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18번째 한글 스레드 - 2015년이 10년전이야 편

174 157
있을 때 잘해! 금방 살아져! 덧없는 아이돌 삶, 거듭 갈아타야 이어가는 팬 삶. 언제까지 지속될까? 지난 번 스레드: >>1120060


58 26
осторожно, содержание треда ужаСает молчание ягнят и девственников >>1150884

webm thread :booba:

477 512
gonna dump some lewd webms here; trigger warning, some clips might be unsuitable for the sensitivity of some viewers feel free to keep the discussion in the other thread

#319 International Thread

1681 2734
Selfie edition Rules: >1. No sexual fantasies or porn content >2. Do not insult idols >3. Behave like adults Last week: >CSR, ICHILLIN, Dreamniote, Purkies, Lightsum and Wuah announced as participants in yet another survival show >Rose surprise winner of fashion week (this win is disputed, but since I make the thread I shall disregard it) >Yeji and Slugi keep appearing together during music shows, very cute >Say my name comeback didn't make much of a splash, some cute Hitomis were posted at least >Lesserafim comeback was much better than their previous two, they dropped a SOTY in form of the bside >Kpop philosophy best philosophy >Nmixx comeback, seems like nobody cares about it, it was ok >Minju the League nerd, I guess the Nujeans League song was about her >TR Entertainment, TRI•BE’s company, were reportedly declared bankrupt on the 13th of March. The future of Mire and the girls is uncertain :seul_pain: >Rora choosing kchanon >EVERGLOW's Yiren Claims She Has Never Been Paid In Heartbreaking Messages, we are not surprised that the chinese jews didn't give our girls anything >Stayc comeback has kchanons bewildered Next week >Kiiikiii proper debut >Birthdays of Sakura, Jiwon, Ruka, Belle, Boram, Songsun, Mina

#318 International Thread

1583 2871
Spring is just around the corner edition Rules: >1. No sexual fantasies or porn content >2. Do not insult idols >3. Behave like adults Last week: >Aespa went to kchanon's city, he didn't go see them >Kchanon's hitman career is in danger because he can't get his hands on a silencer for his pistol >Brainrot is real, decreasing attention span of some kchanons down to gen alpha levels >Yeji, Wonyoung, Ella and Yujin on Paris Fashion week, BIG SUCCESS :wony_phew: >Bought Rami album for sister's birthday, was great success >Kch movie club, with extra moroni takes >Yeji and Seulgi solos, both were met with positive reactions from kchanons despite some saying otherwise >Handong, Dami and Gah don't renew their contracts with DC company >Gambling is dumb and gay, unless it's gambling for waifus In the following week: >SAY MY NAME comeback >LE Sserafim comeback >Nmixx comeback >STAYC comeback >Birthdays of Hikaru, Nara, Sumin, Jian, Suyun and Jaehee

#5 SciTech Thread

395 72
%% It's over edition :jisoo_drink: there's no way these deps of deps will all be caught there must be tens of these in the wild already >>1036688 >>1010690 >>1003529 >>976927

#317 International Thread

1555 2509
Foreigner edition Rules: > 1. No sexual fantasies or porn content > 2. Do not insult idols > 3. Behave like adults Last week >chingu started watching Peaky Blinders, no updates as of yet >Karina and Gawon looked great in Milan >Weeekly ended their contracts >Sserafim, Seulgi and Yeji teaser pics are looking very cool >Many Shu dress pics posted >chingu is loving his new car >first Chinese weekend, getting extended into this week >chingu's sister makes the right choices, siding with winter and against twintails >IU, Somi and Leeseo are ready for the great outdoors This week >Russia invades Romania >Seulgi and Yeji comebacks >Yuji, Yeri, Choa, Luda, Taeyeon, Somi and Wooah Nana birthdays

Крендельная №101

542 197
Тысячедолларовый тред впервые в новом году прошлый тред, в котором праздновали Рождество и наконец отобрали модерку у самодурши >>1140297

#316 International Thread

1561 2467
Blondes have more fun edition Rules: >1. No sexual fantasies or porn content >2. Do not insult idols >3. Behave like adults Last week: >Kiiikiii continue to catch kchanons attention with their debut promotions >H2H debuted to positive but lukewarm appraisal from kchan >More kchan group therapy combined with philosophy class >Woo will debut as musical actress soon >Karina #1 most searched kpop on naver was unsurprising >Sserafim trailers continue beating gambling-nim's odds >LPONR coined, new breakthrough kchan kpop theory >GD comeback after almost a decade brought back the bangers >More kch therapy Next week: Birthday of >Dayeon

#315 International Thread

1786 2825
Red edition Rules: >1. No sexual fantasies or porn content >2. Do not insult idols >3. Behave like adults Last week: >Madein released their comeback song, it wasn't very popular, at least Nago is still well liked >Wonyo became the boss of a bank that rivals Yujin's bank, we are expecting big things from them >Jisoo released her solo, it was quite good, but didn't make big splash on kchan >Wooah performance with great outfits made us remember why we love them >Kch therapy session >KiiiKiii made a surprise debut, so far they are well liked on kchan and we already started learing the members, eagerly expecting the full debut in March >Stop follwing new groups with kids half my age? I don't think I will :cigarette: >Will heels make a comeback? Gamblernim thinks so, but his winning record isn't very good >Seulgi comeback announced Next week: >No geolgroup comebacks, but Gdragon is releasing a full album so that's pretty hype >Birthdays of Solar, Wendy, Riina, Leeseo and Haewon

