> You should improve yourself so your future self can live a better life
as soon you realize that most things skilled people do are just obtained through repetitive training, it becomes pretty depressing
it doesn't really matter what kind of skill you look at: drawing, playing music, programming, solving math problems, doing sports, repairing things, etc, all of them were achieved in a very similar manner, with the exact same algorithm: you open some forum, read the top advices, start follow them, do small progress every day
at the same time you know that you won't progress anymore once you reach some point because it's limited by your mind/body and there's no way to overcome it
so in your 50's you'll end up being some average pro of that specific skill you've trained, and nobody will care about you
I don't know what am I even living for, having those thoughts. maybe to travel to Korea, try some things I've not experienced yet, but overall I don't have any great goal because they're either impossible or boring. I can already see the miserable end of my life, there is no hope