>1. No sexual fantasies and porn content
>2. No insult idol
>3. Behave like adults
>4. Stay hydrated
#27 International Thread
Yooa really shouldn't wear pants like that in public
>he added a new rule
mad man
I hope you like it
nah its fine
I wonder if the face bro can even recognize the kpops posted ITT
was Jiyoon the first idol who wore sunglasses on stage?
damn, kqts really like big sunglasses
Man, they took a hell of a drug that night
cute bunny
has any other group been on liev twice yet?
Apink had one full group and one only Chorong and Hayoung
I don't really follow this show tho so idk
i really like this type of show
they have even been on couch talk, which is basically the same thing
I've watched few episodes with /mygirls/ and I loved all of them
but there is so much content in kpop it kinda discourages me from watching anything
no I basically watch only videos that are shorter than 10-15 minutes like those DC vlogs
forgot to say this is uh-oh eye contact version
don't know why it's on facebook, i would have uploaded the video directly if it was small enough
nice but I hope for a youtube version
June was A pink month tbh
yuqi and soyeon
i try to keep i-dle spam to a minimum but it's pretty difficult right now
it's cool
we like cute girl spam here
god bless Mcountdown
pretty top
omo, thighs
summer comebacks are the jjang
Lovelyz got one more "O"
tbh I like Dayoung most of them
and Bona
and Eunseo
finally put my PIVOT monitor in to vertical position and not only watching fancams is great but also lurking kch
my monitor pivots too but the viewing angles are so bad it's basically unusable like that
I only watch purepop groups like Apink, Lovelyz and OMG actually
my is doing fine
also those vertical fancams uploaded horizontally really look much better
>I basically watch only videos that are shorter than 10-15 minutes
the guy who just quotes my posts and adds pictures next them is back
>the guy who just quotes my posts and adds pictures next them
you've just described the imageboard
>purepop groups like Apink, Lovelyz and OMG
how big screen do you need for a full 1:1 kpop experience?
depends on how tall your waifu is and how far away you are from the monitor
I'm not rich so I will be satisfied with 1:1 Luda experience
what's not safe here?
oh, i mean
https://youtu.be/SWmBLfZynlsthis one, same warning
any more kqts in this outfit?
those outfits aren't even similar
yeeun's is
>and how far away you are from the monitor
doesn't depend on that
>1:1 Luda experience
>157 cm
buy 75" TV and mount it vertically, should be enough
>long pants
>jacket without military signs
imagine you can see Luda on TV in full height, really close to you
and she is moving like a real person
this is too good to be true
I'm already on my bank's site taking a loan for a 75" TV
you could buy Xiaomi Mi TV 4S 75 even cheaper than I've bought 65" OLED
not sure about screen quality, probably good enough
damn she is really good
so youve finally seen thr light
this places posts fit easily on a vertical monitor and most pics are vertical too
why would that be not safe for just me?
eunbin should not have revealed that
I've closed it the moment I've heard the word bathroom
its kinda cute but then wayyy too far...
why are gooks so obsessed with sh*t anyway? are they germans of asia?
I had a dream with Rosé
It was a very short dream though
these are great, where are they from?
i had a dream with Bona
died for her there tbh
I said it was very short
my last kpop dream was 2 days ago and I had a lovelyzgf there... it was Sujeong tho because even my subconscious knows I'm not good enough for Jisoo, Yein or Mijoo
better than no dream at all you greedy pabo
this Cherry Bullet member is really pretty
her nails saloon posted this today
I think I've just felt in love with Dayoung
many idols go there
OMO Soojin is so sexy
I wonder how much fancy nails like this cost
>I'm not good enough for Jisoo, Yein or Mijoo
Yein is pretty shy so should accept you soon
thanks for making my ears bleed
young kpop waifu love is beautiful
not a single comeback announced in July
except the gfriend one but it already happened
i remember they posted her toe nails...
we can bridge the gap with verieties of all the groups coming out and some are still promoting
>Irene: I look up to my mom. I think I was influenced by her a lot. She works out regularly. Recently, I saw her wear skinny jeans and her hips were so pretty so I asked how she did it. She said that she did a hundred squats every day. I look up to that, and get motivated by it.
based and redpilled
I don't know what but there's something in her look that makes her so attractive
>What do you think is more important: the past or the future?
