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#272 International Thread


Long-haired idols edition



1. No sexual fantasies or porn content


2. Do not insult idols


3. Behave like adults

Last week:


Kwon Eunbi making waves at waterbomb again


a new member was added to tripleS, and her name is Mayu


newjeans released the mvs for cool with you, which were both pure kino


Joy in some GREAT promotional material for a cf


Itzy released a pre-release single called none of my business in anticipation of their comeback next week


another episode of kwindom, now with eliminations!


Artms is having an event where fans can decide where the girls are going for a big photo shoot


601 days after their latest release, everglow announces a comeback

Next week:

Itzy is having their comeback with the song CAKE on the 31st

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#271 International Thread


Magazine shoot edition



1. No sexual fantasies or porn content


2. Do not insult idols


3. Behave like adults

Last week:


Lots of appreciation for the new Odd Eye Circle album


An Yujin showed off her footie skills, linked with a move now to the big european clubs?!


IVE had a special CF song release with I WANT, proving that you are not immune to propaganda


We all learned the importance of clarity and intent in textual communication


Sohee's BUTT


They're making a web variety show where Kwon Eunbi is going to eat spicy food(peak kino)


Are ya gaming, son


The chingu watching the Hyeri k-drama finished it finally

Next Week:


TripleS are going to reveal their new member today on the 19th


Newjeans are having their comeback with the mini-album Get up on the 21st


Oh My Girl is having their comeback with Golden Hourglass on the 24th

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#270 International Thread


That Girl You First Fell For Edition



1. No sexual fantasies or porn content


2. Do not insult idols


3. Behave like adults

Last Week on Kch:


The kpop beverage wars are cooling down or heating up, depending on how you look at it. Pepshie gained a lot of ground with new kqt ads


The fate of Loona occupied kchanons mind. Artemis finally released the OEC MV with mixed reviews


Yenas disstrack got shut down by western law-fu


Der non-Trinker had a debate about drinking and its catastrophic impact on society


Itzy gave us many new pictures and we are all hyped about upcoming comeback


Geo-nim guessed many kpop locations, he's still a pabo though


Eunbi took over wendys' radio show and promptly changed everything we loved about it. However she brought a nice sense of fashion


F1 spam even made it into an edition OP, how annoying!


Newjeans made everyone supershy, except for that one guy who kept using the regular

In the next Episode of Kch:


We remember the past, without minnight posting too much


Upcoming comebacks: IveXPepshie. that's it, yikes


We get to view the dance category stages of kwindom puzzle

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k-pop heals🫧


Вы тоже когда слушаете k-pop сразу забываете о проблемах и все хорошо?:>



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Та лучше не париться и смотреть фильмы с субтитрами на


#269 International Thread


Idols with food edition



1. No sexual fantasies or porn content


2. Do not insult idols


3. Behave like adults

Last week:


Lesserafim announces a world tour!... which for now just means Asia


Wony cant be trusted behind the wheels of a car, which is probably better for society as a whole


Telling time by the dress Miyeon wore for a certain fancam


We found out what Yoon looks for in an ideal guy(tall you gotta be tall)


Pizza discourse, just how much is too much really


Jo Yuri is gonna be in Squid Game 2!


Restaurant worker Shu says you're gonna get cancer and asks trees what their MBTI is


pepshie vs coca cola mashita, the battle of the century


Yena had some kerfuffles with Olivia Rodrigo


So you wanna translate Korean into English ey? Boy, you don't even know the half of it


The newest member of TripleS got revealed, and her name is Xinyu


We found out that Miabro is argentinan, just don't ask what his grandfather did between 1939-1945


Soojin from (G)I-DLE returned from her exile up in the mountains


Nmixx released Roller Coaster, and chingus were shocked and overjoyed at it sounding like a normal song!


Twitter broke down for a bit, and everyone laughed at that south african


Itzy released their pre-release single BET ON ME, with generally positive thoughts from chingus


The TripleS geols moved into new Haus(Hauses?) with them getting new room mates to boot


Oh My Girl announced their summer comeback with Golden Hourglass


baNana supremacy STILL continues on kwindom puzzleu

Next week:


Kiss of Life is having their debut on the 5th with the title track Shh


NewJeans is releasing a single in collaboration with the Powerpuff Girls called New Jeans, and an additional song called Super Shy on the 7th


NMIXX is having their comeback on the 11th with the title track Party O'Clock

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Крендельная #63


Черепашка тред

Предыдущий >>924020 ➡

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надо кстати купить книгу биолога Никитина, уже даавно пора


#268 International Thread


Selfie edition


1. No sexual fantasies or porn content

2. Do not insult idols

3. Behave like adults

Last week:


Hanuel from Kiss of Life had her solo MV with Play Love Games, amplifying the push and pull narrative in it


It was announced that Wendy will permanently step down as radio DJ of SBS Youngstreet, with Kwon Eunbi taking on her position


Geography and location spotting with chingus


Jo Yuri rumoured to be in Squid Game season 2!


