconds and the whole "i'm a pirate" edgy breakdown is the worst part of it though



Ye it sucks ass

How the fuck did we go from masterpiece like Ladida to this shit


it's a small brown chad



I have zero hype for this group tbh

I will give them a listen but right now I need to give my ears some rest after Everglows song




I need to give my ears some rest

Give your eyes a feast in the meantime


This group has such potential


HANTEO: #Everglow - Return of the Girl (211201)

8,790 copies (1st day sales)

HANTEO: #IVE - Eleven (211201)

56,209 copies (1st day sales)



it's a perfectly fine song, I liked it

there's a problem, Yuehua apparently doesn't consider seasons and just releases a hard EDM track any time of the year, and that just doesn't sit well with the general public



yeah song is ok, the slow down part is really cool, I'm looking forward for the live stages; MV also has interesting things, except the stupid change in aspect ratio, that's a by-product of big Hollywood movies not being able to film everything in IMAX format, but they're using it on purpose


However Wony and Yujin look fucking 11/10 in the MV

were you an IZONE fan before? this group really doesn't stand out visually, Wonyoung's face in particular looks like she's in pain all the time




Wonyoung's face in particular looks like she's in pain all the time

I think she went to the same clinic as Bogdanoff bros




were you an IZONE fan before?



his group really doesn't stand out visually

I think most of them are qts. The styling kinda fucked it imo. I'll guarantee that they will look better once they start going around attending variety etc.



no I don't mean they're ugly at all, but standing out visually is someone striking you as very beautiful from the first look



I know I am saying that once we see them in casual look they'll pop out more. Just the feeling I got



I just don't like the makeup style in MV honestly. Even Yujin looks weird there.


Question to anime kchanons

is Oregairu finished now? The third season has ending that pivots to one of the girls?



I have never seen the show but you can usually check out for these things.

It tells you number of published manga/novel volumes and how much was adapted.


IVE already forgotten tbh



Yes pretty sure it ended, Hikigaya ended up with one of the girls

the show is pretty shit though, but if you wanna see a happy ending just skip to the last episode

tfw Hikki didn't end up together with the hot MILF teacher



I like that at this place we appreciate Korean culture as a whole, not only kpop



yeah I was checking it out too, shame that her ASMR channel has only 1 crappy video


Thinking about it further, I don't seem to like women that are beyond Seungyeon/Olivia



She is in the bottom 5 along with Babysoul and that long nosed uggo from Kepler



kek that low? I only have a bottom 2: Babysoul and Umji

like, literally a random girl from my neighborhood looks much better than them


what do ass implants look like? is it possible >>677503 has some ass/thigh other implants or is she really that thicc? she's an absolute fertility goddess if she's natty (aside from face)



her ass moves like jelly, so the chances of ass implants are low


Oh My Girl Mimi will release an OST for <School 2021>

Just like Goeun, interesting


IVE listened to Eleven and I don't like it





i feel bad for Nancy

i wish I could simp for her and make things better for her


it's getting cold outside


Booba christmas is here lads


Mommy too



her booba is really cute but I would trade those pics for a good comeback song tbh


she got so plastic so early

this won't age well



It's true. Her makeup is always better in casual look by about 1500%

I don't know what the fuck are the makeup artists doing to her



At this point it looks like you would be Sera widower soon. She looks half dead



she just needs me to make her life exciting again



Nobody cares about Wony. Yujin is peak god tier right now




and the other members have potential

shame you can't say the same about the song...

btw are those sisters?


love the shape of Monday's thighs


Binnie became a firefighter

that guy going around talking she wanted to be history teacher BTFO


Choi Ye Na's agency denies recent rumors of her involvement with a CEO

some CEO boomer got a quick quack...



Every shit company has a CEO these days. I hope she at least went for some big fish.



she's studying the history of firefighters, of course


Bae Yubin, I asked a Korean if that name sounded nice in Korean (because it rolls out nice in my language) but he told me no. Must be the Bs, bit harsher than I think.



First of all, yes she's on meds all the time (or she should be), and second that looks like normal Sera to me

I guess she really liked the song, that's why she's stopping so much. I'm also guessing her English is becoming worse with time because she lives in Korea, there's no real life scenario to practice it with native speakers. That happens to me too when I try to write in here late at night, I just can't compose coherent sentences sometimes.




because she lives in Korea, there's no real life scenario to practice it with native speakers.

