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KPOPS, part 2



That cover was great


btw last weeekly vlive from yesterday was pretty funny, they sang a lot of too



I tried to post and nothing, refreshed and nothing, opened another site and loaded just fine

but still, maybe it was on my side



their songs, some covers of gfriend, omg and others

kinda want to watch it again





that Elle photoshoot was pretty bad

but it was very bad for all the members



They do everything they possibly can to make /ourgirls/ look bad

It makes me sad


the other day during Soojin's birthday, everyone was getting emotional but Jaehee was looking at the camera like this, like for minutes and minutes, it was funny



true chads only follow HIM, Maxim and Esquire

Cosmopolitan can be good too but it had some bad moments




got some bad anxiety right now

play with your doggo


cute girls mentioned



buying a pet is the best thing a lonely person can do to feel less lonely




i know, i really want one, especially a fluffy breed like lizard's chow chow or a cute shiba

but i don't have my own place and landlords don't allow dogs, not that it''d be a good idea to raise a dog like that in an apartment



How would we know. You have to observe yourself what outside parameters trigger the response of your system


I felt super anxious about my upcoming job interview but when I stopped preparing for it and started watching kpop instead the anxiety went away


interesting, checking all my folders only Hyojung's is full of cute pictures, rest are mostly sexy



i dont have that kinda anxiety right now, i think having anxiety for interviews, deadlines and stuff like that is normal but i just get random anxiety attacks for no reason



I don't think I ever had that

doesn't sound fun tbh



I had her, but I deleted most of my old idol pics

by mistake tho, my HDD failed lol



its really not good, it lasts for ~10-30 minutes but i get it like every other day sometimes


i welcome it...



Could be a billion reasons and we are not psychologists here, but the easiest things to fix that could be responsible are


fucked up body balance from staying inside for weeks on shit diet


bad sleep schedule in tandem with point 1#


not enough interaction with outside world making you feel isolated

Not to mention that the whole world is fucked because of 'rona and secondary consequences will follow it might impact you on some subconscious level.

But as I said, getting your biorithm in order is the easiest way to try and it will be beneficial for you even if it doesn't fix the anxiety stuff




we are not psychologists here

maybe not you, but I have a phd in life




Not to mention that the whole world is fucked because of 'rona and secondary consequences will follow it might impact you on some subconscious level.

my brother got into some new conspiracies about covid, bill gates and the great rest and he kept talking about it whole christmas



I was looking for Uee because of that anon, but there's nothing but a few laboums, few t-aras and few pritzs



I call my friends on Discord almost every day to talk to them. Interaction doesn't have to be in person, but just speaking out loud instead of typing on keyboard and hearing other person's voice is a massive difference.



my dreamjob is being the person who puts on those tapes on Laboum's legs




I call my friends on Discord almost every day to talk to them



or go full nuts and chase vehicles while naked



i really am not the kinda person that craves social interaction much, i pretty much never text someone first nowadays





I met them playing online games almost a decade ago. It's weird how online relationships are looked down on as lesser, but some of the people I played games with 8 years ago remain some of my best friends and outlasting friendships I made in school.



i really am not the kinda person that craves social interaction much, i pretty much never text someone first nowadays

I am not that social either, but there is a threshold of interaction I need that I have observed in these 'rona times.


I am not that social either


calls people everyday

normies have zero self awareness



Calling somebody for 20 minutes to check up on how he is doing is not the same as going out with a group of people every weekend and getting smashed



i would rather do the second one... the few times i have calls with friends nowadays i think half the time i just whine about not being able to have a drink with them



dont get me wrong, i would pick watching waifus and shitposting all the time over hanging out with friends, but i meant that if there is a social activity im down for its drinking with others




4 other personalities

after taking those dumb pills for few weeks only 2 are left



Do they have the same waifus or do they have different preferences



There is still no Kim Lip fancam from that Christmas performance


watch Megan and Henlo vlive to chill


they start talking about dying




no bf during this season makes you sadder, well not me but usually people feel bad



but if you never meet your online friends IRL then aren't they inherently worse type of friends than RL friends?.. i think it's nicer to talk to someone in real life



I don't think so. Just by being friends for so long, I know them better than some of my IRL friends. I know how they respond to stuff, what to tell them, what to keep for myself, etc.

I think that meeting IRL accelerates the process of getting to know each other and building trust, but I don't think there are obstacles that are inherently impossible to overcome if the friendship is built through the internet.

That goes for friendship, obviously a romantic relationship is different since there has to be physical attraction and need for intimate stuff.




for my whole life I never liked coffee but recently my parents bought some fancy coffee machine and coffee from it tastes really good

at least latte and cappuccino



I did meet one of them earlier this year when he came to visit back in February and we have plans to meet up with another one once this whole 'rona thing is over.

So I am transferring them from "internet friends" to "IRL friends" and it only took 8 years




all the people I know online live 500 km away or more, so you're lucky to be able to meet them







Both of them are ~1500 km away from me.

Luckily flight tickets within Europe are fairly cheap



I do talk about it with the people I managed to get hooked on it.




getting wasted and watching fancams

yeah that sounds pretty based to me



when was that released? I follow them very closely now and I don't remember any of it



now I remember, I think I ignored it on purpose

but it sounds like a fun song on its own


my favorite webm of 2020

2160×21563.33Mb00:04[미공개] 🌊청량이 걸그룹이라면 그건 위클리💙(내돌의 온도차 바캉스 ver.) _ Weeekly _ Tag Me (@Me) _ 내돌의 온도차 _ GAP CRUSH-dPrIS49Rg5w


I can't think of all the webms I really liked, but Jihan is definitely on top



Her face is just so expressive. She is like the polar opposite to Olive

Is this why Olive is her waifu? All that stuff about opposites attracting each other


Di da dam di dam di dam

Dam dam dam di dam


Di da dam di dam di dam

Dam dam dam di dam

1000×10002.81Mb00:03[페이스캠4K] 위클리 지한 'Tag Me' (Weeekly JI HAN FaceCam)│@SBS Inkigayo_2020.7.19


maybe Jihan is into big boobas

1920×1080918.98Kb00:02[V LIVE] Weeekly, here come adorable girls #Studio Challenge 01-203983


1280×7207.09Mb00:16200722 SBS MTV BEHIND THE SHOW EP.19

I have replayed this so many times



1280×7206.20Mb00:12200722 SBS MTV BEHIND THE SHOW EP.19

this one too


Anyone knows if there is some VOD from that Somsomi Home Alone thing?

It was on Tiktok so I have no fucking idea how to go about getting that



it was on tiktok? so it's probably some awful vertical video

there must be one, I've seen on kpop24hrs, but it isn't there right now




Olive come over



I can't, I am attending ISAC



I am home alone




Lippy said that after Moksori promos they are gonna start preparing for next comeback, so Olive might be too busy



sorry, I'm retarded and unoriginal

I'm just thinking that "kpop general" makes no sense since we're the only thread here, but also I don't want to leave it empty



lol yeji, she was serious until the guy said Lia's name



yeah, at the very least rinse a little so it doesn't dry up


candy why are you saying that to a guy...

994×10802.50Mb00:05200708 SBS MTV 비하인드 더 쇼 아이즈원 Cut.H264.AAC.1080i-슨스


my thoughts exactly



Busan belongs to Cake

Eunbi can just touch her pits and nothing more


I really feel like there is something off about Hyewon recently



scroll down a little, posted 21hrs ago.. but don't look



when you are a pretty girl you don't need an excuse

you just touch




oh I see her, but she's just posing normally, bunch of degenerates putting her there


don't blame r/kpopfap for being horny

blame the stylist for giving her this lewd top



The fact that those coomers upload it there just goes to show their box has gone

This outfit is hot, but definitely not lewd.



I don't visit that place because the best stuff gets reposted here anyway



no just one, i said wait its eunbi because the first one only showed some insivible woman's hands grabbing the pits, and then the guy posted the uncropped video and i saw who it was



but that pics looks like you can see her bra

it's very hot

854×7002.89Mb00:08201218 Special Stage3


I go there to check if I missed something, then I autistically remake the content with higher quality




remake the content with higher quality

based quality-obsessed bro




everything is lewd to them

true, they're just retarted, sometimes they post normal pics from instagram and pretend it's somehow lewd

1348×17842.28Mb00:05[8K 직캠] 오마이걸(OH MY GIRL) - Tic Tocㅣ서울X음악여행(SEOUL MUSIC DISCOVERY) 5편-8uvu0aoiupw


based yooa squad reporting it so it's deleted now



hope yooa overtakes it, sulli shouldn't be the top post now in hindsight...


there're mega links and few other clips there, so it's not deleted

but I've seen it already, nothing special

definetely not worth to be 2nd most upvoted



thats not true

i believe girls being posted there are a form of shilling the group, not that omg needs it but if its some nugu group its one way to get a ton of people to see it



of course, the point wasn't to erase it from the internet, but rather not having it public like that



coomers don't buy shit, they just watch fancams so they're useless

that's why Koreans say that if a girl group has a strong female following, they're going to make it



its not all buying, they can contribute in other ways by becoming invested in a group they could have never heard of

t. someone who discovered a lot of groups there


I dismissed it before, but now the state of Wony's legs is making me worried as well....



thats way too thin, she cant even fill up those boy shorts... this is like banhana era arin




coomers don't buy shit, they just watch fancams so they're useless

based me




that's why Koreans say that if a girl group has a strong female following, they're going to make it

so instead of fapping, girls spend their life energy on actual group supporting?

makes sense



well the shilling is useless if you don't buy their stuff

I would rather have a place with sexy and cute stuff posted, so people get to know the members more. Of course for us that already exists with 4chan and here



its only useless if you consider that one coomer not buying stuff, but he can get invested in the group and start posting them here or on other communities and in turn make others invested in the group who might buy albums



the law of conservation of energy I guess

producing cum requires tons of energy, that's why you feel tired when you fap too much



Yeah, her legs look like she is a 10 year old boy now

Literally no fat at all.....



it happened in my case, i never bought an album and i discovered a lot of groups then, i got interested in some of them and shilled them further and some of those friends actually bought their albums


coomer groups dont even have albums...



Stellar seems like the best example, their fancams had millions of views more than the official MVs but you can't milk that



that's not how it works, that's for content creators with a good ad eligibility

the music from fancams is claimed by their respective companies


These lenses on Cakeu are terrifying



I feel like more than just her lips has changed and I can't figure out what


that Loona's xmas special video is somehow very hot, watched it many times

like a horny girls thinking about that



i think her collar bones look alright there ive seen way more defined collarbones before


God I hope Minju won't do something stupid to herself with all the influence around her


I wonder if those pets know how lucky they are



Plenty of time for Roje to be with him when she is on her 9 month long dungeon part of the year


Maybe you could get a job as dog manager for rich kpops


finally this thread is the top one on /all/



soon it will change again, that's the beauty of making a new thread 2500+ posts after the bump limit

but I don't mind, I have bookmarked so it's always on top for me


Based Molester



she has multiple moles in that area actually


it's so i can click on last 100

idk how that's related since you can do the same on



the more, the better

wait, you're right... i think i had the /catalog bookmarked before and you can't from there


10 full months without a single irl fansign

thank you 2020

1920×108010.82Mb00:35stayc girls but out of context (funny moments)



love Stayc but that Freeze Tag Dance is not my thing



im waiting for the news about them not having the virus anymore...



it's been exactly one month since they got it

it's weird their agency didn't post any updates since then



Yuehua is really bad at public relations from what I noticed



if they were good at that they would allow me to date sihyeon publicly



rather live in fear of stans who wanna kill me for dating her than live like this



tallest on the sides, shortest in the middle is the best standing order

I always cringe when I see Izone's standing order, I get that they want Wony to be the center but it looks ridiculous




shortest in the middle is the best standing order

word. my waifu always gets to be in the middle because of this



yeah.. eu is not center so i dont see the issue with changing up the center in photos for SNS



this lineup is really satisfying to look at, having the womanlets in the center and the PILLARS on the sides



it made my heart flutter, same with aisha in these


EU didn't make his hear flutter

dumb eurosceptic



I guess Loona's main foreign audience is in the US

they always do great on itunes but not so great on spotify



The second biggest Kpop group in the west is KDA



I honestly am getting lost as to who uses what anymore.

I feel like a dinosaur downloading all my music, but I'll keep doing for my alone




downloading all my music

last time I downloaded a song was in like 2015 probably



As I said, it's mostly my of maintaining and organizing the music



Both companies denied it immediately so it might be just fake news




Of only there was a way to prevent this with the force of capitalist market and provide a first party alternative to these products.....


or Sana, idk anymore



But people could choose to buy the original from the company in order to support their girls directly



yeah and when chinks copied an entire BMW car it's not like they stopped the original from being sold



Yeah, but chinks don't care about that because they make money off of the copy



that's exactly my point

to make it clear for (you), in this scenario chinks are fansites who sell photobooks and kpop agencies are BMW



But in case of fancams there is no BMW.

There are no official alternatives to them


And even then, those fansites just provide a better product.

Other than albums themselves, kpop merch fucking sucks




We are more than happy to let anyone upload any fan cam of our artists at free concerts or events. Their videos help promote our artists. The tricky part is when those fansites are at paid concerts.

