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Happy new year 12,022



i have very little interest in karina when she's not showing her tits



is this the famous korean age?


Netflix's new series 'The Silent Sea' debuts to mixed reactions

I enjoyed it even tho the actresses weren't cute, I would even say they were all uggos


why is Netflix pushing out so many korean shows? is it because they've become a profitable meme?


I think they make lots of shows from various countries but the gook ones get popular because they are good/kpopfans watch them



Was it better than Hellbound? It stars Bae Donna so at least the acting was likely solid.




Was it better than Hellbound?

Hellbound pissed me off because it was like twice too short but it definitely had a better story than silent sea, it also made me think



I would say Hellbound was strong in premise and not the story itself because of its execution.

Save Me is supposed to be way better exploration of the topic.


true kween of kch




It nay be interesting to watch one where she talks about her mental illness




he still doesn't have weverse

what's your excuse?




the man

were the manface memes true???


tfw wanted to go see the new matrix at cinema but got cucked by coronapass



Koreans have been creating top quality shows for a decade before Netflix, but how was the average Joe supposed to watch them?

For some strange reason, my niece hates Korean stuff, so I just checked her Netflix profile and there are 0 Korean shows being recommended, except the few in "most popular in your country"



I use discord instead, people autistically compile stuff from all their social places so I don't need to


lel get rekt!


anon, it's my last egg, make it count




I don't even know if Nayeon is still watching my videos

top fucking kek



when did the Josh saga started? I think it was few months before covid...



what was the craziest moment? I remember that he tried to approach Nayeon on a plane or something



I am not that familiar with entire timeline but the plane approach was probably the peak.

He will get arrested if he ever returns to the country.




He will get arrested if he ever returns to the country.

for real?

any news articles about it?


TWICE's Nayeon Withdraws Restraining Order Against Foreign Stalker

wow, you can tell she wants Josh's BWC


love white girls




post that mister performance with those huge statues



she looks super uncomfortable here

is this from some drama?



lol yeah from a drama, later some dude gives her a coat for the cliché romantic moment of a powerless princess




later some dude gives her a coat for the cliché romantic moment of a powerless princess


no wonder dramas with idols don't make it to Netflix....


Important announcement.

After a detailed analysis of this performance, I'm finding strange movements in Karina's boobs. It is not out of the question that they're fake, even though previous evidence has shown the typical behaviour of natural breasts.

More analysis is needed to have a final conclusion, but for now we have to consider this importan piece of information.


I've finished Train. It was very good thriller. I think it even surpassed My Name for me.



I don't see anything wrong except them being squeezed weirdly by this outfit


just opened Siyeon's hand cream

smells a bit like a hair shampoo

it's not bad but it's smell mogged by Jiu and Sua creams



What about the others? Haven't tried yet?



European noble-bro...




What about the others? Haven't tried yet?


I started with Jiu and I'm going down by age, sice they last 6-7 weeks I will have to wait few months to try them all

Jiu was the most girly by far



as expected tbh

I wonder if Gahyeon's will smell like burgers

1280×7201.92Mb00:07Cooking with Dreamcatcher's SuA Vlive Special [09052017]


you didn't have a stove before?

how did you cook your ramyun?



No, it was just too old. Everyone thinks it became a fire hazard.



Maybe. But it was pretty good deal with cooker hood and few other small things.




cooker hood

bruh do you have your own flat?

I would never buy that for a rented apartment


lucky af

I will probably never own one without sucking some bank's cock for 30 years

1920×108017.40Mb00:52Apink Diary 2021 EP.4 (웃음 가득한 초봄의 유어바이브 화보 촬영 현장)
1920×108018.40Mb00:54Apink Diary 2021 EP.4 (웃음 가득한 초봄의 유어바이브 화보 촬영 현장)



While it surely is an advantage, I don't want to live in the middle of nowhere.



at least ZOGbots won't find you easily when you skip one of the n+1 boosters


can't wait for their 3rd album



On the contrary this made me think more that they are real

They behave like liquid and flow out of the tight constraint of the outfit through a small gap. Silicone booba wouldn't slip out like that IMO




When did she getg so.... gifted


gonna ask dr Kim



if korean women look like this then i dont want anything else


I have about 20GB of Lee Hee stuff

I can share some later on if you want




I follow her on on ig but she doesn't have much vids



that would be great

maybe I can drop porn thanks to that


i shall dedicate my last nut of 2021 to this goddess



wasn't wooyeon super popular even before lee hee express?

her maxim vids have lot's of views



you mean like edging till the midnight and then coom continuously from one year through to the other?

1920×108013.81Mb01:13♥RANIA TV♥ 라니아 혜미 '맥심 MAXIM' 촬영현장 스케치 영상_180424 <>



tbh it's frightening so far

when jews got to the holy land they just started murdering all the other tribes and Gods helps them in that

God is also a cunt who kills people for every little thing

it's not amazing or anything but if you are into history meaning how people thought and lives few thousands years ago it's very interesting



Interesting. I may be worth checking out interpretations of those stories and discourse surrounding it.




interpretations of those stories and discourse surrounding it.

isn't that just some rabbis head cannon

also idk if you know but bible is looooong as fuuuuck

reading the interpretations would make it even longer



There are definitely problems with interpretations but I think that even mainstream Christianity doesn't take the stories at face value as until recently the history basically everywhere was "recorded" in very literary way. That is why for example you have historically proven kings but stories about them tell they ruled for hundreads of years.

Length depends on the source. I know there is this popular guy that makes videos named Barron Bishop. He is well read in literature so he can point about interesting topics about life regardless of beliefs. It can be used as a background noise.



are you saying that Samson didn't actually singlehandedly kill thousands of people?


i saw some Jordan Peterson podcast with a traditional islamist and now Islam makes more sense to me. I still need to read the Quran before converting though


biblebros we just lost



The problem is that Quran (in comparison to Bible) claims to be literal word of God. I don't trust God that says the Sun sets in pool of water.



doesn't bible claim to be word of god at multiple points though?


For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.

t. Jesus in Matthew 5:18




The general concensus seems to be that it is only inspired.

that's what I heard as well




i saw some Jordan Peterson podcast

don't listen to that benoz addict




that's because church these days has to pander to science

protestantism was based on believing that scripture is the highest authority on everything though

but anyway good thing is that we can all have our personal beliefs independent on public authorities, so the general consensus seems to me quite irrelevant.

the books matter though because they're the only thing we can base our beliefs on, and you have to believe that at least some of it is divinely inspired, otherwise you're just a general deist

one problem i have with the bible is how tribalist it is. why would a god choose the israelites to be "his own people". it's clearly just a remnant of the times when all peoples had their own gods. being a christian feels like being cucked by jews


if god was real he would chose korean women and white men as his people


Happy New Year btw

let's all get kgfs in 2022


I read it as Yooa and got really scared

Yoona is old enough to frick people so it's ok



unfortunately, fireworks are slowly disapprearing


rich knoonagf 2022 let's fucking go




God is also a cunt who kills people for every little thing

I've never had a discussion with a religious person to bring this up, but this exact point is what I would use against them. God is a dick, because even if there's one, the character from the Bible was written fully by humans, so they project themselves on it.





that's degenerate, you should just think about her and one of her songs that might suit the new year



even with this look miyeon has this implied promiscuousness that still makes me think she's a bigger slut



seriously though. even though she doesn't do outfits like soyeon above she has that look that she knows A LOT



im sure she knows a lot but i think she s far from being as slutty as soy



but soyeon has been considered "ugly" for a lot of her life. even though she looks like that now i think it's more of a means to express herself and that she doesn't really partake in such activities in comparison



yea but looking slutty isn't the same as acting slutty. that's my main point



sorry poor choice of words from me. i think we're saying the same thing though



yeah i agree with this

maybe soy really isnt slutty but just acting like it...

maybe miyeon is slutty but never acting like it...

dark thoughts


i know she's not kpop but i think we should all blast one to betty white to show respect


effortlessly mogs past kpops, current kpops and all the future kpops

478×7202.94Mb00:05[🎤LIVE🎤] 2020년 KBS 연기대상💓💓 레드카펫 💓💓 01_18



refuses to elaborate further




comes back next new years eve and giga mogs everyone as always


imagine having a waifu like nana and whenever you re out with her you are basically 100% sure she will gigamog everyone in sight


trying to cheer your waifu up after anon showed up to a party with his nana gf and your waifu got mogged



she wont even be mad, she ll just fangirl herself aswell


in 2022 i will blast less to my waifus, and i will love my waifus more





jupppal the absolute madwoman

she was my first waifu ever because of Invincible Youth




guess i should watch that

if you enjoy watching shows in 240p



ive seen some of the first season with hara and narsha and hyuna and hyomin and sunny i think and it was decent quality should continue it


meeting Jooyeon after school...


when I think about it 2021 was much better than I expected

I made new friends, I made more money and I was healthy

I hope 2022 will be at least as good, for me and for you my dudes


2021 was unironically by far the worst year i've ever experienced

2022 can only be an upgrade



2021 was one of my best too, but i think 2022 will be worse


2021 was far from perfect but many things worked out.

I wish you the best too.




2021 was unironically by far the worst year i've ever experienced

this niggas waifu started dating lmao


C in crush stands for cuck

imagine letting your gf show her tits on national tv


how do i get a girl with pits like joy


joy's tits

joy's pits

joy's legs

joy's ass

that's the perfect woman



i like her face but its not perfect for sure in my opinion, i was trying to match her with another perfect face from red velvet but i couldn't find one


2022 bros

we are here




any zoomers here? why is this hairstyle so popular?

I keep seeing it on young dudes

1920×10802.96Mb00:02[페이스캠4K] 아이브 장원영 'ELEVEN' (IVE WONYOUNG FaceCam)│@SBS Inkigayo_2021.12.12#

so who's kch's official ROTY?



might be true

musically - for sure

looks - pretty strong, yuki-chan is next level beauty, piggy should lose weight tho and they should stop experimenting with Dosie's hair

stability - good sales, probably won't randomly disband

lewdness - much work to do but they have potential

content - subbed YouTube channel, get invited to many shows, active on twitter and ig

also Geoun is a literal Nazi enjoyer which is based af


HANTEO: Best-selling Girlgroup Debut Albums (2021)

#AESPA - Savage: 406,513

#IVE - Eleven: 203,128

#LIGHTSUM - Vanilla: 35,640

#PURPLEKISS - Into Violet: 22,177

#BILLLIE - Billage of Perception: 17,736

#BUGABOO - bugAboo: 5,152

#HOTISSUE - Issue Maker: 4,792

never heard any Billie or Bugaboo songs


finally find a muslim "intellectual" and get into his debates on youtube


turns out he stalks people in chats and tells them to kill themselves and to commit all kinds of sexually deviant acts (incest and golden showers in particular)

why does this keep happening? they always seem normal on the outside




muslim "intellectual"

based living in 6th century bro



Because their narrative is not supposed to be questioned. That is why they go ballistic when they see something like David Wood's Before You Convert





God save the Queen. Ma'am, I am paying my monthly kpop and television fees in timely manner.



resists arrest

you'll have to pin me down and handcuff me first


waiting for those sets~



not many idols are wife material though, my Mimi is one of them


I used to hate purepop but aesthetically it's so much better than gurl crush imo


Yuri actually sold 90k

2560×144015.87Mb00:50[다이아] 2022년 첫 시작을 함께한 토마토즈 2021년에 시작해서 2022년에 끝난 브이앱 하이라이트


really miss gidle

why did Soojin ruin them?