I thought she streams and interacts witch chat regularly



yeah if I ever marry a Korean girl, that's the first name I'd think of, and she would divorce me because I think more of that idol instead of her kek



As far as I know, you get better at a language from speaking it and listening to native speakers, so she can only do half.

I was also guessing it's getting worse, could be that she was tired and couldn't talk properly.



I can't stop looking at the girl with bangs (black hair). Also, that singing part that Wonyoung does (and later the blonde does too) is really fucking nice.




Boys are totally 2,988

wtf stupid Koreans and their unisex names




I can't stop looking at the girl with bangs (black hair)


She is Japanese



I actually dislike that name, not sure if it's because of the idols with it or just the sound





#IVE (@IVEstarship) 1st Single Album <ELEVEN>

DAY 1: 56,209

DAY 2: 48,462

DAY 3: 08,526

TOTAL: 113,197

2,5k more and they will be in top 5 best 1st week sales from all girl groups this year


nice choreo


ticket one way, juseyo


9Muses - Miss Agent



Yeah you would think that after seeing that video, but she just uploaded a new video.

Sera really made me think about people who live with depression and anxiety for years and years, since i experienced meme-depression this year and it was an absolute nightmare. I couldn't enjoy anything (for example music felt like nothing but noise in my ears), i couldn't even think about anything because all my trains-of-thought were constantly interrupted by worry and stress and this went on 24/7 (except for when i played vidya, it was the only time i could let go for a moment). It was fucking unbearable. Now imagine living like this all the time and it never gets any better...


forgive me Binnie, for I have sinned

I was thinking the actress in all black was much prettier than her


watching the first episode of My Teenage Girl

I'm a fan of Yuri, she's great, but can't help to notice the irony of having her perform with full lipsync, which is supposed to impress the trainees there who are (mostly) singing live to make it.

So the message is, try your best so you don't have to do it at the end.


also, no idea who this is (from Finkl I suppose) but this performance was really fucking cool


knees say "total mess"

kek I wonder if they know...

17 year old, don't get any ideas


and this is all live in front of their parents


show is actually decent, I'm glad it's not a copy of Produce 101


oh! I found one of you


this 12 yo is like a young version of ISA




it's from an 8k fancam, the size is quite big even though it's a fraction from the original




exactly, I thought they were done for when their company lost big part of funding


Red Velvet - Psycho


do you guys ever turn on subtitles when listening to kpop? i never did before but not Psycho is hitting me much harder because the lyrics are pretty good

i feel like Monster lyrics are literally about them being sex monsters



kpop lyrics are usually trash but yeah, if someone mentions the lyrics of a particular song, I'll check them out

shame that some lyrics are out of reach for us, Koreans say the OMG's Secret Garden has beautiful lyrics, but when you translate them they're just alright




is it better than Hellbound?

I just finished it and it was nice but nothing special

the actress looked like Jaekyung's older and uglier sister



Yeah, Hellbound was a show of great premise but lacking in execution.

Dark Hole doesn't have the same aspirations. It is a rather simple "zombie" show.

It takes place in a comfy small town. That allows for characters stories to loop back together.

Sometimes it works, other times it is just fine. Same goes for decision-making.

It is not great per se but I enjoy it quite a bit.

740×7402.75Mb00:03[P.S.NOTE] 퍼플키스(PURPLE KISS) 'Zombie' MV Behind #2 - yuki, dosie


1. Why do gooks love zombies so fucking much?

2. does it have any kqts?



I don't know. They are mostly like zombies. Some of them are more like Shibito from Forbidden Siren (unfortunately not as interesting).

The detective is cute as well as the student named Handong. Too bad one character played actress I know gets sidelined rather quickly.




student named Handong

I'm in!

I was supposed to watch Ozark now because I saw it shilled on the literally me posting facebook meme pages but I will watch it later



Yeah, I also plan on watching more of Western stuff.

I have seen a lot of dramas during the last month so I will be slowing down the marathon.


