Build fail edition
coding is difficult for me too because just pressing space bar wrong or enter wrong it's always build fail so i can't nothing comes up so i don't know what i did wrong
#3 SciTech Thread
1317 posts and 252 files omitted
See allI don't understand how is it any better than the vanilla js
<button hx-post="/clicked" hx-trigger="click" hx-target="#parent-div" hx-swap="outerHTML" > Click Me! </button>
>This tells htmx:
>“When a user clicks on this button, issue an HTTP POST request to ‘/clicked’ and use the content from the response to replace the element with the id parent-div in the DOM”
you can do that in few lines of JS, wtf is wrong with people
is that new JQuery?
remember a few months ago when you learned about tailwind? same thing here
all htmx does is make a request and replace some part of the dom, but you can do it quickly from from html instead of doing it by hand in a separate file or script tag
>same thing here
no this is different. tailwind was solving real problem, but htmx doesn't make sense
>make a request and replace some part of the dom, but you can do it quickly from from html instead of doing it by hand in a separate file or script tag
I can't think about any use case it may be useful at. you either do very little code in vanilla or use some proper JSX framework
give me some example of website where you would use htmx
>quick way to replace a part of the page from the server
>that is enough for quite a lot of dynamic stuff
people were doing that kind of stuff in vanilla JS (or with JQuery back then) decades ago and it turned to be you can't do a lot with HTML partials returned from server. it either makes website brittle or not useful at all
why is that re-iteration of luddites thinking they created something useful? people discarded that idea for a reason
this is just horrible and stupid
I won't even care about that stupid thing
I've seen that idea before btw
but those devs didn't make me feel angry, I guess because they aren't arrogant and smug
they are just like
>here's our small little stuff, use it if you don't like
instead of htmx retarded devs be like
>only soyjaks use react look at them lmao
>use it if you like
>no need to shackle the entire website into some massive clusterheck like next
I was actually thinking about using next.js for my next project
a lot of options tho
but v0 only works with stupid react
>SolidStart currently relies on Node.js APIs that Bun does not yet implement. The guide below uses Bun to initialize a project and install dependencies, but it uses Node.js to run the dev server.
>too many people think they need real-time push when NRT-polling + caching is far easier and more performant
netflixman with the hottest latest boring technology
>First thing is HATEOAS.
>they actually invented their own buzzwords
>The term was coined in 2000
re-discovered old term and started using in their hyped thing
that happens all the time too
>watched few minutes
>my reaction
i got it
make the opposite of firesip: all the bad stuff about web framework x in 100 seconds
it'll be amazing
>people discarded that idea for a reason
>I don't get the HTMX hype. We did away with HTML snippets because:
>1. Don't want thousands of micro HTML endpoints where JS can derive state.
>2. Synchronizing UI outside of the change (check a todo and then change the remaining count)
>3. Pounding the wire (I need to get my entire todo app send back to update one item?)
>4. No escape hatches when complexity runs amok.
>I've made very complex PHP + Ajax apps. I don't want to go back.
>What am I missing?
thank goodness sane people still exist
they're trying to say this is better than React?
I'm dead laughing, people can't be that stupid for real web dev courses but only by netflix, microsoft, stripe people because that means they're legit
couple years back there was a huge launch of masterclass dot com that had courses of various things only by american celebrities. maybe soon there will be a dev courses site with carmack, abramov, sindresorhue etc
>carmack, abramov, sindresorhue
don't put Carmack next to those people
>2. It's not - full-stack Todo app in 50 LoC
the fuck is that
>26 stars
the absolute state of htmx shills
it's framework by the author of the tweet
the fuck those shills are about? you can do inline JS in html too
internet is full of paid shills who are shilling retarted frameworks
>From React to htmx on a real-world SaaS product: we did it, and it’s awesome!
do I have to prove that this is bullshit too? they are obviously paid shills and spending my time
they have many shills even on HN
I guess they just hate JS there so will praise whatever solution claims to be "low JS", like a cargo cult
that retard have essay on every question asked
>I have experience with multiple large applications that use htmx. They scale fine. They just aren't what people are used to right now.