Uploading the Lee Hee stuff now

It's gonna take me an hour and a half to upload so you fuckers better be thankful

It's 32 Gigs of high res pics



oh no, I don't think we can download that bro, there's a 1.5 GB limit download

I've downloaded big files (like 3-5 GB) with the desk app, so it resumes after 6 hours but it'd take a month to download this one in that way




alright then, I'll upload the file directory so you can pick an choose

but that might take a few hours so I'll post it tomorrow


thank you for your hard work


seems the individual upload is actually going fairly fast so I think it should take ~2hours if it doesn't slow down during the process



do you have a paid account? I also can't upload much because mine is free



I have a free one, but there were ways to expand storage at some point for free users

I did consider buying the cheapest premium but I don't use the cloud enough for me to justify the purchase

the free capacity is good enough for me



also, keep the link to yourself

if it spreads out, it can quickly reach a download limit and Mega will throtle it


downloaded the first set and heol is all I have to say



honestly it's a heresy to compare some of these sets to porn



Binnie-free ya selfish bastard

god knows how many great binnie videos you are hiding from us





same, curse those JAV stars for setting my standards absurdly high



it's stretch marks

the most common cause is pregnancy

she might have a kid already



some people are even less fortunate, one of my friends has stretch marks on his arms



you can easily prevent that with some creams, most pregnant women use them

I do remember Yulhee had some stretch marks though, but maybe because her baby was huge



there is a chance that she just had a phat ass and lost weight afterwards




maybe because her baby was huge

good thing she had big milkers to feed it well



shouldnt have picked a lewdable waifu for new years eve




no matter how little she is wearing, her eyes are still the sexiest bit of her body



this is such a true post

did you know she has 'uneven' eyes? (one double eyelid and one mono) which makes the one look smaller

it's basically noticeable in every single pic of hers, one eye just looks off but its her charm

786×8002.65Mb00:04160813 여의도 팬사인회 나인뮤지스A 경리 직캠-LprKKJvo8NU



Nine Muses’ Kyungri also makes it onto this list. Her uneven eyelids are definitely a little more noticeable than others, and she looks so good with them. In the above photo, one could tell that her right eye has a more prominent double eyelid while her left eye does not.


Kyungri has previously stated that her uneven double eyelids were a feature she didn’t like but her fans love them! Fans think that her uneven eyelids paired with how long they are make her look like a cat, which is quite an attractive trait.

one of her eyes just looks 'lazy' because of it, it's kinda cool


i thought that too until i read the article explanation



wow, you almost made me fall for a retired idol but I closed the webm in time



very awkward hug

but I am still so envious of him



have I reached a point in life, when I'd wish to be a toothbrush?

surely not....


i just wanna be this fucking dog




the fucking dog got to have its head crushed by those thighs



I think it's actually good idea for family business

father turns them into goddesses and immediately points them to the son to take pictures of

it's a pipeline for qts

all they need to top it off is a grandson who can move around in chaebol circles and work as matchmaker for rich CEO's and they are set forever



nice, I didn't read the combo that lead to this mega, so let me ask

1. Are they Korean?

2. Is this paid content?

3. Are they supposed to show nipples? I found one




1. Are they Korean?

Yes, I think most of them are


2. Is this paid content?

Yes, that is why I am gonna delete the link.


3. Are they supposed to show nipples?

I don't think so. Usually they have nipple covers stuck on.

Though there are supposedly Extreme sets with full nudity but theybare extremely expensive and I couldn't find them on the interwebs

1920×10809.47Mb00:21(SUB) Apink-log 나은 운동🧘‍♀ + 먹방🍽 + 인마이백🎒
1920×19209.85Mb00:23풍선 터트리는 손나은



Kepler debuted today but I couldn't care less

Yena is debuting as solo soon

Hopefully the Kkura/Chaewon group debuts this year

Rumors are that JYP and YG will debut new groups this year



Btw I have concluded that #2 >>690490 is doing the Rose lookalike think on purpose

Her oldest pics she barely looks like her and then at some point she changes her makeup and hair and never turns back



Dunno, for some girls it would be very hard to deal with the fact that 70% of the comments on their social media is "wow you look like this other person"


update on the Lee Hee folder

I found a few more albums on my laptop so I added them to the cloud, can't be bothered to make a list so just browse through and find them

my personal favourite is



pics are very much related

I have also found some more, gonna download that and add them to the folder later



I have like 10 more Gsu albums

curently trying to stop my brain from meltdown



I'm going through your folders and tbh Wooyeon mogging so far

Min.E is really pretty as well but I can be biased because of my love for manfaces



Wooyeon is like the second to last one for me.

Her face is not that great imo and I prefer less thicc girls



kahi, momo, krystal, nana (according to some people)


Samples of the new Gsu albums to look forward to



wow she looks so good I wish korean women were real




new albums are uploading

give it ~30 minutes


it's almost 40 gigs now in total

to think this started when somebody posted a video of Gsu playing piano here.....




video of Gsu playing piano here

I think this vid got deleted from lee hee's channel



I think some people have vids from their YT downloaded, I never bothered to because they are low quality compared to the pics and take way more space


those pics are really nice and all but I can't believe niggas actually pay for those lmao

goes back to ordering $100 photocard on e-bay



I have only ever once spent money on porn and I regret it to this day

never gonna get that 15 bucks back



If posting on image boards influenced me, it's the pits

feet don't really do it for me even after all these years of seeing footfags spam them



i think the short hair is fjne, i do prefer it longer too though



short hair is for cute pics

she is always doing poker face in shoots so it looks weird imo

she is hard beauty main and that goes hand in hand with having long hair



kinda same

there was a time when I was obsessed with pits, with feet I do appreciate good feet but I just like them, nothing more


i do wish she smiled more often



Gsu folder is updated to all the new albums

don't fry your brains







certainly feels like it sometimes




whatever team jisun is on


tbh I'm not really following kpop recently


kekler sold like 150k albums on the first day

kpop is over



people are emotionally invested because of the show


I hope Solar will teach Swan about the power of

I don't really follow mamamoo but I don't remember solar's face looking like that, I guess she got kim'd



I just don't see it. She most likely had ps but not recently.


love Yooa's natty lips


T-ara's Hyomin and soccer star Hwang Ui Jo are dating



Hwang Ui Jo, dating rumors with Hyomin, who is 3 years older than him

chigga is living the dream



really fucking hyped! nothing but bangers from them, so worst case it's a good song



eh, she's +30, I'm more like worried about Qri not dating


soccer players are top desirable men in Korea: so much that face literally doesn't matter

reminds me of that one variety, where a very tall and pretty cheerleader was saying that Yoo Jaesuk was her ideal man and she was dead serious




soccer players are top desirable men in Korea: so much that face literally doesn't matter

I guess that 1.8 million euro yearly salary helps



most gaypops are very feminine though, not only in looks but probably also in behaviour, can't blame Hyomin for wanting an actual man


185 cm

That is like 250 cm for non-Asians.



The amount of girls that said on KB that Ho Dong is their type is ridiculous



kek I don't remember that, the episodes I've watched they say they want to be partners with him because he's cute



it's the other way around

if kpops date some handsome gaypop I can feel like I never had a chance

if she is dating some uggo bastard that looks like hentai protagonist it makes me feel bad for not having kgf




if she is dating some uggo bastard that looks like hentai protagonist it makes me feel bad for not having kgf

he wallet and status mogs you


just say it nigga, you love gaypops and wish to date one



they usually said he reminds them of their dad (go figure )

and that he looks cudly or that he looks strong and reliable



I've only ever talked to one kqt and she seemed like she wasn't disgusted with me so that was good sign



I am on it




you also can't rely on public answers too much. plus the other choices on the show are the short funny guy, the whiny giant basketball player, the singer that isn't heechul (who looks the best imo but is pretty boring), and heechul which might be a scandalous answer because it may be too real



He is really lame most of the time

didn't get the memo that 90's ended



he's pretty boring too. he gets like one line in per episode



i like restaurant salads because they add so much shit to them that makes them unhealthy but i never order one because i'm not trying to pay like $20 for a salad



wtf i thought you were saying korean age and was gonna make fun of you for it but it's not. i thought she was like 25 at most



I don't eat salads at all because most of them include tomatos and cucumbers both of which I fucking hate


cucumbers and vinegar ar ehte devil



yeah, she debuted at 21 which feels normal for starting a job, but I guess kpap usually starts way younger

for better or for worse


she is the same age as Seolhyun, it's her bday today as well


on a semi-related note there was a kpf post of choa but she doesn't look as good anymore prob due to her being 31 and all


such goddess




i liked her face so i focused on that. it was still chubby looking which is probably what she had issue with

1280×7205.32Mb01:10T-ara's 'Sweet Temptation' Episode 5: BoRam's 'Recipe of Love' Part 2




I was checking one of the Lee Hee sets and in one of them she hard hairy pits

I almost vomited




It is. They seemigly haven't been up to much recently.

Hopefully comeback soon.




Hopefully comeback soon.

I hope we will get an anniversary single



That would be nice. Maybe also some event.

Mamamoo got theatrical cut of their concert for anniversary.



there will be a coffee event for gooks and some "online event" for westerners

probably some vlive



The more you treat it as a taboo, the more tempting it will be.


1920×10801.13Mb00:04FUNNY K-POP IDOL LAUGHS <>



I'm an incel by definition but I don't hold traditional incel views but after talking to some girls it's awakening something in me



I'm just tryna talk and they just full ghost. I just want the respect of being told at least why. Like did I say something wrong, is the conversation dull, or am I not their "type"? Like bitch I know I'm ugly. You can go say that but at least let me keep some dignity and let me know.

So how's your day going? :)



ngl I was hoping you wouldn't respond for a bit longer so I could call you a stupid bitch for ghosting me. But yea online. I mean I get it, that's just how it kinda goes online but still



I have this average female friend, she's kinda uggo and she gets DM from 20+ new guys everyday

even uggos have so much attention online they can afford to treat dudes like shit

and with ghosting, I can understand them if they are autistic

for me it's really hard to tell someone I don't like them, just not responding is easier




if they are autistic

I doubt they are. I think it's just that as a girl with so many more options like you said, it's just not worth their time. But I just want that human empathy of saying bye and why. Wouldn't take more than two sentences. And then it's cool, no hard feelings.

And honestly, if they're autistic they might even be better about it and telling it straight since they're not aware of other people's emotions as much.