>Seulgi: The future, because I can change it myself. Even if there are important things in the past, you can’t change them. That’s why I think what I’m going to be in the future is more important. But this will also become the past one day, right?
>toe nails
>What do you think is more important: the past or the future?
is this supposed to be a difficult question?
could you post them?
she even showed them on Radio Star
ReVe Festival Day 1
Sales: 2,252 copies
>Total accumulated: 79,545 copies
Almost 80k
should I go to the swimming pool today?
to swim
why swim?
I have a day off
so why swim then?
exercising is healthy
sure why not
oh ok
don't forget to stay hydrated
I will drink from the pool
have you seen this one?
what is this rp cringe
it's not cringe
all the posts on that account are roleplaying as Bona
yes it is
no, you just weirdo
>all the posts on that account are roleplaying as Bona
I didn't read that, I've just posted it because of the video
he just likes drowsy eyes
do you have one with Soojin?
only two teasers so far
>reading the twitter post instead of watching beautiful bona video
smh@u tbqh fam
fuck twitter in every way
>fuck twitter in every way
even for posting pictures of cute korean girls?
other sites do it better
post those sites
they are not even close
heard about that cool new up and coming blog called "talkingboutshu.co.kr"?
>up coming
very cool website
totally better then twitter
>can't even name one active site
if you're gonna be autistic how about this, would you not prefer if the userbase of twitter was on something like imgur instead? just posting albums of pictures and videos with tags to easily find them.
i would prefer it
so imgur is better than twitter
dude you've said that other sites post pics of cute korean girls better than twitter but now you can't even name one
have some shame and admit you were wrong
technically yes
practically no, because no one uses it the way you described it
really cute
use youtube-dl next time
please be patient, he has
really triggered the here huh
okay so this is how good twitter is as a picture/video hosting site
I click on https://twitter.com/aisha0721, immediately that video plays and I see like 4 other pictures of which one is completely unrelated comic shit and lots of text. why? I just want pictures and videos of aisha. okay let's download that video, oh wait you cant unless you're autistic and go looking for it in the damn html code. same with the pictures.
twitter is aids and we deserve better is all I'm saying
even weibo is better since at least there you can easily get pictures
oh my fucking god
are they just messing with me?
>use youtube-dl next time
I will just post the links to twitter like I always did, but thanks for the advice
>really triggered the here huh
>makes the most autisc post of the decade
what did he mean by this?
i don't own such a domain
yeti don't think it's even up for discussion how bad of a website twitter is
all the gook photographers use it though which is why it's still worth using
you can use a website like this http://twittervideodownloader.com/
nothing autistic about hating shit websites
first, use tweedeck and search by hashtags like a normal human being
second, no one fucking says twitter technically better than any alternatives
it is the shit
no doubt
but it is the best option we got because it is widely spread amongst the fancamers, photographers, and shit
idk if it's because you are an ESL (no bully most of us are) or because you are not familiar with logical thinking but you really missed the point of this argument
>nothing autistic about hating shit websites
no but saying that sites that don't post kpop pics almost at all are better at posting kpop pics than twitter is autistc
>use youtube-dl next time
No! Don't fall for this meme! It's too complicated
>you can use a website like this http://twittervideodownloader.com/
thanks again but I will just do it my way
at least we can get some interesting conversations going that way
it's illogical not autistic
ok I'm sorry, autists are usually logical people
how should I call him then?
that's not enough, maybe a moroni?
>for posting pictures of cute korean girls?
