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#5 SciTech Thread

163 posts and 26 files omitted
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it's not difficult

what's even difficult then




In the YouTube video "it begins... users leave Stack Overflow," the host voices his disappointment and frustration over Stack Overflow's partnership with OpenAI, which involves using user-generated content without permission or compensation. This decision has led to strong reactions from users, with some deleting answers and being banned for trying to prevent their content from being used. The host emphasizes the importance of ethical standards and user consent in handling user-generated content. Some viewers have shared their own frustrations with Stack Overflow, including the prevalence of duplicate questions and condescending behavior towards newcomers. The speaker, who has relied on the platform to solve complex issues, expresses his gratitude but criticizes the company for making changes without consulting users. He implies that this may be his last video on the platform and invites viewers to watch his previous experiences with Stack Overflow in a related video.



idk if kqts care if you actually work as a chef

you just need to be able to make nice looking byte sized foods and boom instant kqts

so just thinking about how to train into a chef




He implies that this may be his last video on the platform

very wrong

he said it may be last video about stackoverflow




you just need to be able to make nice looking byte sized foods and boom instant kqts

you wish




you just need to be able to make nice looking byte sized foods and boom instant kqts

thats not how it works



small improvement

18k steps

16km distance

I want 20km tbh, maybe a bit later


Update your Chrome browser ASAP. Google has confirmed a zero-day exploited in the wild



Exploit code for critical "use-after-free" bug is circulating in the wild.

how many of us have hidden malicious code in the system at this point



at least on chrome you need to go to a page that includes ebil code

imessage exploits can be wirelessly sent to you unprompted


time to update 4 apple devices at once again


1st Single Album Hello, World!


just took 6 hours of very lazy attempts to do a smal thing in go ling

the hard part is over, think i deserve at least an hour break




6 hours


to do a smal thing


i deserve at least an hour break

are you me




evidence that we may have reached a phase of diminishing returns

developers are safu



Is twitter now officially only X when it comes to the domain?

My twitter download addon stopped working and I think it's because of that


>>1072183 domain still works for me

the only difference I noticed is that doesn't redirect to anymore, it works on its own


Let's be honest, guys, Twitter's died a long time ago. You can call it whatever you want but it's not Twitter anymore. He killed it out of stupidity and now begs every person in the room to have pity for this dying app

those redditors



I hope the dev for the extension that I am using fixes it up

I wanted to send him a message on twitter, but twitter locked me out and says I require authentication to send messages

Modern internet was a mistake



He says as he buys twitter premium

These fuckers are too terminally online and addicted to attention

they will never leave



I don't know, I closed the window when that popped up

Could be just a phone number or something



was considering getting disposable sim card for cases like that

you can get one for 6 bucks



I guess the problem is that it's painful to see lots of stupid people on the internet

not like you're too smart, you just can see them behaving in a stupid way and it's horrible experience...


YT channels are a lot like subreddits where you have to conform to the echo chamber, or get downvoted into oblivion.


What annoys me the most is seeing something like an animal video and EVERY TIME (literally, you can count on it) you see "Oh, this precious baby! This magnificent creature!" I'm so f*cking sick of it!


I'm sick of the comments starting with "as a ..." Nobody cares who you are.



I wish, I even have friends who do that and brag about their comment likes that do not translate to subscribers or follows


if I don't like kpop stage mixes, how to tell youtube's recommendation algorithm that

if I click dislike on them, it may come to conclusion that I don't like group in the video or song or something like that

I think we should have some type of input form near dislike so you can hit dislike and write "don't like stage mixes" so that algorithm can easily understand that

otherwise if you just hit tons of dislikes on stage mixes, you may break something in your recommendations

I hate non-transparent systems...


got my first captcha from simply going to a youtube link vpn future not looking very bright


snake case is beyond better than stupid camelcase



fourchen now has some weird cloudflare click through cptcha on both main site and media server but those are separate so i cant browse site and also see images because those are 403d

my daily tech news...




I change my mind, Thais are silver+ now

Malaysians on the other hand muslim country... 0/10




stupid camelcase

yeah, because you never know, should you write isValidId or isValidID and multiple uppercased acronyms together look ugly like XMLHTTPRequest

just use whatever existing code uses anyway tho OCD is a bitch but what can you do in this unorganized world...



we're back

guess something with firefox tracking protection now fixed by cf


Omakub also installs…


WhatsApp + Signal for messaging.


Xournal++ for filling out and signing PDF forms.


