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Did you know that kch represents 20% of Lunarsolar's sales?


STAYC 'STAYDOM' — 4,550 copies (51,441 total) [20th Day]



I've said this before, but they truly feel like the next AOA, something that Cherry Bullet wasn't able to do



I wouldn't say they have sexy concept, but the members are definitely for sexy, and the group is young so they will still release some fun youthful concepts for now



ah, classic Sua coming up with these ideas


then I'll spank your butt, it will be very funny I promise!



I think it's time for a rewatch of both PD shows now that I got into more nugu groups



really? I think the produce 101 github profile watcher still works, gonna look for her



God I hope fansigns are really coming back




She was a contestant on Produce 101 (ranked 57th) and Mixnine (ranked 46th).



Actually it's 2 days older from 210423


Just looking at the pics is giving me new energy



So many qts from that show keep debuting years later


lookie turbonugus already in on the tokki conspiracy

Just how deep does this thing go

1280×7165.35Mb00:12160325.Mnet.프로듀스 101.e10


and she debuted before some other higher ranked girls, much better luck than one of my favorites webm related



You can tell she is nervous as hell on that stage



i swear she is so beautiful i fell in love so badly...



damn that guy also posted some of the original pics on google drive, I cut this small section, original was 44 MB



Oooooooooh I get it now... they had those bright green clothes and this retard use them as greenscreen....

God that took me way too long to figure out


I looked at so many Lunarsolar pics today....

I hope I have a dream about them



im glad i started lunarsolar posting and the colonization of the group by kch



Sorry, I didn't mean it. I would just prefer if the footage was the original thing


mcountdown actually posted their pics

It's officially my favourite music show now


the original space picture is at the end


that reminded me that I got Hubble's top 100 images, pretty good collection



Yeah, who the hell would want pictures of Cub in their collection



Shows post such good content these days

if only buttons weren't banned...



i really underestimated the song when i first listened to it, its a banger


they have shown more omo things than buttons...




they have shown more omo things than buttons...

Yeah, but buttons are still very important for me



ill take jian's outfit here over an outfit that shows buttons anyday and i love buttons



Maybe you are right



I hope there comes a day when covid fucks off and they can come to Europe



Not necessarily a concert, I'll invite them over for a vacation


Btw. these pics are from the HIM magazine. Really the most based magazine in all of SK



Yeah, the lenses give her a little bit of a #psycho #monster look


still same number of tickets

Our shilling didn't work bros



I am more interested in the last couple of frames from that webm


dont look there tho




friendship with jihan ended, jian is my best friend


banger song


fun choreo


lewd outfits


recognizable and cute members

How are they not making it already...


lunarsolar brought ridges back and im thankful for that

1000×11861.86Mb00:07210427 오마이걸 - 브랜드대상 수상후 퇴근길 영상 by Plumia (4K)-UK3XrsdXNA4

most popular


still saying hi the most

we don't deserve her

also, her arm looks tiny

3066×20005.32Mb00:04우아(woo!ah!) I Don't Miss U 고척돔공연-atrVaDs2Tmc

1190×10804.20Mb00:06210421 MBC Every1 Show Champion LUNARSOLAR - DADADA.KPOP24hrs




good news for Rookie chads

stayc and lunarsolar were on the same radio show


#STAYC - Staydom: (51,441 total)

#Weeekly - We Play: (31,694 total)

#Purple_Kiss - Into Violet: (22,074 total)



im a pit enjoyer too and they are really pretty


she is a really nice girl, i like her smile


I like how smug Yuuri looks like everytime she smiles



the song wouldnt be a banger if they werent


everyday she gains new posters





she should take them off!

Candy leader won't allow


imagine Arin BYC CF where she actually wears the product AND the quality is as good as her Dun Dun teaser



aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhing this Arin tbh



is it available somewhere yet? i don't think it's come out in the theaters



It's actually at 17 people now.

I think our shilling worked




They should be very popular in the SEA region then


IZ*ONE’s Hitomi Sparks Career Speculation With Her New Korean Driver’s License


plants are based btw

I finally have a reason to uncover the windows in the morning

20 (1-28)



did you get into kpop24hrs? they opened a new section of non-kpop stuff, it's not very active but Minari is there, same with like the new Mortal Kombat

I didn't like it, but that one Korean actress who won the oscar (and was also in The Queen's Classroom series recommended here) was great




lalala la vie en rose

maybe they forgot to edit her out, or it was too complicated


just don't let other bullies you

it's literally THAT simple



I don't think I have more than 3 pics of her



Onda has at least 10/10 tummy


too simple and repetitive

bo peep bo peep bo peep AH

gee gee gee gee gee baby baby


Makestar is over and in the end 18 people participated

Good job shilling it elsewhere





I just have to say, the fanaccount is fucking based for getting into nugus and taking so many pics of her



Hope he is gonna watch the concert. I wanna tell him in the comments that he is a top lad


This one in particular makes me go




i hope theres a comments section

Has anyone actually tried to download the app yet?



no, i always leave things till the last day

imagine if its not available in my country and i pad for nothing


I opened the app and it doesn't look good lads... You can purchase the tickets inside the app as well and so far they sold 46 tickets within the app itself....



Maybe because it said that the first 30 people who buy it get a personalized thank you message where they say your name....



1thek's PD-nim learnt a new effect

Stayc's video had this as well

also Yuki looks fucking amazing in the first part


nice pants


those lips


HANTEO: #HotIssue - Issue Maker (210428)

401 copies (1st day sales)



MinJu wrote this letter for Wiz*one

“I was worried a lot about how to start this email, but I didn't think I could get a good answer. Do you remember what I said yesterday? You're my first, and you're my first, ever, and I'm gonna miss you so much, and I may take a while, and I may not have as many chances to say thank you and love you as I do now. Don't forget to wait. I'm so sorry that I received so many things. Thank you for coming next to me. I was so happy. If someone asks me what's most important to me, I'll be able to answer without hesitation. All the moments we've walked hand in hand. I think I'm a special person. I'm sure there will be a lot of hardships. But there's gonna be a lot of happy things like that, 'cause we're still together”.




You're my first, and you're my first, ever,


Thank you for coming next to me


All the moments we've walked hand in hand


'cause we're still together”.

wait a minute, that's for her boyfriend




I got a boy

Ha, ha! Let me introduce myself!

Here comes trouble!


Minju doesn't even know what a boyfriend is



You know she is fucking beautiful when even kkzz makes a gif of her face instead of her butt




I guess I only have myself to blame for kkzz-nim's bad reputation...



kinda funny he likes that one Running Man girl (not Jihyo), I really don't think she's attractive, she looks like a mom




but this one was omo af, judging by how she pulled hair of the other girl she didn't like it tho



omo she was getting dangerously close to her mouth


kkzz is the 5th site I check after coming back from work



the first 3 are kch, IG, twitter

I open them all at once and lurk them in parallel

then selca.kastden


open reddit and check for news


log into discord and see if there are new messages


open kchan and scroll through the posts I missed



yep that's me, but I also open kpop24hrs and jpopsuki






Also check Kiwifarms



It is a forum where people shitpost about insane ecelebs and other weird people

Sometimes it is pretty funny, other times is it quite fascinating what insane people do








just a forum, good if you want news for your group

OneHallyu used to be the place to go but it's very outdated now



that's cool but I loved Intercrural for the story not for the cuties

better tell me when Extracurricular's director makes a new drama



I am looking into it. He actually made a lot of shows.

And this one called Time Between Dog and Wolf has pretty high rating in local database.


there's something special about korean dramas

they are always about love but the love is showed in a way that even an autist like me can understand it at least a bit

and idk if it's only about the kqts tbh



What do you find hard about understanding love in Burger media?

It is not very realistic most of the time but pretty straighforward.


I don't think I posted this, pretty funny how the camera guy is zooming into Arin's forehead to test the zoom. I've seen him doing it twice already lol

Also, qt Arin rehearsing




What do you find hard about understanding love in Burger media?

thats like asking a kid about the things he doesn't understand about quantum mechanics

I don't know enough to point out the stuff that is too complex to me



What is the thing that confuses you is actually its simplicity?

In many cases, there is actually almost nothing between the characters.

However, they end up together just because you ''need'' romantic subplot.


what makes Lunarsolar a sekshie group? looks like their outfits are similar to other kpop outfits?



that's the beauty of it, they're a teen crush group with sexy outfits, it's a bit lolita/forbidden concept



they arent one, they re cute girls but sometimes omo



teen-crush derives from the usual "girl-crush", which is a girly concept but that other girls like (as opposed to appealing to males)

Weeekly is teen-crush, something a 15 yo Korean girl would like, and while Lunarsolar is also teen-crush they dress a bit more risky




Luna from fx and Solar form Mamamoo had 4 kids





while Lunarsolar is also teen-crush they dress a bit more risky



Yoon pretending to be shorter to not height mog her seniors



cool dress



in doing cool concepts, but I usually don't use these terms because it can be very confusing and contradicting, I was just saying that to make a point with Lunarsolar, they're have a bit of sexy



IzOne (/ˈaɪz wʌn/ EYEZ-wun; Korean: 아이즈원, romanized: Aijeuwon; Japanese: アイズワン, romanized: Aizuwan; stylized as IZONE) was a South Korean–Japanese[1][3][4] girl group formed through the Mnet reality competition show Produce 48.



not sure how strong the acting branch of yg is. there seems to be a lot of names under the actor section of their wiki article but naeun moving to yg from playm seems pretty snakey


IZ*ONE scheduled for disbandment today

Wizchads, it was a good ride


Not even a goodbye song like Downpour

What the fuck I hate mnet now


My only prayer is that Minju doesn't end up being lost girl...

that would kill me


did you guys get your coupons from makestar yet?


based baseball is bringing live events back



I think she looks a bit more like Moonbyul or Whein.

With Gahy's hair.


GWSN to come back on May 20 with all 7 members



A Pink's Chorong, Bomi, Eunji, Namjoo, & Hayoung renew their contracts + Naeun parts ways with Play M



Apink’s Son Naeun Is Reportedly In Talks With YG Entertainment

What the fuck






I've just connected my laptop to work monitor and all girls now look so smooth




I am used to laptops so it feel big

and it fits just right under the shelf above the desk




she saw that kch is responsible for 20% of the ticket sales and stepped up


Can you post pictures on /tv/ again, chingu?

My IP range got unbanned. Finally.




yeah I can now, seems like they banned everything they could, maybe they were tired of individual bans lol



Which is kinda strange. /tv/ is not in the worst shape right now.

Summer 2019 was when half of the catalog was overtaken by soyak spammer(s).






first of all, who?

and second, is she saying she ate jjang-paguetti? I don't look like that after eating so much grease lol



omo, top tier tummy

yeah I think she said she ate jajjangmyeon+spaguetti, mega greasy


you know, I have a sister, I know that smell...

the horror.... the horror...





after watching teasers 2 and 3 i went back to watch jiho's



fairy concept? since they can do many concepts and combined concepts, or at least that's what Korean media says



fairy refers to their songs like closer, secret garden, and ssfwl. the varied concepts is another thing altogether


no one knows. the only thing consistent with the teasers is bears



I've seen shows calling them "concept fairies" for a long time, regardless of concept



"concept fairy" itself isn't a concept. it's a term to refer to how they have a consistent theme in some of their songs that give them a fairy image as well as the other stuff they do between them



oh my kino

Remember Me and Windy Day teasers were also very aesthetic, but the end result could be a bit different

I'm sure many will be disappointed since the song is going to be on the fun side, while maybe are probably expecting more serious from those concept videos


it's already been 1 year since Nonstop release



I hope it's alcoholic mojito



Purple kiss fans post lots of preview. Sad!



that TommJJerry lad has great taste in waifus



I'll trust you to post many purple kiss picture

sorry but I'm busy watching 1thek variety shows with rookies



He really has but Tom and Jerry know always reminds me of this



she got a literal chink prince billionaire bf thanks to pics like that


imagine people waiting for you in front of your job and taking pics of you when you leave



If they were already blocking my way to train station, they could give me a ride home



some creep put a huge camera next to the road on my way from work and it takes a pic of me everyday




will she join rocket punch?



rumors says neither she or Chaewon will join Rocket Punch this comeback, and only Chaewon makes sense



CCTVs will be everywhere soon.

I don't even go to office regularly. I have been there twice.









I can't see the stove because there is a woman in the way so I can't rate it. But I cannot blame her as that is her natural habitat.

Otherwise looks pretty ok, I rate it 6.5/10



to have access to the livestream in the app they are using


how can I be a sexist if I don't have sex?


I actually thought it was Yoojung for a moment



For me it's Yuna. But I couldn't help but notice Lia



you look like that while taking a dump?

take your meds bro


shes so flawless...



I was contemplating that, but I thought real life speed makes it more authentic



I'd suggest looking into Eebu if you like pouts like that. She does them a lot


the golden ratio is everywhere in kpop




442×4164.69Mb00:13[LUNARSOLAR] 루나솔라 'DADADA' MV Reaction&Commentary

444×4341.92Mb00:09[LUNARSOLAR] 루나솔라 'DADADA' MV Reaction&Commentary


very true

412×414993.84Kb00:04[LUNARSOLAR] 루나솔라 'DADADA' MV Reaction&Commentary

She actually nods by far the most of them

Jian x Jihan nodding collab when

412×414980.22Kb00:05[LUNARSOLAR] 루나솔라 'DADADA' MV Reaction&Commentary

I won't make any more because they are too similar, but there is at least 5 more there

796×862571.99Kb00:01[학생 공감] 10대 ë•Œ 안 하면 후회하는 일✔ _ 위클리 _ Weeekly _ 웹드라마 _ Teenager To Do List-3D5xk_e0HBw



I won't make any more




in the morning

it's literally in the title brother



lots of good outfits but the song gave me a headache after just 2 minutes


The subtitles would benefit from proof reading


Baby, you're so confused (feminine)


But you're gonna be mind in the end (masculine)


imagine the smell


Lunarsolarbros, I got my coupon



so long as the stream works fine, im good with it



seems like it

also all them hearts and other shit like that




nobody replied to 3 my questions yesterday


bored reptiliangf...



that's not how you wear a mask


they look a bit funny but I am okay with it


444×4341.92Mb00:09[LUNARSOLAR] 루나솔라 'DADADA' MV Reaction&Commentary



Very true



i wanted to say how cute but then i went -- wait a minute, saw the date it was posted and now im sad as fuck...

dont open the picture if you dont want to be




#ITZY (@ITZYofficial) 1st Day Sales

GUESS WHO — 64,116 (new)

Not Shy — 57,226

IT'z ME — 34,269

IT'z ICY — 8,816





I don't trust those

Loona still can't find their 100k pre-orders



That was just a community rumor started on twitter the numbers posted on ribbit are usually legit

1280×7202.81Mb00:02ITZY(있지) - 마.피.아. In the morning(Mafia In the morning) (Music Bank) | KBS WORLD TV 210430 <>




candy woman...



song goes a bit flat on the chorus and the MV feels a bit cheap, but it's alright, I'm sure I will like it more after the performances


I like the song. It may not be great but it is kinda catchy.

