2chen with kpop.re characteristics
especially since you already have some iljin scandal going on
Nobody is killing themselves.
I said I feel sorry for them because their big day is ruined by their company doing stupid shit and the first reply is that
>who cares they rich
You constantly dehumanize these girls so much it's sad
don't fight and look at this Dahyun webm
they are not only rich
they are successful and they will have more fans than all the nugus combined, they will be the ultimate winners
their egos will be bigger than SM company building
>dude you said something dumb and now you desperately try to make it sound right
I feel like this is true for you more than him
no way this is dubu....
Doesn't mean they don't have feelings and that you can't empathize with those feelings
the body doesn't lie
where is the face
attached to her neck I think
it doesnt make any sense, i would understand the guy's point of view if he said he felt bad about the trainees that got the short end of the stick and remain dungeoned because sm debuted only 4 girls and 4 fucking SIMS characters
im sure sm has a lot more trainees and i legitimately feel bad for those if they have to wait another 6 years to debut or jump to another company
however you look at it, their debut is far from ruined and the girls will 99% succeed unless an irene-tier scandal breaks out in the following days, they will be set for life and have succesful careers
cant say the same about other nugus who debut in small companies with no plagiarism or whatever scandal, but literally no one cares about them or knows them and they are stuck in debt forever
if any trainee had a choice between these 2 its simple to realize which scenario they would choose
it really doesnt make sense dude, if the mv had a crazy amount of dislikes and the plagiarism was all over the news in korea then sure their debut would be "ruined" but you are just thinking some roasties on reddit's opinion and some shitposters on chans talking shit about them will ever be read by the members
>the girls will 99% succeed unless an irene-tier scandal breaks out in the following days, they will be set for life and have succesful careers
How is that relevant to how they feel when there are loads of articles like these with comments like these https://netizenbuzz.blogspot.com/2020/11/aespas-music-video-teaser-accused-of.html
some kpg posts get more (You)s
I wish my waifu debuted in an SM group
she wouldn't have to scam nerds
I feel bad for Binnie for not being married to me, but maybe one day she'll find happiness at my side
its fucking netizenbuzz, and that amount of upvotes means the cuck running that site had to scavenge through 8 pages of google search to find that article, if it really made the big news it would have tons of thousands of votes and it would be all over the place
aespa most likely havent even heard about those comments
damn right, look where that nugu scamming necessity got us now
She is actually lawyering up and gonna fight for defamation from what I've read
she can afford lawyers now..
>what? some nugus sold 500 albums???
Who dis
I hope she won't be depressed because of it
she will have to settle for some chad actor instead
chiayi from fanatics
so nugu not even people here know her, let alone the average gook
aespa on the other hand.. every average gook will know them
And that's a good thing
>every average gook will know them
but 300 of those gooks will upvote negative comments about
or actress
1 for every sale fanatics got.. i think chiayi would be happy with 50k upvotes on a bad comment but 50k sales
or a rapper
>1 for every sale fanatics got
do you think Dreamcatcher regrets redebuting?
they could just nugu&chill with Minx but now western roasties send them hate e-mails and tell them to change their name
minji rn
>J.Y. Park is planning a male version of NiziU and also an American girl group in the near future
I doubt they care
not sure about happyface, but WM has a strong policy of ignoring that shit
wtf i love wm noww??
they once apologized for Siyeon wearing a "regge hair" wig but that "change your name" shit has been going on for years and they never mentioned it
>not sure about happyface, but WM has a strong policy of ignoring that shit
it seems roasties are obsessed with OMG I keep seeing twitter calling OMG racist
to this day, twitter antis are still waiting for an apology, even for the "curry" cover that happened in 2016
oh those incidents lmao
that was pretty based
I think she would have to go back to mircowaving her popcorn in that case
>"curry" cover that happened in 2016
was twitter mad about this btw?
yeah I think that DC is relying more on international fans, that's a shame
changing the group's name is extremely difficult and dangerous to their brand so it's smart to ignore it, but at this point I do really think the girls are not worried
straight back to the corn fields tbh
wtf I wasn't aware of that video
why the fuck would they be
its literally an object, its far from being cultural appropiation and even if it were, cultural appropiation is a good thing
>yeah I think that DC is relying more on international fans, that's a shame
from what I noticed they have lots of older fans, I think boomers like rock more or something
their reddit is pretty based too and mods delete all the mentions about this "DC name is racist" meme so I think they will be fine
worried about the unnecessary hate, they just suddenly get messages like "stop stealing my culture" and I bet most idols get scared because they feel they did something very wrong
>cultural appropiation is a good thing
what the fuck happened to multikulti? the left used to love that shit
but now they want all the cultures separated like some skinheads from the 90's
They want multikulti, but with nigger characteristics
its a little scary because yooh is fluent in english and even seen some yt compilations of her made by fans so who knows if she'll see some /woke/ twitter shit on an yt clip about them
https://youtu.be/hl0iNRXcUbE?t=5272 this guy said it well at that timestamp, over the centures "cultural appropiation" has had only positive effects, what the fuck is the point in living your own life only following trends in your country and not being aware of taking an interest in things other folk do in other parts of the world
being a kpop fan in europe counts as cultural appropiation
did I remember correctly that someone recently noticed that Yiren looks more awkward than usually? or was it just a dream?