#314 International Thread

1473 2288
Black or hwite edition Thread theme Rules: >1. No sexual fantasies or porn content >2. Do not insult idols >3. Behave like adults Previous week: >Asa appreciation >Anna comparison to Chewy questioned, I still stand by it >PSY is going to have his own girlgroup, we are very cautious about this one >Falling for Wonyo evermore. Danger or salvation? >Sserapims confirmed March comeback >Nujeans continue pushing for new group under their own management, we are VERY cautious about this one >A bit of doomposting, but we bounced back >Learned a new TripleS geol for she is very [HOT] >IVE getting a PAK, they are simply the best right now >Starship announced new girl group despite IVE being barely 3 years old, we are moderately cautious of this one >Seeing kpops in person? Worth it every time >Hearts2Hearts will debut soon, we are not cautious of this one, it should be good Next week: >Chungha comeback >Jisoo comeback >Suzy comeback >Birthdays of Dalsoobin, Jiyeon (TripleS), Siyoon and Chiquita (:bin_happy:)

#313 International Thread

1661 2982
Skirt edition Rules: > 1. No sexual fantasies or porn content > 2. Do not insult idols > 3. Behave like adults Last thread >Babymonsters got greatly appreciated, the future of kpop is looking bright >Heejin enjoyed an Icelandic vacation, looking very omo while going for a swim >Miyeon started a YouTube channel for her birthday >Cheerleader ITZYs :bin_feels: >Goofy Hobbit book obtained >Many people discovered the edition days late >IVE comeback, not met with the usual excitement >Great Ella >Edition ended with bad sleep and sickness Next week Birthdays for Minju, TripleS Yooyeon, Naeun, Seulgi, Kim Lip, Lovelyz Jisoo, and Rosie and Woo on the same day!

#312 International Thread

1240 2500
Legz for days edition Rules: >1. No sexual fantasies or porn content >2. Do not insult idols >3. Behave like adults Last thread >Was very short because I was missing for half of the week and not that much was happening on kpap scene >Kchan roadtrip, will it ever happen? If yes, it won't be to France that's for sure >Rose the entertainer, faraway dream but we are dreamers >NMIXX announces March comeback >Wuah little sister group announced for 2025, we are expecting them well~ >I turned 28, still youthful and with future, unlike those ancient people in their 30's :bibi_smug: >Kchanon officially became a nerd by picking up card games >Madein comeback confirmed, the teasers are scuffed, we are real worried >Kchanon is going on a date, we are eagerly awaiting reports :sana_pray: >Yuna show is a big success >Shoe sizes, very messy. At least we don't have to wear clown shoes like that one guy >Missed Sullyon's birthday. I shall repent deeply for this sin Next week >IVE album release on 3rd >Birthdays of Haruna, Miyeon, Jihyo, Doa (Alice), Gahyeon, Rei, Yubin and Iroha

#311 International Thread

1098 1890
Animal headbands Your tokkis and cute kpop cats get serious Rules: >1. No sexual fantasies or porn content >2. Do not insult idols >3. Behave like adults In previous week >IVE continue dominating the scene >climbfu conundrum finally resolved >Blackadder and Clone wars viewing >Yeji solo debut announced >Best cure for food poisoning? Kpop shows of course >Yuna the Youtuber, can it work? Find out soon >more drivers license delays, May begins to look rather unatainable goal >Kpops and sports, forever a funny combination >Romsae broke up with her bf, it's chance for kchanon now >Minnie solo debut that nobody even noticed In the next week: >Birthdays of: Seoyeon, Isa (same day as myself, the Kchanon), Seunghee and Sheon

#310 International Thread

1331 2166
Megane edition (bonus points for Meganeko) Rules: >1. No sexual fantasies or porn content >2. Do not insult idols >3. Behave like adults In the previous week: >Return of long lost kchanon >Drivers license progress already delayed by pesky doctors, is May still attainable goal? We shall find out >Car purchasing strategy producing increasingly weirder options. Many kpap driving videos didn't help it >Starship accidentaly reposting Yujin deepfake instead of reporting it, big oof >Yunjin released her new solo which didn't make much buzz on kchan >SM concert giving us many OMO looks from Aespers and Red Velvets, even covering f(x) songs >IVE released an absolute banger, firmly declaring that 2025 will in fact be their year >Babymonster conundrum, do the take after Blackpink or do they forge their own way? Next week: >Minnie releases her solo >birthdays of Yunah, Jennie, Kelly, Joobin, Moon Hyuna, Lime and Takara

#309 International Thread

1781 2793
Meme hair edtion (feels like we haven't had one in a while) Rules: >1. No sexual fantasies or porn content >2. Do not insult idols >3. Behave like adults Weekeuly happenings >Kchan held award shows with many surprising and many unsurprising results >>1147708 >>1147722 >>1147834 >>1147841 >>1148078 >>1148216 >New year, new computer, same kchanon >Elkbro showing up to say hello on new years >Why are kpap posters in ridiculous sizes? The big frame is behind it imo. >Lego building, fun for all ages, torment for all fingers >Squid geim 2 is a success on kchan and commercially >Car conundrum continues, but carlicense aquiring process started >Real estate news, you need to be Wony to be able to afford decent living >IVE starts 2025 with amazing outfits, declaring that this year is indeed their year >Kpops acting in theaters, good or bad? %%It's obviously good we want our waifus to get some motherfucking money :dahyun_angry: %% >Wonyo hotel room, a lair of love or cold business deal? All we know is that it's in Busan In the follwing week >IVE will release their pre-release banger >Birthdays of Dahyun (triples), Yeonji (the kwak), Miu, Yeoreum, Chaeyeon (Lee), Mia (will Miabro show up?), Haram