>other sites do it better
"it" being hosting pictures of cute korean girls
my point was always twitter tech is shit
the other chingus argument is twitter is great because of the userbase
it's just a misunderstanding
here's my peace offering and you don't even have to go to twitter to see it
>one second long webm
is he trying to insult us?
apology accepted
we can be chingus again
omo dark hair
>it's from today
>190702 Dreamcatcher today on their way to film ‘Open Concert’
fresh content incoming
>i don't own such a domain yet
they somehow heard of it and promoted it in their title song though?!
Gidle won the Show
honestly how are DC fans this based?
the event was 5 hours ago and we are already getting HQ pics
pyo is live on periscope
I like the way they celebrated it
amazing memehair
somehow it only work on my phone
>Real Madrid
because most of her fans use twitter?
would you prefer an instagram livestream
at least i can watch this with youtube-dl in mpv
what to watch with sushi
I hope Pyo won't stop streaming soon because I've just ordered pizza
perhaps continue one of the varieties im in the middle of
Luda is in trouble
this >>275481
she could order something too
food always tastes better when you look at kqts eating, especially when they do it live
I won't post a kqt with korean pizza to not ruin your appetite for pizza but eat well
Pyo just started playing trot bangers so I will enjoy it for sure
>would you prefer an instagram livestream
can you even watch those on you PC?
Yes, but I liketo watch on my phone
I think IG live would have more random viewers and she just wants to interact with real fans
part two is out
>it's real
it ended
>princess of china manages to join cb but not yeonjung
wjsn already lost 3 members bro
name the pouts
sana irene eunwoo luda eunji
you won't get this one for sure
yeah it's too difficult
maybe this will help you
damn, i thought about pyo but wasn't sure enough
sure chingu
I believe you
>HappyFace is debuting a gaypop group
I want them to focus only on DreamCatcher
it will be ok
anyone know how to get upload date/publish date or anything like that on youtube-dl
i want to order channel downloads more reliably
good job chingu
I can still see her goofy face behind the blur (which is a very rude thing to do dunno why they do it)
youtube-dl --reject-title Trailer --match-title Channel -f 137+140 --output %(upload_date)s-%(title)s-%(id)s.%(ext)s https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8qO5racajmy4YgPgNJkVXg/videos
rainy day is here
You can wave it off as a slightly rude way for the photographer to only have one of the kpops in the pic in focus but then there's d*mb pics like this
you can't be serious this is outrageous
>Chicago Bulls jacket
that's why
this picture is driving me insane
Strawberry delight has some good stuff but that pic was a pretty pabo move if you ask me. Vivian Film wouldn't pull a move like that...
who would do that to momo
Reminder to join the EU
>not a single belly button
at least SinBased hair looked based
some huge moroni
Binnie is so cute chingus
Cute teeth
angry kid
omo so high quality
I hope everyone is following the rule #4
thank you
I think I've never seen a kpop from this perspective
god bless this dude
without him going to twitter for Gidle pics would be pointless
to the anon that posted the naver link thank you
your welcome
what the heck?
that's not allowed
for more you will have to watch >>275507
I highly recommend it
already watched both but you made me wanna rewatch it now so gonna do that
Gyuri and the kids
>Jang Gyuri, official height: 168 cm
based and pronkpilled
what's wrong?
sorry for forcing so much but damn they sure do look cute
he probably blurred it because she had an unfavorable expression so it would be a kind thing to not show her in that state
glad I watched them again now
I'm eating fruit does that count
>glad I watched them again now
cute girls in pajamas are just TOO cute
>I'm eating fruit does that count
what fruit?
strawberries and grapes while I watch some fancams
for new chingus since I know you are here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MtN1YnoL46Q
my mom has strawberries in her garden, I really like them
q u a c k
mafia watching later be there or be square
these ones are nice too they're growing locally nearby our house
Wild strawberries are better than homegrown ones, yeah
>be there or be squar
>tfw square
oh the horror!