And it doesn't feel like completely meme song like Not Shy.




any itzy song >>>>>>>>>> in the morning




the only one i truly like and listen to unironically so long after its come out


NOT SHY (Not Me)




For me it's Yeji's


사람들은 남 말 하기를 좋아해


남의 인생에 뭔 관심이 많아 왜




They keep getting difficult choreo so Lia get's dancemogged even harder

must be tough on her



imagine a cross-over episode where Arin promotes this soju AND BYC at the same time




yeah it's true, why am I not wearing them... takes off clothes

1280×7202.98Mb00:20[2020 가요대전] 있지 'Not Shy' 풀캠 (ITZY 'Not Shy' Full Cam)│@2020 SBS Music Awards <>




Fucking oof, but wasn't there something wrong with her health there? I think I remember something like that



I think this was the performance before she was taken into hospital.



i really dont get what jyp s endgame is if they keep giving them difficult choreos when theres a gap like this


if Momo and Lia merged they would be a complete idol


as a former metalhead, you can't headbang too much, you'll get dizzy, and if you're already weak you'll pass out


drink it you f*cking idiot!

Arin nooooo that language







I'm about to drive for 90 minutes

give me two full albums to listen to



they're sorry they're not sorry for giving us Mafia?




B-side being 100 times better than title track

Classic kpop



and I wasted my time watching it live to a piss poor and starved 1080p...




fastest internet in the world


can't stream in 4k

Why SK can't into streaming?



they're a lot more common nowadays actually, 1thek is always releasing covers and M! Countdown is doing a cover of a classic song every week


I've just finished watching Strangers from Hell. It was good experience. Not perfect but very entertaining. Police waifu was great. Also, MC started getting some dangerously based ideas in the final 3rd of the show.







I've read in r/Korea that it's the most dangerous combination in their country so no thanks



really? not in mine, but I guess it's because we have way too many cars to care about a particular car brand



MC moves to Seoul to get a job from his university senior and to be closer to his gf.

He is however broke and rents a room in a cheap studio in bad area. Most of his roommates are weird and dangerous. It tends to be a bit schlocky.



Are you telling me it's about normal people? there isn't a chaebol or MC isn't a top 1% student in Seoul University? I'm in.



I have to say, I started liking Eseo a lot more after watching their videos. She is really lively and fun




Yeah, when you mute the audio it becomes a lot better




All the IZ*GONEs have posted a lot of pictures as goodbye



they should all keep the paid messages thingy, they're set for life with that alone


ywn take your waifu to the park when the cherry trees blossom



I wonder what Yejibros think about the song



When you brush your hands against each other after work well done. I assume since she is a mafia that she just burned down a car of somebody who didn't pay for protection and now she is satisfied with her work



Have you thought about playing Mafia: Definitive edition?

Seems pretty good from reviews



fuck I read mafia and in my head it sounds like "mapia"



No, I don't think it looks very good. I prefer the late 90s and early 2000s graphics.

I have seen on YT that they ruined the ending. The original creator also didn't like it.

So I don't see a reason.




it's the same dude who massaged Jisun's thighs

he looks like a fag but still lucky



big yeah, but more like pillows for me, that one looks a bit more like a speed bump



first one refers to arin's BYC brand underwear

second meant that a blankets cover thighs very well so it should help with that



ahh, some of those look like rethoric questions, that's why I didn't answer lol

1. BYC is a clothing/underwear brand, Arin is the main model there.

2. That one anon was saying that blankets are necessary since they could be showing too much skin, but I didn't understand your question.

3. No idea there, but the project is not important, that anon was talking about going to Korea as part of his job and now he cant.

4. OneHallyu had lewd idol threads



I did shut up and then you complained I didn't respond




first one refers to arin's BYC brand underwear


second meant that a blankets cover thighs very well so it should help with that

didn't get it, help with what?



thanks, almost everything is clear now


that anon was talking about going to Korea as part of his job and now he cant

sad, I'm just curious what kind of project might require you visiting Korea

(didn't they close the borders though?)



blankets are necessary since they could be showing too much skin



help with not being too lewd/revealing

we can see them on stage without blankets anyway? that's more like a question for kpop producers though, somehow they think it's not ok to expose skin while sitting on show, only while dancing




I'm just curious what kind of project might require you visiting Korea

my company works with Hyundai and KIA and we were supposed to go during summer so the borders would probably be open




we can see them on stage without blankets anyway?

but it's like, you're supposed to see that, and you're not supposed to see their legs while they're sitting

this is related to perverts in Korea, since filming without consent is a huge issue there, so it's on their heads when doing a show




somehow they think it's not ok to expose skin while sitting on show, only while dancing

thinking about that, it might be sort of made up purity they bring to kpop with very lewd outfits, trying to make it publicly accepted type of art

something like "yes they a lewd on stage, but in real life they behave pure so please don't misunderstand, they are good girls"

a good example is Hyuna, whey tried to give her pure charm on shows, so that the whole thing looks acceptable

sometimes they ignore that agenda with idols like Jessi though


thighs look lewder when girls are sitting because they are squized also there is a danger of upskirts




they a lewd on stage, but in real life they behave pure so please don't misunderstand

that's a good point too

but I also think they genuinely feel a bit uncomfortable since they're supposed to focus on talking/reacting in a variety, so it can be burdersome to think about hiding that one leg showing too much skin



I envy you


they wear shorts and they don't afraid of it on stages?



is it really a huge difference showing your skin while dancing and while sitting?

or it's more like a "stage mode" they enter on stage so they don't think about potentially embarrassing things they show?




is it really a huge difference showing your skin while dancing and while sitting?





is it really a huge difference showing your skin while dancing and while sitting?

yeah, one is for the live stage the other is not

800×8002.90Mb00:07[K-Fancam] 위클리 박소은 직캠 'Tag Me (@Me)'(Weeekly PARK SO EUN Fancam) l @MusicBank 200710-1NzsZpoiZz8

legs and sitting mentioned



@Tag Me was a promise Weeekly could never keep but I'm still upset they haven't

674×10163.16Mb00:07[K-Choreo 6K] 위클리 직캠 'Tag Me (@Me)' (Weeekly Choreography) l @MusicBank 200703-bUDRudPYVkk


we're also not supposed to be making gifs/webms of those parts, it's like taking advantage of the situation




we're also not supposed to be making gifs/webms of those parts

forbidden webm


it's not very smart to imply you have an argument but don't actually write it down




it's not very smart to imply you have an argument but don't actually write it down

you ignored the posts of kchanons who answered your question so why should I even bother?

1682×15003.69Mb00:04[페이스캠4K] 위클리 조아 'Tag Me' (Weeekly ZOA FanCam)│@SBS Inkigayo_2020.7.19-WrJRfBrZvKM


to make it even, something cute



I can imagine Arin being a dildo model, they would digitally add the dildo lol



seconded but probably the bungee repackage since i like both songs they added. either that or windy day




bungee repackage since i like both songs they added

oh yeah, that's true

I have the physical albums and I still get confused about the repackage


what was he looking at?



Wonder Girls - Reboot

Miss A - Hush

Twice - Eyes Wide Open


don't click the link above bros



1. not kpop

2. starting your Saturday with depressing shit like that is a bad idea

watch some rookie show instead bros



e-excuse me but why is she called Squid? is it because she looks like a squid?


Stayc mogging ITZY in digital score

bros, what's going on???



but isn't that an advantage? usually you chart the best at the beginning and then you fall off the top 100 chart



The points are accounted for over the whole week.

Itzy got in one day 2/3rds of the points that Stayc got over a whole week


lunarsolar bros how the fuck do we access the live stream once we redeemed the coupon?




I'll trust you to post many purple kiss picture



I told you it's retarded app for zoomers



go to the page of the concert


find your tier of ticket


click see more underneath it


click enter

This is the room where it should be live



what the fuck lol, seems like thats the room sure, at least i can full screen the video



5 people who spam the most shit during the concert get a 3 minute videocall with the girls on LINE app

I am too much of a boomer to even try to go for that


Ah, most of the stuff you can spam is paid or you need to collet a lot of shitcoin currency by using the app daily

Never stood a chance


fuck that guy who posted the mamamoo MV about height mogging

since then I'm no longer just a mamamoo listener, now I also watch the MVs....




Those 15000 points are about 50-60 bucks

damn son



Yeeah, but I don't really wanna because they seem like they can't into English and I really have nothing to say to them

would be 3 minutes of cringe



literally me

5 seconds of hi touch would probably be the most I could handle




5 seconds of hi touch would probably be the most I could handle

Even that was adrenaline rush as fuck for me


the subs are so late


or nowhere at all


Taeryeong so cute


yuuri is so pretty




I have been watching some of their reaction videos

and it is mostly her reacting and no one else getting room to talk


yuuri's cute stuttering!


The way she sais X


ayo theres a lot of gooks in the chat, our girls made it


on phone, kinda scuffed setup tbh


im still taking screenshots


I starterd recordign it but only just before Jian's performance. Took me a while to get bluestack to stop crashing


winterbros, we won


3 000 000 points

Some people must have spent a lot of money

I hope some of it goes to the girls


yuuri becoming my favorite jap in kpop


Her butt and hip movements


The setup looks supercheap. They could problably do a concert like this every two weeks



Same. It's fun

though I'd like if they used higher quality streaming platform


7.5 million points

At this point I hope it's not for real money


Eseo just doesn't get subs


that was cute from taeryeong..



buy 5 million points and the next stream will be upgraded


tfw Lunarsolar has more time for thanking fans in their miniconcert than IZONE got on the day their group got disbanded


I still wonder how much Taeryeong has to pretend to be ok and how much she is actually ok


Some really nice Jian nods in this



i always think about that and i dont think it'll ever get off my mind when i see her perform... its sad


this bside is really good


This is like a Vlive with performances included within it


read a question in English


reply in gook

get fucked westerners


Lmao how she looked at Eseo to read it


i love how she read fan as pen


I just realized they are one of the groups that debuted during 'rona so they haven't had a proper kpap fan experience yet


If I understood it right. The question was what would they be doing if they weren't an idol and Taeryeong said Pilates teacher


I am glad I made my yesterday's purchase now


even Eseo crying now



I oredered both of their albums yesterday and the shipping was fuckign expensive. So I had a bit of a buyer's remorse, but not anymore



good thing nugus dont comeback every week but they do every month...


I will make sure to scan the photobooks, if I can manage it without breaking the booklet, and post the pics here


I am gonna make at least 3 more nodding Jian webms from this


tfw no handwritten letter in korean from yuuri


Lmao what is she doing


I am so glad I started recording this


they need to hug...


Didn't even know their names 2 weeks ago


spent 80 dollars on their stuff this week and they made me shed a tear

How is kpop so powerful



Good. At least they won't have to talk to some nigs like Chewy with those "swedes"


I didn't record it

Fuckign OBS fucked me


The top people had 1.5 million points which is equal t about 2300 euro

What the fuck



i hope taeryeong will get at least 200 bucks from that


But I have to say. After I got hardware virtualization enabled Bluestacks ran flawlessly and worked well.

If you ever watch a concert or live that is only in some phone app I highly recommend it


great girls


glasses on top of eyepatch


498×462454.96Kb00:03[LUNARSOLAR] 루나솔라의 대환장,, 혼돈의 카오스,,★고요속의 외침★


Who knows

848×1034680.39Kb00:03[LUNARSOLAR] 루나솔라의 대환장,, 혼돈의 카오스,,★고요속의 외침★


They are all growing on me equally



This hairstyle with part of the hair cut to chin length and the rest being long has become really popular in kpap it seems

954×10342.58Mb00:09[LUNARSOLAR] 루나솔라의 대환장,, 혼돈의 카오스,,★고요속의 외침★

mfw jamming to DADADA


the song is sh*t but I really like the styling





I got drunk and I'm listening to Lovelyz and Gfriend songs



What convinced me is that there are quite a few campaign maps made by the community that you can play and they look good



This is also the criticism people have. Some of them are good.

However, the Xen part is still not good (just like in the original) but this time it is 3 or 4 times longer.



That is a shame.

In that case, you could have gone for Sven Coop instead.



I don't see it as such. Games from early 90s. A lot of them, sure.

But around 2000? No, they are just right.



Well, that is fair. But it is not only about graphics.

Some of the most entertaining modern games like Ultrakill don't even require high end computers.



My favourtite game of past few years was Metro Exodus and that game requires hell of a power



I have heard about it. I want to check out the original.

I got the for free.





based 40 yo single mom supporting the other 80% of the group


Lunarsolar company probably: you guys need to cover one song by other idol.

Yuuri: okay, mamamoo.

The company: okay, what song?

Yuuri: the solo.

The company: okay by which member...?

Yuuri: all of them.



I have to work whole month to earn 10 bucks so I would be disappointed if I paid that and only got dance covers


is too ugly


stops being christcuck


acting will steal Minju from us just like it did with Yeonwoo



it's for the best, being an idol sucks

I just wished actresses did some idol stuff like vlives

1280×7205.95Mb00:09210423 OH MY GIRL - Arin MC cut (Music Bank E1071)

working with Arin but you get too distracted by her beauty and laughter


Still thinking about Taeryeong



The prechorus is actually banger, but then it it fucks up so hard with the chorus itself...