17번째 한글 스레드 - 한글날 편

841 661
우선 광화문 광장에 위치한 세종대왕 조각상. "가나다라마바사아자차카타파하" 읊으면서 조각상을 반시계방향으로 다섯 바퀴를 돌면 24시간 동안 네가 만지는 모든 동물이 온종일 한글을 읽고 이해할 수 있도록 하는 능력이 주어진다더라. :eunbin_wut: 그리고 아이돌 사진은 가나다순. 가현 나현 다현 :nancy_smile: 지난 번 스레드: >>1090095

#308 International Thread

1926 3319
Awards edition Rules: >1. No sexual fantasies or porn content >2. Do not insult idols >3. Behave like adults 2024 was a busy year with many happenings, but we have come to the end and it's time to reflect and give props to the best kpap. We will also look forward to 2025, the year of improvement. In spirit of that I will bring back weekly threads with recaps, even if it means I have to make all threads myself. Now let us take a look back at 2024 Let’s start with the good stuff first >Babymonster debuts >Illit debuts >Irene debuts as solo >Izna debuts >Madein debus >Meovv debuts >Lia returns to ITZY >Chuu wins her contract dispute with BBC in High court, fuck BBC forever >Many bangers were released and many great kpops have risen >GD, Taeyang and Daesung reunite on MAMA showing everybody how it’s done Now for the bad and neutral stuff >Bonchae steps down as MC of MUBANK, Minju replaces her >MHJ versus HYBE cage match, ourgirls Nujeans are collateral damage in the conflict >Karina dating news which lasted 2 days before the relationship was over >Shinsadong Tiger found dead, presumed suicide. The fate of TRIBE is uncertain >Kep1er partially renew contracts, continue as 7 without Yeseo and Mashiro >Winteo hospitalized with collapsed lung, recovers speedily >Former T-ara Areum attempted suicide, survives >Madein Gaeun is out of the group, allegations of sexual assault by their CEO, the company denied the accusation and instead stated Gaeun brought BF to the dorms and was kicked out because of it. We have no more relevant info >fromis_9's exclusive contract with Pledis Entertainment will expire on December 31st, 2024 >Korean politics continues to be a joke, the president doing a lot of dumb shit and then the government doing a lot of dumb shit >Chaeyeon is out of the kpap game for a while because of herniated disc, get well soon >Cherry Bullet disbands >Weki Meki disbands >Nature disbands >Cignature disbands >Loossemble disbands >Rocket Punch disbands There have been many more things which I have forgotten but alas not much more can be done when the weekly recaps died Now without further ado, let us move to the awards The classics >Song of the year >Album of the year >MV of the year >B-side of the year >Best choreo of the year >Rookie group of the year >Rookie girl of the year You can make up more awards if you want to give props to a girl/group/performance/whatever the you feel is underappreciated In the following posts I will paste a list of title tracks that came out this year as a timeline for remembering all the good stuff.

Кендельная #100

684 423
Здесь обсуждают все. И иногда KPOP :nunu_smart: *заварила чай и въебала в челюсть* >>1135140

#307 International Thread

5776 9638
Christmas edition (if you think it's too soon, then think again, this thread will probably still be up by new year) Rules: >1. No sexual fantasies or porn content >2. Do not insult idols >3. Behave like adults In the coming weeks we shall have comfy Christmas, enjoy kpap and get ready for Kch award show

Крендельная №99

582 244
девственникам запрещено постить итт поэтому никто с неочана не пишите тут! прошлый топ тред >>1129210

Крендельная #98 雪の季節

508 128 проводили в путь Крошика >>1123546

#306 International Thread

8790 12967
light jacket edition Rules: > 1. No sexual fantasies or porn content > 2. Do not insult idols > 3. Behave like adults Irene solo coming up :nay_nice:

Крошечная #97

516 128
Крендельный тред им. кота Крошика Оранжевая тучка, борись! «Крошик, давай!», «Тобой гордится страна!», «Молодец солнышко, всё будет хорошо!», «Маковка, здоровья тебе!», «Наш герой!!!», «Давай, вперёд, к новым победам, Крошик!» наша цель - 7кг!!! ссылка на канал врачей Крошика тред с тайной)) >>1111487

Тред разработки борды (Board development)

214 68
Прошлый (Previous) >>4410 Формат смайлов (Smiles requirements) >>122797 Редактирование профилей (Idol profiles editing) >>123590

Киминжонная #96

566 317
Просто Кимижон в кепке. В прошлом треде обозначили превосходство корейской медиакультуры, на азиатском рынке развлечений >>1108062

#305 International Thread

8265 12971
Autumn feels edition Rules: >1. No sexual fantasies or porn content >2. Do not insult idols >3. Behave like adults What awaits us: >Many comebacks from many groups, difficult to contain all the hype >Spooky season with hopefully great costumes from our girls >Preparations for winter vacations

#304 International Thread

9238 16888
Travel edition Rules: > 1. No sexual fantasies or porn content > 2. Do not insult idols > 3. Behave like adults This month >no comebacks :bin_sad: >birthdays for Tsuki, Nayeon, Mijoo, Yuqi!, Gaeul!, Eunbi & Yena

Крендельная #95

519 310 Едем покорять сердце Ким Чевон >>1105355

Крендельная #94

502 145
:chaer_sulk: Дельфинам тоже нужны няшки >>1103256

Крендельная #93

500 255 Пансионат >>1097476

16번째 한글 스레드

943 1100
소나무 편 괜히 /숲/이란 게시판은 아니야. 이전의 스레드: >>1060557 >>1036484 >>1003563 >>987894 >>961672 >>943240 >>916587 >>894157 >>875832 >>859816 >>849380 >>838910 >>823838 >>800583 >>775652

#303 International Thread

6286 11166
Hot summer edition Rules: No rules because mods don't bother enforcing them anyway In the upcomming weeks we mostly look forward to Maidens debuting, but there will be some other comebacks like Nmixx and Le sserafim There will be a few significant birthdays including Yeseo, Wonyoung and Yujin

