KPOPS, part 2
3126 posts and 1565 files omitted
See allthe guy living rent free in that anon's head I guess
someone asked if we would date jooe, she doesnt have good looks or a nice personality... what did you expect the responses to be?
but they have same personality't open it or else
we should all call each other jan now instead of anon/kchanon
good idea jan
>if they did they would like a different group
So what is the deal with Chinese and knees?
Why did they get so mad about the Chi-knees joke?
i know nothing about this. please explain
>people either wanting to pump and dump jooe
what did this poster mean by this?
knees mean kneeling down and they get triggered because they are forced to kneel to the ccp
I think calling a celebrity uggo in your private conversations is not as bad as insulting a staff member face to face
this is the first time I'm hearing about it
nice double standards you have there
this is why no one takes irene haters seriously
>nice double standards you have there
are you serious?
>the guy living rent free
how is that even related
random thought but sometimes i like relaxing my leg/knee and wiggling my kneecap with my hand
It was a joke in Monster Hunter movie. Some guy said 'Nice knees' and the Chinese guy responded "Thanks, they are Chi-knees." It got the movie banned.
this is the kinda thing you wont see in the other thread
thats a good joke
>she doesnt have a nice personality
how would you know
she might be a nice girl
lol what? i like it cause of how simple and silly it is
>a kchanon watched the monster hunter movie
why did you waste your time
from every variety ive seen her on she seems obnoxious but maybe thats her trying to make up for being the ugly one in the group
i can't believe jan would do that
Joke so good the flop will ruin Anderson's career.
I didn't. I heard about the and found it funny. And thought this may be good place to ask.
Detention is still the best video games movie.
i googled the joke to try to learn more about it and i found this wiki article. i've literally never heard of it before,_Japanese,_dirty_knees
how's detention? i played the game and absolutely loved it but not sure about the movie
I love cute girls with kind personalities
but you only posted one of them
explain to esl
is it sound like 'chicken'?
how many do i have to post for you to believe me?
chi knees is the same pronunciation as chinese
Jesus, Chinese are really fragile.
It is okay. The effects are somewhat cheap but the story is intact and it very well told. Good focus on the characters. Feels a bit like Asian discount version of Fire Walk With Me.
at least 5
>Jesus, Chinese are really fragile.
remember the Pooh incident
so how long do bans last on this site?
1 year
Yeah, we lost Devotion to that.
wait, if they ban you on that general you are banned here too right?
no, it's per board
is it?
I don't think so
go test it out and report back
someone actually getting banned is extremely rare unless they post literal naked women
based literallymebro!!!!
I think only spammers get banned
that's a freaking cute Rrrrrrrrrrrrromsae
what is a spammer
>international thread
>on wood, instead of international board
Who would even defend this?
someone who posts 1 pic per second to flood the thread
usually they do it with something like gaypop or porn
it made sense back then
the international thread used to be on /int/ but they moved because of some coomer spamming the thread
kim minju angel..
love her
why did one guy alone make them move?
there is no captcha here so a dedicated spammer can ruin the thread easily
im worried bros
what will minju do after april
she will sign with DSP and join April
become a barista
>october thread about irene bullying
>most of the reddit comments actually realizing irene is a cunt and not defending her
>thread from today with their performance
>only one (1) comment addressing her being a cunt, its downvoted to hell
do reddit roasties really have that short of a memory or do they willingly forget it like drones?
starship buys over her contract and debuts her with wony and yujin
i thought he got banned quickly, makes sense that they moved if mods werent on him for a long time
everyone who dropped irene wouldn't bother reading comments about her
I think sane people just ignore RV now so only the reddit velvet roasties comments on their posts
>if mods werent on him for a long time
there were no mods back then
I think he was also the reason we have more mods now she'll go back to her predebut job at mcdonalds
we'll see how many upvotes their comeback mv gets, if it surpasses the last title by a lot then red velvet lost nothing on that subreddit
why the fuck do you care what reddit thinks?
i was just curious to see if the very people you'd expect to turn a blind eye to the whole thing did it
Reddit has sociopathic tendencies.
There were some pretty messed up posts there when Mina tried to kill herself.
Most of 4chan posters are at least being ironic.
>you will never meet minju at a your local mcdonalds after a gym session and fall in love with her at first sight
>you will never keep going to the same place and order a meal just to see her
>you will never get fatter each day and end up making minju be repulsed by your weight gain
>local mcdonalds after a gym session
>There were some pretty messed up posts there when Mina tried to kill herself.
what the fuck? i thought the nature of reddit's upvote/downvote system wouldnt let that happen unlike anonymity on chans
who let Minju use a knife
>going to a mcdonalds after the gym
Kim Lip is my waifu
you are blessed with great taste
shes learning to be a housewife
3k posts
make it 2021 edition
come up wwith a good OP title
no irene edition
KPOPS, 2021 edition
korean cinema general #2
it's fun to make fun of her tho?
youre right
no irene simps edition?
It was mean in a different way. Not like "I hope she dies" or anything.
It was more in a weird detached way. Like nice on the surface but really strange implications.
Like you have girl trying to kill herself and they go like "maybe she is acting up a bit too much, she should deal with her problems alone instead of posting this things that are disturbing ME on the instagram"
thread is so hecking fast these days...
Make it Mr. Kpops Thread
sorry its me and my 5 devices
all me
r/kpop is just full of female ifans that dont really care about anything that doesnt involve their oppars
reddit roasties being selfish, nothing surprising
i think mina had a bunch of problems and jimin definitely didn't help but it wasn't all her fault
I'm making a thread
save your memes