Security at Black Mesa is a kpop enthusiast and Blackpink fan



its a part of why i care for this group so much now besides them having good songs and being cute...





i meant the pic with all the girls, jiu and sua at least look like theyre not wearing anything




they probably have at least a bit face powder

women put in on even when they are not really doing their makeup



true but that doesnt make a difference, just hide blemishes and stuff

the big deal is eyeshadow, eyeliner and lipstick



I've seen a couple of other idols as well. Usually in their videos about makeup rutine

696×7961.11Mb00:04[양자택일] 과즙 터지는 오마이걸의 선택-YHL6Vw8KwSo




maybe this isn't a soju CF but promoting meme phonecases is a good start


when she sees your SinButt folder



tsundere girls with gigabutts are my thang



I wonder if we will see some of it on the reality show they're filmed



i hope its directed by sua-nim



Dreamcatcher "Dystopia:The Tree of Language" (E Ver.) is kino


Suicidal SinB Gfriend waiting for the right train...



Yes, sometimes they do look like that when she gets too excited.


the live action sonic looks amazing




All these moments will be forgotten like.... dreams in the morning.



was Dong always hot? I only started noticing her when she came back from china


idk why but after seeing those pics I feel like listening to ABBA


VOULEZ VOUS is the best ABBA song ånd everyone ägrees



more like gimme gimme gimme the aux cord so I can play something different


rookie in the morning



Thanks, you too.

You can find some of those accounts by the pictures saved on Pinterest.

It is very handy.




Thanks, you too.

I already did


You can find some of those accounts by the pictures saved on Pinterest.

how would that work?

won't I find mostly individual idol fansites?



There are two ways to save pictures there.

a) From your computer. Which stores the picture on their servers.

b) As a link. Only smaller version gets stored by them and it actually leads you to the original post. So when you go through a huge pin board, there is a chance you will be linked to those fan accounts like Jerry's or RollingInLove.

It is not the best but definitely can have good results.



It is the Goeun account I've linked above with the Jerry's.


I'm waiting for a full group live stream



uploading cute selcas for wiz.... starship new girl group enjoyers....


new hair color

forever let's go!



it looked like kyungri is in a drama or something too




it looked like kyungri is in a drama


I've seen the MV many times



this girl looks like a dude but she has good taste



yeah i went through the video and she said nothing, what the fuck lol why is she even there



she used to be very funny on varieties

I'm sure IZ*one disbanding isn't easy for her


Both b-sides are better than title tracks


Biden wins


ITZY starts releasing bad songs





Trump was president when Wannabe was released

Liberal-bros, what have we done?




printing out placeholder cards

Those look good, corners are rounded. Wonder how they did it. I've been wondering how to get filler cards for my folder.



the stayc girls look so smol



Designing a template is the fun part, it's the printing and the cutting that I need to figure out. That rounded corner cutter is neat, didn't know such a thing existed.

It's mostly just getting off my ass and doing it, the Magic cards I'm currently using look ugly as hell.



I wonder if that was a filter, but Jiyoon looks exactly the same as always, Monday looks 90% her but Zoa looks unreal, extremely pretty there


stayc girl on the left dances to mafia better than lia...



maybe they know each other?

lunarsolar had tiktoks with wjsn members and I don't think lunarsolars agency is big enough to do deals like that with starship



If there is a connection that makes no sense it's usually through PD101/48 or Mix9

Based shows making connections between girl groups



lol funny that I was also thinking about Lunarsolar and their small collaboration with Yooa, which was obviously set up

I think that when they're friends and just want to pomote other people's songs, it's a very small improvised video, but having the choreography ready and practicing for that ending feels more professional

nothing against that though, I'm sure Staycs were thrilled to do it



Also, a lot of girls attend Hanlim and other similar idol schools together so they can be friends if they are similar age




I think that when they're friends and just want to pomote other people's songs, it's a very small improvised video, but having the choreography ready and practicing for that ending feels more professional

it's the legendary rookie spirit bro


it would be quite a plot twist if the actual MV got uploaded in 1080p



Black Eyed Pilseung has made several songs for JYP in the past including Like Ooh-Ahh, Cheer Up, TT and Fancy

I assume the relationship there is very good so it's pretty easy to set up collab like this



The social media is managed by the company though




She’s a former trainee and actress under JYP.


OMG should comeback at the Cannes film festival



our guys

god I hate tiktok and their retarded format



I have been listening to their songs on repeat those past two days...






song about vikings

Is this a song about Dignitas?


effortlessly mogs 100% of kpops

1994×15001.19Mb00:06Dear OHMYGIRL, Track Film 4 - My little confession.-3JOPuVmMKtg

there's a weird confetti ruining the immersion...




While revealing the name, the girls of LUNARSOLAR explain that “HAEDAL” has dual meanings for their fandom! “Haedal” is Korean for sea otter, and the words “hae” and “dal” in Korean also mean sun and moon respectively, fitting the group perfectly!

We are sea otters



imo it's amazing

Binnie is depressed and black&white but the show must go on and she has to dance in confetti


I want to watch this movie already, nice hips too




no I mean, the confetti is great but because I applied some slowmo effect there's one confetti making a weird effect on her eye


Pic related is me and Yuuri




Our waifus wanna hold hands with us

this is why I'm a Yuuri fan, since it's totally possible to hold hands with her in a fansign



yeah... im still disappointed she didnt get any then but i guess thats how idol life is



as a nord I am highly offended over this cultural appropriation

But seriously what do vikings have to do with vegetables?




But seriously what do vikings have to do with vegetables?

how do you think they got so strong and big?

they ate their veggies


Wait, there is a chance it will be a subunit instead of subunit?



my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined


Former AOA Member Kwon Mina Claims The Other AOA Members Wanted Jimin Kicked Out And Lied About Apologizing

Oh my god it's still going....



this reminds me of the autismbro, but instead of doing it in an unknown ukranian website she's doing it for everyone to see



I don't care who is on what side just file a lawsuit and fuck off. If I wanted to see slit wrists and emo shit every other day I'd go to liveleak



yeah, for people who care, and if most people truly don't care then it won't be upvoted enough to show up in the hot posts



Never said most people don't care. They love drama



nigga just close your eyes when you see her mentioned lmao


Baby purple kiss and bloody top





Please don't use that word, it makes me do the frog sound in my head


One Spring Night is comfy drama


I will start lifting and learning foreign languages!

from tomorrow tho because I'm tired today, we will make it bros!



But tomorrow is a work day

Regadless exercising couple time a week is good even if you do it only for a bit

and what language are you interested in?



rest well today brother



But tomorrow is a work day

if you want to exercise regularly you have to do it after work


and what language are you interested in?

I'm not interested in any of them but one would help me at work




if you want to exercise regularly you have to do it after work

I do on Tuesdays and Fridays. Can't imagine Mondays though


I'm not interested in any of them but one would help me at work

And that one is?


how do you guys find time to do that after work? its so late... i thought maybe a better time is before work




I do on Tuesdays and Fridays. Can't imagine Mondays though

from experience I know that weekends are too unpredictable to plan training days during them

and since 3 days per week is the best imo so it has to be Monday


And that one is?



before work?

I need over an hour just to make food and eat it, I would have to wake up at 5am to work out

that's a no no



it is what it is

my country is a virgin working for the g*rman chad



I work short shift on Friday and Tue/Wed I am able to plan it in between studying and school. So that is why.


Learning conjugation and declenasion in German sucks. Especially because you need to know the grammatical gender of everything which is completely different from many other languages.

At least, pronunciation is somewhat easy.



at least they let me pick the job I do

and they pay me well*

*by slav standards


right now I just want to understand what those faggots say during meetings

they sometimes switch to german and I bet they are dissing me then





I didn't know they were French

In all seriousness, that will probably take a while. But understanding will be a lot of easier than actually speaking I think. Silver lining in this is that past and future tense are not difficult.



I learned it in highschool. But we were in the beginner's group.

The advanced group went way further and they were pretty good.

Our teacher didn't really give a shit so we were just okay.

But it has been years and I had to pick up Russian to complete semester of other foreign language in uni because it required the lowest level.


German mentioned




But it has been years and I had to pick up Russian to complete semester of other foreign language in uni because it required the lowest level.

were there no other languages to pick?

why would you need russian for? invading Ukraine?


does she look a bit like Keumjo here or do I have face?



There were like 4-5 languages in total. But all of them except Russian required B1+ level.

But seeing German sample test after 2+ years of inactivity (I don't think we were on this level even just after HS) I just couldn't do it. So I learned A1 Russian over the summer before the semester to be done with the languages.



I'm a Jiubro for most of the time but sometimes I find it hard to resist Witchfu

especially when she's singing or talking



her speaking/singing vlives are better than ASMR to me

when vlive app was still usable I listened to her lives on my way to work



she even did live remixes of biggest kpop hits


how i wish i took this picture...



Yeah, she also seems like she is a lot of fun to hang out with.



It is good but we should not forget about more casual clothing.



yes but i prefer the vlog videos, nothing wrong with the covers i just dont like most of the covered songs i guess



I wish her casual style was less baggy and more feminine


her vlogs have no subs tho...

you just watch them for the booba don't you?



imagine trying to date Keumjo and the muses and her mom give you twelve labors to complete to prove that you are worthy



it is a shame

companies should take better care of translations

they know it is important for international market

but at least most of the new YT videos have them nowadays



the company is called "KEUMJOversal Studio" and I don't think they can afford a translator...



wtf i have never seen this pic??? thanks for it


twelve labors to complete to prove that you are worthy

only way i could prove my worth to them... i dont exactly have anything else



labor two


Capture and bring back Cerbe... Keumjo's dog



What is interesting is how big companies handle it. E.g. JYP.

I don't understand why Itzy has 50+ translations whereas Twice get usually only less than 10 languages.


the J in JYP stands for Jupiter




calls the song When we disco


gets brutally disco mogged by Gfriend

the Asiancuck....


Pie-bros, we got too cocky!



mogged by Cherry tbh



that's a Minx' Siyeon

a totally different girl

902×7202.15Mb00:06150712 밍스 (MINX) 팬싸인회 - 유현 CUT 2


they probably picked Nine Muses concert because they couldn't afford tickets for SNSD....



9muses is my top group but I'd rather go to a Tokyo Dome SNSD concert

I've seen the concert DVDs and their energy on stage is no joke

of course SNSD with Jessica, without her it's not worth it



i still much prefer namyu discography though and the girls but you say that because there was never a dome-scale concert for namyu so there isnt any point of reference for them




but you say that because there was never a dome-scale concert for namyu


but I'm comparing actual events that happened, 9muses small scale concert and the SNSD dome kino with holograms and shit


3rd anniversary gift from Yuqi



she can take it all... im sure she can find a better way to spend it



I haven't seen this pic before, very pure and comfy



14 members... 365 days

maybe 14/365

im a sungah enjoyer lately




still chubby?

of course, and i guess she posts her baby most of the time too... but it was her idol days that made me appreciate her




she posts her baby most of the time too

aigoo.... will all muses be like that?


but it was her idol days that made me appreciate her

are you getting into boomerpop?




will all muses be like that?

i hope not... im fine with some of them being like that but i dont even think most of them would want it either


are you getting into boomerpop?

no ive always been into them but she didnt really stand out to me in a group of goddesses she looks really nice here tho they all do...



I always thought she was pretty but she was a bit lame

kinda like Weeekly Soojin, she was nice and cute but bullying her was just too fun to resist

it's funny how smoothly Keumjo took over the punching bag position



i think she was just really quiet and didnt stand out because of that, or didnt have a designated role

i really like the choreo here and her in the clip


fun fact

there's only one (1) couple selca of Sungah and Minha together


lizardwoman stood out to me here too




I checked Eunjis Ig

it's mostly her kid as well

when will Sera start posting her kids?



sera has so much mental trauma it somehow unlocked a new biological connection that makes her infertile...



bingo, and I actually have a headache like a good boomer


ITZY Reveals They All Tried To Quit JYP Entertainment Together Prior To Their Debut

Based, kpop unions when?!


Pretentious Ryujin


It seems like we've missed Mamamoo concert.




wtf that's so rude, I know you're autistic but geez man

and you could have read the combo and search for it instead



mamamoo is for listening not watching so it's not that bad


Monday looking cute this Monday




what a retard


that's rich coming from a guy who couldn't find the title of the only Irene movie



ITZYs and Yuna especially look like it is their choreo... They are such good dancers. No wonder Lia gets trubomogged every time


Could one of the avistazchingus reupload the Irene movie to some other platform like mega or gdrive for me?

I will pay with many pictures of you're waifus in return



I feel like you wouldn't have to ask half of them if you read the first post properly



Thinking about it again, you should start by taking your meds


Very true


Lunarsolar sold 5150 albums so far

this isn't a lot but much more than I expected


Fromis will be in Pilates S magazine...



I can't imagine how much the early BTS albums must be worth now.


EVERGLOW reportedly coming back with mini album this month; completed MV shooting









RP comeback without Chimpy or Eunbi


Everglow comeback without the Duck

IZ*PERMANENT still possible?



May if fucking stacked


May has a nice chub lol


I think the guy who said that they would be Rainbow Blaxx 2.0 was wrong. Sad!



Nosie looks like she wants to sell me something and make sure I overpay 3 times


A Pink's Na-Eun confirms contract with YG Entertainment as an actress




The 2nd Single Album ‘9 WAY TICKET’


Release on 2021.05.17 6PM

Everyone doing singles 'till concerts can be held again



they are managed by Off the Record which was established by Stone Music but Stone Music has now been merged into CJENM so is Off the Record now CJENM?



Cj was just making order in their subsidiaries probably reducing cost by kicking out some managers and shit like that



What the fuck is that

Why does every other meal in gookland look like it's been eaten before



I know what it is, but it just looks disgusting at first sight





she is the designated booba window member


5/5: brave girls


5/10: oh my girl


5/12: wjsn the black


5/17: rocket punch, fromis_9


5/20: gwsn


5/24: everglow


end of may: woo!ah!, lightsum


6/9: twice


me as Yoo



The drama was pretty boring but it had good moments and Irene looked great





any other boomerbro that thinks about Apocalypse Now everytime they see "lightsum"?



oh cool, I was a bit worried about the reaction of knetz


Russia bans isekai anime and manga

uh based?



those transported to another world shows

usually starring bland self insert protagonist who is op just because and all women love him just because




and all women love him just because

holy shit

that's literally me

856×7004.50Mb00:03201122 OH MY GIRL Online Concert - Winter Fairy Tale The Lost Memory


I want Mimi

808×632618.13Kb00:03[V LIVE] [Weekly Idol] Surprise Live with OH MY GIRL-186654


yeah it indicates netflix and chill



mimi is too tryhard now. i miss when she was the more innocent dorky lemon mimi



since she isn't as pretty as other members she had to adapt a sexy tactic to attract gaypops

it's very common tbh, Sunny for example did the same

608×10802.83Mb00:04[FULL] 걸크러쉬 듬뿍 ✨ITZY✨가 정희에 왔습니다~ _ 정오의 희망곡 김신영입니다 _ MBC 210504 방송 09.03
684×10802.95Mb00:07[FULL] 걸크러쉬 듬뿍 ✨ITZY✨가 정희에 왔습니다~ _ 정오의 희망곡 김신영입니다 _ MBC 210504 방송 10.01

I love radio


c u t e



why can't Discord have anonymous posting...

there's another 2chen iteration somewhere, I forgot the link but it has a /kr/ board



I don't see it as a good alternative.