Крендельная #92

502 274
:seul_cute: Наскальные посты первобытных аватарок >>1093671

Крендельная #91

501 245
:nunu_smart: Наконец топпостинг >>1087358

Крендельная #90

500 289
Глядишь и до сотки доползём Дюшес трясёт попой на шахматной доске >>1083019

#302 International Thread

8967 16310
Greenery edition Rules: >1. No sexual fantasies or porn content >2. Do not insult idols >3. Behave like adults Last thread lasted over 3 weeks again Needless to say recaps are dead and we killed them :kyul_scream: But I suppose that's how we roll now This week we will celebrate birthdays of Jihan and Yebin Some kchanons will watch the Euro finals Idk, maybe some summer comebacks will happen

Крендельная #89

523 228
:yeonwoo_tired: Вы не поверите но там %%Ким Минджон%% >>1076146

#301 International Thread

7611 11567
Bangs/No bangs edition Rules: >1. No sexual fantasies or porn content >2. Do not insult idols >3. Behave like adults Last thread: > record long kch thread, nobody would dare to recap that :dahyun_angry: > surely a lot of '' posting, vacation posting, concert posting, midnight posting %%in the middle of the day%% This "week": > EURO 2024 started for chingus who would tune in for their teams %%if they don't suck%% > I will attempt the greatest productivity comeback of a lifetime :hayoung_pray: > Celebrating the birthdays of well-loved by kch Cathy %%heehaw%%, Arin, > woo!aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh! comeback on the 17th > Eunbi comeback on the 18th > H1-KEY comeback on the 19th

Крендельная #88

522 261
:nunu_smart: Ким Минджон >>1072172

15번째 한글 스레드

997 1100
영원한 푸른 하늘 에디션 이전 >>1036484 >>1003563 >>987894 >>961672 >>943240 >>916587 >>894157 >>875832 >>859816 >>849380 >>838910 >>823838 >>800583 >>775652

Крендельная #87

500 135
Поздравляем tripleS с первой победой и продолжаем ждать крутые релизы Смайлец попал в Бесконечное лето >>1065877

Крендельная #86 первомай

502 188
Ждём возвращения с &**полноформатными** альбомами от **tripleS** **æspa** и **ARTMS** уже в этом месяце! Шахматные баталии >>1060139

Клип aespa

5 1
Вчера вышел клип на нову песню у æspa "long chat". Все было замечательно, он вышел, я начала смотреть, но, к сожалению, за раз клип целиком мне посмотреть не удалось. Я отвлеклась, потом подумала, что лучше заново позже посмотрю клип. В итоге, часа через два сажусь смотреть клип, а YouTube не даёт посмотреть. Пишет: "Владелец видео запретил посмотр в вашей стране. Мне стало ужасно обидно. Клип потом я естественно посмотрела. У меня вопрос, знаете ли Вы как это определяется, какие видео показывают в России, какие нет, потому то другой клип от aespa "Supernova", который вышел днём ранее, до сих пор доступен к просмотру.

#300 International Thread

13422 19305
Nekomimi edition Rules: >1. No sexual fantasies or porn content >2. Do not insult idols >3. Behave like adults In the past 2 weeks >DIY electronics home repair, harder than it looks >Yuna pictures (especially those in swimsuit) keep getting strong reactions >Duel over Minju, who will prevail? >Cherry Bullet disbanded, very sad >HYBE civil war, Hopefully our girls are not the casualties >Photobook by Irene, or of Irene? >New Nujeans song, a banger >New IVE album, full of bangers >Anime tiddies, how do they happen? Is +5 the answer? >Liz singing IU cover, a world-shakign event Next week >Brithdays of: Minji, Monday, Minju (Illit), Mayu Some comebacks possibly, idk, I am not keeping attention

Крендельная №85 Апрель

502 222
Крендели весной особенно вкусные, правда? Начало всему в мире - весна (с) Фуура Кафка Предыдущий, в котором похоронил все шансы на победу в турнире претендентов Хикару Накамура (сперва имя потом фамилия, потому что он американец а не японец, человек который не сделал харакири после своего выступления, потому что у него нет чести самурая, и в шахматы он выигрывает Яна Непомнящего только онлайн. Того Яна Непомнящего, что этой прекрасной весной идёт к своей великой победе в турнире претендентов) >>1056712

#299 International Thread

4392 6567
Photoshoot edition Rules: > 1. No sexual fantasies or porn content > 2. Do not insult idols > 3. Behave like adults Last 3,5 weeks >Extreme inactivity due to vacationing, hard work and Civ 6 >Kchanon remains directionless >Many april fools pics posted >Many kpop dreams >Kchanon watched Shogun, rewatched Shogun and is hatewatching the Walking Dead >Kchanon watches Yunjin smart choreo on his TV and against panic attacks %% :cha_angry:%% >Chingu gets my waifus if i disappear over the Atlantic again >Kchanon theorizes east euros are obsessed with traveling, sample size: 2 >Return of Woo!ah!! >Crazy Yunas Next week+ >comebacks from ARTMS & IVE

Крендельная #84

502 167
С др Айрин! И делимся лайфхаками как готовить смайлецов А вельветки немного подскажут: *Step one, mix it* *Step two, bake it* *Step three, serve it* Предыдущий >>1052244