Flameshot for more powerful screenshotting (using the Ctrl+Print Screen hotkey).


VLC for playing videos.




By default, Omakub ships with a Tokyo Night theme that looks ace with everything.

just a bunch of highly opinionated shit by random person which you will spend more time learning/adopting to than instead of configuring your own system. but I guess 100-500 random people will still star that shit and say how "awesome" it is


Apple Intelligence is only on iPhone 15 Pro+

finally I've made a good choice

only for US so far tho

also seems like the problem with the battery is magically solved, I have ~80% by the end of the day now. or maybe just use it much less lol

but I have more problems with the new airpods (pro gen2 usb-c) even brought them to the apple shop, they reset it, seems like it helped, but dunno. it's the first time I have massive issues with the apple device...

also I won't have new watchOS 11 on my Apple Watch SE 2020 maybe time to buy a new watch?

also won't have Apple Intelligence on my iPad Air Gen 4 (because not M1) but I don't use it anyway so whatever...



this ones interesting tho perhaps be amazing to just have a set of configuration files and reboot after security updoots and everything would work, instead of mucking about with apt and sudo nanoing files on /etc/

i assume thats what it means, wish i knew how to do it



did they say there were three levels of ai: on-device, contact apple headquarters and contact openai

apple intelligence was the middle one i think? i wonder why they need specific hardware for contacting the cloud but maybe they preprocess stuff before sending it out or something


wanna try linux stuff on spare computer but would have to switch plugs each time, kvm switch not big enough




apple intelligence was the middle one i think?

I think it’s all 3, but they want to support on-device AI, so the entire thing would only be enabled on a device with fast NE


bankerino informed me ios15 wont be supported next year

the small phone dream is officially, unironically dead

its over


tested gnome on vm while waiting for the bigger switch and holy shit cjk just works? all without messing about with terminal or weird settings. can't believe i fell for the kde meme all this time

cjk: macos = chromebook = linux > windows

rdp on gnome also came out just a few months ago... and it works

remote desktop: windows = linux >>>> macos = chromebook

once i go from vm to metal there is still the mouse acceleration stage maybe i'll finally pass it and get away from the shackles of windoos once and for all




thumbs for command until i started thinking this cant be good for my hands


how the heck do i learn to use my middle finger or somhthing

been using swapcaps for years and can’t live without it

dunno why would people use standard control location, so inconvenient


fell for the 4o scam

i was just doing one of the example questions about fruit and picking ripe fruits and it decided to generate the most disgusting fruit with like a hole in the middle with weird gunk like spiderwebs inside

worst thing ive ever seen and i've used the internet.

fuck image generation



Level 1 is configured at 0% and slightly shaded, ideal for when users need to interact with the real world or in a darker environment.


Level 2 is set at 35%, reducing the amount of light passing through the lenses. This is ideal for a more immersive experience while still being aware of your surroundings.

idk about input yet but usb-c connected/powered monitor-glasses for walking while computing



mpv is shit without wm4 anyway tho...

can just use VLC as well at this point


>>1038892 ➡


When you copy large file to eg. USB drive, you get progress bar, as it should be. The problem is that this progress bar does not show real progress of copying files. It shows progress of copying file to some buffer, and when bar reaches 100% it doesn't mean files were completely copied to USB drive. I usually watch if buffer flushed in a terminal but you should not need to do such things in gnome.


its over



beacuase they mess it up or just depending on an older version of mpv than latest git commit


damn, gaming monitors might be lit




but what to use it for

to avoid using inferior device when you need to check some mobile-only app (plenty of them)

I don't understand how people could use mobile phone with small screens and shitty screen keyboards to e.g. order thing in shopping apps. maybe they just don't care at buying good thing at all, just want to buy anything...


gotta return 4-way kvm as these just doesnt seem to work properly 2 port kvms work fine but i guess 4 way is difficult to make, at least cheaply.

i need to share monitor between work laptop, normal compoter, tinker computer, and an old pc with descrete graphics for gaming once a month. currently using the monitor's fun combination of ports (2xhdmi, dp, usb-c) and a separate 4-way usb switch but its a cable hell




work laptop, normal compoter, tinker computer, and an old pc with descrete graphics for gaming


quick review of mac keyboard shortcut editing

keyboardmaestro: 200ms delay on everything

karabiner: works normally (via funny virtual input device)



for rels

i think i have some old macbook in a cabinet too and some tiny media pc i used to use for television


just need an idea what do