Wouldn't take more than two sentences

I bet lot's of dudes would try to bargain or take it badly and call them whores

tbh online dating fucking sucks

and when you finally get to date irl you find out that your waifu is much prettier and lurking internet is much more entertaining than talking to people




I bet lot's of dudes would try to bargain or take it badly and call them whores

Yea that too, I forgot about that.

And yea I'm fine by myself on the internet like 95% of the time but then comes these waves of loneliness and as I get older that 5% gets bigger and bigger.


your waifu is much prettier

I don't even want like celeb or model tier pretty. I just want someone cute I can do cute things with. At the same time I wanna improve myself so I can be shallow/picky. As I am rn I don't have that luxury.




And yea I'm fine by myself on the internet like 95% of the time but then comes these waves of loneliness and as I get older that 5% gets bigger and bigger.

it's Christmas and New Year

tfw no gf always hits harder on that time of the year

anyway good luck with finding cute tradfu



Thanks. Good luck with whatever you have going on in your life


tbh i would prefer getting ghosted on Tinder than going through some awkward stuff like 'i don't think you're my type :)' kind of messages

it's much faster and less awkward, if you don't take it personally




Have you actually bought it?


I stick to albums and hand creams


I would buy the calendars if it was possible to buy them separately tho



as in punish your balls with that heel? absolutely



No wonder she is as as she is...

she knows






wearing undergarments on top again


this is not what we wanted to see




when did you guys most enjoy kpop

musicwise or as a whole?


when you first got into it

10th May 2017



yea similar for me. got into it 2015 and i'd say 2015-2016



I am really enjoying it now

At the start of discovering new things you always have the rush of excitement because everything is new and you feel like there is endless amount of things to discover.

However now that I've explored it thoroughly I can say I really enjoy it, because I know what I like and what I dislike and just focus on the former.

Everytime I think I am losing interest, something comes that grabs me and I am back in it again fully.


I miss 2020 my ADHD was so mild back then that I could watch hours long vlives without distracting myself



now imagine putting that attention to good use and not watching hours long kpop vlives but something educational



I already have a job and a degree

I don't want to learn any more nerd shit tbh



why else would you watch a kpop talk for hours? you're certainly not activating your brain cells with that content



I want to stare into those eyes until my eyeballs dry out


shame there isn't really much in terms of information about backup dancers in kpap

some of them look really nice and they are mostly way more T H I C C than kpops themselves



If she keeps leveling up at this pace, Yujin will be this generation's sexiest kpop


is Dayoung natty?




in New York

never clicking that


Gonna watch Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: Return to Hogwarts, bros




when did you guys most enjoy kpop?

you're doing something wrong if you're not constantly enjoying kpop, and I can't picture myself browsing kpop related sites if I didn't enjoy it as much as the first time



lol that thumbnail


NCT x Beethoven

the man himself waking up from the dead to do a collab with SM



most of them have an instagram though, I remember talking about some qt I liked from Yooa's performances, and some guy in /hr/ managed to get the account from the dance team and individual accounts of all the girls; maybe it really helps to know Korean though



People were saying


funny how Beethoven has been quiet since "my group" released a "song"

Well now he has

I watched it like 10 times already

I fucking love it

Yujin especially, but both Leeseo and Gaeul also looked great



That requires more autism than I got.

Wish we just had a kastden for backup dancers


also, with rare exceptions backup dancers don't get fancams



lately we have full-group fancams from broadcasting companies, so it's cool



Good, we need to keep her in our thoughs and prayers


GAON: Top-selling Female Acts (2021, up to week 50)

#TWICE: 1,599,635

#ITZY: 920,891

#LISA: 766,486

#ROSÉ: 622,624

#AESPA: 572,615

#REDVELVET: 456,405

#BLACKPINK: 432,337

#STAYC: 280,282


#GIDLE: 218,722



I'VE would have taken 10th or 9th spot if they had counted the last two weeks as well


open kastden


see kepler tranny


close kastden


day ruined

i am gonna have to make an account so i can use filters, aren't i?



idk but it included sugar, baking soda and water

she put it at the top of her latte later, really no idea what that supposed to be



I am also glad to see them there.

Back to Dong's ramen, I guess


I like those ''I am a celebrity'' pics



Exactly. It is especially great when smaller groups like Lunarsolar do it.



I can't the song is too cringe and there is plenty of monke-stimulationg kpops in other groups

570×11841.05Mb00:02[#채키타카] 벌칙댄스ㅣ케플러(Kep1er) - WA DA DA Special ChoreographyㅣCHEKITAKA
680×13221.25Mb00:02[#채키타카] 벌칙댄스ㅣ케플러(Kep1er) - WA DA DA Special ChoreographyㅣCHEKITAKA

at least acknowledge that she has a nice ass


I'm glad you think her face is nice

gonna post it more




never had a problem with her face, I just think she's not a good idol and I resent her for taking Yurina out


I was cleaning up some folders and found this. Like always, I wanted to find the source and make a proper webm.

Turns out it was deleted from youtube, I quickly found the date (150415) but they were all the wrong outfits, and it's because only the fan showcase was still up and the media showcase was the one deleted.

Luckily, digging around the interwebs, seems there are some Koreans dedicated to reupload to kakaotv some fancams, with the quality reduced of couse. Sadly, watching the fancams I could find and with all the pixelation, this gif is the best we will ever have.

Detective anonymous, out.


my brain refuses to produce serotonin until i get a gf, fuck this



I was surprised at how young she still is. I thought she'd be older

910×9102.75Mb00:03woo!ah! (우아!) – '별 따러 가자' Visual Video <>


Jiu's older sister...


what are the chances that momo knows about the effect pics like those have on men?



sometimes i like to imagine what some ancient kings would've done to make kpops like Arin a part of their harem

kpops are lucky to live in modern civilized era tbqh



I bed they'd wage wars and commit genocides just to have qts like that




arin is very innocent

that was before she met Dayoung



just started watching Goblet of Fire and holy cr*p Cho is pretty hot, no wonder Harry is head over heels



it just started by Harry seeing Cho in a train and they just look at each other with THAT look

i mean Cho being a hot asian and Harry being The Chosen One, is it so weird?.. what's weird is Harry hooking up with Ginny, I say


yea the beginning of the 'romance' was just harry falling for the hot asian girl. as a kpop fan i can relate



I guess.

I remember reading something about Harry being supposed to end up with Hermione but then Rowling going mental and making him end up with the ginger family least favourite child


the real tragedy here was movie ginny being sort of ugly and movie luna lovegood being hot. tfw no harry x luna romance



yea lol i was just looking up pictures of them and oof


also where are all the hot Slytherin grills in the movies, they should have the most 10/10s



the jew propaganda doesn't want to show the bad guys with supposed pure blood characteristics as the superior house


that one guy talks shit about Bahi but imo she isn't even the ugliest member



remove Yujin, fake as fuck

remove Bahi, fake votes and not idol material

remove Hakiru, her concept is forever girl crush, she doesn't have much range

remove Youngeun, she's a good idol but because of her face, she's invisible in performances and variety (she might improve tho)

now you have a good group without them



chad Viktor Krum went to the ball with Hermione



lol I was watching that live, it's so bizarre

nice somyis, but her voice and overall dumb character weren't very attractive


every harry potter movie is ultimately just about tfw no hermionegf



Yeah, she seems like full on bimbo

jinjja nice body tho so I'll wait for them gifs that are gonna pop up



my theory is that she was mentally ill, but instead of being depressed doomer like that other DIA she went full hoe mode

not complaining though, I don't want her near my pure DIAfus


MBK and Mental illness

name a more iconic duo



At least you have found the way brother

Winter is great




song's shit but word about Taeyeon. She's mogging, she's mogging hard


I kinda disliked her when Sica left SNSD but those plastic aesthetics made me a Tae fan

discovering Spark and 4seasons helped as well



she doesn't need to have an origin story, there wasn't any money in DIA so she turned to something that's profitable from day 1 already



yeah maybe VODs for subscribers or somethings

there wasn't anything remarkable though, she kinda autistically raised her arms every time she got a donation? I think, and repeat like 30 times, while playing some music and dancing



so classic BJ stuff

I'll wait for highlights on r/kpopfap or 4chan or similar place full of autistic coomers



is that the actual former idol or just some random hoe dancing to the song?



random girl, for some reason I have the whole stream, I don't even collect that stuff lol



I don't find it hot, the whole stream is kinda funny

1920×108017.96Mb00:51⚜️오늘은 ‘마리 앙투아네트’ 공연이 있는 날이에요⚜️|DOYOUNG VLOG|도르젠 브이로그


does it make sense to say that just because God is omniscient (foresees everything) it doesn't mean that we cannot have free will? We choose freely but God just foreknows our choices? This is what William Lane Craig (well known Christian scholar and apologist) says. I guess when talking about God literally every statement makes sense.



Talking about God literally is kinda stupid imo. I think there is way more wisdom to be extracted from the metaphores and stories rather than engage in the pointless reddit tier arguments like "is omnipotent god able to create rock so heavy he can't lift it smug emoji"



but don't you ever wonder whether or not there is a creator and whether or not you have free will? i don't think there is anything reddit about these fundamental questions, and so it's relevant to ask if believing in one necessarily excludes belief in the other

bible/religious texts as le metaphoric life wisdom is just a meme started by Jordan Peterson




bible/religious texts as le metaphoric life wisdom is just a meme started by Jordan Peterson

nah, he just simplified it down, but his thing is based on many people who did it before him


but don't you ever wonder whether or not there is a creator and whether or not you have free will?

It is an interesting intellectual exercise, but I don't think it has that much potential in acutally improving you life or helping you.

Basicallyas far as I see it, pondering such questions is for philosophers, whereas the message and


le metaphoric life wisdom

are meant for the pleb masses (which I am a part of)

Mind you I am very much talking just about my own subjective experience. I genuinelly got a better outlook on life and myself from those "memes by Peterson". Though I got that also from watching an anime about teenage girls going to Antarctica, so I am probably not hard to please



it's great that religion has helped you, and referring to your earlier post i would add that i agree that discussion about God can often feel very fruitless and reddit especially when people start projecting themselves onto what God could/should be and God begins to seem like a super intelligent man lol

also I'd say that the question of free will generally doesn't interest me and it does feel like just an intellectual exercise, because it seems to me that practically speaking we don't have a choice but to live as if we believe in free will regardless of our rational beliefs.

but I've just been wanting to search for a God and stumbled upon this problem that seems to be at the very core of every Monotheistic religion; and so it feels like every believer, a philosopher or not, should have an answer to this. Otherwise you should just take the atheist (or some weird determinist/deist) stance.




and so it feels like every believer, a philosopher or not, should have an answer to this

I think most of them will fall into one of the two answers you proposed in the first post



yeah it's just such a mindfuck... to know the future for certain yet it being under the agency of freely willing people... now that i think about it, i guess i implicitly assumed that because something is foreseeable therefore there must be a chain of causality. but why would it be beyond God to foresee uncaused things? ok, i appreciate you guys letting me vent here, i'll stop now




now that i think about it, i guess i implicitly assumed that because something is foreseeable therefore there must be a chain of causality

Have you ever read about Laplace's demon? I think you'd find it interesting


but why would it be beyond God to foresee uncaused things

this assumes such thing even exsist which is a can of worms on it's own


ok, i appreciate you guys letting me vent here, i'll stop now

I don't mind. It seems to be coming from the point of genuine curiosity rather than trying to stir some shit



I was really suprised to see it there.