I agree with their point here as well




let the fansites pay for training and sustaining the groups then, kpop agencies aren't a charity



Again. I am more than happy to stop watching spinnel cams when the companies provide official fancams



Of course they aren't a charity, but they aren't losing money by somebody else also making money off of their product



but the point of paid events is to make people attend them irl

when there are fancams people can just say, fuck it I will just watch the fancam later

just like people don't buy online concert tickets because there are restream



Which other than albums and a seasons greetings here and there don't exist



Why. How the fuck am I supposed to attend an IRL event from the other side of the world



dude seeing a fancams from EVERY event isn't a human right, so fuck you if you can't watch it. the agency doesn't care

I mean the koreans who maybe would be more eager to attend for paid events if there were no fancams




dude seeing a fancams from EVERY event isn't a human right

Yeah, but it if wasn't for fancamers I'd see 0 events

What is even the point of supporting a group then if I never get to see them



so it would be ok if JYP made some calendars with YG idols since YG doesn't provide them?




Yeah, but it if wasn't for fancamers I'd see 0 events


We are more than happy to let anyone upload any fan cam of our artists at free concerts or events. Their videos help promote our artists. The tricky part is when those fansites are at paid concerts.

did you even read it?


proud of most miracles for not leaking most things




Of course not, they are massive companies and direct competitors.

so it's ok to steal from big agencies when you are some random guy?

based commie



It's just about balancing the positives and negatives and that situation would make a far greater damage than good


It's a link from ribbit. You'll find some roastie




How many free events are there that massive kpop groups attend?

all those uni festivals are free and BP or Twice attended some

but obviously I don't know what's the ratio of paid to unpaid events, but imo it doesn't matter




It's a link from ribbit. You'll find some roastie

nice damage control, roastie



taeyeon released the song "what do i call you"

ravi should release one called "daddy"



i feel like momoland could with some memey undertones



I was watching lots of t-ara after itzy and omg covered them and it was indeed a bit sad



i actually didnt mean it that way, i thought pink of the year sounds cute



the concert already happened and he didn't mention it before


Pork to the Cho to the Long



I'm glad I'm not the only person who is still salty about it

I only started listening to Taeyeon songs like 6 months ago, before I was too mad at her



i wasn't mad or salty about it. the situation just felt bad and also because i didn't get into kpop and snsd until 2015


i wonder if sm is having taeyeon get her last few plastic surgeries or if she's electing to get them herself now



I don't like her as a human but her songs are pretty good

4 seasons makes me really sentimental



I don't think SM could force her to do it

she is not some random trainee or a girl who just debuted



she is going for the alien noona look


I wonder how my plasticfus will age



Isn't KARD gonna have to take a hiatus?

I thought the guys are supposed to go in the military soon.




you mean KARA?


I think Kard's popularity is a meme



its impressive how tokyo dome always has a spot for wrestling every single year


I never understood the "it's all fake" argument against wrestling

your tv shows are fake too but that doesn't mean they aren't entertaining



that argument never made sense in the first place

its just normies trying to ridicule the hobby


No Sana

No Life


if every kpop had milkers as big as olivia and eunbi, would those 2 lose their appeal in a market oversaturated with big juicers?

also who's this in the webm?




would those 2 lose their appeal in a market oversaturated with big juicers


we can see thighs and pits of every kpop but still love them



oh right, her too, also yiren has one there too


nose dot


2 pit moles


Duck discovered the power of pits recently



It is, isn't it?

It feels like them bits at the start of casting couch videos

It's really weird because Gowon is for cute and not for that



its because of the guy recording her speaking


its not that, i dont do it to gowon, its just this video's vibe


JiU - "Our Somnias did a great job today. Good night🥰🥰🥰" (201227 DC Weverse Moment)

what the fuck did we do? i wasted my entire day



more beautiful than comfy, different vibe. the first one has a fireplace gf during winter kinda vibe


i have literally never seen someone talk about or post jiwon here



I don't even know what group she is from so you are probably right



do you think they had a good time? Jihan and Heejin maybe, but since they don't know each other...



underrated would mean she's promoting hard and people are not paying attention, but first they need more songs



I can imagine Arin and Yuna getting along well since they seem very extroverted and chatty, while Shu and Wony looked kinda mute and out of place in that combo, but we literally have no idea about that so I guess it's better not thinking about it


She's from cherry bullet, I think they're literally never posted here or even on other chains, so odd



I'm now imagining Arin trying to ask for Yuqi and Shuhua giving one word answers and acting all autistic



That song was really good, and I know all the members



the brown one was my favorite, but they don't promote at all so I forgot her name

Yerim? something like that


I know Haeyoon and Bora because they are friends with Kim Bora



i imagine they thought arin is an annoying boomer... but i hope i'm wrong



they just have different type of vibe... arin acts like she's older



I still don't like hwasa but that's a nice booba


i think the group took a big hit when so many members left suddenly >>533588



Still looks like a gypsy to me and I will never get over that




WATCH: #GIDLE Drops Mystical Visual Film In First Teaser For January Comeback




its 2 girls in the last post, yuju and jiwon

yuju is my waifu and her ig posts always give me tfw

698×8727.48Mb00:14190913 ISAC 2019 - Chuseok Part 4-6

remember when kokoro made everyone cry in that one ISAC edition? good times




yuju is my waifu and her ig posts always give me tfw

I can see why

she has strong GFE vibes

post her more often, I will give you (You)s



may is so cute


they clearly let an unpaid intern pick jimin who single handedly fucked over the company's future



they both have great shapes



what the fuck?

I wanted to say that but I was worried people would bully me


since she is a mix of my two waifus I guess I have no choice but to waifu her




idk if she visited dr Cheng while in china but I like her much better after she came back


i think i kinda saw lip in her before but not jiu



She saw the harsh reality of being a fodder in China and that made her appreciate her position in DC more so she achieved zen



lip but with bigger eyes

how about when she doesnt have blonde hair though?

596×976975.29Kb00:02[Dreamcatcher's Note] 공식 앱 이모티콘 촬영 비하인드


this can be it

I think she was way too cocky before




Kim Lip


this girl

Is the cloning process getting that good


the first time I noticed Dong was during Deja Vu

that "holding this pain" line is kino


that guy stopped giving my waifu (you)s



in motion



she used to be taller but she shrank so the china could grow larger






you're not supposed to look there



they exist as a test to see if you're worthy of waifu ing her



you should love all body parts of your waifu

excluding some is very rude



i think some of them might be off limits



i am into eyes, but its not that, i just like the look when they wear black masks



that is a part of it, yes

but it is quite more complex and I dont think it is appropriate to explain here when rules say not sexual fantasies



but you can see the sexy eyes rreally well




rules say not sexual fantasies

you are mistaking us with the /wood/ thread

we don't have that rule here


but it is quite more complex

I'm kinda afraid to ask but you got me curious



no way


thanks, you too


not even the masks could protect /ourgirls/


we don't have sexual fantasies about them



ok then he does



it think that besides eyes it has something to do with submission/dominance dynamic

but who knows? I have always really like seeing masked ladies





it's pretty weird but I like pits so I don't think I'm in position to judge anyone here



Other qt in the group is the designated dominatrix



i really like that idea and i would actually call it a fetish



I still don't know why she is called Squid but I really like that nickname




mask I think suggest more submission, like hijabs and niqabs in islamic cultures




yeah the dom thing relating to masks was that other guy's idea, i just reiterated on it and said i find dom kgirls appealing


i do

1280×680970.77Kb00:052018-10-23 02-47-55


The Poison of Wuhan started the pandemic so her fans can get more mask pics

what an angel




gets banished to china


hometown is wuhan


months later the pandemic starts there

bros... the traitor test says POSITIVE




I think it may have been originally insult

wasn't it the same with Chimp?

antis keep coming up with great nicknames


not Turk, not even Kraut

nice one



I read somewhere that this stems from inexperience and not knowing what to do in intimate setting so you offset that by having the girl take the lead and doing it her way in your fantasy



was that her actual nickname? aged like milk...


maybe that happens sometimes, but my waifu is inexperienced so she wouldnt know what to do



there were also the photos from the car, I dont have it here now

but I will post it someday



they were posted on that DC app thing?

shame I didn't archive anything



Sua pushed it once, got corona and then she gave it to all her gfs



No, the app is relatively new.

I don't even use it. I just go through Twitter. Everything is reposted there anyways.




No, the app is relatively new.

I think you mean Weverse and I'm talking about the DC app they used since the beginning of 2019



Oh, you are right. Completely forgot.

But it is mostly likely still there. Twitter usually has everything.





I abuse this smile too much, but I'm literally :lookdown: right now



I had a female friend with very sensitive shoulders too, I could smack her and joke around and even punch her in the belly, but her shoulders were off limits and she always got serious if someone touched them

1280×7202.84Mb00:07DREAMCATCHER(드림캐쳐) - BOCA @인기가요 inkigayo 20200906 <>





punch her in the belly

I was watching this Hayoung Jiwon vlive yesterday and Megan said Hayoung keeps asking her to punch her stomach since Hayoung got bangs, Megan said she punches with full force usually

it was very weird



you can always check out her minx days

I think those had more pit content



would be cool if they covered love shake during a concert


also how common are the flashers in korea?

I literally never heard a story like that in my country



that got me wondering, is this a thing in other places? I feel like I hear a lot about it from Japan and Korea only

not that it doesn't happen elsewhere, but feels more common over there



it seems like it happens a lot in those countries, i think in euro there is no flashing and they just get straight to the point




i think in euro there is no flashing and they just get straight to the point

here there is no flashing because parks are full of ~20yo gentleman wearing tracksuits and drinking beer and if they saw a flasher they would beat the shit out of him


it happens so often in korea they even have a name for it

Burberry-man (바바리맨)—or pabari maen, to more properly romanize it—is the Korean word for flasher.



oh interesting

it's a weird concept to think about it



we want equality, until we see which women are the ones willing to take it for the team and do that...






Please no Joy Siyeon.

I would come with the crashing realization she is not real like in the movie.

1280×720740.33Kb00:04201201 Land Only Village E05

that's a beefy charger, poor Hyojung



if you had to pick between


1. real Siyeon waifu but you will never see her irl


2. personal Siyeongf hologram

what would you pic?



the first

hologram would be just a cope that would prevent you from moving on with your life



it looks very uncomfortable

also it looks like it can hit the legs, that would be really annoying

866×8701.43Mb00:06201201 Land Only Village E05


it's actually the complete opposite of what I want in a bed lol, she's crazy




it's actually the complete opposite of what I want in a bed

for real

Candy is a pabo, who made her the leader?



probably herself!


so, I want to be the leader, any objections??? yeah that's what I thought




sleeping in the same bed, that close together

no wonder those 2 are the infected ones



damn it

it's weird when pabos are the oldest and end up being leaders, Weeekly is the same


i dont like the oldest = leader meme



I would not. But those would be different circumstances.

However, I think I would not be interested in dating woman that is infertile (and she knew beforehand).




I think I would not be interested in dating woman that is infertile (and she knew beforehand)

if you asked, the Pope would cancel the marriage in those circumstances



i know, its a meme that only happens because of their seniority concept


I think the seniority meme is better than euros treating kids' opinions seriously

just look at that Greta bitch, it's so embarrassing to be white lately



I think newer groups are dropping the "leader" concept, in part because before it was possible one member was useless so they'd be the "leader" or "maknae" as a role


Candy Leader seems like a true leader to me



yeah that's true, even more because all of her experience in actual real life


Miyeon and Minnie said they were upset that Soy calls them babies even tho they are older than her

I think young leader can create some tensions



I heard something happened. She supposedly had very weak dance performance and was taken into hospital or something.



I want to find out too, twitter is fucking useless in these cases

I also read she was taken to the hospital, but nothing more




I dont really follow her much

same I'm SharkRyujinSquidChad




twitter is fucking useless in these cases

at least I found this funny meme


do you guys watch your waifus when you eat too?



yeah sure, I actually need to eat if she's eating too, like with Arin in the recent varieties she's doing


i'm waiting for POV videos of dinner dates with my waifu



are those common? I can only remember the Sana vlive one, where she went to eat in a POV kinda way



i need it post the link if you find it

they aren't common, in fact i dont think ive ever seen one, but i want it to become a thing



let me try to find it on google, it was in 2016? maybe 2017, but it must be buried deep down in their countless vlives


it feels like a complete date experience after skipping through it




back when vlive started, phones already had nice cameras but we got 360p streams for quite a long time lol



yeah i dont think its a matter of front cameras but rather a matter of vlive having shitty bitrate / bandwidth

good thing everglow made a twitch channel!


btw I thought it was going to be harder, but I just ducked "sana vlive date" and it was the first result




I don't like eating when I'm watching kpops

the food is distracting me from the show, I mean you have to look at your plate from time to time when you are eating



it's actually a terrible idea, I keep eating fast to not miss anything, I finish in like 5 minutes



i cant eat without watching anything

1182×10006.50Mb00:14[IDOL RADIO] 200507 오마이걸(OH MY GIRL) 유아&비니&아린 - Very Good cover _아이돌 라디오 직캠-zf-pEx0xikc



oh right, no wonder no more videos

the main host was in the army, that's why we had so many special guests, so maybe they stopped because of that

or maybe they just got corona'd







same except Jiu's shirt

she looked soooooooo womanly that day


Yooa looks very cute when she gets second hand embarrassment from Binnie going crazy here >>533911



this made my heart flutter too much i should take a break



i dont think ive seen this version of this webm before and im not looking at her jeans :lookdown:


there is this theory that Sua is too pure to understand how lewd her actions are and I'm starting to think it's true

there is no way she would act THAT lewd if she knew how people see it, r-right?



i dont wanna know, i dont even wanna know what unpure things she has done in her life



that whole cover is hilarious

it's a shame that only a bit older groups feel comfortable to do shit like that, rookies usually try to show their vocal/dancing talent