Remember Blackpink? That was a fun group


Waterbomb festival occurred over the weekend, with lots of omo pics from thread favourites such as Eunbi and Stayc and æspa


Newjeans have announced a huge comeback, with 6 MVs and 3 songs that will be promoted from their upcoming mini Get Up


Village-nim spotted a tiny man, with sources differing on if it was jyp or lee-soo man


Yena had her comeback with Hate Rodrigo


Chingus are watching Queendom Puzzle and the Nana supremacy is still ongoing

Next week


Swan from Purple Kiss is having her solo debut with Twenty on the 2nd of July


Itzy is having a pre-release drop with an MV for the song BET ON ME on the 3rd


Nmixx is also releasing a unnamed pre-release song on the 3rd


the following people will have birthdays: Seohyun from SNSD and Eunwoo()

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won't have proper internet in hospital


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заварила чай


тваю мать перекат же был

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#267 International Thread


Red edition


1. No sexual fantasies or porn content

2. Do not insult idols

3. Behave like adults

Last week:


Questionable discussions on age and shoulders


CSR girls had a good time in my town


Rei returned and Joy announced her return


All Loona members were freed


Odd Eye Circle announced a Europe tour in all the wrong places


Aespa went full omo


One guy just hates Ningning


Backpain guy kept almost dying


A man with various names shared his nice hiking pictures


Arin day was comfy


Many yokes landed


Heejin impressed nerds with her tongue hand

Next week:


Kiss of Life debut


Some TripleS thing


Yena + Yuqi song


No interesting birthdays

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post more jihans, chingu

that's an order


I like tuesdays more than other days thanks to kch


#266 International Thread


Beach edition


1. No sexual fantasies or porn content

2. Do not insult idols

3. Behave like adults

Last week:


HYBE announces a new girl group survival show called "R U Next", that will start airing on June 30th


Rei, a cheese hot dog fiend? the answer might shock you


chingus are planning for a heist at the central kpop clothes vault


Wendy's stint as radio DJ will end on July 2nd, as she is stepping down from the role. This news has been devastating for chingus


Seulgi doing ads for Adobe, but does she actually pay for it?


Chuu has been caught selling heavy water and producing plutonium


Leeseo's failure at decorating a cake made everyone laugh


TRI.BE going on massive US tour(even Detroit?!)


Vivi and Hyunjin have left blockberry and signed an exclusive contract with a company called CTDE&M


It's been announced that Moon Sua will return from her hiatus after the passing of her brother


the first episode of queendom puzzle aired, and the chingus that watched it enjoyed what they saw


autism-nim being mad at korea, and korean culture, and koreans? All because of the fact that he doesn't have a kwife(lol, lmao)

Next week:


Honestly fuck all when it comes to new releases


The following idols will be having birthdays: Tzuyu from Twice and Seeun from Stayc today, and Arin from Oh My Girl on the 18th

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uh oh

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Ещё и композитор


Her aespa bias is Giselle

Бляяя, Веня жёстко в цель бьёт оказывается


She really likes the song “Eclipse” by Kim Lip


One of her favorite GWSN songs is “Total Eclipse (Black Out)”


he listens to a lot of different musical genre including boombap, r&b, rock, jazz and hip-hop

А Сохён точечно ебашит по мне


#265 International Thread


Bespectacled beauties and cool geols with shades on edition


1. No sexual fantasies or porn content

2. Do not insult idols

3. Behave like adults

Kch news reporting in

In the previous thread:


Wony appeared in amazing hwiteu outfit, yet again sparking speculation of weight gain (which we all pray for )


The great GPS in picture metadata stalking scandal broke


Some moronis suggested that Choerry is not special anymore, which she quickly disputed by throwing very special birthday stream


Push and pull theory was examined and pondered


Minjus smiling day was established and shall be henceforth celebrated on 1st of June (also international kids day, coincidence? or connected?)


Spiteful kchanons tried to start a conflict between Yujin#1 and Wony#1 kchanons, but they appreciate each other's waifu and refused to partake in such stupid actions


Yves looks more and more like Sulli, we are concerned, but not pessimistic


Karina's IG got banned, but luckily reinstated very quickly


Yujin in Finland caused a lot of commotion, spawning architectural discussion about commieblocks


Zoa pics were achived


New Kwindom show started, hype is buildign up


Limelight broke through to kchan mainstream, each girl being picked up by different kchanons, great success


Fromis9 had a comeback, kchanons seemed to like it

Next week:


No comebacks of worth I think


We will celebrate birthdays of: Jiyeon, Jinsoul, Hyeri and Jueun

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I like kei too, if both of them were in the same group I'd be ecstatic