Eunha looka SAMA.2015-2024


Крендельная #83

502 182
:yeonwoo_think: Предыдущий >>1049961

#298 International Thread

5845 8368
Guns and Roses edition Rules: >1. No sexual fantasies or porn content >2. Do not insult idols >3. Behave like adults Last two weeks >IVE concert madness continues, hotter outfits on the US leg of the tour keeping kchanons warm in cold days >Wonyo's sister, is she gonna be the next big acting thing on kchan? Watch her drama to find out >Sohyun not welcome in orthodox churches because of her untamed amazing hair, really lame religion if you ask me >Korean spies, how can we become interesting for them? >Daisy... :seoy_welp: >Kchanon visited Italy, marveled at train infrastructure and asian tourists >Cute Gigi best Gigi >Fridges, are they cool? Or are they hot >Wonki a cute >Silly hot waifs are the best at the moment >Phamzilla strikes kchan >Short hair Wonyo, could it work? First drafts say yes! >Germany hate, well deserved >Kchanon flying to New York, disappearing over Atlantic, but luckily reappearing over East coast. I still have dibs on his wiafus if he doesn't make it on the way back across Atlantic >Somyi going to prison, very sad story but not that surprising >Breadwinner Elkiebro came back to the thread, joyous occasion >I'llit debuted, some of them are qts >Mire day started In the following week: >Birthdays of Lisa, Reeny and Jeewon >Babymonster comeback

Крендельная #82

502 250
:wony_neutral: Предыдущий >>1046319

14번째 한글 스레드

774 548
이데아 없으니 앙 에디션 이전의 스레드: >>1003563 >>987894 >>961672 >>943240 >>916587 >>894157 >>875832 >>859816 >>849380 >>838910 >>823838 >>800583 >>775652

j and yoon

6 11
finally found j in this outfit here's some yoon too

Крендельная #81

501 186
Юхуу весна Последний зимний >>1027257

#297 International Thread

5704 8150
Bring your +1~, Kpops On A Date Edition Rules: > 1. No sexual fantasies or porn content > 2. Do not insult idols > 3. Behave like adults Last Week: > Kchanon dreamt of kpops and weird things > Karina dating was controversial even for kchanon > Kchanon was living on 4 sandwiches a day (+6 croissants) > Kchanon did not succeed in making a daughterwaifu edition after 2 years of trying hard > Kchanon spread the joy by sharing new fansites, some overlooked, others looked at overly > Kchanon started a highly accurate map of where kpops have come to in europe > Mire has been celebrated every day even though her boss died under suspicious circumstances > Armpits have been discussed. Are they just a lewdster meme, a new fashion trend that will go away again, or a future staple of kpop charms? Special AI Last Week Review sponsored by Philip Schmid: > Wonyoung won the Best Bonchae award but didn't clinch the MOTY. :wony_neutral: This Week: > will feel like it's only 2 and a half days long for some reason > tripleS Kotone, kepler hikaru will celebrate their birthdays Weekly MVP Shoutouts: > First one goes out to the chingu who shilled Mire on kch, great job! > Big thanks goes to kchanon for not yelling at me too much for making the new edition a bit later than usual :dahyun_pray:

Крендельна #80

518 250
Огого, юбилейный тред, красивые цифры :nancy_susp: К следующему треду прочесть в срочном порядке: "Оно"Л. Толстого "Война и Мир" Сст. Кинг Хорошие, и не очень, камбеки :bin_smile: Скромное упоминание тура триплэс Предыдущтй тред: >>1010502

#4 SciTech Thread

901 188
Setting up your mac edition %% Previous >>1010690 >>1003529 >>976927

#296 International Thread

4536 7016
open shoulder edition Rules: > 1. No sexual fantasies or porn content > 2. Do not insult idols > 3. Behave like adults Last week: >Mire once again received much love >Ningning in a black dress in Milan, what more could you want >Multiple concerts, with all eyes on ITZY >Hot silly waif determined to be the best kind of waif >Karina started dating, and kchanon insisted his loneliness made him more catholic than her >Dinosaur watching with kpops >ITZY in Paris blew everyone away, and made kchanon the best poster of the day >Storing kpop pics in the recycle bin determined to be the worst idea of the edition >FOMO-nim missed out >Everybody counted up their (You)s, with predictable winners

#295 International Thread

4048 5415
Time to get serious (and put on some headbands) edition Rules: >1. No sexual fantasies or porn content >2. Do not insult idols >3. Behave like adults Last week: >Cheap beef? Rei says no! >Korean and Japanese, do they really arrrr rook the same? >Valentine's day chocolates, who should be giving them and who should be receiving them? One thing is for certain, kchanons didn't do either of those >Mystery of falling of chairs solved, the pesky ground sockets make kpops fall >Weird-nim weirded out by cooking >Baka! >Nugu Iceberg, are we actually experts? Turns out we aren't >Kpops supporting wrong football teams (not that I would know) >Le sserafim released Easy which got lukewarm reaction from kchan, the music is bad but at least the geols are [HOT] >Tribe released Diamond which was significantly better. Mire looks great >Butts, how to classify them properly? Read the next kpop science from kchanons to find out >Yujin in Milan, overshadowing every other person in the entire country Next week: >Twice's comeback number 232855422655655265 >Birthday of: Haewon

#294 International Thread

3601 4355
Absolutely No Memes, Pure-Pop Edition Rules: > 1. No sexual fantasies or porn content > 2. Do not insult idols > 3. Behave like adults > 4. No memes! :police:

#293 International Thread

4949 6137
Denim edition Rules: > 1. No sexual fantasies or porn content > 2. Do not insult idols > 3. Behave like adults Previously: >many edition posts were made, and the idiot still found ways to complain >grandma, 77 >kchanon broke the :autism: streak >Sejeong Tifa cosplay >kchanon can't comprehend someone posting girls they dont waifu >very cool Hanni look fried peoples brains, making them claim Haerin was better or be weird about her button >kchanon ignored dice-nim's demand to stay up and couldn't sleep for 3 hours as a result >two russian self doxes >anime education = catgirls and glasses girls >kchanon finished 2 movies! >" titles finally decyphered >baby wony appreciation This week: >Seulgi, Kim Lip & Woooo birthdays