Too fast and too much shitposting.



I don't think so but websites die regularly. Especially small ones.


KAGAMI NOOOO aaaaahhhhhhh



he said he will delete it if Dreamcatcher doesn't win a show until the end of 2021


Just saying we should have some backup plan...



i really wanted to say it but i knew i shouldn't but i'm also glad someone else did



lets pick some other slow thread so we can meet there and then decide what to do next

there used to be a purepop thread on trash so maybe there

1050×7004.71Mb00:05150918 KBS Music Bank Sonamoo - Round N Round.KPOP24hrs

to think that when Sonamoo debuted, they were at the same level of OH MY GIRL



Covid is slowly going away thanks to the nice weather.

Maybe they will try to tie in some events.

But then again, in Asia (especially in Japan and India) the situation doesn't seem to be great right now.

900×7652.22Mb00:06160701 SONAMOO Sugar Baby + I Like U Too Much (Music Bank)


after a few decent comebacks in 2015-16, they went downhill and nobody knows about them

I still think Nahyun is one of the prettiest kpops from that era




I still think Nahyun is one of the prettiest kpops from that era

very true

Euijin, Nahyun and D.ana were top tier visuals

how could it go so wrong...



we didn't have vaccines and the the waves once they start they can only be stopped by closing everything



stupid TS Entertainment, literally every group they have is suing them


>>593161 this >>593163

But also it was great opportunity to do business or events in that time frame.

Like my friend would be able to have a proper wedding if it wasn't planned for summer.

1000×5622.97Mb00:15Sonamoo Pet House 150324 EP04

me as the dog


I still really love this song, such a feel good tune


Brave Girls say they only get to sleep 1-2 hours a day recently but are still happy about their busy schedules

I would go mental about 3 days in


Yejibros what the heck


aespa announces comeback in May

May is stacked


btw, one more point why blankets are irrelevant

idols don't have problems with naked legs when they're sitting in public places



Somi reveals at the IOI reunion that she is currently preparing for her new album

I hope itg's something good this time


Kyungri & 2AM's Jinwoon break up after 4 years

Noonabros, you chance has come


tracks 3 and 5 sound pretty interesting as well





a bit too low energy for my liking

track 3 sounds promising tho





Youtube now requires age confirmation based on ID or credit card to view any age restricted videos

How about no?




you weren't lying

the song is indeed cringe af

1370×10782.57Mb00:06170228 the show


I don't watch age restricted videos anyway


thoughts on kkzz' whitefu?



Nosie added another qt to her harem

Is there anyone strong enough to stop her at this point?




I don't even mind being a Miyeoncuck

That is the main point of being a cuck, isn't it


Former 9Muses Ryu Sera Reveals She Was Kicked Out of the Group, CEO Threatened to Hurt Her

Serabros what the fuck


Former Big Mama member Lee Young Hyun successfully sheds 33kg (73 lbs) to regain her health

Big Mama bros noooooooooooo



I feel that was common knowledge, but hopefully she won't get in trouble for that


Now just Mama, rip



I was a bit neutral, since it wasn't a great first impression, but now I kinda get annoyed by the song. I'm trying to watch the dance videos and live stages and I can't.



they are ok but not great



I can't watch the live stages either, it's DOTY (disappointment of the year) so far

the girls look great but I guess I'm into kpop for the music



it's a shame

like, I didn't like Lilac but I can watch the live performances or the fancams just fine, but not with Mafia



Wish Yuna would take over me tbh

1200×12802.31Mb00:04오마이걸 (OH MY GIRL) 8TH MINI ALBUM [Dear OHMYGIRL] Song Preview-LBS9KpAGMZ4

wished I had the knowledge to edit this and change it "go fuck yourself" or something like that




tfw Candy will never tell you to "go fuck yourself"


tfw ywn reply "fuck me yourself you coward"

why even live....


OMG sub-unit but the song is called watermelon allergy nigga

934×9002.04Mb00:06[ENG_LIVE] Weeekly(위클리) 화보촬영 볼 사람 We Click┃ 사진실의 광선생님 EP.6-Rr4aT_1Q4BA

crazy moves

924×8002.35Mb00:09[ENG_LIVE] Weeekly(위클리) 화보촬영 볼 사람 We Click┃ 사진실의 광선생님 EP.6-Rr4aT_1Q4BA
830×8002.29Mb00:11[ENG_LIVE] Weeekly(위클리) 화보촬영 볼 사람 We Click┃ 사진실의 광선생님 EP.6-Rr4aT_1Q4BA

gracious maknae vs. clumsy evil elf

830×8001.67Mb00:06[ENG_LIVE] Weeekly(위클리) 화보촬영 볼 사람 We Click┃ 사진실의 광선생님 EP.6-Rr4aT_1Q4BA


everyday, Monday day



Nah. Weekeuly will go more mature and just like Apink when Jihad and Zoa get a bit older

882×7881.46Mb00:06[ENG_LIVE] Weeekly(위클리) 화보촬영 볼 사람 We Click┃ 사진실의 광선생님 EP.6-Rr4aT_1Q4BA

that's all I made




omo cute short hair, it's a good fit

very very very true


What about Chewy shooting you in the head

560×600398.25Kb00:02IZ*ONE 에너지 캠(ENOZI Cam) EP.100 <>


the funniest and the most beautiful face I ever seen







as long as she back hugs me like in your pic before she does it



the way I see it if she's not an idol she is GONE

738×8882.60Mb00:08IZ_ONE 에너지 캠(ENOZI Cam) EP.98-nnpuExzoyVk



this one is obviously exaggerated just because kpg is full of yejibros



imagine a movie but it's just a close up shot of Minju's face for 2 hours straight and she acts all shy and embarrassed



how does she not get hired for every show just for the endless supply of reaction shots?



Understandable, I see Arin every time I watch Music Bank


1500×10422.45Mb00:04오마이걸 (OH MY GIRL) 8TH MINI ALBUM [Dear OHMYGIRL] Song Preview-LBS9KpAGMZ4

nice to see very distinctive styles for each member, can't fonsue them



one for our ho


when you show her your booba folder



being liked by hightests is not saying much because all you need is boobs for that



big booba is not that common in k-pop




tfw Sunny gf


you get access to the SM trainning videos



I really liked the early Sunny

later she got butthurt that men didn't want her so she started acting too lewd imo



i don't remember all that much of it now tbh but i think she was my favorite in hello baby



are sunny's booba implants btw? i feel like they just suddenly got really big


early Sunny with big oinkers


oh i guess because you love Sica...


not totally sure how i feel about the omg track preview but i know i don't want dear you to be the promoted bside



it can be misleading

Dear You sounds nice, but yeah they need to dance to it so it doesn't sound like that could be the b-side



that's true, and Jiho said their knees are weak recently so maybe they could sit for the bside

oh my grandmas


Love Sunny

Love Yuri

Love Yoona

Love Sooyoung

Love Seohyun

Love Hyogre

Love Tiffany

Love Taeyeon


wait I'm listening to Dear You again, definitely could have a slow choreo



i was thinking that too but still hope that's not the case. also some tracks are rather trapy, specifically the last bit of track 3



for me it has happened too much with them that the teaser for the album is kinda meh, but at the end when it's out it's always great, or at the very least it has one amazing song like in Listen to My Word



yea i know. i get like this every time. can't help myself

2440×216014.66Mb00:09오마이걸 (OH MY GIRL) 8TH MINI ALBUM [Dear OHMYGIRL] Song Preview-LBS9KpAGMZ4

smiles back



musically i only liked Krystal from their last comeback, but i still enjoyed the comeback because everything else about it was great

i guess Nonstop is ok song but nothing i'd go out of my way to listen to



yeah Nonstop for me was an ok song too, which is a lot considering I don't like tropical house


me marrying my waifu


me on the left


owning a café and having two beautiful employees


fucking cute




Children's Day (orini nal) is a South Korean national holiday celebrated on May 5. It was founded by the Korean children's writer Pang Chong-hwan in 1923 as a way to instill in the children a sense of independence and national pride. Children's Day highlights the dignity of children and their need for love, care, and respect. It is also a day to honor adults that have contributed to improving the lives of children.




It is also a day to honor adults that have contributed to improving the lives of children.

All of my waifus should get an award then. They activate the almonds of young boys and turn their boy brains into men brains


(G)I-DLE's Yuqi Confirms She's Making Her Solo Debut


Just as I predicted would happen after the Soojin thing




I love Purepop


Headphonechingu. I got the RS 175 today. So far so good. Bit bass heavy for my taste, but I'l play around with equalizer for that. The earcups are huuuge



The sound is very different from my AKG 702 and it's fucking with my brain.



The sounds in games and such are suddenly different so my brain goes


something is not right here



yeah, my rough estimation is that wireless_hp_price = 2 * wired_hp_price

i.e. you need to pay much more to get similar quality as of wired headphones



Not saying they sound bad, just different frequencies are more pronounced




She just really makes me THINK



Me as Lia



They have several top tier bodies there so that wouldn't be an issue




Then we'll have to kill this love unfortunately



I feel like when people talk about abortions nowadays

it usually has something to do with Poland and the restrictions on it



yes, I have seen it few times in news online

and some exchange students in uni were talking about it

but the girls weren't Polish if I remember correctly



interesting but yeah it's a huge issue here right now

I don't watch TV, don't listen to radio and the only news sites I visit are soompi and allkpop and I still feel like i'm in the middle of a culture war

and the chirstchads are taking all the Ws, on my 20 minutes long ride to work I drive next to 15+ pro-life/anti-divorce billboards


Just stop being a hoe

No abortions needed then



I am also trying to avoid local news. It is just sad sometimes.

I only look at Burger news to laugh at them.

Though I have been exposed this too. I remember some activists putting up pictures of dead fetuses all around a street when I was in HS.


I think the biggest problem is the lack of middle ground on the matter. I've seen feminist being completely insane marketing it as quick solution to one's irresponsibility. When it can be pretty dangerous and cause infertility.




I think the biggest problem is the lack of middle ground on the matter.

That is politics in general.




Though I have been exposed this too. I remember some activists putting up pictures of dead fetuses all around a street when I was in HS.

our christcucks aren't cringe like that, their pro-life posters are very wholesome or at the very least they aren't gross


Kim Lip aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh





not gonna lie that chigga is way more handsome than me so I'm not even mad


new choreo seems really good




We are all weird, a little bit like stranger pretending to be a human.

really making me think



one day I'll get the job to correct kpop lyrics, even though I'm ESL too

and that's the first step in my master plan to get an idol gf




and that's the first step in my master plan to get an idol gf

Wtf that is a bit far fetched for a first step




I'm pretty sure they butcher the english on purpose to make it easier for gooks to comprehend and also because stuff like 'I wanna You' sounds cooler than 'I want you'


2240×21604.20Mb00:06[페이스캠4K] 스테이씨 아이사 'ASAP' (STAYC ISA FaceCam)│@SBS Inkigayo_2021.04.25.-2CGE5aoSWz8




They started having irl fansigns

I look forward to all the pics



Taeyeon is a bad example since she is very plastic



sets a mental alarm 7 years from now and starts patiently waiting

876×10802.04Mb00:04(ENG_JPN SUB) [KCON -TACT] ep.1 LOONA _ 이달의소녀 _ REAL IDOL 24Hr# 01.32



proper good ass






Despite being only 0.0001% of DC fanbase Slovaks are responsible for 3.3% of their subtitles



Definitely worth it as they finally provided as with the meaning behind Dami's lyrics lol


Yakuza in the morning?



Most likely not. I suppose it is just made up.

But it reminded me of that retarded rap song that was popular like 10 years ago.

So it made me laugh.



It is pretty funny and not just annoying as something like Co ti jebe?


After this discussion, I am checking more of those songs and I find them hilarious.


Itzy is going pretty strong when it comes to outfits this comeback.


omo I'm sitting in a local shopping centre and they play Blackpink on a radio

that means they're really popular because most people here don't care about kpop at all



Kpop has been becoming really popular in the last few years

I heard Dynamite last year in some TV commercial, quite mindblowing



both of them are kpop and no amount of cope will change that



One of the simulations I run through my head when trying to fall asleep


Me as the umbrella guy


what browser do you use on mobile guys?

I've tried three of them and each has its own flaw

chrome: fast but no ad blocker

firefox: can install ublock but it's slower

opera: fast and has ad blocker but shows me ads in speed dial (minor issue) and zooming of images on kch doesn't work properly (major issue)




Ryujin's top makes me think


SM And YG Entertainment Demoted From Top Blue-Chip Companies To Regular Mid-Size Businesses Due To Poor Performance And Increased Losses

BP and Red Velvet/Aespa are nugus now


Former head of SM Entertainment's A&R department under fire after registering wife as lyricist for 15 songs



I think I have no other options too

that opera's issue should be fixable, but it bothers me a bit, how did they manage to fuck up if opera is basically an chrome's skin other sites might be broken too

it's all because of the fucken greedy jewish google which doesn't want to allow ad blockers in a mobile version so what it can keep its monopoly because site owners love that



I switched from Chrome to Brave recently, I think there's a mobile version. Not much difference, I like it.



I've seen this before


Han Sung Soo (Pledis founder) credited wife as writer on 8 IZ*ONE songs, reportedly for royalties




yay, I fixed both issues, had to change few non-intuitive settings for that

I like opera now



brave is in the uc browser category imo: weird chrome skin

at least opera devs are trying to be sane and don't introduce questionable features


I think we should implement a "sync (you)s" feature for kch

I don't get (You)s when I change browsers that often



I know I was just joking

If you want to get your pings, just get on discord


I have found my mortal enemy

This fuckign guy will die a painful death one day


for me, it's Binnie-ya



we're back


my netflix sub ended yesterday

should I get HBO Go or Amazon Prime this month?