I've read up on it back in HS when I was a lot more into physics. I found it fascinating back then. I read a lot of stuff about people like him.

Btw if you want a fun book about a great man. Read "Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!"

that was really good one



Either way, back to Laplace, I think his demon was later deemed impossible by both physics and logic.

I think the whole thing about omnipotence, omnipresence and omniscience starts making way more sense when you think about it from the point of view of a metaphore or an arbitrary existence.

Either as a cope from the plebians to make life more bearable or as a tool to keep kings and other powerful people in check though fear of divine punishment or promise of divine reward.



basing on Wikipedia, I don't think Laplace's demon is anything but a really dumb and specific case for hard determinism, since it presupposes stuff like classical mechanics and additionally talks about reversibility. But determinism itself has never been refuted.


lmao exact same for me, i always thought it's some 2deep4me shit when that big tiddies science girl started sounding super smart, i couldn't comprehend any of it


Mai gf?



mai and sakuta's relationship was the best part of the show. it was refreshing seeing two people be straightforward and mature compared to the typical boring shy mc character who doesn't do anything




but don't you ever wonder whether or not there is a creator

Everybody wonders that, the problem is that all religions are wrong, they come from basic and short explanations of how the world works.

There isn't anything mystical about some guys 2-3 thousand years ago trying to explain the world and writting a book that will be later edited to the convenience of an organized religion. It's only natural to think we come from somewhere. And since we create life by having kids, it's also only natural to think we were created at the beginning by some external force.

The funny thing about religion is that they're always wrong, but since the world moves on, they need to adapt. Barely a few hundred years ago, we were the center of the universe and the solar system, and even before that there wasn't a solar system, it was just us on Earth and magical stuff in space. Now that we know that's not the case, religion has adapted to embrace the new knowledge humankind has created. You'll see religious people claiming their god (R) was the trigger of the big bang, without even understanding the concept of the big bang.

It's easier to think about free will when you look back in history. A pleb living outside a castle had free will to the extend of his lord, now you also have free will, to the extend of capitalism, and this is why sometimes it doesn't feel like real free will.




lmao exact same for me, i always thought it's some 2deep4me shit when that big tiddies science girl started sounding super smart, i couldn't comprehend any of it

The whole show is basically just a a worse copy of Monogatari, but in order for the "homework" to not look too similar the writer replaced all the mythology and spiritual stuff with pseudoscience



Sakuta was a pretty OK main character but he got a little bit whiny towards the end. Tbh I thought the show started off really nice but towards the end I just skipped almost every scene without Mai in it.


It isn't inconceivable to me though that there'd be a personal God who would send his messengers or prophets to earth to guide us. I mean at least I'm willing to entertain that idea and curious about it, even if it sounds like quite a big bite to chew. A lot of people far more educated and intelligent than me even today hold these beliefs.

Also I don't really see there being a third option to either atheism (world literally coming out of nothing/being eternal) or a creator. I've been trying to think of a third option that isn't as incomprehensible as those two, but there doesn't seem to be one?


didn't really like Monogatari, that show felt like it was made for people with higher weeb power level than me... Senjougahara was top tier waifu though




felt like it was made for people with higher weeb power level than me

I guess so


Senjougahara was top tier waifu though

She was THE waifu for me for a long time




I've been trying to think of a third option that isn't as incomprehensible as those two, but there doesn't seem to be one?

that we live in a simulation



but then the simulators need either a creator or have come out of nothing, it doesn't help at all




A lot of people far more educated and intelligent than me even today hold these beliefs.

One of the smartest persons I knew was a college close friend, he was very religious. I remember telling him my idea of heaven, there was a sort of filter when you die to clean all your sins so everybody goes to heaven, and he told me it wasn't an original idea, it's an actual serious theological theory. Which sounds cool, I'm in.

The more you look at prophets, the less you think things actually happened they way they're told. Jesus didn't know how to write, nor his direct disciples, not even the sons of those disciples. The first accounts of Jesus were written generations later; the actual fact was maybe that Jesus had a party and brought some alcohol instead of water and it was written as literally turning water to wine.

Just a fedora correction; as Saramago would say, I'm a Christian Atheist because I'm an atheist against the religion I was taught in school. I can't be an Islamic Atheist because I wasn't raised in that culture and the word atheist would imply the acceptance of one deity. And atheism isn't a philosophy of life, you can be against theism and be perfectly fine with the idea that there was a creator, like maybe a being from a superior alien race; not a god, but with the ability to create living thinking organisms.



yeah I've been listening to some Bart Ehrman interviews about historical Jesus, and in general I would never be able to believe that Bible or Quran are the literal flawless word of God. I quite like the Islamic idea of Bible being word of God 'corrupted'. Perhaps Quran could be corrupted the same way? Bible I've read and it's full of chapters that do not make any sense to me at all, even if given a lot of benefit of doubt and taken more metaphorically. Quran I haven't read but it'd probably be the same case.

On a sidenote about Jesus, for an ordinary man to literally pervade the minds of billions of people 2000 years after his death is such an incredible feat that it itself is almost enough to make me religious lmao. You could say no other man who has ever lived has had the kind of impact that he has.


this is what plays when you're out on a date with your waifu



I had to go back and look at the dictionary defition, and apparently it wouldn't cover that scenario. Agnosticism would be more like there's not enough evidence to prove or disprove the existance of a higher being.

I was just thinking right now that in our vast human arrogance, we believe there's a reason for us to exist, as if we were the pinnacle of reality and consciousness. Maybe there's a greater purpose, and also maybe this is just a tiny part of it and me liking kpop is completely irrelevant to that greater destiny.




maybe this is just a tiny part of it and me liking kpop is completely irrelevant to that greater destiny

You have gone too far there lad

I can take the talk about religion and stuff but implying that kpop isn't the most important thing in this universe is a blasphemy

May God Sejeong smite you, you fucking infidel


it wasn't just me, Koreans are also wondering why the fuck ex DIA Somyi is in that small site instead of Afreeca lol


tfw stream was so boring coomers from Korea and elsewhere only made one single webm of it



She's been looking fabulous lately


She was wasted on nugudan


I need some tutoring


Sejeong wouldn't be a waste with me, alone

1280×7204.71Mb00:13220109 My Teenage Girl - Episode 7

better than aespa


i missed the bunny girl convo but i have to complain about it anyway since i just watched it a few days ago.

first off i watched the entirety of that show AND the movie just to get blueballed by no smooch. even by anime romance standards that's pathetic.

also the pseudoscience explanation parts weren't just 'turn my brain off and let it go by,' they actively irritated me by how nonsensical the explanations were. imo they should have just went full mysticism/magic like that 'weathering with you' movie, or countless other examples, but if that's too similar to monogatari (i never watched it) then i guess they had to mix it up or whatever

finally the movie had a good emotionally charged premise at first in that the mc had to choose between saving himself/girl/gf but they dragged it out so much and then ended up not making it even matter, and suddenly everyone can just change the past at will because reasons. it got so dumb. i don't remember where i got the rec for the show but they can stuff it

moderately unrelated kpop pic



the show peaked when Mai came to lie on the floor next to Sakuta. after that it was all downhill. They should've focused more on that romance and less on those dumb side quest girls




Mai was best girl and her banter with the MC was great.

What the first 4 episodes were, was supposed to be the whole thing. That would make it a 10/10


harem romances <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<



i don't like harem animes, i just want that pure 1on1 gf experience



just want an anime where there's a realistic romance that has the usual kissing/sex

sakura trick doesn't count. kimi ga nozomu eien is probably the closest example i can think of



I have not seen the anime adaptation, but I read all of Horimya and that is precisely it.



i'm going to watch this animu entirely on you recommendation (once i'm done with asobi asobase)

you better hope it's good >:o



As I said, I haven't seen the adaptation, but it has 8.2 on MAL which is pretty decent (fucking retards not knowing how 1-10 scale works)

The manga was great. It has 125 chapters and by chapter 20 they are together by chapter 50ish they do the naughty stuff

There are other secondary couples and few of the usual tropes of unrequited love and love triangles, but the main characters are fluffy as shit.






have you guys seen Kokoro Connect? I don't remember if it had any actual kiss scenes but at least the mc and the absolute best girl (really top tier waifu) eventually get together

it also had these side quest girls and weird shit happening, so essentially the show was like the bunny girl one except better in every single way. every girl was better written



i haven't but I'll look into it. at this point idc if it's completely disfunctional and fucked up like school days i just need something different




return of the jeans


have you seen the new Note? I have only skimmed through that during lunch but they look so great.



it's the first thing I will do when I get home

the teasers for that photobook were kino



It is worth the wait.

Siyeon+Gahyeon combo is too strong

but Dong is astonishing



REC and His and Her Circumstances are supposed to be really good shows.

I have seen only a bit of the latter. It focuses more on the psychology of the characters. I guess you can see its by Evangelion's creator.


I haven't seen it yet, but Lovely Complex should have protagonists in relationship from the getgo


big W for footfags



Probably in many places. I googled it and it is regularly sold.

One of them is called ISO 9509.



I know what you mean. Never really encountered it though.



Happy:) should hire insomicsy and knatdreamart, their content is often better than the official one


Always Seven



sniffing Siyeon's hand cream and watching DC stages

comfy night



lol I was just watching a few Glue stages





found out she is kim so hyang but she doesn't have any socials so :/


DC members opened personal IG accounts for the anniversary

I wanted a comeback but this is nice as well


Alright then lads, have you downloaded what you want from >>690302 ?

I will probably take it down this weekend to move around some other stuff



I hope Sua posts about her day to day life. I want to know if she does more extravagant things outside of boxing


it's a shame but DC's 5 anniversary turned out to be a terrible day for me

I got new contract at work since my old one ends on Monday and the rise I got is like 40% of what I expected it to be. I didn't sign it but I don't have to much time to think about it since on Tuesday I will be a NEET if I don't

I love this job and the people there are great but this wage is bullshit and I feel like they just spat in my face



yes it does and it has many great groups



That sucks but it is probably for the best to keep the job.

I don't think it is a great time to be looking for another one.




I don't think it is a great time to be looking for another one.

especially since I'm not v*xxed and I can't really go abroad for business trips

in my current job my manager is unvaxxed as well and always covers my ass and says I'm too busy to go

still it's upsetting, all my bros from uni are getting huge rises this year



if you prefer you can

I prefer to go to the office


oh shit my actressfu is there!