I do believe that happens, but I also believe that's not Sua's case, I feel she's more like "i don't give a fuck" and also it's not precisely for boys, she just like to have fun



tears seems like a go-to have fun song for karaoke




that's the guy who got busted for spending $90k on weed lmao, he was probably stoned as fuck there



lucky mofo

back in a day when I still smoked weed I loved to watch kpop while high



I don't remember right now, there's a member in OMG who never drinks, but I'm not sure if it's her or Mimi, either way drinking is not their idea of fun


Arin looks like she would get drunk af with one beer


tfw I really like Hayoung but don't have time for fromis



I think that's Mimi too, Arin can take a little more than that

this was all from a single video, they all shared their drinking habits, Yooa can take a lot



i find everything about that video perfect

the 2 girls and the cute host

the comfy looking huge studio with just them 3

the girls having fun like its a noraebang and the host joining in too




the comfy looking huge studio with just them 3

+ me filming

but word it's a great video

it somehow reminds me of high school




+ me filming

post your entire archive of videos then


high school

its the old sound of the music, it's somewhat close to eurobeat and the music that was popular in mid 2000s in europe




it's somewhat close to eurobeat and the music that was popular in mid 2000s in europe

so true

my exact feeling but I was always too dumb to convert that feel into a thought



glad i could help i forgot about this video until that anon posted the megan cover



dont feel bad about it if you consider wanting to buy it a few years ago and selling now, thats a 4-5x gain max

cant say the same about when it first came out and it was a few cents/dollars though... thats a big missing out



i sold at 19k recently. i'm poor as shit and starving for money so i didn't have the bollocks to gamble my last pennies but now i feel bad about missing out on more gains...



you still have time to get into dogecoin



thank you chingu


pretty sure it's going to 40k minimum, 60-100k next year if i had to guess. maybe if it'll dip a lot i'll get in.



i think a lot of it has to do with the usd losing value, that shit been down for the past month, look at its chart with any other currency




yeah 1$ from 90cent to 80c in 2020 is pretty steep... but i think it's now normans buying at these prices, just because litecoin seems to be the only altcoin rocketing and that's what turbonormies buy when they want to get in



if you wanna feel like missing out every week, get into stonks and be like me



i read about stonk investing and decided i'll be better off buying index... how are you supposed to outperform institutional buyers unless someone tips you off about some undervalued literal who paper?



buying index funds is supposed to be very low risk to the point you are guaranteed to make some profit over a year

stonks is a ball game, you can invest in certain low risk big names or dump mone like a retard in higher risk ones for short term


do you buy bitcoin/stonks as an addition to wageslaving or is this your main source of income?



i am wageslaving and i put most of what little savings i could make into stonks, there is no way investing like this is a source of income every month unless you're a day trader and you make so many trades every month to the point where you could make some good money or lose some good money day in day out



yeah but wouldn't dropping money on high risk stuff just increase the variance of the outcome of your folio, but not really increase the expected profit? so you'll still be expected to make no more than index, though you could easily make much more or get burned. i don't know, i guess bottom line is that i don't have enough capital to make money with stonks anyways...

do you day trade btw or mostly hold?



I hate to be that guy because your post is all interesting, high quality and all but damn... Sihyeon has nice pits...



I think she has gained some weight back this year.


Would you kiss Handong? I would.



did you see those retards on /r/wallstreetbets ? when a really high risk is involved you can lose it all or win it all, some of those retards go all in on one stock and dont diversify so theres no other outcome


i like her pits too but they arent really visible there



I think about kissing her quite often




i like her pits too but they arent really visible there

they kinda are

I think this chest fat next to her pit is really omo



i liked it from the first seconds i heard, and it played a big part in sihyeon becoming one of my biggest waifus



I put a few 100's bucks into crypto like 2 or 3 years ago and I am just letting it sit there since there. I have no idea what the value is now



I think it had the same impact on me as Tag Me

after first listen I knew they would be one of my top groups



i really cant tell which poster you are but for those 2 groups you are me


imagine if the pics werent so filtered


Did you guys like Suzy little in the Produce 101 and 48 or did you start liking her after debut?



only in that first one


i legitimately didnt notice her watching that shit show, but now shes one of my top 11 waifus...




one of my top 11 waifus...

based footybro

remember that the goalkeeper has to be the purest one



that was the only thought out position, and captain saerom as a CMD

with that lineup you dont need tactics though, you could play any formation and win


i think this was her only important piece of screentime


female football if a joke but if FC Rumor streamed some games I would watch it



thats only because the korean national team didnt use my lineup


i may be good at picking girls but not at tactics...


imagine shirts swapping at the end of the game



:lookdown: what do those female players have underneath? sports bras?


According to Oricon, BTS earned 10.7 Billion Yen ($104M USD) in Japan in 2020 across all releases, the highest ever for a Korean artist in a single year. MOTS: 7 The Journey earned 5.41B Yen ($52M USD) & Dynamite earned 1.22B Yen ($11.7M USD)

100 Mill a year in Japan ALONE

They are making some fucking skrilla holy shit




i decided im only gonna post her until we get an update on sihyeon and yiren 's health

maybe this hiatus is a part of a bigger plan to give her a side job as a football player


that's surprisingly high, the group makes billions then




Our promotions have overlapped before, and I couldn’t take my eyes off you.




What an absolute chad expressing her feelings so openly in front of so many people



I wish I was Yves

Elly is a top tier cutie



ok but u know where im looking in #1 then , in #2 im only looking at her beautiful face though


Honestly sometimes I can't even pick which Loona to post because they all have so many good pics so I always end up like pic related



They did use them quite a bit in that era


unpopular opinion:

i like my girls without lenses



Yves wore long socks and short shorts to show fans her beautiful AT field and those fucking the show retards didn't show it



idk if it's unpopular

I like the artificial look with crazy memehair and lenses but idk if liking that is common



Luckily fansigns were stil la thing back then



i only like the memehair, most of the time i find it odd when kgirls have blue eyes

1280×7202.63Mb00:15[EVERGLOW] 에픽로그 S2 ep2 <>



it odd when kgirls have blue eyes

imo it's super cool


what the fuck did Henlo mean by this?



wow those are awesome, but i think aisha is a special case because she has very big and sultry eyes



Hopefully next comeback replaces the pants they had for this one with shorts or skirts again




explain somi then

leaving JYP was a massive fuck up

I know YG lets you do drugs but imo it still wasn't worth it



look at Onda's shoes



she really looks good with those

retard autist question : how can i tell if a kpop is wearing non-meme color lenses ?

1000×4901.06Mb00:10aisha cannibal



how can i tell if a kpop is wearing non-meme color lenses

you mean the normal lenses for bad eyesight or lenses that are brown/dark?



the latter, since i dont think they wear vision lenses a lot and if they do those should mantain their natural eye color right?


Love qts with meme hair

Love qts with natural hair

Love qts with lenses

Love qts without lenses

Simple as



you can see the lenses in very high quality pics

the lenses are usually a bit blue, they are done like that instead of being 100% transparent so you can see them better while putting them on


Literally me me me



so like the pic you posted? that one is clearly lenses but im wondering if theres any actual natural brown/black ones that kpops wear




Literally me me me

Are you shy though?




so like the pic you posted?

no, that's just a cute Aisha

the pics have to be super high quality, you know the ones when you can see skin pores

Pinky's right eye is how it would look like




im gonna post a divisive question here:

more like dumb question

I can't pick just one thing


there has to be one thing that you like the most...


lenses question bro? are you still here?

you can see the actual lenses here well

pay attention that the lens has a bit bigger diameter than the colored part/pupil


>>534077 yeah, this one is a bit obvious if you look closely at the high q picture because the blue is really distinguishable



I think just the general feel of softness and feminity is a lot stronger with kqts that westerners



definitely the eyes

that's why I think someone like Arin is not only pretty but unique



well if it wasn't obvious you wouldn't be able to tell if it's a lens or not...



yeah, we're still not done with christmas dishes, even though we didn't have guests lol

and also, lucky me, I had a water leak and had to clean dirty water from the floor

506×500478.88Kb00:03160208 Moksuta yooa jiho 1


so im only gonna be able to tell if its some super high quality photoshoot pic... im disappointed






it was aaahhhh, I did it several times to Choerry



Now this is a bit too excessive for me in terms of lenses


we saw things we werent supposed to >>534102



We love Nardo itt




cute as fuck

That is 50% of Heejin pics


heejin s small hands are so cute there



it's useful in a lot of contexts, not just booba


i really like hj



older than the trees, younger than the mountains, growing like a breeze




Kim Minju Angel


Ryu Sujeong Burger


also there is not much to talk about

no comebacks or new shows



I have a Christmas break at my current job but I used it to find a new one and I have a job interview in 90 minutes

I hope the HR jews won't ask me any dumb questions




shitposting can be always fun

I haven't posted on mu for so long that I don't even know if I know how tho shit post



don't forget to spin things

like when they ask you for weaknesses and you say something like

"yeah, I may work slower sometimes but that is because I tend to be very precise"


current meta is sock tea, don't ask about it


it is hard nowadays




"yeah, I may work slower sometimes but that is because I tend to be very precise"

thats a good one


it shouldn't be, i work in fucking it but its always been hard for entry level




current meta is sock tea, don't ask about it

unfortunately it's pretty much self-explanatory...



should I tell them that I have autism and speaking to strangers is scary to me?

I'm pretty sure they will notice that anyway




no subs again?

DC content stopped getting official subs around the BOCA comeback

7dreamers got serious about subbing tho so the subs will be on vlive in 2-4 days




Aespa creating its own legacy

honestly I thought their legacy would be booba related



few people mentioned it here and there but most just shitpost about socks



I was still looking for internship to get experience this year

4 months of hell till I got very lucky



no, please edit it with 2023 or 2023 already


i couldnt find any internship while still in uni, not that i could juggle studies and work together with my shitty time management, i started one like one day after graduating and now i'm still there but like i said they might fire us all juniors




they might fire us all juniors

I hope Squid Junior will be alright



that was exactly mine, internship for 3 months and then extended for 3 months with garbage pay, i didnt know at first why it was specifically 3 months and not undefined like most other companies but then it hit me



the pre-bangs era

I love Siyeon again now but I really didn't like her styling during Scream and Boca



but that is thighs related


Sua was great during Boca

especially the look around the "too many angels dying now" line



every company does things differently

it is just pretty words on your resume for the most part



I know, but it would have been nice to know that I gained some skills and can pass other technical interviews



True but at least you kinda see how those companies operate


some aren't even 2020 or kpop, the statistic is skewed because la di da came out late into the year and i think it's soty, but i guess i didn't listen to it as much


My top 15 songs in 2020 in release date order, limit 1 song per act:

Here We Are - GFriend

Fiesta - Izone

Wannabe - Itzy

Lalalilala - April

Dolphin - Oh My Girl

Hug - Bol4

Pporappippam - Sunmi

Hello - Weeekly

Aloha Oe - Cherry Bullet

Far - Yooa

Weather - Fromis

Lovesick Girls - Blackpink

Voice - Loona

Dingga - Mamamoo

I Don't Miss U - Wooah



my most played songs are usually the ones that hype me up or take me down like Wave



that is definitely one, i listened to it more in 2019 though



I normally like Squid but in this pic she looks so much better than usually



yeah, maybe its the dark eyes shining so much against all the bright things in the picture



no... it lifts my mood a little though, i found some videos like that


yooh is so feminine



they do, but i'm still hooked on those for certain reasons

MADE is clearly the better album but since i like so many songs in there they are a lot more spread out



Yeah, maybe.

It's just that Crooked feels way too generic (maybe that makes it easy to listen to)

While Fantastic Baby just feels old. I can't help it but that main electro thing remids me too much of all the shit electronic music from 2000's and I can't get over it



i like crooked because its very energetic but the lyrics are quite depressing, songs like that are kinda interesting

with fantastic baby i'm biased because thats one of the first songs i heard




its very energetic but the lyrics are quite depressing

Tbh I never pay attention to lyrics.

I noticed one thing in myself recently and that is that I am starting to enjoy songs that I used to hate few years back. One such example is GD's "Go" which is just so fucking messy instrumentally but for some reason suddenly I find something appealing in it.

Same thing with some bands from 60's and 70's that were mega fucked up by drugs and did all sorts of weird shit in their music.

Makes me wonder how my music taste will evolve further



I thought so too, but then at some point my brain went


this actually makes sense at some level

and I started enjoying it.

We learned about similar concept in literature back in High School, about the beauty of ugliness when we were going over Charles Baudelaire and his poem about decomposing corpse, but back then I was too stupid to comprehend this sort of stuff. And to be honest you aren't really ever gonna think about such concepts when you are 16 years old.

548×5402.86Mb00:07160827 우주소녀(WJSN, Cosmic Girls) - 우주소녀 2ND MINI ALBUM [ THE SECRET] @대구 팬사인회 [직캠 Fancam] By 벤뎅이

well that interview went well

I think I will get the job




yeah the beauty of ugliness is a concept

some really plastic idols are objectively ugly but imo there is something really hot and alluring about them



I don't want to coomer post but for example this Jessi is really really hot imo and it makes me think




yeah the beauty of ugliness is a concept, i can't find that in kpop though

For me, I can't see or understand shit in other forms of art such as paintings, poems, etc.

