Everyone pools their money to one person who buys the albums, has them delivered and then ships them out locally. Depending on how many people buy the album this means that the cost of customs is like £4 or something like that instead of like twice the price of a single album.
The problem with this method is that you have to wait longer to get the album and there is the chance of being scammed. The main benefit is that, especially if you join a big order, you have a high chance of getting the photocards/inclusions of your favourite girl since most orders get opened and sorted so that everyone gets as much of their favourite girl as they can.
I did a group order for StayC myself and it was fun getting to open 10 albums like they are packs of trading cards. I still have 7 spare albums to sell now though since some people only wanted the photocards rather than the whole album. And nobody wanted the posters so now I have 10 StayC posters in storage.