> (얼공)장원영 친언니 장다아 배우데뷔
얼공 = 얼굴 공개
(Face reveal) Jang Wonyoung's older sister Jang Da-ah acting debut (#1-#4)
다아는 예명(stage name)이야. 본명(real name)은 장진영이야
> 배우로 데뷔하나봐
Looks like she is debuting as an actress
> 관리 본격적으로 받기 전인 거의 일반인 시절 연습생 장원영인데 암만봐도 장원영이 훨씬 예쁨
관리 = management, care, 여기는 celebrity level professional hair+makeup styling
본격적 = full-fledged, full-blown
시절 = era, days
암만 보다 = however you look at it
However you look at it, even though this (#5) is trainee era Wonyoung before receiving full-blown celebrity styling, she is still way prettier
> 언니가 장원영보다 예쁘다는 소문 어디서 시작된건진 모르겠다만
-다만 = -지만 (
I'm not sure where the rumors about Wonyoung's sister being prettier than her started, but
> 솔직히 이 시절 장원영 방송 첫출연에 거의 일반인이었는데 장원영이 훨 예쁘지 않나
출연 = a TV appearance
일반인 = a regular person, a non-celebrity
Honestly, wasn't Wonyoung much prettier when she made her first TV appearance, though she was almost a non-celebrity?
> 졸업사진 예쁘다고 생각했는데 이거보니 졸사가 더 이쁘다고 생각듦
졸사 = 졸업사진
생각듦 = 생각 들다 + -ㅁ
I thought her graduation photo (#6) was pretty, and looking at these, I [still?] think the graduation photo is prettier
이 문장은 좀 어색하네. 아마도 이렇게 본역하면 돼
I thought her graduation photo was pretty, but looking at these, they're just not as good
> 연예인들 찍는 카메라 잔인하다는게 이런거냐
연예인들 찍는 카메라 = 연예인들을 찍는 카메라가
잔인하다 = cruel, brutal, merciless
-> 잔인하다는거 = 잔인하다고 하는 거 = saying that it's cruel
Is this a case of the camera being cruel to celebrities?
People say the camera is cruel to celebrities. Is this what's going on here?
> 장원영보다 더 예쁘다고 주변에선 소문났다는데
주변 = immediate surroundings
Though there were rumors surrounding her about her being prettier than Wonyoung
> 내가보기엔 장원영이 더 예쁜거같은데...
The way I see it, Wonyoung seems prettier
> 물론 관리의 차이도 있겠지만
Of course there's a difference in management (= in styling, since Wonyoung is a celebrity), but
> 장원영은 15살 연습생시절부터 이미 얼굴 비췄던 애라 관리 차이도 크게 받진 않을거같은데
비추다 = shine, illuminate
애라 = 애라는?
Wonyoung's face already shone [even] as a 15 year old trainee, and there wouldn't have been a big difference in management received then
> 그 시절 장원영이랑 비교해도 걍 장원영이 훨씬 예쁘긴 한듯
Comparing to Wonyoung from that era, Wonyoung seems much prettier
> 근데 언니도 예쁘긴 함
Her sister also does look pretty, though
> 그 졸사가 더 예쁜듯 역시 방송국 카메라는 빡세구나
방송국 = broadcast station
빡세다 = too harsh, mean
The graduation photo was prettier. As expected, the broadcast station's camera is harsh.
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