I just remembered that Everglow issue with chink gov and maybe that's the reason?
hope there arent any big issues, but the chink govt has issues with everyone
I watched all the JRE episodes with Ben
shame he sold out now, his recent podcast with Alex Jones was painful to watch with the real time fact checking
yeah i only watched some parts of the alex jones one but something seemed a little off, are those spotify sj(((e)))ws really that influential on his content?
I think the Everglow's agency is really big so it should be fine
they just won't get any more deals from the gook military because apparently Yiren showing gook soldiers her thighs embarrasses china but when she does it for regular gooks it's fine
it seems so
I think he invited Jones to prove that he doesn't give a fuck about spotify but the way he handled the interview clearly shows he does
>Yiren showing gook soldiers her thighs embarrasses china but when she does it for regular gooks it's fine
this sounds too funny to be real lmao
>is really big so it should be fine
not really, ive been following the stock market recently and the chinese giant alibaba's stock plummeted in the past week after their ceo, that one dumb looking billionaire chink got called out by the chinese govt
if they can fuck over one of the biggest companies in china they can fuck over yuehua
damn, we really cant have good things anymore... you cant expect an alex jones episode to not be controversial
>alibaba's stock plummeted in the past week after their ceo, that one dumb looking billionaire chink got called out by the chinese govt
wew lad
but I bet it was some personal beef, they won't care about one chink girl
even a goddess like Yirenperforming for gook soldiers>damn, we really cant have good things anymore... you cant expect an alex jones episode to not be controversial
to be fair I would sell out for way less than $100 million
just how many goddesses like yiren can that nation produce? i think they should care about those rarities
i would sell out for way less too, i dont expect his show to have gotten so bad now, surely it must still be alright at least. i should watch some more episodes, kinda wish they did an alex jones one after the election to see him at his full potential
>just how many goddesses like yiren can that nation produce?
the labs are working 24/7
my original goddess...
what is she doing in china?
acting, singing?
i miss her so much that i kinda gave up on her chink activities after a while because they just werent it , she went on a bunch of shows a few years ago singing/playing, then she was a dance mentor on a produce like chink show and then i stopped paying attention.. i dont think shes into acting yet >>507716
i love chinks but their chink activities are so much less interesting than what they could do in korea and they fly under the radar for most people outside the supreme leader's land
cpop still has a long way to go to catch up with kpop
the commies should help it with some money, they really need a soft power like that
they should start with making their language sound a little less ugly
im one of the few people who dont mind the language, at least not that much, but theres no denying that korea mastered the formula of making their music and content accesible to foreigners, not even the japs are good at that shit and thats why jpop didnt take off in the west, let alone chinkpop
not to even mention that chinkpop might have very traditional, propaganda oriented lyrics , but thats just an assumption
im willing to sacrifice one of my favorite active groups if it meant chinky coming back to korea and being active there, thats how much i used to like her
Japs are not even trying to be accessible to thr west tho
>im willing to sacrifice one of my favorite active groups if it meant chinky coming back to korea and being active there
top 3 group? even if it was just solo for Pinky?
damn this has to be true love
one good thing about China is that their photoshoots have super high res
I love when you can see every single eyebrow
m-maybe not top 3, i ended up loving my top 3 groups of this gen a lot more than i expected and i dont know if pristin was still around if they'd still be in the top 3
but some of my top 10 groups would be on the line, i dont like solos that much but if pinky became a sunmi-like soloist... the trade wouldnt seem so bad
it is true love
thanks china, i pledge my life to the CCP for this great picture
you can even see hair on her nose
if only the other areas of the picture werent blurry, we might see something there too
those areas are reserved for chink billionaires only
bumping this in case you didn't see it
a great set
billionaires in social credit points.. i can work my way up the social credit ladder
a good one
>#1 and #2
I watched fancams from that day many times
it was a good outfit, really pretty
and a lot of good things to look at
what the heck bros... https://youtu.be/hpefdItwR4M i think the original fancam isnt on youtube anymore, it looked so much better than this one
>i think the original fancam isnt on youtube anymore
that guy was right
1thek is really based for promoting rookies
i-i have some gfys archived
but the entire fancam was great, that event was one to remember, it had so many good girls
oh this video was really nice, stayc is such a good debut
1theK is under KakaoM who is the distributor for STAYC's company.
Kpop scene is one big incest, nobody does stuff out of good will
>did I remember correctly that someone recently noticed that Yiren looks more awkward than usually? or was it just a dream?
not a dream, that was me
during debut and of course during produce 48 she was such a happy kid, but this comeback she was quite serious, trying really hard to look happy for the fans
Still 2 episodes to go!!!
>this guy said it well at that timestamp, over the centures "cultural appropiation" has had only positive effects
nice argument
I think it's still there
one of my favorite pd101 performance, watched in many times

lucky bastards
>1theK is under KakaoM who is the distributor for STAYC's company
so that's why you're shilling stacy that much
remember what happened with Fiestar?
also they own Apink, Weeekly and the entire Starship
are you anons sure about that? maybe it's just the music distributor, because OMG is also being distributed by KakaoM, their recent albums have their logo
yes, kakao (play m) doesn't own stacy, only weeekly and other group I've mentioned
3100 posts, I think it's time to migrate