The only art form that I have some sort of understanding for is music (probably because it is the most natural and basic one) and through it I have discovered and understood some of these concepts with time. However looking back, the way that art is taught in schools doesn't help at all since they just cram your head full of shit and have 0 emphasis on experiencing the art on your own.



schools aren't good at a lot of things, the only arts i relate to are music and cinema, when it comes to those boomer arts you mentioned im a brainlet and cant see the appeal




and cant see the appeal

Me neither, but a part of me thinks it's caused by my very shit experiences with those art forms from school that made me want to never touch them again



I can't get Yoo out of my mind

It's getting too stronger

My feelings for Yoo

I can't get Yoo out of my mind



Maybe not, but as I said I never would have thought that Michigo would be a song for me and now it is



maybe i'll feel that about some groups i dont like now



I loved the Minju cut

especially when she was embarrassed when PD-nim praised her



Sounds pretty good. I complete missed they debuted. There was a lot of talk about it in like August.

Also, I heard Ateez is somewhat similar to DC.




There was a lot of talk about it in like August.

when they started dropping the individual teasers I thought it would be a huge debut, the amount of effort their agency put in them was amazing

but then nothing happened for months, I have no idea what happened


Also, I heard Ateez is somewhat similar to DC.

never listened to them but they work with Leez&Ollounder so it's possible they sound similar to DC



Apink had the SOTY for the past 3 years so no wonder even new bros know them

how new are you tho?




like year

I'm jealous

getting into kpop was a beautiful experience and I wish I could watch some MVs for the first time again

what got you into kpop?



you made it



Ex-crush was a fan that introduced me to the idea. Some time later, I was kinda nervous weekend before some dental procedure and I decided to check it out. Listened to some Twice/Red Velvet/Blackpink and here we are.




I was kinda nervous weekend before some dental procedure and I decided to check it out

that's pretty cute



that's weird

all the other euro countries are familiar with the concept of teeth brushing




tfw not a single wisdom tooth removed

I guess that's why I'm so god damn smart


don't check Hitomi's private mail from today



I guess I was smarter as I had 2 sets of wisdom teeth.

But they removed them and I like Kpop now.




But they removed them and I like Kpop now.


kpopbros we got too cocky




that's the studio Minju and Eunbi doxxed in that cursed vlive



didnt she posted something about some day of remembrance in China some time after diagnosis? she is probably fine but tired

any news on Lia?



I don't remember exactly but I think definitely was after the diagnosis.


you want covid-19 plasma for yourself and sihyeon? time to use your influencer status to get more followers for our party




implying this little pinko was not on board with CCP from the beginning



not she doesn't


10 credits were added to your social score



you need billions for a girl like yiren, she's a 1 in 10 million girl



nice appartment and chinese wife when we get taken over


i hope c stands for chinese and not the c-word



if I were him I would be more worried about the American part



good for you but I don't remember asking




can't believe I've never seen that clip before

I'm a bad fan



yes, you're a bad fan for not checking her ig every hour

she just posted it like 20m ago



I don't really check the IG stories

some kpops spam them too much



i think there is 0 chance of something super lewd ever popping on a kpop's ig by mistake



remember when IU posted a pic in bed with some gaypop on her SNS by accident?



yeah but that wasnt lewd, imagine if a kpop posts something very lewd by mistake, thats a career ending move or a sudden surge in popularity if its a nugu group



I don't have any but I hope she is feeling better.



love Blonde Sana



Depends on how much. Pornography is banned in Korea and I don't know where they cross the line what is and what isnt considered as it.



it wont be considered as porn so long as they dont show genitals, so its not a legal problem but rather about losing dignity and respect



i think literally nothing will happen, she'll get less CFs for a while, the group will cb with her and everyone has forgotten



Same quality?

Maybe she decided that it was too low res for her loyal fans



it says 27 minutes ago, so it must be the literal same file, but she must have made it private



its pretty ironic how this place seems to think badly of irene because of one incident but forgave izone for their rigging scandal



i dont think the izone members were responsible for it, but im one of the people that has a clouded judgment of the group because of the rigging, it just doesnt feel right




Same thing with some bands from 60's and 70's that were mega fucked up by drugs and did all sorts of weird shit in their music.

like who?



how the hell are those two things in any way connected? One is a person being an asshole to other people for no reason and the other is some random executives manipulating idols careers.

SM drones



dont quote me mate, im literally the one who said the izone members aren't responsible for it, they're in a way victims of this too, although they probably like being those kinda victims lol



I don't think badly of Irene, personally. It was just to meme her, she's still alright in my book.

For weird personal reasons I dislike specific idols, like Sistar's Hyorin. Something about her face... and not exactly her ugliness.



the former is an argument between stylists and irene while the latter is literal fraud


even if Busan personally bribed the PD-nim I still wouldn't mind

she would do it to make her life better while Irene was a bitch only because it pleases her, she didn't gain anything from it


in the grand scheme of things the izone situation is way worse but the guilty are some gook men in their 40s or 50s who we don't even know



based drone

it was a mistake trying to find fault in izone here

this place loves that group too much




it was a mistake trying to find fault in izone here

yeah because that argument was retarded and not comparable to the Irene situation at all


all Irene posters have senile dementia just like Irene so you shouldn't be so harsh

582×8101.16Mb00:08위클리 먼데이(Weeekly MONDAY)가 ‘경상도 사투리와 월요일’을 이긴 사연! [TD습격영상]-zDHJwqzPAlw



Love Izone



any time i may have doubts over my sexuality, that pic will bring me back


So people actually fell for that new Twice app and it seems the responses they get are from interns at best or bots at worst



There is some new app which for several dollars allows you to join chats with idols.



so like private mail but in theory you actually chat with the idols?

lmao did oncels really think Twice members would have time to text with all the fans?


my waifu only corresponds with me via letters


tfw waifu tells me she loves me and misses me



do you have any more karaoke Binnie?

I've been listening to those idol radio vids posted her yesterday a lot



based Rapnnie

that song is so good for a karaoke

also lmao at Arin doing the crayon pop dance at 1:29




also lmao at Arin doing the crayon pop dance

pump it up lol



Kpop's holy trinity is cute, sexy and beautiful and that outfit covers every part of it

1280×7202.43Mb00:05_ <>


very classy

also be careful what you wish for


imagine being the next customer....




n.CH Entertainment announced on fancafe that Saebom and Loha would return to active schedules starting in January, Loha having been out since May, and Saebom been out since shortly after Girls promotions started.


Aurora is still on hiatus due to the pandemic, shes still in China but was recently apart of a Live event with Nature via video call, and posts on Nature's weibo.

I don't buy it, she left to China to attend the same show Handong did and Handong came back long time ago




rip Nature?

the two members who were gone are coming back

it's the opposite of RIP


Girl's was an amazing song

I liked them before for their looks but with that mini they also made me a fan of their music




I liked them before for their looks but with that mini they also made me a fan of their music

literally me

1200×1080512.64Kb00:0220190817-방탄과 세븐틴의 춤을 동시에 춰본다면 #BTS #SEVENTEEN [이세퀴] EP.08 (ENG)-mcWtcbqf9no





I think MBK's ballads were really good

even the forced rap parts they had didn't bother me


I wish she would show them more often



oh damn, probably

he's sharing some of them on kpop24hrs without tricks or anything, I thought he was a nice person lol



I think the only way is to follow this account

And wait until they open registrations, but I can also share stuff in here if you want, like almost any performance from 2015 to 2020 (from music shows)



do they have the ts files or what? i once downloaded a shit ton of those from JPS when they had freeleech and im hoarding them



yeah, all ts/tp files

only recently they started to upload 1080p instead of 1080i because some channels are getting encrypted




1080p instead of 1080i

what's the difference?

also can you redpill me on the ts/tp meme format? the files seem like they take more space than they should be



1080p is usually better ONLY if it comes from like Bluray, but in this case, they're using inferior sources (like TVing) and the videos look the same or worse than what they look on Youtube; the ts files are directly ripped from TV, so you're getting what everyone on their homes are seeing

the i on 1080i means interlaced, to save space while broadcasting the video, so your TV does the deinterlacing; it's saves half the space compared to 1080p. But nowadays, with 4k they're using h265 so there's no need to that anymore


try this

[TV-Music] Dal Shabet - B.B.B (Simply Kpop 2014.02.11)





oh right, the song is from that year, they started to archive from 2015



thanks shame that they dont have BBB, i might try on jps again but who knows when there'll be seeders



considering the whole package

song, MV, outfits, dance, live stages etc this is probably my favorite kpop comeback of all time


mpv seems to be pretty good at playing these tp/ts files

i remember when i downloaded a ton of them i was using vlc like a retard and i think it was stuttering



years later, I still can't get over the dashi doorawa part, gets me so hyped



yeah mpv is so light to run, quite an advantage

are you using the "official" one? I recently discovered which seems easier to install


i have a bunch of t-ara 9 muses and fiestar tp/ts downloaded if anyone wants a particular stage


yeah the official one, isnt like a GUI on top of the original?



I think is just like the installer and a few things, from the screenshot looks exactly the same

haven't tried it, since it's only for Windows



I think you're only missing the deinterlacing part, the filter Yadif should do the trick



the default is always off, mpv used to have "deinterlacing=auto" but they removed that for some reason

also, not sure if you already have this in your config file, but if you press Ctrl+h you will activate hardware acceleration, which should make 4k @ 60 fps play smoother

904×8004.58Mb00:04141012 SBS The 3D 2014 Dream Concert Dal shabet - B.B.B (Big Baby Baby)


should look with 60 fps like this




i just pressed d to make it work and i thought it did

but did it say "Deinterlace: yes"? if you have bloq mayus on, it activates something else


i added a script that should detect what to deinterlace automatically

it seems to be gone now

hardware acceleration doesnt seem to do anything, i have the default for that

#ctrl+h cycle-values hwdec "auto" "no" # cycle hardware decoding



wait, it looks interlaced if i play it here, but not if i play my local file



oh, maybe it gets deinterlaced in your machine but not while making it




신동의 심심타파 - Dalshabet - B.B.B(Live), 달샤벳 - 비비비(Live) 20140115-[00.20.667-00.33.083]



lmao at Ahyoung going crazy after seeing Woohee going crazy





thats what i love about those colors

its a shame these files look like shit even if they're ts, tp and big in size

2014 in gook TV quality still sucked

this one looks a little better but the cameraman is a retard



problem was MPEG2 back then, it has a lot of pixelation with LED screens

h264 is much better for that


this outfit is not bad either


it looks like mpeg2 is used for all those old ts/tp files, i remember watching stages in my normie kpop days on youtube on my old laptop and they all looked so bad even now i see so many artefacts, but on my old laptop the interlacing was insane and bothering



for me too but imo they are both in the top 1% of prettiest kpops


so subin's top goes in her pants, but where does it end?


for me too, but yeonwoo is a goddess aswell


:lookdown: i shouldnt be looking there




i remember these before even knowing the song

you should be arrested


i just l-looked

did you know subin lied about her height all along?


Did Happy:) CEO change around 2017?

How did their groups go from Dal Shabet and Minx to Dreamcatcher?



you mean from based and questionable to based? seems like it's been great except for the minx year


Gaeun was really tall as well



they wouldnt know unless they had a close encounter

this shouldnt be on national tv


bbb sold like 5k copies....





maybe she can control herself, since she's experienced




I like alcohol too but I hate hangover so much I almost never drink


I really like those aesthetics


I wonder if the guy who is into masks likes pics related as well


my beautiful 39 years old actressfu


Reflection — Yuri, Minju (IZ*ONE) + Soojin, Basedeon (GIDLE) + Ryujin, Yeji (ITZY)


Across the Universe (Baek Yerin) — Chaewon (IZ*ONE), Minnie (GIDLE), Hyojung (OH MY GIRL)


Wonyoung x SSAK3 - Beach again

great stages



Not really. I certainly has its appeal but it is not the same.



my first thought was mulan but i don't wanna hear gooklish

1080×19202.87Mb00:05[안방1열 직캠4K] 에스파 카리나 'Black Mamba' (aespa KARINA FanCam)│@SBS Inkigayo_2020.12.13# 03.02



its different because this hides their best feature, the eyes


Soy is pretty cute to be honest


we want Yujin in some special stage



actually we are happy that Busan got in

Wony tho, she should stay at home and eat some burgers instead of performing



yujin is a shit best friend to not feed wony


I watched a documentary about bulimia and it said that bulimia is highly contagious

when a girl gets it it's very likely that some other girls in her class will follow

also hospitalized bulimia patients have to be separated from each other because they always encourage each other to lose weight and continue the unhealthy behavior

ergo Hitomi is to blame for Wony's situation



Watch Black Coal, Thin Ice. It is incredible what the main actress looks like.


gooks on netizenbuzz always say that actresses are more beautiful than idols

I wonder if it's true



I don't know if you can generalize it this way.

But they probably don't suffer from that much stress.


google "korean actress"


Suzy is the second result



some actresses are really uggo and i dont know why gooks love them so much

probably because theyre talented and idols are apparently just a pretty face according to them



Thanks. The name didn't exactly give it away.

I guess we can't expect all girls be like Busan.



It is squidposting from mu.

someone types "squid..." and others write it as well while posting more pictures

it is fun



I don't think we have enough squidposters to play that game



we are a small kpop community

there are some good things about it, like low level of mental illness

but there are also some drawbacks



Yeah, this happens a lot.

It is nice to regularly meet and even recognize people but it is easy for many small communities to die quickly when few people leave.




