> 민지 버거 먹는척 하는거 기만 아니냐
Isn't it deceitful for Minji to pretend to eat the burger?
> 누가봐도 가짜로 한입 베어무는 척만 하는거
베어물다 = 베다(cut) + 물다(bite) = bite off
가짜 = fake, opposite of 진짜
-는 척 = pretend to
Anyone can see she is only pretending to bite it
> 연기가 너무 티나서 가증스러움..
연기 = performance
티나다 = 티(appearance) + 나다(come out) = have the appearance of
가증스럽다 = awful, despicable
It looks so much like she's acting. It's awful
> 소비자 기만 아니냐
소비자 = consumer
Aren't they deceiving the consumers?
> 또 또 여돌 광고가지고 트집잡기 시작한다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
트집잡다 = nitpick, find fault with
Once again, female idols get an ad so people start nitpicking
> 장원영 피자 광고 가지고도 개ㅈㄹ하더니 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
ㅈㄹ = 지랄 = bullshit
Jang Wonyoung also got a pizza ad and people were talking shit about it
> 정신좀 차려
Get a grip
> 아 그럼 뭐 햄버거 3개씩은 우걱우걱 먹었어야 니네가 보이게 만족스러운거임?
우걱우걱 = biting/chewing
니네 = you, y'all
보이게 = visibly
만족스럽다 = be satisfied
-> 니네가 보이게 마족스러운 거 = you showing your satisfaction (being visibly satisfied)
Oh, then what? They should have chomped down 3 burgers each so you'd be satisfied?
> ㅈㅇㅇ 피자광고때처럼 또 니네 배달음식 쳐먹는것마냥 게걸스럽고 돼지ㅅㄲ같이 안쳐먹었다는 이유로 또 까여야되는거야? ㅎㅎ
ㅈㅇㅇ = 장원영
쳐먹다 = 처먹다 = eat like a pig
-는 것 마냥 = -는 것처럼 (맞아?)
게걸스럽다 = voracious, gluttonous
-> 니네 배달음식 쳐먹는것마냥 게걸스럽다 = voracious like when you devour delivery food
ㅅㄲ = 새끼
까이다 = be rejected
-> -는 이유로 또 까여야되는거야 = it must be rejected for this reason
So, like Wonyoung's pizza ad, this too must be rejected because they didn't keep stuffing their faces like a bunch of piglets, as voraciously as when you devour delivery food? (난 '...게걸스럽고' 랑 '돼지새끼 같이 안쳐먹었다' 어떻게 조합해야 되는지 잘 모르겠어)
> 뭐 민지가 되게되게 게걸스럽게 먹어주길 바랐던 거야?
What, were you hoping Minji would stuff her face for you?
> 고도의 빈정거림이냐 개그 코드냐 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
고도 = altitude -> 고도의 = a high level of
빈정거리다 = sarcastic
개그 코드 = gag code = a particular sense of humor
Are you trolling? Is this a joke?
> 어그로가 많으니 이런 거까지 헷갈려해야 해 ㅅㅂㅋㅋ
어그로 = aggro
-> 어그로가 많으니 = since a lot of people are pissed
헷갈리다 = confuse one thing for another, mix up
-> 이런 거까지 헷갈려해야 해 = must confuse even something this (for a serious post)
A lot of people are pissed, so they must not realize it, fuck
> 먹는장면 수십번 촬영하는데 그걸 누가 다먹냐.
수십 = tens/dozens of (수백 = hundreds, 수천 = thousands, 수만 = tens of thousands)
다먹다 = 다 먹다 = eat everything
They record dozens of takes for an eating scene. Who can eat that much?
> 누구든 다 먹는척만 하고 입에 들어간것도 컷 사인 나오면 뱉어낸단다.
누구든 = 누구든지 = anyone, everyone
뱉어내다 = 뱉다 + 내다 = spit out
-ㄴ단다 = -ㄴ다고 한다 = they say, it is known
They say everyone only pretends to eat and whatever gets into your mouth you have to spit out after the cut
> 니가 아는 세상이 전부가 아니야
니가 아는 세상 = the world you know
전부가 아니야 = isn't everything
You don't know everything