Крендельная #79

503 286
Новый год. Новый тред если постараемся, то возможно перекатим к следующему году :yeonwoo_wut: У каждых ворот Стоят молодые сосны. Праздничный вид! Во все дома без разбора Сегодня пришёл новый год при создании этого треда ни одна аватарка не пострадала прошлый тред, в котором мы снова не обсуждали крендели >>1001089

#292 International Thread

4036 4671
Twintails, high or low, braided or unbraided, we got them all Rules: >1. No sexual fantasies or porn content >2. Do not insult idols >3. Behave like adults In previous thread: >Isoposting followed by Bonchaeposting was a great start >Poet chingu wrote poems >>1018552 >>1018530 >Biscuit girls, can they satisfy our hunder for kpop? >Dutch, is it made up language or just drunken mumbling, scientists are still debating >Turururururu continues to dominate the charts >The mule keeps amassing more kpop >Will we ever see pretty eyes qt Jisoo on the big stage again? Only time will tell >GIDLE released 2 songs, seemingly nobody really cares >Winter Karina, the gfe overload >Would Lily carry the ring to Mordor? >Vacation to Italy planned with great difficulties >Anime titties, just how big are they >Minseo, waifu material? Find out with the next comeback >Elkie guy made a return and seems to be well >ITZY world tour announced, this time the "World" actually includes Europe >Le Sserafim teasers very omo and causing lots of excitement for the comeback >How about Minji >Ayano's secrets partially uncovered (it's money) >Search for Kazuha 2.0 continues at the library >Peak Ryujin, can she maintain it? Find out in the next comeback In the next week >Birthdays of : Miyeon, Jihyo, Gahyeon, Rei, Minju, Lee Luda >Releases: Babymoster, Twice, TripleS,


Недавно мне попался лайтстик какой-то герл группы,но он был неимоверно красивым и особенность была в том,что он мог удлинятся до двух метров.Часовые поиски не помогли мне(Может кто знает?

#291 International Thread

5411 7866
Winter edition Rules: > 1. No sexual fantasies or porn content > 2. Do not insult idols > 3. Behave like adults The first edition of 2024 >The Kch awards were held, big wins for IVE, Newjeans and Sohyun >Discussion on the safety of biking while drunk >Kchanon upped his love for Purple Kiss Goeun >Kchanon ate cake mailed to him, and lived to tell the tale >Kchanon finally fell for Karina and started posting her >ARTMS seasons greetings blew everyone away >The cutest thing in the first half of the edition >>1012506 >Yuqi shilled Pokemon merch nobody could afford >ITZY comeback was well received and well posted >the search continues for tight white pants pics >Prague pic just for me :bin_happy: >Kchanon started archiving videos again, turning many girls green >NMIXX and Yena comebacks, that went mostly ignored >White jacket Haerin was the highlight of a couple of days >TripleS Jiwoo was appreciated and might get posted more in the future >Kchanon finally got his keys and paperwork done >Kchanon was a nepotism hire the whole time, and bossed his boss around >Unprecedented amount of IVE and Aespa pics posted

#3 SciTech Thread

1417 270
Build fail edition coding is difficult for me too because just pressing space bar wrong or enter wrong it's always build fail so i can't nothing comes up so i don't know what i did wrong

13번째 한글 스레드

1111 507
오이시쿠나레 오이시쿠나레 모에 모에 큥 에디션 %% 이전의 스레드: >>987894 >>961672 >>943240 >>916587 >>894157 >>875832 >>859816 >>849380 >>838910 >>823838 >>800583 >>775652

Крендельная #78

505 200
우리는 당신에게 행복한 새해를 기원합니다! заварила чай пользуясь случаем Сая рекомендует вам книгу Стивена Кинга Оно Сая создала тред за Веню, а пупа создал за лупу тред шуток про пупу и лупу, ныне запрещённых >>992603 ещё в треде запрещены деаноны

#290 International Thread

7629 12443
Award Show Edition Rules: >1. No sexual fantasies or porn content >2. Do not insult idols >3. Behave like adults It's here, final edition of 2023 on kchan. I will try to do a brief summary of the year that had most likely more content than any other year before, both in kpop at large and on kchan in particular. I will try to do it chronologically for the most part, but I will jump back and forth if I remember something else. >Starting on the 1st of January, or rather ending on the 31st of December of the previous year, VLIVE has officially shut down. Luckily autists of the internet made many backups, but the course of kpap live streams has been altered ever since >Wonyo and Minju quit their MC jobs, officialy ending the last remains of IZONE era >Loona lawsuits happened, gradually every single girl managed to get free of Blockberry (though the cunts still haven't quit trying) >This gave us ARTMS and Loossemble, both of which were a success with kchanons who continue loving the girls >Momoland officially died >Brave Girls reformed under a new company, Nabro was probably very happy >Several groups had their first win including Billlie, NMIXX, H1-KEY >Jisoo had a solo debut >Jihyo had a solo debut >TripleS debuted, this process is still ongoing as they are adding more girls, the current number is 20 >LimeLight had their official debut >Queendom Puzzle happened, gave rise to the likes of H1-KEY and debuted a temporary group that nobody even remembers exist >Joy went on a hiatus, but recovered well >Rei was on a short hiatus and also recovered well >Moon Sua went on a hiatus after her brother commited suicide, she came back and we wish only the best for her >Apink left their company, but continue as a group >Fifty Fifty had a meteoric rise on the charts becoming the cinderella story of 2023, this was promptly ruined by the company producer and CEO arguing over rights to the song, the resulting lawsuits ruined the group and 3 of the 4 members are forever cancelled in the eyes of the Korean public >Kchan picked up a new poster whose waifu is Mia >Kim Doah made a solo debut, unfortunately she remains nugu, but is making it in the hearts of kchanons >Kchanons had many autistic debates, be it about screen to kpop size ratio, bras, push and pull theory, or even kpop buttons >Kchanons stalking other kchanons with photo metadata >Minju smiling day was established on June 1st, it shall be celebrated henceforth >Wendy finished her job as radio show host, ending the era of running towards camera pictures >Kchanon with very bad back problems had a surgery and recovered well >Kiss of Life debuted, first solo then as a group >Twitter changed their API making it ever more difficult to get pictures from that stoopid website >Everglow FINALLY had a comeback, but decided to ruin Mia's hair for some reason >Soojin came back from exile and debuted as solo >The World Scout Jamboree was to take place in SK, weather utterly ruined it but it turned into the greatest kpop concert since the original Dream concers with all the big names such as IVE and Newjeans performing in one venue, livestreamed for free to the world >BLACKPINK continue as a group but their solo activities no longer fall under YG, giving us hope we will actually get some music from them >BLACKPINK was invited to Buckingham Palace and received honorary MBE's setting them on their way to become aristocracy >Kchan reached 1 million posts with >>1000000

