> ome other r/s starting with k
> I have no idea what reddit is.
It's a kindergarden for people who think they are smarter than users of other social media and content aggregators such as 9gag, Facebook or Twitter. A group of people who think 4chan is an echo chamber while they operate in a system with likes and dislikes in which every post with at least -5 points (basically nothing) is put on the bottom of the page and made almost invisible. It was also statistically proven that it doesn't matter what you write in the comments, because most of the top upvoted comments are the within the first 10 or 15 that were posted in that particular thread.
It's a shithole just like any other big website on the internet, but they think they are important and that they wield some power (see the whole We did it reddit thing)
Apparently Jihyo made the scarf that her gaypop boyfriend was wearing during winter