Mimi poster

I wouldn't trust that guy


I don't know which OMG girl is my favourite



I have never followed them much until recently

It is hard to decide

I just don't know



if you have working eyes it's Arin, Jiho, Yooa or Binnie

and if you have 167+ IQ on top of that it's Binnie



from all the bad adjetives you could have used, that's not so bad so I'll take it


tfw last Gidle comeback was 21 years ago


I want my



you got me fucked up if you think I'm going to live that long



we're all in this together friend, I'm not going to suffer alone, I'm taking all of you with me


when you catch the mf who ruined your life


candy"bros" stutter while typing


898×8981.46Mb00:03[쩡's house] ENG_ 역시 쿠키는 사 먹어야....( feat. 로투스 크림치즈 쿠키) [VVYkZwjIQew].f248

candy deserves better


binniefags are bullies who call you out for stuttering

k-knew it


don't even know if i can call myself a candybro anymore


I got a big bonus at work

what merch/albums should I buy?

I don't care about the music, I just want the most kino photobook possible

by kino I mean Blade Runner 2049 aesthetics etc




Guess Who

uh... Gidle looks like they would have kino photobooks?



Is the second one from the First?

Based on how much care was put into MV, I would say photobook must be great too.




Is the second one from the First?


it's from Hush and I already have that one it's a must have for all k-feet enthusiasts


Singer/actress Nana renews her contract with Pledis Entertainment for the third time

Do they have some dirt on her? Why is she staying



just to dab on the rest of AS

Nana is a certified cunt





I don't feel so good Lunarsolar bros...

right below that in my feed there's a simple aespa fancam with 100k views...



why did I think there was some weird censoring? it was just her hat kek








she is next room taking the BYC They dropped Arin because she didn't want to wear their stuff


I read many replies to this thread, lots of bad experiences no matter the race in Korea and Japan. Seems like you just can't escape it.

So after all we do for promoting Korean stuff, we go there and they tell us "nah m8, not Korean, fuck off" and I'm gonna be honest, in my decade long watching kpop I'm very annoyed for the first time, and I've been picturing in my head that all those idols that we like deep down hate foreigners and either think you're something exotic, a language tool or just something inferior, not really a person like anyone else.

I never had issues with "oh no, kpop is taking too much of my time" or stuff like that but this might be it. I still like to talk to you anons in all the different chans but I don't think I can keep the kpop hobby anymore.

fuck gay niggers and kill all trans in case you think it's a copy pasted twitter rant lol



how is this news? they pretend to like foreigners but at the same time hold us to retardedly high standards and they always take moral high ground on us, as if they are just better over there

which is stupid because their culture is just an american consoomer culture on steroids




oh nyooooooo they don't want foreigners in their club

I don't care. I don't want niggers in my places, so to be consistent I have to accept that I am not welcome by gooks.

Also considering the kind of foreigners that probably go to those places I am not surprised they are not welcome there. Tourists are fucking retarded in most cases




I don't care. I don't want niggers in my places, so to be consistent I have to accept that I am not welcome by gooks.

yeah but that's why respectable nigs don't even want to come to western countries and would rather stay in their own clubs

but as kpop fan you're getting cucked because you try to please gooks and still get rejected




Honestly, they have a mentality that anybody of a different race is "not Japanese" even if they have lived there for years.

uh.... based?




but as kpop fan you're getting cucked because you try to please gooks

do I?

I just like looking at cute korean girls and listen to their music




but as kpop fan you're getting cucked because you try to please gooks and still get rejected

My waifu loves me


Aisha looking extra hot this comeback




Don't get me wrong, my post wasn't to convince anyone or to bring some news (that's why I mentioned it's has been a decade of listening to kpop for me), I just wanted to rant lol, I had a shit week and that was just a trigger

anon #2 has a good point, imagine being a Korean and absolutely everyone around you uses a mask, then you go to a tourist spot and you see a bunch of whities actively refusing the use of one, must be really fucking annoying; although r/Korea says foreigners are not actually the problem, but the whole nightclub people



someone mentioned in the comments (not sure how true and to what extend) that if your great grandparents aren't from, let's say Kyoto, you're still considered a foreigner; so if your parents moved to that city (still fully Japanese), you would be still considered an outsider



I like my lips

what did Bian mean by this?



how do we save nature?



no I wasn't leaving, even less I wasn't going to stop posting here, and I don't even think it can be possible to leave kpop by choice, you can only leave it if you get married with kids or something

I was just complaining, sorry to bring the mood down, have a


1280×7205.00Mb00:01[TEASER] 문별 (Moon Byul) - 'G999 (feat. Mirani)' Live Clip

What did Mamamoo mean by this?