>Give it time and mull it over. It may grow on you.
yeah sure "trust me bro"
>but you can do it quickly from from html instead of doing it by hand in a separate file or script tag
seriously? explain this then:
they extensively use js even in their own examples...
>In the React ecosystem, embraces a much simpler approach than Next.js.
too many options again
build M3 Max, quick
finally bought old game I wanted to play on PS pretty cheap
weren't you supposed to check if v0 works? no no, you should all in on vercel
but next.js doesn't work in bun another menubar app just to keep audio balance from changing randomly
>MacOS bug where your balance may drift when volume buttons are pressed while CPU is under heavy load
import * as path from ""; const cwd = path.dirname(import.meta.url); const command = new Deno.Command("program.exe", { cwd }); await command.output(); // Failed to spawn 'program.exe': No such cwd 'file:///C:/Users/dahl/puppets'
const cwd = path.dirname(import.meta.url).slice("file:///".length);
why didn't deno handle it for me
>why didn't deno handle it for me
to avoid extra allocation on heap
>In V8, when you perform a string slice operation using the slice method or the [start:end] syntax, it creates a new string object that is a view into the original string
no extra allocation
>it creates a new string object
>no extra allocation>JavaScriptCore does run on Windows, but it’s less well supported than Unix
we'll have to get used to deno
don't you use chromebook?
even on Windows it's better to use WSL for development tho
gpu so cute
want it now?
maybe a bit to loud a case like that but other than that holy comfy
you're like a girl choosing a phone because it looks beautiful
i do that too
feels better to live with beautiful things
secretlybut technical specs are still very important
I would never buy stylish magsafe battery pack because not enough capacity and lightning
>writing sql:
>look normal
>cant write dynamic query
>using query builders:
>can write dynamic query
>look increasingly weird especially when big query
nice thing cannot have
halfway through it
a lot of interesting food for thought
I wish I was that cool
a monke brain that is close to solving the most mysterious riddle in a Universe but putting a lot of tiny transistors together
might be even cooler than Bellard
is it any good?
I was thinking about trying one of those nocode-backend stuff one day but dunno where to use it
the problem will all those "1-click" solutions is that there're too many of them
>too dumb for rust
>too dumb for go
>too lazy for rust
>too smart for go
>typescript perfect fit
is there no choice but to let javascript rule the world
dunno. rust could have been a good choice for backend/system programming, but google and cpp and even zip people are too stubborn and killed language with a good design
I don't even want to think what language to write my software in, it's all so tiresome
we should just let AGI Gods manage that mess we created
i wanted to get into the go hype but after learning http requests and json unmarshaling it started to feel so complicated then tried one of them openapi client generators for an api i wanted to use and all i get is segfaults
maybe it really is time for javascript maybe they will welcome my dumb self
this brand new technology will finally let you filter an array in typescript
i can't believe it
7.4k stars for that
>openapi client generators for an api
try something like
I was experimenting with hasura as a backend a bit but dropped that project because too much work
but the idea seems pretty smart: you edit all the database schema in UI and then just write a tiny bit of code on top
though you can maybe use django/rails/next.js with similar productivity instead but not so cool right
all of this seems outdated tbh. why can't ChatGPT agents create CRUD API for you in 5 minutes, why do we still need to manage all of it by hand. the task seems too trivial
maybe if you can use v0 for a client and copilot for a server, then you can be productive too
need experimenting
but I rarely do CRUD so really dunno
but maybe I'm not doing them because I spend too much time on researching available options and tuning every single bit of my setup
maybe v0 nim + next.js is pretty good, and I just need to swallow that bitter react+node_modules pill
I've got sindresorhused
it looks so nice
why d oesnt rust have anything like it component based templating libs are so rare outside javascript>initial commit 2 months ago
are you going to write API by hand?