#ITZY (@ITZYofficial) 1st Week Sales

GUESS WHO — 200,130 🆕

Not Shy — 144,355

IT'z ME — 64,659

IT'z ICY — 32,416


Can't wait for new stuff from this Chigga



I don't have any, sorry



I hope they will be more natural this comeback tho



I think all the companies will wait before adding the IZONE members. Because the IZPERMANENT crowd is too loud and passionate right now



try Bromite, it's basically Chrome but with ad blocking and a few other privacy things

I use Ungoogled Chromium like in my PC, it has DOH/DOT (ad blocking in the DNS level), and also Firefox with uBlock and https errwhere for kchan





Yeah, I hope our kids will take genes after her and not me




Firefox with uBlock and https errwhere for kchan

it's forced https and no ads here


just bought my first crypto after 3 minutes of research

the future will prove that I'm either a retard or a lucky retard



ah I meant I browse kchan Firefox with it, and https everywhere it's not only to the main site but to additional objects in the website (not this one, already has https in everything)



Stellar and XRP

I only bought them because they are currently cheap and my bank has them

my logic is this


it's easier for a 1 buck shitcoin to go to 10 bucks than for a 4k coin to go to 40k

but I don't know shit about that stuff so I might be wrong



That only depends on if some cunt decides to manipulate the market the way that is right for you

Crypto is a lot of luck, but cryptocucks try to deny that



I've seen people saying they're at the edge of suicide beucase they lost all their savings lol

Just like in Extracurricular and the father believing cryptos were a gold mine



I only went in with 100 euro for each coin

it's little enough to take the gamble


I hope the coin won't flop like those girls...




it's easier for a 1 buck shitcoin to go to 10 bucks than for a 4k coin to go to 40k

its not that simple, but this sometimes can apply


Finally getting haircut tomorrow after 5 months

I can't believe government left services closed for so long...




Finally getting haircut tomorrow after 5 months

what the fuck?

are you me??? if you have an appointment at 6pm this will get creepy



At 2 PM. I will be visiting friends by then.


How else would you make sure you don't go there for nothing?




I usually just go to the barbershop, half the time they're busy with someone so I wait 5 minutes, and I don't think any of the shops I go even take reservations (unless it's for like a special ocassion like a wedding)



communism is over brother, I'm not waiting in any lines ever again



the best service I had was from a transexual lol, he took like 15 minutes extra making sure my long-ish hair was perfect



she's family friend so it wouldnt be that weird


the place I go to always has bunch of reservations so I wouldnt be so lucky


Don't forget that Lunarsolarfus are for cute as well

412×414993.84Kb00:04[LUNARSOLAR] 루나솔라 'DADADA' MV Reaction&Commentary


Very true


I am starting to really like Eseo. She seems really nice in their videos




best active group so far



Yeah. And she seems to like the other members a lot



Maybe she was just shy on cameraga



It was their 2nd music video. They still have rookie spirit and insecurity



they're rookies, you can tell that half the time they're not sure what they're doing, it's very cute

I think except Jian, she's more relaxed because of her previous experience


Lil kid Taeryeong

1934×2062908.24Kb00:03오마이걸 OH MY GIRL _ 🌀보글 보글🌀 (Boggle Boggle) _ 뮤직비디오 비하인드 스케치 영상 _ 메이킹 필름-dA1cRTkTYK0



Still thinking about that Lunarsolar pic...




Finally getting haircut tomorrow after 5 months



they do take reservations here too, but it only costs $5, so I don't mind, you just call them and visit in few hours when they have a free slot

if I go to place where it costs $20, I think I won't have to wait too



I'm glad that in kpop even nugus have great quality albums



me too I was just thinking about this as well

her figure is out of this world...



Her everything is out of this world




Just like in Extracurricular and the father believing cryptos were a gold mine

that plot twist was a bit unnatural tbh

his father should have bought bitcoin instead of some shitty fork scam, or at least dogecoin


my new waifu




cryptos are a literal gold mine unless you royally fuck everything up (buy at maximum hype and sell immediately when it crashes)




that was the point of that side plot, like the famous Bitconnect scamming hundreds for millions of dollars



For now, crypto is a pyramid scheme. If you are willing to accept that premise before going in, you can make money by playing the system.






it's just commodity not some enterprise

That is what they want you to think


mfw waiting for my shitcoin to moooooon so I can finally buy a flat



I think I've said this before but I made $300 from a LOONA album, so it was worth it

I tried to do the same with their last album but they started to print them more lol




that makes you good

there're some safe deals, you can get at least 4% per year or so

but it will require a lot of time to do everything properly, so I just ignore it


chart going up I buy

chart going down I sell

it's that fucking easy




they actually prepared a choreo

very nice

also hearing a good gaypop song is a nice change



I know, I just can't navigate gook internet for shit



I think she's a minor so not for now

I'm a bit worried that she looks tired in that video while the rest are very energetic, they're rookies and it's only going to get more tiring from now on, hopefully she will be able to make it




I think she's a minor


how is she the youngest in that gorup


half of the year is soon gone


i haven't done a single thing yet



my only contribution is to redistribute government bux


notification of DM on the amazer app


think it's the selcas I was promised for paying 15 shekels instead of 9


it's some whore trying to sell mw nudes

Fucking reeeeeee

I wand my lunarsolar bonuspics you jews



I mean, I don't like most of the new songs released but I always check them out asap



is it official nudes or what? or how can someone try to sell you stuff there?



The app is literally a formu/image board whre people can make posts or DMs. Some random accound messaged me with a link to some nudes. It is probably some Paki scammer anyway....



Apparently I will receive the pics through makestar itself anyway. They said within one month after the end of the live. I hope they are worth the wait


is that a single again?


still waiting for the natty edition



I'm liking girl no. 4 more and more, there's something about her, plus that's a great pic


LOONA to make comeback with new album after 7 months, album jacket completed

There it is


both Karina and Winter had ps before debuting

Please tell me that at least Chigga is a natty



That is what you notice first and not the chin that is sharp enough to cut through timespace?




sharp chin

can't know for sure, but eyelid is a 100% proof, simple as that



tfw ywn be kidnapped by Yoon


that's not kino bros....




I wanted to go out with friends today



1106×12247.25Mb00:06[MPD직캠] 이달의 소녀 1위 앵콜 직캠 4K 'So What' (LOONA FanCam No.1 Encore) @MCOUNTDOWN_2020.3.12




This. It is not like you can get vaccinated here unless you are old or work profession like doctor or teacher.



in my country it's going by age, they're barely with the 50-59 yo peepol, I'm scheduled for like December lol



I'm an euro but shit like


yeah the vaccine is daebak but you have to get 2 doses and also you will have to get 2 doses every year until you fucking die

sounds off putting to me



If you are in 20's and have no long term disease, the chances are really high you won't even have symptoms if you get the 'rona



I mean sure, but you could say the same about seatbelts in cars, chances of you dying a slim and even lower if you're not a drunk or a retard (or old lol), but you still wear it

plus it's free



I just feel like it's a bit useless for me to get the shot. There are already strains that we know are immune to the vaccine and it will keep mutating like crazy. By the time I get mine, it will be outdated by almost a year



wearing seatbelts has no side effect and it's not made by (((big pharma)))





Here the seasonal influenza is quite bad so it's recommended to get a shot yearly, but since it's not pandemic, as long as a small percetange of the population gets the shot, it'll keep the virus at bay




I just feel like it's a bit useless for me to get the shot

literally this

I'm beautiful, young and fit, my immune system is a fucking chad




wearing seatbelts has no side effect

if you're the same anon, I'm quoting you from earlier:


If you are in 20's and have no long term disease, the chances are really high you won't even have side effects

the people who died (one in a million cases) are because they had previous conditions


the best protection from viruses is a picture of your waifu in your wallet

works especially well against STDs lol



I used to have Hyomin in my wallet

then I stopped having her there and now we're in a pandemic, it's all my fault...



Basketball is actually really popular in some Euro countries. I think the former Yugos like to play it a lot



lmao nah, I swear I'm not black, the fact that I like friend chicken and watermelon too is a coincidence



Iit was the photocard from Again 1977, was it the pink bunny outfit? one of the best outfits of all time



Why is the mask such a controversial topic?

Of all the shit that we've had to go through this pandemic a piece of cloth on my mouth was the smallest problem possible



depends on your country, Korea has a tradition of wearing masks for like 2 decades now but it's only if you want

even if it's not mandatory here where I live, I don't want to get what the filthy people in the bus have, so I'm wearing it for life (in places like that of course)


bro you just can't breathe comfortably and you can't see shit if you wear glasses

why is it so controversial?



sure they work, same with vaccines, proven technology for decades

it's only now that weirdos believe anything that sounds reasonable, I'm sure there's a term for this kind of false logic



it makes me sad that I lost my t-ara folder, I made tons of webms from that era



Still stops the snot and saliva and shit like that. Even without 'rona I still don't want people sneezing on me and waftign their morning breath on me



that's why since day one they have recommended masks and distancing; the "not enough" is a bad read on your side, it means it's not as effective but it's much better than wearing nothing, it doesn't mean it doesn't work

it's like complaining about condoms not being 100% effective



and staying at home 100% of time would be the most effective but it's very uncomfortable

here we have something that's uncomfortable and mostly effective


This is what I meant when I asked.

I just don't get it


This is why I love this site



Get a proper mask, the good ones have a thing to fit over your nose so you don't breath on your glasses, they're not expensive; they're the 3 layer ones, with one hydrophilic, a middle layer and a hydrophobic one.

I have glasses and stopped using the cloth ones a long time ago.




it's only now that weirdos believe anything that sounds reasonable, I'm sure there's a term for this kind of false logic




bro I just want to breath the way I want to


but muh you are killing people

if they are scared they should stay at home



get vaccine, wear the mask, stay at home

it's science baby



I've been excercising with the good masks, I must agree it was very annoying with the cloth ones.

You are a murderer!


smokes a fat blunt

tunes in joe rogan

did you know you don't even need the vaccine? we have been living without them for thousands of years, it's true, look it up



there's side effects of covid even if you don't die




a piece of cloth on my mouth was the smallest problem possible

sure it's not a huge problem but I hate the

it's fucking inconvenient and doesn't work well unless everyone follow the rules strictly, which of course is not an option in my slavic country

so everyone basically follows the cargo cult rituals because their bosses told them to do so

it's so fucking stupid



Those are high attitude masks. They make workouts more effective and help you increase lung capacity.



I find the nightly curfew, closed diners an ban on leaving my city a lot more inconvenient, but maybe that is just me



let me put it all in a meme format


only old/fat people die from corona, stop being scared


vaccine? no fucking way people die from that!

you're thinking that chances of dying of corona at your age are nothing, but chances of dying from the vaccine are high, which is absurd




but chances of dying from the vaccine are high

I didn't say that

I just said they aren't 100% safe




everyone follow the rules strictly

"strickly", as in everyone wearing a mask and having a safe distance, how is that strict or hard to follow?

and again the "doesn't work well" because you read an article WRONG




as in everyone wearing a mask and having a safe distance, how is that strict or hard to follow?

have you ever been at a store in a slav country?



young people are not dying much from corona, even less people are getting side effects from any of the vaccines, even the less effective ones

even with alien technology, you won't get 100% safe medication, there's always a minuscule risk


To break the autism 'rona discussion. Time to break out the big guns





nightly curfew, closed diners an ban on leaving my city


I can't believe millions of people would comply to that for more than a month, but somehow you guys have managed to do it



everyone wearing a mask and having a safe distance

doesn't work here, 90% of people wear mask without covering the nose, 30% would take the mask out (keeping it on the ear) as soon as nobody looking, 99% keep 50cm or smaller distance all the time



She's gonna be ther till August from what I've read


My country started implementing mandatory respirators which are way more effective.

Moreover, they are way better at protecting yourself then just others like regular masks.



I look at that this way


risk of corona for me is x and chance of getting it isn't 100%


risk of vaccine is smaller than x but if I get it I have 100% chance of getting it (lol)




I can't believe millions of people would comply to that for more than a month


but I guess people in europe forgot what freedom is long time ago, now they will take any humiliation for the promise of safety



Yes. Sure they are not perfect as they are not FPP3 but it is still way better then regular ones.




but I guess people in europe forgot what freedom is long time ago, now they will take any humiliation for the promise of safety

No, it's that we actually had a tyranny 30 years ago that people still remember well so we don't start chomping out on minor inconveniences like a piece of cloth




doesn't work here, 90% of people wear mask without covering the nose, 30% would take the mask out (keeping it on the ear) as soon as nobody looking, 99% keep 50cm or smaller distance all the time

not to mention old people who wear the same mask for weeks and get lung diseases because of it




o we don't start chomping out on minor inconveniences like a piece of cloth

excuse me but who are you to decide that wearing a mask is a minor inconvenience to me?



THey have been mandatory here for months so that is what I refer to as mask this whole time



I'll lock you up in your house for 3 months to give you a sense of scale



it's all so tiresome, just because being locked is much worse doesn't mean wearing a mask is comfortable




we actually had a tyranny 30 years ago

communism is not a tyranny, it's a perfect regime



Never said it was comfortable. But is is a nonissue in the grand scheme of things



terrible logic


chances of getting corona are small, and as a young male, the life long side effects will be small


chances of getting side effects from a vaccine are VERY small, the bad side effects are even rarer

you know people have died from paracetamol right? the most common medication in the world, and it's not stopping anyone because chances of that are way too thin

chances are higher of you marrying your waifu than getting bad side effects, and notice I'm saying bad side effects, because you could get fever like many and it won't matter much



it's a big deal to me

and you can laugh but all people are different and are bothered by different things




because you could get fever like many and it won't matter much

so just like with covid? lol




so we don't start chomping out on minor inconveniences like a piece of cloth

minor inconveniences include "nightly curfew, closed diners an ban on leaving my city"



so we have reached this point and you still don't know covid-19 is not a respiratory disease?



bro just don't leave your city and stay at home at night

why doesn't it bother you so much?




and get lung diseases because of it

This is completely false.



you would love it

it's very safe and other people tell you how to live your life



just saying that cavemen didn't have civilisation and didn't have prisons at all so idk what you are trying to say here


Alright, form a line, this one is to get your Asian wife.