#2 SciTech Thread

657 187
Monketype edition - All the latest gripes about operating systems - Don't aggregate related stuff for rows until after filtering - Will v0 end the bore of user interface design - How to buy an ISO laptop in europe (without shipping it from across the atlantic) Previous >>976927

#289 International Thread

4918 9055
hoodie/sweater/sweatshirt edition Rules: > 1. No sexual fantasies or porn content > 2. Do not insult idols > 3. Behave like adults

#1 SciTech Thread

585 190
Kpop science and technology here!

Крендельная #77

501 177
**Мы должны все поднажать в постинге и тогда обязательно успеем перекатить до следующего треда к Новому году** Смотрим лучший релиз года

#288 International Thread

2504 4473
1 MILLION POSTS KCH CELEBRATION EDITION Rules: > 1. No sexual fantasies or porn content > 2. Do not insult idols > 3. Behave like adults We made it, chingus :yuji_bday: and we're all gonna *make it* :dahyun_pray:

#287 International Thread

4906 8576
Pretty Selfies of Pretty Girls Edition Rules: > 1. No sexual fantasies or porn content > 2. Do not insult idols > 3. Behave like adults

12번째 한글 스레드

1150 565
JUST 에디션 >그냥 - 그냥 새로운 스레드 해봐 just make a new thread -만 - 15분만 기다려줘 just wait 15 minutes >단지 - 단지 좋은 에디션 생각해야 되지 you need to just think of a good edition 오직 - 오직 좋은 에디션만 괜찮나? 어려운데 just a good edition is fine? but it's difficult >딱 - 좋은 걸 딱 우리 원하는 거지 a good one is just what we need 다만 - 다만 난 좀 덤코프잖아서 이것밖에 할 수 없어 it's just that i'm a bit of a dummkopf so i could only do this >그대로 - 뭐야...괜찮아 아마 그대로 올려봐 the heck is's fine i guess just post like that 이전의 스레드: >>961672 >>943240 >>916587 >>894157 >>875832 >>859816 >>849380 >>838910 >>823838 >>800583 >>775652

Крендельная #76

502 245
Предыдущий >>981102

#286 International Thread

4809 7333
Seeing Right Through (You) Edition Rules: > 1. No sexual fantasies or porn content > 2. Do not insult idols > 3. Behave like adults Last week > wonyoung could convince us that bangs are not necessarily evil > kch continues to struggle with new edition tuesdays > redvelvet gave us some interesting teaser pictures. smol in size, but decently big impact > heejin cameback well~~ local kch heej-fans received it with a 7/10 rating This week > WEEEKLY AND VIVIZ COMEBACK HYPE!!!!!!! > Many more super comfy autumn kgf feel pictures :bin_feels: > I, kchanon, will have one(1) or more(2+) kpop dreams :roa_pray:

Крендельная #75

500 264
Предыдущий >>974536

#285 International Thread

2250 3242
Girls who make you go AAAHHHHHHH edition Rules: > 1. No sexual fantasies or porn content > 2. Do not insult idols > 3. Behave like adults Last week > many Yunjin pics > new edition situation This week > maybe some news about Soojin's comeback

#284 International Thread

2785 3996
2022 debuts edition Rules: > 1. No sexual fantasies or porn content > 2. Do not insult idols > 3. Behave like adults >Last week >All idols went traveling >Doyeonposting spread joy to all but one >Baddie got stuck in everybody's head >People were still butthurt about the Austro-Hungarian Empire >Yeseo/Dayeon alarm clock This week >Billie comeback >Rosebro mountain trip

Крендельная #74

501 186
Предыдущий >>968713

#283 International Thread

3075 4444
Going Back In Time Edition Rules: > 1. No sexual fantasies or porn content > 2. Do not insult idols > 3. Behave like adults Last week +1: > we were spammed by a wave of wony pictures. some chingus couldn't swim > releases of idle and ive and newjeans did not get much praise > kpop saving and sorting and kpop infrastructure was discussed a lot > we fell in love with a kpops hair > we like making webms again This week -1: > tripleS nakyung, elris yeonje birthdays > comebacks/releases: triples, lightsum, ive, sunmi > kchanon won't fuck up new edition tuesday again