Nice. I haven't seen it yet.

None of the fan accounts reposted it as of now




you are supposed to follow them and give the likes

btw Goeun looks like Yeonhee here



I don't have an account

I don't know much about Rocket Punch but you are right. She is cute.



you should make one

you can DM kpops and in my case some even red my DMs and some even replied or interacted with me in another way blocked me


tfw no gf intensifies


hope their next song isn't shit

the girls look fucking amazing



Love small booba

Love medium booba

Love big booba

Simple as


If only kpop learned from jpop about gravures


we used to have Maxim photoshoots



those are dirty

gravures have a weird sense of innocence about them

dunno how to describe it, they feel different



the part when they're fangirling about Jiho, you just can't fake that, it's so sweet



for these videos I think it's better there are no dislikes showing lol




gravures have a weird sense of innocence

nigga what the fuck are you talking about, they just add some pastel filter to semi nude pics, nothing innocent about it

although it's true it's not the same feeling




MV is quite impressive for a mega nugu group

I think only the camera work is way above average

other than that its just your average box MV



because of the philipino(?) member, she said her role model was her father

her father was part of the top military of the country that killed a lot of people lmao, then recently in the showcase of the group she said she didn't mean it like that, she doesn't have a political stance




her father was part of the top military of the country that killed a lot of people lmao



I think we didn't watch the same video, it was really good with quality camera work and quality editing. Sure it's not mega interesting, but considering their level, it was very well made to catch the attention of people.




all their videos have a lot of dislikes, but without the dislike button it quite literally doesn't do anything at all now


I was actually wondering if the money for the MV came from her dad, he's surely rich as fuck from all the blood he spilled



checked the comments under her pics on twitter

they all look like อ่ยยย ขอแสดงความยินดีกับลูกหนังที่ไม่ได้กิน



same except hitting it with a golf club


New meme hair alert. Comeback soon.



I'm starting to think they are getting meme hair for fun

Sua got red hair few weeks ago same with Dami and gray hair



Maybe. Dami's seems to be green now.



I can't rate her looks only, because I know what a massive feminist cunt she is and can't remove that from my brain when looking at her


thinking about watching a movie... should it be the new Dune (is it good?) or maybe the first Matrix movie, since I don't remember anything about it anymore, or something else from recent years?



Unfortunately, that is the case with most W*stern celebrities.




plain looking

i mean she doesn't have the butta or the booba but she has the perfect gf-look... maybe it's just the Hermione-effect tho...


started watching the Matrix and this is some top-tier cinematography ngl


using human beings as a battery doesn't make any sense from physics standpoint though, right? it's not like we magically produce any more energy than what is fed to us through food



Matrix is pretty cool. I want to watch more cyberpunk movies from that era.

Dark City was also kino but don't google images from it as that will likely spoil things.


god damnit i watched matrix reloaded and it was pretty bad compared to the first but ended in a cliffhanger

now i'm forced to watch the last which i'm sure is terrible shit



People mostly complain about the ending of the 3rd one, but it's more or less the same as the 2nd

1920×108016.68Mb00:55160313 레인보우 신촌 팬싸인회 조현영 vs 고우리


served that nig right


I think imageboards finally turned me into a footfag

I had a dream last night about one of my classmates from high school and all I can remember is that she was sticking her soles into my face and that it was really nice and I liked it

is there a way back from this?




wanting to lick someone's soles

hecking gross

even pitfags are more respectable



imagine if your waifu had just walked barefoot on some indian poo-covered street

would you still?



I noticed that a lot of these footfags don't particularly like feet. They want to be humiliated.


She knows what she is doing



kinda based

nothing wrong with liking feet if you don't base your entire personality around it



I don't even like them consciously. I look at whole legs and thighs first and foremost, but that dream was something else....



hella cute

I had a crush on her back then but she fucked off to the 'murica for exchange program for a year and then got a bf like 2 days after she came back so the door was closed




dreaming about cute girls is always nice tho so cherish that memory and the taste


I have a colleague at work with kino feet and I can never focus when she shows them during summer


So out of the 3 songs that came out today

Which one is the best




tbh the money is still pretty good, I'm just disappointed because for the past year my manager kept telling me how rich I will be if I continue to work hard. And after I worked hard for a year he showed me middle finger with the new contract


IMO Taeyeon is the best song, Yena has the best MV and Fromis will have the best fancams


Taeyeon - good decent song, interesting MV. Could have been better

Yena - I was expecting something fun and I got that, so 10/10

fromis_9 - this style has been working for them, I don't like it at all



Taeyeon song is a banger, I like hearing some rock in my kpop.


some more religion blogging:

%%>No doubt I heard Allah's Apostle saying, "During the last days there will appear some young foolish people who will say the best words but their faith will not go beyond their throats (i.e. they will have no faith) and will go out from (leave) their religion as an arrow goes out of the game. So, where-ever you find them, kill them, for who-ever kills them shall have reward on the Day of Resurrection."


lmao it's actually true, the quran is very explicit that muslims should kill apostates

this guy Ali Dawah is one of the biggest muslim youtubers (700k subs):

it's also very explicit about waging Jihad against non-believers, but this isn't as much at odds with western liberalism because Jihad can be interpreted in multitude of ways, often meaning just 'striving' or some religious exertion of will%%



there's already a kpoparmpit subreddit

there's also some kpop armpit ig accounts that occasionally show up on my explore page



excuse me for being a muslim apologist for a second but i don't think most muslims think of Jihad in THAT way

i'm determined to read the Quran now, to finally understand what this religion is all about it's less than 600 pages, should be a breeze compared to bible



I know but the funny thing is the description of that sub


Here, no one can delete my post for no reason

I guess the other subs for pits have that retarded rule that the girls have to be 18

so He couldn't post Wony and Yuna there and his posts were deleted




@ me when Ahin or Nancy does that

rest of them don't really interest me



No way would I have gay walls like that at my home



fiddle hasn't posted in a month

rip, a kfap legend...




she knew... it's disgusting thinkin that i am right now literally in some bile tank or something plugged somewhere and i can't wake up



just ask the machines to change the source code such that everyone gets a kgf and then plug back in


T-ara's Soyeon announces wedding bells with soccer player Jo Yoo Min

I mog this guy



Or make a twin sister and then we can have one each. Then we could go grab some beers on weekend and talk about how our wives beat up another manager that definitely deserved it




everything except the responsible finances

my fulfilling career is in video games


limp bizkit - my (2nd) generation


Arin is so used to her ghost friend that she just gets annoyed a bit and moves on





you mean the mv with natty natasha? nah she's a 3/10 at best and brought momoland down

810×14402.94Mb00:10어려워!😂 Did I do it right #wooah #shorts


she's also the cutest of the group





have been getting into Fromis only recently.

I hope you are catching up with their earlier stuff

it was kino especially if you are a boomer unclefan like myself




I needed a small lamp like that for when I'm watching shit on my phone in bed

the normal light from chandelier was way too strong for that


Donggf EOY 2022 let's go



I am going to catch up with music. As for other content, I will see.

The appeal of getting into Fromis now is that the girls are that young anymore



if we're talking sex-attractive then i agree, noonas are where it's @

but if i think about it rationally and had to decide what age my waifu should be, i'd rather have someone younger than me who was personality-attractive as fuck


rich noonas with nice feet is what I like




cuz i can't control myself~~



very true




would you like me to say lewd things about her? that's what this thread is for right?



I mean you don't get banned for talking about booba and stuff but this is still rather civic thread and not some gay discord.


Very nice


oops it's not the same shoot, my bad



those guys are extremely weird, one might think they'd worship her but they could also just get angry at her for being too attractive or because she's not a cartoon



i bet she can't even name all the ponies. fucking poser



i love how she has the most autistic reaction videos on youtube, wherein she doesn't actually even react, and then just ends them abruptly with a "thank you bye". it's very refreshing




she's so poetic

I read it as she is so pathetic and almost worded you...



that dress and hat from Yoohyeon is giving me mixed messages



based kpg bro, always expecting the worst from people




blessed day



Just finished watching Itaewon. It was such a comfy drama.

need Nara gf




that's some prime korean genes

how can one country have such beautiful women...



what's this upload lol, and why does it have so many views


will she go further one day and do something nude?



Somyi's BJ career has been really underwhelming so far


these overalls should be illegal



precisely it's not just the bod but her expressions as well ...



At least she was there on 2020 20th February

That is still pretty good

Somebody should tell her about this site. The posting is really slow so she could get all the GETs for herself



I keep thinking it'd be cool if one of them starts posting on Discord since they mentioned they have been taking English lessons

and they'd get banned for posting a picture in a gifs channel lol



Like Hyewon when she got banned in her own fanclub or whatever fan chat group it was



The problem is that all the places that fans organise are fucking cesspits.

Chans are obviously out of question with all the gore, porn and everything.

Discord is full of pedos

Twitter and other such social networks are so full of degeneracy that it makes Caligula seem well adjusted

As much as I hate to say it reddit might be the least bad place for kpops to interact with fans at large, but even that is pushing it.

I am glad they mostly stay on their gook platforms that are hard for westerners (unfortunately that means us as well) to get into.



Discord is not so bad if the group isn't huge, because that'd be very hard to moderate. Even without weirdos it'd be difficult.

Although, I was thinking more of going incognito, pretending to be a random Korean. Otherwise it'd be painful to login every single time.



It's all so difficult and tiresome

I just wanna tell my waifus that I love them and cheer them on



I'd do it if you could actually access them without gook phone number.

But as I said, it means the degens can't get to them either so I think it's for the better



no I was talking about Bubble and Universe

sometimes it's worth it, now that Yubin had covid and was at locked at home, she wrote over 400 messages there, the subbers weren't able to keep up lol



Bin had the chink flu?

I just wish they'd try posting more in english, even if it's broken one



yeah she had covid, but seems like it was almost nothing for her, Jiho didn't have it but also avoided to go out

I think it's easier if we just learn Korean lol


fucking covid is so tiresome, young healthy people who are vaxxed literally afraid of it when the chances of them getting any serious symptoms are not even 1 in a million


you know what's not tiresome? this fancam 0.0




I don't think Sua should be allowed to run her own SNS accounts


1078×19202.71Mb00:03[MPD직캠] 비비지 신비 직캠 4K 'BOP BOP!' (VIVIZ SINB FanCam) _ @MCOUNTDOWN_2022.2.10
1078×19202.97Mb00:03[MPD직캠] 비비지 신비 직캠 4K 'BOP BOP!' (VIVIZ SINB FanCam) _ @MCOUNTDOWN_2022.2.10



release tv show in 2022


everyone is just counting how many nigs there are in it


imagine if they cast some korean qts as elves there's not enough diversity



according to hollywood jews, diverse means 95% niggers and one token asian


the age of men has ended

the age of booba has come



I'm subscribed to a channel specialized in Tolkien, and his only complaint was: it is specifically stated that female dwarfs had beards. He makes a good point, saying that in the 2nd age there are only like 10 characters with a storyline, so making up the black elf falling in love with a human is not so crazy.