It is nice to regularly meet and even recognize people but it is easy for many small communities to die quickly when few people leave.

rip 2chen

this place has been alive for 3 years tho so I don't think it will die anytime soon


this thread has like 6-8 people

the /wood/ one probably around the same but some posters post in both threads so I would say like 12 people in total



i wonder if the admin and mods could see our ip addresses and laugh at us talking to each other


why is the wood thread called the international thread but the int thread isn't?



legit question, why are there 2 threads in the first place anyways? i post on both so i dont get the factions



most likely, koreans dont ever go to jail



this one was originally a 2chen refugee thread. it was starting to die and then irene's attitude thing happened and some argument happened which made one well known poster move here and other people followed i mainly stay here because i'm from 2chen



well at that time the split happened some posters moved here, i was in both threads for a while but i like the people here and the no explicit rules so i'm staying here


waifu pattern posting



idk the guy. this is just based off my observations. they were referring to the poster by name



he posts a lot of certain girls that i also like so its easy to spot when those are posted, other than that not really



good thing i dont encode my titles in files



see this file has a title attached to it



since we're all being honest here i'm gonna come out and say i agree


Zohan is too powerful



one girl I knew

her dress started falling apart during three different dances




Reflection — Yuri, Minju (IZ*ONE) + Soojin, Basedeon (GIDLE) + Ryujin, Yeji (ITZY)


softest girls in IZONE mixed with team girl crush


Soojin is fierce on stage but in the bts videos she seems like a shy girl




Looks are not that important for a woman

not true



he should have learnt from Jisook's husband

instead of stalking her that gook just tried to be friends with people who were friends with Jisook and later he met her naturally in a non creepy way



lol jisook was the one who was trying to bag him, not the other way round


I don't normally focus on Jinsoul, but I have to say she looks really good in this performance



I like how Chuu was bouncing between their kisses.

Chuu is a chad



she posted this over a week ago but there's still no appearance with this outfit


get the 2022 one ready chingus



she has a white tank top under it but it blends well


So what are you up to guys?



Giving your Kim Minju Angel wife a goodbye kiss as she heads off to work




Kim Minju Angel wife

I'm going to learn lucid dreaming just to experience that



Not him but yes. It is very hard to achive normally. I experienced it like one or twice in my life.

But people use some substances that increase changes on it. Also they are techniques to archive it like waking in the middle of the night in certain part of sleep cycle. Even then you need to understand how to grasp yourselve during sleep without waking up.


if aespa debuted 3 years ago we'd have an aespa - daespacito cover



if Aespa debuted 3 years ago they would be all too young for the concept they have now



our girl is so pretty



wow thats so honorable

it must mean that sm is better than jyp



if I was super rich I would debut a group with Kyungri, Woohee, Lime, Hyomin and Jaekyung

1280×720934.84Kb00:03[최종화] 승희(OH MY GIRL)와 다함께 놀아요!



I thought about putting some girls like Nana or Nara but imo they are doing too good at acting to get into idol industry again



i think the problem is that most of the time the members aren't all within 1 year difference, the ages are quite spread out, other than that idols debuting at 22-23 wouldn't be new but i cant see a full group with all members over 20 debuting


nara must join it



You are right. It rarely happens like with Blackpink.


my heart...


my eyes hurt for some reason and looking at kqts is literally painful, what did I do to deserve such suffering



I will listen to joe rogan podcasts and ppomo's asmrs for the rest of the day and tomorrow's morning

I hope it will help


I couldn't care less about age tbh

some of my waifus are 15, some are 30+, as long as they are cute/sexy/beautiful I love them

1150×10801.40Mb00:02200711 SBS FIL Weplay 2 EP.02



Arin song was a mistake

maybe next time...



Arin is such a walking meme

I got into her during her Womanrin stage and I thought she is a serious woman




wtf are you talking about didn't make it? They're from a nugu company and they're doing nugu numbers, nothing weird there. They don't have a billion won investment behind them like Weeekly or Aespa.


I would marry Chaesol if she wanted to change her idol life into a life of a lower middle class engineer's wife



I wonder if an idol would settle for a loving neet


>>535352 that's because she is

2021 is gonna be better, guys, right?




WW3 could start next year




interesting, might aswell do it as long as ourgirls are evacuated in time


maybe 2021 will be that good


i love her so much



i disagree, she is cuter without them though

what does everyone think about my gf? we just graduated


yoon borrowed this look from her


waifuism, she taught me a lot about it too


this is very interesting, Hani hugged Sunmi with her coat in some festival yet they weren't close back then


these pics are so soft


hani is close to everyone tho?



what Sunmi meant is that Hani reached out to her without really being close, because I'm sure both of their fandoms believed they were good friends already



oh i see, thats the power of hani though. im sure everyone would be happy to see her



winter = soft clothes = comfy

we love winter here




ive only now noticed how basic the font is

my chink phone did its best ok?


it wont be, this guy cursed it for us all


ill update you guys tomorrow or the other day on my 2020



better be with pictures and infographics and a detailed excel presentation



i would post it now but im unsure how the next 2 days will go



I want them to be poor like me, can't relate to a variety where Seunghee is saying she's undecided between a BMW or an Audi



Gopnik teenagers can't decide between BMW and Audi, but they don't have a lot of money



it was a regular year for me, everything moved forward slowly as I like, from the kpop part it was enjoyable



for me this was the year i realized i should probably bow to my fate and stay neet for the remaining years i have left



Dunno about Russian gopniks, but here in EU cars like that aren't allowed on roads anymore so our gopniks have to buy old german cars or Skoda




stay neet for the remaining years i have left

but what if you're young? can't be a neet for 40-50 years



i somehow can't imagine living past 50 years old. does it even matter what you do at that age, if you don't have a family?


when I win it, of course



I'm not sure how it works if you want to buy nugus like Cignature tier, maybe it's not possible even with a lot of money



872×8001.96Mb00:06[Fancam]160423 오마이걸(OH MY GIRL) 비니 CUPID @익산 원음 공개방송 직캠 by.Lockheed-Lan18VG6gHo


fresh out of boram


Thank you all I needed that

1080×12503.27Mb00:07160423 오마이걸OhMyGirl - Talk [아하데이 익산중앙공원] by drighk 직캠fancam-USgPSi7jf9M




lol she's always saying she's shy, but I guess she's a good girl and does all the sexy things she's told to do (or was told, I'm sure her opinion matters now)

600×612568.16Kb00:04[weee -kloud] EP.21 위클리가 MMA 신인상을!-SMuMuVYZaJ0


dang, EXID's Hyelin works as a waitress now, I thought they were popular but then again, she was the least popular of the group



this is why i don't believe most people when they say someone has made it



I wonder who in my favorite group will serve me drinks when I visit Korea in like 10 years...



true, at least they're not going to pretend to be together, always the least popular members end up losing


to the guy who wanted my 2020 blogpost, i think i might not find out how it ends until next week look forward to it on next monday


Elkie posted some long handwritten letter on her IG



thats exactly it, i didnt know how to describe it


2021 will probably be worse as economic consequences will come full force



maybe globally but for me personally it will be better for sure

since I got the new job and I'm starting in January




are you the guy who interviewed the other day? congrats

yes and thanks



thats based

this period is difficult for finding a new job, literally no one is recruiting in december which is full of holidays, theres even a big company i'm at the beginning of the recruitment process for which would take 3-4 weeks and it's been put on hold because everyone is going on vacations...




this period is difficult for finding a new job

I was always really lucky at lets say business life

I believe I used all my luck on that and that's why my private life is such a joke


which would take 3-4 weeks

damn, that would be stressful af


3 moths at the start, then 9 months and after that indefinite




3 moths at the start, then 9 months and after that indefinite

that is good, you are lucky, I have just ended 3 and got another 3




I have just ended 3 and got another 3

aren't you still in uni tho? that's pretty common with students




it doesn't always get worse

i feel like over the years some things for me have definitely gotten better but i cant just ignore the things that have gotten worse



business life

thats all you really need tbh, there's those candidates often that may not be the best but they can get by anywhere and always get offers


that would be stressful af

it would be, but this is a big multinational and there is no way i'm getting in, so i'm not stressed at all plot twists like that don't just happen in my life





yes but I am near the end and the entire company has a rule now against hiring full time and indefinitely


it is always something, you can expect something biting you in the ass every year but though sometimes are get lucky and other times you feel like you just got punched in the guts




you feel like you just got punched in the guts

its the worst when like all the bad things during a month all happen in 3-4 days, it feels very overwhelming

that was my early october this year and probably the following days now




there's those candidates often that may not be the best but they can get by anywhere and always get offers

in my case I'm both lucky and the best


but this is a big multinational and there is no way i'm getting in

from what I heard it's easier to get into those



yes but I am near the end

when I was near the end my old company didn't even give me a contract, they just paid me with cash to avoid taxation

but now I have over 3 years of experience so I'm glad they treat me better


the entire company has a rule now against hiring full time and indefinitely

wew lad

that's a shitty rule




easier to get into those

i would say it is for like internships where a lot of them have many vacancies, dozens a year

but if its a position with only one or two vacancies its definitely harder, more competition and a long and thorough multiple interview process


company didn't even give me a contract

i hope thats me my contract ends tomorrow and tomorrow i took a day off so today is my last day and im shitposting here



I will keep my fingers crossed for you pushing through this period.


3 years sound great, I hope that my at least 6 months will help me

before getting this job, it was hell




my contract ends tomorrow and tomorrow i took a day off so today is my last day and im shitposting here

did they talk to you about signing a new contract already?




before getting this job, it was hell

getting a good job right after uni is almost impossible but imo for a good reason

for the first few months at your first job you simply suck and you know nothing about the stuff you are supposed to do



you are right but hopefully this will help

I may not be currently doing very important stuff but I am working in one of the biggest companies in the industry so at least good for reputation



it will help for sure

this will be my second job ever so I don't know much about changing jobs but friends who change them often say it gets easier every time they try

you just have to be lucky to find another company who does similar stuff to your previous one



I think it really depends

you get more experience but it can also show unreliability

also depends on how much new things or approaches to have to adapt to



no, they didnt tell any of us anything about it, not even hey retards you're fired or hey you'll get a slightly better wage from january



you just have to be lucky to find another company who does similar stuff to your previous one

im out of luck then




it can also show unreliability

everyone knows how people with little experience are treated so I don't think changing jobs often when you have little experience is seen as something bad



no, they didnt tell any of us anything about it, not even hey retards you're fired or hey you'll get a slightly better wage from january



im out of luck then

epic x 2

are you an engineer as well? in my branch of engineering the specialization is huge

there are like 5 main engineering programs the companies use so it's sometimes hard to find the one which uses the program you know



degree in computer engineering but working as a programmer like everyone else here, the stuff we did at work was very niche though and i havent learnt much that could be useful outside of here which is why i wanted to get out as soon as possible



that doesn't make me feel better

I'm just curious why, the other thread is like 80% programmers


welcome to the non-programming club



i think its a correlation between jobs like these and male kpop fans, not just on but everywhere



yeah, or other engineering-like jobs

and with a lot of male kpop fans being nerds/weebs/koreaboos or whatever you wanna call them, thats how you get so many in this field... neets probably make up a big percentage too



do you use your powers to shill your group's albums?


The official VOD for DC concert is up

no special stages tho



she's eating in the first one. idk where the second one is from but she's probably eating there too



ITZY's new member looks cute af


jihanbros we got too cocky


BLACKPINK's ROSÉ to film solo MV next month in mid-January

Hype can't even describe how I feel right now



Last time it was YHS's promises. This time it


a) makes sense

because Jitho is filming her drama so they can't have a full group comeback


b)is coming from their new CEO

who announced the plans for The Album and all of those plans actually happened as announced so hopefully this will continue

Obviously I still don't believe shit about the actual release date, but I believe it is actually coming this time



He still has stake in the company, but reading through the news in the past few months, he has several lawsuits going on, revolving around his gambling, around the Seungri situation and the BI drug situation. I think he is a bit too busy with that to be fuckign around with the company.

Also, with iKon being effectively dead after BI left, Winner having a hiatus due to members going into military, BB members being silent, YG right now is effectively just BP, AKMU and a few soloists so they have to release stuff otherwise the company is dead



yeah theres no denying bp will churn out stuff whether its solos or whatever, literally everyone else there is on hiatus


if this doesnt make others love noonas, i dont know what will


tbh Stayc should be a bit more active

I get that the promos ended but daily selcas wouldn't hurt



yeah i was so hooked on them in november but lately i kinda forgot about them



everglow has a similar problem

I'm obsessed with them when they are promoting and kinda forget about them in between promos



m-maybe, as long as she's close and I can smell her


our girl listening to the song of the decade



Dumb Dumb lyrics are actually genius tho

700×8001.73Mb00:04[안방1열 직캠4K] 스테이씨 아이사 'SO BAD' (STAYC ISA FanCam)│@SBS Inkigayo_2020.11.22. <>


cute girls with big butts are my favorite



good taste, i really like her but i try to limit myself from seeing her butt webms, stayc is not for that



I look at other cute girls with big butts like Yoohyeon, Sohee and Romsae so I think I will apply the same rules to Isa



i dont have any rules in place for those 3 you mentioned so i should treat isa differently, even though she is a sohee type of girl


i liked i mean a lot more, but no more is a great song too

488×9381.04Mb00:02스테이씨(STAYC)가 라이브와 립싱크로 촬영한 ‘SO BAD’ 셀프 뮤직비디오! [TD습격영상] (1080p_30fps_VP9-128kbit_AAC)


honestly you can look at butts with no lewd intentions

some of them give me similar feeling to the one I feel while looking at beautiful landscapes or paintings



yeah i meant for isa i will just occasionally look and nothing else



does it mean you do more than just occasionally looking for the other girls I mentioned?

you fucking monster



not him but i think its nice enough, and she wore jeans so thats another positive




how many % is her butt bigger than average korean?

sorry autismbro but I'm not going to entertain you today


posting bullshit


someone points it out


you're autist




how many % is her butt bigger than average korean?

how would you calculate that?

only autist could ask that question


please stop fighting or ill never post isa again



I'm not fighting

I'm just pointing out that he is being silly and asking dumb questions



I've tried to show that >>535966 is a dumb post, you just didn't get it

now I have to elaborate it

even if you think her butt is somehow big by korean standards (which I doubt), compared to average korean butt it would be bigger by a few percents max, so you can't call it 'big', even in your weird coomer's imagination


can't see much difference, both are small




can't see much difference, both are small



can we go back to posting cuties



Trying to calculate % differences in butt size is pretty thing to do though



there's that one DC guy on twitter who photoshops screenshots to make them look like fantaken pics



if hes a gook im gonna dm him and ask him if he made it and met our girls



I knew that it had dogs in the lyrics before, but now reading it through the dog metaphores are like 80% of the song




many fan accounts are doing this, but I'm not sure what exactly they're using, since I used some upscale AI program and it didn't look that good, it looked cartoonish



Most AI upscales use fuckton of sharpening filters and smudge the colors to shit.