Everyone, please ready your vaccination receipt

How hard are you anons going to cry when that happens



Cavemen just smacked each other over head with a club. Maybe we should try that with 'rona. We should beat it to death or shoot it



Depends on what Asian country she is from. If she is from Bangladesh they can keep her



the lockdown will kill corona

we just have to endure it for 2 more weeks™




Small for a gent.. A odour smell of it so has to be washed

based ameribro with the real review


mask chads we're getting this one




We have civilisation


implying your life doesn't consist of listening to dozens of influencers and share their opinion on every subject



I only listen to kpop and consume kpop media. I haven't watched the news in 3 years



And they are influencing me to buy albums to the great grief of my wallet



The vaccine isn't 100% reliable so you might still get the coof and spread it



As soon as you let vacced people go out without masks, the unvacced will immediately do it as well.



Even if you are 'immune' (had it in last 3 months or you were vaccinated) you can still carry virus and spread it.




you can just give vacced people this badge so that you can check it


So pretty



I think there is not a cm^2 on her body that is natty



She is not a kid


Jiu-bro, I have been listening to Salem's Lot audiobook. It is regarded as one of the important works that started the small town mystery/horror subgenre. It is very comfy.


Time to watch Nardo again



I always forget her name lol, she created a kpop group with her own money but was de facto banned for being a porn actress


Sadness and sorrow still hit's like a train



because of the blood clotting side effect it is literally more hazardous to for a healthy 25yo to get AstraZeneca vaccine than remain without




Calculations have been performed based on Norwegian data where the risk of dying from COVID-19 disease among the different age groups is compared with the risk of dying from the severe, but rare, condition with severe blood clots observed after AstraZeneca vaccination.


"Since there are few people who die from COVID-19 in Norway, the risk of dying after vaccination with the AstraZeneca vaccine would be higher than the risk of dying from the disease, particularly for younger people," says Bukholm.

vaccine working as intended



I just wanna choose what I get. The vaccine with the most side effects and most fuckups is somehow the most used one here



I didn't consider this tbh, Norwegians are probably very healthy which skews the results against the vaccine



yes? 4 million peeps, much better strategy than Sweden, they don't even like other Norwegians much so the distancing was in place since before. What works for them doesn't work for others, not even their next door countries.



Yeah, that lack of sunlight 6 months a year is really doing wonders for people




I can agree with you on this, on my country you can choose which one from like 4 options (you go on different dates I think) so I'm good


norway population


5 million

it's like half of the big city



Iceland has a population of like 300k

Björk arrived once from the airport, and the random taxi driver she took from there knew her mother and asked why she doesn't visit her more often lol


Sometimes I lose count of how many layers of sarcasm deep the conversation is in

Kchan should have an extension fort that




how many layers of sarcasm deep the conversation is in


don't overthink it



the only layer of sarcasm is me pretending to care about the health of others, I wished 90% of the population of Earth was gone, but I also think people in this issue are wrong so that's why I'm arguing like a retard



my imagination is strong, no more kpop means my waifu did end up marrying me



AstraZeneca was obviously designed to kill Norwegians

it's 100% safe for all the other people

t. the science guy



nah I didn't like kpop when they debuted, and honestly all of them were a bit... too natural back then




a bit... too natural back then

that's why I'm asking

but it was the trend back then so it's ok, the debut SNSD was even worse I think


you reminded me my early years in kpop

it was ALL about T-ara, I unironically only cared and followed them

also my playlist was 99% T-ara, the other 1% was Lupin lmao



I wish the id*ots from christian thread didn't remove :kks: smile

I could use it now




I wish the id*ots from christian thread didn't remove :kks: smile


Hwayoung simulator



t-ara + Lupin

muh nigga

and considering you're also posting Invincible Youth, I also cared a bit about the members of that show



I really liked the girls as people but I didn't follow their groups


also I'm really really happy that gooks finally know the truth and accept and support T-ara


I'm glad she didn't get any tatts on her legs


I didn't expect that comeback to the dumb joke


Jiyeon get out, I'm piss!



fun fact that no one asked: I got into T-ARA watching their first Japanese tour, it was a banger after banger



the famous Budokan concert

still waiting for Tokyo dome tho


fun fact that no one asked: I once got memed into going to some site believing that it was a T-ara fansite but it was a site with tranny porn


I checked the /biz/ thread of the coins I bought and it's literally called schizo general

I guess I will cancel the meeting with the shrink, I already have the diagnosis...




I checked the /biz/ thread of the coins I bought and it's literally called schizo general



Blue Lives Matter



it says we will clean your face which is a word play for we will beat you in the face



hahahahaha I'm so glad my korean kpop waifu would never do something like that

I would fucking hate that hahahaha


Those were uploaded to her Twitter btw.


just imagine meeting your waifu, I don't think I can handle it



I have seen one of mine and even touched her hand

I still have troubles believing it was real


not so fast anon, if you want to watch our concert you have to show your covid passport


I didn't go to a free kpop concert and they won't have a new one




I didn't go to a free kpop concert and they won't have a new one


you've played yourself

btw Apink was 50 minutes of driving away from me but it was some event with Apink and 4 gaypops so I didn't go


I wouldn't go to a kpop concert nearby if it was a group I didn't like.



This was one of the resons I didn't go to the BP concert in Berlin. Those massive venues where you are too far from the stage just feel shit




I was only curious about Momo's momos IRL



I would only pay for

Purple K!ss





Rocket Punch








Weki Meki














Hello Venus




Dal Shabet



Miss A

Girl's Day





After School




Wonder Girls













Hello venus






Dal SHabet




Miss A








after school






wonder girls

I need you to sit down. I have some very bad news for you



now you are just trying hard to be funny

it's not working tho




dead people are dead


the desk was just a desk


it's was like carbonated water without carbonation

are you sana?



maybe Mexico, they have an exhibition of accidentally momified people



I said I'd do that If I were Sana, not that she did it. Although Eunha would be good enough too



also special type of face/mimic

hard to explain but it gives me a clear feeling she would hang out with me




hard to explain but it gives me a clear feeling she would hang out with me





hard to explain but it gives me a clear feeling she would hang out with me

In your dreams maybe


I don't think anyone in GFriend would hang out with me

I think only someone like Seunghee from OMG, seems like she's not uptight



SinBased would hang out with me because I would let her abuse me


Dunno about girls, but this young lad would probably hang out with me and play some vidya



they should be careful with this hair brushing.... Wony has some hair problems







hey I'm here, he's kinda right, she has soft features, kind eyes and her laugh is "with you" not "at you", so in the perfect scenario she would definitely hang out with anyone in kch



I would kiss any Wony, even the fake older one




I'm too shy

I don't think she's the kind of person who likes loud people, she's ok with watching a movie or talking a bit in the park




or talking a bit in the park

we would have to sit on a long bench on the the opposite ends

would she be ok with that?



I actually think she would prefer that, Koreans enjoy shyness, if you're too western they'd get the wrong idea


tfw I'm too western



korean girls do, gooks won't be able to make poop jokes otherwise




tfw I'm too western

Time to start eating kimchi, laught at fart jokes and get alcoholism problems



I once ate tokpoki and I didn't feel so well the next day


Sasuke might have been an dgelord. But he was cool



she's way behind of what Miracles have been doing all this time


Thinking about Wony before bed, hoping to dream of her


Early morning walk with Squid gf...




calling her Squid and then petting her on head



Saturday is literally the perfect day to clean your room


me as the hand


caption this


looks kino



Minju was so embarrassed about interlinking fingers


the camera is way too close to her face when she's looking forward. makes her look a bit crosseyed



alpacas too? they were probably in some drama and now it's trendy in Korea lol

cute Hayoung


I'm already a bit overwhelmed by all the teasers

liking many groups is tiresome during packed months





LABOUM has reached # 1 on a Korean Music Chart for the first time in their career with "Journey to Atlantis"

what the heck is going on?




what the heck is going on?


meme answer

big 3 is so bad now that fans are starting to like nugus


what I was thinking

pandemic is making people extra bored and now they're looking for old gems, they're turning into me

904×8001.37Mb00:06191219 M-ON! OH MY GIRL Zepp LIVE TOUR 2019 'starlight'


Arin answering that phone

532×638624.75Kb00:04오마이걸 아린이는 라이브 방송 중! (feat. BYC 촬영장)-ZatxS-l-o7E


but is there a Japanese Nari?


Nari is dead to me


the webtoon is in the middle of a love triangle right now so i hope season 2 never. plus the first season sucked anyways



oh, you're reading it too? it's pretty good, I've checked other webtoons and they're not very interesting, but this one seems well written

even this cheesy love triangle is landed well on reality, except that every guy in there is a 190 cm muscular chad lol



this webtoon, Arin's drama was loosely based on it



the character that arin played in the drama, nari, is from a webtoon. the drama was an adaptation, a very bad one. it had horrible pacing problems. the kiss scene in the drama wasn't even in the webtoon. i like the webtoon but i don't want to see any more of the drama adaptation.


i read one other one but it went to shit at the end. it's amazing how nearly everyone they meet is a major asshole but i guess you have to move the story along somehow




it's amazing how nearly everyone they meet is a major asshole

but aren't the recent idol bullying scandals proving it's actually like that in Korean schools? being a fucking asshole for no reason, and being a major fucking bully if there's a reason lol

I'm giving this other one webtoon a try, something about "Stars", forgot the name; even though the poster was very crappy, the story is holding on ok, the main character is called Jiu and she's "shy and humble" and looks like an idol of course, but there's some interesting parental neglect and abuse theme going on




but aren't the recent idol bullying scandals proving it's actually like that in Korean schools?

i thought about that but that entire world seems absurd to me so it's still hard to wrap my brain around. on the few occasions i've tried to find a new webtoon to read i always get turned off cause either the story sounds really cheesy/cliched or the art is weird. like they try to make it look too realistic but in the weird korean plastic way




the story sounds really cheesy/cliched or the art is weird. like they try to make it look too realistic but in the weird korean plastic way

lol that's exactly how this one I'm reading is




Korean school system is stressful as fuck. I watched a video about it recently. No wonder there is a lot of bullying. It is most likely the only way students vent pent up frustration.

I enjoyed reading Sweet Home. The beginning feels a bit too much like typical neet pandering but it gets better and stay pretty good despite some of the later introduced characters feeling a bit out of place.



It is actually 140. Webtoon doesn't have it in its entirety for some reason.



oh i know why. for completed series they lock the chapters and you can only read like one more chapter a day unless you pay money. it's retarded


it's weird when koreans always start sentences with that 'choi yoo' which means 'for me' or 'myself' something like that


TIL also adds cringey descriptions to their videos like kpopfap lol, since I don't know much Korean, I thought it was "part of the body + name of the group + name of the idol" but I'm translating some titles and it's like "nice thighs" or "long pale neck" lol

548×556630.73Kb00:03210508 정글의법칙 와일드 와일드 웨스트 오마이걸 승희






I've been watching all the episodes of Arin in Music Bank, and Soobin either is too busy to prepare for this MC gig, he's just terrible at this or he fell for Arin and can't focus.

Arin went from clumsy nervous to semi professional MC, she doesn't need to read her cards most of the time, but Soobin went from bad to good and now he's bad again.




or he fell for Arin and can't focus.

I would do that. Just look at her. Can you imagine being productive if that was your coworker? I can't. I'd be staring at her all the time



maybe he was acting cool before but now he can't contain his spaguetti


These interviews with like 10 seconds of backstage material are pretty good, can't say 100% that's how they truly are IRL but it's cool to see. I wonder if this kind of thing would have been possible when Irene was the MC lol



noooooooooo listen to it and buy the album pls, she needs another ferrari


not gonna lie

those teasers look fucking amazing, if the album has individual posters I might buy one


those Stayc outfits are what I wanted Weeekly to wear


Chinese propaganda is so good



I just made myself a milkshake with banana and strawberries and it made me wonder if my waifu is lactose intolerant



thanks for the tip

I'm having good time translating his titles


GIF of Eunha, a girlfriend with a great upper body.



She also most likely needs glasses


Reporting in the journal Lancet, the authors note that up to 90% of young adults in major East Asian countries, including China, Taiwan, Japan, Singapore and South Korea, are nearsighted.





holy shit

I expected it to be a lot like 60% but this is daebak, daebak bad!



It seems like it is a combination of a) genes, b) environment (something about sun light) and c) the amount of time children spent indoors (namely in schools).






really? I swear there are some dropped frames here and there, happens to me with 4k at 60 fps only


Monday hwaiting!!!!

Jiu is a daileee


the aesthetics remind me of 2000 kpop


Yuqi has never looked better

I'm in l*ve




the only thing stopping me from waifu hopping to Yuqi is the fact that she will probably run away to china soon



My fear as well



I'm gonna tell you the truth, I can smell an autistic question from a mile away, this is why it feels like you're the only one getting meme answers



sometimes it will take 5+ minutes to google something like name of the girl on a video (because not everything can be easily reverse searched) but it takes 1 second to answer


Her styling in China is so on point


he didn't even read the rest of the sentence




sometimes it will take 5+ minutes to google something

should have used duckduckgo



Gidle stylists are just pitsters


he's sperging because kchanon #1 replied to a question of kchanon #2?

how fucking autistic is this guy?



and they often make their outfits too complex

I follow Xuan Yi and Pinky and their styling for official events is always amazing, chinks are good at that




is he in love with kchanon #1?

also very pretty Weeekday


made me go a little bit



another thing I noticed while following cpop idols is that chinks show feet a lot


they made Gyuri a bit too white



Reminds me of BP Jisoo in some pics

I think it's the eyes


My whitefu


THe first Lunarsolar album is not in stock




color and length

let's hope she will keep it next comeback



that's a lot of ingredients

what is she cooking?



she lost her license for drunk driving



omo, i don't think i've heard this one before... it's pretty good





watching The Show


literal kid performing

what's wrong with Korea



she reminds me of Heejin, at least the song and choreo are more like trot


posting Monday on Monday

726×7003.95Mb00:15210509 '노는게 제일 좋아 OH YA YA YA' 루나솔라 유우리 LUNARSOLAR YUURI 직캠 Fancam-7jeJH3G16D8.mkv

she's so lovely bros




they also visualize Monday morning feels well, if you are a waggie at least







I will wait with watching it until I get back from work

kino like that deserves to be watched on a TV


BoA's brother Kwon Soonwook has been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and has been told he has not much time left to live.



avatars are back




I'm a fan so I already liked it before any teaser was out lol

It's very catchy, easy to listen along, the Korean public will love it for that. The vocals in some parts are a bit forced because of how high they go, Ryan is probably following a trend and he had to do it like that because for such an old group who worked with him already, seems weird to make them sing out of their comfort zone.

