> but don't you ever wonder whether or not there is a creator
Everybody wonders that, the problem is that all religions are wrong, they come from basic and short explanations of how the world works.
There isn't anything mystical about some guys 2-3 thousand years ago trying to explain the world and writting a book that will be later edited to the convenience of an organized religion. It's only natural to think we come from somewhere. And since we create life by having kids, it's also only natural to think we were created at the beginning by some external force.
The funny thing about religion is that they're always wrong, but since the world moves on, they need to adapt. Barely a few hundred years ago, we were the center of the universe and the solar system, and even before that there wasn't a solar system, it was just us on Earth and magical stuff in space. Now that we know that's not the case, religion has adapted to embrace the new knowledge humankind has created. You'll see religious people claiming their god (R) was the trigger of the big bang, without even understanding the concept of the big bang.
It's easier to think about free will when you look back in history. A pleb living outside a castle had free will to the extend of his lord, now you also have free will, to the extend of capitalism, and this is why sometimes it doesn't feel like real free will.