I assume these fan accounts do it manually and play around with it a lot



yes, i even gazed at her patiently while she was making her wish




I've already explained it in

you didn't explain shit brother

those are just your opinions and you acts like it's some scientific data

also get your insults straight, you can't call the same person a coomer and a roastie


this is my try from the other day, the back of her phone looks very AI



that's from Yooa's IG

she fucking forgot her password again, more than a month without an update so far lol




she fucking forgot her password again

so the fans calling her a pabo were right all along


btw walking in that dress must be uncomfortable af


NOOO lucy we dont wanna go back to 2020


So now that nugudan is disbanding, what happens to Mina and god Sej? Do they remain under contract since those two can actually earn money?


instead of fighting, let us end the year by feeling together

poor Sera never had a proper family




I don't remember making that post



Nevermind, scratch >>536069 I mistook her for somebody else

I don't even know who that is



all I know is that she has a nice nice body


we hate previews btw



other dates are ok too

I think she was the designated leather pants member during not my type promos



i thought about that too, she does resemble solar in that one pic so you're ok


i would say she looks like solar x chungha in that one >>536087




i should have

waifuing someone from gugudan would be torture tho?



For me, nugudan was Mina, Sej and some unknown number of filler members.

I never got into them because the music wasn't that interesting for me



Yeah, but that was literally the last thing they ever released


for me it's Hana's knee mole


Boots was a banger


that song is a legit banger, best thing to come out of p101



thanks i got it, you are a good man

pinky is the waifu i miss the most from the ones without any kpop content in years



how did Mina go from 5/10 in Produce to 10/10 in Semina?

1080×192011.32Mb00:11160326 V05 Produce101(Make Some Noise)-24시간(주결경) 직캠(Fancam)/게릴라콘서트 (1920p_60fps_VP9-128kbit_Vorbis)


yes its her







She seemed to have so much fun in Korea. I hope the money in China is worth it



Watching this I did that thing when you just swallow very loudly

Jesus what a woman



i hope she wasnt faking it, it would make me feel bad waifu ing her if she wasnt truthful about it


wtf that happened to me too


remember when we almost got IOI reunion?


that was never meant to happen


speaking about things that will never happen

I wonder when is Sonamoo coming back


she had it all, 2017 was so good when they debuted and i waifu'd like half the members...


that might happen



yes, that outfit killed me, i will try to look for more that i saved but i have thousands of pristin pics so it will take a while


got you, i am sure i have more saved


ChinkX is going solololo


me on the right

1280×7201.48Mb00:04[FanPD] PRISTIN Kyulkyung & Eunwoo Got Free Kisses (KyulWoo _ WooKyul)

me in the middle


there isnt much though, i dont think she had a lot of fansites



bad move


i liked this look



love this particular kgirl with any hair color or style

even bangs!



and it hurts me realizing that this might be their last comeback



I am a miracle, I will try to make it happen



wtf i love miraclebros now, please put your energy in it


we're gonna nead peak shinsadong tiger for that



so since then he is only releasing remixes of his last hit song?




people keep saying that, but he always had crappy songs along with his hits

problem is that he sounds outdated now



he used to make a lot of bangers, consistently, for multiple groups and thats hard to achieve



My Friend's Boyfriend was always a favorite of mine, but people didn't really like it, his style is not for everyone



i am putting them up for auction to sell for thousands to weird fans, those money will fund album purchases for the next comeback




those money will fund album purchases for the next comeback

desperate times call for desperate measures



not him but I only know the 2ne1 do you love me? song


they got some cool as fuck moves holy shit



no, I was thinking in Do You Know Me? but it also has the line "do you love me"

I think? maybe it's "do you know me" too


it's so stupid that there is not official upload for that T-ARA song... god damn MBK being retarded



I read some news about Hyundai buying Boston Dynamics

those robots will dance to kpop soon



I can picture them already doing it to the "dadada" of Dolphin


Yebin, Cathy, Chaeyeon, Jueun

DIA's visuals are really strong




you should post her sometimes

I will when DIA comes back


i have never seen this before


discovering pics you have never seen before of a kqt is the best feeling


they are so based




these seem very old , i really like this set #3 and #4 here



seeing Cathy with twin tails is so weird

I think this is the only time she had them



one of the reasons I like Cathy so much is because her eyes look sad

makes me want to cheer her up



they do, but not always

i think most of the time she has eyes although looking at these photoshoots she seems to look sad in them


even her happy eyes are kinda sad...


i know cathy, im a t-ara fan



thats what i need in a kgf...


this is it, this set is gonna kill my heart


what's your favorite color?



I pick the red because somehow the legs look much better without the mesh stockings



Cathy doesn't need those tricks to look good


less than 24 hours until 2021



Another year has passed and I'm just as far as in 2019 from getting a Cathy-like gf



ah, too many downloads even with tricks, maybe in a couple of days it'll be better



Dystopia, Bloomiz, Itz Me, Eyes Wide Open are in the top for sure

how about you?


Sua: Tomorrow is the 32nd, yup, followed by the 33rd and the 34th




Nice. I really like Dystopia and Eyes Wide Open as well. Also The Album. Especially You Never Know, though I really hated Ice Cream.

Itz Me was also very nice but I feel like a lot of Itzy songs are starting to be a bit samey.


2020 ride never ends



I don't really follow Twice but imo it was very upsetting that kpg was shitting on eyes wide open just because it was a twice album


Also The Album

never listened to it tbh


Itz Me was also very nice but I feel like a lot of Itzy songs are starting to be a bit samey.

word for title tracks but imo their b-sides are interesting

Ting Ting Ting is a strong SOTY contender for me



I am also not really Twice fan but I listen to their albums a lot while working. EWO had some really good songs: I Can't Stop Me, Do What We Like, Go Hard, Behind the Mask. But I think the kpg overall liked it. A lot of people were saying it is good and only couple of autists were spamming like always.

The Album is definitely worth checking out. Suprisingly even Cardy B collab was solid.

Wannabe was great but Not Shy is just okay and I feel like people like it becomes memes. I tend to forget most of their B sides. I listened to them multipled times yet for example I can't remember what Surf sounds like.



some Twice b-sides before EWO were really good too like Love Foolish but it was usually one good song per album, I'm glad JYP finally got his shit together


The Album is definitely worth checking out. Suprisingly even Cardy B collab was solid.

tbh I'm one of those people who treat BP as wpop, I was a fan after whistle and boombayah but after those collabs with westerners I care about their new music as much as I care about new music of Taylor Swift or Justin Bieber



true but i dont think shes gonna stop making ballads at this point



never listened to her

the only western popstars I listened to before are Charli XCX, Lana Del Ray and Alizee



Yeah, Twice's B-sides are okay. I even enjoy More and More tracks here and there.

Understandable about Blackpink. Collabs are not great (maybe except the Dua Lipa one) but their actually songs still work.



the non western bp collabs are good and dont feel like wpop, the collabs are garbage



thanks for posting this, you are really really based




the collabs are garbage

I don't even care about songs being shit, I like some groups with bad songs

but I absolutely hated the Ice Cream aesthetics, if I liked songs about blowjobs I would listen to Nicki Minaj or something


cute and gooky


comfy Yujin


Gugudan's leader Hana dedicates a letter of gratitude toward fans



So what do idols of failed groups usually do?

They probably have very little education.



if lucky, acting or modeling jobs

if not, part time jobs like waitress or grocery store cashier...



puppy cathy



i am thankful for 2020 because i discovered kch and now i use it for escapism




feels good I knew all those techniques before the lockdowns started

normies had to learn it all



oh im retarded, i thought you were talking about failed idols' options to make money

there are a lot of ways for escapism indeed


we love fishnet here



i like it, i would go as far as to say i dont want it to end because of the vaccine rollouts



I'm glad it happened during christmas

I could stay comfy at home instead of talking to all the drunk uncles




so, anon, where is your girlfriend? why didnt you tell her to come over too?


how much money do you make? when do you want to get married and get your own apartment?


thats evil




staying inside almost the entire year and seeing your friends like once since is not great

yeah, it is not bad for overly long Christmas visits



i like this feeling of being able to deny frequent meetings because of the virus being around

i mostly like the lockdown because of remote working, fuck going to the office





i feel that too often, its very rare that i like being around friends and doing normie things than looking at my girls at home


my waifu and my waifu


thats exacly it, and i cant bring myself to tell them that when i dont feel like meeting up, i think itd be hard to understand for them



Yeah but now it is the other extreme when I can't really meet them because they all live in different cities



i love being with frens when it's those really good ones...but those are rare




"connecting" to people from imageboards.

I like this more than interacting with irl people because you won't care if I close the tab and leave in the middle of a conversation and with real people they would be upset if I just left a meeting without saying anything

real life interactions make me feel like I'm in a trap



same, it is what it is but its preparing me and them for when i move in with my waifu in korea

640×660664.60Kb00:04데뷔 5일차 신인 걸그룹! 위클리의 우당탕탕 자기 소개!😂_ 위클리(Weeekly)_Tag Me (@Me) _ 키워드조작단 _ Keyword Changers-ftzOHQTztSU


i care when you close the tab



you can also be more honest


the other problem is that since the lockdown began I have no desire to get gf as I realized that would be a lot of work and I wouldnt be able to have "comfy" moments for myself




I have no desire to get gf as I realized that would be a lot of work

literally me

maybe it's our genes telling us that it's not the right time to have babies since they will die anyway



it kinda is, feels weird to be different


is this a thing or are you the same guy that keeps posting knees in kpg?




is this a thing or are you the same guy that keeps posting knees in kpg?

Siyeon is really popular for her pretty knees


these outfits have an interesting illusion



in some frames i thought its real :lookdown: , like here


Witchers carry two swords, one for monsters and one for the show experts.


which waifu should be my new years eve waifu?



This at least looks somewhat like sword.

Itzy had some photoshoot recently and they got cheap children toys.


literally me



yes I did

it was a hot hot hot issue when this teaser dropped



comeback soon

maybe we will get more then


binnie said she just finished a schedule and has another one soon. such a busy girl on nye



maybe they will be pre-recorded today?

no way they pre-recorded it few days in advance



she couldn't show what she was wearing at the lower half because it was the stage costume so it seems like they prerecorded in the morning



if she still has it on maybe the stages were pre-recorded but they will appear on stage again for some interviews or something


theres this UHD cha cha performance and the quality is amazing


she is cool




did you know she opened a personal youtube account one month ago?

WTF???? no i didnt, thanks for posting it


She is really cool but this took me by surprise :lookdown:


Wtf she has a lot of videos posted, I guess I'm watching them all today





I know, im just shit posting but I have to admit the first time I didn't think of the face cheeks


This jaekyung channel is the best holiday present


They've always been impressive




They've always been impressive

I thought it was padding and other trickery



I didn't know her either, but I don't know all rainbow members



Its not just that but I also got into rainbow fairly late and didn't know even the goddesses



its already 2021 in new zealand and i havent decided who my new years waifu is


got no time for Uyghurs


Stayc announced their fandom name

Swithchads ww@?



As opposed to the pure lyrics of kpap such as


I’m in love, I’ve fallen deep


Into your heart, Can’t escape

Hold me tight, sweetly tell me,


Make it sticky,


Our own tonight



We stay up all night just talking,


Even when you’re drunk, you just go home


Are you really a guy?

Such purity


when you bring your switch to the new years eve party


Cube Entertainment Announces Ilhoon Will No Longer Be Part Of BTOB Following Marijuana Scandal

Another one bites the dust



thats thte official one now, where do you get these super high quality pics from btw?



I think context matters

Dal Shabet was nugu af and did this to cause a controversy and hopefully make it

BP does it because they want to be bad but bad meaning good so the slay roasties like it



Not really, the collabs are western sounding since they are from western producers.

Teddy stuff is still the same (which is what a lot of people don't like about them)


They still barely get any radio play, the don't chart that much, etc.

Every other month some mumblerapping nigger from soundcloud gets on the level they are at right now.