MV is kino as fuck as expected, some of the scenes with Jiho at the beach are amazing. Choreography is sexy and very easy to copy, feels like the perfect recipe for sucess.



I'm ok with the avatars, but why do they need to make them so different from the members?? not even the hairstyle matches



I feel like they just ripped off the concept from League of Legends and don't know what to do with it. Audiences also dislike it. It is that Aespa has identity issues. They we introduced as a girlcrush group but when you look at their photos or Forever, they don't seem like one.




I feel like they just ripped off the concept from League of Legends and don't know what to do with it

lol that's a good way of put it





MV of the year

the chorus dance is cute af

Binnie, Jiho, Yooa and Arin look 10/10 as always

Pink Seunghee in that mini black dress can ABSOLUTELY get it

what else, hmm.... oh right there was the song, kinda forgettable




feels like the perfect recipe for sucess.

HANTEO: #OhMyGirl - Dun Dun Dance (210510)

53,325 copies (1st day sales)

they sold more on 1st day then their previous album sold in total

almost 2 times more



damn nice, lots of perks for preordering, I'm glad they're giving us lots of stuff now



I don't have time to watch the showcase yet

will do later in the evening

did they perform more than just the title?



I'm barely watching it, started with Dolphin and from the youtube videos, they did Dun Dun Dance and Dear You, not sure if another one too

the showcase is very long, almost 2 hours




reminds me Arin's huge hand here



by watching the showcase I meant watching the live stages

thanks tho, will watch it well



#OhMyGirl 1st day sales on Hanteo

Dun Dun Dance: 53,325

Nonstop: 19,225

Remember Me: 5,651

The Fifth Season: 2,601

Fall in Love: 1,142

do they add official scent like Stayc?



the MV and especially the choreo is so good

is it just me or this MV reminds of 2nd gen groups like AOA? something about it takes me back in time




this sounds great, kinda reminds me of Dreamcatcher



idk about the 2nd gen

all I know is that the video quality is the best I've ever seen in kpop


Don't know where to look during theMV. Jiho, Yooa, Bin and Arin look so good



fans of other groups wish to have problems like that


I want to untie Arin's bow




something about it takes me back in time

isn't because it's the same composer as Weeekly's After School? people keep saying that his compositions have an old feeling in a good way



only a bit disappointed that it sounds way too much like the usual WJSN, could have tried something else instead, but it sounds funky so I'm in


Candy's part in the chorus is so cute


I have a feeling NingNing will climb to the top 10 of my waifu ranking this comeback



omo nice quality

should have covered the Korean version, I can't understand her



I just wish Aespa was more fan friendly

they don't post enough content imo



She is very omo girl

1244×70015.81Mb00:14210510 오마이걸 컴백 온라인 SHOWCASE

Jiho does it again


they better not cut her hair now, it's long and sekshi now




I was thinking about that hair color, makes her nose look much bigger than what it is, at least from that angle



maybe she went to dr. Kim but showed a pic of Eunseo instead of Bona by accident?


Seo Yeji receives #1 votes for Baeksang Arts' popularity award

my psycho waifu keeps winning

gooks keep seething



the funniest shit is that her character in it's ok to not be ok was a literal psycho


I'm watching the fan showcase and they're performing Closer. I do remember there was a poll asking fans which song they wanted them to perform, but I thought it was going to be Step by Step.




they're performing Closer


their best song by far



well she has something in common with Arin, they both acted as themselves


so I just found out that the gaypops from WM Entertainment have really high libidO

we should be careful OMGbros



but you're a bit right, one of the ONF guys needs to back off and stay away from Binnie







I guess he looks like a nice guy

I'll root for them if they're dating....

from heaven because I'd kill myself



I would do it like that one crazy Bjork fan, 2 hours of myself saying incomprehensible shit and then at my favorite song BANG!


spent 30 minutes downloading iso, checking sha256sum, writing it to usb with rufus, only to find out it creates secure boot incompatible media

now have to do exactly same actions but with official tool



what are you installing? if Windows, yes it's better with their official tool




I'm using rufus all the time, usually booting on computers with secure boot disabled, so forgot about that secure boot thing


signing your daughter for after school history classes even tho she has only As just because you want to see Binnie teacher while you pick your daughter from school



Just invite Binnie teacher to a coffee under the excuse that you want to talk about your daughter's schooling




s-so, is my daugher doing good?


haha you ask me this every day, she's doing fine!



lucky fucker, Binnie and Arin were squatting playing with his daughter right in front of him



I think that is bit too much of a commitment for me



they say Arin uses the most perfume, I wonder if her scent overshadows the rest of the members


making babies with Yooa to get closer to the members



I will just pay the manager to give me her address



that would be Jiho, I feel that you could be friends with all of them and Jiho would still couldn't care less about you



ah, I think they did mention it, or maybe it was in her room but I don't know about perfumes so I wouldn't even remember the brand...



no I swear I don't know about this, I only use Axe on my body (no wonder I don't have a gf lol)





this is actually true about me and it's something I'm trying to improve; not because I'm ok with my body odor means girls are going to be attracted to it



definitely, they look massive, Eunbi's look like they could fit in your hand



Either you are Andre the giant or you wouldn't be able to hold those massive sacks in your palms



Eseo is just so much fun in these vids. Constantly in good mood.

What's even more amazing, I found out she is actually a noona for me.



And then have them wear heels so that we can dance with them with heads in the level...



180cm tall aisha with 8cm tall heels would still be shorter than me

I suffer as a non-manlet



She is noona for me too.

But I think it kinda evens out considering she is more than 25 cm shorter than me



this is why Binnie is my waifu, perfect height difference



holy shit that's the kino pic

and I don't mean her looks, she is pretty but the perfect timing and positions really made me pleased



Asians are like that. I went around small shop yesterday and I saw teenage girl with her little brother washing the floor. I thought it was nice that they are helping with family bisuness. It was only later when I went in and realized that the short guy is actually her father



Yeah, the symmetry is really pleasing



I'm so fucking hyped for the Yuqi solo after hearing the teasers



The funniest height thing is G-Dragon's Crooked MV where he constantly picks fights with white and black guys taller than him


two easy (you)s

well played



I was watching his Coup d'etat MV not too long ago, and that shit wouldn't fly in 2021



fuck normies are dumb, Musk said Doge is a hustle and it crashed. How can it even be news to someone a literal memecoin is a hustle?



musk should take responsibility for the shilling and pay off normies who lost their savings on doge!

that's an actual post from reddit lmao



Those retards would say it is a black face

It would be more autism than with Mr Popo from Dragon Ball



And Bernie should pay back the donations he took for his campaign


I'm reading the schizo thread on /biz/ and I'm unironically starting to believe that I will be rich in few months

I guess that's the mindset that causes people to dump all the savings in a single shitcoin



or maybe it wasn't normies selling but the 'smart' money sold expecting normies to sell so it crashed. kinda like a self-fulfilling prophecy



nah, I post very little on kpg, even less spamming something

I discovered the song watching shows, it's pretty fun




I'm reading the schizo thread on /biz/ and I'm unironically starting to believe that I will be rich in few months



Binnie should be arrested

being this hot is illegal



It is true that the schizo shitposters can argue with a fervour that I can't match. So I won't even try


pump and dump scheme with Candy leader...



She is for safe investment into properties and broad portfolios of low risk stock



It was a good move to make somewhat cyberpunk concept with the Cyberpunk 2077 hype behind it



based, high test and redpilled

it's been months since I've been this hyped after a teaser



I really look forward to their next concept now that dystopia series is done

I also look forward to seeing more witchfu's witchfus



Maybe she really liked that one set of teasers way back when




I wish the MV was as good as the teasers

Why would you hate us because of that


what teasers? what MV?

schizo make some sense!




But you fucked up the reply song so it confused me

that's because of those What teasers




I wonder what will be next

back to basic

Nightmare concept and the song will be about being #2 on the show



I think that episode of making that song was the best, it was so awkward.

I really like the song, as meme as it is. Same with Chuu's song chiguru chikyuchuu



that one was great too

I'm glad you didn't mention something recent because I've been missing out for a few months


now ppoppo


I liked how Yuqi complained to the producers that Miyeon always makes it into the thumbnail even when she is in the episode for 5 seconds


interesting that Jiho's eyes are natty, I think most Miracles were under the impression she got her eyes done around middle school or something


also, nice satanic black eyes lol



I mean only her eyes, they were too big to be natty



but if Jiho's eyes are natty, then some other (very few) idols also have natty big eyes, I think it's legal to get surgery even as middle schoolers


wanted to throw in my two cents into here

dun dun dance > who comes who knows > swan > quest > my doll > dear you



I'm between my doll and dear you

(I had to check them out again, I'm not familiar yet with the names)



for first, and of course dun dun dance as favorite, but it's very different from the rest of the album, not fair for the rank



oh yea, i thought that too between my first and second but i picked ddd because i felt i could listen to it more in general moods compared to who comes who knows


fun fact, Yooa raised in a family of monks



how did she lose hair as she got older? is that a baby thing or did something happen?



i thought her hair was falling out and the sesame oil was to help induce growth. idk, i don't speak korean



maybe there's baldness in her family and her mom was scared she'll go bald


two more hours til i start chart watching. fucking gaypops so high for some reason




chart watching

what do you mean? like constantly or just checking one-two times



every hour. mainly melon. it's frozen right now until 7am kst


dun dun dance is growing on me... it's nonstop all over again...

688×8805.38Mb00:06210504 SBS MTV 더 쇼 (260회).1080i.KPOP24hrs





i dont know if anyone noticed it but


online concert on july 25th



They need to re-learn all the choreos with Duck included



idk i mean they ll be promoting on music shows for a while and everglow tends to promote for a long time, and i think groups usually do concerts after promos are over



no, but i would pay even 30 bucks or more for it, i really like everglow



it would be very cringe if I didn't buy it after crying about tfw no concert for almost a year


if it's around 30 bucks and it probably will be I'm in




it would be very cringe if I didn't buy it after crying about tfw no concert for almost a year



The lunarsolar album was stocked


You were right. Drunk-Dazed is a good song.


noonabros help me, who are these namyus?


Many fan accounts sperging today about Palestina



Oy vey, speaking about Israel killing kids is anti-semitic



Clearly Putin needs to implement some common sense gun control laws, it's those damn slavic gun nuts



I think Soviet era left so many weapons in that country that getting an AK can't be that much of a problem




zetta ryouiki aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

so lunarsolar is the only active sekshie group right now? :wend_sus:

even brave girls aren't sekshie anymore since they caught the hype...



Idk, I just know they made around 100 million of them




Soviet era left so many weapons in that country that getting an AK

This sure as hell is true in Afghanistan


fuck this hot weather

all the roasties at my work show their legs and booba now and I can't focus on work




because of the fucking kpop just looking at naked legs makes me horny




because of the fucking kpop just looking at naked legs makes me horny

it's because you are a healthy man





thoughts are everything

also because controlling thoughts is more difficult than controlling your hand lol


literally putting the food on tables of Genie employees




more difficult than controlling your hand

you'd be surprised


r8 my kgf date



pretty nice but 90% of groups uses kakaom for distribution of albums

the 10% left is DC and turbo-nugus

still maybe DC prefers to be queens in hell over being nugus in heaven



the last album really surprised me

100k albums on hanteo is way more than I expected, now they just have to chart on melon



He was shooting with guns for years.

Those videos were good representation of his skills lol



he spent too much time in his room animating ghost girls, probably fucked his eyesight


Brenton came close



so Stone Music was closed but Off the Record still exists. Does that mean Yuri is now with Off the Record or just CJENM? She could also be moved to Swing Ent.



AHHHH at least make them look like the original, fucking retards



no wonder they were saying it was a hard choreo, it's not exactly the most complicated but those knees are going to suffer after promotions are over

I keep looking at Mimi, she looks cute and chic at the same time




it's not exactly the most complicated but those knees are going to suffer after promotions are over


maybe they will change it after first week of promos



lol they'll be like, fuck all these jumps, we can just pretend to jump


Miyeon solo next



K/DA unironically mogs Gidle's discography and Gidle's discography is amazing imo



Pop stars was my most listened song of 2020

The baddest was #3


Soy is kinda hot imo




except Miyeon and Elris Sohee

that's a very specific list of idols, also not true







I don't even like Sohee lol, her face just doesn't feel right




not liking someone doesn't mean I don't like women, I think some anon proved she was mostly natty yet her face looks very plastic for some reason

also, superior Elris pic related


What the heck

This feels way too intimate


Jisoo's mom posts on this board





tfw ywn



Picking a tree to hang yourself on doesn't really compare to going there to experience nature with Bin




there's more to life than cute korean girls, looking at trees feels very good too


I stepped on shit today on the forest, this fucking dog or cat keeps shitting on the only clean road where I take my dogs for a walk



I know, but it's nothing compared to kissing your Bingf in the fresh grass in the fields



this is so surreal that I'm not even upset about it


flexing 2 apple products in one pic

Is she making it?