I think absolutely everyone hated how the images looked, it reminds me of recent The Witcher.



Yeah i'm a bit of a tolkien autist myself and tbh the black characters don't really break the immersion for me

Black dwarves seem completely reasonable to me and elves being black isn't quite how I imagined them but then again why should it be impossible.

It is a bit unsettling though since how I imagine the world is to a large extent based on the LOTR movies and those had only white people.

Also I don't agree with people who say the source material should be 'respected' to the extent that no revisionism is allowed. Everyone loves the LOTR movies though they changed much more about the story than just people's skin colour. And the end result was fantastic.

Now don't get me wrong I wish the cast was white, but that's because I like my culture white and I wish it stayed that way. It's just not gonna stop me from watching the show.




Black dwarves seem completely reasonable to me

So much sunlight down there in the caves that requires high melanin content in skin



I don't see the reason to randomly start applying some evolutionary principles to the fantasy world. Really makes sense that the elves are literally immortal, wonder what gene is responsible for that. Besides cro-magnons were probably black when they lived in Europe


at least the memes should be good




veryone loves the LOTR movies though they changed much more about the story than just people's skin colour.

yeah, in that same channel he was saying that for example, in the books Sam was brown or that some characters shouldn't have beards at all because it's part of the look of the race (like Aragorn)



a reasonable take imho, Galadriel appearing in knightly warrior raiment is pretty cringe tbh


the memes just keep on coming


will the rangz of powah be the straw the breaks the camels back and revert pop cutlure back to pre-woke times?



nah, they love to lose money, like all those woke HBO productions



not sure about Korea, but right one looks like a mausoleum, a bit funny of them taking a selca there



yikes, wokeism is a disease creeping on western culture


this minority that accounts for 8% of population will be represented by 33% of the cast

Really makes you think


actually what brings me hope that at the end of the day people in suits don't give a fuck about any moral values, they just want money

so if a tv show/movie that is all white sells better than a wokeshitted one then that's what they will produce

in a way capitalism is a sort of filter that makes sure that what's popular is at least to some extent a representation of what people want

i think this oscars shit is at the end of it's road and if they try to push further then the oscars will become irrelevant

the only way to really make black people profitable beyond token roles is to have an actual race switch in the country



this won't last for much, if there's one thing that tops everything else is money, and that formula is just not the best to maximize profits

I don't even think a top executive had this idea, sounds more like a moron in marketing is telling them this is the new thing to do; sure that will give them political points, but not money



Good, It wouldn't be good for my pure eyes anyway



looking at Binnie's purity with my impure defiled eyes is almost blinding



Music is the only par of Hobbit I actually liked.

I fucking hated the CGI orcs. That ruined a lot of the movies for me. Or the overuse of CGI in general. I felt like they were trying too hard to appeal to the capeshit crowd



I didn't hate the CGI but yeah the LOTR orcs were much better. Azog has cool design but admittedly the CGI got tiresome and he had that cartoony/capeshit feel that you referred to. Smaug CGI was really good I think.

If they deleted Tauriel and Alfrid and some of the over-the-top action like Legolas 360 spinning upside down on a bat decapitating a troop of orcs and instead added more scenes with sovl (like a lot of the dwarf dialogue scenes already are), then for me the movies would be legit kino, at least the first two.




tfw LOTR being dogshit has the power to unite Russians and Ukrainians in a common goal

Amazon is just trying to prevent a war you guys. This is 500 IQ move


Taeyeon - Set Myself On Fire



I disliked every aspect of them. I think it's not necessary to hold them against the LOTR trilogy, they're awful on their own.



even people whol liked it find things to dislike, it doesn't look too good

I'll wait for the episodes though



i'm just meming, i'm actually very hyped for this show



1028×19202.98Mb00:04[4K] 220212 LOONAVERSE - FROM _ 이달의 소녀 - Hi High (이브 focus)



I know the booba is the point here but I can't help but look at her thighs.

they are absolutely perfect and I wish we had more idols of Olive's thiccness


the new LOTR show is set in the 2nd Age


Amazon doesn't have rights to 2nd Age beyond few short poems from 3rd Age material



that's a good excuse to make everyone black, except the bad guys



literally what actor could deliver feanor's speech to the noldor at tirion? it should be something as epic as theoden's speech for the rohirrim. just thinking about proper 1st age kino makes me diamonds





I am just wondering about the shape

big booba is nice, but their appeal highly dpends on their disposition imo


this thread can't be the lewd thread when I'm here

I'm the purest man on the internet


boobas mentioned



There is something so unsettling about that picture

Like she knows something I don't



poor binnie, she used to be like a big sister to arin but now even she together with mimi and jiho keep talking about s*x, while bin is still being chaste



a few weeks ago, I got recommended some tweet by some random saying it's sad how arin hates yubin nowadays, like it's some kind of known fact lmao






you needa change your twitter viewing habits if that's getting rec'd to you




like it's some kind of known fact lmao

but it is?

maybe they just grew apart a little bit, it sucks but it's natural



no, there's something going on with twitter, perhaps they changed their algorithm, because my account is very old and it was already perfect, I only got people tweeting pics/gifs and news, but recently I get your typical bullshit "yall mad at omg cuz they successful" blah blah



lol yeah, I do think they grew apart but only because they stopped hanging out together and from living by themselves


Bin has one leg out of the door of the kpap industry already.

Arin on the other hand seems to have at least a few more years in the tank

Thus Arin is the cold logical choice for kpop enthusiast




Bin has one leg out of the door of the kpap industry already.

no one cares about your headcanon


Jesus Christ, why did she even agreed to take a pic with Miyeon

This is some brutal mogging



Yeah, but there is levels to this shit

and that one is equal to brutal beating with a hammer


it's not like she is an acid attack victim, you are overreacting



yeah next to a normal person she'd be like a 7 but the moggage makes it seem worse



Nice. It has been such a long time.

I think Because dropped when I was handing in the thesis.



yeah there's something about Dayeon



kepler's song sucks and I don't really care about that group but xiaoting is an absolute cutie



shame she will refuse to bow and then fuck off back to china forever

many such cases


2 years at the gym and I still get shoulders mogged by Yoon...



you need to get on that kpop diet of half an apple and 3 cubes of ice


the new Taeyeon album is the best thing I heard in few years

can't believe I used to dislike this talented and hot granny



studio choom was the best thing that happened to kpop in past 2 years




can't believe I used to dislike her

I also didn't like her, I think she was having a hard time and she had this permanent bitch face and it was very unappealing

nowadays though... hot DAMN like this >>707961



wtf is that arinie hugging tae?? and tae with our girls??? i need more of this unexpected cross-over



can't wait

I'm sure Leez and Ollounder will deliver again, shame we have to wait until april tho


Despite a slow start, Law School ended up being pretty good murder mystery when the characters got more room to shine.



1. Yes, a few. It depends on your preference. I liked the one stylized into Chaeryeong the most. She had fun personality too.

2. Yes.


any krauts ITT?

DC will be in Frankfurt in May




putin has the power of kpop on his side

ukraine is done for...


komavoo, OMG really have made it



my waifu

but I feel cringe every time they show pitch of the voice with the finger



it's just some festival

going to another country to see 2-3 songs is too much for me



Some people from the other threads are apparently going.

But yeah, I am not travelling like 10 hours even if it would be nice to see Dreamcatcher and Mamamoo.



oh right

giving money to any event with gaypop is haram



that's such a dirty trick, pay for all those gays you don't want to see; at least if they're girls, you can stay and kinda enjoy watching


Pure girl group concert would have probably convinced me to go to G*rmany but with so much gaypop mixed in they can fuck off



they're not even the fun gaypops, maybe except MonstaX


upscaling this tiny section of the master video seems to have a decent result, screenshot for comparison




Belarus is already a puppet state.

If I were a betting man, I'd bet on one of the baltics. Probably Latvia



yes it would make sense that they wanted to take over baltic countries for that sweet sea access



i wonder if any kchanners are at the border now fighting



probably balitcs and if NATO won't do anything about it then Poland

all my friends are already buying gold, Euro and USD because they think it's just a matter of time when we get hit


As far as wars go so far it's pretty lame

Rubel is already down in the shit.

I can't imagine the gain of a shithole like Ukraine is worth the economic loss



talk shit get hit

we euros are too pussy to do anything tho


thinking of going to a woodworking class now... it's probably very relaxing to do stuff with your hands




it's probably very relaxing to do stuff with your hands

yeah, like jacking off

that is very relaxing



I started to work with wood on my own, it's pretty fun

only downside is that many things are loud, so you can't fully enjoy music while working on things



just signed up for a shooting course at a shooting range nearby

they train and teach you so you can get a gun loicense

thanks for motivating me Putin-nim


tfw no cheng xiao sex slave




what use is that when they'll give me a proper automatic rifle anyway if putin comes here

so you know how to use it


watching Naruto for the first time and Anko's ankos are pretty epic



let's see how far i'll get, been watching about 10 episodes a day lately, it's been a great anime so far



It has some nice music but overall never was fan of the show.

I mostly read the manga. The anime just fucks around too much.



i'm planning to skip the filler episodes since people say they're not that good


tfw rock lee lost to gaara



that's a hard disagree for me

great characters, great fights, very cool world

if only they didn't talk so much during the fights



The beginning part definitely has all those things you mentioned. What I meant is that even canon content is rather slow paced and filled with unnecessary filler.



i guess it does move kinda slowly forwards, and watching the chuunin preliminary fights some of them were real snoozefests (like sakura vs ino ), of course i don't know about the rest of the series





Definitely skip most of the filler

Though there are two or three filler arcs that are worth watching in Shippuden.

I've been rewatching Nardo almost every year, I just skip all the boring shit, though that probably is hard to do as first time watcher since you don't know how much to skip.

The fights are definitely some of the most hype ones in anime for me. At least in the first half of the show. Gaara vs Lee is banging af



i was thinking of skipping filler episodes according to this:

what do you think?


The fights are definitely some of the most hype ones in anime for me. At least in the first half of the show. Gaara vs Lee is banging af

Gaara vs Lee sends nerd chills down my spine. First Zabuza fight was kino as well, though it is pretty annoying how he and Haku just keep talking shit in the middle of the fights and holding back instead of just going for the kill. Also Zabuza being a psycho who killed 100 students and then suddenly caring about Haku was pretty wtf. I think they overplayed his demon side a bit too much.



Skip all that except


Gotta See! Gotta Know! Kakashi-Sensei's True Face!

Great episode despite being filler


GIDLE comback already looking promising




This is because Soojin left. This was her role and now that it's vacant Shu had to take over.