Yena will be disappointed
I've watched 30 minutes of this fromis show so I've already used up my daily limit for show watching
I can't watch tonight
fair enough, good use of the daily allocated time
what up with live shows being much more enjoyable than rewatched shows?
like I still haven't watched that 1 hour of Hyewon's subbed MLT but I've watched Nancy's MLT without subs for few hours
it was the same with Pyo today, over an hour of not subbed "show" and I really enjoyed it but when I miss her periscopes I don't rewatch them usually
it feels more real
shared experience
was about to ask if we should watch it earlier today but looks like it was cancelled
i still want to watch, too
we could watch something other than mafia game should we not want to leave somebody out
just watch the mafia if you want to
Diversity posting
>K-Netizens Criticize (G)I-DLE For Kissing Each Other During Their Music Show Win Celebration
why why are gooks so fucking retarded
>i'm a girl and
They are a christian nation and homosexuality is a sin
christcucks should stay away from east asia
all those desert religions should tbh
so it's just angry roasties who were never kissed by anyone?
why is all journalism these days just looking at social media and seeing what people are getting uppity about
it's all about getting the clicks
no one pay for news anymore, so they just go for easy clicks
they can decide what to write first, then find the content since you can find anything on the internet
i'm sure bad journalism always existed, maybe it got easier to do bad journalism though
the whole world is learning
chinese language
confucius' words
becoming more and more globalized
both of this is true but like 3/4's of the time for kpop news its just social media reactions and they take that as the general reaction to something which just smacks of desperation
We need to push for more kissing then so they'll right about that
handpicked pictures of 5 randomly picked kpop girls
people like outrage, more than anything else
like those "news" videos on youtube that are just images and text about "k*la not getting photographed" or "pinky not getting cheered at" have hundreds of thousands of views
>people like outrage, more than anything else
not me
I like kpop the most
this is why I only read the comic section in my newspaper
very nice selection
whole newspaper is a comic section when you live in a clown world
all thanks to Kasten's list of all idols and generator of random numbers
solo is the saddest story of kpop at least she has backdancers
I don't want to be this guy but the saddest story of kpop was the Ladies Code accident
the funnies are still fun
and the sports section
>Today's idols dancing popular moves from the 2000s [IQS] Season2 EP 01
Do not remind me
I've tried to watch that show but it has so many cuts my head started to hurt
funnies in newspapers are as "funny" as gag concert
Yeo's full HD finger wrinkles
crosswords puzzle is pretty decent too depending on the publication and the sudoku
I dont know this korean show this is sad
>I dont know this korean show
you are lucky
>a romsae for everyone
well good then
>picking cherries with luda
maybe in some alternative universe
nice pineapples
and it looks like they did not in fact dance popular dance moves
chu is amazing tho but is she just cg
Just dance?
Chuu's face is so funny
10/10 :chu_feel:
imagine if we still had smile additions
we could ask kagami to delete an old one for a new one
imagine if we were watching a show right now
why aren't you watching?
I haven't seen Kag-nim in a while now
he is probably busy
we have the tools to wake him up
my connection isn't fast enough to stream
or download anythingand nobody else seems interested
omo the show seems a bit differen? we have a lot of shows to watch in the coming days
well that's unfortunate then
kag and goose-nim are in alanya
why do I like Ryujin so much?
my food is ready if you have anything
lets wait until work-nim get back before watching mafia tho
>if you have anything
what do you mean by that
a show other than mapia
i said i can't stream or download anything but we could watch i-dle weekly idol in crispy youtube re-upload quality for example
we have dedicated streamer-nims for that
download takes about 5 mins if people want to watch
find out why by watching with it us >>275672
I'm in
cg or real?
ok we've watched it and I still don't know why I like Ryujin so much
was it good?