Boram created 5mb file for 1 sec webm



should be mostly style and makeup, like that one famous makeup youtuber having the Hani style, she looked very similar



her nose is very different, it's like pre-PS Rosé, eyes are bigger and rounder


Re-watched One Punch man today.

I forgot how hype it was.

Re-watching Toradora now for some high school lobu dorama



OPM is a fun show. I am a bit nostalgic about it as I was watching it during breaks when studying for final high school exams.

Currently reading Kaiju 8.




I tried to rewatch toradora with /a/ like a year or two ago and everyone just spams memes they've made over the years



I love it. Been watching it whole night. On episode 17 now

Christmas soon


Finished now. God damn what a ride.

Tsundere loli for the win



depends how you define biggest but I think it's them or Fromis

1040×10802.88Mb00:06fromis_9, THE SHOW CHOICE! [THE SHOW 210907]


Fromis has won already....


can't believe Brits didn't want to be inside that...



oh shit

you're right, I really stopped paying attention to kpop in recent months...



If you missed that

I'VE broke the record for fastest first win


brighter than jewels

fany fany tiffany


I saw some IVE webms on /mu/ recently and I can why they are so popular there



I won't, they are too lewd for my purebros ITT

here's how gooks summed up IVE outfits


3. [+143] As expected from those dogs at Starship




they are too lewd for my purebros ITT

Just DM them to me

884×17742.94Mb00:04211211 에버글로우(Everglow) 'Opening + Photo time + Closing' 4K 직캠(fancam) @fansign SCC선아트홀
1920×10802.90Mb00:04[페이스캠4K] 에버글로우 시현 'Pirate' (EVERGLOW SIHYEON FaceCam)│@SBS Inkigayo_2021.12.05#
736×15582.87Mb00:05[쇼챔직캠 4K] EVERGLOW - Pirate (에버글로우 - 파일럿) l Show Champion l EP.419 [UH21ZX2duFo]
1080×19202.92Mb00:03[릴레이댄스] EVERGLOW(에버글로우) - Pirate (4K) 02.18

all things considered Pirate is a pretty enjoyable comeback



they should focus on Wony who wants it and leave Leeseo and Rei alone

those two are strictly for cute only



yeah but it seems the choreographer REALLY wants people to lewd Rei and Leeseo



we will see what happens next

maybe chuu can work 35 hours a day, 10 days a week on commercials to save the company



i'd even buy the dust from that floor she is sitting on


what did she mean by this?


some jiho-tier eyefucking by binnie



What do you think is better


big tiddy strong tsundere



smol loli tsundere



for me it's the big tiddy strong tsundere

i've never been into lolis





this is my new nugu waifu

thank you for your attention


Man in New Zealand pretends to be different people and gets 10 vaccination shots in one day because government gives out money

Kpop for this feel?




Can't that really fuck you up?

I remember reading somewhere a story about a woman who got accidentally given 5 times the dose of vaccination and they kept her in the hospital for 2 days



Yeah, probably. But there were only speculations about what can happen in the article so I guess nothing happened to him.




10 vaccination shots

isn't this what they want us all to do?? they should give him an award for being the best possible goy




I moved back to my parents' house so I save more money and I can easily leave my job if they ever demand a jab



that died when Soojin got got

we'll never get it now



9 months from now I will have a new edition of that meme with some new strain bro


soojin should have tried being pretty and popular like irene. that would have saved her


*soojin should have tried being old and plastic and popular like irene


being an alcoholic and living under the bridge with Arin...



that's such an ugly color, I bet she selected it herself


talking about corona, there's the r/hermancainaward subreddit, and there are countless Americans dying because they didn't believe covid existed; it's funny they don't believe in it, but 100% of the cases they put "our dear father died today of covid" or something like that

that's not important, what I was wondering is how many dumbasses have died in the world because of it, is the number of idiots genuinely decreasing? that'd be awesome


this mofo has a fancam not released to the public, is there a secret club of fancammers??




