I know, Soyeon is also ugly for me, her eye separation is too wide, and Jennie is sexy af but she isn't any cute, she should be a solist and compete with Hyuna.
Gyeongree's First Pitch has become the #1 Most Viewed First Pitch Video for Pro-Baseball in 2018! Naver Sports also crowned her as the "Goddess Of Victory" because everytime she pitches for her team it wins!
NC Entertainmentgave an update on AOA Seolhyun's health following her health scare at an event for 'Fortnite' on December 15.
Seolhyun had to be escorted offstage after looking a little dizzy and nauseous, and fans have been worried about her health since the event. FNC Entertainment has now stated in an official statement, "On Friday during a performance at 'Fortnite Korea Open 2018', Seolhyun felt dizzy because of the smoke and gunpowder that was used on stage. She was taken to the hospital right away and received treatment. She is currently at home resting. We'll be more careful about the AOA members' health in the future. We apologize for causing fans concern."
see these are still firm and trained but in a feminine soft way it's more like lines accentuating the natural tummy while >>200005 is like she put two small hotpacks under her skin
i like watching things because it occupies my mind and stops it wandering towards the growing realisation that the i'm stuck in a cold, heartless universe that's spinning endlessly towards the empty blackness of oblivion, and what little time we have on this earth of ours will contain absolutely no new pristin content, ever
i don't think you need to worry about idols getting too big with exercise because those athletes you see either have naturally very high testerone levels or they take medication to achieve the same thing
idols can't spend as much time at the gym as athletes do too
have you ever wonder why in english You is for both singular and plural? is it because the early english society was so collectivistic that there was no such thing as an individual human being? did they only exist as a group?
what about krauts and their sie for she and they? does it mean that there only females weren't individual human beings?
yeah and what about the fact that english has no inherent polite forms but only titles. Does it mean civilizations with languages with polite forms value the lower and middle class more because they can also be treated like a noble in speech?
they are trying to do that simple language shit for my country too because the "new citizens" are too dumb to understand the normal version and don't fill out state paperwork correctly
is it because the early english society was so collectivistic that there was no such thing as an individual human being? did they only exist as a group?
quite the opposite
historically, english used ye for plural and thou for singular
then thou ended up being the respectful/formal term, but fell out of use as social fashions changed