well it had gidle so it was aesthetically pleasing but it wasn't even close to being as funny as weekly idol with Doni and Coni
>JYP Entertainment to close their actor management department to focus on idols
I've closed my relationship management department to focus on idols tbh
westoids just can't compete
>tfw white alpha males prefer to stare at pictures of cute korean girls instead of being with you
white "women" BTFO
the only white girl I like is Judith
#Gfriend - Fever Season: 25,176 (1st day sales)
HANTEO: Daily chart (190702)
#Gfriend - Fever Season: 9,090 copies (34,266 total)
#RedVelvet - ReVe Festival Day 1: 741 copies (80,286 total)
#Chungha - Flourishing: 223 copies (6,395 total)
#BLACKPINK - Kill This Love: 182 copies (172,843 total)
#TWICE - Fancy You: 165 copies (181,883 total)
#fromis_9 - Fun Factory: 160 copies (54,268 total)
#IZONE - HEART*IZ: 118 copies (188,204 total)
#WJSN - For the Summer: 24 copies (58,991 total)
those sales are insane, I've never seen so many groups selling over 50k
few years back only 3 or 4 groups could do this
it's weird that while so many groups have the highest numbers ever like wjsn, redvelvet really flopped compared to how they're usually up there with twice and bp
but all in all:
kpop was good, gooks buy more kpop -> kpop will continue
>redvelvet really flopped compared to how they're usually up there with twice and bp
I think that Red Velvet was always a tier lower than twice and bp, also IOI and now Izone
praying for daebak sales next comeback
dreamcatcher have a lot of overseas concerts which give idols a lot of money so they're fine
I want them to have concerts, good sales and happy lives
what about weki
found good meme by lona fans
dogs btfo once again
their album came out over a month ago, they aren't selling anything anymore and this fanpage only posts updates, so if you didn't sell anything that day you won't show up in the update
their last update was
HANTEO: Daily chart (190621) #WekiMeki - Lock End Lol: 744 copies (11,951 total)
yeah that's a little above nugu tier so they're still okay
HV had much worse sales and they were still getting comebacks from fantagio
but it was fantagio with different CEO and without chinks
>a fan was discovered masturbating at Momoland fanmeet in Mexico
but hey, at least the fanmeet wasnt cancelled beforehand
>ever leaving asia
it's a mistake
i didn't want to know
we live in troubling times
>first they give girls sexy as heck looks and revealing clothes / super short shorts without safety shorts and ass being half-visible
>second they wonder why people react like that
do you really think fapping during a fanmeet is justified by sexy clothes?
gook never did that even on stellar fanmeets
it's just subhumans being subhumans
swedes schooling kpoppers
have you seen true slutpop dance groups outfits? korean dudes dont do that kind of thing...
I bet he starts jerking off when he sees girl in shorts in a bus
she is clearly asking for it
so it's ok to harass people as long as those people are men
double standards as always
I just hope the momoland members I like somehow make it
and that we continue to see yeonwoo dance happily on stage
>continue to see yeonwoo dance
in her shorts
nice midnight posting by the way
>45 minutes ago
>Wtf!!! This makes me feel ashamed to be man...
good thing I'm a manchild not a man
exactly as planned heh
>#RedVelvet - ReVe Festival Day 1: 741 copies (80,286 total)
Seems like it's Brazilian time again :seul_boring:
All the others left :seul_boring:
jisoo got da best autism
https://twitter.com/Apink_2011/status/1146252666818842625?s=20 :
is hayoung really difficult to make a nickname from
fromis hayoung is also habbang
just woke up from a cool Jessica dream
Bolsonaro is tweeting about anime again
morning banger to get hyped before work/school/NEETing
I want to go there too
I need all of these dispatch images
only 3 more days until the weekend, keep up the good work
how long till sana day?
I've just checked and Sana Day is today
Gonna save all of these after work thank you
Please more idols in stockings like on the 5th photo. Or even in lingerie with stockings.
too early for this sorta posts
Sorry, I'm not understand (I'm Russian). Why too early?