Some really cool stuf there


even got olib s triangle mouth



it would make her more self conscious if she was drawn with a different mouth



We need to tell her at every opportunity that we love her triangle mouth




RV posters posted those "cute" ones often in the /wood/ thread and I fucking hated it


aespa s outfits at these end year shows have been disappointing, maybe sm took notice of karina's accidents and decided to change them


Lia seems to be fine

she performed today


just texted my friends I won't attend the new year's eve party

it's escapism time



Jesus motherfuckign Christ this is something else

God I pray there will be pics from this


also Busan with full latex outfit






God I pray there will be pics from this

some news sites were there but you know how high quality their pics are




I think that is not wat you were aiming for

Though I must say Soy looks really good with this hair




Though I must say Soy looks really good with this hair


also she has really nice thighs



i like soy with that hair but i wasnt aiming for her at all


hopefully this will make all the wonyposting stop

i cant go 5 minutes without someone talking about her


ver. Hip Hop

I'm not clicking that



Makes sense since dragons fall into the lizard category



it means that even tho objectively she isn't the prettiest kpop for me she is THE one I want to get married and make 20 babies with



:lookdown: :lookdown: :lookdown: :lookdown: :lookdown: :lookdown:



this was fucking hilarious

the two girls from staff couldn't handle Chuu's energy



I lost it when she started using telepathy


Dispatch couple reveals when?



they should be, they let those 2 guys on stage with our 16 year old girl



im going to find whoever paired wony up with those two sleazebags


Loona did a collab stage with gaypops as well



Eebu fits the Blinding lights vibe like a glove tho


Hyojung live now

finally found a working link lol


interesting question

I would listen to As you wish but that didn't work well last year



im gonna listen to as you wish again, its gonna be my new year song everyday until i die



I'm gonna listen to Kill the Christians by Deicide


Womanrin's womanly womanrins

836×10762.96Mb00:042020 MBC 가요대제전 오마이걸 살짝 설렜어 OH MY GIRL Nonstop MBC 201231 방송_1080p


weekly idol - woo!ahh & lunarsolar

finally some content so I can judge them


looking at Yoona she reminds me of myself, like trying to hide her huge forehead because of the age, it's just inevitable





at least it's something

nugus had it extra hard this year



today is a great day



Happy New Year to all the bad guys and the players



I was looking at my timeline and there was this post with a big ass and I was wondering which idol would do that

I forgot I'm following this one IG thot lol


happy new year to my pitfagbros



I unfollowed all the k-thots for this exact reason

I kept getting disappointed


did you video call your pet today?


me inbetween bini and seung


:lookdown: :lookdown: :lookdown: :lookdown:



2021 year of the booba, fucking finally

also, like 50 new Binnie pics, she truly cares about us


Yoni-chan, why are you so FUCKING cute???



I think April started this trend with their first 2020 comeback


are all the kpops drunk?

the booba levels on my IG are way too high


the amount of new kpop content posted today kinda overwhelmed me



not true at all

I just don't know what to watch or post


this new chuu show is pretty funny




if theres one girl in kpop that truly means it when she talks about her love for fans, its jiu


kpg keeps posting HQ pics from today but I have no idea what's the source



very nice, i hope as you wish will keep doing this every year



doesnt the news site kr1 (or whatever it is called) often have show pictures?




i would rather have miyeon for a year than thousands of dollars, so no


still 7 hours left until the new year here

drunk kqts are already asleep so there will be no new updates in the next few hours




Time to watch a movie or something.

good idea

I recently got into watching movies again and I watched some really good ones last week


kqts will wake up in 8 hours and will start posting selcas again right before the new year arrives at your place

ur lucky




I recently got into watching movies again

great, movies are an amazing form of escapism and if you watch good ones its a pretty intellectual art form


I watched some really good ones last week

which ones?




which ones?

the most recent one was Knives Out, it actually made me laugh few times

and the main actress was really cute



I saw maybe like 10, if you had to judge what was the good movies to bad movies ratio?


Changes coming for 2021: Minimum wage will increase to 8720 Won, high school will become free, multi-homeowners to be taxed at 6%, low income 70% will receive a monthly pay of 300,000 Won, celebrities who performed at the world stage can delay military service, and more

brb moving to Korea to be poor so they can pay me for that



i got deep into movies/cinema in late 2019 and my goal was to watch 365 movies in 2020

for a while it went great and i had a good ratio of movies watched for the day in the year we were on but i slacked off in the 2nd half and didnt even watch 200


been meaning to watch that one, she's my whitefu btw



300k won for doing nothing is good, thats like 2/3 of minimum wage here




Minimum wage will increase to 8720 Won

per hour?

also pre-tax or after tax?



I think I had good time with most of them. Some were great, other mediocre but no so many of them were outright terrible.


My goal was 52. My record was less than 40. But I managed to do double.

365 is too much. You get easily tired and then not feel in the mood.



I know how DC can win a show

they should release a song called As You Wish in December

1600×16003.00Mb00:07Blade Runner 2049


i might too, she's good for a whitefu

last one im posting, dont wanna have too many white girls in this thread



I would never cheat no matter what, if I get bored or if the relationship starts falling apart, I'd talk out of it

that reminds me, I dream with Mimi lol, I was drunk and she was with her friends/sisters and they started to say "you know Mimi likes you" and stuff like that




"you know Mimi likes you" and stuff like that




"latino" is an American thing btw, nobody outside of that country consider himself latino

Spanish and Italians are white, as dark as they could be



yeah i think latin/roman descendants in europe like those would go under caucasian/white even if they have more tanned skin



b-but I would love to date Mimi, one of the few idols I'd actually date, she seems faily normal (other than the Thomas the tank thing)

in the dream they were just messing with her and I was laughing and asking if it was true; short dream sadly


I would date Mimi just to boost my self esteem and get some experience at that and later I would try my luck with prettier kpops



i was just jesting with you, dating Mimi would be very wholesome. I had a dream where me and some pals were going around with OMG and we were telling them stuff like "you guys look very omo". Nothing happened though.



This is really complex topic and races can really be constructed.

Spanish and Italians don't really have white skin, yet they are considered to be white.

And recently, some American universities started considering Asian as white or non-POC because of good results.

It is mess.




And recently, some American universities started considering Asian as white or non-POC because of good results.



because of good results?

since when are whites the ones who do the best? i thought it was always the asians



It is America so white as in "fuck you, no special treatment".



that dress was so beautiful, i havent thought about bona in a long time... its a sign



why would universities use "white" as an unironic category anyway? unless it just means your skin color, otherwise it doesn't make sense since there's so much genetic variance among white-skinned people


the fog here is so thick you can't see the fireworks

2020 won't even give us that one thing


why do white people call themselves "white" if they're more pink than white?

hopefully the movie anons have seen that movie


why do they call asians yellow...

from my experience they are either very pale white or brown




ive been found

I remembered someone here said the tennis player who got her booba reduced was from his country


Eastern Europe General



goodmemorychingu, thats me that was a weird move from her, i get she can perform better on the field but not in bed

not that she was that attractive anyway but that removes some points





It was 2019, right? I am newfag that started with Kpop right when 2020 begun.

And Warsaw is still quite far, like 9 hours.




It was 2019, right? I am newfag that started with Kpop right when 2020 begun.

that sucks

I didn't go to their 2018 warsaw concert because they were still really new and only had few songs back then but now I regret it


And Warsaw is still quite far, like 9 hours.

this guy >>537019 went there 10 hours by train so it's not that bad



9 is like the fastest one. It is not that bad. But I would be worried because my sense of direction is pretty bad.



those are some big jiggles



she is pure at heart, she didnt know those could be seen when walking on stage



mapping where I go in the big city from the subway somewhat works even then not great

so I think travelling alone through different country would be a problem




so I think travelling alone through different country would be a problem

just ask someone for help

all slav languages sound the same anyway


everyone tells your waifu they love her so when you tell it it no longer has any weight to it

1280×7202.83Mb00:05[4K] 181128 우주소녀 여름 직캠 '부탁해(SAVE ME,SAVE YOU)' WJSN(YEOREUM) Fancam @아시아 아티스트 어워드 인천남동체육관 By 벤뎅이

always had them

584×374391.27Kb00:05[4K] 181128 우주소녀 여름 직캠 '부탁해(SAVE ME,SAVE YOU)' WJSN(YEOREUM) Fancam @아시아 아티스트 어워드 인천남동체육관 By 벤뎅이




you know, it's actually interesting how it's a mirror of his twisted mind



its really scary, i love so many waifus and spend so much time watching them but i cant imagine what it is like in his mind

800×888977.13Kb00:04201231 OH MY GIRL - Nonstop + Across the Universe (2020 MBC Gayo Daejejeon)

death by jiho



It definitely started by December last year at latest.




cant get to that level if every month i get a new waifu

I unironically believe that having multiple waifus is much better for your mental health



she's the goalkeeper already its the spot for pure girls


its true that it is, as much as you waste time for every single one at least you dont go batshit insane and want to stalk that one girl




also when you don't overly engage with GFE

Fromisbros... this can't be true....



yeah and i just cant even understand being able to like only one kpop girl

loving only one a lot and her being the special one in your heart, sure, but not paying attention to any single other one?


I get at least one new waifu every time a non-turbonugu group debuts



but i pay attention to a lot of girls, but they aren't my waifus necessarily



there is a difference, i waifu dozens of girls but follow hundreds



no, please

I already think Lisabro is already gonna do it if Lisa is revealed to be dating



thats adorable, i kinda wish i started liking her earlier


from my experience it didnt, the combination of hot weather and me being sweaty af after working out made me dread that activity...



I'm just memeing

I never wanted to kms, but word I feel much better since I started exercising and taking supplements




i kinda wish i started liking her earlier


but it can't be helped



You grew to like it, most of the times

usually even if you don't like the exercising you like the results so much you continue doing it


we love frogs here btw



i think its like the yujinbro said and you just like the results eventually, not the activity if you never liked it after a few weeks



and now he's dead! all because of your jokes anon!



im sure it does for most people but i think people who dread those activities will never enjoy it

1628×10802.70Mb00:03IZ_ONE 에너지 캠(ENOZI Cam) EP.46-Otb__RH-PsQ


tbh I hated it in high school but now I feel happy when it's the lifting day



im thinking about starting going to the gym again soon so maybe in late 2021 ill be excited aboutt it like you

800×9342.31Mb00:06201231 OH MY GIRL - Nonstop + Across the Universe (2020 MBC Gayo Daejejeon)

ending the year like this

thank you, very nice



literally everything about her styling is perfect here



theres too much stuff needed to make a home gym so that wouldnt be an option for me, but i can see why working out at home would feel a lot better than in a public gym




theres too much stuff needed to make a home gym

not that much to make it work

it won't be perfect but exercising in non-perfect conditions is much better than not exercising at all


mfw I haven't been exercising

30-day fasting in January bros ww@


this is all the equipment I use


i have a case of overtraining and can't do any exercising for who knows how long...


Actress Kwak Ji Young hospitalized after attempting suicide

new year's eve depression huh?



reminds me when I was doing 100 pushups almost every day, now my arm is fucked



doing only push ups is bad for you

your chest gets too strong compared to your back and it can fuck up your posture


push ups

so you can go lower



yeah moderation is key in everything. doing pushup numbers like that is possible but you have to get there with very slow progression and enough rest...



I was doing it right, but one time I didn't and since I was hot I didn't feel it until it was too late



it's mostly fine, except when I want to do pushups, right arm doesn't like it, I can only do like 10 now




on the brightside, I discovered other execises like... I don't know their names in English, like a plank and running at the same time? really good for your back



yeah i know that exercise. just don't overdo anything and stay healthy chingu. i'm sure it's possible to do too many of those too

904×8007.27Mb00:06201231 OH MY GIRL - Nonstop + Across the Universe (2020 MBC Gayo Daejejeon)

Binnie's hair omo


still thinking about those Binnie selcas



would have been nice if the pepe was covered with a mask



I guess Binnie is the designated sekshie member of OMG now

Yooa lost her position


official MBC pics...

is this a joke?

500×5481.16Mb00:04200405 복면가왕 오마이걸 효정 아린


they look nice, I think


Weeekly won all the Rotys but Aespa gets invited to the year end shows



let's be honest, Weeekly's performance was going to be a bit cheap and forgettable



not because of the song, but I feel it was going to be like yet another performance of the song, that usually happens to rookies/nugus



yeah that, and actually it was going to be a short version most likely


Jiho looking extra thicc in here



oh damn

I didn't notice them before, they really look big


plot aside Transofrmers movies were really fun to watch

the fight scenes were cool af



for the third part, I got fooled and downloaded "Transmorphers" lol



I would only consider it because she is rich af and apparently easy to scam


Black Pink's Lisa and Rose are preparing solos

the people wanted a Jisoo solo



not surprising

it always seemed to me that Jisoo had less lines



let's get this trending kings


Jisoos collab stage when?



yeah even tho she is fully clothed under that t-shirt it's still omo af


SugoiMusic - new Asian music tracker!


SugoiMusic is a private torrent tracker for Asian music and everything associated with it. You will find music, concerts, PVs, Asian Music & Variety TV shows, Asian TV Drama shows, Blurays/DVDs and pictures here.