countless Americans dying

yeah right, it's literally impossible to die to corona unless your immune system is somehow retarded




your immune system is somehow retarded

well they're Americans


there's the r/hermancainaward subreddit,



Yoona still mogging

3rd and 4th gen visuals brutally BTFO'd



it's a year when I stopped caring about most of kpop but I still care about them



Sad but it happens. Burnouts are real and its better to take things easy.



all this covid stuff and lockdowns took me back to my darkest schizo mindset

no time for kpop when there are lizard people to be exposed



Start with the British, brother.

Only then, we will be free.





She should stop losing weight now. Her tummy is 0.1% fat away from being too hard



wew lad


tfw just realized that Nancy video is 4 years old and has over 10 million coomer views


mirror worth 10k dolla





it's this time of the year, tfw no (k)gf always hits me the hardest during Christmas




it's been happening to me every year for the past 10 years, I'm not gonna off myself


depressed chads vs friendly virgin




I guess it wasn't sarcastic enough. Always hard to judge how much should I push the words if I can't express the delivery with intonation and pacing

I shall work on my jokes more in the coming year



Did you like the OMG outfits? They were really edgy for a song like Dun Dun Dance, but I loved them

1036×19202.97Mb00:04[K-Choreo 8K] 레드벨벳 직캠 'Psycho' (Red Velvet Choreography) l @가요대축제 211217


Seulgi had her cheeks out


Suelgi got walled, sorry

Joy is aging great tho



I blame most of it on her eyes, nose, cheeks, lips and 4head



would be nice if they turned into that kind of group


Anime-bros, the Bleach trailer has dropped.

We are going home.


Aespa's Karina and Oh My Girl's Jiho wear the same dress to 'Gayo Festival' red carpet

oh nononono

how could this happen to our girls?



yikes, now that's some cringe. they should lay low for at least a few months to recover from the embarrassment



you obviously know nothing about girls. now i'm gonna have to send some hate comments to tell that bitch to back off next time



i guess so, rather she has the possessed by a sex demon look



Do kwifes really dress up like this when cooking?


I recommend Marco Polo on Netflix

lot's of asian cuties but the show is VERY VERY lewd

purebros stay away from it


holy moly

yuki-chan is so pretty


Mimi can be really hot


Just a proff that my brain is fugged


you would have to be gay to not get your neurons activated by that


I'm watching this marco polo show and there's this one chink guy talking about how feet are the most important thing while judging woman's beauty



Nah. Reeny is an autistic womanchild but I'd still take her in an instant because she activates my monke brain beyond limits


looking in my folder to find that soul webm, I forgot about this gem


jihoney activated my neurons today tbh



that's the impression rene gives but behind the scenes she's completely stable and mature and quite shy


I am thinking yes



it is not bad but it is just not this


what's the appeal of A Place Further Than the Universe, weebros? I started watching it but it feels like it's target audience is 12 year olds, not me. It doesn't even have hot waifus.



It's about the emotional experiences of the 4 main characters. If you can't really find yourself in any of them, then there is no point if watching the show.



hmm i'll watch the 2nd episode then and see if i can get into it



i identify as hinata because i'm also ugly


do you generally like slice of life? if not i don't see it being for you




do you generally like slice of life? if not i don't see it being for you

I guess i liked K-ON. I generally only watch slice of life if it's about romance.



She has been blonde recently but posted some pictures with red hair saying she likes colorful hair.

Not sure whether they were old or not.



I will wait to see what the overall styling looks like



I'm so fucking hyped, I was expecting some cheap release but this has the usual quality I'm used to


Binniebros, there was no kiss scene in the latest Binnie movie-drama



I discovered Alexandra Daddario's youtube channel today and my yellow fever got greatly reduced



oh shit

I didn't remember it was her, gonna re-watch the scenes well~



Holidays are finally starting



actually 3 weeks

I'm back on 10th, gonna watch all kdramas on netflix



That is really good. I am going back on the 3rd but I am not actually taking any days off.

I am currently watching Train (2020) which is pretty cool thriller with slight scifi elements.

