> 피부 엄청 하야시던데. 부럽습니다..
your skin is really pale wowwie i'm jealous
- 던데 = i was surprised that -
> 원래 타는 걸 별로 조아하지 않아가지구
originally i don't like tanning that much
> 여름에도 밖에 잘 안 돌아다니고
so in the summer to i don't go around outside much
돌아다니다 = to go around, wander
> 실내에만 있어용 히히
i'm just indoors
> 그리고 저도 아기 때는 엄청 까맸어요..히
also i too was very dark when i was kid..hih
> 언니 이런거 좋아한다고 하시니까..
because you said you like these..
> 잠수이별후 1년만에 나타난 전님친 이유 듣는다 vs 무시한다
exbf turning up 1 year after ghosting, listen to the reason or ignore
잠수이별 = ghosting
-만에 = after
전님친 = 전 남자 친구 = exbf
무시하다 = to ignore, disregard
> 음 이유는 들을듯.. 근데 절대 다시 안 만나..
hmm maybe listen to the reason.. but really not meet again
-을 듯 = An expression used to indicate that something is in a state which can be either one or the other
> 내가 이유를 듣는 이유는 구냥 단순하게 궁금해서
reason i'm listening to reason is just i'm simply curious
> 궁금하자나 대채 왜 그런건지는ㅋㅋ?
i'm curious you know, why in the world is it like that
-자나 = 찮아
대채 = 도대체 = accentuate what someone is wondering
> 앞머리 너뮤 찰떡이댜.. 앞머리 앖으면 여신이구 있으면 아가공주고.. 아가야 아가 그냥 완젼 아가
bangs fit so perfect.. without bangs you are goddess and with bangs bbyprincess.. baby-ya you are so baby
찰떡 = perfect, perfect fit
> 은우씨같은 끼많은 친구가 제자로 왔음
> 좋겠어요~ 항상 응원해요
if i got a nunulike talented friend as student that would be nice~ always cheering for you
끼 = talent
제자 = disciple, student
> 또엥 어떤 제자 말씀 하시는거죵?
huh what sorta disciples are you talking about?
또엥 = huh, what (i think)