Крендельная #73

514 250
Предыдущий >>962512

#282 International Thread

4488 5615
kchanon's love at first sight edition Rules: > 1. No sexual fantasies or porn content > 2. Do not insult idols > 3. Behave like adults Last week: > Billlie released a very comfy song > tripleS arrived in the great land of the free and already toured a couple of venues, sadly kch's favorite S sohyun got sick and had to sit out for some of the venue dates > Blockberry took more Ls but is not giving up yet > Kep1er visited Europe %%please come to other countries too%% > Korea celebrated Chuseok and our girls had some much deserved days off to spend with their families Next week: > NewJeans will release a song as the LoL Worlds 2023 anthem on Oct 4 > IVE will drop their second pre-release single *Off The Record* on Oct 6 > (G)I-DLE will come back on Oct 6 > We will be celebrating the birthdays of GFRIEND Yuju, Hanni, Lua, Nicole noona, Yunjin, Suzy (our actress) and CLC Seunghee

#281 International Thread

2728 2750
exposed shoulder edition Rules: >1. No sexual fantasies or porn content >2. Do not insult idols >3. Behave like adults Last week: >Blockberry lost in court yet AGAIN, bringing their total record to 37 consecutive losses >Yujin visiting a fashion show in Milan, and being the main event for chingus here >news about the Blackpink contract negotiations still being ongoing, but it seems like the majority of the members are not staying with YG >tripleS geols all in different outfits caught the attention of everyone >Hyunjin had TWO deep dish pizzas while visting Chicago(also known as chiraq) >VERY omo joy's posted >Kep1er had their comeback with Galileo, which garnered enjoyment amongst chingus for its cheerful sound >IVE released their pre-release single Either Way, which saw a massive swell of praise from chingus >the idols you see today? they're actually the secret daughters of previous idols >tripleS fighting game who are you maining Next week: >on the 27th, Billlie is releasing a pre-release single called BYOB (bring your own best friend)

11번째 한글 스레드

1202 813
동사 뒤에 붙는 재미있는 거 에디션 어/아보다 try 어/아가다 어/아오다 do and go/come 어/아버리다 gets completely done and irreversible 오늘은 유연이가 패션위크에 참가해봤고 계단을 간신히 내려오면서 아논이는 사랑에 빠져버렸어:heart: >>943240 >>916587 >>894157 >>875832 >>859816 >>849380 >>838910 >>823838 >>800583 >>775652

Крендельная #72

502 211
Предыдущий >>956937

#280 International Thread

3385 3430
Buttons edition Rules: >1. No sexual fantasies or porn content >2. Do not insult idols >3. Behave like adults Last week: >Irene roaming around Berlin, looking very cute but also hawt >Loossemble had their debut, and it was good! Especially for all us losers >SEKSHIE Sana's all around >Yeseo in the white dress getting lost of attention >pocket waifu yeojin let loose in new york >boobs, incredible stuff really >going over the scientific method behind saving photos >finding out that Jinsoul is a fellow kdata hoarder Next week: >Kep1er is having their comeback with Galileo on the 25th >IVE is dropping their pre-release single Either Way on the same day

#279 International Thread

2885 2784
photos where the face is the main focus edition Rules: >1. No sexual fantasies or porn content >2. Do not insult idols >3. Behave like adults Last week: >kchanon went outside! baffled and awed by the grandeur of reality and the process of making memories for themselves >finding out yeojin weighs so little you can probably lift her up with one arm >buncha geols went to seoul fashion week wearing some uh, interesting outfits >Pixy coming to Brno to partake in the local culture and wonderful scenery >Kep1er geols out in fields looking very wholesome but probably up to mischief >the Weeekly fan song came out, and it's great! They also had a fansign with lots of omo pictures and videos from it >remember to not show zoawaitress the spaghetti you put in your pockets Next week: >EL7Z UP, the group formed after the conclusion of Queendom Puzzle, is having their debut with the title track CHEEKY on the 14th >Jihyo is releasing a english version of Killin' Me Good on the 15th >Loossemble is having their debut on the 15th, with the title track Sensitive

Крендельная #71

502 246
:luda_angry: Предыдущий >>951179

#278 International Thread

2211 2577
First win edition Rules: >1. No sexual fantasies or porn content >2. Do not insult idols >3. Behave like adults Last week: >Seoul, just how beautiful of a city is it? Lets go to Yel's tummy for more on this >Wonyoday! One year closer to complete wonyodomination >summer is over and you're old and things will never be as good as they once were. But IVE is having a comeback! >former cherry bullet member Kokoro returns for the japanese season of produce 101 >weeekly is back from the dead with teaser photos from their upcoming fan song, Good Day >the IVE photobook stuns and awes chingus in the thread >Eunbi looking very omo with her new bangs >showcasing their growth and ability, H1-Key got first place on The Show today and won their first trophy as a group Next week: >Chaeyeon is having her comeback with LET'S DANCE on the 6th >Rocket Punch are coming back with BOOM, also on the 6th >Weeekly is releasing Good Day (Special Daileee) on the 12th

#277 International Thread

1915 2702
idols smiling edition Rules: >1. No sexual fantasies or porn content >2. Do not insult idols >3. Behave like adults Last week: >increased amount of kpop thugs wearing tracksuits and band-aid >jihyo got her first win as a soloist!! >saw wonyo driving a bumper car, and got reminded why she doesn't want to get a drivers license >the creation myth according to kaz >kwon eunbi looking STUNNING in a new set of calvins >doctor jo yuri being in on a conspiracy with big poopy >H1-Key had their pre-debut release with Time to Shine, which was enjoyable This week: >H1-Key is having their comeback with SEOUL (Such a Beautiful City), today! >Sejeong is releasing her first full album called Door on September 4th >Purple Kiss is having a comeback with the album FESTA on the 5th