I think he means early time for such photos
it's ALWAYS too early for such posts
I get to go home early today
time for kqt shows
this is the actual source
Omo so lucky
lucky chingu
>before NEETing
looks like Jinsol here
new triple emoji style
they are called smiles
what are they doing
aigoo.... they forgot their pants again
The new oh my girl jap album is pretty good
only listened to those two new songs because jap versions of old songs are always lame
and I like Touch My Heart
cute as h*ck
i'm starting to think tzuyu might be really pretty
nice button
I do the same most of the time but really enjoyed the jap versions this time around
Except for Sixteen that one didnt translate as well I feel
i'm starting to think you might nit be gay after all
g-dragon dump incoming
do we have a new terrorist-nim here?
fellow late to the party bro
Yay she won one
I want to watch that Izone idol room now
is it subbed?
also nice button Yuqi
waits for the subs patiently
>stranger things is super popular in korea
>they nake fun of mouth breathers there
I hope my all 3 mouthbreathingfus didn't watch it
>my all 3 mouthbreathingfus
who are they
D.ana, Twice Mina and Olibia Hye
>Twice Mina
she isn't one
yes she is
will watch it well when I come back home
mean to post this shu instead of the duplicate soojin
Twice the soojin twice the fun
A freaking table too
Looked like hyewon from the preview thumbnail
fiddle is really into seulgi lately
wasn't he always
he always posted lots of Slug
hmm maybe I didn't notice
Luda looks really different to me this comeback
her tag has 184 pages
that's A LOT
it's funny how kch always gets more active during euro mid day lunch breaks and then after work hours
aren't usual kpg people neets?
we are the elite of kpop community tbh
heh, knew I was special
Have work mode on during office hours
So cant see any cute idols
amazing arin though
you should make that your phone wallpaper
I don't give a heck and lurk without a work mode
skater arin
fugging baller over here
you will get into big trouble one day
I also watch kpop videos on my work computer when no one is watching :xi_cool:
I do the same! And something new mv's during lunch break because they drop around that time
shilling this great song and MV
feels good to be a legster
a e s t h e t i c s
there is always someone watching
lets not talk about their newest japanese album tho
hell yeah
I'm actually not that cool because I only watch kpop when the dudes from my room aren't at work
>lets not talk about their newest japanese album tho
the new MV is amazing and even better if you are a lipster
link?I don't follow jap releases at all
only half-badass then
but the songs are awful
if you don't have resist fingerprinting enabled in your browser you can quickly toggle work mode on and off with alt+a
I like Buenos Aires
so futuristic
what's up with all the weird autotune?
but the recording quality and singing, its all over the place
its the same for the whole album it just sounds amateurish
>no one is watching
You play them and keep your eyes closed?
it sounds weird but I still like it
mpv --ytdl-format bestaudio
Suki to Iwasetai and Breakthrough prove once again that Jap songs are superior
nothing changed since Kara and SNSD tbh
can they actually read or are they just pretending
nvm actually
imagine teaching your pabo Binniegf how to read
omo minju why so KUTE
Oh My Girl actually
Good jap fansites too
heck the police
What does that mean?
that he is a hacker
but seriously look at that button only window of minju >>275875
she really loves her fans
tells the media player to call its youtube downloader with an argument to only download the video's audio
do we like fromis here?
we love fromis here
we love them
its time
check out Jiu's lenses
amazing imo
how come nobody posted this then?
I don't check vlive
>4 minute vlive without subs
kinda freaky
i get vlive notifications to my phone but never check it
looks like space in sci-fi movies
nice thinking dubus
>20 second teaser vlive
Public Service Announcement:
will we watch prison show/other shows tonight?
isn't his more of a question? i would like to
yeah I just wanted to use that picture together with PSA:
you've all seen this >>275825 already right?
yeah but there must be new idol rooms
I will watch it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0ZHXVp_wUE then if you don't mind
enjoy well~~ there was lots of dancing if I remember correctly
the guy that used to do it stopped subbing them
Doni and Coni never disappointed me so I have high hopes
hey don't mind me, just giving a (You) to this minju post >>275919
i hope that guy will post lots of minjus in the future
I'm done smiling like a retard at the screen for an hour
I really loved it
kpop is magical
I just wish Minju's variety skills matched her beauty but I guess she would be too much overpowerd for the world to handle
you know it
kpop is my best friend
she's a shy beauty
I usually like confident noonas but there is something about Minju that just makes me