Blame the retards that cancelled her




Blame the cahds that cancelled her

thank you based kings, because of that we get a lewd Shuhua instead of a plastic Soojin




he's getting humiliated

he's a manlet, he's used to that


Lime got married

she will be the best mother in korea one day




you will never experience korean bridal showers


wtf i just read that in Taiwan mothers of newborn babies are taught how to make breastmilk soap, so that they can bathe the baby in it i really need an asian waifu who makes breast milk soap...



there's that one famous clip of the now behind bars Seungri, doing a show where a mother offers him a soap made of her milk, I think it was an actress

I think it was soap, but definitely made of breast milk



i know, i have the clip on my pc but i'm ph*neposting

i thought at first it's some kind of a joke but apparently many asian women unironically make breast milk soap... i would have a quick taste of it



Everglow - Untouchable

we are we aree

we never fall






are there any intp kpops?




I wonder if there are other idol doubles on the ig whore landscape


can't wait to watch her new song


I wish this was standard kpops' reaction to fans complaining about dumb shit



my wife Jiho also does that, last one was "there's a complainer here, please leave"

no time for faggots


Youngchae will debut soon, she was born to be an idol


also, hype for Chaewon in CLASSy, although I'm sure MBK will try everything in their power to ruin the group



It's not about size, it's about how they fit the kqt.

Somebody like Yuna wouldn't look right with Eunbi's milkers

956×1584916.13Kb00:03sinb 20170914 여자친구 (GFRIEND) 신비 (SinB) 멘트 BY 철이 147Company - 상암 엠카운트미니팬미팅(직캠 fancam)

what about SinP



vaginas are nowhere near as sexy of a body part as booba or butt



I listened to it once and I cant shake the feeling that they are actually saying love is based




I heart it now too




it filtered me really hard

f*cking hate it, also the members look kinda plain


since there hasn't been any new posts of her on kpopfap, i'm assuming somyi has been keeping it rather tame as a kbj and that's disappointing



well you filtered me i literally cannot even pay attention to it and every time i do it feels like i just jumped into a new song


monthly DC handcream update, yesterday I opened Yoohyeon's scent and it was a huge disappointment.

maybe the sent itself isn't bad but it's just too similar to those cheap toilet air fresheners so I can't enjoy using it



taeyeon - you better not



she has a really nice butt so she at least has that



dang I think I saw an idol's flappy vagina, I don't think I should say who it was since she's a nice girl

85% certain it was that, 15% can be something else



Jiwoo from NMIXX, I was trying to remember who she looks like in there, and it's Chowon



welcome back, this thread has been pretty dead in recent months




pretty dead in recent months

i just noticed that this thread is 2 months old.. kinda forgot about this imgboard while dealing with irl junk but hopefully we can get it popping again. if not slow is always comfy



yeah, I've also been quite busy with work but it is great to come here to unwind

the other thread is fine too



Since kchan doesn't have captcha the posting can get really fast even if it's just 3 posters



look at that little fucker

how chill and content with life he is

never have I thought I'd envy a monkey that much



animals know what it's about. return to monkee



idk man. if he's going to be kept in captivity it'd probably suck after a while




contained deadbros

being here and being dead was my independent decision


purple kiss is having a comeback, get hyped



here it's limited by the psoters themselves

the other thread is limited by mods

That is the main difference, this thread is mod-free (though the site owner would probably ban you if you posted somethign illegal), whereas the other thread has moderation


my post telling some dude to put on a skirt got deleted a while back. mods are lame





hopefully she doesn't injure herself before then. it looks like her limbs would snap with a heavy wind it can't be healthy




another big reason is that there's one autistic person in the other thread who doesn't like a few of us mainly because we come from 4chan and/or basically we don't share the same posting style/waifus as him, and I mentioned the autism part because he was chimping out every time we posted there


are your guys' youtube recs weird recently? i'm getting recs from people/channels i've never heard of on topics that are tangentially related to some of my interests. like this one vid is 19 hours old and has 119 views



not at all, I just double check and all 100% of my recommendations are related to the things I follow; like 80% are from the channels I'm subscribed and the other 20% are close to my searches

but all it takes is one video to ruin that. so I've noticed, that's why I watch those vids in private windows



Wpop yes. Jpop/Jrock occasionally.

I don't listen to much music from my country, maybe to a bit of rock.



she must know how cute she is when she pouts


just wpop and i'm surprised how good some of it is i've been missing out all my life




some lasses just age like fine wine or she has better surgeon than Namjoo



Bomi's 100% natty her B.B.B included



cause we age like fine wine

it's shocking how old white people look reminder to wear sunscreen



men peak in attractiveness in the part of life when they have the most money




blindbro... i find her more beautiful now but she could definitely use more food




I think it's the shit makeup she's take up recently.

Trying to look too adult

She looked god tier in today's anniversary post



as much as i love her sultry look angels in modest makeup and clothing is the jjang



doesn't happen to all noonas, but it's good to see she's still got it


talking about technological issues, my internet has been shit for the past 3 days, since Discord and AWS overall was down



This is 100 times more coom inducing than all of Somyi's streams so far combined



She is a bit plastic, but her face at least is unique and has appeal imo.



fucking hyped!

sometimes you just can tell when a comeback is gonna be good


watching Sera be depressed so I feel better about myself...


watching my waifu being happy to see that true happiness is really possible



she managed to overcome her problems, with therapy and drugs


there should be a service for us incels to be touched, i feel like i need human touch, ASMR can only go so far



they're called escorts, they're there to fuck you but you can just ask for something like hand holding or cuddling, even just to talk



you're right but... somehow i would feel bad about myself if i paid an escort to hold hands with her. actually thinking about it i should go to some pajeet barber and ask for the head massage



I read an interview with a whore and she said she hates clients like that the most

she said her job is fucking not being emotional support




ask for the head massage

I recommend it but I only know how it feels when white girl does it



go get a nuru massage, lots of touching and you get a hj at the end



most escorts accept it's their job to be emotional support via whatever, that woman from the interview should be the exception, because it's a lot more easy and convenient to just talk rather than fucking


the best emotional support a sigma male can get is talking back to vlives

822×10802.86Mb00:07sullyoon pits 3 (220312) [_d68d85c_OU]

I think Sullyoon's face is quite asymmetrical, which is weird for an idol; even her lips look bigger from her right side

810×14402.90Mb00:06nana butt

not as good as I thought; I was thinking it was going to look a bit funny







umji instead of sowon

are you really pabos?

gfriend disbanded and subunit (de jure a new group viviz) was created just because of the kitler controversy



they were both in gfriend but it disbanded because of sowon you retard

do you really think we will see sowon ever again?



they didn't disband because of that, SinB had a very revealing interview recently, and she didn't say it but Buddies think it was because HYBE only wanted the resources from Source Music (stylists, producers, etc) for their next girl group

that incident wasn't even that big in Korea, where it matters


hugging your own dog...



so cuteeeeeeeeeeeee give him a doggie massage for me thanks



i wonder what the otters are thinking, living in an apartment... can they be happy like that?



such a beautiful view, living in a big city sucks so hard


according to dr. google they get stressed in captivity, i feel like you could do it if you took them out to do otter stuff enough



I watched some videos from there and most of the chinks were ugly af

Dongie is like one in a million there


Anyone here ever been to therapy?.. What is one supposed to do when taken over by anxious/stressful thoughts, try and sweep the thoughts under a rug or face them head-on? I think generally it's better to try and process them, but can there be such thing as too much processing, so it becomes just unnecessary wallowing in your problems?



Never been to a therapy.

When I was in bad state I didn't eat and sleep for weeks, lost a lot of weight and was just watching shit on pc to escape. Then I talked about it with people close to me and then I got out of it by working, which put me on a schedule that I had to follow and gave my brain something else to do. After 2 months of working ~12 hours a day I became normal again.



I agree that literally just doing stuff is the best medicine; I've noticed the same too that it gets easier mentally if I have something fun or engaging to do which doesn't leave me with idle thoughts. Actually on computer I don't stress almost at all, but the second I leave it is when I have to sort of be on alert about my thoughts and try and almost police them.



Never been to therapy but I think it is important to engage with your negative thoughts. However, you need to remember that most things are not as bad as they seem and if you are an anxious type, you are not good at assessing the situation. On the other hand, overthinking will can lead you to negative loops. As the other guy said, try doing meaningful things (like working, exercing, hanging out with others) and avoid doing activities that hurt you.



what are you anxious about? ignoring and suppressing a problem doesn't make it go away, it'll only build and weigh on you more and more. so yeah it's best to tackle them head on to process and then overcome them

no offense but if your processing turns into wallowing you're doing something wrong; it should be a matter of seeing reality as it is and not as you perceive it, warped by your judgements. i'd recommend checking out anthony de mello's awareness, the writing is a bit monotonous but the message is powerful. i reckon there's a summarized version somewhere that i can find later tonight if it interests you



Yeah, having that balance between processing and overthinking seems like a good place to be.



what are you anxious about?

Some stuff I recognize it's retarded to worry about, I'm just an incredibly neurotic personality who needs to chill


no offense but if your processing turns into wallowing you're doing something wrong; it should be a matter of seeing reality as it is and not as you perceive it, warped by your judgements.

I do often find reality as it is (to my mind) agreeable, something I can live with, and I leave it at that, thinking that it's all settled and I can move on, but then despite being seemingly content with where I'm at I often can't focus on anything for more than 30 seconds before the same stupid worries pop-up. Then I have to try and scour my mind for that cope that I had been so happy with the last time. Sometimes I find it fast and can move on, sometimes I have to go over the whole thinking process again. Anyway, now I've simply started to just make myself take a few breaths and try to ignore the negative feelings pushing up, as it seems completely unproductive to go through the same thought process again and again. It's like despite knowing that I shouldn't worry I can't convince myself well enough to not do it nevertheless.




Some stuff I recognize it's retarded to worry about

have you tried saying it out loud or writing it out? even if you know they're dumb in your head it really helps you see how silly some of your worries really are once you voice them

i know how to find peace but like you the bad thoughts always return. it's a struggle since we're conditioned to worry constantly but as simple as it sounds silly thoughts are silly and you ought to just ignore them. let them come, observe without judgement then let them pass. what's really helped me with staying centered is a mantra and a vision/goal to strive for and keep me on the right path




have you tried saying it out loud or writing it out?

not really no, but it's an interesting idea. i do have a diary where i sometimes write something if i feel like it's some sort of a breakthrough in my thinking.

i have some experience in meditating and trying to neutrally observe my emotions and such, though no mantras... is it from the book you recommended? i checked it out and it's somewhat interesting

perhaps we have kind of similar coping methods... having a goal is really helpful. also i've learned to not dwell on my past as much by realizing and accepting that i'm a retard who makes retarded mistakes, and coming to terms with it i realize that things couldn't have panned out any other way, since this is who i am. and it helps already to anticipate and accept that i'm going to make more such mistakes. i used to blame other people for many things that had gone awry, thinking i was a victim instead of having simply reacted poorly, and it made coping so much harder, impossible really. it's a lot more convenient when you can blame yourself, isn't it? makes me imagine how hard it would be to be an actual victim, something like suffering a car crash and becoming paraplegic because of someone else's mistake...


alright i had my books crossed awareness is the less stuffy read, would highly rec to anyone that wants a bit more peace and content


Shoot me please



I have been to therapy.

