Village Stories blogpost:
Hello, I will talk about two height related incidents, both happened while buying groceries.
First of all I met the smallest man I've ever seen. He was not a dwarf, but he had the height of one. I saw him going into the shop pushing a shopping cart, while I went out. He could just barely see over the shopping cart, his shoulders were lower than the handles, so he had to push it upwards.
What a ridiculous sight it was! I cannot imagine the bullying that man has endured in his life. He should become the new patron saint of the bullied kchanon here.
And then when I went by the kids section in the mall, I took a closer look at one of the water guns being sold there, for I had seen it previously. That same model was used by some kpop, of which I forgot the name, during summer in some selca or something. Not sure if it was from this year.
In any case, I picked it up and to my surprise the watergun wasn't very big. From the kpop holding it in a picture, it seemed like one of those oversized toy guns, but in reality it was just a kids watergun.
Which leads me to the following question:
Can our vertically impaired but still loved kpops see over a shopping cart? do they have to push it upwards with all their strength?
Thank you for being with me again today.