Seems like jpopsuki is dying, good to see a replacement, and hopefully I'll have the ability to invite people again lol






also, then it's not just OMG, there are a lot of 1-10 second videos now on youtube




there are a lot of 1-10 second videos now on youtube

after someone here posted one video like that and I clicked it I keep getting recommendations like that

it's usually izone or omg


we're getting closer to 2021 and i havent made my wish


memes aside I want to see my girls irl again


memes aside i wanna see my girls ever once in my lifetime

2022, 2023, 2024 i dont care it has to happen


meme aside, memes inside



a ton of groups, and some are disbanded so i realize in that case i can just be depressed since theres nothing to do about it... but i would at least want to see some of the currently active groups until they are gone too




searching for her


looking at her


saving it

those fucking idiots!



its both nugus and non nugus... but i wish that will happen indeed

792×8004.59Mb00:11201231 OH MY GIRL - Nonstop + Across the Universe (2020 MBC Gayo Daejejeon)

mine vs theirs, I think they have a better source, their stuff looks cleaner and with less artifacts

hmm for some reason I can't upload their mp4, weird



first of all

God bless Arin

second I think their older stuff could be posted here but since few months the new webms don't work on kch


Arin is still very young

they just got bigger with age


I know we are all nice and friendly here but I'm disappointed in Arin a little

she should look at Binnie's IG and learn a thing or two from her older friend



look im a jiyeon fan but i dont know what to think about her growth


is there any way to look at only arin videos on asking for a friend


almost midnight, time to listen to as you wish




the owner wants you to look at many different qts


I can't believe how womanly and beautiful Arin looked today

she can switch between Cuterin and Womanrin so quickly



her instagram follower count is on a linear trajectory to 1 million and beyond


being in forced quarantine for 4 more days due to the virus i had nothing to do but be at home so i looked at my waifu's post and listened to her song from 23:59 to 00:01


I wanted to watch a movie today but I just kpoped whole night

it keeps happening



i did a quick check and jennie has almost 40m so maybe they are rookie numbers after all... but for example twice members have less than 1m



only the top noonas have 1m + , most have < 300k , the semi famous actress noonas have around 500k and the ones that made it big as idols or actresses have over 1 or 2 million


taeyeon has 15m tho...



i just thought since theres nothing to do being isolated i might aswell stare at my waifus ig post for a few minutes



well that would make sense

since I'm finishing my 5th beer today


you should make that your new year's eve tradition



for the years where i dont do anything i should definitely do that, for the ones where i spend it with normies probably not



i dont think that will happen often though so im not a normie


wtf thats based, snake eater is good



worst lyrics of the year

JYP should never let Cub write lyrics again


i hope my choice for my new years eve waifu was a good one



if it is... i might just drop kpop on the simple fact that out of dozens of waifus i have i picked her though i think she s likely to be dating at the moment so i wouldnt be surprised


didn't they reveal the couple? taeyeon with ravi, both sides denied but the news site released some pictures



yeah, and it wasn't Dispatch actually, Joynews it was


that's a big girl



ok I know

Binnie is not my main waifu or anything but to recognize her hard work I will make her my new year's eve pick


ywn pee on your waifu

it's not fair bros...




boobs or brains, your pick

now we know her selection



she fell for the boomer advice of having a different password for every service...



Happy New Year brother

I tried my luck with seeing the fireworks but the fog was too strong



that wont happen, i dont mind as she posts herself more too... maybe once she becomes fit again



it's a sign my friend, time to drop her

for me, even a dog/cat posting would turn me off from following an idol




we don't even have a river here

2020 just decided to show me the one last middle finger




time to drop her

I didn't drop her after she got married and preggo

do you really think I will drop her because of something like IG posting?




do you really think I will drop her because of something like IG posting?



if my waifu turns out to be a retard flat earther or something like that i might just drop her


thats fornication and its unethical



after seeing many examples in kpop, i believe in that too...



it's weird gooks didn't figure out some trickery to make the butts look bigger

maybe it's because korean don't care about that


2020 is over and no kpop idol sudoku'd

at least it was better than 2019 in that department



It was one of my biggest worries but I didn't talk about it to not jinx it



dispatch reveals have been boring for a while now. idk what people expected. the last big thing i think they revealed idol dating wise was bona dating some dude for 5 years or something but nothing came out of that



i remember hearing doctor's have messing handwriting because their brain goes faster than their hands. our smartie



oh right, even in Running GIrls she's talking way too fast, it's the first time she does that


our girl is back


Wendy is so fat, how cute




on a similar note, i'm with jimin


my new year resolution is to be me



you got lucky with picking your hobby then

even without the pandemic kpops were wearing masks pretty often



it only occured to me after getting into kpop that I knew many of these girls for years without actually knowing they are kpop idols




hat I knew many of these girls for years without actually knowing they are kpop idols


name a few examples


Stayc best selling rookie of 2020



I mean I came across to many pictures of like Twice, Red Velvet and 2nd gen

so it was quite easy to get into kpop




I came across to many pictures of like Twice

it was that Twice webm about crime statistics right?


Nana mogged hard

shame about the mask tho, her face is extremely beautiful



It is, but I'm a mask lover like the other guy so I wish there was a mask less and a masked set too



no the webms

just pictures when browsing for masked pics in general



good thing she at least posted some maskless selcas on IG




just pictures when browsing for masked pics in general

I thought you got the mask fetish because of kpop, but you got into kpop because of the mask fetish

what a plot twist


All these Nana posts and Nana posting really made me fall in love with her again



That one was surprising to me too, he might just be the only person out there who got into kpop because of face masks



They are so appealing

I wonder if any kpop is an anti masker that would ruin our mask chingu if it was his waifu




Especially Asians are into that.

for real?

I never heard about being into masks before



I think there might be some I know I've seen a ton of webms or pics of semi naked Asian girls with masks on



it is not the same but also has some appeal...


definitely appealing

I kind doubt, any interruption of others (including posibility of making them sick) is frowned upon



There are JAV vids and other dedicated staff (from randoms people with twitter accounts to profit based "companies")



if you don't like our posts just don't read them

close your eyes or something



some of you guys are talking out of your ass. asians don't wear masks because they're "into them". they wear them because their sick or because the air quality is bad. and if you're talking about people doing adult stuff in masks, they're hiding their identity




asians don't wear masks because they're "into them"

nobody said that

work on your reading comprehension bro

this guy >>537492 just says some asians are into that

not that asians wear masks because they have a mask fetish



I am not saying all of them do. But there is a portion of population into that and it is significant enough for others to make money out of it.


Who the fuck said that Asians wear masks because of one euro guys fetish?

They wear them mostly because of their shitty air pollution



he didn't say it's exclusive to asians

you are just nitpicking and being a bitch on purpose



It is better facilited though. People in every country have feet, yet only until recently the usage of masks was common in general public.



I will believe masks are a real thing when they get their own subreddit like r/kpopmasks or something

even armpits have their own subreddit



the guy is saying there is a higher amount of mask fetishists in asia because people wear them more there which is a stupid take




because people wear them more there

he didn't say that

honestly are you trolling? he says it's more popular in asia because


There are JAV vids and other dedicated staff (from randoms people with twitter accounts to profit based "companies")


this guy can't even read and he calls us dumb...




There are JAV vids and other dedicated staff (from randoms people with twitter accounts to profit based "companies")

to hide their identity not because they're into masks




to hide their identity

even when the "actress" name is in the movie credits later?



Whatever. I still have a feeling armpits were kind memed into prominance by SEA.


No, there is stuff that is decicated to it. And exposure is definitely a factor.



I will show you one example and you will say it's not enough

and you will tell me to calculate the % of masked videos on every major jav site

I'm not playing that game




I still have a feeling armpits were kind memed into prominance by SEA

SEA's are into armpits?





and you will tell me to calculate the % of masked videos on every major jav site

? what a huge fucking leap. just show me one



Everytime I see someone posting about pits, they write about "ketek cetek" which is Indonesia. And if you try search it on Insta, there like 100k+ results.


Working Mask Onesan 's Erotic Occupation



no one actually cared about the scandal in the first place because irene is a top visual idol in korea




no one actually cared about the scandal in the first place

that's what the irene simps actually believe



Everyone forgot about it...


It has, but it doesn't matter at all, the sales will not drop and am will not get any backlash for it other than minor communities on Korean internet



the split was a bad idea in general

we already have a small amount of posters in the site but splitting that number in half makes both threads even more dead





the split was more because of the mods deleting negative posts about Irene than Irene itself



there is no implication to irene's apparent scandal lol

didnt you see that people are now hating on the stylist more than irene?


Irene is the nastiest skank bitch I've ever met. Do not trust her. She is a fugly slut.



But the people here often have much different mindsets from the other general. Maybe a lot of time they can resonate with us and we can resonate with them but at this point the stuff that gets posted here is a lot different to their thread




there is no implication to irene's apparent scandal lol

why was the aespa debut rushed?

why did Irene stop posting on IG?

if LITERALLY no one cared why did those things happened?


people are now hating on the stylist more than irene

you mean SMdrones?

they do not represent the korean public



I like her appearance but that doesn't undermine how much I dislike her as a person



And if my waifu did something like that, as much as I liked her before I don't think I could waifu her anymore...


I'm not sure about her but I think some bad personality traits from her show up sometimes, but I don't watch a lot of rv content so I don't know the full picture


rv had potential to be my favorite girl group but i found them to be generally boring



the /wood/ thread is like a safe space, thing of it as the opposite of kpg

if you said Irene is a bitch they would delete your post

they also delete non-kpop memes



The other general has some clear explicit rules

No insulting idols, and no lewdposting

Both of those happen here sometimes

That's the TLDR



It's better not to, it started a stupid fight for no apparent reason besides reading comprehension




nice middle ground with very little mental illness.

There's pure posting, lewd posting and mental illness posting. You need to have all 3 for stability




This seems like nice middle ground with very little mental illness.


other than being too slow sometimes and the autistic arguments happening once a month this place is perfect for me



youre grasping at straws now

sm already wanted to debut aespa and irene's ""scandal"" didnt affect it


i kinda had more fun seeing people talking about smngg for years and years, almost seeming like they would never debut, than when they did debut. karina's karinas are nice though



only RV posters don't care about that

if they did they would like a different group




based coomer


the past few post were about people either wanting to pump and dump jooe, talking about fetishes, and discussing about how karina is prettier than irene

sure jan



not him but i think there is some truth to it

sm definitely was going for a really late gg debut in 2020 but a lot of things surrounding the debut felt... incomplete?

theres rumors that there might be more members added in the next comeback and i dont think that was a planned gimmick

the AI concept seems to have been dropped altogether, must have had much bigger plans for it but something innovative like that needs time and resources and a lot of good ideas to make it work

i would say the scandals from sm during that period may have pushed the debut button a little earlier than planned, but by earlier i only mean like 2-6 weeks



someone asked if we would date jooe, she doesnt have good looks or a nice personality... what did you expect the responses to be?




if they did they would like a different group




knees mean kneeling down and they get triggered because they are forced to kneel to the ccp



I think calling a celebrity uggo in your private conversations is not as bad as insulting a staff member face to face



nice double standards you have there

this is why no one takes irene haters seriously




nice double standards you have there


are you serious?




the guy living rent free

how is that even related


random thought but sometimes i like relaxing my leg/knee and wiggling my kneecap with my hand



this is the kinda thing you wont see in the other thread




she doesnt have a nice personality

how would you know

she might be a nice girl



from every variety ive seen her on she seems obnoxious but maybe thats her trying to make up for being the ugly one in the group




Joke so good the flop will ruin Anderson's career.


I didn't. I heard about the and found it funny. And thought this may be good place to ask.

Detention is still the best video games movie.



how's detention? i played the game and absolutely loved it but not sure about the movie


I love cute girls with kind personalities



Jesus, Chinese are really fragile.


It is okay. The effects are somewhat cheap but the story is intact and it very well told. Good focus on the characters. Feels a bit like Asian discount version of Fire Walk With Me.



someone actually getting banned is extremely rare unless they post literal naked women


international thread


on wood, instead of international board

Who would even defend this?



someone who posts 1 pic per second to flood the thread

usually they do it with something like gaypop or porn



it made sense back then

the international thread used to be on /int/ but they moved because of some coomer spamming the thread



there is no captcha here so a dedicated spammer can ruin the thread easily



she will sign with DSP and join April


october thread about irene bullying


most of the reddit comments actually realizing irene is a cunt and not defending her


thread from today with their performance


only one (1) comment addressing her being a cunt, its downvoted to hell

do reddit roasties really have that short of a memory or do they willingly forget it like drones?



starship buys over her contract and debuts her with wony and yujin



i thought he got banned quickly, makes sense that they moved if mods werent on him for a long time



everyone who dropped irene wouldn't bother reading comments about her



I think sane people just ignore RV now so only the reddit velvet roasties comments on their posts




if mods werent on him for a long time

there were no mods back then

I think he was also the reason we have more mods now



we'll see how many upvotes their comeback mv gets, if it surpasses the last title by a lot then red velvet lost nothing on that subreddit


why the fuck do you care what reddit thinks?


i was just curious to see if the very people you'd expect to turn a blind eye to the whole thing did it



Reddit has sociopathic tendencies.

There were some pretty messed up posts there when Mina tried to kill herself.

Most of 4chan posters are at least being ironic.




you will never meet minju at a your local mcdonalds after a gym session and fall in love with her at first sight


you will never keep going to the same place and order a meal just to see her


you will never get fatter each day and end up making minju be repulsed by your weight gain




There were some pretty messed up posts there when Mina tried to kill herself.

what the fuck? i thought the nature of reddit's upvote/downvote system wouldnt let that happen unlike anonymity on chans


Kim Lip is my waifu


3k posts

make it 2021 edition


come up wwith a good OP title


KPOPS, 2021 edition


korean cinema general #2



It was mean in a different way. Not like "I hope she dies" or anything.

It was more in a weird detached way. Like nice on the surface but really strange implications.

Like you have girl trying to kill herself and they go like "maybe she is acting up a bit too much, she should deal with her problems alone instead of posting this things that are disturbing ME on the instagram"


Make it Mr. Kpops Thread



r/kpop is just full of female ifans that dont really care about anything that doesnt involve their oppars



reddit roasties being selfish, nothing surprising



i think mina had a bunch of problems and jimin definitely didn't help but it wasn't all her fault


I'm making a thread

save your memes