If you think you can get out of this without paying for a professional, then you're probably not so bad. If you find yourself in the same situation (or worse) after what people recommended in here, then you probably need help.

Not sure if it was here or in /kpg/ but some people think therapy is going to fix you after a certain time, but it's not like that. It's more like providing you the tools to overcome the problem, and letting you see the big picture or a perspective you didn't consider.


i wonder what Yeonwoo is up to these days...


goeu hits different with black hair


wtf? I love Soy now!



i know but i haven't saved new goeuns yet


why is SHINee rymcore kpop, they seem to love them


i forgot how much work saving pics is after only saving selfies for these past few years... spent all evening saving yuki and goeun pics





Ion Fury - LK572-Z00N9-B39T0

Dread Templar - MP0D8-RJJPE-MMVBW

Project Warlock - Y5QAM-8AJ7R-WV3XX

Hedon - MGPBJ-50WVP-3XTN2


for me it's Taeyeon in a diminute tight dress


Get in nerd, we're gonna make some donuts



for some reason I do picture her insulting me in a friendly way, if I was her friend



if she had a sex friend she wouldn't be posting all the thirsty posts on instagram



if she doesn't have one then imagine how high her bar must be


but yes she has been very forthcoming in recent years...


did we have an opinion on the new RV? i appreciate the mv visuals but the song doesn't stick with me



there's actually so much going on instrumentally in-between the choruses that it makes me dizzy


koreans really think they are the master race and better than us they might be right fuck gooks tbh



I just look at pics and videos of my waifus



They're just sorting themselves out in history and it takes time to do it, can't ask them to be open to immigrants and other races right now considering what kind of immigrants they're receiving, and I'm not saying some races are better but more like they mostly get poor and uneducated, and on top of that they have the examples of Arabs in Europe and blacks in the US.

In that regard, Japan already went through that phase and they're more welcoming, but still not entirely.



it's not so much about immigration (it has obvious downsides) but rather that koreans have a weird sense of superiority. it feels like whenever they interact with a foreigner they're like "wow you're not actually retarded, that's cool". and i guess generally they are very tribal and proud people. or is this just reality shows biasing my view?




or is this just reality shows biasing my view?

no that's real, but their superiority complex comes from a historical inferiority complex inherited from China; they were always treated like just a small portion of China with a slightly changed Chinese culture, so even in serious Korean history books, their origin is almost mythical: they all come from a mystical mountain (forgot the name, Baekdu?)

the language thing is a misunderstanding, it happens in all Asian countries, like "how the fuck do you know my shitty obscure language" kind of thing; I also had that reaction when my Korean teacher said a few actually obscure words (slang) from my language



How to get a chink qt wife like one of these 3

There is like 500 million chinks who live like peasants in the rural shitholes of China

Surely there is some qt among them that would be glad for import into Yurop




future generations will never know that Arin existed for a brief moment


someone links a gif of somyi saying this one is really hot


it's a closeup of her face



I genuinely liked all Mamamoos when they debuted, it has been a long time since I found them attractive, even when Solar in particular is showing a lot more these days



wait, why is Jiho's candle long and Arin's short, almost extinguished? what does this mean



That Jiho is pure while Arin.... let's just say she and Nari have a lot more common these days




In what context though


posts 5yo Solar pic


it is from the recent vlog



Replay is my shit, and nice to see 500k views already!



not sure, I wasn't there, but some people in kpg are getting annoyed with the jpop posting recently, but I think it's harmless, easy to avoid in any case


i don't mind some jpops here, it's not like thread is gonna go too fast



yeah, in here it's even less of a thing, and at least they're girls



i'm just wondering if they also tried to send him in the other thread since this one is so slow



around 3000, it used to take few days but this is not the main thread anymore



no I mean, bump limit when we reach a certain post and the thread stops being bumped to the top

the anon in charge of the gaypop thread posts every time we make a new thread lol, so he's always in first place


also, I just noticed there's a /kr/ section, but it's all in Russian


watched Parasite and I don't get it, it was a somewhat humorous heist with a "dude poor people hate rich people" ending, gonna forget this movie in a week probably


i just heard that asians think that white people smell... like some butter or something



it's a good movie that for some reason everyone decided "THIS is going to be the Korean movie", it was so weird

I honestly forgot most of it but I don't think that was the point of the ending, I don't think there was a "hollywood" point to it



we definitely smell different from Koreans, so if you want your kgf better get to Korea a few weeks before meeting girls, so your smell is the same from the Korean things you eat


Oh My Girl’s Mimi And Seunghee Talk About Their 4-Year Dating Ban + Strict Rules For Trainees


Of course dating wasn’t allowed. If you got caught dating, you’d be kicked out. You’d get kicked out right away.




It is like Demon Slayer. It is the first Asian movie people saw so it must be the best thing ever. It is easy to see why when you compare it to your average American movie.


Dreamcatcher's Sua tests positive for COVID-19; all other members test negative + 'Apocalypse: Save Us' will be released on April 12 as scheduled


PURPLE KISS Dosie, Yuki, And Ireh Test Positive For COVID-19 2 Days Before Comeback




Covid is really peaking in Korea. Given the current variant, Sua will probably be ready for the comeback. Sad about the PK girls


everyone is having a flu




they also said "and we're on our 8th year (without dating)"

purest group around, almost 2D levels of pureness



not Mimi, other members like Jiho made fun of her because of that

also, we're talking about 2010s Koreans in middle school, date should be hard for them and most likely consists of holding hands


Real Love: the bridge is boring. song is nice and can easily get stuck in your head despite it not being outstanding. abrupt ending is strange

Drip: song is over the place. saw someone say it's their attempt at an aespa-style song which i understand as a business move but sucks that it's probably the promoted bside

Eden: reminds me of porter robinson's shelter but chill

Replay: heavy edm. not my thing

Parachute: it's fine. i don't mind listening to it but unremarkable

Kiss & Fix: i like the chorus but also unremarkable

Blink: really like this one. my favorite for sure

Dear Rose: reminds me of something that I can't put my finger on. like some children's nursery rhyme but with a beat

Sailing Heart: as far as omg ballads go this is on the lower half of them

overall below average from what I expect from omg but hwaiting either way




reminds me of something that I can't put my finger on. like some children's nursery rhyme but with a beat

I think it's one of the christmas carols. But I only know my localized version name for it, I am not sure what the english version is called or if it even exists



for me i agree Blink is the best pop-song here but i also like Sailing Heart, those are my choice cuts




Dear Rose: reminds me of something that I can't put my finger on. like some children's nursery rhyme but with a beat

reminds me of Kyary Pamyu Pamyu, just imagine the chore being circus-like


They made freaky purky in an entire song



and it's my freaking SOTY



I hope the solos won't be b*llads

waiting for another city pop banger from Jiu


Dreamcatcher's Yoohyeon has been diagnosed with COVID-19. All schedules for this week to be suspended and Yoohyeon's future schedule for resuming activities will be announced after confirming the release date of quarantine



Much better song than their Korean comeback....

For fucks sake we could have had this on music shows



There is still enough time before the comeback. The only problem would be if there started getting sick one after another every few days.




2 weeks before the comeback


it's already over

Is it what they meant by "Save us"?


how did we like Weeekly's transition to gurl crush?



imo it's their best title track since tag me

and I love the choreo

1280×7203.81Mb00:34Girls' Generation 소녀시대 NOW_YoonA <>



I love the song, but the transition should have been slower, and if they wanted lore it should have been connected to the last comeback so the change would be expected and well received

they're still very young, they had a couple or more of the concept they had going already


it's about arin and even her live vocals made me omo


the video is actually mocking arin's vocals and everyone in the comments is bullying her... koreans are so f*cking savage



Arin was never a good singer, not sure why they're doing this right now. It's not like the video is particularly bad, she's just bouncing and her voice is cracking because of it. A Korean friend told me these are almost 100% roasties.


Me as Seunghee in the beginning.




But when aespa sings only with lipsync, they get mad at that....

what the fuck do the gook roasties even want

seems like they just seethe because kpops are 10/10 goddesses



definitely bored and mad at them, it's not like aespa has done anything wrong so far




it's not like aespa has done anything wrong so far




I got a new IP and it's site-wide banned on 4chan lol


started doing yoga yesterday and now by back muscles hurt, though i did nothing but flail my arms around



you did it wrong, that's not supposed to happen, maybe you hyper extended muscles because you didn't feel you were working out




have you done yoga before? the downward dog pose or w/e is pretty intense physically



I did a bit, but the intensity should come from doing the pose properly for like 30/60 seconds; how much did you do? for me a 30 minutes rutine is very tough (not all routines are the same, some are to relax)

something I never managed to achieve was to control my breathing, since you're supposed to do big intakes and they're also supposed to be numbered; like one deep breath in while getting into the dog position, then a couple more and ending with a big exhale



I followed through some 20 minute beginners western yogabutt video, it didn't explain much at all about the breathing and the whole spiritual side of it. i was pretty knackered at the end of it the first time



Arin used: cuteness overload

it's super effective



I really liked Queendom 2, maybe even more than season 1 (just one ep. so far)


Yooa, Candy and Seunghee said that men and women can't just be friends non-romantically... Omo...


Candy insinuating that if I'm the only person left in the world with her then we'll have to do it...



i'm on my knees praying that God will send a deluge and save me and Candy


don't wanna to be that guy but it would be much easier to just r*pe her


Candy Pits is to respect and love



do you guys have female friends? I do, but since they're from school, the conversations are getting shorter and shorter since there isn't much to talk about

so I find their point of view very bizarre, I had a big group of friends in highschool, lots of female friends in a non romantic way



Not him but my best friend in high school was a girl. I am really greatful to her because she turned me from absolute autist into somewhat normal.



based, on the first year of highschool also my best friend was a girl, she had a very pretty face but with punk clothes



also not him but back in those years, I had a very particular type, so it was easy to be friends with girls since they weren't my type



Yes but it is getting harder to keep up with friends in general when you don't live very close and have jobs.




did you wanna bang her secretly

Not really. Of course I thought about it in the hormone induced moments when your brain tries to convince you even fucking a hole in watermelon is a good idea, but I never really had a crush on her




Yoohyeon won't be there


Doni and Coni chads won't be there







sculptor apparel underwear

she really has been sculpted, by the gods



nice! I only saw this in gif form and it was shit




A screenshot of Kim Garam’s old Facebook account was also uploaded along with the accusations. The contents shocked with the captions on her selfies that read, “What do you think of [having] sex [with me] today?”

OMO, I found my favorite lesserafim




She must have passed her school recently as she is 17-years-old.




already knows about s*x

it's over



that translation is very polite, more like "sex today, 'sup?"


I've reached a point when every "bullying" accusation makes me just want to strangle the cunt that brought it up


love bullying accusations because they turned gidle into a perfect group