I only noticed when I was here watching cute girls, there was a strong smell of poo


These pics in the nature are really nice



nature on it's own is nice and korean girls on their own are nice

it's a win win


When reddit had face thread. People said Jiho and Roje look similar. I didn't see it then, but I do now



probably my favorite part, although there are many good parts


Seo Yeji is in discussion for attending 'Baeksang Arts Award' for #1 popularity vote

zero fucks given

whole korea would be put on suicide watch if it wasn't already there



they definitely look alike in some pics, not face blindness at all

but most of the time they don't



I think they're extra annoyed because they can't do shit about it, since she's just seems to be an asshole, which isn't illegal.


hmm, I don't see the resemblance



if you smelllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll what the witchfu is cooking



I've burned enough myself to know how it smels


memes aside Siyeon is even worse at cooking than I am

idk why she insists on making cooking vlives lmao



since yesterday I've been trying to find this Mimi clip but it's nowhere to be found; she's also with a waffle maker and of course she's making waffles



yeah, someone shared the original vlive and it's 30 fps but with dropped frames every now and then

now the official vlive is smooth as it should be

762×8743.69Mb00:05210510 오마이걸 컴백 온라인 SHOWCASE

which is a shame since I made some webms from the choppy version



Yooa has such god tier proportions. She looks like she is 170+ when in reality she is almost a womanlet



All of OMG will be there. Bin will be probably drunk to the point she won't even realize you aren't speaking korean at her so you'll have a chance there




he won't even realize you aren't speaking korean at her

that sounds really fun to do actually, with any Korean



Just make sure to say juseyo at the end of every sentence and she is yours


it's the nigga who complains his questions aren't taken seriously isn't it?



in Avengers, Thanos used the Infinity Gauntlet to disappear half the population of the universe, and they all disappeared like that


I don't think he knows what capeshit means


someone make a FAQ for my autsim nigga



Are there any pics from how she used to look before Dr Kim did his work?


had a date with Binnie


Red Velvet's Joy to make solo debut

very based




I know it's supposed to be about Dragon, but I can't take my eyes off Yuna



I am honestly probably more interested in the MV and live performances with Joy


Berry Good announces Disbandment

Seems Johyun's milkers couldn't keep them afloat after all


I'm sorting my kpop/meme/chan folder with 5K+ files


I'm so autistic, please kill me

storing 99% of these files is irrelevant because you can google search anything in 5 seconds, but I'm sorting it anyway just because I have them and don't want to delete without checking



But why are you storing kpop pics in chan folder?

I would recommend having sub folders for different boards/topics too.



A lot of kpics are worth keeping because the oxygen stealing window licking smooth brained niggers that populate the internet repost them gazillion times in increasingly more fucked up resolution and jpeg artifacts and 3 years in your waifu's pic is 300x300 and 15 kb in size



yeah I'm doing this right now

I've been storing everything in a single folder because it was faster to autocomplete but it was on Linux and Windows isn't very fast with managing tons of files

I've had my old linux partitions backuped to ntfs as normal files and it was so fucking slow to deal with them, there was more than a million files and windows didn't like it




repost them gazillion times in increasingly more fucked up resolution and jpeg artifacts and 3 years in your waifu's pic is 300x300 and 15 kb in size

yeah that sucks




Windows isn't very fast with managing tons of files

so now I'm autistic about keeping the minimal number of files


still sorting

found this, it's fucking hilarious



If I follow all that will I be able to plot my suicide bombing without glowniggers spying on me



lesbians will love the MV and I'm dropping my waifu for Silver Nosie

the song is nothing special


nice window



that was nice, didn't know it was from Ryan too, I wonder if every major group now wants him to write music for them


what notebook is that? some lame one, with vga port

also monitors in the office are vga too...



A lot of office laptops have VGA so that they are compatible with projectors



that's true, yet they're still exceptions

not only that, it probably means they're trying to appeal int. fans so they'd need to be extra careful with what they say, and this again doesn't apply to Dreamcatcher lol







exposed button

omo, SM is doing great, didn't expect that

nice work




trying to put lipstick in usb slot

this is why women shouldn't use computers


I've sunk so low in life I envy a seatbelt now


As a legster...




Cute cheeks




They should just stick to this futuresque videogame aesthetics, but drop that avatar bullshit and they are set


Anyone been paying attention to the sandniggers shooting firecrackers at kikes?


I have just finished watching Forest of Love. It is okay but not as good as other Sono's projects. Though it definitely still has his style all over it. Starts a bit slow but last few episodes crank the insanity up to 11. Which (with exceptions of few twists) is still not as crazy as the story it is loosely based on. Overall, I would recommended only if you have seen a lot of Sono's previous titles.



It has jqts but they slowly turn crazy and sex scenes in Sono movies are far from pleasant.


Irene and Slugi unit


Wendy solo


Joy solo

We want full group comeback god dammit



not really

Joy solo is the best thing that could happen to me


love Joy

RIP Wendy


dislike Irene

hate Yeri

simple as



The most bizzare thing about it is how leftists are now posting anti-Jewish caricatures

and all the fan accounts sperging about the events

seriously, why does everyone feels the need to use their platform to push whatever politics

no one cares what political opinions holds owner of kpop account

that is even more retarded than listening to celebrities



Everybody thinks their opinion matter, because that what everyone around tells them



no one cares about your opinions on twitter culture either but you do it anyway

why do you use kchan platform for that?




that is even more retarded than listening to celebrities

you mean you don't listen JK Rowling when she talks about trannies?



you aren't simply reporting the events

you are pushing your narrative that what fansites do is retarded



That is at least funny.

But I mean all those preaching to people how they should live their lives despite not knowing what a life of regular person looks like.



can't have opinion about kpop fans on kpop imageboard




can't have opinion about kpop fans on kpop imageboard

imagine having an opinion lmao



and imagine thinking that it's so important that you post it on some j-drama forum


having an opinion is a feminine trait


my objective and irrefutable opinion is that Arin is hot


now that the dust has settled do we all agree that Mafia is the biggest disappointment of 2021?



my opinion is your opinion is not opinionated as my opinion of your opinion



sorry I'm busy, someone is wrong on reddit and I have to win this one


doesn't post anything about the sub-unit


posts her thighs to distract ujungs from the MV

holy shit, she must really hate the girls from the sub-unit



I hope she has been chosen to represent group's color

so she will keep purple hair all the time


fuck I spent so many times on sorting photos and it's still not perfect

for example sometimes it's hard to choose between meme and krandom folder

I should have used tagging fs




COVID-19 found in penile tissue could contribute to erectile dysfunction, first study to demonstrate that COVID-19 can be present in the penis tissue long after men recover from the virus. The blood vessel dysfunction that results from the infection could then contribute to erectile dysfunction.


parkour is my passion


jieun had blonde hair predebut and black hair for debut




all the coolest things in life are illegal


I'm a memehair enthusiast but in this particular case I have no other option but to full agree


Ireh and Dosie deserve an apology from PK hair stylist


I finally found a way how to stay pure

I have a shuffle wallpaper with pics of my waifu looking at the camera on my second monitor at ALL times, she is watching me 24/7



don't be mean i care about his opinions, it's fun to discuss stuff

besides he's just voicing his opinion, not trying to shill some political agenda


HANTEO: #WJSN_TheBlack - My Attitude (210512)

23,220 copies (1st day sales)

pretty good



#OHMYGIRL (@8_OHMYGIRL) 8th Mini Album <Dear OHMYGIRL>

DAY 1: 53,325

DAY 2: 04,071

DAY 3: 04,077

TOTAL: 61,473

they must have had great pre-order benefits



yeah all stores had some event, like video call or signed stuff, and there are still more events coming



I think the fact that post-covid fansigns can include foreigners is the biggest factor in the 2020+ sales boom


Ground beef is fuckin good


nice pants




1194×19202.89Mb00:03210512 ITZY 있지 - 가요광장 출근길 영상 by Cherryplum (4K 60p) 01.08


don't look there bro



imagine being woken up like this



I want to be arrested for a few months, not for years


add her back to OMG!!!


Jiho was crying so hard just now during a radio show (during a commercial break), she literally never cries, not even for winning shows, she doesn't like to show her emotions like that

I'm scared bros...




Jiho was crying so hard just now during a radio show

why tho?




she doesn't like to show her emotions

maybe her autism was cured and she doesn't mind showing emotions now





Actually both are full english



Bonny anbd Clyde is a motherfucking certified banger.

Holy shit




bought obscure stealth game for 5 euros


it is actually fun




5 euros

that's a lot

you can play with game pass to tons of shitty games for free

there're so many of them so that I don't play anymore because it's hard to select what to play to


I bought a bundle of Nardo games this weekend, but I need controller to play them



I don't buy games that much but I don't mind supporting indie developers here and there especially when they make something others don't anymore and when pirated version doesn't work


I bought Chinese dualshock couple of years back for 5 euros. It is the same as the original but has numbers instead of cross, square etc.


Fans find a leaked Japanese magazine cover claiming that Miyawaki Sakura plans on graduating from HKT48

Kkura is gonna stay in SK, or so it seems


today's MVMC



I would rank her in the top 3 most beautiful currently active kpops

probably on the #1 spot


I went shopping for the first time in over a year and the price difference between fashion brands like Tommy Hilfiger and basic brands like Zara really btfo'd me, I already forgot how big it was

for one TH t-shirt I could buy 3 or 4 Zara t-shirts, is the quality difference really that big?


I had a Bulgogi Bibimbab for lunch today

I didn't like it



and for one zara shirt you can buy 2-3 normal shirts lol


Order Lunarsolar albums


Paid 30 bucks for shipping because my country is not eligible for free shipping


My country gets added to the list 3 days later


I could have bought another 2 albums with that money



yeah, i thought so too

Candy's reaction is like she literally does though

1268×8002.50Mb00:09😴 오마이걸 벌칙 파티 열려따!!!! 🎊 [아빠 안 잔다] 오마이걸 _ ENG SUB-R1zoS4pQSwc.m

alien noises


I wanna see Wony again soon. Hope Starship will debut the group quickly


Forgot pic


We don't need money to feel good


'Cause you're the ridе or die, the rest of my lifе


Don't need a party to feel high


We're like the modern version of Bonnie and Clyde



it's pretty funny how bonnie and clyde have been romanticized, from being a couple of murderers to being an example of true love



Killing together is the true form of love


I spent so much time staring at Yuna fancams that I am actually starting to like the song



The prechorus is actually really good. The chorus is shit though



No. Individual groups have theirs posted in their subreddits. Or you can just check the sites on your own from time to time



We can't all be doing that tho


Interesting picture



lol only because one of them said he was a fan of the show



My order amount wouldn't be enough for a free shipping anyway. DHL already has the package.

30 bucks is not worth the hassle



Definitely for me



Just lazy and can't be bothered

Also I really wanna have the albums already and they should be here next week




That long ass list of guest stars

Imagine waiting 20 years for a reunion of your favorite show and 90% of it is about some dumb ass celebrities you see every day.


Invincible Youth reunion when

oh no wait...

856×10045.08Mb00:04210513 Mnet M COUNTDOWN (709회) 1080i.KPOP24hrs



The show has been very popular with normies and especially women.

It will probably be very successful due to those celebrities despite dragging down what the special was supposed to be about.



I am in, looks like a proper MV, not sure what LULUPOP is tho



going to IG was a mistake, there is too much everywhere...



type "oh my" in spotify search


first suggestion is Oh My God by Gidle

oh nonononono

miraclebros, we got too cocky



no worries, GIDLE has being dealt with, nothing but solos now in their prime years


Comedian Kim Ji Min says she saw an idol couple kissing in the stairwell at KBS

Arin and Soobin-shi....


still no dun dun dance fancam on m2 channel




she injured her leg, that's why she was crying in a radio show

out for this week, so it doesn't seem so bad, they tried hard to hide the fact she was just walking on stage




she injured her leg

I'm glad it's the leg and not something serious like (((anxiety)))


#WJSN_TheBlack (@WJSN_Cosmic) 1st Single Album <My Attitude>

DAY 1: 23,220

DAY 2: 12,509

TOTAL: 35,729

#OHMYGIRL (@8_OHMYGIRL) 8th Mini Album <Dear OHMYGIRL>

DAY 1: 53,325

DAY 2: 04,071

DAY 3: 04,077

DAY 4: 00,488

TOTAL: 61,961




DAY 4: 488

that's a huge drop, but they're doing good considering they don't sell that many albums

wished I was rich, I would move to Korea and start making the whole album buying a thing of the past, and instead they should do a pyramid scheme with cooler and more expensive cards the more you buy




and instead they should do a pyramid scheme

I'm waiting for kpop shitcoins tbh






shame that I can't fuck it

not with that attitude


put some random electronic playlist while driving to work


3rd song that starts playing is the song from "average fan vs average enjoyer" meme

really made my day



was it a proper crypto tho?

from what I remember you were just getting fansign/concert benefits for holding it



It was based on Ethereum. I don't understand this crypto shit, but I think the end goal for it was to translate into real money




It was based on Ethereum


they were ahead of their time, if they made it this year they would go to the moon



afaik it was just a wrapper around eth coins and its blockchain, so you actually keep money in eth



Which means that the value of your DCoins depends on whether Musk tweets about crypto, right? Glad they dropped that stupid shit



Back in elementary school in mid 2000's internet was full of videos of all kinds and I remember my classmate showing me a vid where a girl fit a whole gear stick up her P. Maybe he wants to do something akin to that


Lunarsolar albums should arrive on 18th



Is it just me or is the mixing of that song really fucked?







Olly got brown hair for this comeback


kissing Arin on KBS staircase


he likes Choerry more than Wony


Roje is killing me


noona bond


Nana looking pretty as heck but idk about the styling



That's it. No need for fancy costumes or dresses.

Just make MV in jeans.



The bearings are shot




We just want Karina's booba and Ninga's smile. Not some vtuber knockoff shit

Lee Soo Man you fucking bastard



So taht is where she had this outfit. I was wondering about it



yeah, the show is fun and short, they're having a lot of fun

790×9902.41Mb00:06[K-Choreo 8K HDR] 오마이걸 직캠 'Dun Dun Dance' (OH MY GIRL Choreography) l @MusicBank 210514-J932RA6Sjx0

feel the disco

674×9564.69Mb00:05[K-Choreo 8K HDR] 오마이걸 직캠 'Dun Dun Dance' (OH MY GIRL Choreography) l @MusicBank 210514-J932RA6Sjx0

god bless the choreographer



really? I think it's great and memorable, but I'm a fan so I like everything lol



they try to do too much and it makes it look hectic. i like the parts where they're in sync and do the same move. i like their old choreos more

600×658264.08Kb00:03시작부터 끝까지 저세상 텐션🤪 말리지 마~옴걸이들 기분은 feel so high↗️💖 _ 오마이걸 (OH MY GIRL) 'Dun Dun Dance'-Beb8PVP2XvA



watching some dance covers, it's interesting some people think some parts are very easy but they don't do them right, like in that Arin webm, it's 3 movements, first left, then back, then right and back to the front position, but most do whatever


can't believe Yuqi dropped the SOTY and it doesn't even have a MV




I'm making a new thread

give me 2 minutes


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when will this Arin make her comeback?