Also, I did some research last week and wrote down like 15 shows that seem interesting.




I am going back on the 3rd but I am not actually taking any days off.

uh? how does it work?

you have bank holidays since Christmas till new year?

I had to take 12 days off to pull this off



Many companies may give you extra 5 days off instead.

So it is a bit like gamble. This year, the gap in between holidays is 6 days.

Therefore, I am getting one extra day. May be different when Christmas are not on the weekend



Now that I think about it, do Japanese idols dye their hair blonde regularly? Or do they avoid it because of stigma?




do they avoid it because of stigma?

they avoid it because of ligma




she wasn't the lead right?

she was the lead, she had like 90% of screentime, only like 3 scenes were without her

there wasn't any need for kisses anyway



listening to it now on spotify. it's kinda meh. the start of the chorus is annoying sounding



yeah, the chiki-chika-choo lines are kinda abnoxious

but at least the song's intro isn't annoying like in Pirate or Savage



that's the best part. the feels like a shark part right before that is annoying. they look good in the mv though

i have listened to a very minimal amount of new kpop this year and everyone says they're bad so i'm just gonna trust them


feeling freaky about those purkies



I don't dislike it but the intro just feels like that Hot Issues song


we can at least agree that both of their albums were great, right?




we can at least agree that both of their albums were great, right?

we sure can

Hide & Seek was my second most listened album this year


I started doing this face irl after seeing booba

this place ruined my brain




I first look into someone's eyes to see with how much I can get away with



who said I meant real people?

I don't go outside so it's mostly about TV shows


tfw no Binnie goth gf



I've read both good and bad reviews, average score is not so bad

it was good for what it was



average is not great for such a revolutionary franchise

based on the reviews, it appears as a cashgrab as most of these sequels after many years




revolutionary franchise

revolutionary first movie*

you should have seen the reception of the other 2 when they came out, this 4th one is not so far from them; lots of people like my dad watched the 2nd and 3rd movie once, and came out with a disgusted grin on their faces, and they never watched them again, that's how bad they were

I was a retarded fan so I watched them many times




and came out with a disgusted grin on their faces

was it about all the niggers in Zion?


if kpop existed back then Neo would have taken the blue pill



I think mostly because it turned into Matrix - the Goku Saga, but I like Dragon Ball too so I liked that





honestly, the original is the only one I have rewatched in recent years

people still claim that 2 and 3 were way more ambitious than just memberberries though


I liked the scene with the bikes

they went fast and they went vroom, that's what action movies are about



they weren't more ambitious, they just had an unlimited budget because the reception of the first one was so good

I mean, they built a lot of things from scratch, like the whole section of interstate road from the chase scene in Reloaded, which was later used by many other movies




chocolate flavour paleo nutrition

now that's what i call based



Imo universe is an abomination that will ruin kpop

t. schizo




they go to some private school and realize they're sharks

sounds like some A24 kino plot



i think i understand it now

they have a strict nazi teacher who dies in the car accident at the beginning and after that the girls feel free, start partying and feeling empowered




do you understand the concept?

I'm a simple guy, the concept in my mind is hot girls dancing in nice outfits




feeling empowered

you mean they act like sl*ts?

ok I'll watch the MV


Merry Christmas


Christmas without kgf is fucking pointless and depressing

unless you really like food like this mofo >>687154 seems to



It is the classic visiting relatives and getting tons of meals

I don't want any more of it



idols pretend to celebrate christmas to be inclusive but Koreans don't do anything for this holiday, it's just another day



it's the opposite here, people don't care nearly as much about new years here. Then again it kinda makes sense to celebrate new years more


tfw recently found out that christmas is on the 24th not because of Jesus' bday (nobody kniws when he was born) but because it's winter solstice and they just wanted to continue the pagan tradition of celebrating then

my entire xmas experience has been a lie


omo, perfect xmas gift from arin



I remember that they taught as about the pagan origins (like Christmas trees) in middle school. It is true there is little known about Jesus outside of the Christian sources.





twice concerts look fun


that tattoo

is Cub mentally ill?


I've rewatched Matrix 2. It was very entertaining.

But they have just made Neo too powerful and some action scenes too ridiculous.



are those her...