I'm thinking about something like
>Auth, DBs, Functions and Storage
sounds like supabase. what these projects seem to offer is the fancy admin UI where you can alter your database schema and a react useState thingymagic that you can query db with
what i think i would want instead is some a fun ready to use frontend with pieces like buttons, graphs, blocks, navigation with nice paddings and margins that i could connect to my backend since backend is the fun part
>since backend is the fun part
no not the CRUD part at least
nowadays you do a lot on the client side so you would rather focus on this part and templates/communication with DB is the simplest and dumbest part
this guy continues being dumb
i mean something like got a buncha views and forms with nice margins so you dont need to worry about frontend too much
but its limited you cant make things live update from http or anything so not that usable
>its got a buncha views and forms with nice margins so you dont need to worry about frontend too much
maybe for admin pages. for normal pages you would want to make custom stuff anyway
I don't see how is it better than admin UI for database (like in supabase/appwrite solution) + generated frontend components on v0
is there anything better than v0 where you can also modify code? like Figma?
soon everything will be generated, including kpop
>including kpop
no l00d
maybe there could be an escape hatch for custom stuff
i just really hate that blank page or blank component when starting to write html i dont really mind copying something existing though. is there a place or model where i could generate layouts and components with prompts?
>is there a place or model where i could generate layouts and components with prompts?
I understood that reference
sorry i mean images of the stuff, then i could just copy that really thought it out tho
at the start its easiest to just write the content in html without styling
then something needs a bit of css to fit in view nicely
then its time to pull tailwind and setup auto reload
and then start adjusting everything and padding and margin font sizes, custom buttons
and of course text aligning
flex row and then go through align items, justify items and justify content by setting each to initial or middle or was it baseline
just go through everything and eventually the button will be aligned with the text
im way too dumb for computers
>images of the stuff, then i could just copy that
>at the start its easiest to just write the content in html without styling
>then something needs a bit of css to fit in view nicely
>then its time to pull tailwind and setup auto reload
try next.js
it only solves auto reload it doesnt magically give me nice components that fit my dumb idea
>it doesnt magically give me nice components that fit my dumb idea
why? run create-next-app, then copy-paste code from draw-a-ui
ok, waited 5 days on my new account, I even used
email.I was able to reply to 1 thread just fine, but on the second thread I just can't. I removed all the links and still can't, it adds it to the mod approval queue and of course on that retarded forum nobody gives a fuck about that.
so my only idea is that it doesn't like multi quote? or post length is too big? bug that's beyond being retarded...
now imagine I do 10 more tries, finally let it through the retarded filter. and 1 day dumb mod will finally check the approved queue and let them all pass. that would be fucking embarassing
>multi quote? or post length is too big?
or probably it doesn't like on of the words. of course it would never tell you which one
fucking hate those old retarded forums but important people still post there
ok, I've got an idea. I will post half of the post and will edit and add another half
>I will post half of the post and will edit and add another half
yes, this worked
I'm so fucking smarter than that dumb forum software
I hope they will never approve all my post attempts
I even posted them from different accounts, they would think I'm so evil spammer
I found similar issue on the forum. User posted few short posts just fine, but when he tried to create longer one (without any links, just normal formatting and one quote) he got blackholed.
so antispam reacts on length of the message? that's too retarded
someone responded to my post today
and now it's missing
I did everything I could and it still didn't work???
oh no
the face of typescript
text: generated
audio: generated
video: generated
code: autocompleted
language: translated
chance for kgf: none
why even live
i got this
incredible, not just the colors and contrast but i can see every single frame with zero blur or ghosting
and only 100€ more than my original budget
>240HZ OLED 1440p 98% DCI-P3
what are you gonna game?
even pesky possum doesn't have such a cool monitor
i'm playing dark souls 2 right now so i might continue with 3 and elden ring
also have a thing for arena shooters so the motion clarity is gonna be nice